From Matt Viser, at the Boston Globe:
WASHINGTON – Mitt Romney and President Obama dined together at the White House on Thursday afternoon, attempting to heal campaign wounds over a lunch of white turkey chili and Southwestern grilled chicken salad….
According to the White House, the two former rivals also “pledged to stay in touch, particularly if opportunities to work together on shared interests arise in the future.”…
That’s quality MBA-speak, that is. Or, as Paul Constant puts it: “‘Let’s stay in touch, particularly if opportunities to work together on shared interests arise in the future’ is the new ‘fuck you, you fucking fuck.'”
… Romney was driven to the side door of the White House in a black Lincoln Navigator, but he opened his own car door and stepped out alone. He was within eyesight of a stage being built for the inauguration, but it was for President Obama’s, not his…
Adding perhaps another bit of odd closure to the meeting, Romney launched his campaign by serving large helpings of Ann Romney’s turkey chili to supporters as he launched his campaign in New Hampshire; on Thursday, it was Obama’s turkey chili that was served to him inside the White House…
Don’t forget the chicken salad. President Obama is not at all the sort of man to refer to that old marketing chestnut about chickenshit & chicken salad… out loud.
…The two were together about 70 minutes, and both sides tried to keep low any expectations of news. Romney entered a side door, with photographers using long lenses to capture him in the brief seconds he was visible.
Several minutes later, White House press secretary Jay Carney began a briefing at which he was asked whether there would be a joint appearance by the two men.
“Ahhhh,” Carney said. “No.”
Good call, Carney.
Meanwhile, from the other end of the social scale, another Romney defector, via NYMag‘s Daily Intel:
… 30-year-old Eric Hartsburg of Indiana is removing the Romney/Ryan logo tattood on his face. Hartsburg had vowed to keep the tattoo, even after Romney lost and he received an offer to have it removed for free, but Romney’s “gifts” remark changed his mind. “It stands not only for a losing campaign but for a sore loser,” Hartsburg said. “He’s pretty shameful as far as I’m concerned, man. There’s no dignity in blaming somebody else for buying votes and paying off people. I can’t get behind that or stay behind that.” …
Just Some Fuckhead
Turkey chili is a dish best eaten cold.
Jewish Steel
He looks puny, disheveled and wizened in the few photos I’ve seen of him post election.
? Martin
Getting lessons about dignity from a guy with a face tattoo. Talk about twisting the knife.
Short Bus Bully
My president rulz.
Hill Dweller
Obama is also threatening to veto the NDAA if congress doesn’t change it.
? Martin
Looks like a new Secretary of Energy is clear to land.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I love you, man.
Ben W
@Just Some Fuckhead: And it is very cold… in SPACE!
Presidential shade is the best…
…30 year old Eric Hartsburg of Indiana…
Splendid. Another piece of evidence for the fairly common view that Our Fair State is populated by moron shitkickers, where it’s not populated by shitkicker morons.
Okay, so there’s a lot of other evidence for this view, like electing Mitch Daniels – twice. But hey, there have been some great people from this state! Like John Dillinger and Jim Jones! Kurt Vonnegut! John Mellencamp! Evan Bayh! And hey, Charlie Manson did time here!
Never mind. The place sucks.
@Jewish Steel: Or, as The Hulk might say… Puny Former Candidate.
Felonius Monk
So let’s see…
Small-time wanna-be and grifter auctions off his face space for 15 grand, and then gets offer to remove the tattoo for nothing.
Somehow don’t get the impression that his post-election about face will lead to his refunding the lucre as an act of contrition.
Spaghetti Lee
Bear in mind that the article is about the guy changing his mind. Props, I say. It’s hard to admit you’re wrong, and harder still when everyone’s making fun of you on the internet.
And as for Romney, har har har. Invited to the Oval Office as a guest. He probably spent the whole lunch with “that could have been mine!” running through his head.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Damn you. Now I gotta figure out how to translate that into Klingon.
@Felonius Monk: I don’t think you want to do that. I think I know how you feel about the Republican asshole taking over at your school. However, if your school is like NYU, that diploma is the legal document of your graduation and if it is lost or destroyed, they will not replace it but will charge you to issue a letter stating that you graduated (or something to that effect).
@Yutsano: Nerd!
