one wonders why media orgs have been spending so much money on polls all these years if we could learn more from goat entrails
— Atrios (@Atrios) October 31, 2012
Joe Scar wusses out on betting Nate Silver Romney will win. Halperin admits that Romney people think Romney will lose but want the useful Village idiots to pimp Ro-mentum.
Here’s a pretty awesome twofer: Bill “No Labels” Galston pushing austerity as the only political path forward for Democrats…without making a single argument as to why it’s good economic policy.
It’s always the same. Don’t listen to the hippies about Iraq, trust W’s gut. Don’t listen to Paul Krugman about the economy, gubmint should tighten its belt when folks have to. Don’t listen to Nate Silver about the election, trust Joe Scarborough’s gut.
What meteor will rid us of this meddlesome official discourse?
Kaus demands you stay away both from that lying goat and its entrails.
If more Americans read up on what austerity is doing to Europe they would laugh the pundits of pain right off the airwaves.
Jerzy Russian
We might never know, as funds for basic science are being cut. I think there are still a few survey programs looking for potentially hazardous objects, but they are always in danger of being cut.
Chyron HR
Doesn’t he know that Democrats are committing suicide by the hundreds on Mitt’s car elevator?
I’m fine with them. If Rethugs want to keep reading Unskewed Polls and telling themselves Romney is a lock, it’ll make them that much less likely to take the election seriously.
The hot air produced by the Village idiots should be compressed and used to flush sea water out of NYC’s subway tunnels.
schrodinger's cat
What is their obsession with the gut, don’t their brains work?
Comrade Dread
Don’t worry, a few more hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and food scarcity conditions should pretty much break down civilization.
So, maybe another 5 – 20 years before roving packs of Raiders will be hunting down Beltway journalists for food and/or sexual companions.
The Dangerman
When I watched the news on getting up this morning, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC were all covering Romney in Virginia. They covered him to the end (and I’ll assume they covered him from the beginning).
Well, in a “fair and balanced” move, all 3 covered Obama in Wisconsin…
…but FOX cut away early (watch it stream on!) while the other two stayed with it.
Now, I know FOX bias is shocking in a sun rises in the East kinda way…
…but what urgent news did FOX go to instead? Benghazi.
In the end, we may have to copy Canada’s law on the media or we’ll never get to where we need to be. It’s a shame (or a sham, or perhaps, a shameful sham).
What happened to our pet troll? He predicted that today’s jobs numbers were going to mean DOOOOOM for Obambi, a real October surprise (in November no less).
@trollhattan: Maybe it is ewick son of ewick’s imaginary goat that Souter did not have his way with? Imaginary entrails.
I hate Glaston which a white hot passion and refuse to read anything he writes and everytime he turns up on TV or radio I immediately flip the channel. God is he terrible.
Global warming will thin the herd, and then the outraged survivors can put the heads of the deniers on pikes as a lesson to future generations (should they survive the massive culling).
some guy
a guy came up to me today while I was door-knocking and asked for one of the early-voter guides we put on doors. said he was a Libertarian, but Chris Christie convinced him Obama would do what was right for everyone, and there is a role for “limited government” but most of all he was just sick of Rmoney’s lying.
I thanked him and reminded him he had until Saturday night to vote early.
@beltane: Maybe his October 31st paycheck didn’t clear and we’re rid of him.
(wishful thinking, I know)
My understanding from the left wing blogosphere is that we do not need a meteor.
Rather, this would all be solved if those feckless slap in the face stab in the back dems and Barry Obama would simply bullypullpit grow a spine.
Democrat Partisan Asshole
My entrails this morning are suggesting our future looks like a hand grenade thrown into a bowl of chocolate cake batter.
Let’s hope they’re wrong, and that I get over this quickly.
I admit I laughed when I heard that Staten Island had been hard hit and was bitching about how long the gummint was taking to come and give them a hand out, I mean a helping hand. Staten Island is famously incredibly right wing and regressive in its politics-now they see the reason to support a democratic agenda and big government?
Ah, if only we could take elections out of the inefficient, funds-draining hands of the states and put them into the spotless golden hands of the private sector.
