Somebody be sure Raven sees this. I think he will get a kick out of it.
who are the voters that turned out for McCain, but didn’t for Romney?
The Red Pen
Freeper pulse:
1. We need to be a more inclusive party! Actual comment: “Another call to pander to the abortionists, homosexualists, atheists, big government pushers, shamnesty crowd and weak-kneed sisters of either gender?”
2. We are proud to announce the poster of #1 has been banned.
3. We need to complete the takeover of the GOP!
4. Let’s go Galt! Actual comment: Don’t pay for books and DVDs! They’re free at the library!
5. I’m opting out of Obamacare. I’m not going to take my company’s health insurance!
6. Business people: Let’s all raise our prices and say that it’s because of Obama. No way that will backfire.
7. Let’s compile a list of layoffs and blame every single one on Obama.
Remember Ted Nugent’s over/under bet on his death or incarceration by April if Obama is re-elected.
I’ll take the under (either a DUI incarceration or else an autoerotic mishap).
John Carter
From Wonkette
Some people have a hard time separating Fox from their lives.
@Anonymous: He’s around today. Saying that we should all be afraid of Jebby Bush waiting in the wings.
Wondering if all these embittered wingnuts blathering about emigrating to the UK are aware that mere possession of a reasonably modern handgun can draw a sentence of anywhere from three months to five years, depending on what charge is brought by a Crown prosecutor. That and socialized medicine (horrors!) sort of put a damper on all those plans to move to the cradle of English-speaking liberty*, don’t they just?
Wingnuts trying to emigrate to the the UK (firearms, Don’t Tread On Me flags and all) would likely be about as warmly welcomed as the Mariel boatlift was here.
*Note: the Brits’ record of abject surrender of their civil liberties is probably worse than ours, if one can imagine such a thing.
@jl: Rove is probably trying to keep a bunch of pissed-off billionaires from doing something unfortunate to Rove. You’ve got to figure that Adelson at the very least knows people who know people who can make unfortunate things happen.
@ranchandsyrup: He has a new handle though. “You know who” or something like that.
I’m pretty sure the commenter today is just someone pretending to be Political Observer. But then again, there’s a pretty good chance that the original PO was DougJ or some other trickster, so it gets kind of meta…
Rove is starting campaign to accuse Obama of stealing the election by ‘suppressing votes’, whatever that is supposed to mean.
Apparently in Roveworld, “suppressing” votes means running truthful (or “mean”) ads that showed Romney in an unflattering light, and so influenced R voters to not vote.
I did not make that up. Next up, K.Rove as Humpty Dumpty, “When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean”.
It may be that Karl Rove would have been safer in federal prison where he belongs than being so exposed to the wrath of Sheldon Adelson and his mob connections.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Anonymous: Previous threads. He’s pimping Jeb Bush for 2016.
Probably a lot of people stayed home… as one comedian put it, this year was a black guy vs a Mormon, for certain parts of the country that’s like Aliens vs Predators. Keep in mind, Obama got about 8.5 million fewer votes this time than he did last time (69.4m vs 60.8m) as well, so we didn’t have the turn out, on either side, that we had in 2008.
After eight years of W and the 2006 election, even the wingnuts recognized (reluctantly) the Republicans were probably going to get their asses handed to them in 2008, which is why we started to hear about how Bush wasn’t a real conservative in 2007.
This time they really expected to win, regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary. Evidently they didn’t get the memo about how rich Wall Street assholes are not exactly flavor of the day with the general populace right now, and neither are obnoxious godbotherers (Santorum, Bachmann), complete idiots (Perry, Cain), corrupt detestable has-beens (Newt!) or nutcase libertarians (Crazy Uncle Liberty).
It’s so disappointing when reality rears its ugly head.
Let’s go Galt! Actual comment: Don’t pay for books and DVDs! They’re free at the library!
Cluelessness. We has it.
