I’m easily amused and thought this was funny. Open thread.
Not Impressed
by @mistermix.bsky.social| 126 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, Open Threads
by @mistermix.bsky.social| 126 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, Open Threads
I’m easily amused and thought this was funny. Open thread.
Comments are closed.
Take that, Ann Romney!
Can you imagine Rmoney trying this (not that anything this cool would have occurred to him)? His head would have fallen off.
Who is the young girl, and what was the occasion?
Also, too, I love my president!
I think it’s an awesome photo, but more than that I’m amazed at what a good sport McKayla Maroney is. It wasn’t her most graceful moment, and she’s now probably going to be remembered more for that face than her perfect vault which is probably the greatest single vault of all time no matter what the judges said. And yet she still keeps the meme going in fun ways.
I just hope that 10 years from now when she’s recognized on the street or endorsing a charity that people don’t keep asking her to make the face. Her vault really was a work of art.
BH in MA
How unpresidential! Mitt Romney would never make funny faces or allow children to touch his presidential hair.
@beltane: You people! /romney
Good for both of them. Hilarious.
General Stuck
Obviously, Obama and his demon team are up to no good. With a knowing smirk to giving granny the high hard one in a second term.
Howard Beale IV channeling Yoda
Reason won Obama again and dark fumbling GOP is-social media get they do not.
This would have been funnier if the president were smiling.
@fuddmain: Romney would have acted like she pinched him followed by awkward laughter from all
@cathyx: His eyes are smiling.
Humor shows its well-known liberal bias again.
@Marcelo: I’m not a huge fan of gymnastics, but I needed help lifting my jaw up off the floor after that vault. What was really impressive was the comparison of that vault with one by the male Japanese badass gymnast. She flew an order of magnitude higher.
Corner Stone
Holy shit!
@nancydarling: I mean that he was smiling like the others were in the picture that this mocks.
I have to say that teenage girls own that expression; as good as he is, Obama doesn’t quite match it.
she made that face cuz she was upset at finishing 2nd. But Obama? He finished FIRST! why is he grimacing?
@cathyx: But I think they are laughing because it is so cool that the President is goofing around with McKayla – if she was just pulling her face in the Oval Office on her own I don’t think I’d like the picture *nearly* as much. I love it when Obama lets himself have fun! He has so much to worry him.
She is not impressed with your excuses, Mitt.
I like having a Cool President.
Give it up for Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln, y’all! ! !
And I can’t see Jill Stein pulling this off either, so nener to both fringes.
dr. bloor
@RSA: Obama sells us out yet again.
Maybe it’s just that they were both coming out of negotiations with Boehner and McConnell…
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemizel: He is practicing his skeptical face for upcoming meetings with GOP Congresspeople. The man is willing to learn from experts.
ETA: Damn you, Hawes!
@RSA: He needs to put more right shoulder into it.
@Omnes Omnibus: He probably should just send an entire team of teenaged girls to do his negotiating with Boehner and McConnell.
And upload the result to YouTube.
Between this and his Reddit “NOT BAD!” moment, the man really IS aware of all internet traditions, isn’t he? It delights the hell out of me that he’s tapped into these things in a genuinely interested fashion. Romney either would have stood there like a dummy, or would have tried WAY too hard about the whole thing.
Omnes Omnibus
I think that would violate the Eighth Amendment.
That’s hilarious. He knows that face. He’s got two girls, one already a teenager and one almost a teenager.
Howard Beale IV
@RedKitten: +1
Villago Delenda Est
Not just cool.
@Omnes Omnibus: Teenagers are resilient. They’d recover quickly.
Amir Khalid
There is probably no better example of seriousness without pomposity than President Barack Hussein Obama. And no better example of pomposity without seriousness than not-President-Elect Willard Mitt Romney.
Davis X. Machina
My mom, who remembers every president since Hoover, whom she sort-of-remembers (she was 4 when he lost re-election) says ‘never trust a man who doesn’t look like he’s having fun doing the job.’
By the way, speaking of disdainful looks, check out this letter that Harry Reid sent to John McCain. It’s a beautifully polite and extended “fuck you” of the sort that could only come from someone who has had to deal with years and years of McCain’s temper tantrums.
Well, to be fair he’d probably be brought up short by the fact that McKayla would be making the face at him.
Ben Cisco
Cool President is cool.
@different-church-lady: Fair enough. Mind you, this is assuming that he would actually notice and not be completely oblivious. Willard strikes me as the type who is only observant of what people are saying or doing when they are people who can directly benefit him.
@Ben Cisco: Awesome President is awesome.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: I meant it the other way. Not that the bastards don’t deserve it, but, damn.
Robin G.
This made my morning.