Then we could hire voters and ameliorate all this uncertainty that is holding the economic surge back.
Or if the private entities instituted a pay-to-vote plan, make a tidy profit, too.
/attempt at channeling Romney/Ryan
Just Some Fuckhead
When you need a meteorological miracle, I think Chris Christie is your go-to guy.
If anyone wants to know what the 27% are thinking, I give you a non-blog, oddly average stock company’s message board
I’ve ducked in there a few times over the years and have no idea how this particular company’s board became such a cesspool, but cesspool it is. Romney’s heading for a landslide win, and all the polls are way wrong. Or so I’m told.
red dog
Don’t you people realize that the gut is much nearer the asshole than the brain so pure shit comes out.
@schrodinger’s cat:
When you have shit for brains, thinking with the gut seems natural.
@schrodinger’s cat:
They’d rather not use them. ‘Lazy, entitled rich fuck’ describes the punditocracy much better than it describes Mitt Romney – and it’s Mitt Romney’s entire personality.
Just One More Canuck
@schrodinger’s cat: But thinking is hard. They get paid just the same whether they think or not
Comrade Mary
@beltane: No Ass Pull? Well, we’ll just have to sing the Doom Song ourselves.
remember that old trope about a conservative being a liberal who got mugged? Too bad it doesn’t work the other way around.
Comrade Mary
@some guy: Well, that’s good to see. Was this Jersey or another state? And what did he think about Christie for DHS?
I wonder if Christie’s true concern lies in the fact that likely most, if not all, Krispy Kremes were damaged by the storm.
some guy
aimai, how are things looking for Warren up your way?
Of course Romney has momentum. Why do you think they’re running this totally non-desperate ad?
@schrodinger’s cat:
Colbert has crafted his entire schtick from this very observation, beginning with episode #1, coining “truthiness” and forever forged with his Correspondents Dinner appearance and “facts have a known liberal bias.”
It doesn’t dent their thick pates, of course, because of the protective lack of self-awareness.
Southern Beale
The internet?
Corner Stone
@some guy:
Ha! As usual, I’m ahead of the curve and dead on.
Listen, we’ve got to work with him. It’s as simple as that. This is a political winner. We pour as much federal dollars as we can into NJ and dedicate resources for the cleanup 24/7. That shows we can reach across the aisle when the right partner shows up.
We then take this string of success and ride Christie’s coattails into the WH in 2016, ensuring there’s someone we can work with in the WH for the next 8+ years.
Christie tells it like it is, and I think people intuitively respond to that.
I call dibs on Soledad O’Brien.
Any of them taking bets? Since all they respect is money and “skin in da game” I’d challenge their asses to put up or…(nah, that second thing will never happen).
O’Sambo? Good grief. They’re really letting the freak flag fly.
Metrosexual Manichean Monster DougJ
@Southern Beale:
I hope that’s the one. I did mean the question partly figuratively.
Thanks for reminding me Ewe Rickson has a “legitimate” career despite his vile past. They do really all fall upwards, don’t they?
Democrat Partisan Asshole
@Punchy: Dude, it’s Yahoo. Every idiot on the planet posts at Yahoo. I think they sign you up for an account when you register as a GOP voter.
If you want wingnut/idiot horror that will have you clawing your eyes out, just take a quick trip through Yahoo Answers and then you’ll understand why Osama hated the West so much.
dr. bloor
OK, that made me laugh.
Douh, Doug, Doug.
The gasbags only matter if you let them matter.
This is why so many people hate politics, yet we wind up not nominating the Rick Santorums of the world. Yes, the voting public makes curious choices sometimes.
But that’s because people are weird, not because Mark Halperin led them down the wrong path.
Corner Stone
Shit! I didn’t know we were already putting in bids.
Tamron Hall! Tamron Hall!!
