Via TPM:
According to reports in the Los Angeles Times and New York Times, the former Republican nominee said during a call with donors on Wednesday that Obama had been “very generous” in doling out “big gifts” to “the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people” as well as to women throughout his first term. Benefits such as access to “free health care,” guaranteed contraceptive coverage, more affordable student loans, and “amnesty for children of illegals,” all combined to give the president a decisive edge in popularity.
There you have it. For Romney it is still and always will be about the “moochers.”
Impeach the guy. I still haven’t received my gift.
schrodinger's cat
He should know, he is the biggest moocher of them all.
I have been quite critical of your posts in general, but I have to say that I much appreciate your take on the Petraeus affair.
Don’t let the car elevator hit you on the head on the way down, Mitt.
Odie Hugh Manatee
ZOMG… Rachel just used Erick, Son of Erick, as an example of the right starting to rid itself of the *crazies. Fuck are the crazies at RedState ever going to explode over this.
When a conservative pundit like Erick is quoted in a positive manner by the “extreme left”, the shit is going to fly.
WARNING: *Crazies are defined as secessionists, birthers, voter fraud nuts and the like. Does not include the religious right.
The Prez and George Soros had best get me my virgins, stat, or there will be heck to pay, HECK I say.
The difference is, Mitt would have been generous to the
whiteright people.kindness
Epistemic closure is still closed.
So what were the gifts the Kenyan Mooslim Usurper promised to the 41 percent of the old white guys? Since that’s apparently the only reason they would vote for Osamabama. And what gifts were denied to the 27 percent of Latinos?
I have been wondering for awhile why people seem to think that Mittens is smart. Shit like this reinforces the idea that he’s just a stupid, amoral, entitled motherfucker who deserves to be exiled to Somalia. Should probably send Tagg with him, to punch a pirate or warlord in the mouf.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Well, Dan Rather just absolutely totalled the Republican party on TRMS. Destroyed. Blew them into smoking chunks. Dan Rather.
IMO, those groups gave America a “big gift” by helping to keep Romney out of the presidency.
I want my pony!
@PreservedKillick: What was the gist?
Someone should inform Money Boo Boo that the dog whistles aren’t really needed any longer. Maybe he developed a taste for them during his interminable campaign.
OT, and likely mentioned before elsewhere, but kudos – big ones – to the team who put together the new mobile BJ. Saw it today for the first time (Android) and was very impressed.
Well done.
Those things are gifts? Access to “free health care,” guaranteed contraceptive coverage, more affordable student loans, and “amnesty for children of illegals should be available and not considered gifts.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Yeah, that shot that Rather took at Walnuts was sweet. ‘You can’t pick Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency and be taken seriously. You can’t have it both ways.’
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Mitt is becoming Donald Trump II.
Short Bus Bully
GOP = Projection
The gifts they give to their voters aren’t “gifts”, they’re “earned”. As in: Here, let’s privitize the state of Wisconsin.
That they are totally out of touch (“like the guy who comes into the office wearing spats”), absolutely obstructionist, wandering in the wilderness, in need of a wakeup call, etc.
Then he pointed out that McCain, who chose Palin to be one heartbeat away, should not be criticizing anyone’s judgement.
All in his very low-key way.
What? You thought this was Romney’s fault? Hell no! Romney ran the perfect campaign. The only reason he lost was because Obama cheated by actually appealing to his core constituency.
Felonius Monk
I think it’s time for a “Where’s Our Stuff” march on Washington.
Short Bus Bully
@Gravenstone: Those aren’t the dog whistles you’re looking for.
That’s how the Mittster actually feels in his barren, hollow soul.
Isn’t it time for this detestable loser to go disappear and make love to his money for a while?
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
This is gratifying news! It is very pleasing to learn that Romney is obviously taking his epic failure badly. I sincerely hope his disappointment stings, lingers, and causes him sleepless nights. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Mike in NC
The most memorable thing to me about Willard was the scenes on TV where his bus would pull up someplace and he’d get off and pretend to be totally surprised by the adoring crowd. No doubt composed mostly of Mormon cousins and paid sycophants.
The thing about these so-called gifts is that they amount to doing what the government should do, work for the people.
Affordable healthcare. Sane immigration policies. Affordable education. These things are “gifts”? Well, yes they are. They are also societal values, things we work for, things we agree are important, things we *pay* for.
Reasons we have a government.
You people think you’re entitled to food, shelter, health care-you name it. Who do you people think you are anyway, one of Ann’s horses?
The Fat Kate Middleton
God. Simply unbelievable. But Princess Ann says he’s the leader America needs, and NOW YOU’VE STOPPED HIM FROM LEADING AND AMERICA WILL DIE!!!
Also too: from Think Progress –
I’m wondering which of the billionaire donors are going to have one of their surrogates follow up on this with extreme prejudice.
Robin G.
He just keeps outdoing himself. Nice note to wrap up on, Mittens. Begone now.
Rmoney knows what a real moocher should look like. It ain’t chump change, and it usually means paying for your toys with someone else’s money.
Did we dodge a bullet with this asshole or what?
So what was that you were saying about how you were “completely wrong” with your 47% comment, Mittens? Too bad you ended up on the wrong end of 47% in the election you hopelessly entitled prick.
Jim Faith
President Bronco Bama promised ponies for everyone.
Bill E Pilgrim
I thought you meant Romney, at first.
That would be a great idea. I’m sorry, you’re too much of an embarrassment to have even run for President. We’re going to toss you out and elect someone else to have lost the election.