@beltane: What exactly does that mean? He promises not to file any recount lawsuits or something? Not that it really matters for the election as a whole.
I posted a link earlier to a clueless wingnut who said she was moving to Australia because “at least their president is a christian and he stands by his word” (I paraphrase) whereas a whole bunch of Australians let little miss Georgia peach know that their Prime Minister was not only a woman but she was an atheist. The whole saga was hilarious.
Tony J
Yeah, that’s the Daily Mail. Classy, isn’t it?
Soylent Green is FReepers
@The Red Pen: I’ve been absolutely addicted to the FReeper site the last couple of days, and it is precious how unhinged they are about it. In the early hours there were actually a couple of people posting to the effect that the Mighty Wurlitzer had lied to them, but they got over that pretty quickly and now they’re almost universally plotting to cut off their noses to spite the “takers” and then WOLVERINES!
@Tony J: The troll was here on election eve touting a Romney leads story from them. I couldn’t help but chortle.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Yes, that young miss sure did have a lot to learn. After all the Aussies responded to her, she deleted all her tweets.
Well I think people tried to be more high minded in2008. Remember the meme where people were posting photos of themselves holding up signs saying that they still loved their conservative brethren and we are all in it together? And then how the conservative bullies ripped the signs up, urinated on them and went back to beating them up in the hallway every day?
Now we don’t have to feel bad for enjoying it. They are obviously going to have tantrums either way, might as well make some popcorn and watch!
BtW, if “bookmark it, LIBS!” has not already made it into the rotating slogan file, it really should.
Atlas Scrubbed:
Mitt Romney planned Boston Harbor fireworks show that was scotched by election loss
E-mail | Print | Comments (10) 11/08/2012 12:17 PM
JohnTlumacki/Globe Staff
Mitt Romney had planned to celebrate his election as the nation’s 45th president with an eight-minute fireworks display over Boston Harbor.
The same company that does some of the illuminations for Boston’s Fourth of July celebration was poised to ignite fireworks within view of Romney’s party at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center to celebrate a win over President Obama.
A permit filed with the City of Boston said the detonation could occur any time between 7 p.m. Tuesday, just after the first polls closed, and 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, which ended up being just before Romney conceded the race.
Instead, Atlas Professional Fireworks Displays unloaded the pyrotechnics from mortars set up on a barge near the Bank of America Pavilion and carted them back to its headquarters in Jaffrey, N.H…
One interesting thing about the election, is that numbers-wise, the election results ended up being an exact duplicate of 2004, with Obama in the role of Bush.
Right now, the percentage win is 2.4%, which it was for Bush.
Bush exceeded the popular vote by a little over 3 million, and Obama is closing in on that, at 2.9 million now.
So the election WAS a 2004 style election – just with 2012 demographics!
@Thoughtcrime: I love that story. Mitt Romney wanted to rub his victory in the faces of Massachusetts Democrats and now he’ll never get the chance. That’s why our big win deserves some sweet, guilt-free schadenfreude.
He learned nothing from when Fenway Park painted the infield in anticipation of hosting the World Series before they played out Game 7 against the fucking Yankees in 2003. Obama is Mitt’s Aaron bleepin’ Boone.
I guess this could go under the schadenfreude thread. But I’m putting it under the open thread anyway.
While I appreciate that the GOP actually did have a tiny bit of assumed credibility on foreign issues prior to GW, Reagan & Bush 1 were not all that in the foreign policy area. So lest Benen begin to get into the false equivalence he really needs to outline the fact that Clinton had some solid foreign policy cred, and that the myth of the GOP foreign policy standard bearing was just that, a myth. Just like the myth of the GOP being the party that supports the military/more patriotic. And the myth of the GOP being the party of financial stability & responsibility. Myths & delusions! Say it Benen!
