We had to run though a gauntlet of anti-Obama sign wavers to get to our cow pasture library polling place. There was this dude:
And this dude:
Plus there was a scrum of elderly ladies with homemade signs bearing slogans like “Women for Romney” and “Outsource Obama.” My husband waved (he’s a total DFH — he was just goofing with them), and they all started huzzahing and waving the signs harder, so I gave them the thumbs-down (couldn’t help myself).
One old snowbird (I can spot ’em a mile away) yelled, “GO HOME!” at me. I thought, “Go home yourself, lady. My fucking GREAT-GREAT GRANDFATHER was born in Florida.” But I don’t really mean that; if it weren’t for the snowbirds, Florida would be Alabama with a longer coast line.
Anyhoo, it’s impossible to get a read on anything from one visit to one polling station, but there was definitely a “let’s put the WHITE back in White House” vibe there and a pretty long line that was 90% age 60 and up and white. I stand by the prediction I made the other day: President Obama will lose Florida this time around but win the election in a nail-biter.
Just after hubby and I got home, two women from OFA stopped by on their GOTV rounds. I talked to them about what I’d seen at the polling station, and we all agreed this would be a tough year, but they said the enthusiasm they’ve met from fellow Dems has been encouraging. I’ll be knocking on doors with them next weekend.
Mark S.
Heh, that was my experience voting on Monday.
Gas was $1.81/gallon in 2008 because the world economy was in the toilet.
The Ancient Randonneur
Gas was $1.81/gallon in 2008? I seem to recall paying near $4/gallon in August 2008 on a cross country trip. But facts are pretty inconvenient for that demographic.
This is why vote by mail rocks. I get the ballot, sit in my house, contemplate my choices, then drop it into the mailbox. No outside pressure, no precinct ladies telling me i r doing it rong. It rules.
@The Ancient Randonneur:
It come down late in 2008 when the economy tanked, I’m not sure it was as low as $1.80, and yes it was pushing $4.00/gallon that summer….
Villago Delenda Est
The signs tell the story: the sign holders are not for Rmoney, they’re against the ni*CLANG*.
This is why Obama will win. He’s running the positive campaign, and he’s got the ground game. All Rmoney has is cotton, slaves, and arrogance.
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
Obama himself brought that up at the 2nd or 3rd debate. But, of course, the facts, they do not penetrate.
From up top:
Nothing says ‘the path to the future’ quite like a wall of old white greyhairs in plaid stretch pants and orthopedic shoes.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
As a naive child of the 60’s, I sort of grew up thinking that one day we might really have something (many years in the future) resembling the United Federation of Planets, that here on Earth we’d all get our shit together and move forward in peace and with something resembling intellectual curiosity….
At this point, I really wonder what this country will look like in another ten or fifty years. On the one hand, we BJers tend to push the notion that the Republican party is dying out and will become a rump party in a matter of years. But there sure seem to be just enough people to keep the conservative movement going. They’re certainly screwing up things here in California. We’ve got just enough conservative politicians to completely foul up our state government, resulting in school over-crowding and decline and ludicrous budget battles.
How long will these low-information louts who cling to an America that never was keep messing things up everyone?
“Go home!” Why, isn’t that intimidation? Where’s Fox News reporting on the rampant attack of white-haired biddies trying to threaten and chase away voters? Freedumb and all. I there’s one, there’s likely to be more, as their New Black Panther reporting showed.
ETA: You should have yelled back, “I will! Right after I vote for Obama, dearie!”
I just moved to Miami (the area near FIU) and the neighborhood is definitely chock full of Romney Ryan signs. One of the more obnoxious ones was vandalized this morning though, which gave me some hope.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yup.
Wish Ms BC could have posted more positive news like how many Obama supporters were there instead of these anecdotal pos.
Davis X. Machina
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
Until the heat-death of the sun. Any political party predicated on appeals to the worst in people begins every cycle half-a-lap ahead. Take the fundamental depravity of mankind, and the points. The fundamental depravity doesn’t always win outright, but it always covers the point spread.
Two fast ways to go broke are betting against the house, or against St. Augustine.
Sam Wang agrees with you, for the record. Looks like Florida is red this time around. Redder than even North Carolina.
The Dangerman
As a born and raised SoCal Dude (3rd Generation, so it’s well ingrained), I must confess some envy over the warnings and duration Mother Nature is giving y’all in the NE; the fun we get when that Mother fucks with us is unannounced and only lasts for a few seconds, so we don’t really get a chance to “enjoy” it. It’s like an E Ticket ride that lasts far too short of a time (I was far too close to the epicenter of the Landers quake, a 7.3 IIRC; it really is quite a ride).
At the risk of being a Callous Cali, how might this screw with the election? I’d hate to think it could all come down to Virginia and, well, who knows how McConnell might prioritize which places get their power back first. I don’t think it’s going to be that close, but…
There is so much hate here for Mittens and Paul.
Why can’t you people just LET THEM BE HAPPY?
wtf is all with the moderatin’?
Hunter Gathers
Who gives a shit about what a bunch of withered old crackers think about anything. But I will enjoy drinking their sweet, sweet tears when Hispanics (who HATE Romney with a passion), African-Americans and Asians deliver Florida, and the whole election, to Obama in a week and a half. There aren’t enough bitter, old honkeys to overcome the fact that Obama’s going to get over 80% of the non-white vote. But that doesn’t fit into the narrative of Romentum!, and therefore, minority voters don’t count.
Scott S.
Gas prices definitely weren’t below $2 four years ago. I bet they haven’t been that low since Clinton was in office. I’m just amazed at how short people’s memories are, though I suspect these people know the truth.
I just got back from early voting, too. Didn’t see anyone outside waving signs, but most of the folks who were there while I was were Hispanic or African-American. Not sure how much good that’ll do in Texas, but maybe our attorney-general is freaking out because the state’s going to go blue a few years early…
Repost. (friggin’ typo in email)
@Villago Delenda Est: Yup.
Wish Ms BC could have posted more positive news like how many Obama supporters were there instead of these anecdotal pos.