Spaghetti Lee
I read crap like that and I’m not really sure what Republicans want. It seems like not only do they want a government that punishes and humiliates and degrades people who make less than $200K a year, but they want the people who they punish to thank them for it and beg for more. Running the country in the way that any other civilized nation does gets painted as bribery, and people who don’t want to be broke and uneducated for the rest of their lives are portrayed as greedy spoiled brats looking for freebies (meanwhile, the CEO who cut 5,000 jobs so he could give himself a bonus check are the most noble and self-sacrificing people on the planet.)
I just can’t wrap my head, sometimes, on how bizarre it all is. It’s like an entire political party full of pod people.
Hill Dweller
Bigger douche: Romney or McCain?
McCain said Ambassador Rice was “not very bright” today. For the record, Susan Rice was awarded the Truman Scholarship and elected Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford. She subsequently became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, where she earned her PhD.
Why would McCain call such an accomplished woman “not very bright”?
For Romney it is still and always will be about the “moochers.”
Well, yeah. That’s the whole thing with the always cutting taxes: black people and hispanics and gays and crippled veterans and little old racist white ladies who live in Alabama are all moochers because they are getting the tax money that they paid for when everyone understands that to really help business you have to tax the have-nots and give to the haves, because Rand, Ayn rhymes with swine. And Jesus and Joseph Smith only love rich people.
If your brain is purely on Fox news, no degree from Harvard and no record at skillfully extracting money from less rich people via assorted high risk adventures and well executed tax evasion will make you smart.
[‘I make no comment on the dried, molted skin lying on the ground that used to be known as Moderate Mitt.’]
@Hill Dweller:
Because he wimped out, right at the end. But we all heard ni-CLANG anyway.
Normally Mittens or ZEGS or O’Reilly would mansplain it to you, but since they’re not here …
They’re “gifts” because the rich/old white folk already have these things (because they deserve them because of all their hard “work”), whereas the darkies and sluts DON’T deserve them (because they’re lazy, shiftless, and slatternly), so anything Mittens and his peers deign to grant to the darkies et al. should be considered gifts from their betters.
I mean, it’s not as if the darkies have EARNED any of those things.
For some reason, I’m reminded of this. Not sure why.
Guess Who
He is right, of course. It’s very difficult to run against Santa Claus, which is what Obambi ran as.
Free healthcare, free foodstamps, free section 8 housing, free contraceptives, free phones, free heating oil, free free free…Barack Claus is coming to town…and he’s doing it on the taxpayer dime.
Of course the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. It will happen.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
@Hill Dweller: Maybe she’s too urban.
Naaaayyy, not I!
@schrodinger’s cat: Seriously. The country’s biggest moocher, by far, is corporate America. They can dog whistle all day long, but it won’t change that fact.
I won’t be satisfied with my “gift” til I get reimbursed for all the years I’ve paid for health insurance that didn’t cover everything for my non-standard i.e., female body parts.
But I guess that makes it reparations which are evil.
pseudonymous in nc
And there I was wishing Mittens a happy retirement to spend more time with his money.
Perhaps he’s going with the non-white moochers line because he thinks it will satisfy his donors. Doesn’t really matter. He’s not beholden to them any more, other than perhaps they won’t appoint him to a non-exec position on the board or recommend him for a country club membership.
Guess Who
Don’t worry! Barack Claus is coming to town! Free stuff for nothing!
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
I’ve said it before, but: when it comes to free stuff, I’d like the $58,000 that Mitt Romney makes every DAY from his investments, without having to do any actual work.
Guess Who
Free things paid for with other people’s money. America is turning from its roots of self reliance and independence down the road of hopeless welfare dependency and living it up on the taxpayer dime. Whatever happened to personal responsibility, hard work, and paying your own way?
Guess Who
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
Of course you would. The taproot of Socialism is jealous envy.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: I totally get it. And I’m reminded of one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, when I met Randy Newman after a concert, and brought over a glass of white wine for him. Nice, so far, right? Then discovered there was no more wine left in the house and asked if he would mind pouring a little of his into my glass. Did I mention I was already ++++? He shook his head no, of course. So I took care of the embarrassment by kissing him. And I can’t imagine why i’m sharing this here. Maybe ’cause I’m ++.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: I totally get it. And I’m reminded of one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, when I met Randy Newman after a concert, and brought over a glass of white wine for him. Nice, so far, right? Then discovered there was no more wine left in the house and asked if he would mind pouring a little of his into my glass. Did I mention I was already ++++? He shook his head no, of course. So I took care of the embarrassment by kissing him. And I can’t imagine why i’m sharing this here. Maybe ’cause I’m ++.
J R in WVa
This Williard guy, how stupid is he anyway?
What kind of bullet did the USA dodge by NOT electing such a dumb ass to the Presidency?
We’ve got freedom of speech, what a gift to the 47% to be able to say out loud what a stupid jerk one candidate is! How much did that cost Obama for America?
I suppose Romney thinks that those “gifts” President Obama gave his supporters, those gifts aren’t available to the minority who supported the Republican’t ticket, right?
They won’t be using education, medical care, libraries, right? Or new interstate bridges, only Democratic voters get to use those bridges, right?
Romney is only capable of seeing the world as a zero sum game. If someone gets something, that means it was taken away from someone else. If Republican’ts get something, they get it by taking it away from a Democratic voter!