What I do love about this post, though, and Benen doesn’t go there either, is that Huntsman could have been the GOP’s foreign policy-heavy nominee but they chose Mitt instead. I don’t think that Obama could have beaten Huntsman. He seemed like a really decent guy with solid credentials and zero baggage. And relatively centrist. I don’t think they can get him back in 2016, and I hope that Obama will be sure not to name any GOPer to a post that would give them a shred of foreign policy cover.
Just as the GOP shot themselves in the foot by denying Warren a post, they’ve obliterated their chances for being foreign policy stars in the near & distant future by denying Huntsman. And not so sure how much they’ll be able to rely on the Bebe/Iran issue 4 years from now. But I guess they’ll at least continue to give that their best shot via Fox news and congress.
RE: I posted a link earlier to a clueless wingnut who said she was moving to Australia because “at least their president is a christian and he stands by his word” (I paraphrase) whereas a whole bunch of Australians let little miss Georgia peach know that their Prime Minister was not only a woman but she was an atheist.
Not only that, Prime Minister Julia Gillard just loves herself some Obama:
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has congratulated Barack Obama on his victory in the US presidential election.
“I was delighted to speak to President Obama tonight (Thursday) and congratulate him on his victory,” Ms Gillard tweeted.
5. I’m opting out of Obamacare. I’m not going to take my company’s health insurance!
I wish him/her good luck with that. A lot of larger companies don’t let you opt out unless you can prove you have coverage through a spouse, because it’s way more expensive for them if you get sick and have no coverage.
I wish him/her good luck with that. A lot of larger companies don’t let you opt out unless you can prove you have coverage through a spouse, because it’s way more expensive for them if you get sick and have no coverage.
This is exactly the type of dickhead that can be the poster child for the Obamacare Asshole Moron tax.
Yeah I saw that. I’d like to say that ‘everyone knows’ that the Daily Mail is about as credible as UnSkewed Polls, but since millions upon millions of my fellow Britons but it every day… let’s just say that ‘everyone who knows’ knows it, and those who don’t know are idiots.
Judging by its current touting of JEBMENTUM 2016 I’ve got to play the Joker Card here. He of the Multiple Nyms is the best spoof BJ has seen since the glory days of Doug.
Hey just curious-where do you go when you need a visit to an Alternative Universe? I mostly avoid that, cuz it’s way too stressful. But when the glow of Our Side Winning is still fresh, the unfiltered thoughts of Teh Crazy can just roll off of me like raindrops off a duck.
So I’m spending some time over at Neoneocon. What is amazing is that this is not the typo-ridden racists rantings you get at so many right wing sites. These are, ya know, Smart Crazies. People who should, kinda, know better. Many of the used to be “liberal”, although it sounds more like they were into left wing proto-violent nuttery of the campus variety.
As soon as I come down from my Four More Years high, and return to the reality that our democracy/republic is in great peril, and the neoneocon commenters are part of the reason, I’ll stop going there. But for now, it’s kinda fun.
I hope that Obama will be sure not to name any GOPer to a post that would give them a shred of foreign policy cover.
One of the reasons Huntsman had no chance with republicans was that he worked as Obama’s diplomat to China, so while it gave Huntsman foreign policy cred, it hurt him in the party. Obama was effusive in his thanks as Huntsman left his post to campaign — which really killed any chance he might have had.
@Tony J: Back in the early 80’s, when we lived in England, I subscribed to it just for the crosswords.
White Sluts on Hope
The web site Jezebel is having all kinds of fun with how “Apparently Romney Lost the All-Important ‘Slut Vote’” and how wingnuts just can’t help themselves in blaming inherently unstable wimmins for votinig for Obama:
One thing one has to remember about women, especially slutty ones: They usually don’t make decisions based on reason. So all the Obama administration had to do was scare them that Mitt Romney was going to take away their birth control and their access to abortion.
And there was also this:
I’ll be the first to admit it. A couple weeks ago I predicted a Romney win. I predicted this largely because he played up his alpha cred in the first debate. But one photo-op on the Jersey Shore with Obama looking tough in a bomber jacket destroyed all that, which is yet another reason sane societies don’t let women get involved in government.