@some guy:
I don’t know. I’ll be canvassing on Saturday and Sunday but we are canvassing a solidly blue ward (my own) and the object is just to remind people how important their vote is and make sure everyone has a ride to the polls or whatever. We are not swaying voters at this point. My take on this is that the campaign is pretty sure that if every Obama voter gets out and votes for Warren she wins this. Earlier they knew that (or thought they knew) that some huge number, like 200,000 Obama voters were Brown voters but I never really understood the status of that number–if that was people who voted for Obama last time (wave election) and then voted for Brown during his run against Coakley that really doesn’t seem like a very firm number of “Obama voters for Brown.” They were kind of opportunistic spite voters, to my mind.
I think that Brown’s fortunes with his own voters (the Romney/Independent voters) really sinks with Romney’s fortunes and that is why the right wing is so determined to keep up the fiction of romnmentum or whatever it is. Because if those perennial losers of the MA ballot box get depressed and angry with Romney for losing one for the team nationwide they won’t bother to turn out for brown at all and will just sit home and sulk on election day. They know for a fact that their vote for Romney is entirely symbolic in this state and my guess (?) is that many won’t want that stank on them.
Why hope for celestial solutions when there are literally thousands of busses on the move every day (even in NYC). We just need to get organized as tossers. Maybe that could be the name of a new political party. Who expects The Tosser Party?
I read yesterday that 78% of Americans approve of Obama’s handling of the storm. That leaves…a number which I bet is within the margin of error of 27.
Ash Can
@schrodinger’s cat:
In light of the proximity of the gut to the rear-ass-end, their brains are actually quite close to their guts.
@trollhattan: CNN, the most trustedest name in douchehattery.
Southern Beale
Wow. Chuck Hagel just endorsed Bob Kerry in Nebraska’s Senate race. Looks like the GOP moderates are trying to crush the Tea Party once and for all.
Columbia J-school professor had a George Will parody (but I repeat myself) contest. Only rule was no baseball and Burke (sorry, DougJ) references. Via LGM, here is 2nd place.
(p.s. in case the joke is too meta, it’s a frealz Will column.)
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
@schrodinger’s cat:
Brains commit occasional acts critical thought. Much too capricious to the PTB.
Your ‘gut’ (emotions), however, evolved on the plains of Africa over 2 million years ago, and the art of influencing emotions goes back to at least the 1920s. Much easier to control.
All con-men are speaking to your gut, not to your brain.
@Corner Stone: I call Nina Totenberg.
Southern Beale
Unskewed Polls has released their new electoral map.
I mean … just … wow. There are no words for this. None.
@trollhattan: Check the LGM comments, it is real?
Disregard, you clarified.
Atrios’ tweet is beyond laughable.
Everybody knows that the real pros use a sheep’s liver.
@The Dangerman:
They report what they decide. Nonetheless, I find it interesting that Fox still doesn’t want their viewers to get a good look at the pres in his own words. You’d think that, after four years of their Baghdad Borg routine, they’d have a lot more confidence in their audience’s brain being fully washed by now.
some guy
thanks, aimai. great to hear.
Pinkamena Panic
You are aware of what that word means, right?
No, uh, yes, uh, no. I expanded my post because of the double-reverse snarknicity.
Perhaps your message will inspire some drunken meteors freshly returned from the Crusades.
@Southern Beale: It’s a bit late for them to be trying that.
That’s actually a REAL George Will column. NOT a parody. Here’s the piece on WashPo.
ETA: Ah, see you knew that. Heh.
the Conster
@Democrat Partisan Asshole:
@Corner Stone: I saw clips of Tamron Hall yesterday — with a neckerchief, she almost looked like she was wearing a Halloween costume, like, late-70s damn fine.
Humanities Grad
@Comrade Dread:
For food, maybe. How desperate would those roving packs of raiders have to before any of them would look at Bobo or Halperin and think, “yeah, I’d hit that”?
Eyeeeeewwww. Brain bleach time.
@Pinkamena Panic: Apparently not. I am not aware of all internet traditions. How bad did I step in it this time?
ETA: Just used teh google. Yes, I really stepped in it this time. Too late to edit that comment.
@trollhattan: Oh my God, it’s full of
starsSAT-prep vocab words.Pinkamena Panic
@gbear: Ask a Brit.
@Southern Beale: Look at the trend lines for Nebraska.