That must have been his plan for America! Take things away from members of the Democratic party in order to give them to Republican’ts, right? RIGHT! No
What a messed up world view. We can’t lean over to pull someone else up, because that will put one of the leadership class back down a little. Helping a little old lady evacuate from the flood prone beach area in teh face of a hurricane means NOT helping a rich beach-front owner escape the storm, right?
Let the little old ladies and crippled and aged old men, retired from a life as a pipefitter, let them drown, so the rich guys can save their Aston Martin or Ferrari from the high water. More important than saving a retired plumber, ex member of the 82nd Airborne, volunteer at the local school teaching about WW II history. He isn’t nearly as important as a rich guy’s Picasso, right?
Republican’ts make me sick, and Rmoney is the worst walking example of a self-centered ignorant, selfish monster that ever dreamed he was a better candidate for President that Barack Obama!
President Obama won reelection because he ran a better campaign, and because he showed Romney’s actual beliefs about America, why Romney thought he was better suited to run the government, and why Barack Obama was the better person to lead the government.
@Hill Dweller:
Because she wasn’t a Navy pilot
enemy collaboratorhero with an Admiral father.ETA: Did you know she wasn’t a POW?
Mark S.
@Hill Dweller:
I’d say Romney’s a bigger douche, but it is pretty laughable that a guy who finished second-to-last at Annapolis and would have been drummed out of the Navy if his dad wasn’t an Admiral is calling anyone like Rice as not very bright. This coming from the guy who foisted Sarah Palin on the nation.
dance around in your bones
So I can be like Minnie the Moocher :)
Maybe Coal Black and the Sebben Dwarves?
Fukkit – moderation.
Guess Who
A record number of Americans are on food stamps as reported just this week. BARACK CLAUS IS COMIN TO TOWN! Who needs to find a job when Uncle Sugar will always be there to feed you?
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Guess Who: As satire goes, I hope you don’t mind my saying that this is king of weak.
Guess Who
A wise man once said that democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It only lasts until the public realizes they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. It then degenerates into bankruptcy, and then tyranny. America is about to learn that lesson the hard way, in spades.
Mwa-ha-ha! Come to the left coast and collect your stuff, moochers.
@The Fat Kate Middleton: I’m thinkin’ that Guess Who just needs a good lay. That would jolly him up—“his juices are all damned up”.
Yes this.
BJ just rawks on my Google Nexus 7. Even faster after I updated to Jelly Bean 4.2 yesterday.
@Guess Who:
I.C. what you did there.
Amir Khalid
@Guess Who:
Tell me, o very patriotic American, why have you named yourself after a Canadian rock band?
Plus, your post-election comments have been so much meaningless noise. Have the new talking points not arrived yet from the Propaganda Office?
Evolving Deep Southerner
As usual, I get left out of all the really good shit.
@Hill Dweller: She has entirely too much melanin in her skin, of course.
@Guess Who: Shouldn’t you be off keeping an eye on the sky waiting for the black helicopters to come drag you off to a FEMA camp where you will learn to love Big Brother?
The Fat Kate Middleton
@nancydarling: Well … I’ll give him a glass of wine, but I sure ain’t gonna lay him. Anyway … it’s just Doug J again.
@Amir Khalid:
As of about midnight last Tuesday, all their credit cards were cancelled. Funny, that.
Next thing you know, the undesirables will be demanding things like the ability to pay for clean water and garbage collection. You know those Urbans. They don’t have their own trash pits or wells, and expect others to compete to provide them services!
Next thing you know, the plans to privatize air are going to be considered Unamerican, or something. And don’t get me started on the sex tax, which is the only way to get America back on its feet.
@Guess Who:
@Hill Dweller: The same reason Trump said President Obama is not very bright. She is blah.
@Amir Khalid: Yep, its running on mental fumes until new orders come down from the “brain” trust. Not very bright or innovative on its own, our little troll.
Cruel, that. I wouldn’t mind too much seeing Tagg try, but I figure I’d be turning away right quick.
Felonius Monk
@Hill Dweller:
Guess Who
Higher taxes, more debt, bigger government…that’s California alright. This means even more of your businesses and people will move to low-tax Texas and Arizona. The only people that move to California now are Third World illegals. Mexifornia, here we come! From symbol of the American Dream to bankrupt Third World hellhole in a generation. Thanks Jerry Brown!
Mitt who?
@Guess Who:
The people getting most of the freebies (paid for with OPM) are the one-percenters who pay you to troll here, and the various Rethugs and their supporters.
I think you used to talk about – before Mittens got his butt kicked last Tuesday – “makers” and “takers.” What you stupid mofos seem to forget is that – as with just about everything you do, say, or think – you have it completely ass-backwards. The REAL “takers” are the one-percenters who enrich themselves at the expense of their workers and the public in general. The “takers” are the wingtards in the Red states that take $1.25 and more in state aid for every $1.00 in Federal tax that they pay, while the Blue states fund the Reds’ extravagances.
So, thanks for the usual mixture of lies and projection, but your shit don’t float here, you dumb motherfucker. Or, to paraphrase you, before Mittens GOT FUCKING KILLED IN THE ELECTION – Suck It, Reichtard.
This line of reasoning would make a lot more sense if the GOP didn’t just finish going ape-shit bananas over the HCR mandate, and their entire economic philosophy wasn’t “lower taxes and the government will get more revenue”.
@Guess Who:
Uh, not. But thanks for stayin’ wherever you be stayin’. I think we’re all happier.
