Romney campaign surrogate Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) stood by a new Romney ad in Ohio blaming the auto-industry rescue for Jeep production in China, saying that “the Romney campaign stands by it and believes that it’s accurate,” during an appearance on MSNBC Monday.
The ad, the press became aware of on Sunday, provides misleading information about Obama’s auto bailout and Chrysler’s plans to begin Jeep production in China — prompting negative reactions from members of the media. Jeep has said it plans to begin production in China for Chinese consumers and has no plans to outsource Ohio production.
The ad that Mitt Romney is running in Ohio is so dishonest that it got attention, but Romney has been lying about the auto bailout for a year now. Even his supporters admit it:
In addition to being one of New York’s top Republicans, Wilson was senior adviser to President Obama’s Task Force on the Auto Industry. Wilson is not only backing Romney for president, he is the finance chair for Republican Matt Doheny in one of the state’s hottest congressional races.
Wilson appeared on October 23 on Bloomberg News’s In the Loop and was asked by host Betty Liu about Romney’s claims in the last debate that he’d supported a form of federal assistance to GM and Chrysler, namely “post bankruptcy” government guarantees to private lenders. Liu tried to soften the case against Romney in her question to Wilson, asserting that both Romney and Obama “were essentially right” in their bailout comments, but Wilson would have none of it.
“I’m, as you know, a Republican who supports the governor. But I think on this issue, I think he’s really mishandled it,” said Wilson.
A startled Liu: “Romney has mishandled it?”
“Yes,” continued Wilson. “He came out both in 2008 and earlier in 2012, in a piece in one of the Detroit newspapers, and said he wouldn’t have supported any government capital because private capital was available. That’s simply not true. The president said that last night.”
Liu interjected that the unavailability of private money was backed up by a Congressional Budget Office report.
“Absolutely,” added Wilson. “We tried everything we could to find private money. I personally would have dramatically preferred private money. It just wasn’t available because of the crisis we were in. And the greatest thing about this point is that it is the easiest thing in the world to prove or disprove. All you need is one person to come forward and say, ‘Oh, I would have provided private capital, and here’s an example of where I said that in 2009.’ And no one has said that in three years, cause it’s just not true.”
Well, Romney’s New York supporters admit it. His Ohio supporters stand there like dopes while he lies to people here. Rob Portman stood there applauding in Defiance, Ohio when Mitt Romney launched this latest auto bailout lie. Portman will still be an Ohio Senator after Mitt Romney loses the Presidential election. It’s okay with Rob Portman if “Boston” makes up a story to sell to the rubes in rural Ohio? John Boehner is with Romney today. The auto industry is pretty important to Ohio’s economy. Portman and Boehner are just fine with the Romney campaign telling people Ohio auto production is moving to China?
I’m so pleased that Romney has gotten back into ‘flat-out-lie’ mode. Just in time. Praise Yaweh.
Other wingers are running with the lie. Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party chair, in an “ILGOP Memo” email on Friday that tried to blame Sensata job losses on Obama:
The Dangerman
Who could have thought that advocating the collapse of one of the USA’s biggest industries, the lifeblood of some swing states, might have been a mistake for someone wanting to be President? All because Mitt wanted to bust the UAW.
Maybe if Romney repeats it enough, it will come true.
I have to admit that I have a lower opinion of Mormons since the campaign started. I have never seen a politician lie with the gusto that Romney lies. It is as if he really, really enjoys it.
…and you blogging about it helps? I shouldn’t have to point out the blatantly obvious but unfortunately you people fall for this ever single time. Blogging about it to say it is wrong is not accomplishing anything. Just the fact you are blogging about it keeps it out there and that’s all that matters in the echo chamber news cycle.
Yea, I know you gotta blog about something but know that you are only part of the problem by doing it.
also too, it isn’t a lie if you believe it.
Election Follower
This story will win Ohio for Romney.
BTW, Democrat Pat Caddell says that Obamb leads in MN, MI, PA, WI are “crumbling” and that a five point lead for Romney nationally in Gallup means its all over but the shouting.
Those midwestern states keep getting closer and closer and closer….