Golly, gee. Nothing at all like all those over-compsensating little weasels who got boners watching Dubya prance around in a flight suit in front of that “Mission Accomplished” banner.
Like, for example, Chris Matthews and Ann Coulter, back in the day:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, Bob Dornan, you were a congressman all those years. Here’s a president who’s really nonverbal. He’s like Eisenhower. He looks great in a military uniform. He looks great in that cowboy costume he wears when he goes West. I remember him standing at that fence with Colin Powell. Was [that] the best picture in the 2000 campaign?…
MATTHEWS: Ann Coulter, you’re the first to speak tonight on the buzz. The president’s performance tonight, redolent of the best of Reagan — what do you think?
COULTER: It’s stunning. It’s amazing. I think it’s huge. I mean, he’s landing on a boat at 150 miles per hour. It’s tremendous. It’s hard to imagine any Democrat being able to do that. And it doesn’t matter if Democrats try to ridicule it. It’s stunning, and it speaks for itself.
ETA: The wingnuts are going to supply comedy gold through 2016 and beyond.
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself. Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
First comment, from one Mike Nichols:
Put those cab rides down! Cab rides are for closers.
Another commenter, Dan Staley, gets at the core of the Romney personality:
Cost of everything, value of nothing. Classy right up to the end.
The Reality-Based Community had a contest for snarky/insightful Romney campaign slogans. Mine was to the effect that Romney Knows The Value Of America – because Romney made his bundle looking at institutions and realizing how much money he could extract by destroying them, and leaving as little as possible for their current stakeholders. He couldn’t recognize other forms of value, or longer-term rewards from cooperation. Everything must serve him, and in the short term. So this massively wealthy man screwed his staff out of a couple of dozen dollars apiece, and humiliated them – to what purpose?
Some folks might have thought about this front page just a beat longer, don’t you think
Ah, but here’s a totally charming moment as an antidote:
Election night was a pretty hectic night for me, so I imagine it was at least doubly so for President Obama.
That’s why it was particularly heartwarming to see this short but uniquely sweet exchange between the First Father and his First Daughter Sasha that took place just before the newly re-elected president delivered his acceptance speech.
As Obama stands on stage waving at his supporters, Sasha lightly taps on her dad and reminds him to show some love to the people behind him, which he immediately does.
It’s an ephemeral moment for sure, but a telling one.
late to the thread, but speaking of the Obama girls.
This by buzzfeed is really cute. It’s a picture timeline of the Obama girls from his first Senate campaign to Election night.
It’s amazing how much they’ve grown in just these past 4 years.
And just think by the time he leaves office in 4 years, Malia will be off to college and Sasha will be in high school.
Back in the Age of Thatcher Uber Alles? They must have been some – really – fulfilling crosswords. 8-)
@Tony J: na, back then the paper wasn’t too wingnutty. The Times, The Sun and I think the Telegraph were Maggie’s biggest fans. The crossword puzzles weren’t political at all back then. I haven’t lived there since 1983 so I have missed alot.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.
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Hill Dweller
In other news, Florida is still counting votes.
Tom Levenson
@Hill Dweller: From 2000.
Somebody be sure Raven sees this. I think he will get a kick out of it.
who are the voters that turned out for McCain, but didn’t for Romney?
The Red Pen
Freeper pulse:
1. We need to be a more inclusive party! Actual comment: “Another call to pander to the abortionists, homosexualists, atheists, big government pushers, shamnesty crowd and weak-kneed sisters of either gender?”
2. We are proud to announce the poster of #1 has been banned.
3. We need to complete the takeover of the GOP!
4. Let’s go Galt! Actual comment: Don’t pay for books and DVDs! They’re free at the library!
5. I’m opting out of Obamacare. I’m not going to take my company’s health insurance!
6. Business people: Let’s all raise our prices and say that it’s because of Obama. No way that will backfire.
7. Let’s compile a list of layoffs and blame every single one on Obama.
Remember Ted Nugent’s over/under bet on his death or incarceration by April if Obama is re-elected.