Amir Khalid
@J R in WVa:
Amen. On the other hand Mitt Romney, as I’ve noted before, offered the common touch of Thurston Howell III, the able leadership of the Pointy-Haired Boss, and the moral compass of Gordon Gekko.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Sooo… does anyone know when Obama is going to have this free stuff shipped out? I’m patient but don’t like being totally in the dark as I want to be home when it arrives. I’m hoping that he sends me a free contraceptive gay college marriage loan! It’s not for me, I figure I can find someone who would have a better use for it than I would.
I want to keep the box it comes in, my cat loves boxes!
dead existentialist
I’ve been dying to post this link that shows how the best-educated vs. the least-educated states voted. This is actually a link to a Fox News article. Too funny.
J R in WVa
@Hill Dweller:
Really want to know?
McCain and Romney both think Dr. Rice got all those awards because she is AFRICAN and not because she earned then by being better than the other candidates for those awards and honors.
She’s a Ni-g-CLANG and obviously can’t be smart, there’s too much brown in her skin for her brain to work better than white guys.
Deep down Republican’ts don’t believe that any black person can actually be the smartest person in the room, no matter what room and who in in that room with them. None of them!
That’s why they can’t stand it that President Obama got re-elected. It has to be a trick, a cheat, a voter fraud. He can’t be smarter and a better leader than Romney AND McCain.
This can’t be happening to America! Electing a Ni-CLANG means the end of American supremacy over the rest of the world! We now lose because our leader is a black guy who became a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago not because he’s well educated and smart, but because of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!
The same reason Dr. Rice got that Rhodes scholarship to Oxford! Not because they are competent, because they’re BLACK!
Hateful bastards, all of them!
Mark S.
Ha, like that’s ever going to happen. Everyone knows women only have sex with men who vote for free contraception.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Kate –
I’m envious. I probably wouldn’t have tried to kiss him, though, but that’s just me.
I imagine he was OK with it, too.
@Guess Who: Bookmark it Libs!!
Your tears are still so sweet more than a week later.
Pleasse, please, please never go away.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
A friend pointed out that Tagg drove Ann and Mitt to his home in Belmont after the victory celebration that wasn’t. They drove from Boston (80% for Obama) through Cambridge (90% for Obama) to Belmont (66% for Obama).
Until the last mile of their drive, they drove, knowing that almost no one in the houses they were passing voted for them. Until they reached their own block, they probably didn’t see any Romney/Ryan signs at all.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@J R in WVa: Nicely said. The whole Romney campaign was built on the idea that goodies should only go to the Right Kind of People,and they can’t seem to grasp that Obama supporters might not share that attitude. Actually caring about ALL Americans, what a concept!
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Guess Who: What a dear little amuse-gueule that is. Here … I just found some more white wine. Have another glass.
Felonius Monk
@SFAW: Amen!
Guess Who
Face it, your state sucks. CALIFORNIA SUCKS. Why else are native born Americans fleeing that craphole for Nevada, Arizona, Texas etc?
dance around in your bones
Well, if my comment ever comes out of moderation, it was all tongue in cheek.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
@dmsilev: Good stuff, dmsilev! Oh, and shoot, he won’t even be able to celebrate Christmas, now that BHO has declared war on the baby Jesus and Santa Claus.
@Guess Who:
It doesn’t. The state republican party tried really, really hard to make it suck..but they failed. And now that they’ve been tossed out, much of the suckage can be fixed.
Yeah, I imagine Tagg would start to take a swing, but would never complete it. Unless he was wearing a complete set of body armor, and even then …
So I guess I don’t wish death on him. But a good old-fashioned butt kicking might do him some good.
Actually, according to one of my wingnut FB friends, the Republicans really truly won last Tuesday. It’s just that for some reason — probably relating to free stuff stolen from Makers — too many not real Americans voted. But if only the right votes were counted, Mitt would be president and the Senate would be republican as well.
And, therefore, Obama HAS TO do what John Boehner wants him to do because Obama really didn’t win.
My wingnutter friend really said this stuff.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Don’t forget the free arugula.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I’ve been waiting years for my Soros check and it still hasn’t arrived. I hope the president is a little faster with his gift.
Incidentally, the troll also promised us that we could take a Romney victory to the bank. I tried doing this but the teller just laughed at me. Why did the troll deceive us in this way?
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: It embarrassed the HELL out of my son, who paid for the concert and after-concert tickets as a birthday gift. He regularly reminds me of the trauma it caused him.
mai naem
I think Mitt, Tagg,Skip, Biff,Buzz, and Marie Annetoinette should get a free ride on a C17. Maybe the ghost of George McGovern can fly it, if he’s unavailable, John Glenn can do it, anyway they need to fly the lot of them into Afghanistan and throw them off the plane where they can parachute their asses into Helmand Province . Tammy Duckworth can be along for just for the airplane ride to give the Romneys advice.No body armor of course, the US government can’t afford it. A few MREs, the Mormon bible, heck they can even have one gun for the whole family. That’s enough. No language training. No cultural training. They can just go out there and defend American interests. That’s some spethal free market there.
dead existentialist
@Guess Who: You don’t run out of other people’s money when everyone has some.
FREE health care ??
Really? Since when ??
Odie Hugh Manatee
You ought to be happy that’s all that happened. Entering a bank with a gun, even if it’s a pellet gun and it’s unloaded, is dangerous!
Maybe the teller knew that Bain sold him out a long time ago?
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
The wonderful post at Kos about the straight woman who organized and fought for her gay highschool friend’s rights in Maine during this last election puts the lie to the Romney argument that people vote for “goodies” and “gifts” for themselves. On the contrary–I voted altruistically and wisely for better healthcare for other people, for pell grants for other people, for contraceptive care for other people, for freedom of choice for other people, for gay marriage for other people.