Election Follower
And now come reports that Restore Our Future, the Pro-Romney Super PAC is going to go “all-in” on Pennsylvania with a TWO MILLION DOLLAR BLITZ of TV ads in the final week of the election. Obambi is so panicked he’s also being forced to spend money there.
Don’t look now, but Katie bar the door! Obama’s “firewall” is burning down.
@The Dangerman:
That isn’t why he said it. He said it because the auto bailout was unpopular. ALL the pundits and ALL the conventional wisdom said it was going to fail. They were waiting for it to fail. Norquist called it “Obama’s Katrina” and predicted it would destroy his presidency. Pundits spent weeks trashing the whole region, they couldn’t imagine that it would succeed.
Obama took the risk and now Romney wants the credit. There’s a pattern here.
@flukebucket: I know what you mean. I’ve had a lower opinion of white people.
You’d think that election season would bring out the best trolls in these comment threads, but you’d be wrong.
@Election Follower: I disagree. I think this will jog the memories of voters who have vaguely followed the ups and downs of the horserace to this point, who earlier on said to themselves ‘Romney lies a lot’, but then let it go. Now it’s ‘Oh, yeah, he lies all the time.’
Election Follower
Five words: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Z. Mulls
Dear Media:
If Romney and his team are willing to lie to your faces a week before the election, and snicker at you or ignore you when you try to print the truth… do you think they will treat you if they are elected?
Food for thought.
Kay you sure bring out the trolls don’t you?
A week ago portman looked into the camera and stated that unemployment was higher now than when Obama took office. Challenged on the bald faced lie? Nah…
It’s worse than that. Romney needs big numbers in GOP counties, and he told this lie in a GOP county that is wholly dependent on the auto industry.
He stood up on the stage and lied to their faces. That’s worse than lying in an ad.
The Dangerman
OK, fair enough, but the vultures were circling Detroit, etc., just waiting to devour the carcass. I assume the firesale on all that infrastructure, coupled with being able to get out from the Union contracts, would have been a breathtaking opportunity for someone with a Bain background.
He could have waited to see if Obama rolled craps on his gamble, but making money wasn’t going to wait.
@MattF: “I think this will jog the memories of voters who have vaguely followed the ups and downs of the horserace to this point”
undecided voters do not know _anything_!
they do not know their names
they do not know how to put on shoes.
They make Jay Walking interviewees seem perceptive.
@Election Follower: So… how’s ol’ Dr. Corsi these days… hmm?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
That’s the part of this that never gets mentioned. The Bankrupt op-ed was just one more piece of opportunistic, LCD demagoguery. Obama said up, so Willard said down.
Election Follower
That’s gonna be the whining spin that comes out from the left after Obambi get’s the ass-whipping he so richly deserves.
Election Follower
I’m so alone. Why won’t anyone love me?!
@Election Follower: Funny, that. Dare you return to the BJ, say, Nov 7th with our pompous attitude and your Obama’s firewall bullshit? Doubt you have the stones for it. Its four more years. End of story. Go back to your birf certificates, your soshulism, your tired hatred for the near in the WH.
You live in a GOP county, right? Will they care?
We are sadly at the point where some voters ingore what Romney says. They instead translate it into “Obama didn’t solve everything, let’s give someone else a chance to solve our problems.”
Romney “looks presidential” and sounds earnest. That’s all that some voters need.
It wouldn’t even matter if Romney flew into New York and flat out said “all you moochers should not be getting any FEMA assistance.”
A core of self-deluded voters would hear this and say to themselves, “Yeah, yeah, we have got to vote against Obama.”
You know it’s a strange election season when a charlatan like Romney is able to get political traction with his shameless “all lies all the time” strategy.
Why do the trolls always have such anodyne handles like “Political Observer”, “Election Follower” or “Concerned Citizen”? You’d think DougJ could come up with something more creative, like “Pig Fucker” or “Dingleberry”. I miss Brick Oven Bob.
@Election Follower: American Taliban member.
@Election Follower: Your Mom has a bar of soap waiting for you when you climb out of your hole. I doubt she was the one who taught you that lying was okay.