I’ll take the under (either a DUI incarceration or else an autoerotic mishap).
John Carter
From Wonkette
Some people have a hard time separating Fox from their lives.
Obama Pisses Me Off
This lady really needs to stop waxing the hair off her chest.
Caution: NSFW and if you can take more than 5 minutes you get a special comendation.
This is all so much more enjoyable than 2008, probably because the wingnuts are not handling it well at all.
TPM says Rove is starting campaign to accuse Obama of stealing the election by ‘suppressing votes’, whatever that is supposed to mean.
Not sure if worth bothering with it gets traction. Or Rove goes batshit insane on Fox, in which case a clip might be worth checking out.
@flukebucket: Yea, it’s all over my Facebook. I actually saw the moron in Hope Depot sunday.
@jl: This must be the excuse Rove is giving to all the billionaires he grifted from. I doubt they’ll be buying it.
Where you at, Political Observer?
@Anonymous: He’s around today. Saying that we should all be afraid of Jebby Bush waiting in the wings.
Wondering if all these embittered wingnuts blathering about emigrating to the UK are aware that mere possession of a reasonably modern handgun can draw a sentence of anywhere from three months to five years, depending on what charge is brought by a Crown prosecutor. That and socialized medicine (horrors!) sort of put a damper on all those plans to move to the cradle of English-speaking liberty*, don’t they just?
Wingnuts trying to emigrate to the the UK (firearms, Don’t Tread On Me flags and all) would likely be about as warmly welcomed as the Mariel boatlift was here.
*Note: the Brits’ record of abject surrender of their civil liberties is probably worse than ours, if one can imagine such a thing.
@jl: Rove is probably trying to keep a bunch of pissed-off billionaires from doing something unfortunate to Rove. You’ve got to figure that Adelson at the very least knows people who know people who can make unfortunate things happen.
@ranchandsyrup: He has a new handle though. “You know who” or something like that.
I’m pretty sure the commenter today is just someone pretending to be Political Observer. But then again, there’s a pretty good chance that the original PO was DougJ or some other trickster, so it gets kind of meta…
Apparently in Roveworld, “suppressing” votes means running truthful (or “mean”) ads that showed Romney in an unflattering light, and so influenced R voters to not vote.
I did not make that up. Next up, K.Rove as Humpty Dumpty, “When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean”.
It may be that Karl Rove would have been safer in federal prison where he belongs than being so exposed to the wrath of Sheldon Adelson and his mob connections.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Anonymous: Previous threads. He’s pimping Jeb Bush for 2016.
@jwb: He can call himself Handsome Q. Wonderful. He’s just an even douchier Baghdad Bob with less than zero credibility and self-awareness.
@Anonymous: bottom feeding. dude’z depressed: they all pull the 200+ comment trick for a few days.
The Moar You Know
@hueyplong: Neither. Nugent has a predilection for underage girls that is going to be the undoing of him one day.
Probably a lot of people stayed home… as one comedian put it, this year was a black guy vs a Mormon, for certain parts of the country that’s like Aliens vs Predators. Keep in mind, Obama got about 8.5 million fewer votes this time than he did last time (69.4m vs 60.8m) as well, so we didn’t have the turn out, on either side, that we had in 2008.
Roger Moore
Leaving Texas
@John Carter:
Listened to a good chunk of that yesterday. Like a fine w(h)ine, it gets better with age.
He needs a new grift and he knows there are still suckers to be had. He doesn’t have to be successful, he just has to sell the idea.
Per DKos Romney just conceded Florida.
@The Moar You Know:
I foresee a Nugent Southeast Asia tour with Garry Glitter.