What Amir said @33.
And now that I am up to speed on the McKayla moue, was there a big brouhaha when she made the face originally?
ROTFL! That picture is just begging to be captioned LOLcat style.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, I know that’s what you meant…
I’m sure we could get John Yoo to pen a memo giving the President the authority to utilize such …alternative negotiating strategies.
I still sort of love what a dud the Olympics were for Romney. I didn’t think people would care about it, and they didn’t. The whole thing was such a lie, the huge subsidies and lobbying involved in that, the cronies, while he’s yelling about Big Government, I was just glad that the whole marketing push was irrelevant to most people.
see “London Olympics” header for some background.
@dmsilev: Jesus. After what he did to Romney, Republicans should know not to piss off Reid. Go Harry!
McCain’s deflated speech after Petraeus’ testimony. Worth a watch. I think he may have developed some debilitating disorder during the testimony.
Mock me if you must but when I heard that mckayla was not impressed with the White House, I thought she meant it.
The picture is great and how fun for McKayla and the Pres.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Obummer is clearly upset that he had to let a white person in the White House.
Obama is so cool that it heats wingers up.
Exactly how Fox will spin it. McKayla not impressed with Obama’s “gifts.”
@Lojasmo: Reality is a bitch. He can go cry in Huckleberry Closetcase’s arms.
robertdsc-iPhone 4
Haha! Kickass Mac!
I’m in the foothills of LA watching the rain fall. We’re supposed to play paintball in a little bit. Glad I brought extra clothes.
@Lojasmo: McCain is never going to be president and it’s driving him nuts.
gogol's wife
I never heard of McKayla (what a name!) and I still don’t understand this meme even after reading all the links, but that is a really cute picture.
Ben Franklin
Excerpt fro the new movie….
Jackie Robinson; “Ypu chose me because I would fight back?”
“I chose you because you wouldn’t fight back”
@dmsilev: Shorter H. Reid: Go yell at cloud, you bitter douchenozzle!
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: Memes are not meant to be understood. Memes just are.
@gogol’s wife:
Phew. I thought it was only me.
thanks for 35 letter.
A photo of the Fab Five with President Obama:
@gogol’s wife: I was clueless as well. This is the face that McKayla made when she took the silver last summer—losing by one-tenth of a point, I read somewhere. I think a lesser teenager would have cried.
There are videos on youtube.
Bill E Pilgrim
@gogol’s wife: She fell during the Olympics, won a silver medal instead of gold, and on the podium was making that face as if to say “meh” despite having just won a silver medal at the Olympics, and people found it cute. I think it was more “Okay fine but rats I could have done better” but it turned into “Not impressed”, and then you saw the rest.
@Omnes Omnibus: Okay, you’re right.
That looks like something much more than just a pedestrian timepiece on his wrist.
patrick II
Top Ten McKayla I’m not impressed moments.
TaMara (BHF)
That made my morning. And before coffee even. Thanks.
Has anyone heard from the big Cole? Have we heard how his dad is doing? I’ve been out of touch for a bit. Last I heard he was in the hospital with heart issues again.
Bill E Pilgrim
@NotMax: It shows the time in the US and Kenya.
@Carnacki: [Ann’s voice] Stop it.
@NotMax: And you can have one just like it for $350. Also too, it makes a great Christmas gift.
What Reddit moment is this? I am still tickled that is aware of “chill the fuck out, I got this” meme. Best meme ever!
@Bill E Pilgrim: Began as “Spock is not impressed“. The similarity of the pose and the blue shirt is the link.
All modern internet users should just bookmark “Know Your Meme.” Saves a lot of confusion time.
Bill E Pilgrim
@different-church-lady: Right but I was talking about what her expression actually meant for her. And I don’t really care if I know every detail of every internet meme, thanks.
@Kane: If I didn’t donate so much to the reelection campaign, I’d be tempted to buy one for my son. Instead he has a new pres, same as the old one.
@Kane: The dial in the middle lets him know when it’s “Kill-Terrorists-O’Clock.”
@Bill E Pilgrim: McKayla made a bad smirk, into something fun. Good for her.
TaMara (BHF)
@JPL: I remember when the campaign sent me an email telling me my total donations so far in campaign and it arrived just after that first debate. All I thought was, I spent this much and all I got was that?
I didn’t mean it, but it cheered me up a bit.
Our president is aware of all internet traditions. This dovetails with his letting on he knows about the “Chill the #$ck out, I got this” poster.
Bullet dodged, sir, carry on.
And yeah, good on Mcayla(sp?) for finding the humor in becoming the meme of 2012.
dr. bloor
@NotMax: It’s the micro-Tardis he uses to go back in time to do shit like place birth announcements in Hawaii newspapers.
