As she clings to the remains of her relevance, Sarah Palin is desperate for attention.
And I’m going to give it to her because I’m magnanimous and benevolent:
“President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.” That’s what she said. On Facebook. (Because her political relevance, like that of so many assholes, is confined to her syphilitic mind and social media.)
Omnes Omnibus
Is he also tap dancing around the issues?
Sheesh. Women folk get all employed and stuff and suddenly they’re acting like major benefactors. :)
The Republic of Stupidity
Sorry, but whatever fleeting relevance Sarah Palin once possessed died back in Nov 2008 when she cratered John McCain’s presidential aspirations in a cloud of oily smoke…
Since then… actual, meaningful relevance?
Nada… zip… zilcho…
Who was the Hillary surrogate who accused Obama of shucking and jiving during the 2008 primaries? Was it Andrew Cuomo?
And still nothing about Coulter’s use of “retard”.
Once again, I’m going to need an explanation. What’s wrong with her phrasing? I’ve heard “shuck and jive” on NFL telecasts. Is shuck something with corn, and thus slavery?
She’s ticked off because Bristol got voted off Dancing with the Stars last week and that meant she lost her weekly TV exposure. She probably couldn’t handle not being in the audience this week so dashed off this Facebook post to gin up some exposure. Famewhores gotta famewhore.
Coincidentally, strangely, I had just looked at her Facebook page out of sheer curiosity to see how she’s handling oblivion. I thought, if this is what she’s been up to, and we haven’t heard of it, then they must really be working hard to keep her behind the curtain.
W, for his part, knows his place — which is to make himself scarce at least until 11/7.
Democrat Partisan Asshole
Just can’t work myself up to give a shit what the dumb grifting snowbilly has to say, unless it’s a promised murder-suicide involving her and her entire imbecilic hick family.
This is pretty much a “water is wet” story.
Villago Delenda Est
Self description?
Makes me glad we’ve got Clinton and Carter. Hell, even Bush the Elder never seems to appear out in public anymore.
Sarah who?
@Zifnab: What does it tell you that even Democratic ex-Presidents who lose re-election get to be respected public figures while
evenespecially Republican ex-Presidents who win re-election have to live in seclusion?Villago Delenda Est
Would you ever appear in public if you had a fucked up son like his? One who is unmistakably your son, no way to blame some Babs adventure with the pool boy for it?
“Shuck and jive schtick” kind of ethnics it up a little too much IMO. Maybe she was just yidding around.
Democrat Partisan Asshole
@Zifnab: There’s a reason for that which has nothing to do with his shit-for-brains spawn. He can’t walk anymore, and he’s got something resembling Parkinson’s. Word is they’re starting advanced funeral planning for the guy. He is nearly ninety and is looking very frail.
ETA: Here’s an article which goes into some fascinating detail on the Bushes, and how badly W. fucked up their big plans for Jeb and the family.
Mike Lamb
@Punchy: You have? When?
Why is it that Palin can’t call out Obama for shuckin’ and jivin’ but we can call her a snowbilly?
Well at least you are admitting that you are part of the problem by doing EXACTLY what snowbilly grifter wants you to do which is give her attention.
I actually don’t think it’s out of any political calculation. W said himself that his plans for after he was out of office were to cash in. He’s never given a rat’s ass about anyone but himself, and only involved himself in other Republican races because it would be good for him if they won.
Now he’s keeping his head down because it would only bring him non-paying trouble. I think he’ll continue to do whatever keeps his speaking fees up, and will stay behind closed doors until he needs to show his face to do that.
Comrade Dread
It’s somehow fitting that she and Trump both release statements on the same day.
Seriously… thanks, crazy uncle John for almost making this empty suit president.
@Mike Lamb: During the one hour or so Rush Limbaugh was a commentator.
Imani Gandy (ABL)
@blingee: right, because calling out racism is the real problem.
you sound nice. we should hang out.
@blingee: Get your irony meter fixed. You can put it on my card.
Next up, watermelon and fried chicken jokes.
Seriously, I don’t think the N-word event horizon would be the end of the world for them. It would just immediately lead to a bunch of wingnuts talking about how we need to have a national Truth & Reconciliation Council about the fact that BLACK PEOPLE use the word all the time, but the White Man can’t and that’s what’s been keeping us down for fifty years. Equal treatment!
Or am I giving my fellow citizens too little credit? I hope I am, but damn, the last four years… yeah.
Patricia Kayden
“Snowbilly Snooki”
And yet the ticket she was on got 47% of the vote the last time around. Anyone who voted for her is a joke.