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Put near no one, and I mean no one, can reinforce the message, “I p0wn you, bitch,” with the grace and dignity of our President Obama. May his next four years be as to Michael Corleone settling all family business with the Barzinis and Tattaglias of the land. (And, yes, I know Tattaglia is but a pimp.)
@Spaghetti Lee:
couldshould have been mine!”Fixed that for you.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Very good!
@Spaghetti Lee:
I hope that Obama said to Mitt, “you may have six houses, but I have the only one that matters. Let me show you the Oval Office. Proceed, Governor.”
That bit about how Romney went full circle form one kind of turkey chili to another is quintessential major-media inanity. They LOVE stupid trivia like that. Some days I just feel like going the Full Somerby on these douchenozzles.
I heard Obama is going to be the centerfold in next month’s Playboy, with clothes on.
Now that’s sexy.
Jewish Steel
I have already threatened to smoke a fiscal spliff. Now I am breaking out some of my old sweaters from the 80s and some pudding…
@TheMightyTrowel: And durn proud to be one. And bowties are cool. :)
@Yutsano: Not as cool as Fezes.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@Yutsano: When I was in high school back in ’81, my writing teacher – hardly no nerd – liked to wear the things, and had gone into bizz with a friend making them and merchandizing them to local department stores.
When the two partners voiced concern that their ties weren’t selling as hoped, one of the stores told them they needed to raise their prices.
So they did. And, lo, they were pleased with the resulting uptick in sales.
Staying with the washed-up loser thing : Guiliani’s doing ads for Life Lock, ha ! Because you need to protect your sensitive personal info from unsavory characters (Like Bernard Kerik, for instance…).
? Martin
Its too strange a coincidence to be one. We know Romney is a picky eater. What do you want to bet that the WH chose something they knew Romney would like based on what the media previously reported. The media, not wanting to embarrass Romney further by pointing out his picky eating, instead note it as a trivia item, when it actually reflects quite nicely on Obama.
Had the tables been turned, we’d all be wondering if Obama’s first post-Presidency meal at the Romney White House was eaten over birth certificate placemats. Graciousness is worth reporting after a bitter campaign.
For those of you on Ravelry, there’s now a group for Balloon Juicers called Balloon Juice Crafters. Come by and show off your projects if you wanna.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@? Martin:
So help me Sketters, I first read that as “birth certificate placentas.”
Yeah, I need help. But there’d go my fun.
I live near Mitt Romney and I’m hoping one day I’ll see him so I can say “oh shit, Mitt Romney!”
Ben W
At the risk of getting completely flamed, I’m actually curious about this story. I don’t remember any articles about a presidential loser visiting the winner like this before: Obama/McCain? Bush/Kerry? And because Obama invited Romney, I don’t believe the meme that this was about rubbing Romney’s face in it. I’ve read the posts about the chili and chicken salad lunch, and the comments about the binder on the desk, and I don’t believe Obama is that petty. They don’t like each other, but everything I’ve seen from Obama is that he’s not so weak as to rub it in with a lunch menu. And, here’s where I’m really getting in trouble: at least Romney showed up and shook Obama’s hand. He didn’t have to, and right now both the R’s and D’s hate him (for wildly different reasons!). I just wonder, if there is still good in him.
? Martin
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn: That’s true on Craig’s List as well. We inherited a high-end dishwasher after a wealthy friend of ours did a remodel. It was only 2 years old but it wouldn’t fit in our kitchen without some serious work. Anyway, we list it on Craig’s List for free (after all, we didn’t pay anything for it). This is a $1000 dishwasher in excellent condition. No interest – not a single email in a week. We list it for $50. No interest. We list it for $250 – we get a hit within an hour. We didn’t take their money, but consumers are far from the rational creatures economists make us out to be.
@Ben W: He was kinda on the spot. What would Romney’s excuse be for not showing up?
Also. Too. Turkey = Big Bird ?
@Ben W: Obama invited that perpetually poutraged old coot in Jan 2009 after inauguration. Of course, the punk was pissed off more after that gracious gesture.
@? Martin: It costs money and time to get rid of a broken dishwasher properly. If someone gives you one that doesn’t work you’re actually in the hole. I’d feel better paying for one.
ETA- there’s an implicit- I’m going to get beat up if I sell someone a dishwasher that doesn’t work. At least, I would be thinking that.
Jewish Steel
@Jewish Steel:
Sen Jamal-Warner Advises Democrats Will Continue Jammin On The One
+0 (believe it or not)
The DC version of As I Lay Dying.