@Hunter Gathers: Honkie?
The snowbirds do nothing to genuinely improve Florida. Maybe they provide a veneer of partial-civilization on Alabama-with-a-larger-coastline but that’s about all. When I envision all of those selfish, miserable old teabaggers down there I am overwhelmed with dark thoughts of rapid sea level rise or an Ebola outbreak at the Villages. Because these are evil thoughts I tend to force myself not to think about teabaggers at all.
Libtard racist.
As I pointed out very late in another thread (sorry, I guess I’m an attention whore), ‘Murica has moved beyond that:
Hunter Gathers
@Raven: I’ve seen Honky, honkey and honkie, but don’t really know which one is correct. I was just trying to not use the word ‘cracker’ twice in one post. Next time I’ll use ‘Whitey’ or ‘Mr. Charlie’.
I wish NYS had early voting. I’d like to get it over with. I tired of years-long campaigns. I want a Canadian-style campaign of three months.
Anybody else think the 2016 campaign starts up in earnest November 7th?
What part of Florida is this ?
from what I hearing in other parts there are a lot of enthusiastic Dems turning out to vote.
@Hunter Gathers:
Does Old Guy #1 seriously not remember $4 gas under W? Paying $250 a month to commute to/from work still stings (thankfully I work closer to home these days).
Now most of the people who retire in Florida
are wrinkled and they lean on a crutch.
And mobile homes are smotherin’ my keys;
Well I hate those bastards so much.
I wish a summer squall would blow them
all the way up to fantasy land.
They’re ugly and square, they don’t belong here.
They look a lot better as beer cans.
Grey dudes
Mr Chuck
Betty Cracker
@amk: There were no Obama sign wavers there. Every single person waving signs at my polling station was a conservative. That’s just the truth.
Now, I live in a pretty rural part of the state, so I’m sure it would be a different story in a city. And I explicitly said I don’t think what was happening at my polling station can be extrapolated out statewide. But it is my feeling that Romney will carry FL. I hope I’m wrong, and I have been and will be engaged in GOTV activities to do my part for OFA. But that’s how I see it at the moment.
@beltane: A pretty decent number of those snowbirds come from Canada, especially in the Fort Lauderdale area. You see a lot of signs in French. What they bring with them is money.
schrodinger's cat
Bob Shrum thinks Obama’s going to win. Should we start despairing?
@Hunter Gathers: Language is fluid.
Betty Cracker
@Jeremy: West Central. Closest media market is Tampa, but I’m in the sticks.
Hunter Gathers
@SFAW: By golly, a new one! Never heard that one before. It just goes to show that even in your mid-thirties, you can still learn new things.
Dow Jones Index 8176 – 2008
Dow Jones Index 13107 – 2012
Vote Obama
@The Ancient Randonneur: Gas prices were $1.81 when Obama was elected, they dropped to $1.61 in mid-December. They topped out in August, as you properly remember, at $4.12.
@Hunter Gathers: Exactly ! I’m tired of always having to hear about the “white working class vote” or the “white soccer mom vote”, etc. like they are the only voters who count in this country. Last time I checked we have other groups in this country.
@Hunter Gathers: Use the word ‘Chaulkasian’. White and brittle.
I only know the elderly Jewish parts of Florida. They are probably pretty reliably democratic. And they probably are absentee voting. I hope my in laws are. They are pretty frail.
If conservatives ever get their way, only the votes of white landowners will count…
schrodinger's cat
@Jeremy: If you don’t vote for the Republicans you don’t count.
@Betty Cracker: Do you know where Clewiston is? A friend who was living in Boca Raton bought a house and land near Clewiston a few years ago.
I love the GOP mindless brigades that just happen to forget gas prices hitting $4/gal during 2008 under W.
They only fell because the entire global economy collapsed.
Oh yeah, that was also under GOP / W rule.
But, what the heck … FIRE OBAMA!
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.): Hi there, fellow UFP’er! I, too, was formed in a crucible of believing things were always going to get better. That people would come together in peace and with the understanding that people working together benefits us all.
And I’ll be danged if I didn’t feel that was happening in the 90’s. It seemed like the world was indeed coming together in harmony and peace.
Then Bush happened, and it’s gone South so damned fast. Even Obama has only been able to blunt the tide.
One more term would certainly help! Go BO!
@Betty Cracker: Oh cool. Thanks ! Sorry that you had to deal with the tea baggers while voting. Like another poster said don’t expect a video on FOX of them intimidating voters.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
Half of all voters will continue to be less intelligent than the other half.
Half of all voters will continue to be more ‘afraid of the new’ than the other half.
That tells us that there is likely to be a group of forward looking people who want to take the country to a better place and a group who don’t understand their vision and are afraid to give it a try.
I’d say we’re going to be dealing with these sorts of struggles for a long time.
But the good news is that we have just about finished the job of extending full civil rights to all, getting the laws fixed is the most important goal. Gradually the most conservative/racist/homophobic will come around or die out.
And we’ve jumped the hurdle in providing heath insurance for all. There’s work needed to make the new system as good as it needs to be, but the hardest part of the task has been accomplished.
I don’t know what the next right/left battles will be, but I’m guessing we’ll keep inventing new ones.
@Scott S.:
Well, it depends what you mean by “gas prices.” They vary around the country, but the national average did dip below $2 in late 2008 and early 2009.
Here’s some data.
schrodinger's cat
@rlrr: Only if they are male.
@Betty Cracker: Call it framing or spinning or whatever. I don’t believe in preemptive surrender. That’s how the left fucks itself.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: Dead honky.
/Richard Pryor.
OT: The best political cartoon in years, for the war on women, nonetheless.
Snagged from dailykos
I early voted here in Florida, in Pasco. Couldn’t tell the vibe of the voters, there weren’t a lot of pro-Romney or pro-Obama sign-wavers outside of the gov’t center. Maybe at the libraries holding the early voting…
I love the GOP mindless brigades that just happen to forget gas prices hitting $4/gal during 2008 under W.