After eight years of W and the 2006 election, even the wingnuts recognized (reluctantly) the Republicans were probably going to get their asses handed to them in 2008, which is why we started to hear about how Bush wasn’t a real conservative in 2007.
This time they really expected to win, regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary. Evidently they didn’t get the memo about how rich Wall Street assholes are not exactly flavor of the day with the general populace right now, and neither are obnoxious godbotherers (Santorum, Bachmann), complete idiots (Perry, Cain), corrupt detestable has-beens (Newt!) or nutcase libertarians (Crazy Uncle Liberty).
It’s so disappointing when reality rears its ugly head.
@The Red Pen:
Cluelessness. We has it.
@beltane: What exactly does that mean? He promises not to file any recount lawsuits or something? Not that it really matters for the election as a whole.
Roger Moore
330 Electoral Votes. Ha, ha, ha!
331 Electoral Votes. Ha, ha, ha!
332 Electoral Votes. Ha, ha, ha!
Count von Count’s revenge!
@EconWatcher: My sense was that Political Observer was a low-level GOP-paid troll.
I posted a link earlier to a clueless wingnut who said she was moving to Australia because “at least their president is a christian and he stands by his word” (I paraphrase) whereas a whole bunch of Australians let little miss Georgia peach know that their Prime Minister was not only a woman but she was an atheist. The whole saga was hilarious.
Tony J
Yeah, that’s the Daily Mail. Classy, isn’t it?
Soylent Green is FReepers
@The Red Pen: I’ve been absolutely addicted to the FReeper site the last couple of days, and it is precious how unhinged they are about it. In the early hours there were actually a couple of people posting to the effect that the Mighty Wurlitzer had lied to them, but they got over that pretty quickly and now they’re almost universally plotting to cut off their noses to spite the “takers” and then WOLVERINES!
@Tony J: The troll was here on election eve touting a Romney leads story from them. I couldn’t help but chortle.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Yes, that young miss sure did have a lot to learn. After all the Aussies responded to her, she deleted all her tweets.
Well I think people tried to be more high minded in2008. Remember the meme where people were posting photos of themselves holding up signs saying that they still loved their conservative brethren and we are all in it together? And then how the conservative bullies ripped the signs up, urinated on them and went back to beating them up in the hallway every day?
Now we don’t have to feel bad for enjoying it. They are obviously going to have tantrums either way, might as well make some popcorn and watch!
BtW, if “bookmark it, LIBS!” has not already made it into the rotating slogan file, it really should.
Atlas Scrubbed:
Mitt Romney planned Boston Harbor fireworks show that was scotched by election loss
E-mail | Print | Comments (10) 11/08/2012 12:17 PM
JohnTlumacki/Globe Staff
Mitt Romney had planned to celebrate his election as the nation’s 45th president with an eight-minute fireworks display over Boston Harbor.
The same company that does some of the illuminations for Boston’s Fourth of July celebration was poised to ignite fireworks within view of Romney’s party at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center to celebrate a win over President Obama.
A permit filed with the City of Boston said the detonation could occur any time between 7 p.m. Tuesday, just after the first polls closed, and 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, which ended up being just before Romney conceded the race.
Instead, Atlas Professional Fireworks Displays unloaded the pyrotechnics from mortars set up on a barge near the Bank of America Pavilion and carted them back to its headquarters in Jaffrey, N.H…
One interesting thing about the election, is that numbers-wise, the election results ended up being an exact duplicate of 2004, with Obama in the role of Bush.
Right now, the percentage win is 2.4%, which it was for Bush.
Bush exceeded the popular vote by a little over 3 million, and Obama is closing in on that, at 2.9 million now.
So the election WAS a 2004 style election – just with 2012 demographics!
@Thoughtcrime: I love that story. Mitt Romney wanted to rub his victory in the faces of Massachusetts Democrats and now he’ll never get the chance. That’s why our big win deserves some sweet, guilt-free schadenfreude.
the Conster
He learned nothing from when Fenway Park painted the infield in anticipation of hosting the World Series before they played out Game 7 against the fucking Yankees in 2003. Obama is Mitt’s Aaron bleepin’ Boone.