This one goes out to asiangrrlmn: Video of Alan Rickman v. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. SPOILER ALERT: They talk some science. Second spoiler alert: NDGT is wearing a very unfortunate shirt.
Lancelot Link
…at least Romney showed up and shook Obama’s hand. He didn’t have to…
You think a moocher like Willard Romney would turn down the opportunity for a free meal?
opie jeanne
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn: So did I. What’s wrong with us?
? Martin
@Ben W:
I think Obama wants to get things done badly enough that he’s not going to take anything off the table. If he can get Mitt’s help on some issue that they see eye-to-eye on, he’ll take it. After all, Mitt’s political career is done. He’s pretty much permanently out of the spotlight here. This could be a good opportunity for both of them.
That wouldn’t have worked with McCain because McCain still was in the Senate and still had a role to play in leading the party on some issues. Same thing with Kerry. Gore was in Romney’s spot – no place to go, but the Bush Whitehouse was wall to wall assholes, so no surprise there was no invite.
Turkey chili? That’s like when a co-worker brings in cookies they baked with splenda.
Also, my fantasy version of this meeting is Obama saying things like, “and this is the Oval Office. Can you imagine how great it would be if you had one? Come on, Mitt! Take a seat!!! You’ll love it. That chair is sooo comfortable!”
? Martin
@SatanicPanic: No, I understand the psychology, but we even explained in the original posting that it was given to us by a wealthy remodeler, I clearly explained the specific requirements for installation that prevented us from using it. We assured that it was in perfect working order. We we went well out of our way to assure the buyer that this was a good deal.
And nobody gets beat up around here. Everyone is a lawyer. They sue. Hell, Burnsey’s office is right over there a couple of miles. (I’m pointing out my living room window).
Exactly – fuck you, you fucking fuck! Well said sir, well said indeed.
? Martin
@opie jeanne: I’ve always caused people to reflexively visualize placentas.
Suffern ACE
@Ben W: I don’t remember a meeting like this either. But I think this is just some organized Villager fluffing because the Villagers have decided that this was an unprecedented negative campaign (on Obama’s part, of course) and they want their rose garden moments as if they mean anything. I believe that there was one absolutely delightfully nut pundit who went on the TV the day after the election suggesting that the President needed to bring Romney into his administration (YES! Because he is such a public servant. Why not make him a cabinet secretary! Wait. What?).
The skeptic in me thinks he’s yanking the Villager chains.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@? Martin: I like where you’re going with this, but wonder as to it’s actual applicability.
Not only is Romney’s future political career done, public-office-wise, but so seems to be his star in the right wing’s sky. Where’s Romney’s leverage in getting some of the old gang on board?n
I don’t see how this goes anywhere. But your take is certainly a more realistic one than mine of, “oh, he’s just rubbing Romney’s nose in it, hard-dee-har.”
@? Martin: huh, well, I’m searching for a reason to think people are thinking rationally. The only other reason I can think of is that people are putting a $$ amount into their search so your dishwasher just wasn’t showing up in the results. Or they’re irrational, that’s probably the most likely answer.
@Suffern ACE: This. Obama is just doing it for bi-partisan cred, and Romney feels obligated to go along. Obama has zero to learn and/or gain from being Romney’s buddy.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@SatanicPanic: Ah, I see where you guys coming from. The ol’ Village.
Suffern ACE
@FlipYrWhig: If only there were a bit more sexual tension between the two. Then the press could ship them and get that bipartisan moment they crave to end this novel.
? Martin
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
I think you’re looking too big. Romney wouldn’t help get tax increases passed or anything like that, but like the First Lady has certain influence on policy that the President lacks, and as Big Dawg has a certain influence, Mitt can serve that role as well – particularly on issues that the LDS church would be natural allies on – things like international support for things like clean water, or eliminating disease. It costs Obama nothing to make Romney an ambassador on an issue that Romney cares about, and it could do serious good.
Politically, all he needs to provide is a way to squelch the flames a bit on some issues in order to bring either some conservative voters or some legislators along. He doesn’t need to convince the whole House – just a few dozen of them. Remember, one of Bush’s better accomplishments was meaningful progress toward AIDS in Africa. You wouldn’t have guessed that out of the guy, but it was a good move. It’s not the sort of thing that the Teatards are going to mount some massive assault against just because Obama takes it up – but Romney could certainly move something like that along much more easily and help build something pretty meaningful that isn’t a policy landmine.