Southern Beale
Right which begs the question: what’s the point? To cast a pall of illegitimacy over the election? I mean, that’s not going to work with anyone who doesn’t already think Obama is an illegitimate POTUS because of Kenya and other nonsense. So I just don’t get the point.
The food is inedible and the portions are too small!
@Southern Beale: And as dumb as the map? They keep refering to “Mitt Reagan” all over their web site.
I thought that map Wonkette(pbuh) link to was their last but one “projection” and that they actually had Romeny back down around 300 instead of 359. Yes, 300 is still stupid, but slightly less so. Sadly, the way their site is designed it’s impossible to find the newest thing to laugh at.
A.B. Stoddard is bullish on Romney because his campaign feels good about things.
It’s 1980 all over again I say!
Southern Beale
God. The right’s Reagan worship is insane. So I guess Unskewed Polls is a subsidiary of the Romney campaign then, another piece of political theater funded by Koch Industries trying to sell the sow’s ear that is Mitt Rommey as some kind of Reaganesque silk purse?
I just thought they were clueless idiots but clearly they seem part of the Republiborg.
if the chickens will not eat, then they can drink!
What’s with all the dour chicken-little-ism on BJ today?
Have you all checked Nate Silver or Sam Wang lately?
The other day Silver gave a concise explanation for why the Village hates him: “I think I get a lot of grief because I frustrate narratives that are told by pundits and journalists that don’t have a lot of grounding in objective reality“.
That’s it in a nutshell.
@DPS: Geese are also traditional for the haruspices.
@Tractarian: I have been wondering how Sam has been escaping the ire that Nate has been getting. The only conclusion is that the right can’t trust itself to go after Sam because there are too many bad “Wang” and “Asians are good at math”/racist landmines.
Roger Moore
So what you’re saying is that the flaw is not in our stars but in ourselves?
Um, I think Paul Campos is having you on:
ETA: I see I’m too late…
Scanning the WaPo front page I’m obligated to dredge up the old, “What liberal media?” The mix of “Obama failing/Willard touting” is breathtaking.
One need only look to Drudge to see that he’s in the early stages of whipping up hysteria in NY/NJ over the troubles they are now facing post Sandy.
I am ready to start calling all of this rat-fucking Un-American.
They want there to be tragedy, grief and mayhem in order to further their political agenda.
@Corner Stone:
Everybody knows that being every Democrat’s favorite Republican is just the sort of thing a politician can ride straight into the White House. Look how well it worked out for John McCain!
Shawn in ShowMe
You call her what?
This has been puzzling me as well. News orgs generate all this polling and then they get upset when somebody analyzes it? What tools.
I’m going to offer three points of my own armchair punditry:
1. Journalists, as a class, are idiots.
2. They’re mad at Nate Silver for translating their sacred runes into English.
3. One reason some folks get mad at sports statheads is that they feel it intrudes upon the entertainment value. That’s a perfectly reasonable way to look at it because sports is entertainment and some people just want to drink beer and yell at the refs. Myself, I’m kind of a hybrid of the two approaches, sometimes I delve into the stats in order to better inform myself and sometimes I’m the guy yelling at the TV screen. My point is, enjoying a particular form of entertainment with or without stats is up to the individual and the fact that these journos are hating on Silver suggests strongly that they don’t look at politics as having real-world consequences but as strictly entertainment.
Doug J, I think it’s just human nature. As Upton Sinclair said,
I would change it to “pundits” or “opinion journalists.”
The journalists I know tend to be bright, but they are too easily swayed by the cult of the savvy. The more cynical you appear, the more respect you’ll get.
Roger Moore
He doesn’t have the visibility that Nate has, what with Nate’s NY Times gig and all. If the Right really wanted to smear Sam Wang, they could tar him as an Ivy League, Ivory Tower academic.
@Shawn in ShowMe: Sorry, I call dibs on Nina Totenberg in response to:
dr. bloor
It’s far more likely that they’ve never heard of him.
@Dork: I get Thomas Roberts. I don’t care if he’s married.
@eemom: A liberal is a conservative who got arrested ( mistakenly).
