Like a wingnut scorned:
New York Republican Rep. Peter King went to war with his Republican colleagues on Wednesday after leaders spiked a Hurricane Sandy relief bill, calling on New Yorkers to stop all donations to GOP House members.
“These Republicans have no problem finding New York when they’re out raising millions of dollars,” King said on Fox News. “They’re in New York all the time filling their pockets with money from New Yorkers. I’m saying right now, anyone from New York or New Jersey who contributes one penny to Congressional Republicans is out of their minds. Because what they did last night was put a knife in the back of New Yorkers and New Jerseyans. It was an absolute disgrace.”
***“All we’re saying is treat us the same everybody else has been treated,” King said. “And why the Republican party has this bias against New York, bias against New Jersey, bias against the northeast? They wonder why they’re becoming a minority party? Why we’ll be the party of the permanent minority? What they did last night was so immoral, so disgraceful, so irresponsible. We’re supposed to be the party of family values, and you have families starving, families suffering, families spread all over living in substandard housing. This was a disgrace.”
I love that the GOP is in an all out civil war. And this point needs to be repeated over and over and over again:
Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) slammed the House GOP on CNN’s “Starting Point,” calling the decision “indefensible.”
“Just when we avoided one cliff, the House Republicans threw us over another one,” Israel said. “We rushed aid to Kabul and Baghdad when they had damage, but when it comes to aid to New York and New Jersey, the House Republican leadership decided we weren’t worth it. It is indefensible.”
The war party has no problem pissing away trillions on wars and the inevitable rebuilding (I’m so old I remember when nation building was a non-starter for Republicans), but they can’t find $60 billion for their own citizenry.
I’m surprised that he’s surprised. When you run with a bunch of amoral jackals, can you really be surprised when they start gnawing on your leg?
General Stuck
Not that old when we heard George Bush declare a “humble foreign policy” . Pandora’s Box was opened and we are lousy with neo con poltergeists. From the smell of blood and profit.
Peter King must have forgotten that “family values” means telling women and gay people what they can do with their genitals, not handing out government money to people who have lost everything in a natural disaster. The Republicans who refused to hold a vote on Sandy relief remembered.
Comrade Jake
Seems fairly tone deaf to punt on Sandy relief. Par for the course from these clowns I guess.
OT, but Sully is apparently moving the Dish to a pay-as-you-click model. $20 a year. That’s an awful lot to hear more about Sarah Palin’s mystery childbirth.
Man, is it ever jarring when someone as detestable and wackadoodle as Peter King says something I totally agree with…
Also too, jiminy crickets, fuck the GOP.
Is anyone the least bit surprised by this? This isn’t a man bites dog story, it’s not even a dog bites man story. For the GOP this crap is so common and expected it would have to be characterized as a cat ignores owner story.
The Dangerman
Could it be those states are Blue? Could it be a lot of minorities live there? If, Heaven forbid, a major earthquake hits San Francisco, we may find out if they will help rebuild a community filled with such heathens.
ETA: If you can find the clip of King on CNN, watch it; you can practically hear the Director screaming to not cut away from the train wreck they were witnessing.
They just did, Peter. That’s how it feels to not be a 1%er. They’ll fuck over everyone, eventually. The only thing different is your place in line.
King is correct.
After writing that, I may have to go vomit.
Christie, Cuomo, Bloomberg, Booker, Schumer, Gillibrand, Rangel, Menendez, Maloney, Nadler, Lautenberg, Israel, King… A lot of media savvy politicians that aren’t shy about making themselves heard. It’s about to get very interesting.
gogol's wife
So what happens if all the quasi-sane Republicans become Democrats?
Say what you will about nihilism. Nihilists don’t give a fuck.
Hey, maybe Peter King will decide to switch parties over this. Now that would be fun to watch!
@Comrade Jake:
A rat leaving a sinking ship.
The drama queen has no shame.
Does anybody remember what King’s stand was on aid to Joplin or other areas hit with disasters? Did he insist on corresponding cuts to offset the cost? At least Cantor was consistent as he even insisted on that when VA was in need of federal assisatnce.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m glad Steve Israel brought up that Iraq thing that is just a vague memory in the Village. One of the things that has driven me nuts through this whole debate is the idea that people who voted to cut taxes while going into a war of choice (to use the odd but accepted term, and leaving aside everything else that was wrong about it), those people get to claim to be “fiscal conservatives” and “deficit hawks” because they want to gut the safety net.
Paul in KY
@Violet: It’s the same thing as Katrina. Why help out people (New Orleans & Upper East coast) who vote against us in elections?
That is the patriotism of the Republican Party.
@gogol’s wife: The conservadems have a party and then tell progressives what they really think of them.
This is going to be a lot of fun.
They are going after each other. The Reagan 11th commandment is dead and buried. They are burying the hatchet in each other.