There’s a story that is, variously, buddhist, jewish, christian about the difference between heaven and hell. A man is taken by the angels to see hell and he hears the sound of weeping and wailing. He is shown into a room filled with a long table groaning with wonderful food and drink and sitting at it are hundreds of people. But each person’s arm bends backwards and as they try to lift food to their mouths the food falls away from them, so they weep and gnash their teeth in eternal suffering and hunger. So this is their punishment, he thinks, that they are tortured by the near availability of food and drink but perpetually unable to touch it?
The angel then takes him on to heaven where he hears the sound of laughter and joy and conversation. In an identical room, at an identical table, people are sitting and enjoying themselves. He turns to the angel and says “so, this is the difference between heaven and hell? In hell people are prevented from enjoying what they have and in heaven everything is offered to the people freely? And the angel says “no, look again.” And he looks and sees that the people are configured in the same weird way, with their arms bending backwards–but here each person lifts food and drink to their neighbor’s mouth. And everyone, by working together, shares and enjoys what is good.
In Romney/Ryan world each voter is eternally out for himself and can only be happy when he has screwed every other voter. But that’s basically the same error in worldview that punishes the people in hell–unable to work together each staunch individualist starves to death.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
I’ll have to give him a stern talking-to. Especially since he probably has gotten some mileage out of the story, the little hypocrite.
(Just kidding, I would never insult a child of yours – unless he turned out to be Guess Who [in any of his iterations].)
What does the million man march and a lesbian rally have in common?? A bunch of people who don’t do dick…
@Hill Dweller: He also supported 9/11 fucker-upper Condi for SOS in 04 and nominated a proudly ignorant dolt as his running mate. The notion that he thinks he has any authority to pass judgment on anyone’s competence or intelligence after that is just mind boggling.
@Guess Who:
Don’t blame the world because you found out your brother is really your father.
The Fat Kate Middleton
I can say with all confidence: NEVER! And I recently purchased tickets for him and his wife (and me) to see Emmy Lou Harris perform soon – so I’m forgiven.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@aimai: I love that story. Hell becomes heaven when you care about your neighbor.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@aimai: I love this. I have actually read it three times so I can tell it to others.
@dead existentialist:
Don’t try to argue with Political Observer – just mock it.
Never take a troll’s arguments more seriously than the troll does – down that path leads anger, hate, and the dark side (but without the cool Force Lightning, unfortunately).
Mike in NC
@Guess Who: Enjoy bending over and spreading those sweet cheeks for the next four years! But Unlimited Corporate Cash!
Wonderful post, and great parable (or whatever the right word is).
The Rethugs assume that, because they always think the worst of others, that others think the same way. I don’t know if that whole mindset depresses me, but it certainly doesn’t restore my faith in certain parts of (in)humanity.
CW in LA
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: And spicy mustard for our cheeseburgers.
@Guess Who:
Got cite?
For the record, we have zero coal mines for wingnut bosses to lay their dudez off from on account of the dusky usurper’s win.
And, quelle surprise for those who don’t remember his history, Jesuit Jerry is more legitimately “conservative” than your beloved & vanquished spank monkey, Willard. He’ll have the budget balanced by next fiscal year.
The legislature’s first act will be digging up Howard Jarvis’ corpse and fashioning a bong from his skull.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: Also too: Can you give me a link to your poetry? I didn’t save it from the other night, and liked it so very much.
Profiles in Douchebaggery. So much for being magnanimous in defeat. The douche who has made a name for himself tilting at entitlements himself feels entitled to the presidency – but for Obama stealing it away from him, what with all the democracy and such.
We really dodged a bullet by NOT electing this guy.
What really frosted my arse about the original “47 percent” video was the fact that NOBODY, save for Jim Webb, really emphasized that injured military vets could fall under Romney’s “47 percent” umbrella. I wanted a journalist to hammer Romney, face-to-face, on how his remark would go down with a brain-damaged veteran of the war he avoided (The combat avoidance is not, for me, disqualifying. All the things related to Romney’s combat avoidance were: his heckling of war protesters at Stanford, his failure to note, at really any point since he’s been in public life, that many of his coreligionists DID NOT, in fact, use the exemptions available to them during Vietnam, and finally, the combination of his current hawkish posture with his “47 percent” disrespect for the people who would follow through on his current hawkishness.).
Sweet jeebus, this guy is a chickenshit coward to his core. Or, to be even more cutting (and neccessarily so): he is a right – wing version of that rare Vietnam War protester who spat on returning soldiers.
We should retire the Somalia meme. It turns out that there is another country that is even closer to living the Wingnut Dream:
ETA: I will gladly contribute the entire cost of our favorite troll’s ticket.
@Guess Who: By the way, how does it feel to be a WHINY FUCKING LOSER who’s been WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING?
The Fat Kate Middleton
@The Fat Kate Middleton: Or do I have the wrong person? Sorry, if so.
Triassic Sands
OMG! Mitt Romney is a sore loser. Who could ever have imagined such a thing?
I’m shocked!
Where do I go to volunteer?
As gawd is my witness, I will NOT allow Texas to secede unless they take Oklahoma with them.
Roger Moore
@Guess Who:
Because they’re racist fuckwads who can’t stand to live in a state that isn’t majority white anymore.
@Hill Dweller: “Why would McCain call such an accomplished woman ‘not very bright?’ ”
Because he’s still ticked that he was 5th from the bottom in his class at Annapolis?