Election Follower
I’ll be here Nov. 7th, the first day of President-Elect Romney, to rub your whiny liberal faces in the shit of your defeat. It will be like 2004, but even better because there will be cries of RAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIIIISM! in addition to conspiracy theories about Ohio voting machines, lol.
@Election Follower: Tsk. A lot less even-handed in your self-expression there.
I think they will and so does the Obama campaign, apparently:
@flukebucket: To top it off, they get an exemption from that little “bearing false witness” thingie when they decide that the ends justify the means.
S. cerevisiae
Oh EF, is that “how it will go down”
Should we libs “bookmark it”?
The Bearded Blogger
@flukebucket: I’ve gotten this vibe, a sort of energy and spontaneous smile that irradiates from Romney when he’s lying his ass off.
Don’t know if it’s a Mormon thing, though.
“stretching the truth” is stretching the truth. Romney’s telling bald faced lies.
Jesus. There’s a rooftop crane 90 floors up at 57th & 7th ready to fall off and blow across West Mid-Town Manhattan. It looks like it’s barely hanging on by a cable.
(reposted from end of previous thread)
@Election Follower: Pat Caddell is still kicking? Last time I saw him on TV, some years ago, he came across as twitchily demented. Nothing to see here, move along……….
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
So smug, so lock-step with the conventional wisdom at the time. He would have been cheering if it had failed.
Did Mitt tell this lie before or after the classic performance of Meatloaf and his Band of Brothers?
@Hoodie: I hurt BoB’s feelings. I spurned his advances. Per thang.
It is the same church whose prophet had no problem with the war in Iraq back in 2003. Not all mormons are bad, but they don’t impress me with their stand on the war and now supporting such a liar.
@blingee: Because lies have to be refuted, not for the 27% who are a lost cause, but for rational, intelligent people.
@Hoodie: Me too. At least sometimes his loopiness made me laugh.
Team O’s response ad to the Chrysler/China lie is out.
Election Follower
“I, Willard Mitt Romney, do solemnly swear…”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Here’s the Obama response. I think it’s good, but I’m so far removed from “swing voters” i have no idea how they see things.
Election Follower
A response ad already? Wow, can someone say “panic time”?
Ash Can
Election Follower, translated:
— Romney blundered big-time with this ad, because Ohio voters are paying attention.
— $2 million isn’t a huge amount to spend on state-wide TV advertising, and since Romney’s Super-PAC has to pay a higher rate than Obama’s campaign for TV advertising, Obama’s going to get more bang for the buck in PA going into the election.
— The only way the GOP can win elections is by lying.
— Right wingers are delusional enough to think that Romney is going to win this election in a landslide.
That’s good to hear. I hope it plays out that way on election day.
Kay, do you by chance have any troll spray? They’re thick as maggots on a beached carp, today.
Bobby Thomson
Seriously, does this really surprise you? It’s not like Willard ever pays a penalty for lying, and it’s not like Portman and Boehner give a shit about Ohioans, and it’s not like the morons who elect them will ever connect the dots.
Anyone got a flyswatter?
Joey Maloney
I mean, really. It’s not complicated. They’d vote for a dog turd, if it had been sitting in the sun long enough to turn white.
@Kay: “He said Romney had only “angered Ohioans who know better.”
What was it that Adlai Stevenson said?
“Mr Stevenson, you have every thinking person’s vote!”
“Yes, madam, but I need to win.”
@Election Follower: Democrat Pat Caddell
Aaaaahaha. Awesome.
DougJ this is one of your best. Keep bringing it. The hilarity is more fun than this wind outside.
Obama over 300 and climbing:
Election Follower
The Pro-Romney Super PAC add buy in PA may be Hail Mary, seeing they are losing Ohio (not really a smart move, but you know…).
Ash Can
More Election Follower translated:
— “Oh what the heck; I may reveal my actual persona after Election Day.”
— “A response ad already? The Obama campaign is on the ball.”