@dmsilev: That was a thing of beauty. A few grammatical errors, but I have been so pissed about Issa’s leaking sensitive info and the press acting like that was a-ok – having that item in Reid’s litany made me happy!
Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S. (Mumphrey, et al.)
I read the Jonathan Chait piece somebody linked to in an earlier thread, the piece about President Obama’s dealings with the House about taxes. And, as you’d think, a bunch of wingnuts showed up to tell us all how eeeeevil it is to raise taxes on rich people, since they’re the Job Creators© and 47% of us are lazy, worthless, mooching, thieving commies (yes, one clown really said that people who want rich people to pay a little more are “commies”).
Anyway, this one post leapt put at me:
And I though, “If this guy is really one of our vaunted Job Creators©, then we’re in worse shape than I thought. This genius, who may or may not be a lawyer–but woe betide us all if he is–and he doesn’t understand how marginal tax rates work. This guy thinks that if the top rate went 39.5%, he’d pay $98,000 in federal income tax on an income of $250,000. Beyond that, he doesn’t understand that you can deduct your state taxes ($16-odd thousand in his fantasy) and payroll taxes (in the neighborhood of $10,000 in his setup).
Now, I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t even play one on T.V., but I worked in the law library in college, and it sure seemed like every law student took a class about tax law at some point. How can a lawyer get through law school and pass a bar test without understanding how marginal tax rates work? I wonder how many other genius Job Creators© don’t understand how they work. Hell, I’m a mooching, thieving commie freeloader, and I understand how they work. If this guy really is a lawyer, this country is fucked.
@dmsilev: Thanks for sharing that- epic.
Dear Mr. President:
You are such dork! :)
I like having a president who is aware of internet traditions.
@YellowJournalism: haha
He is a cute dork though.
ding dong
I love me my president. mittens would have never done this.
gogol's wife
I hope it’s not a Breguet. The Patriarch of Moscow got into a lot of trouble for wearing one of those.
gogol's wife
Misused “fulsome” of course.
They]re watching Biden’s newest ‘feat of strength’?
Or what?
BTW, as I semi loyal disrespected commenter in low standing here at BJ, I demand context.
Edit: doh! maybe I should read the thread… maybe some commenter gave it.
Thanks for context, commenters above. I though she looked familiar but could no quite place her. And I am not aware of all internet traditions inspired by Olympic gymnastics.
Just more Leni Riefenstahl style Nazi propaganda for the Obama lovers to digest !…You know Hitler loved the Olympics too.
@jshooper: Oh god, now you done lit the batlight…
It is just sad how bitter McCain has become. I doubt he will get over that Obama trounced him in 2008. There are poor losers and then there is John Mccain who takes poor loser to a whole different level.
It literally didn’t matter who Obama appointed to the Sec of State post. Poor loser McCain would invent reasons to oppose the nominee.
It is just sad that he is taking up space in the senate that could instead be occupied by somebody who care more about moving our country forward instead of backwards.
wasabi gasp
You make some good faces too…
Well, since Arizona would be replacing him I’m not sure we’re ready for Senator Brewer.
@Cain: It was pretty neat. :)
Hillary Rettig
Saw Lincoln last night and it was phenomenal and we should do a thread on it.
@Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S. (Mumphrey, et al.):
Tax isn’t a required course, and it’s not on the bar exam anywhere except New York (IIRC). If I had to guess, I’d guess that barely more than half of my law school class took tax, and we had a truly great teacher teaching it at that time (Mike Graetz).
Okay, BJers — Firefly, good or not?
I’m looking for a new series to get into that will kill me when I reach the end because it should not have ended (see Deadwood, Rome).
Rafer Janders
Ah, the women’s Olympics gymnastics team — it stirs fond memories of absolutely one of the dumbest Balloon Juice threads ever.
Coolest prez evah!
@cosima: If you get into Firefly you will definitely feel that way about it. It’s only one season as opposed to Deadwood’s and Rome’s… three seasons each, right?
@Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S. (Mumphrey, et al.): I bet this person was one of the morons complaining that the Chicago school teachers were making way too much money, and how dare they ask for more.
@Rafer Janders: You’re going to have to be more specific. ‘Dumbest thread ever’ covers quite a few possibilities.
General Stuck
Very very good
edit – though as stated only one season. But it’s a good one.
Thanks for the info about Firefly. I’ll get it and try to think of it as a mini-series rather than a series that ends before its time… (curse you HBO!).
Speaking of awesome series, when does Justified begin again? I’m jonesing. Anyone know?
Pope Bandar bin Turtle
Not a new series, but if you’ve never watched American Gothic, find one of its torrents & download it stat!