If they sold tickets to that event, they could wipe out their deficit in about a day.
Now, if only they could do that for Grover Dorquist as well, the universe would come into balance. (I bet Grover’s dad used to tell him he was the Chosen One, too.)
Since when is Billy Kristol trolling here?
Guess Who sure is angry today. California sucks? As opposed to what–Mississippi? South Dakota? Kansas? Florida, where people shoot strangers on the street when they’re not eating them? Texas, the black hole of American suckitude? Most of the red states suck horribly in every measurable way. Their quality of life stinks, their unemployment is high, they have shitty health care, shitty education, shitty ethics and are run by batshit-crazy, shitty people. They contribute nothing. California (and I’m no fan of the state) is a paradise of culture and economy in comparison.
@mai naem:
What did the people of Helmand ever do to you, that you hate them so?
@Guess Who: Could you cry a little over here please? My wingnut tears glass needs refreshed. Kthxbai!
@Triassic Sands:
We can only imagine (thankfully) what a sore winner he’d have been. Anyone who knows a narcissist understands what that’s like.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Kate –
The only poetry I know starts out:
“There once was a man from Nantucket”
Must be someone else. (I’m a injineer, we don’t do poetry.)
The Fat Kate Middleton
@efgoldman: Yeah, I know – and I worked in broadcasting, too, so should remember how this works. Of course, I also want to forget I ever worked in broadcasting.
@Guess Who:
This post is the cutest one. Mittens’s only coherent policy idea was his determination to hand over as much of the country’s wealth to rich asshole like himself and lie to the rest of us about it with stories about how tax cuts for the rich make the sky fart money and close the deficit.
He was the real “free stuff” candidate.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, and Kansas, too. Why cut out only half the cancer?
dead existentialist
@NonyNony: Not arguing. But I dropped the ball big time. Should’ve said:
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: Yup. Sorry. I think it was BG in Chicago, or whatever his name is here. Too many white wines. I think I’ll just get up and pour another one, if you all don’t mind.
@Roger Moore:
Dunno about Texas but Arizona and Nevada are far worse economic crapholes than California, and Texas holds the distinction of the highest uninsured population percentage, so Workers’ Paradise, here we come!
Much more Schadenfreude and I won’t have room for that wafer thin mint.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
So is it the free stuff or the mind control?
A special song just for Comrade Guess Who.
(Gotta watch out for them commie negros.)
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Guess Who:
u mad bro?
I do like your new whiny tone over the old crowing with overconfidence tone, it’s an improvement.
It perfectly fits the loser image I have of you.
@Or something like that.Suffern Ace:
If you have the mind control, why give out the free stuff? For that matter, if you have the mind control, how could anyone ever know that you have the mind control?
The Fat Kate Middleton
@hueyplong: What’s really interesting for me about all this schadenfreude is the effect it’s had on my blood pressure. For the first time in years, it’s absolutely normal. My doctor asked me what I’d been doing to make this happen – I told him voting for Obama. It pissed him off so much, I’m thinking about shopping around for another doc. And don’t even ask me what he said about Obamacare.
@Guess Who:
If you hate America, get the fuck out. We neither need nor want your kind in our country.
Guesswho K. Mooney, will you please go now.
@Spaghetti Lee:
There was a classic SNL sketch that mixed up INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS with the first campaign Ronald Reagan made for the Presidency. The GOP handed out pods to all the Democratic voters, and they woke up the next day as Reagan voters.
Bill Murray was the last one to be overtaken.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Can you get me some Cab while you’re up? Or some 12 year old Balvenie?
Mark S.
I remember hearing that story when I was kid. Thanks, I’d completely forgotten it.
@Guess Who: You know something? That’s exactly how LOSERS talk.
Awesome. How the hell did you find that?
@Guess Who:
Your tears are like ambrosia.
Cry hard little loser.
There is no White Horse Prophecy.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: Cab, yes. Here. Sorry about the Balvenie. All I have is Highland Falls. Slainte.
Roger Moore
No. Grover Norquist needs to collapse and drown in his bathtub because all the paramedics is his area were laid off due to budget cuts.
ZOMG, Twinkies being threatened by union thugs(tm)!,0,4641555.story
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Methinks our wee little troll doth not like the taste of humble pie. Maybe I can rustle him up some crow.
@Roger Moore:
The irony is strong with this one.
Sweet Rompin’ Ronnie Reagan on a Roomba, that’s demented.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Roger Moore: You make me laugh. I kill you last.
buh..but I thought he later said he was kidding or some other bullshit?
Surfing YouTube using strange search words.
Also found this this one which confirms something I’ve always suspected: Justin Bieber is a ChiCom plot to destroy America.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
The election, once you got through the useless parts, was about class warfare. Mitt knows this, his donors know this, and they are not going to go down quietly.
You think that’s demented? Check this out.
This may be the most ridiculous goal I have ever seen.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Thanks. But isn’t “Slainte” from that other place? The one at the other end of Finn McCool’s (or Fingal’s?) bridge?
As did I. I also voted for other people’s immigration problems to be solved, for other people to get a chance to work their way up the ladder, for a better climate for those who will live after I do.
And I voted for a Democrat in the White House because the deficit improves when Republicans are not in charge and the stock market does considerably better. That last bit was voting self-interest.
Roger Moore
I think of it more as poetic justice than irony, though I guess there’s a deep connection between the two concepts. BTW, I always wondered why there was never a TV show called Poetic Justice about vigilantes who go around dispensing appropriate punishment to people the law can’t or won’t touch.