— “In light of our discussion here on Romney’s lying, I trust you can all see the humor in my saying, ‘I, Willard Mitt Romney, do solemnly swear…'”
That Obama response ad actually outright calls Mitt’s statement a lie. That’s awesome.
Election Follower
So the RTD is another big newspaper in the capital city of another tossup state that endorsed Mitt Romney right after the Des Moines Register endorsement. That’s gotta sting!
On the other hand, this is the same campaign that gave us back Harry Reid’s backbone, and he’s LDS too. If that transformation outlasts this campaign things may get interesting in the Senate next session.
I imagine that the twisted shade of Richard Nixon is looking up from whatever torments of Hades he is currently suffering and taking grim delight in seeing George Romney’s son perform a latter day impersonation.
Ash Can
@Election Follower: Oh FFS, Doug, it’s your own fucking blog. You of all people should be able to avoid breaking it.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@The Bearded Blogger:
Election Follower
tags closed.
Scott S.
Pff, the troll isn’t even trying. This is just plain dull work, Troofie.
@Election Follower:
Locals call it the “Times Disgrace.”
They endorsed McCain in 2008, and thought Palin was a “quick study.”
Chyron HR
And the best part is that ReaIity Check sincerely believes that putting the comments on a blog in bold text will clench the election for Romney.
The Moar You Know
@flukebucket: I don’t. I dated one for several years (she was not allowed back in the church during that time, obviously). He is behaving exactly the way I would expect any Mormon seeking national office to behave, for if they came clean about what they believe, how they live and how they worship, they’d pull largely only Mormon votes.
The church understands this and forgives the necessity for subterfuge. I believe Islam has a similar clause.
This may sound like Mormon-bashing. It is not. I admire the hell out of them. They stick together and get shit done in a way that I’ve never seen any other group of people do. They punch way above their weight class as they are disciplined, have community, and are effective. I think the right Mormon would make an extraordinary president.
However, to be very clear, Mitt Romney is not that person and never will be. He is a deeply flawed man by any standard.
Ok, can we please not equate Romney with all of Mormonism?
The Moar You Know
oh look, the idiot forgot to close his bold tag. GG, dipshit.
@JGabriel: Picture of dangling crane that loads quickly:
FWIW, this is not supposed to happen with cranes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
another meme I’d like to pimp on this: Willard Romney not only can’t win a fair fight, he knows it, and thinks he’s entitled to cheat.
@flukebucket: Hate to break it to you but the entire Mormon religion is a lie. Created by a criminal con artist who realized that sex sells – has a lot in common with most wall street con men.
Bobby Thomson
@rlrr: Totally. If Willard ever seriously contests PA, it will be a sign that he has acknowledged he just can’t sweep the Big Five of FL, NC, VA, OH, and CO. If Rmoney loses a single one of those he’s toast without a big takeaway.
And Doug, you still haven’t closed the tags.
So much effort for a spoof troll.
Either my eyes are going or this thread is suddenly all in bold.
Also, current trolls trolling is very lame.
What they “accomplished” in California in tandem with the Opus Dei-flavored Catholics WRT Prop 8 ensures I’ll never trust the LDS church to do anything but lie and dissemble. If their sane followers see what outsiders see with clear eyes, it’s up to them to decide whether to continue anchoring themselves to such a corrupt ship.
Hold on everyone. I’m going to try to turn off the bold.
Did it work?
ETA: Shit
@Election Follower: A mormon, here, as a troll? That is rich – no doubt another lying mormon (or is that spelled moron?) – this is rich!
MattF: Thanks, Matt.
Always good to get info from the bold posters at BJ.
My kingdom for a “/b>”
Amir Khalid
I am very much liking the boldness of the comments in this thread.
@blingee: Without a doubt, that is the Goddamn dumbest thing I’ve read all day. And that includes the smegma smears of Election Observer or Republican Ballwasher or whatever the fuck he’s calling himself today.
@Election Follower: Hometown Paper of the Confederate States of America endorses Mormon Liar.
There, that’s better.
@Soonergrunt: Did the storm cause the comments to be in bold?
If so I think we’re really doing our part here.
f space that
Richmond Times Dispatch. That’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen on this blog. You are one stoopid m’fing troll.