I guess this could go under the schadenfreude thread. But I’m putting it under the open thread anyway.
Benen @ Maddow’s site:
While I appreciate that the GOP actually did have a tiny bit of assumed credibility on foreign issues prior to GW, Reagan & Bush 1 were not all that in the foreign policy area. So lest Benen begin to get into the false equivalence he really needs to outline the fact that Clinton had some solid foreign policy cred, and that the myth of the GOP foreign policy standard bearing was just that, a myth. Just like the myth of the GOP being the party that supports the military/more patriotic. And the myth of the GOP being the party of financial stability & responsibility. Myths & delusions! Say it Benen!
What I do love about this post, though, and Benen doesn’t go there either, is that Huntsman could have been the GOP’s foreign policy-heavy nominee but they chose Mitt instead. I don’t think that Obama could have beaten Huntsman. He seemed like a really decent guy with solid credentials and zero baggage. And relatively centrist. I don’t think they can get him back in 2016, and I hope that Obama will be sure not to name any GOPer to a post that would give them a shred of foreign policy cover.
Just as the GOP shot themselves in the foot by denying Warren a post, they’ve obliterated their chances for being foreign policy stars in the near & distant future by denying Huntsman. And not so sure how much they’ll be able to rely on the Bebe/Iran issue 4 years from now. But I guess they’ll at least continue to give that their best shot via Fox news and congress.
RE: I posted a link earlier to a clueless wingnut who said she was moving to Australia because “at least their president is a christian and he stands by his word” (I paraphrase) whereas a whole bunch of Australians let little miss Georgia peach know that their Prime Minister was not only a woman but she was an atheist.
Not only that, Prime Minister Julia Gillard just loves herself some Obama:
Delighted, little wingnuts. Delighted.
@The Red Pen:
I wish him/her good luck with that. A lot of larger companies don’t let you opt out unless you can prove you have coverage through a spouse, because it’s way more expensive for them if you get sick and have no coverage.
This is exactly the type of dickhead that can be the poster child for the Obamacare Asshole Moron tax.
Chyron HR
Right, that’s why it’s so important that the President of Australia is around to keep her at bay with his good Christian values.
Tony J
Yeah I saw that. I’d like to say that ‘everyone knows’ that the Daily Mail is about as credible as UnSkewed Polls, but since millions upon millions of my fellow Britons but it every day… let’s just say that ‘everyone who knows’ knows it, and those who don’t know are idiots.
Judging by its current touting of JEBMENTUM 2016 I’ve got to play the Joker Card here. He of the Multiple Nyms is the best spoof BJ has seen since the glory days of Doug.
Hey just curious-where do you go when you need a visit to an Alternative Universe? I mostly avoid that, cuz it’s way too stressful. But when the glow of Our Side Winning is still fresh, the unfiltered thoughts of Teh Crazy can just roll off of me like raindrops off a duck.
So I’m spending some time over at Neoneocon. What is amazing is that this is not the typo-ridden racists rantings you get at so many right wing sites. These are, ya know, Smart Crazies. People who should, kinda, know better. Many of the used to be “liberal”, although it sounds more like they were into left wing proto-violent nuttery of the campus variety.
As soon as I come down from my Four More Years high, and return to the reality that our democracy/republic is in great peril, and the neoneocon commenters are part of the reason, I’ll stop going there. But for now, it’s kinda fun.
patrick II
One of the reasons Huntsman had no chance with republicans was that he worked as Obama’s diplomat to China, so while it gave Huntsman foreign policy cred, it hurt him in the party. Obama was effusive in his thanks as Huntsman left his post to campaign — which really killed any chance he might have had.
@Tony J: Back in the early 80’s, when we lived in England, I subscribed to it just for the crosswords.