@Punchy: You can’t always trust the Urban Dictionary, but this entry sounds right:
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
It’ll be curious to see how many comments this thread get. Once upon a time a Palin thread would be sure to gather hundreds of comments; I suspect this’ll top out somewhere around 100-110. I suspect that Palin has become the buffet equivalent of cold, dried-up enchiladas.
This is awesome. I mean, the stupidity and bigotry hurt my ears, but this has gotta be good for a couple thousand extra Dem votes nationwide, right?
Why are stupid people’s tweets and facebook posts news in any sense?
@Zifnab: He does occasionally. But he requires a wheelchair or scooter to get around due to a medical condition, so being as active as Carter (who is pretty vigorous for 88) probably isn’t possible for him.
@Democrat Partisan Asshole:
In retrospect, Bush the Elder was the last reasonable Republican. Yeah, yeah, I know, Clarence Thomas, Iran/Contra pardons, etc.
But the guy was competent, had a genuinely stellar resume, and actually did some big things right (raising taxes to balance the budget, securing loose nukes in Soviet republics, etc.)
Too bad he helped his worthless son get elected. Cancels out anything positive in his legacy.
I’ve been amazed at the GOP message discipline for the past few weeks, because I always expected them to jump over each other to get to the microphones. Luckily for Romney, the debates were able to keep the cameras pointing in his direction and he was mostly able to avoid self-inflicted wounds.
But these last two weeks have got to be a nightmare for Romney. The press is looking for news, the inmates have overrun the asylum walls, and there isn’t a debate or other ‘common’ event to keep everyone’s attention tightly focused.
Palin, Trump, Gingrich, Limbaugh, and every Tea Party candidate out there are going to blow their horns loudly–and the louder they get, the more folks are going to run screaming away from the GOP.
If they do as expected, we can win the House, along with the Executive and the Senate. Get those cameras rolling!!!
It’s an Alaskan thing. You wouldn’t understand.
Capt. Seaweed
Because this is BJ and the FPs need to spoon out heapin’ helpin’s of prolechum to keep the hit count up.
@EconWatcher: There will come a day when Democrats are nostalgic for the presidency of George W. Bush. “At least he was reasonable and willing to compromise on some things,” they will say. That day is not yet here, but you can take this to the bank.
@ralphdibny: Well, there was that whole slavery thing, for starters…
Corner Stone
Can we get some kind of measuring stick or parameters for who will need to say the N word to make it actually count?
I mean, should I give a shit if Palin actually comes out and says it, as compared to like Pataki who is doing official surrogate stumping for Romney?
What if a state lege candidate in like Louisiana says it?
Or the crazy cat lady down the street?
Where should we decide to plug in the poutrage meter these days?
@shortstop: Yes, it was Andrew Cuomo. Still haven’t forgiven him for it.
classic dawg whistlin’ … a minstrelsy of blackface allusion and still no bump from oblivion to relevancy …
For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing her-snowbilly-self, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.
It is absolutely news when a former Vice Presidential nominee of a major party says something bigoted and ignorant.
(Not “news” in the sense of “something new” but “news” in the sense of “something people should know about”)
Besides, even if it isn’t important, so what? The bigotry and ignorance should be publicized.
Omnes Omnibus
@Punchy: Perhaps you are thinking of “huck ‘n’ buck” – like the Heisman pose?
They are rather getting obvious in their desparate clutching at anything that attracts a camera (or comment) directed their way. Maybe they really are taking campaigning hints from theit trollish supporters. PO and snookie:as the public and publishized face of the GOPish asserted “multitudes” just as Mourdock, Akin and Santorum are elbowing each other to be their public voices of spiritual 100% bible-basd values.
Watching her trying to stay relevant is hilarious.
fuck this bitch
Can you put lipstick on a racist pig?
@beltane: Have you forgiven Jesse Jackson Jr. yet for saying that Hillary didn’t cry over Katrina? I’m just saying, maybe it’s time we let go of the 2008 primary…
@Steve: Or move on to a new reason to dislike Cuomo. There’s plenty of those.
From Groundskeeper Willie:
Minnesota pastor says Hitler! about marriage advocates.
Ann Coulter tweets Retard about Obama.
Palin tweets shuck-n-jive.
So conservative. So principled. So invested in maintaining a culture of … of …
Oh, good g*d, these people are unhinged. And what ever happened to calling them reactionaries? Has that lost all impact?
I have an actual real question about this whole Benghazi thing and I’m kinda embarrassed to ask it (but I will anyway).
As far as I can tell, so far the Republicans are all up in arms because the UN Ambassador refereed to it as a ‘spontaneous demonstration prior to the attack’ and they take issue with the use of the word ‘spontaneous’.
