Via Raw Story:
Speaking to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce earlier this week, the surrogate for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney hinted at the controversy over the Obama’s administration’s mandate that all health insurance cover contraception for women and warned that the “commissars in Washington” could expand coverage even further in the future.
“They get to write the list of what is legally sufficient health insurance,” he explained. “I hate to bring this up because I don’t think Gov. Romney would like me to bring this up, but I will. This is what made health care in Massachusetts three times more expensive than people thought. Because when they sat down to define health insurance, everybody added everything to the list and the cost of health insurance went way up.”
“That’s going to happen on a national level,” Giuliani continued. “And you know an Obama appointed commission is going to cover everything. If you cover condoms, I mean, you’ve got to cover everything, right?”
“If you cover condoms, you should cover Viagra. It’s only fair.”
Hey moron —
And the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, a bunch of old dudes who have been whining about the birth control benefit have no problem with it. Why? Because Viagra helps men do what they’re biologically supposed to — spew their seed all over God’s green earth, while birth control impedes the biological duty of women to catch that seed in their uterus and spew babies all over the fucking place.
Idiots. All of them.
[cross-posted at ABLC]
Obvious hyperbole, if not outright falsehood.
“Rudy Giulani Thinks”
General Stuck
Yup, and I’m about up to here with this white man “what about me” angst over every absurd issue. And comparing a dick hardening pill to birth control is about as absurd as it gets.
And with 65 percent of my fellow white dickheads set to elect the biggest pandering clown potus candidate in history, I think I’ll just get a better tan and call myself messican.
edit — should be vote for, not elect. I don’t think.
And, uh, if you cover condoms, the men are covered (hee) for birth control.
Phil Perspective
I’ll also go back to the quote the infamous Jimmy Breslin had about Rudy. Rudy’s “a small man in search of a balcony.”
I, for one, am in favor of covering the costs of castration for all sanctimonious right-wing serial adulterers. It is said that the lack of carnal desire brings one closer to God so I’m sure all these Republican males will be supportive of this.
In 2000 the oil company I worked for was acquired (nice term for the screwing we got) by another company. For years I’d been getting my bc pills w/a $5 co-pay (they were only about $25 back then, no idea what they are these days). Once we were acquired by a down-home-folksy-Oklahoma-based company I found my bc pills were no longer covered. At all. I had to pay the full price. Okay, only $25, but it was the principle of the thing. WTF????? I jumped online, checked to see how much my husband would have to pay for viagra if he so desired, lo & behold he got a pretty sweet deal for that, only had to pay the co-pay. I called HR and told them I’d sue their asses so fast it would make their head spin.
I got my $5 co-pay on my bc pills.
Assholes. No, I no longer work for that company. Neither does my husband.
Sad thing is, I don’t know if that would work these days. The powers that be seem to be hell-bent on making sure women make more babies. I’m surprised they haven’t gone so far as to make it mandatory that non-white women take birth control, and illegal for white women to take it. It’s a scary world for all those white men seeing their anglo-saxon land taken over by the hispanics and the blahs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I guess Judi told him their insurance wouldn’t cover the little blue pill.
Saw what you did there. Not that you didn’t announce it with a flourish of trumpets and a phalanx of animated glitter-infested day-glo-neon dancing arrows, but I laughed. Out loud.
To add some actual numbers to the discussion, my insurance covers V at the highest tier of co-pay, so I would pay $60 for a bottle of 10 (assuming I were getting it.) Costco’s web site shows a price for 10 100mg tablets of $321.32. (Lower doses are more expensive, go figure.) C is slightly more expensive and I assume would have the same co-pay. I have pretty good insurance, but it’s by no means gold-plated CEO coverage. So someone getting boner pills regularly is getting subsidized at $260+ a shot. (So to speak.)
Idiots all of them. How did Rudy get the his age and not realize that you don’t need a prescription for condoms, but you do for the pill, a diaphragm or an IUD?
Roger Moore
By being completely self-centered while having a Y chromosome. If it doesn’t affect his life directly, he won’t bother to find out about it.
I hate to tell Mayor Verb, Noun, 9/11, but boner pills are already covered. My John had to get some after his prostate cancer diagnosis and subsequent radiation treatments. Thankfully, I am no longer in need of birth control, so a 36 hour erection is fine with me.
Uncle Cosmo
Gesummaria, that goombah is an ongoing embarrassment to every Italian-American. “Little man in search of a balcony,” indeed. If he ever finds one he should do the planet a favor & fall off it.