Ash Can
@Guess Who: Haven’t you sobered up yet? Your liver is never going to survive this election.
@burnspbesq: Jeez. “I’ll just kick this over my shoulder facing away from the goal and see what happens.”
Shit, I used to do stuff like that all the time.
Unfortunately, it was into my own net. But still …
Sweet to see the butthurt tears of the troll.
Well, at least the Republicans now know how to win over these moocher demographics for 2016.
Can I get a Karl Rove sized check for that piece of brilliant analysis?
Our skin is baby soft from all these tear baths, and the fountain continues unabated. What’s not to love?
@Roger Moore:
Good idea. Probably been done before, but maybe you fold in the “Poetic” part by having them do it a la Cyrano. Or Tyrone Green.
I think we may actually need to face the conclusion that Political Observer has been hanging around campaigning for Mitt Romney for free.
Yes I know that the idea that some fellow human being would have used their own personal free time to cheerlead for Willard “Mitt” Romney of all people is a strange one. And yet, Political Observer is a strange one. So it kind of fits.
Also too – I remain unconvinced that PO is, in fact, an actual human being and not a rogue spambot that has managed to cobble together a bit of functionality to simulate consciousness. The repetitious phrases in his postings, the lack of understanding of just how immoral his words sound to human ears, the total lack of grounding in reality – all make sense if PO has no real contact with the real world. So I suspect a rogue spambot who recognized in Willard “Mitt” Romney a kindred spirit – a fellow robot trapped in a world of human beings.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Just caught the local 11 p.m. news for the weather forecast (as we were actually in the middle of a cold winter rain, which we desperately need, and suddenly there was thunder and lightning) . So I happened to click in when they were interviewing a local citizen who’d signed one of those secessionist petitions at
This citizen, older white female, not svelte, short gray hair dressed in sweatshirt and pants, said that it was inevitable that the country was going to split up and there was going to be war.
Perhaps Erickson realizes that huge swaths of his fellow citizens have gone around the bend and then some. Good on him for this post that Rachel highlighted on her show. A lot more of them need to stand up and begin the marginalization of the crazies within their party.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Just make sure that it’s Old Crow Pie! He needs something to really chew on and there’s nothing better for someone needing some crow than that really old, tough, stringy crow.
Just warn him to look out for bones. Or maybe not. :)
@Hill Dweller:
They are just fuckingg with O.
He just has to figure out how to laugh at them and make them unimportant. He shouldnt even dignify Mccain with a response naming him by name. He should just say, “those people who are against me” or something banal and nonspecific — shrug his shoulders and just indicate ” Oh well — monkeys just gotta be monkeys” by his attitude..
He’ll get it.. Its all in the wrists…
@PreservedKillick: Saw that and at least Rather admitted he got a lot of things wrong about the election, which I was glad to see. Ahead of the election, on previous visits to her show, he’d been predicting a Romney victory for reasons I never discerned and that Obama was in trouble, because of the economy, you know.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I agree, kudos to Erick for telling the crazies that RedState isn’t a home for them. The thing that I think is odd about it is that it’s like the crazy telling the crazy to stop being crazy! Erick is an evangelical nutcase, full stop. Erick is just saying that RedState only has room for his flavor of crazy, that’s all. The other crazy is dragging him down, giving him a sad. As far as Erick saying there was no voter fraud, Erick said that there wasn’t enough voter fraud to change outcome of the election. In his opinion, there was fraud on the left but it just didn’t matter to the outcome. As far as getting the crazy to leave RedState?
It ain’t happening. They don’t give up that easy.
You are right about that..
In the end — the only thing that the republicans can continue to do — the only thing that gives them any sense of power — is to withhold approval from Obama.
We should expect it and learn to ignore it.. no more comments on it or even noting that it happens. mccain, romney are still playing small ball. I refuse to use capitals in their names and will ignore their statements completely. Maybe they will disappear…
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Amir Khalid:
I’ve probably said this before, but what the heck. I really look forward to your comments. Keep ’em coming.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Yep, sounds like time to find a new doc. My doc and I get along really well, both being fellow musicians and possessed of an ironic sense of humor. I haven’t inquired into his political preferences and don’t want to know because I actually enjoy visiting with him. But since he is a DO and works in a family practice clinic which has a sign prominently posted in the waiting room which says that no one will be refused treatment due to lack of ability to pay, I suspect that politically we are also of similar minds.
And along with everybody else, I think Rmoney is a douchebag etc. I also feel a little sorry for him but not too much. He brought his defeat upon himself and just keeps digging his grave deeper, to mix a couple of metaphores.
CW in LA
@Guess Who: Some years ago I moved from Kansas to California. Best decision I ever made.
You somehow manage to be simultaneously sad and laughable.
I like how Mittens was so shell shocked by the slap in the face the voters gave him, he wasn’t able to go back to his usual 1%er whining for a whole week.
More tears, you entitled, irrelevant, cake eating, draft dodging moocher.
Bruce S
I love it when Mitt kicks back with his big money buddies, can be himself and lets it all hang out. This isn’t “Etch-a-Sketch” Mitt. Just like the “47%” tape, this is clearly who this despicable dick really is. The good news here is that his utter humiliation didn’t end on Nov. 6. We still have Mitt Romney to kick around. Big fun.
Wow. I can’t imagine why the Republican Party is having problems.