This is not helpful.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin:
Should Romney accept such a role, he’ll be vilified by the teahadists.
They’ll go apeshit.
It will be amusing.
Amir Khalid
@? Martin:
Mitt has no history of advocacy in any cause other than his political career. His political influence has faded since the election with humiliating speed. How much influence he has now with his church, or among its flock, remains to be seen.
Signing Mitt up as an Obama administration ally in certain nonpartisan causes sounds good in principle, but what might those causes be? I think he’d first need to do as people like Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton have done: take something up, and establish his leadership there. I’m not convinced he has it in him.
? Martin
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah, well, when don’t they go apeshit?
If there’s one thing that Obama and Romney likely agree quite clearly on, it’s that the teahadists are fucking it up for everyone. Romney could well have won this election if not for them. Romney has no more elections in him. He might as well do something he can feel good about.
joel hanes
No you’re never gonna do it without the fez on
Oh no
James E. Powell
@Villago Delenda Est:
Should Romney accept such a role, he’ll be vilified by the teahadists.
They already despise him because he failed to get that #@$%! out of their White House. And he probably hates them because, according to some analysts, they and their insane right-wing demands prevented him from running as Moderate Mitt.
It is hard to say what Romney could possibly do for the president or for anyone. When has ever done anything for anyone but himself? Other than getting rich and getting elected president, what did he ever want out of life?
? Martin
@Amir Khalid:
I’m not convinced either, but it costs Obama nothing to set him up in this role.
Hell, it’s not like Mitt has any particularly strong legacy with conservatives to protect. What does he have to lose?
Mitt is 65 years old. It is a bit late to start rebuilding his public service credentials.
Maybe he could be appointed ambassador to Utah. Really, anything to get him out of Massachusetts once and for all.
Gary Wills wrote the perfect epithet for Mitt:
What can be worse than to sell your soul and find it not valuable enough to get anything for it?
@? Martin: Ahh – but if not for the teahadists doing everything they could to monkey wrench the economic recover over the last 4 years, no Republican would have had a shot at defeating Obama.
I can’t believe you folks just spent 64 comments playing 11D Chess over a courtesy meal.
Central Planning
@Ben W:
“Barack, I’m your father”
@? Martin:
“Your lack of faith in the Teatards is disturbing.”
I can’t believe the only 2 star wars lines I know could be used in this thread.
@arguingwithsignposts: Well, it is a 5 hour-plus thread.
@Suffern ACE: WIN. SO MUCH WIN. Also, shudders. many many shudders.
Oh no Mornin Joe and Harold Ford think the presidents offer was “insulting” to the scumbag motherfucking repukes!
And Halperin. . . OY!
Richard Wolffe is bashing Scar with a baseball bat, good times.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yea, pretty good.
@? Martin: I’ve also found that it is nearly POINTLESS to list things on craigslist for free. Whenever I do that, I get an email a minute from people claiming they want it, but never show up. OR want me to deliver it. Or change the pickup 3 times. Also $5 tends to get no interest, I’ve found $15 – $20 is a good lower bound. Often once people contact me I tell them it’s worth something but they can have it for free.
I love you guys.
Ash Can
If you want to talk about ways Romney could possibly help the Obama administration, hell, Obama could set him up as a spokesman for the ACA.
God. Hey Joe, isn’t what made St. Ronnie great is going over the head of Congress to the American people. So, Obama can’t campaign for his ideas, WHY?
BTW: The more I see of Harold Ford, I’m glad he’s not in the Dem Caucus.
Ash Can
My comment’s in moderation? That’s weird.
mittbot at the WH
Which was itself the old “Please proceed, governor.” Which I hope Obama said as he gestured towards the turkey chili.
Obama never burns bridges and isn’t vindictive. Mitt could end up turning towards active LDS leadership. He’s no angel, but he is influential in that community. I can’t imagine Mitt has much love for the teahadists, seeing how they questioned his every move in the primaries, pretended to fall in love with him after he won the nomination and then deserted him after he lost.
Romney doesn’t interest me as a political figure. He’s never done anything that isn’t carefully calculated towards one or another of his personal goals and he stays so rigidly within the group he knows; wealthy people and/or Mormons. Sometimes he fails at reaching his goals, but there’s no real risk attached, other than to his ego.