Enhanced Mooching Techniques
@Election Follower: You can’t even do that right. Fitting you are a Mittens fan boi.
So EF, tell us Moonbats what behind door #Romney please; repeal of HRC the second it gets settled in for maxim choas? War of revenge on Iran? I mean everything I get from the Mittens himself is a Tax break for the rich and huge military build up and that’s that.
BOLD must be the digital equivalent of sandbags. Troll BS was getting piled pretty high and with the wind picking up as we near landfall . . . New automatic blog safety system kicking in.
Why oh why do you feed the trolls?
The Dangerman
OK, who broke the fucking blog?
@Election Follower: You don’t close a [strong] tag with [/b] you dumbshit.
@BGinCHI: No. That moron Political Follower caused that by not closing his tags properly.
I just fixed it.
I’m watching the Weather Channel and honestly, I want them to freak out and panic more.
Someone should run onto the sound stage and hand someone a piece of paper every couple of minutes. At this point they are all just really concerned. I could watch a telenovela if I wanted fake melodrama.
@Soonergrunt: Durf says something stupid. I heard tell water is still wet too.
That’s Neocon foreign policy and the ills thereof, in a nutshell.
@Soonergrunt: once again, a Liberal has to clean up the mess made by a conservative.
It was ever thus.
@Soonergrunt: Eh. He’s harmless. If we didn’t have computers, he’d be carrying a sandwich board somewhere and a bell screaming about the end being nigh or some shit. Now, those people can force you off the sidewalk into traffic; they’re dangerous and perfume nazi annoying. We’re doing a public service.
Some people who were at the Defiance rally said Romney brought in supporters from all over the state.
Palin did the same thing. I once got a call to go to a Palin rally that was 150 miles away. McCain-Palin must have had a very bad list, if they were calling me.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
Funny that you can’t actually quote the polls directly but instead have to rely on a guy paid by Fox News.
Hey, last week you were bragging about all that Ro-mentum in the polls. But Nate Silver’s odds for Obama increased from 68% to 75%: same with Sam Wang’s Meta-margin. Ohio’s margins have strengthened to an average of >2%. In other words, you predicted a collapse in Obama’s polling last week, but instead Mitt’s odds of winning have declined from almost 1/3 to a 1/4.
I understand you’ve got to make a living. It’s evident you’re doing the minimum effort to meet the contractual obligations of whatever political consulting firm that’s billing you out as a “social media operative”, because you’ve apparently given up on posting information that could persuade, influence, or even demoralize folks here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@priscianusjr: Bill Maher had a great quote the other night from Ta-Nehisi Coates about racism that I think really fits how it applies to Obama and this election, I tried to google it but the terms are too vague, but it was something about how a viewing white swing voters’ racial unease as a lack of trust is more informative than seeing it as hatred. This applies to middle class whites who were, I gather, the intended, and hit, target of the welfare ads, rather than your Uncle Dub who actually is just a stone ignorant mouth-breathing hater.
The Dangerman
Gotta cut him some slack; I suspect he’s more familiar with the /b from his whacking off over at 4chan.
@Soonergrunt: Can you put an html for morans series together? Preferably in powerpoint ’cause teh wingerz love it and Paul Ryan.
@Enhanced Mooching Techniques:
Much as I hate to say it, Willard is pre-9/11 GW Bush, i.e., doesn’t have a goddamn thing to say that can’t be interpreted umpty-seven ways. Taco’s dream inaugural speech:
“America, I have a mandate. I’ve gone through my collected campaign statements and the following are the winners. 7, 23, 48, 96, 132, 5. Thanks, everybody!”
S. cerevisiae
Everyone knows Obama sent the hurricane to disrupt MITTMENTUM!(tm) This proves that global warming is a liberal conspiracy and all Real Merikn Partiots(tm) will ignore the liberal media and head for the Jersey Shore.
Well I must say they got to witness one of the best performances of America The Beautiful that I have ever seen.