@cosima: Firefly: Excellent! Did you watch The Wire yet?
CW in LA
I love the pic. But it looks like it falls to me to post the obligatory:
But… but… Drones! Drrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnezzzzzz!
Jasmine Bleach
Well, if you do watch Firefly, at the end, be sure to watch the follow-up movie Serenity, as it kind of wraps a lot of things up from the TV series. (Gives more closure . . .)
@Older —
I am sorry to say that I have every set of The Wire on DVD and have not watched a single one…
I’ve been buried in research and homework and life for so long now that I watch very little of anything on TV/DVD.
However, we are planning a huge move in the next couple of months, and I see a bit of slack time in my schedule (who knows when I’ll be able to get back to school, as we’ll be overseas), so am suddenly open to adding new shows to my library… there will be a lot of rainy days in Scotland and cold nights in front of a fire with the TV on.
So, I’ve added Firefly to my basket and Serenity.
I’m not sure if American Gothic is my thing, and it sounds like the DVD set is a lot of work with trying to sort out which order the shows should be in. Maybe some day when I’ve caught up on the others I’ll revisit that.
By the way, lady BJers, I’m reading Caitlin Moran’s book, Being a Woman, it’s pretty hilarious so far. She’s quite frank — that’s putting it mildly.
Robert Sneddon
@cosima: Speaking as someone who actually lives in Scotland, I do hope you realise that your American DVDs won’t work in British DVD players…
DVD region coding: the US is Region 1, the UK is Region 2 and DVDs made for one specific region won’t play in the other region’s hardware. It’s meant to enforce movie regional licencing and sale of rights to intellectual property such as TV programs in various markets around the world. The same thing applies to Blu-ray although with some variations.
No one has recognized that expression. Go to the http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/page/7 and you will understand why this is awesome.
@Robert —
Yes, we used to live in Scotland, so I know about that. We have several DVD players and there’s a new something or other that my husband has discovered that will allow us to watch them (properly) somehow. I’m sure that I’m not supposed to say exactly how it is that we can watch both now — we’ll just call it a multi-region DVD player.
We’ve got an interesting mix of UK & US DVDs around here. And whether you can watch one or the other of them is dependent upon which room you’re in…
Which part of Scotland are you in? We’ll be outside of Aberdeen.
@Robert Sneddon:
The nice thing about DVD players from overseas is that region-free versions are frequently sold.
You know who else was not impressed?
Comrade Scrutinizer
@cosima: The movie Serenity, is basically the finale of Firefly. And I highly recommend them.
Patricia Kayden
@PeakVT: Well, after he picked Palin as VP, he shouldn’t be surprised that no one trusts his judgment. She was the least qualified person he could have picked and showed that he wasn’t to be taken seriously. She is his legacy.
@fuddmain: How can one not be a fan of gymnastics? It requires the height of physical conditioning.
Full Metal Wingnut
People who don’t take tax in law school are missing out. Marty Ginsburg was right when he said basic tax was the funniest course-an ode to greed 3 hours a week. I remember this one case on business deductions, Irwin v Commissioner. Guy was a novelist as a hobby and said “for fiction writing all personal experiences and observation are all business experiences and observations.” He tried to deduct cleanings at the dentist and a washing machine as business expenses. If you don’t think that’s hysterical, then…I dunno.
Holy crap! Just when I thought this couldn’t get any funnier, we get bonus Michelle Malkin fail: Photo of the Day (With Bonus #Twitchy.com Hilarity)
@Robert Sneddon:
It’s most effective at preventing tourists and travellers from spending money on local movies. Whether killing that line of business makes up for losses from the EEEEVVILLL pirates I don’t know but it annoys the hell out of me.
I love this pic so hard. I also love the fact that the president knows all the internet memes. More seriously, he’s very tech/web-savvy, which gave him an advantage over Romney during the campaign season. And, good on McKayla for being able to have fun with her meme!
To anyone that cares, the watch is a Jorg Gray chronograph, and is only available to members of the Secret Service. They gave one as a gift to Obama when he was first elected.
Having seen one up close, it’s a decent mid-range chronograph with a Chinese made movement. About equivalent to a mid-range Seiko.
http://www.onthedash.com/docs/obama.html -more information than anyone could ever possibly want.
It’s not really that new of a “something or other.” I bought a region-free DVD player 8 years ago. Also, pretty much every other DVD player can be made region-free without too much trouble (well, a Sony I had was a lot of trouble, but the rest weren’t too bad).
Region-free is pretty much essential when you have family living on 4 different continents who frequently like to send DVDs as presents.
Not Sure
I move that we retire the tag “black Jimmy Carter” due to the fact that Mitch McConnell has failed to Carterize President Obama.