@Comrade Jake: Excellent. The fewer people who read and are influenced by him, the better. Frankly, I found that free was too steep a price to pay to read Sully.
Xin loi, you bastard. I may agree, but I’d spit on you in public. You sided with these evil fuckers and you’re surprised that they’re evil? Fuck you. Fuck your muslim hating, IRA-supporting ass. You work with them in obstruction, destruction and blowing the fucking economy-you’ve got the brass balls to be aghast that they hate NY & NJ? I hope you lose your next election and any goddamned democrat takes your seat. Fuck you.
According to Raven in a previous thread:
Hilarious that he’s pointing that out. I wonder how long they’ll continue to vote Republican after this “fuck you” by their own party.
I’m just waiting for some bold TPer in a tri-corner hat to stand up bravely and explain to Peter King that “we can’t afford it.”
Surely such a person exists? No?
Paul in KY
@moderateindy: ‘Cat acts aloof!’, details at 7 PM on Action News!!
I second that involuntary motion. That was a righteous rant by King.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
The fragile alliance between Teahad’s and GOP has finally gone to sour mash.
I heard that McConnell worked with Reid to get their huge vote so that it would be ore difficult for the House to dismiss.
FreedomWorks expelled Armey for allowing his bodyguard to concealed-carry into, GASP, their MEETING….
Cats and dogs shouldn’t live together.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Violet: I doubt that would ever happen, but doesn’t New York have, technically, all kinds of official minor parties? I think King is easily nutty enough to officially declare himself a member of a “Families for New York” party, and taking Ron Paul’s place as pisser inside the tent. He voted against impeachment because of Clinton’s work in Ulster.
Nicely put.
You never know about Republicans. I always start off assuming what they say, particularly anything sensible, is a lie. King is two things, purely political and sociopathic, so it makes sense that he would scream (good politics in his district) and yet probably vote for some “entitlement” offset when the issue actually comes to a vote (sociopathic). Or maybe he’ll find a way to only give money to the “givers” in society. I guess we’ll see over the next few days.
And he may have to apologize to Rush Limbaugh.
Joey Maloney
@Comrade Jake:
I think someone else is about to fall off a fiscal cliff.
Chuck Butcher
So, isn’t there a certain similarity between the New Yawkers in the rubble and the uninsured who ren into some health issue? Why didn’t they buy insurance? Who told them living next to a fucking ocean was a good life choice? I’ll bet some of them built a mosque.
So Peter, you do see a role for the Federal government beyond locking up strange people? No, I don’t agree with Peter – these are his “special cases” and the rest of us can go fucking hang. Peter has lots of special cases, both pro and con.
The important shit got done — Dow +222.
Wanna bet somebodies made a pile of money on that? Do I blame Obama? No, I blame the ignoramouses that elect almost all of Congress.
@Mandalay: Eh, I don’t think it’s such a bad model. Free if you don’t read all the time, more if you do. If you want to give more, sure, they’ll take it.
Of course, I think it’s the first time all month (okay, in a month, it’s Jan 2) I’ve read Sully, so it’s not much skin off my nose.
This really resonated in 2006, here locally, so if Democrats want to use it again re: anything at all, they should feel free :)
VERY popular, this argument. Republicans were nodding right along: “Yeah! What about US?” It’s a winner even among rank and file conservatives!
Comrade Jake
@Gex: I actually like Sully’s site quite a bit. I find he usually has an interesting and informed take on things. The key word there being “usually”, of course.
Obviously his page hits are going to take a fairly dramatic hit with what they’re planning. I visit the site several times a day, but I’m not coughing up $20 for the privilege. I suspect lots and lots of other readers are in the same boat. It will be interesting to see if he can find a sustainable model.
You are surely a contender for best rant of 2013. That was awesome.
@hitchhiker: We don’t have an emergency funding problem, we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Stop the spending!! And Fix The Debt. //
So you don’t need a Copperhead to know which way the copper flows. Who would’ve thunk?
Bubblegum Tate
They also have no problem pretending to “be” New Yorkers when they want to shed some crocodile tears about 9/11. But otherwise, New York is not Real ‘Murrica. Strange that you’re just now noticing this “we fucking hate New York–unless it’s politically convenient not to” dynamic, King, but better late than never, I suppose.
Kip the Wonder Rat
@Violet: We don’t want him!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I look at Sullivan’s site to see what the bien pensant center right establishment thinks, though to his credit he is more inclined to call Republicans nuts even most consecrated green room ‘liberals’, but that isn’t so hard to figure out that I’m gonna pay for it. MSNBC offers Halperin, Ed Rendell and plenty of other Simpson-Bowles types for free.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Can we get a billboard with this on it, with flashing neon lights? Please?
@Mandalay: I am feeling much better right now. And I’m from Queens, NYC.