If you show gas prices were over $4.00/gallon, they’ll tell you it was Pelosi’s fault…
Here’s a good article about that weird claim.
So the claim of gasoline prices doubling under Obama is technically correct, but irrelevant because the reason it happened was that he came into office near the bottom of a price overcorrection. Blaming Obama for the price rise would be like blaming him for cases of lung cancer that were detected during his term. Energy policies that presidents implement will manifest themselves years down the road because of the lag time in developing projects. We have many historical examples of this. I have noted numerous times that a president has very limited means to impact gasoline prices over the course of their term.
In other words, the person with that stupid sign has no clue what he is talking about.
@PurpleGirl: My grandmother lives in that part of South Florida and most of her neighbors are indeed Canadian snowbirds. Whatever money they bring does absolutely nothing to alleviate the 3-rd world living conditions of Florida’s poor. When I was a child my grandfather made it a point to take me and my cousins to where the “real Floridians” lived just to burst our bubble of white middle-class complacency.
As a fairly nee election inpector, I learned that elctioneering is supposedto be 100 feet from the polls. These people should not be influencing voters.
@schrodinger’s cat: LOL ! True !
The media is complicit in this. I think that we should be talking about all voting groups in this country. Despite the voting patterns.
I remember paying $4.11 for a gallon of gas during the heady days of “Drill, baby, drill”. I try not to think of Republicans as a pestilence and plague, really I try, but both my mind and my heart tell me otherwise.
I live in one of the few blue collar neighborhoods in Naples. This town is definitely red and I’ve seen a ton of Rmoney signs pop up here in the last 2-3 weeks. Stupid crackers think he’s on their side.
Haven’t seen an Obama sign anywhere in town.
Betty, I hope you are wrong, but there are a lot of ignorant rednecks in the inland areas of the state.
Got my fingers crossed, hoping for the best.
Fuck the MSM.
J. Michael Neal
Jesus christ, North Dakota is flat. I’ve lived in Minnesota for 25 years, so I know flat. When I say North Dakota is really fucking flat, I know what I’m talking about. When a sign on I-29 tells you that there’s an exit coming up in three miles, it’s a waste of time because you were able to see the damned thing two miles ago.
Gophers win 4-2 this afternoon and 5-1 tomorrow.
@Jeremy: It would probably help if a withered old party with clacking dentures, dragging an oxygen cart, was scary.
I mean, it’s scary; but in an existential way.
Betty Cracker
@PurpleGirl: I’ve been there! It’s on Lake Okeechobee. Tiny little place with a sizable railroad operation, or at least it had one back in the day.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Facts are facts; there are places where votes for Obama are probably not going to tilt the electoral college, but they will count toward the PV total. I am not in favor on negativity relating to the election, but I also don’t think people should delude themselves into thinking that every state is winnable. That just leads to crushed expectations.
I am predicting 300+ EV and a 52/48 PV Obama win. I think that is reasonable and achievable. I will accept anything over 270 in the EC.
@schrodinger’s cat: Shrum might not be the best at managing a campaign but he does have good political analysis skills. Just looking at the facts any one with common sense knows Obama is in command going into election day. The EC is on his side.
Betty Cracker
@amk: Well, I’m certainly not surrendering. Like I said, I’ll be doing GOTV until the bitter end hoping to keep FL blue.
I just saw an idiot with two bumper stickers on his car. One was the gas bumper sticker, and another was mutts for mitt. The second said to vote for Romney or Obama will eat me. So clever.
The gas thing slays me with it’s lack of logic. It’s like saying there was no hurricane around this time in 2008, but now four years later and? Hurricane! Vote Romney!
Also, I have now upped my total Romney bumper sticker watch count to 4. One was an actual Romney logo on a guys driver side door of his pos pickup, which I guess is better than having the logo tatooed to your head a la this moron:
@Hunter Gathers: @PurpleGirl: I unfortunately know Clewiston (or Cluelesstown as I call it) well. My ex wife’s parents lived there.It’s an ass backwards , redneck shit hole tucked away in the sugar cane fields on the edge of Lake Okechobee. The local black families live in an area otside of town know as “Harlem” , and legend has it that up until the mid 70’s , there was a sign in town which read ” Nigger , don’t let the sun set on you in Clewiston”. My favorite part of visiting was seeing it in the rearview on my way out of town.
pseudonymous in nc
Of course it does.
Permacampaign is bad for democracy, but good for the media, because it provides an alternative to doing journalism.
@Betty Cracker: Yay. Usually when I say Clewiston, I get blank stares. When my friend first told me where he was moving, he referenced the lake as being near by. I haven’t been down to see him there yet.
Just to let you know re: signage, the Romney people spent more for signs than for GOTV canvassing, so don’t be alarmed if there’s 10,000 Romney signs dotting the sides of the roads in Florida.
One thing I do know, around here there’s not a lot of love for Rick “Medicare Fraud” Scott: in the waiting rooms, grocery stores, other public places, any grumbling has been more about Scott than about Obama. I’m just wondering if there’s gonna be a trickle-up effect of hating Scott affecting the votes for the Presidency and other major seats…
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah I think romney could win Florida but I still think it’s 50/50. In 2008 it was 50/50 and Obama only won the state by a few points. It will come down to turn out in the end in that state.
But I disagree with a poster who said VA is going to Romney. Not one credible pollster has showed him winning the state. And now recent polls have showed some movement to Obama, expanding his lead.
“Women for Romney” forgot to add “post-menopausal”.
Anyhoo, it’s impossible to get a read on anything from one visit to one polling station, but there was definitely a “let’s put the WHITE back in White House” vibe there and a pretty long line that was 90% age 60 and up and white.
I don’t doubt you at all, but I would point out that I have reason to think all those people voted (against Obama) last time. Moreover, the South was surprised that the negro won (they said so in interviews).
That might be enough to swing Florida, but the impact in the North is going to be different.
I stand by the prediction I made the other day: President Obama will lose Florida this time around but win the election in a nail-biter.
I’m going to stick by mine – Obama (or his voters actually) surprises the shit out of everybody. Sentiment doesn’t make someone’s vote count twice (although I’m sure the R’s would love to do that).