Boner pills are not subsidized at all for men with spinal cord injury. The insurance companies require those guys to pay full freight if they want the occasional stiffy. Apparently if you’re paralyzed that’s not enough of being left out of most things people enjoy — you must also be denied medication that might let you have sex.
I’m not making this up; wish I were.
I’ve never quite understood that logic. Seems to me that if Junior goes flaccid as you age that’s as much part of Yahweh’s plan as chicks’ duty to regularly whelp. In fact, if taking a pill to defeat the Lord God’s will for your Johnson is a-ok why not a pill to stop conception? Or plaque buildup in your arteries?
@Shana: These men really need to be enrolled in a proper sex ed course because it is obvious they have no idea of how human reproduction works. I half expect some Republican nutter to tell us that the stork brings us babies so there’s no need for all these pills and devices to prevent pregnancy anyway.
“And you know an Obama-appointed commission is going to cover everything”
What happened to the Death Palins?
The Other Chuck
You all seem to be under the assumption that Rudy doesn’t actually know the truth. He does seem genuinely stupid enough for this to possibly be the case, but the stronger possibility is he simply does not care and is simply making shit up. That he’s LYING.
These folks are doing everything to be counterexamples to Hanlon’s Razor: with the right wing, there seems ample evidence to assume malice over mere incompetence.
The Other Chuck
You all seem to be under the assumption that Rudy doesn’t actually know the truth. He does seem genuinely stupid enough for this to possibly be the case, but the stronger possibility is he simply does not care and is simply making shit up. That he’s LYING.
These folks are doing everything to be counterexamples to Hanlon’s Razor: with the right wing, there seems ample evidence to assume malice over mere incompetence.
V1@gr@ isn’t covered under my plan! Would that were.
Speaking of V!@gra, Hey COle! No moar secksy time pics?!?
Condoms will be grudgingly accepted as disease prevention. They will also be accepted because it put the control of pregnancy in the man’s hands. I know that the Right to Life crowd is going to go after hormonal birth control and IUD’s under the lie that they are aborificants. I’m sincerely wondering what “health reason” they will come up with for banning diaphragms and sponges, because I am convinced that will be the next point of attack. Probably the spermicide will be called an allergen and diaphragms will be found to cause some problem in 10% of the users and the FDA will ban them to “protect” us poor fragile women.
@Arclite: You’ll have to inquire with Sister Sarah about those.
Oh wait, you meant the jubleys. Never mind.
rudy famously lived with a gay couple, during his GOP purification of the old hag – err I mean divorce (did the dude get the annulment too?)
maybe his hosts at the time needed a little help to have some fun knowing that the troll err rudy might walk in and being a republican, be err ready to take a “wide stance”?
Wait, seriously? How in the hell is that not discrimination against the disabled?
patrick II
When Giuliani takes Viagra it makes him taller.
Kerry Reid
I will volunteer to run an ad hoc vasectomy clinic for GOP men.
pseudonymous in nc
Mayor Verb, Noun, 9/11 also had radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I don’t need to tell you what that most likely means.
It’s the equation of “no co-pay, covered by the large premium you pay each month” with “free” that is most galling, because the people who make that false conflation are also the fuckers who argue that no health care is ever free. Perhaps it might have been politically wiser to charge a nickel, but I like the no co-pay model for preventative medicine, because it sets a good precedent based upon long-term value rather than the amount that Big Pharma or Big Medicine is trying to charge.
Thank you, ABL.
“You know, people, I’m not black, but there’s a whole lotta times I wish I could say I’m not white” -Zappa, a good 40 years ago
Republicans and their horrorshow version of Calvin and Hobbes’ GROSS club. Except they don’t want to get rid of slimy girls, so much as they want to control them, exploit them, and profit off/from them. Every day exposes a little more of their perfidity, completing a picture that should have women staying away from the GOP for generations to come, FSM willing.
Great. Rudy is now ‘Noun, Verb, Erectile Dysfunction.’
@Heliopause: Good point, Helio; god’s will and all that.
I have it on good authority, from a NYC doctor, that Rudy was rendered impotent by his prostate cancer treatment. Maybe even beyond Viagra’s help. (Maybe that’s why he doesn’t know Viagra is covered – no need for it.)
So, cut him some slack. The guy’s hurting.
@Ken: oh, FSM, please make it so.
I’d reverse Rudy’s argument via the Rush-Sandra-Fluke route, but I’m pretty sure pr0n starring nigh-elderly conservatives counts as DO NOT WANT for just abour everybody. ;)