Joining his son’s firm is so small. It’s FINE, there’s nothing wrong with taking that job, but it’s so narrow and so completely in his comfort zone.
One could compare to Al Gore, who was also really ensconced in a wealthier, powerful family and group and he went out and took all that derision and risk for global warming.
The Golux
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn: I dig bow ties; my father used to wear them, and I picked up the torch when I wore a suit every day, up until the early eighties. I was a little self-conscious at first, but then it felt like a good fit. Now I’ve got a nice collection that I hardly ever get to wear, a couple of times a year at most.
@? Martin: It makes sense if you look at it like this.
Free = busted, needs repairs, costs more than it is worth.
$50 = may work but is it worth bothering with if it is so cheap. What re “they” hiding?
$250 = someone who remodeled and wants to get something back for the cost of the new dishwasher, works well or they would not charge so much, and $750 off the full price. BUY!
A lot of folks don’t even look at the free stuff as they think it is junk.
@The Golux: Paul Simon
“pledged to stay in touch, particularly if opportunities to work together on shared interests arise in the future.”
It’s like breaking up with a boyfriend!
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Tagg’s mother is Rafalca?
@Raven: Just keeping in the spirit of the environment created by the GOP. Because, personally, I’ve been insulted by everything they have done in the past 44 years. So backatcha Nazi pukes. And good on you, Mr. President. If they’re howling, you know you’re doing good.
Gawd, they must be awful at poker; all the whining about bad hands and lost pots. Still, a guy that knew how to play could make out pretty well against them.
Jeez, 11D chess *and* poker? Is there nowhere safe from the clutches of Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln?
@SatanicPanic: This. I bet Obama has better sense than to ask Romney: “Now you can tell me all those ideas you had for fixing the economy, that you refused to mention during the campaign.”
It would be very quiet.
Turkey chili bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay’
Yes, I am.
@Felonius Monk: don’t forget Mike Pence! heh heh
the current gag running around about this is that mittens turned down dessert and obama said ‘that’s good, cause i drank your milkshake’.
@? Martin: Do you have some reason to think Obama wants that guy? Because that was a big fucking stink here. You know, let us merge! We’ll be more efficient and prices for consumers will be more lower! Oh wait, people lost their jobs and they’re petitioning to raise utility costs. Whocoodanode?
@sparrow: Craigslist people are flaky. I put stuff on the free section sometimes, and often what I’ll do is go with the first person who can spell or punctuate semi-correctly in their email. It just seems to correlate with actually picking the thing up. Another route is just to put it by the curb, and whoever responds, give them the address and say first person who takes it, takes it.
Man, I wouldn’t have thought there’d be more than 3 of us, but wa-la! 8!
About that “binder” that was on Obama’s desk during his meeting with Romney. Was it full of women?
@? Martin:
Likewise, Obama has no more elections in him either, at least not any where he’s on the ballot rather than in campaign mode as a key surrogate for another in similar mode to Bill Clinton this past election season. That will help liberate Obama for quite a large share of his second term, all except perhaps for toward the very end where working with an eye toward helping elect a democratic successor to the Presidency will become an insistent pressure on his actions.
@rea: Well, we have your resume. No openings right now, but if something opens up in the future…..
Don’t forget to visit the gift shop on your way out.
Feudalism Now!
This was a chance to put an end to the campaign. There is symbolism in the turkey chili, alpha and omega, New Hampshire to D.C. It was closure. I don’t see too much nose rubbing, although there was a bit, chicken salad or chicken shit. This was a bit of face saving for Romney and a chance for bi-partisanship for Obama. No 11d chess. Least Obama could do was buy lunch for the unemployed.
Anton Sirius
@? Martin:
That’s pretty much the definition of a Teatard.
tee-tard: A person who mounts some massive assault against an idea or policy just because Obama takes it up.
@rea: That was my thought as well, more like dumping a guy/girl you found out wasn’t all that. “But hey, we can still be friends. Let’s do something together sometime.”
Amir Khalid
I wonder why Mitt — so risk-averse, so ill at ease when not among rich people and/or Mormons — went into politics in the first place. If he felt himself to be called by prophecy, shouldn’t he have felt a duty to address these shortcomings?