Ruralish red area here and it looks about the same as last time. (I’ll have to check some more.)
[‘VA only has absentee voting, and lying gets you in trouble (and I don’t like to do that anyways), so I have to wait until polling day.’]
@karl: Yeah, doesn’t change the fact that gas prices are driven by world market prices for oil, which in turn are driven by the economy.
I especially appreciate the alternative explanation for this (Obama is printing money and you can’t get as much gas for the money because money isn’t worth so much anymore). So how come gas prices were higher in August 2008 than they ever were this year?
schrodinger's cat
@Jeremy: I was just kidding about Shrum.
schrodinger's cat
@Cacti: There are some young women who like Romney too, I found this on another site that I sometimes visit.
One positive in FL for Dems is that Dems have ordered Absentee ballots like never before and almost even with republicans who historically order more absentee ballots.
Roger Moore
Only if the outcome is clear on election day.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Betty Cracker:
This close to the election, such ‘let’s be realists’ is all bs unless you personally were invested in conducting those “polls”.
Frankly, we could a learn a thing or two from the rw wurlitzer that makes up shite out of nothing and wins.
My fucking $0.02.
Seniors eager to turn Medicare into vouchercare.
Really astounding…
@schrodinger’s cat: Yeah, Didn’t pick up the joke. Now if you said Bill Kristol said Obama is going to win and you made that statement then it wouldn’t have been a joke.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I know, but just as an anecdotal example, in my wife’s very large and very Mormon family, among the women of child-bearing age, 3 are for Obama, 2 for Romney, and 1 undecided.
schrodinger's cat
I live in a deep blue state that Rmoney is going to lose by 20 points and the only Romney yard sign I have seen is a ramshackle old house, which I pass by when I am running. And, the only Romney/Ryan bumper stickers I have seen have been on a couple Lincoln SUVs. At least the SUV guys know on which side their bread is buttered unlike the home owners in the first case.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Woohoo! We’re gonna win Alabama!
Betty Cracker reported what she saw. She wasn’t doom-saying, which I hate as much as you do. I have no problem with people reporting facts in context. What I can’t stand is people going chicken little over any kind of negative fact. The solution to this is not ignoring facts, but rather not going chicken little.
Highway Rob
Slightly off-topic, but is anyone else having problems at Nate Silver’s place? I’m seeing posts from years ago (and the 2010 ones are seriously harshing my mellow).
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You don’t say, what about Texas? Th
Left Coast Tom
I also voted today. As a CA “vote by mail” voter, I had to brave warm sunshine walking from my front door to my mailbox.
Betty Cracker
@Paul: That surprised me too. I thought Romney had definitely pissed FL away when he put Ryan on the ticket, but they’ve been pushing that $700M for ObamaCare out of Medicare lie really hard down here. I hope it doesn’t work.
@Omnes Omnibus: Whatever dood. Way to miss my point.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: That too. Just believe hard enough. Christ, I don’t know why it is hard for people to be positive and realistic.
Oh well, I am going for a 35 mile bike ride. I hope I don’t freeze my ass off.
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus: Any chance of a get together on Saturday, Jan 26th? Your Badger athletic department is so bloody incompetent that despite building a new rink for the women’s hockey team, they still can’t have a game there at the same time that anything else is going on anywhere on campus. So our series there is a game at 2pm Friday afternoon and another one at 2pm *Sunday* afternoon.
Combine this with the reports that the seating at LeBahn is hideously uncomfortable and I’m left wondering if Alvarez is actively trying to kill interest in women’s ice hockey.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
Well, tribalist idiots, who see everything in black and white and blame all the problems in their life on the Other People and the tribe-traitors, will probably always be with us.
Uniform-worshiping sadists who’re the first to clap and cheer when the jackboots and nightsticks come out and are used on anyone (else) who tries to make their opinion heard, will probably always be with us.
Rich, powerful and connected people who think their shit doesn’t smell and that entitles them to the adoring worship of all of society – along with their willing worshipers – will probably always be with us.
Delusional ideologues who would rather starve themselves, their families and their entire country to death than face the possibility that they were wrong, will probably always be with us.
It’s my opinion that if tomorrow we granted independence to all the former Confederate states and deported every Republican and Blue Dog in the remaining states… within a couple of generations, the surviving, Liberal States of America would have spawned a new movement just as prejudiced, authoritarian and ideologically blind as our current movement conservatives. (Ironically, anti-Dixie nationalism would probably be used as a rallying cry for people seeking to create a society very similar to the newly independent red-state nation… in the same way anti-Islamic prejudices are used today by people who want to impose their own version of Sharia Law on America).
@Paul: It really is astounding to see the geezers actively voting to get screwed out of their Medicare , and get financially squeezed to the point of dining on cat food. I heard Alan Grayson on Stephanie Miller’s show a few days ago , and when he was asked how this could happen , he said that what he hears from them is that they don’t think anyone would actually be crazy enought to go after Medicare and SS.
I thought the whole point of a super pac was you could support vile people and nobody could find out it was you.
@jayboat: Naples is littered with the 1% and people who are not quite that rich but pretend they are. Their motto is IGMFU.
Davis X. Machina
@Betty Cracker: Their kids could conceivably get hurt by the change, but by then, they’ll be dead, and the White House will be white again.
schrodinger's cat
@Cacti: That’s good to know!I don’t really know any Mormons except the ones I saw on Big Love.
Michael Bersin
The gas price comparison (from the economic collapse to now) is a right wingnut meme targeted at stoopid people.
Interesting. The price of gas in Missouri has been dropping. It was down to $3.19 on Tuesday. We’re not a battleground state this cycle. Go figure.
Scott de B.
Gas prices have been plummeting here in Michigan recently over the last couple weeks, from near $4.00 a gallon to around $3.40 today. Not sure why or if it is just a blip.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: I don’t see why not at this point. I seldom plan that far ahead, but it sounds cool. There are a few other Madison area commenters; maybe we could put something together.