Nate Silver goes all Krugman on the punditariat:
@trollhattan: Yep, as usual Colbert got there first. Truthiness: He feels the news at you.
schrodinger's cat
@MikeJ: That explains Jon Stewart’s popularity.
Chris Hayes for me, please. He is so scrumptious.
@trollhattan: Oh Lord. I read that at LGM earlier and thought it was brilliant satire. Finding out that the quote is fer real just makes my brain explode; it’s like peeling a satire onion.
Will really is a special one. The Houston Lastros of punditry.
Roger Moore
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Might I suggest “Nina Totenbag” might be a good nickname?
Southern Beale
By the way, CJR has a piece on why journalists were so wrong about Rom-mentum.
I doubt he had any clue as to what jobs report he was talking about. He thought it came out today because that’s probably what FoxNews had told him.
In reality, the REAL jobs report that everybody will be talking about comes out tomorrow. Preliminary numbers came out today, which is one of the reasons the stock market is up today.
I’m still contemplating the stupidity of this jeep lie.
I worked for a brief while in the marketing dept of a big automotive supplier. Those guys put dollars into convincing the public that they’re good for America and saving them was the right thing to do. And there’s a trade press whose reporters check out every rumor. Their reputations are built on getting it right and they don’t give a damn about political reporting.
Lying about a major corporation is not the same as lying about your opponent. It’s just crazy.
schrodinger's cat
I wonder if the Pundits can even define momentum.
Southern Beale
So, when Romney loses and Dems keep the Senate and make gains in the House, does anyone think this will change the river of money flowing from rich assholes like Sheldon Adelson and Foster Fuck Birth Control Aspirin Works Fine (forgot his real name) and the rest? Will these people decide that they’re wasting their millions, or will they keep donating big $$ in the hopes of swinging an election?
So much for their claim that “we built this”. I heard someone say earlier today that since “they built this”, every Republican should refuse any help from FEMA. If they accept as much as a penny they are hypocrites.
Shawn in ShowMe
We’re supposed to head to the polls with grim resolve instead of a smile on our face or it doesn’t count.
Southern Beale
Absolutely the LAST thing Jeep wants is to have its brand tarnished with a “we’re moving production to China” label. Especially when Toyota, Nissan and Volkswagon are all made here in the US.
Also, who thinks it makes sense to build a Jeep in China for the U.S. market? These aren’t widgets or laptops, these are big fucking vehicles that would be very expensive to ship back here. It just doesn’t make sense.
Also, Chrysler Group Vice President for Product Design Ralph Gilles was not amused. Of course, as you can tell from the photo he’s melanin-enhanced, which I’m sure the Tea Party will say explains his position on the issue. Can’t have anything to do with actual business facts. Also, that’s not racist. Too.
Ed in NJ
Mate Silver ruined everything for scouts, also, by introducing advanced statistics to baseball.
No, instead we elect the Nixons, Reagans, and Ws of the world. And some of us do elect the Santorums of the world, since he was my very own senator for several years.
Roger Moore
There’s a good, traditional Raider solution to that problem.
In an ideal world, pundits and commentators would be an invaluable resource to help us understand the world around us. That sentence does not in the least explain the world we actually live in. If the MSM can not make the first sentence a factual one, then they are grossly overpaying their idiot pundits for producing worthless drivel.
Whick leads me to THE critical question. Why haven’t I applied? After all, I provide worthless drivel at MUCH lower cost.
Chait takes on Galston. He has take the wood to the guy a few times since leaving TNR. He must hate the guy every bit that I do.
@Southern Beale:
GM wasn’t amused either.
@trollhattan: WAPO brings ratfucking to a new level. More like rat gangbanging or rat daisychaining. Ole lispy Cilizza has Ohio as a tossup – yeah, because a 4-5 percent difference is a tossup for Obama. If it was Romney, it would have been a sizable lead. Fucking rats, flogging the chicken, beating a dead horse – every thing but actual journalism.
We might have to have a fist fight over him. He’s cute, slightly geeky and smart, the sexiest combination of traits around.
Southern Beale
They can’t handle the truth:
Why isn’t the media talking about this, seeing as how tax cuts are the main plank of the GOP platform? Their only idea?