@S. cerevisiae: Really wish he had said to not go play in the ocean. This election could have gotten a lot easier.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
Shi’ism has that provision to allow to dissemble about one’s beliefs (Taqiyya), mostly ‘cos Shi’ites were the minority in most Muslim countries and subject to persecution. Not dissimilar to e.g. Catholics in England and Ireland under the Penal Laws, or Conversos in Spain under the Inquisition.
Sunni Islam, mostly, has not had the same history of persecution as Shi’ism and hence doesn’t have the same loophole in its jurisprudence; dissembling is only allowed if the person is in mortal danger, and even then, martyrdom is considered the better option.
Has anyone actually poked with Pat Caddell with a stick to see if he is actually alive?
Ash Can
@Yutsano: Actually, from an ironic standpoint, Reality Taco Observer or whateverTF is hitting all the big truths (and untruths) of this presidential campaign. He heavily emphasizes Romney’s mendacity, highlights Obama’s competence, and holds every last RW talking point up for ridicule. I mean, really, quoting Romney as taking any oath, let alone the highest in the land, in the midst of a thread about how the smarmy schmuck lies constantly? That’s spot on, and I’d even call it (suitably) brutal.
@ranchandsyrup: I could, but I’m too lazy. Especially something like boldface which can be accomplished with the buttons on each post, and most especially for our dumbass trolls because it only makes them look even dumber and gives me an excuse to abuse them in real time.
Patricia Kayden
I’ve asked this question before and will probably ask him many times if he wins the Presidency: Does Romney ever tell the truth?
We all knows he lies pretty much every time he opens his mouth. When is he ever truthful? And I’ve had a lower opinion of Mormons because of him too. Does the Mormon church sanction lying when one is running for a political office?
@Soonergrunt: don’t you have some obscure 3rd party app that only does one thing to recommend in addition to the hundreds of other pieces of crap you have on your computer?
Clearly you have no idea how teh googlezzz works. Hint…it’s a series of tubes. It’s not a bit truck. Here is an educational video for you.
@Soonergrunt: Wow, that could be a metaphor for this entire campaign season!
ETA: ABQ beat me to it.
@Soonergrunt: I was just joquing. I figgered that you could but don’t think you should. I heartily endorse your abuse of trolls, whether they be spoof, honest or otherwise.
Sorry if this has already been posted above…limited time to read, since blasted lights keep going off and on.
Obama response to Romney’s Jeep Lie!!
I was mad I didn’t go. I would have enjoyed asking them questions: “where are you from? Did they bring you guys up on a bus?”
People never get enough DETAIL when they tell me these things. They were so vague! “I think they had busses…”
Jesus. Try to pay attention next time :)
@Patricia Kayden:
No. He’s a Republican, after all.
What bothers me more is that Romney would bend over backwards to please his GOP masters. I don’t have the slightest hope that he would be able to pick a competent, non-neocon foreign policy team.
I have no respect for his ability to make an intelligent decision about much of anything.
There is a fantasy that Romney is crafty, that he has been saying what anyone wants to hear, but that he will be a strong leader who governs as a moderate.
I think he is a bumbling fool and coward who would be as much over his head as was Bush.
And instead of a crafty cynic like Cheney as his Number 2, he would have the walking talking wooden dummy, Ryan.
Romney’s flaw is not that he lies about everything. It is that he feels that he must lie about everything in order to get ahead.
Latest desperate Romney lie is the surest sign his campaign knows he’s losing Ohio, and with it the election.
And he’s being called out for it not only by the Obama campaign, but by the Detroit News, media throughout the mid-west, and by Chrysler itself.
I’d say that, beyond Romney’s lie, the worst part of this whole thing is the cognitive dissonance we see among our “job creators”. We have very few instances in which we can directly compare the actions of the current president and what the man who wants to be president would have done. In fact, without engaging in speculation, this is the only instance for which we have direct evidence as far as I know. And here this jackass is willfully backing the guy who would have made the WRONG FUCKING DECISION. And not just the wrong fucking decision but the wrong fucking decision at a time of great crisis. Why? Because he’s a “Republican who supports the governor”. Ahhh…the “meritocracy” of rich white guys. Maybe Mr. Wilson should cut an ad making his case for his good buddy:
“Vote Romney–he’s just as motherfucking stupid as I am.”