@Highway Rob:
Maybe if you were either more or less effeminate? (Not sure what you have to be to go to Nate’s site.)
Roger Moore
Maybe they’re giving him up as a lost cause, rather than as somebody too vile to support.
FL is a fucked up state, in that it’s really, really divided between north and south. North of (and including) Orlando is almost purely GOP (with the exception of college towns), whilst south east and south west has a HUGE Jewish pop that votes almost exclusively Dem. So if Ms. Cracker is in the north, I’m not surprised by what she saw. If she’s voting in Boca or Pompano and is seeing this, then I’m stunned.
@Omnes Omnibus: As I said, the “left” could learn quite a lot from the right on how to win. But hey, I’m snarky, hence Imma smart. Except that I bitch and moan about how the rw wins all the time with their lies and spin.
Granted, President Obama took an economy on the brink of another Great Depression and turned it around in the right direction. And sure, Obama saved the American auto industry from the edge of collapse and helped restructure it to where it is now thriving. And clearly, Obama ordered the successful mission to eliminate Bin Laden. And yes, Obama has kept the country safe from another 9/11-type attack. But vote against Obama anyway!
I’m not familiar with all of the Beltway jargon, but I believe this is what political insiders call a “losing argument.”
I still think Florida is winnable. It will be very close but I don’t think people should be writing it off. Another reason why I can tell is because the Obama campaign is still throwing out ads in the state and still campaigning in the state. They have internal polling and if it looked bad for them like some are suggesting then they would have left the state like Romney gave up on Michigan.
As we all know Florida is a mixed bad so you can always expect a close election there.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
@JustAnotherBob: I know I posed the question you answered, JAB, but now your words make me wonder if, indeed, we will see the eventual extinction of the worst of the far right. I now think not. Back in 1776, who was allowed to vote: white, wealthy Protestant land owners. It took a long time for just about every adult to have the right to vote (excepting the mentally ill and felons?). We’ve come pretty far in 236 years, but that die-out may take a lot longer.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Beat me to it. I was going to reference it, to help Hunter.
@Scott S.: Gas prices definitely weren’t below $2 four years ago. I bet they haven’t been that low since Clinton was in office. I’m just amazed at how short people’s memories are, though I suspect these people know the truth.
At one point in the summer of 2008, gas was selling for about $4.10/gal here in the Boston area. In December that year prices dipped as low as $1.61/gal.
soonergrunt (mobIle)
Well, not it matters in Oklahoma, but early voting here is a sick joke. 8 to 12 on the Saturday prior to the election and it closes at 5:00pm.
J. Michael Neal
It’s also worth pointing out that the only decent draft beers I’ve found so far in downtown Grand Forks are brewed in Minnesota or Oregon. With the prevalence of crappy selections it’s no wonder they think that in heaven there is no beer.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
@redshirt: Greetings, redshirt — hey, as a UFPer, you might want to change out of that red shirt. Don’t want to be the first one turned into salt or phased, do you? (Don’t phase me, bro!)
@soonergrunt (mobIle): You’re right, all eyes are on the stadium.
Smiling Mortician
@Villago Delenda Est: Rhett Butler for the win.
@Scott de B.: Yesterday when I filled up it was $3.40 and today at the same station, it was $3.35.
Given the truly huge problems we face as a nation, and as species for that matter, the fact the gas may have been cheaper 4 years ago (but not >$2 you old bullshitter) should mean fuck-all to who should run this country. It continues to be our worst sin – bitching about the lack of variety in the buffet line, the arrangement of the deck chars and the failure of the captain to address our greatest concerns, while the lower decks continue to take on water. But that doesn’t matter, only the riff-raff are suffering at this point.
I’m staring to think a meteor is too good for us, we’ll get the slow and painful treatment after all.
@JPL: You seen that disgusting Charter school ad on the tube?
Highway Rob
Effemininity (?) isn’t my issue, as much as political OCD. Site problems resolved themselves somehow, so thank FSM for that.
@SFAW: I just checked.. 74 percent and 295 ec.
It has not been updated since yesterday at 6 pm though.
Yeah, that’s my take on FL based on when my sister lived there and my month long visit every year of the twelve she lived there. She was in the Stuart/Jensen Beach/Ft. Pierce area, just a hop from West Palm and Ft. Lauderdale.
I could never live there. In fact, I’ll probably never step foot in the state again now that she’s not living there any more. It holds no attractions for me at all. Hell, I’m seriously considering never stepping foot over the Mason Dixon line ever again, but I keep coming up with exceptions for cities that I love down South, like San Antonio and New Orleans. But I prefer living in my mix of East Coast/Midwest/Mid-Atlantic state of PA. I have to steer clear of the more Appalachian areas of my state/region, but it’s easy to do that. Not so much anywhere in the South.
@J. Michael Neal: Jesus christ, North Dakota is flat. I’ve lived in Minnesota for 25 years, so I know flat. When I say North Dakota is really fucking flat, I know what I’m talking about.
See also this paper.
A man dressed in Obama gear canvassed my home in suburban philly and left a gottavote.com leaflet which noted DONT FORGET YOUR ID. I am rushing to my nearest field office as either this guy is handing out dated material printed before the ID was struck down or is a republican playing dirty tricks
Well, if it happens they can only blame themselves. Don’t blame Romney or the GOP. The seniors had an easy choice to make. They themselves could have stopped it. Good luck to them.
Roger Moore
That’s not the real argument. The real argument is “Vote against Obama because blackity black black”, but the establishment is afraid to say it quite as boldly as that.
@Highway Rob:
I’ve an entire 500 error for the nyt. Does that count?
ETA now gone but something went AWOL.
J. Michael Neal
@Cervantes: I wish I had a link to provide, but I have on my computer a .pdf of physics paper showing why it is that toast always lands buttered side down.
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
It did all seem to go to shit right about Nov 2000, didn’t it?
But if it makes you feel any better, no matter which outcome, the GOP will come out of this as a tribe, defined by a narrative driven by shibboleths-of-the-week, and nothing more. Their political coalition will come out of this much, much weaker. And that’s really not sustainable, MSM bias or not.