Apparently the media can’t handle the truth, either.
It’s awful, simply awful–who are they trying to kid? The front page and opinion editors need tumbrel rides.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of compassion
Cooper’s mine, bitchez.
@Southern Beale: The media has no incentive to promote the truth. They have incentive to promote the horse race to increase ratings. Ratings are their God and they must tithe.
Only when one side is so far ahead that the horse race narrative becomes impossible to continue will they change their tactics. Earlier this summer the whole “Romney/Republicans in disarray” narrative was starting to take hold because the polls showed Obama that far ahead. First chance they got, they were right back on that comfortable old nag, Horse Race.
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
@Southern Beale:
Chinese auto safety standards aren’t as good as ours. So it makes sense to build these cheaper cars over there.
A China-targeted factory in the US wouldn’t be useful for anything but building cars for the Chinese market (you’d have to completely re-tool it if you ever wanted to convert it to making cars up to US/European safety standards).
Just as so many Japanese car companies make left-hand drive cars for the US market over here, instead of over there and shipping them.
Rising oil costs, also, too.
Dibs on Katty Kay!
Oh wait, she’s married. Never mind…
Michael Bloomberg just endorsed Obama, says his decision was based on climate change
Perhaps climate change will be a wedge issue among our Galtian overlords.
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of compassion: I’ll take CNN’s Erin whatshername, but only with a mute button.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Someone’s been reading FDL and the screeches of slinkerwink and her ilk over at Teh Orange again. ;)
the GOP knows Romney’s gonna lose, so they’re already shifting the narrative: instead of “the GOP will be back and change everything!”, we’re getting “Obama better do everything the GOP would do, or else!”
Roger Moore
This is one of those things that happens when people don’t understand statistics. If you have one poll where there’s a 4-5 percent difference, that really is within the margin of error. But when you aggregate half a dozen polls, the margin of error shrinks by a factor of 2.5 or so, and a 4 percent difference is highly significant. Somebody who’s never had to take a serious stats course isn’t going to get that and will make dumb mistakes.
Southern Beale
@Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God:
Right but if you’re building a car in China for the US market the car still has to abide by U.S. auto safety standards. So Romney’s whole (incorrect) point that “they’re moving production of Jeeps to China” makes no sense.
Of course if you’re building a car in China it’s to be sold in China. Not here.
AA+ Bonds
He doesn’t have to. Why would he? He’s right. The bipartisan consensus in America is in favor of austerity. If Obama is elected, he will start his bargaining from the Catfood Commission slash-Social-Security-and-Medicare plan, as he has repeatedly stated during this campaign.
Bubblegum Tate
Actual, verbatim lede from a post on my favorite wingnut blog today: “Love him or hate, you can’t argue that Rove knows his stuff.” (Note: The poor grammar makes the statement unintentionally correct, but the blogger really means to say that Rove knows his stuff and is an unimpeachable source of wisdom. You know, because “I’ve got THE math” worked out so great.)
AA+ Bonds
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Y’all are so fucked; turn eighteen already
@Democrat Partisan Asshole:
I’ve had a Yahoo email account for a very long time. It’s tied to lots of registrations like my bank, professional societies, wireless, etc. etc. so it’d be difficult for me to totally abandon it. I avoid reading any news through Yahoo. The commenters on any story range from hate-filled rascist conservatives to conservative hate-filled rascists.
It reminds me of the engineers I worked with in Harrisburg, PA – I was very happy that their political power was limited to just one vote. Several of them were seething with ignorance & hatred. After about 4 years of banging my head on a brick wall, I spent the next 3 there never getting into political discussions.
AA+ Bonds
o_O He endorsed Obama because of the party registration numbers in the city he runs
Gadsden Flag Burner
Mark me down for Ashleigh Banfield. Mwah.
Felonius Monk
More like Bill “No Labels — Just Bullshit” Galston!
Look, this is all about continuing the same narrative for the next 4 years of Obama’s presidency – he won by a squeaker; the people who matter still don’t support him; even his supporters like him less than they did in 2008.
i.e., he’s not a legitimate president. So they can continue to behave like shit-heads.