White Sluts on Hope
The web site Jezebel is having all kinds of fun with how “Apparently Romney Lost the All-Important ‘Slut Vote’” and how wingnuts just can’t help themselves in blaming inherently unstable wimmins for votinig for Obama:
And there was also this:
I’ll be the first to admit it. A couple weeks ago I predicted a Romney win. I predicted this largely because he played up his alpha cred in the first debate. But one photo-op on the Jersey Shore with Obama looking tough in a bomber jacket destroyed all that, which is yet another reason sane societies don’t let women get involved in government.
Golly, gee. Nothing at all like all those over-compsensating little weasels who got boners watching Dubya prance around in a flight suit in front of that “Mission Accomplished” banner.
Like, for example, Chris Matthews and Ann Coulter, back in the day:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, Bob Dornan, you were a congressman all those years. Here’s a president who’s really nonverbal. He’s like Eisenhower. He looks great in a military uniform. He looks great in that cowboy costume he wears when he goes West. I remember him standing at that fence with Colin Powell. Was [that] the best picture in the 2000 campaign?…
MATTHEWS: Ann Coulter, you’re the first to speak tonight on the buzz. The president’s performance tonight, redolent of the best of Reagan — what do you think?
COULTER: It’s stunning. It’s amazing. I think it’s huge. I mean, he’s landing on a boat at 150 miles per hour. It’s tremendous. It’s hard to imagine any Democrat being able to do that. And it doesn’t matter if Democrats try to ridicule it. It’s stunning, and it speaks for itself.
ETA: The wingnuts are going to supply comedy gold through 2016 and beyond.
Warren Terra
Via Charlie Pierce, this is freaking hilarious:
First comment, from one Mike Nichols:
Another commenter, Dan Staley, gets at the core of the Romney personality:
The Reality-Based Community had a contest for snarky/insightful Romney campaign slogans. Mine was to the effect that Romney Knows The Value Of America – because Romney made his bundle looking at institutions and realizing how much money he could extract by destroying them, and leaving as little as possible for their current stakeholders. He couldn’t recognize other forms of value, or longer-term rewards from cooperation. Everything must serve him, and in the short term. So this massively wealthy man screwed his staff out of a couple of dozen dollars apiece, and humiliated them – to what purpose?
Ah, but here’s a totally charming moment as an antidote:
Father First: Cute Daddy-Daughter Moment Caught on Camera During Obama’s Victory Speech
Election night was a pretty hectic night for me, so I imagine it was at least doubly so for President Obama.
That’s why it was particularly heartwarming to see this short but uniquely sweet exchange between the First Father and his First Daughter Sasha that took place just before the newly re-elected president delivered his acceptance speech.
As Obama stands on stage waving at his supporters, Sasha lightly taps on her dad and reminds him to show some love to the people behind him, which he immediately does.
It’s an ephemeral moment for sure, but a telling one.
late to the thread, but speaking of the Obama girls.
This by buzzfeed is really cute. It’s a picture timeline of the Obama girls from his first Senate campaign to Election night.
It’s amazing how much they’ve grown in just these past 4 years.
And just think by the time he leaves office in 4 years, Malia will be off to college and Sasha will be in high school.
The Sasha And Malia Obama Aging Timeline
Tony J
Back in the Age of Thatcher Uber Alles? They must have been some – really – fulfilling crosswords. 8-)
@Tony J: na, back then the paper wasn’t too wingnutty. The Times, The Sun and I think the Telegraph were Maggie’s biggest fans. The crossword puzzles weren’t political at all back then. I haven’t lived there since 1983 so I have missed alot.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.
Full Metal Wingnut
@ranchandsyrup: Not only is the Bush name poison and readily attacked for the purposes of those sweet sweet undecideds and swing voters, Jeb has skeletons of his own, not the least of which is his politically unviable wife. I don’t expect Jeb to run.