But how much damage (some irreversible) will they be able to do before they become impotent?
Definitely a firewall election.
I’m still getting the hang of the state, but there’s the additional factor of the Cuban vote, which still leans Republican (one of the few nonwhite demographics that do) just to complicate things further.
Actually, I’m not entirely clear – who is it who exerts the most control over the Florida GOP? Is it the Cubans from Miami or the crackers from up north?
This. Unless Ms BC can read FL voters’ minds, her writing off FL in such emphatic manner is all bs. Fuck, the early voting just started today. Fucking 2000 came down to fucking a few thousand “votes”.
If the fucking “polls” were true, madam sos or the old angry nut would be the prez today.
Romney is on track to lose all four of his home states and Rand Paul Ryan is going to lose Wisconsin.
Congrats you putzes.
@schrodinger’s cat: From what my siblings who live there tell me, they’d vote for a dead armadillo over a black Democrat.
@The Dangerman: we get wildfires. That’s no fun at all, having trouble breathing in your own house.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve read there’s a real generational divide among the Cuban community, the under 40s are not so red.
Smiling Mortician
@J. Michael Neal: True story: the first time I drove through North Dakota, ~25 years ago, as I crossed the border from Minnesota there was a huge billboard that said “Welcome to North Dakota. Mountain Removal Project complete. Thank you for your patience.” I LOLed.
@J. Michael Neal: You may have to pay for it but here’s a relevant study.
J. Michael Neal
@Cervantes: That is the study I have. And I didn’t have to pay for it! Hah!
@JPL: yesterday, east side of Indianapolis, gas was $3.12; this morning it was $3.49; this afternoon, its $3.40
@Raven: Yes but there is no mention that it will take funding from public education. I’m in my why the hell am I living here mode.
Chyron HR
But the word on the street is that Purple Strategies is going to release polls in mid-November showing Romney in a very good position in all the swing states!
I just left the field office, looks like they overlooked and are handing out dated material. C’mon PA, lets not have these slip-ups
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yes, that’s my understanding too. Not having all that beef with Castro and the burning rage of actually remembering being kicked out of Cuba makes the difference.
@Roger Moore:
gogol's wife
@Smiling Mortician:
There isn’t a cannon factory in the entire South.
What difference does that make to a gentleman, suh?
It’ll make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
The current issues, racism and homophobia, will go away.
Not that long ago there were all sorts of European nationals (Irish, Poles, Italians, etc.) who were the target of prejudice and hatred. That disappeared as those folks became part of our families and our work groups. As non-European groups become more integrated into our society and as more gays come out of the closet we’ll move past today’s racist/homophobic problems.
I’m getting to be an old guy. The major issues of my life are fading away. I look to see what the next issues are going to be and I’m having trouble finding them. I suspect we’ll find more ways to divide ourselves but it may take someone younger to identify what those issues will be.
One issue may be how we distribute jobs and goods as we further automate work and have less need for human labor. There are probably others.
Hopefully we will have worked our way past hate of others and can argue ideas in a more civilized manner than what we’ve done in the last 40-50 years.
Uncle Ebeneezer
Please, please FSM don’t let FL go Red this November. Even though Obama will still be winning (and should win) the announcement of Florida and the ensuing “what does this mean”, “how have things change”, “is Romney still in this thing” reactions by the pundits clinging to their beloved horse-race just will make main-lining bleach into an attractive option.
Betty Cracker
@amk: FFS, I didn’t write off Florida “in such an emphatic manner”! I said the vibe at MY polling place (in a rural area) was very conservative and specifically replied to you that I’m not trying to extrapolate that out statewide. If I was writing Florida off “in such an emphatic manner,” I certainly wouldn’t bother canvassing and dragging people to the polls, now would I? Christ.
Betty Cracker @ Top:
Hang in there and keep doin’ what yer doin’ re: canvassing & dragging people to the polls. I could be wrong, but such a display of sign-wavers says to me that the cons know they haven’t got the race in the bag in FL. It’ll be close either way, but I think the President still has a chance there.
I just googled the gas price issue because I definitely remembered paying over $4/gallon–I had just bought my car, which gets 32mpg, and feeling exceedingly glad that I had. According to Professor Google, gas prices did hover around $4 most of the summer of 2008, and did fall to $1.81 in December of 2008. Which, if we really want to play mind games, is after Obama was elected, but frankly we all know that the election played a minor role at best in the gas prices.
@Paul: Duh. He’s a Republican.
gotta cling to that Whiteness
@Betty Cracker:
FFS indeed.
I haven’t seen that kind of thing here in Wisconsin but it might happen more in the rural areas. They did do this at Biden’s speech but I don’t think anyone noticed. I wonder if Reince Prebius, who is actually from Kenosha, had something to do with that.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
@PurpleGirl: But they don’t tip!
Love the guy with the gas sign – he’s basically saying: “Vote for the guy who’ll collapse the economy again – you won’t have a job, but fuck me gas will be cheap!”
Left Coast Tom
I record the gas price together w/ the amount in my iPod’s financial mgmt software then transfer to desktop, I’ve done so w/ this and before it a Palm for about 10 years. My records agree with Mr. Google.
Here in CA, prices below $2 during 2008 only came in December (November I was still paying over $2), and went back above $2 by mid January 2009.
They were well above $4 in July, and in mid-September were still around $3.80+.
Betty Cracker
@amk: Perhaps Dictionary.com can help you understand the difference between making a prediction about what you think might happen and “emphatically” writing something off as a lost cause. I give up. (Not on Florida. On overcoming your ironclad obtuseness.)
If these jackalopes understood the markets they profess to worship they would know that the Preznit has exactly zero influence on the price of gasoline unless he starts ordering the Air Force to bomb refineries or the navy to sink tankers
Yes, Left Coast Tom, I am looking at you..