@AA+ Bonds: who cares why?
Notice how the financial district in manhattan is without power, and then Bloomberg has a cover story: “it’s global warming, stupid”. We may have reached a tipping point.
sm*t cl*de
trust W’s gut. […] trust Joe Scarborough’s gut.
So basically you are relying on goat entrails, you just make the mistake of leaving them within the animal.
Chyron HR
@AA+ Bonds:
You must feel like the guy at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, standing in the middle of the road yelling, “OBUMMER’S CUTTING SOCIAL SECURITY,” but the fools all refuse to listen until it’s too late.
@Comrade Mary: The Irken patch on my left shoulder salutes you.
@Southern Beale: Keep donating. Adelson probably blew $200M during the cycle. He’s worth $20B. They’ll probably invest more in the primaries next time, though, so they don’t end up with candidates who can’t hide what egregiously awful human beings they are.
@schrodinger’s cat: Well, when you’ve got shit for brains………..
Yeah re the WaPost.
It is going to be a pleasure to cancel the paper subscription, after the inauguration, for the final time.
I am going to send publisher Katharine Weymouth, and maybe some other executives, a letter as to why, with copies of screengrabs from the website and examples of other idiocies they’ve perpetrated.
I used to be so proud of my hometown paper.
Here’s a couple of facts to toss into the discussion.
In 2008 Roper reports whites as 75% of the total vote.
Yet – yeah, it’s HuffPo:
Gallup is driving a GOP effort to lower loosely attached Democratic voters. It is important for these folks to know they are, essentially, being lied to and it will make a difference if they vote.
pseudonymous in nc
Because Nate is being paid by the NYT, and Sam Wang is just some academic whoever.
It’s funny, though, how the NYT’s campaign reporters pretend that Silver doesn’t exist, let alone that he’s on the same payroll as them.
Comrade Mary
@Southern Beale: I read that article and thought that Gilles looked familiar, and when I checked — OMG! He’s not just “Canadian” — he’s CANADIAN! And he speaks French! TRIFECTA!
I saw just now that Bloomberg has endorsed Obama (in part thanks to Hurricane Sandy). I’m guessing this will give all the villagers that wanted him to be the independent candidate the vapors.
Corner Stone
@Ed in NJ:
Ok, I think you’re taking this whole “grabbing pundits for your own” thing a little too far.
gogol's wife
@pseudonymous in nc:
Yes, I’ve noticed that too. They don’t seem to read him.
@CorbinDallasMultipass: I am … getting … VERY … DISAPPOINTED.
Corner Stone
Ok, ok. I’ll take A. B. and since no one has put in a bid on them I’ll take all the blondes at Fox as well. If I have to.
Hill Dweller
Willard brought a drunk Meatloaf to Ohio. Obama is bringing Springsteen and Jay-Z on Monday.
Election-related, judge issues ruling in Arizona-California shenanigans.
pseudonymous in nc
@gogol’s wife:
Oh, they read him all right. I’d bet a large amount of money on that. They read him the way that classified ad managers at newspapers read Craigslist.
Southern Beale
@Comrade Mary:
Oh wow. Melanin-enhanced AND Canadian and FRENCH-speaking? That explains it! Probably likes the UN, too.
@Hill Dweller:
“Drunken Meatloaf” sounds like an entre at an Asian-Californian fusion restaurant.
I would order it.
Uncle Cosmo
It seems that in the last 7-10 days the MSM has abruptly decided that they’re going to start calling out Willard for lying.
Would anyone be surprised if it turned out that just prior to that, either (1) the deadline for major MSM ad buys through 11/6 passed, or (2) the MSM had filled all its ad slots through 11/6 at the highest possible rate of return?
It would be all of a piece with vulture capitalism, wouldn’t it? Once you have all the money you’re gonna get from ’em, fuck ’em.
@trollhattan: Try some campaign of the damned, particularly the final entry:
@Uncle Cosmo: Maybe the fact that Romney is shutting out all major media interviews until the election finally chapped their asses a bit much.
It was really amazing how far back into the back of the plane Mitt went during the Benghazi disaster. Ever since he bounced with the debates. Shutting out the media.