It seems Douche Doucheson bought a clue from someplace. They may catch on to the grifters
in moderation for some reason but I want people to see this – someone has finally caught on to the GOP grifters
OK so apparently posting a link to the web site that starts with the color and ends in gets you put into moderation!
so if you look for, the-incestuous-bleeding-of-the-republican-party/ posted on the 28th of this month
at said web site you will find that Douche Doucheson in his role as a blind sow found the acorn. This is not good news for us as it might actually lead to the goopers discovering they are being screwed by their own
FUCK moderation
Meanwhile, about two miles from the White House, today is a big funking deal.
The Supremes are scheduled to discuss which (if any) of the pending marriage-equality cases the Court will accept for review.
Well heck. Why didn’t he just copy Dick Cheney, who when he was invited to the Republican Convention, said he’d be too busy fishing.
General Stuck
Allahpundit pours the kool aid, sweetened with wingnut tears.
They call it checkmate. I do believe.
gogol's wife
@Ash Can:
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ)
@danielx: Don’t forget Cole Porter and Hoagy Charmichael. Once upon a time sophisticated songwriters came from there – here’s hoping the State moves back in that direction sometime soon.
Deb T
FlipYrWhig Says:
” Some days I just feel like going the Full Somerby on these douchenozzles.”
Love me some Daily Howler refs.
@General Stuck:
For reals. They are totally fucked and totally shocked and pissed about it. From what I’ve read about the Obama proposal, he sounds like the president of my dreams. You could tell how much it hurt them by all the squealing I heard last night about Obama being unsubstantive and obstinate and a big meany. They are fucked, fucked, fucked. I’m loving my prezzie today. And I’m even liking Timmy Geithner, if for nothing else, presenting the proposal and then, as network cameras filmed, walking out while smirking like a cat who ate a canary. Truly a thing of beauty.
@Felonius Monk:
No kidding.. me too. My dad still works for Purdue. Grew up in west Lafayette
General Stuck
Sometimes, people do the right thing in this ugly world
Bobby Thomson
@Ben W:
Ben Franklin
@Hill Dweller:
Comrade Mary
@Gindy51: That’s about right. I’ve sold a tv, furniture, legit boxed software, and a fridge for $100-200 each on CL, usually almost instantly. A couple of things could have been priced slightly higher and would have still sold, and a couple I over priced to start and had to be pulled for a couple of weeks until I re-listed them at a lower price, but there is a sweet spot for pricing.
We know Romney is a picky eater.
We do? How do we know this? I mean, it does kind of fit into his whole awkward persona, but truthfully I’ve never heard this before.
@jibeaux: Use FreeCycle for giving things away; it’s set up for freebies.
@JustMe: Yeah, there were a few references to it during the campaign. First, there’s a bunch of Mormon dietary choices – no caffeine, for example, But Mitt takes it to another level – doesn’t eat pizza I recall.
Nothing major, but “picky” is a good way to describe it.
You know, if I’m visiting someone this week or next and they serve me turkey chili, I know that they’re trying to get rid of Thanksgiving leftovers and I don’t really feel like they made a lot of effort.
It’s a subtle little dig that brought a smile to my face when I thought of it.
Ben Franklin
“Foxman now describes Rice as a “gladiator” fighting to defend Israel in hostile atmosphere of the United Nations.”
Read more:
When the ICC gets involved she’ll know what hostility toward Israel in the UN means.
@redshirt: Supposedly on the campaign bus he keeps a large bag of granola that he substitutes for many meals. Then again, he supposedly eats McDonalds burgers a lot because his father had a “free burger meals for life” pass signed by Ray Kroc.
@Hal: “Come on, Mitt! Take a seat”…on Clint Eastwood over there.
Ben Franklin
US building $100 million underground facility near Tel-Aviv
WTF? Iron dome bullshit?
I have only 2 experiences selling something like that, and they were complete opposites. Well, the first was not Craig’s list, it was a sign on the object. A friend was selling a small dump truck, and put a really low price on it so it would sell faster. I said people will think it’s a piece of shit at that price. No, he knew better. It sits for weeks. So I went over and changed out his sign for one that was 3x higher. He had multiple offers that day, and called to tell me about how people really wanted it so bad that they were bidding off each other with this really high number, and told me how it proved he was right. I asked if he had looked at the sign that day? LOL, I win. And he won too, he got a lot of money. I did not get a thank you (nor a commission) because he didn’t want to admit he was wrong. Wev, I know I was right.