Another Halocene Human
Thank you for the reminder and call to arms. I voted in our little blue pocket (you know where) and fortunately the 100 ft from the polls rule kept the busybodies on the other side of the street so I didn’t have to walk a gauntlet. Honestly, it was Dems everywhere (even an interracial couple in front of me fussing about their voter information cards–the lady had that real cracker drawl, and she was pushing Junior in a baby carriage). Bike racks full. It was also interesting because the punks were in town for the annual music festival and they were all looking inquisitively at my union shirt.
I think one of the R’s running had paid people holding signs. They seemed disengaged and were out there in lawn chairs. The D’s were working the sidewalk and there was also a No on 3 lady. I voted No on ALL.
As an aside, why is so much money flowing to a state house race? Hmmm? I think it’s because he’s a good corporate whore. He even rolled into town trying to sell cutting minimum wage for restaurant workers to the restaurant owners. The NRA (Herman Cain, not Charlton Heston) came to him because they want wages down in their chain restaurants. The local restaurant owners, excepting the crooks, were like lolwut? Why make it easier for chains (profit extraction units) to eat their cheese?
First time I’ve mindlessly voted a straight Dem ticket. Well, not mindlessly. But it feels weird. I used to leave any race I didn’t know about blank in Florida because I don’t believe in voting for racists and you can’t tell what a “D” means. However, after Obama being president for four years and the R’s showing out like they have, straight “D” for me!
I hope the D’s make a strong showing downticket even in races we’re going to lose so the statewide and national party stop disowning us. Ha ha, that will never happen but at least we’ll have talking points to share on dKos and BJ in 2014 to raise money from progressive sources.
The Dem candidates here–the candidates–have been knocking on doors for months, I am so not kidding. The AFL-CIO has been knocking on doors. We may be weakened but we are not laying down and dying. Our soil has low Magnesium so these hateful oldsters will stroke out and die eventually and the younger folks just aren’t as hung up on race. Incremental progress, yo.
Another Halocene Human
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.): At this point, I really wonder what this country will look like in another ten or fifty years. On the one hand, we BJers tend to push the notion that the Republican party is dying out and will become a rump party in a matter of years. But there sure seem to be just enough people to keep the conservative movement going. They’re certainly screwing up things here in California. We’ve got just enough conservative politicians to completely foul up our state government, resulting in school over-crowding and decline and ludicrous budget battles.
Remember when they started require SSNs for child deduction credits and the number of children in the US dropped suddenly in one year?
What if they started using a federal register for federal elections? (Local can do whatever the f* they want–some local elections allow any resident to vote regardless of citizenship, for example.) So no more voting in every place you have a house. Or every address you used to live at.
I think the number of votes would drop in some places overnight.
R votes.
Think about it.
Alex S.
The tell: Whenever they talk about gas prices, the economy is doing good enough for Obama.
Alex S.
The tell: Whenever they talk about gas prices, the economy is doing well enough for Obama.
Another Halocene Human
@Joel: Sam Wang agrees with you, for the record. Looks like Florida is red this time around. Redder than even North Carolina.
This is NOT what I’ve been hearing from activists in the I-4 corridor.
I think the polls are off and they are undercounting Hispanic voters.
We’ll see on 11/7.
PS: also, too, if they are going by 2010 #’s for the AA vote they are in for a RUDE awakening. Pink Slip Rick has set that demographic on fire like nothing else. By God, come Hell, high water, or Jesus, they are going to the polls.
ETA: @Hunter Gathers: Oops, beat me to it.
Another Halocene Human
@PurpleGirl: A pretty decent number of those snowbirds come from Canada, especially in the Fort Lauderdale area. You see a lot of signs in French. What they bring with them is money.
Tourism, however, does not build a strong economy. It’s really quite weak in its economic effect.
If Florida had to rely on tourism, it would be sunk. Fortunately, it’s an agricultural export state.
OTOH, the tourism industry would really like the waters to remain crystal clear (they’re not), while agribusiness wants to keep polluting. Guess who’s winning right now.
Another Halocene Human
@Betty Cracker: West Central. Closest media market is Tampa, but I’m in the sticks.
Oh, FFS, those people are pre-ju-diss-‘d.
Cranky old retirees from the Midwest. Anecdata, but it seems like the Dem retirees stay in the Midwest, because they aren’t lizard people and genuinely love and like their community.
I want to see how the precincts go in Northern Florida. Forget the western Panhandle (South Alabama), but, you know, Tally through Jax (South Georgia). Jax is undergoing a political transformation, while even Pensacola may be looking a bit different thanks to redistricting, and there is activity in North Central on a scale I’ve never seen before–although we are dealing with the same old shit i/t/o our local Dem Party. Thank goodness this election ain’t up to they hoity-toity asses.
Mike G
Gas (national average) hit $4.12 in the summer of 2008 before plunging as the deregulated-by-Repuke-ideology Wall Street dragged the world economy into the toilet. Today it’s $3.62, or about 20% less in adjusted dollars.
But methinks the ugly old welfare-dependent crank with the sign doesn’t really care about the math. If gas was $1.50 the Fox Hate Machine would give him some other label to put on his narrow mindedness.
Another Halocene Human
@JustAnotherBob: But the good news is that we have just about finished the job of extending full civil rights to all
Nope. Look at civil rights for felons or even restoring rights for felons.
If you’re new to this topic I recommend the book The New Jim Crow.
Another Halocene Human
@beltane: Whatever money they bring does absolutely nothing to alleviate the 3-rd world living conditions of Florida’s poor. When I was a child my grandfather made it a point to take me and my cousins to where the “real Floridians” lived just to burst our bubble of white middle-class complacency.
Henry Flagler actually banned native Floridians from his hotels and resorts.
And yes, that sort of thing was perfectly legal before the Civil Rights Act.
Loved telling the NRA phone caller pimping ‘Obama steals guns’ that too bad, I had already voted for Preident Obama. Then hung up.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Just wrapped up a day of practice for GOTV next week – we have an awesome ground game. Phone-bankers and canvassers all reported amazing numbers of people who’ve already voted for Obama. One woman – a real veteran of these activities – said she’d never seen such enthusiasm for a presidential candidate here in Iowa. I’m pumped! Can’t wait ’til next Saturday.