I am sure he will respect them if he is elected, almost as much as GWBush did.
Jay in Oregon
FEMA: We Rebuilt This.
@Southern Beale: Inspect those countertops NAOW!!
Jay in Oregon
@Uncle Cosmo:
The other possibility is that you flog the horse race for as long as you can to keep people tuning in, then as the election approaches you slowly dial in to reality.
Heck, Sandy even gives them a jumping-off point. Expect to hear in a few weeks about how Romney’s momentum was derailed by his tone-deaf response to the hurricane…
Tonal Crow
Also too, don’t listen to scientists about climate change; trust Limbaugh and Hannity instead.
The Moar You Know
@trollhattan: WHAT THE FUCK are a bunch of goddamned Zonies doing trying to interfere in my state’s politics?
Too bad this didn’t come to light a couple of months ago. You would have had several million SoCal residents crossing the desert with torches and shotguns to burn the entire state down.
In case you haven’t figured it out, Arizonans are as welcome here in SoCal as shit is on your dinner plate. We don’t need the tourist money, or their drunken weaving all over our roads for four months every summer, when their godforsaken shithole of a state becomes too hot to inhabit.
Uncle Cosmo
Jeebus cripes, all the talk of “Ro-mentum” & all the flailing around from one out-of-reach state to another is nothing but the TeaOP trying to avoid a total electoral disaster by getting mouthbreathers out to the polls to vote for downticket Thuglicans so they can at least save their House majority & continue to thwart Democratic initiatives to speed up the recovery. Because they know that if the Dems somehow flip the House, they are not likely to make the same misakes as in 2009-10.
We need to wake up the morning of November 7 & (presuming the House is unflipped) immediately start planning how to make House Rethugs pay in 2014 for any & all ongoing obstruction. They started out the year with high hopes they could beat Obama & sweep the Congress & bust up enough in the next 2 years to make the government unfixable–IMHO we need to show them how 2 years of Democratic achievements can make the government damn near unbreakable.
Randy P
@The Dangerman: Benghazi is Obama’s Whitewater!
In the sense that it will occupy 90% of the attention of the congressional and Senate Republicans for the next 4 years, there will be Senate hearings, and sooner or later a motion for an impeachment vote.
Tom Q
@Jay in Oregon: There’s always a last minute shiny object the press insists was the deciding factor in the election. Bush I was going to catch Clinton until Walsh indicted Weinberger. Bush II was running away with it over Gore except for the DUI story. McCain was soaring until Lehman failed. The fact that each of these elections turned out the way the fundamentals always said they would is never allowed into official narrative.
Jebus Freaking Christ.
Nate Silver is a statistician, not a prophet. While his analysis looks solid, it doesn’t freaking matter if he is doubted. The actual freaking vote is less than a week away.
It’s not as though we can substitute real, actual voting for polling.
@Yutsano: What time are people showing up for this election party on Tuesday?
Montlake Ale House
Seriously? No one’s called Krugman yet?
He’s mine. All mine.
@BruceFromOhio: You’ve been waiting for a chance to say that.
@BruceFromOhio: I especially liked this one because I detest Sandra Lee:
@The Moar You Know: They really are crap drivers, aren’t they.
Bill Murray
@Ed in NJ: as long as you forget George Lindsey, the Mills Brothers and Earnshaw Cook
Colbert’s immortal words:
We go straight from the gut, right sir? That’s where the truth lies, right down here in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up. I know some of you are going to say “I did look it up, and that’s not true.” That’s ’cause you looked it up in a book.
Next time, look it up in your gut. I did. My gut tells me that’s how our nervous system works. Every night on my show, the Colbert Report, I speak straight from the gut, OK? I give people the truth, unfiltered by rational argument.
Drive-by Nomad
@Corner Stone:
What, no Candy Crowley?
FSM I love this thread. I’ll take Chris Hayes.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Drive-by Nomad:
Nobody puts Candy in the corner!
Corner Stone
@Just Some Fuckhead:
But in a time of crisis I may put the corner in the Candy.
Oh! Thaass right!
Dibs on Rachel Maddow!