I had an above ground swimming pool, did not use it much, I advertised it for $800 (there was a lot of equipment, solar panels etc). Got nothing. Then changed to $ or OBO. Nothing. Waited, changed again to just Best Offer. Nothing. Finally I put it in the Free page. I had 70 emails in 2 hours. I chose the guy who said he would come that very day to take it down. One person *demanded* that I take it down for them and that I should bag the sand underneath as well, and not too heavy on the sacks, mind you. For free. OK, sure. I wrote back GFY.
When the guy came with 3 nice polite kids to take it down, they were hard at it, and I got a call from someone who wanted to pay the original price, $800 (he had been out of town since he saw the 1st ad). I tell this to the crew, the dad was worried I would take that offer. I said, No, it’s yours, we made a deal, you are in the middle of it. I wouldn’t go back on that. He was so happy he dismantled the pool deck as well for me and stacked the boards nicely, not part of the original agreement. Then I built a sweet garden box out of the wood. Again all win, good karma.
Just passing through but for the record, saw a couple of things on the twitter yesterday that said there’s a historic precedent for Prez to have lunch, or something, with the loser. Goes back decades. Only a couple of Presidents haven’t done it. Sorry didn’t save links and forgot who did the posts. There was more than one.
@Schlemizel: B-b-but Capitalism, Free Markets, Less Regulation, Citizens United, UNLIMTED CORPORATE CASH! The Tea Party was supposed to energize the party. Wha’ happened?
And a quick step out of the boat reveals that the rank and file are shocked, SHOCKED!, to find that there is graft run amok in the GOP.
What a bunch of fucking morans.
@General Stuck: S-h-h-h-h. Obama sold us out, worse than Bush! ! ! Drooooooooonz! ! ! Obama = cave boy. Ha!
Suck it, Firebaggers and Teabaggers! ! ! Ya got nothin’!
Jay C
@General Stuck:
And this only for five- or six-dimensional political chess! Imagine how clever The Pres would look if it went the full eleven??!!
karen marie
@Lancelot Link: How cheap is Mitt Romney? He uses a McDonald’s “free hamburgers for life” card given to his father.
Joe Max
OK, prepare for maximum geek.
In the Star Trek canon, there is one instance of a Klingon being offered turkey to eat. Worf’s brother Kurn, at a formal dinner on the Enterprise, is offered roast turkey:
So there isn’t a word for ‘turkey’ per se, but a Klingon like Kurn would call it “burned bird meat”, which in Klingon is meQ toQ DIr.
The Klingon word for ‘soup’ (the closest I could find for ‘stew’) is bahgol.
The Klingon translation of “Revenge is a dish best served cold” is bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay’. The literal translation is: “When cold revenge is served, the dish is always very good.”
So “bIr jablu’DI’” is “cold revenge”, so let’s substitute “burned bird meat” and we get:
BortaS bahgol meQ toQ DIr reH QaQqu’ nay’.
Literally, “When a soup of burnt bird flesh is served, the dish is always very good.”
@PurpleGirl: It is not yours save by unhappy chance!
Amir Khalid
@karen marie:
Hmm. Why is Mickey D’s still honouring George Romney’s “free burgers for life” card? Shouldn’t it have expired when he passed away? Or is it actually a “free burgers forever” card, usable for as long as Romneys shall walk the Earth?
@Hal: “Coffee? No? Beer? You know we brew it right here…oh, that’s right.”
DFH no.6
I make a really kick-ass and tasty SW-style chili from a recipe I’ve developed over many years using real chili peppers and top-quality beef that I roast first, then shred into the mix.
My office cafeteria (which also serves many of our neighbors in our little industrial park here off the I-17) has an annual chili cook-off contest for anyone who wants to try their hand (win-show-place chosen by the masses).
I entered the last one, having determined that (IMAO) none of the previous contest winners I’d sampled before were any better than my own recipe.
I came in second, out of 40+ entries (most of which were just fine, a few quite good, a handful bad to nearly inedible).
First prize? A turkey chili that tasted ok, I guess, but really more like a turkey stew made from Thanksgiving leftovers.
Ignominious, it was.
He had pizza at many of hs campaign photo ops (sitting around with family).
Grover's Bathtub
At the end of the meal, Obama said to Romney, “I have to level with you about one thing, Mitt. That wasn’t turkey. It was CROW!”