Then a couple of days later someone also referred to the demonstration in conjunction with the attack.
This is the substance of it so far? This is why they are conducting an investigation and burning CIA assets?
Please correct me and tell me I am missing something.
ding dong
We all know Track was the result of Sarah and her cousin Bufus. Trippy was the result of Sarah and her other cousin Dufus. Tigger was the result of Track and Bristol. When I lived in Alaska I would often see Sara sitting outside her trailer with her muffin top daisy duke shorts and coors tank tops picking at her teeth with icicles. I even complained to the town of Wasilla planning and zoning about all those old ass peeling paint rusted cars sitting outside the frontyard. They didn’t do crap cuz she flirted with the inspectors with her brown toothed smile. I even heard that the Dude had a still out in the back
I almost came out my face when I saw this.
I am not one to condone violence, but I would kill to see someone, preferably a woman, just walk up to her the next time she comes out her face, and slap the living shit out of her.
How soon before she writes another pointless book and goes on a tour. At least she’ll atrract a few Palinistas at her book signings and she can leave the rest of us alone.
For an over the top example of shucking and jiving, go to the 1:30 mark of this Chris Rock bit (NSFW):
I think I see the problem you’re having: you appear to be seeking substance in a wingnut political attack.
@Lee: That’s fairly much it.
They’re flailing, trying to turn this into Obama’s version of the Carter Iran rescue botch + Vince Foster ‘murder’ + who knows what else.
Desperation. Grasping.
The weird thing is, they could just go straight at this as a failure of security and intelligence, but they are so invested in conspiracy that they actually blunt the potential impact by self-selecting the tinfoil hat interpretation.
@Lee: You are not missing anything.
I’m not even sure that’s true.
@shortstop: If I was paid for every time Yutsano and the rest of you morons replied then maybe you would have a point. I could care less if anyone reads my comments. I just like to call out stupidity when I see it.
She probably needed a coach to help her spell Benghazi.
@Imani Gandy (ABL): caribou barbie knows that saying that would rile up progressives and foster more adoration from her base so she can continue her career on the wingut welfare circuit. You seem utterly incapable of understanding that simple fact. Everything she says is designed to do that.
It’s just a job to them and all political theater. It’s not real, you only think it is. And every time you direct attention to them for saying it you are accomplishing the exact opposite of what you want.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
@quannlace: I don’t know… Coulter keeps churning out crap-tacular tomes and getting her ugly mug on TV.
And yet, John McCain still picked Palin over Romney.
Food for thought!
There are rumors that Obama ignored warnings that the consulate was about to be hit. That’s what they’re really hoping to find, I think.
Other than that, what they’re up in arms about is that Obama supposedly spent a week or two under the impression that the embassy was attacked by protestors angry about the anti-Mohammed video, when it was really an attack from a terrorist group. (Not sure why it’s inconceivable that it might be an attack by terrorists angry about the video, especially given the timing, but you know, whatever).
That is exactly what I was thinking. From the looks of it the embassy has a mole that fed information to the attackers. That would actually be something of substance.
I think if you go deep wingnut, supposedly Obama made the political calculation to attribute the incident to the video because he wanted to “sympathize” with people offended by it, and he was afraid to offend Muslims by accusing Al Quaeda.
Because that would have helped him at the polls, apparently, with all those liberal bleeding hearts who love them some Al Quaeda and hate freedom of speech.
Plus, it isn’t terrorism unless you say so in the first 20 seconds of a statement.W Which proves Obama is weak on terrorism.
I don’t claim to understand it, but I think that’s the deal.
Dee Loralei
Jiving? Has Sarah never seen Barbara Billingsly talk jive? White people can too talk jive! I saw it on that documentary about an Airplane. True story.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
See You Next Tuesday.
@shortstop: Andrew Cuomo.
Boots Day
I’ll be you ten bucks that Sarah Palin had never heard of “Benghazi” until sometime after the attack on the Libyan consulate.
@Chris: LOL….thanks for todays Faux talking points….but you know…whatever.
AA+ Bonds
Haha whoa
I don’t think so. I think she has no idea of the history of the phrase.
Why do you expect her to know anything about the intricacies of the English language? She knows nothing about anything, except how to grift.
She is an ignorant git.
@Boots Day: I’ll bet you the first thing she thought of when she heard Benghazi is that it must be an Italian car dealership.
This time she may have even looked at a world map to figure out where it is…a long shot but possible
@Svensker: She probably had one of her “how to rile up progressives and get higher speaking fees” advisors figure it out for her.