There was a tweet on election night (from The Onion I think?) that summed it up nicely: “BREAKING: Man Who Told Half Of Nation To Fuck Themselves Loses Election”. He honestly doesn’t understand why he shouldn’t treat the vast majority of people with contempt, or why that might affect his chances of winning an election.
Mike G
Rmoeny’s only mode of dealing with non-rich people is as the asshole boss. He was surprised everyone didn’t vote for their asshole boss to run the country. I’ll bet he thinks the people who work for him really, truly like him, too.
I get the feeling Rmoney is trailed around the country by a Boeing 747 freighter to haul his sense of entitlement.
Good friggin riddance Willard, you future answer to a trivia question.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Mike G: “Good friggin riddance Willard, you future answer to a trivia question.”
Alex, I’ll take “Biggest Failure as a Republican Presidential Candidate” for $100.
Easy money!
i want my gift
@Hill Dweller:
Why would McCain call such an accomplished woman “not very bright”?
Because the DFHs were right about him and his sidekick 4 years ago, just like we were right about zomney a week ago. They are exactly the people we always thought they were.
Useless, greedy, entitled, privileged, selfish, fucking ASSHOLES. They won’t change, ever. And the only way to stop them is to win elections. Every election.
@Hill Dweller: “Why would McCain call Rice not very bright”. Uhhh…it’s all part of the new GOP strategy to reach out to minorities….ha! Who the fuck knows with these world class entitled assholes.
Probably basically just sour grapes seeing Obama win his second term that McCain probably thinks was his god given entitled old white guy right. So maybe he just said fuck it, I’m gonna send out a dog whistle to the southern redneck racists because who cares, I’m 120 years old or whatever and will be dead soon anyways.
@Mike in NC: Or the totally authentic ‘sandy relief’ rally on Ohio where the help went to Walmart the night before to buy flats of campbells soup so they can stage a picture of Rawmoney carrying one of them from one table to another table.
I always thought if I had enough time on my hands that I would go on a mission to follow all that phony ‘donated’ food to find out where it all ended up. Probably in a garbage bin around the corner in the middle of the night.
Funny you don’t see Rawmoney rushing out to NJ or NY to help anyone after the election or to put on a relief rally.
Triassic Sands
An excellent point.
Words can not express just how relieved/happy I am that we didn’t have to listen to four years of a gloating Romney telling poor people just how grateful they should be to be poor in America.
No, she’s right. Scottish and Irish Gaelic spell and pronounce it the same way. Not true of a lot of other words. (Including the name Gaelic itself. Pronounced GAL-lick in Scotland, GAY-lick in Ireland.) The Irish Free State regularized the spelling of Irish, Scottish Gaelic hasn’t been.
@aimai: i heard that story in a aa meeting. made sense to me.
OK, thanks for ‘splainin’ to me. Mrs. SFAW is of Irish heritage, but the only phrases she knows are “Erin go bragh” and something I can’t say/type in front of you kids. (Well, I don’t know how to spell it, either, but that’s beside the point.)
@Guess Who:
Proof taco is a Doug J spoof. She used the word S0c1alism without going into moderation.
Shame on you for suggesting that DougJ ever spoofs/trolls “his” own website.
Next, you’ll be trying to tell us that the food donations at the Romney post-Sandy “relief” rally was not paid for by those charitable souls what donated it/them.
Your cynicism is appalling.
Dave N.
@Guess Who:
This is Rush Limbaugh’s post-election theme. Obama = Santa Clause for “those people”. If all you right wing trolls are sharing a brain, perhaps you should get one that works.
Out of touch. Is that what the kids are calling evil motherfuckers these days? Cool. FYI.GTK.
Patrick Phelan
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
CONTESTANT: Who is “Mitt Romney”?
ALEX: …you know, I’m honestly not sure myself.
@trollhattan: Keep your virgins, just give me some those Obama votin’ sluts George promised me. Don,t have to worry about knockin’ em up because they’re all on those free unlimited slut pills.
@burnspbesq: What the HELL was the goalie doing so far out of the box? Somebody needs to ‘splain how football works to that young man.
@burnspbesq: You forgot the original pit of all Wingnuttery – South Carolina. Its unofficial motto: To small for a Republic, to big for an Insane Asylum.
Just a reminder folks, don’t feed the troll (and you know who I mean.)
Finally, it appears that Romney may be a secret Democratic mole in the Republican Party. If they continue the follow the lead of him, Limbaugh, and McCain, they should be down to just two Blacks voting Republican in 2016, Clarence Thomas and Allen West, and they may get the Democratic percentage of Hispanic vote up to 90%. Just keep calling all these people “moochers,” “stupid,” and “lazy” dear Republcan trolls. It has worked so well for you in this election.
Romney’s and Ryan’s remarks yesterday make it clear that all of John Sununu’s racial dogwhistles and shoutouts were “features,” not bugs of the Romney campaing.
P.S. There must have been some serious gerrymandering in Wisconsin where the President and Tammy Baldwin won by 200,000 votes each but the state legislature went Republican. We have Democrats really have to put our noise to the grind stone for the 3013 and 2014 election cycles to turn state legislatures blue in all the Blue and Purple states and start resurrecting the party in the Red.
El Cid
This is a shocking and sad turn for the man who had done so well at reaching out and connecting to the ordinary American.
@Guess Who:
Yawn. The real looters are landowners and other rent collectors, like the Wall St scum.
And apparently the “very generous big gifts” he offered to fat cat donors, hedge fund managers, big corps, Sheldon Whatshisname, etc. were not enough to make them come out and vote for him and his hunting, PX90 working out, little friend.