Feel the Zomneypocalypse!
@Election Follower: Yes. You do. Every time you post comments here. : )
Since Romney doesn’t trust Chrysler (a business) account of things, it begs the question:
Why does Romney hate business? Why does he hate capitalism?
How is this even remotely true?
@Election Follower:
Three words: the incumbent won.
@Election Follower:
Mike in NC
Is it merely a coincidence the the troll’s new name — “Election Follower” — rhymes with “Erection Swallower”? I think not.
@Election Follower:
Six words: Barack Obama don’t play that shit.
She’s second only to ABL in that regard.
@Election Follower:
“That I will faithfully execute the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts…”
That’s as far as your boy is gonna go in politics.
Jay in Oregon
There’s no tapdance needed; it’s not unusual for Mormons to lie when it comes to protecting the church and its reputation.
But remember, Muslims are vile scum because the Koran teaches them to lie to infidels. Or something.
“to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but…Bwahahaaa…snort, seriously, you expect me to be questioned under oath like common folk? Know your place little judge I am….hey, where are you taking ME?!”
Agoraphobic Kleptomaniac
This is going to get longwinded, but it’s important to the Mormon aspect of Mitt Romney and how its affecting my view of mormons.
Anyway, Mormon Politics are weird. Mormons (and Utah) are NOT republican. They just don’t like the changes that Democrats present as a platform. They don’t really like progressive income tax, because they see their church lending money to the community, and they like it that way, they don’t need the government to help their neighbors. The church does that. The mormons are so insular that they don’t see that Non-church members cannot get the help that church-members get, at least at the same level. But they don’t think that far (mostly). They don’t like changing things, even if its for the better (equal rights, yes, even for racial minorities) because change is uncomfortable and uncertain. The only time change is really accepted wholesale is when the Prophet says so, and even then they will still ask “why” in private circles.
But this mitt romney thing has changed my whole study of mormons. The 13th article of faith (mormon basics) says “We believe in being HONEST, TRUE, . . .” and if you ever lied as a mormon kid, they let you know that this was listed first in that article of faith for a reason. But every Mormon i’ve asked about Mitt Romney’s outright lies (because they think all politicians lie about specifics, and it has to be a literal Yes/No answer to be a lie), they don’t care. They really don’t.
They don’t care that he’s changed positions on nearly every single thing, even though back in 2004, John Kerry’s one “flip-flop” was enough to make them “uneasy”.
TL;DR, Mormons are so enthralled with a mormon president that they’ve justified any sort of lie as necessary, and I wouldn’t have thought that my family, who is strongly mormon, would support a Republican who lied as much as Romney has, and it sort of breaks my heart. Honesty was a major thing that I got out of the mormon religion being raised as a kid in the faith, and to see so many people not care that a presidential candidate is so dishonest sort of crashes my faith that the Mormon Community, which many people cheer even if they don’t cheer the church itself. I wonder if the Mormon community is “good” at all if such dishonesty and subversion isn’t roundly condemned.
Rosie Outlook
@flukebucket: No fan of Romney, but I think they all enjoy deceiving the proles. I think Romney just isn’t very skilled at hiding his real opinion of us.
@The Moar You Know:
Orthodox Sunni Islam does not have this sort of rule. Shi’ism allows it when admitting being Shi’a (to a Sunni) would get that Shi’a follower or their family killed. It is nothing like the license to dissemble, bullshit, and outright lie that various fundamentalist sects (Salafism, Mormonism, Sourthern Baptistism) allow their leaders so the groups can more effectively seek earthly power.
Joseph Bush Sr
willard romney does sacrament every sunday, holds the priesthood and professes to be an upstanding mormon member. his outright lies are not condoned by the church or by heavenly father, he is comitting this sin to further his cause, to get gain or more riches, the intelligent leaders of the church realize and know of the backlash that is following his campaign of lies and people changing thier opinion of the church. This is truely the work of the devil and this has happened in the book of mormon.