@Another Halocene Human:
If the remaining issue is restoring the vote to felons then I think we’re pretty much at the end of the civil rights era. This isn’t an issue of who they are as much of an issue of what they have done. It’s about proper/appropriate punishment.
Another Halocene Human
@Jeremy: One positive in FL for Dems is that Dems have ordered Absentee ballots like never before and almost even with republicans who historically order more absentee ballots.
Just proves how hard it is to get one’s message clear and well-propagated. I talked to some volunteer lawyers months ago and they said EARLY VOTE Y’ALL, so you can confront whoever has challenged your ballot, but the word is NOT getting out and lots of people I know after obsessively checking for their registration in the state system ordered absentee ballots. Dammit.
I think I will tell the AFL-CIO to get voting rules clear 9 mo.s in advance and push that info out aggressively next time.
I think we also need to think about using social networks (in person and online) more–OfA is doing it–instead of the traditional phone bank.
Another Halocene Human
@JustAnotherBob: Are you aware that we imprison more of our population than China and that rights for felons and former felons have been deteriorating?
Just in 2008, Massachusetts passed a ballot measure to deny the franchise to prisoners. It used to be that only ballot stuffing convictions could deny you the right to vote in MA.
Yet prisoners are counted as population for House districts.
Another Halocene Human
@Uncle Ebeneezer: From your lips to God’s ears.
This state will be insufferable if it goes Gekko/Galt.
@Another Halocene Human:
I don’t see crime and punishment as a civil rights issue.
Yes, there is a higher proportion of black males being convicted and we need to address the causes, but that’s different from the civil rights struggles we’ve had for women, minorities and gays.
If you wish to view the problem as a civil rights issue, that’s your choice.
Totally anecdotal, but reports say that early voting in at the West Oaks library in Ocoee, FL today was very heavy, with people waiting in line for four to five hours. Possibly because the Orange County ballot is six pages long and filled with very dull stuff about what to do with unincorporated parts of the county.
What this means, other than voters being very willing to wait, I don’t know. Ocoee leans Democratic, but that early polling place would also bring in voters from Republican-leaning areas. I do know that the voting line goes right past the DVD section and some people are very upset that this is making it hard to check out DVDs. So everyone’s priorities still seem to be in order.
opie jeanne
“I want young people to know that it’s O.K. to be stupid, and I want everyone to know that.”
Ohio Mom
@JustAnotherBob: It’s not just Halocene’s idea, see Michelle Alexander’s book, “The New Jim Crow”:
“In this incisive critique, former litigator-turned-legal-scholar Michelle Alexander just Halocene’s theory, see Michelle provocatively argues that we have not ended racial caste in America: we have simply redesigned it. Alexander shows that, by targeting black men and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control, even as it formally adheres to the principle of color blindness. The New Jim Crow challenges the civil rights community–and all of us–to place mass incarceration at the forefront of a new movement for racial justice in America.”
from: http://www.amazon.com/The-New-Crow-Incarceration-Colorblindness/dp/1595581030
And Halocene is correct in pointing out that even though prisoners (who are disproportionlly AA) can’t vote, the rural counties in which their prisons are located get to count them as part of their population, which gives the (disproportionally white) rural residents of those counties more political power than they would have otherwise.
Anyway, food for thought.
@Chris: This is actually incorrect. I am the child of (white) Cuban immigrants. The pre-Marielito first wave, is overwhelmingly white and Republican. Don’t let the nonwhite Marco Rubio fool you.
Another Halocene Human
@Andrew: You got that right. Rubio is the “wrong” kind of Cuban. The cigar-rollers in Ybor City were Communists.
There are Republican Hispanics who are not Cuban as well. Upper class twits and their kids from Northern South America. (You can tell by their views on Chavez.)
The D-leaning Hispanics tend to vote less proportionally but I think Rick Scott has done an excellent job of GOTV in that community this year. We’ll see.
All I can say is myself and a handful of other white Miami Cubans are flaming liberals. Plenty of conservatives in our generation (late 20s), but there’s hope.
@Another Halocene Human: True. Not to mention pre-Castro Cuban immigrants who did not overwhelmingly settle in Miami (see, e.g., Desi Arnaz) are not known for being strong Republicans. It’s one specific wave of immigrants, although they are disproportionately wealthy/powerful and politically active, so they get all the attention. People also don’t realize how racially stratified Cuba is/was. It was not all “darkies,” plenty of whiteys like me. People up here in Maryland don’t believe me when I tell them I’m Cuban. But that’s okay. I don’t identify with that culture anymore and you couldn’t pay me to move back to Miami.
The Lodger
@Hunter Gathers: You forgot Jonqui.
opie jeanne
@Kane: I had to meet with my father’s stockbroker yesterday, and it was funny because he was complaining about finance laws as if he were part of the 1%, which he is most certainly not. Even if he’s worth over $5 million, which is a bit doubtful, he’s still not part of the 1% and I”m not sure any of his clients are since the ones he talks about seem be well below the 1% level even if they are what you and I would consider wealthy.
I almost laughed but managed to quietly show that I disagreed with his complaint. We are nowhere near to the level of most of his clients)
Today we had some old jewelry appraised ( worth tens of dollars) and the jeweller told us he’s a Republican but he doesn’t think he’s going to vote at all this election. He said he could never vote for any Democrat, but he just can’t vote for Romney. I was sympathetic, hoping he’d just not vote at all. This is California, we don’t need his vote and there is no way in hell I could convince him to vote for Obama after his comment. We’ve known him for years, like him a lot, but this is Orange County where even the Puerto Rican Jews from New York vote R.
@The Ancient Randonneur:
Okay, so it’s not just me? I swear, every single time I heard Romney in the debates throwing out that asinine “gas was $2 a gallon” type nonsense, I kept thinking, “in what fucking reality?” Because I sure as shit don’t remember it being under $2 a gallon since the *nineties*, especially not at any point since Shrub’s Excellent Iraq Adventure.
Ivy vann
Hey, Betty — I thought my sibs and I were the only fifth-generation floridians in captivity. What part of Florida?