You think it was also some coincidence that the day after there was a big stink about Chick-fil-a suddenly a picture started circulating with her and hubby buying food there?? That’s her full time job. Find out what pisses off progressives and do just that. That’s all she does and get’s well paid for it.
Democrat Partisan Asshole
@blingee: Quoted in its entirely both because it’s the first time you’ve ever been right about something, and it’s a totally valid point.
“Syphilitic mind?”
Lucky for you that she’s a public figure and you’re the next best thing to judgment-proof.
hep kitty
Anybody who voted for Bush, twice, and supported the Iraq war and is now criticizing the President about Benghazi needs to shut their piehole. I don’t want to hear it, not going to listen, it’s tragic but we did not do it.
They have no right to say anything about the President’s foreign policy. But they get a pass any way.
As for Palin, my brain starts shutting down the minute she opens her mouth because it is impossible to decipher what she is saying.
Here, however, her point is pretty clear.
Yet another reason to refrain from listening.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
barely ticking 80 comments, for FSM’s sake
Well, I have never been a fan of IG/ABL’s ‘writing’, but I gotta say the title is spot on American satiric allusion. I’m not a fan of Obama’s presidency either, but the BEST thing about his reelection will be the existential torture it will unleash on all the backward-ass racist cretins that are clogging up American culture. They hate him so much for all the wrong reasons; I’m expecting many a sploding head next month.
Ooooh. Someone forgot to brief you didn’t they? Not it!
@Punchy: You are a liar, you’ve never heard that during a sports game because the announcer who said it would be fired.
@EconWatcher: Yeah, everything else aside, I will always harbor some respect & affection for George the First for signing the ADA. I cannot adequately express the difference it has made over the years in just living with a person with a disability.
For a small example, when my son was young, if we took him to the movies, there was nowhere for his wheelchair. We got to sit at the very back of the theater, next to the garbage, on a crappy folding chair. No discount on tickets, either.
This! This! This!
I am still astounded at how almost all the FPers dutifully report on the latest awful thing that well known jerkoffs like Palin/Coulter/Sullivan/Trump/etc. have said or done, as though they have performed some vital public service.
As blingee correctly noted, those people are just doing their job to make money. The more outrage they manage to generate from liberal sheep the more they like it.
This is so obvious, yet the FPers seem blissfully unaware, and gleefully cooperate by giving them all free publicity for the latest “outrage”. Just stop.
@blingee: @Mandalay: You know…you don’t have to visit here. Just sayin’, if all you’re gonna do is bitch, then you could do that whole starting your own blog thing qnd then you would get to write about what you want instead of coming here. We all win.
@Mandalay: Shorter mandalay: If only the FPers were as cool and smart as me then we could all fart rainbows and ride unicorns to happy sunshine land.
And she probably said it with a smile on her snowbilly face.
Anyway, WTF is “shuck and jive shtick”? Is this faux-Yiddishism a way for her to avail herself of her pro-Israel bona fides AND be a racist?
Some days I honestly think that the Republican cabal is having a contest to see how close they can come to The Ni-CLANG Event Horizon without actually uttering the N-word.
They literally want to out-racist the other by seeing who can be the MOST racist without actually uttering the N-word. I think they get off on it.
I’m just waiting for her to somehow work in terms like “fried chicken”, “watermelon”, “tar baby”, “boy”, “porch monkey”, and “Uncle Tom”.
These aren’t dog whistles anymore – they’re friggin’ foghorns.
Someone get Glen Rice to take care of his old sidepiece. She needs some pipe laid in her plumbing.
Sarah who?????
There is some really deep commenters on her post… “Stacey Capps I want a President who cares just as much about Brian Terry and Christopher Stevens as does about Trayvon Martin.”
Yea, the President and SoS didn’t give multiple speeches condeming the attack and promising to find the perps; and they never greeted the caskets and spoke with the grieving families.
@Lavocat: They love it. It’s not about being right, or even winning, it’s about taking a dump on the floor to outrage Liberal Mommy. That’s what they get off on. It’s sick. It’s big time mommy issues, which is also why the misogyny too. These guys had a toilet training failure somewhere in early childhood, or something. They are in it just to piss off and outrage everyone who can be pissed off and outraged.
I suspect that these are just some words she heard in other contexts (probably while hanging out with those show-biz types while her progeny was dancing with the stars) and strung together thinking to sound like one of the cool kids. God knows what she thought she meant by it.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
I take this as a very good sign! This thread is clearly petering out even before 100 comments! Sarah’s significance is at last diminishing. Up next, Sarah Palin announces her new position as spokeswoman for Depends.
@Patricia Kayden: I know which 47% that was
@rikyrah: very offensive for sexism
Looks like Caribou Barbie has eaten too much yellow snow.