Somewhat OT but Fox’s Kilmeade asked if we could see riots in the streets here after the tax deal. Who the hell is he talking about…people making $450K?
This is great, but every time I see a “look, a sane Republican!” item, it just seems that the conventional wisdom in D.C. is that the Republicans are the Good and Just party and the Democrats are temporary caretakers while the Republicans expunge their insanity. Peter King is a colossal scumbag, especially on issues of national security. He does not deserve to be in office and has actively harmed U.S. interests.
@Joey Maloney:
We can only hope. This is what Sullivan says about his web site:
He conveniently forgets to mention that he will be “airing dissent” on a web site that does not allow reader comments. The fraud takes chutzpah to a new level.
Amir Khalid
It doth seem to me, Boehner could be afraid that the more nihilistic Teabaggers among his House caucus might vote down the Sandy relief bill out of pure spite. Yet again the Republican party will look unfit to govern, and yet again he’ll look helpless to control his House colleagues. Putting off the vote on Sandy relief for the new Congress won’t change that, of course, but at least he gets a few days reprieve. And with more Democrats in the incoming House, the bill might stand a better chance anyway.
This should also be on a billboard, with flashing lights.
I’m not sure I have a violin small enough for people who signed on to preach the gospel of purity through suffering when they suddenly find it “indefensible” that *they* are expected to suffer.
It’s a tragedy that people who didn’t vote for those clowns have to deal with the fallout. But to see people who signed up for the tribal identity game finding themselves re-defined out of the tribe? That’s prime entertainment.
Someone should start mailing these clowns bootstraps.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
I have been trying to get a good source on this, but something is amiss. I think it was a last minute diplomatic mission if any of this is correct. I just hope her condition is not as serious as this would imply.
Naah, he just walked back that assumption over at MSNBC. Now he’s simply saying that the Republican party can’t simply count on his vote, that he doesn’t trust them.
@burnspbesq: It’s a terrible thing, isn’t it? Having to agree with him.
Linda Featheringill
@Violet: #13
I fax’d notes to the NJ Republican representatives, suggesting that their constituents might be better served if they were Independent rather than Republican.
Little ray of sunshine, I am.
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
Are you serious?
@Linda Featheringill: You’re a giver. It’s what you do.
The Ancient Randonneur
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha … Peter King, that is rich. The guy who voted against children being covered by healh insurance, FOR cuts to Social Security and AGAINST school lunch programs NOW wants to cry like a bitch. Guess what Peter, Speaker Boehner just gave you the F-bomb just like he did Senator Reid. Not quite as entertaining when it’s YOUR ox being gored is it? Oh, and Rep Grimm (R) from Staten Island crying like a punk.
Unfortunately a lot of decent people will suffer because they live in Blue states. I am a bit surprised that Nancy Smash didn’t have this taken care of as part of a deal to whip votes for the fiscal cliff bill. Maybe she did. It will be interesting to find out what was on Boehner’s mind and how this happened. Maybe Boehner knows his days as Speaker are numbered and he just wanted to give the finger to all the guys who will be voting against him?
Except that we REALLY don’t want him in the Dems, TYVM.
dead existentialist
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin): Loosen the tin-hat, brother. It’s cutting off circulation.
@Linda Featheringill: Aww…that’s so sweet of you! I hope they consider it.
Suffern ACE
@Svensker: Thank you. Peter King cries and wets his pants on command in public more than any politician in the Northeast. There’s enough people like that in office in the other party. I don’t want that over here.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
Are you serious?
Curious. She hasn’t been seen in public for what, 3 weeks. First, she had the flu, then a bloodclot. That’s all I’ve seen which is verifiable. The source I linked gives the scuttlebutt, but other than the European Times, nobody is talking about her.
Now he knows how Muslims feel about him.
@Svensker: I’m afraid that yes, yes he is.
Hey, Petey…welcome to the party, pal!! Enjoy the sawdust appetizers washed down with the fuck you urine water martinis, fucknuts! And your party favors – crisco and amyl nitrates. Have fun, dickhead – that is your party who you have been happy to carry the water for all these years.
@Violet: Real people != “real” Americans.
The GOP only cares about the latter, Mr. King. They don’t care about your real people. Racial minorities, women, gays, and atheists are real people too, and you know how YOU feel about those folks. You have find something else to appeal to your party for help.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Exactly. And who is going to pay anyone to view opinions, and links to other sites, and poems, and photos on the Internet?
I doubt that it is possible to churn out dozens of posts a week and make those posts worthy of payment when there are literally millions of others doing the same thing for nothing.
And I will find it really offensive if Sullivan continues to merely link to the efforts of others, and charges his readers for the privilege. Radio stations pay royalties for playing music. Huff Post pays to link to news stories. IANAL but I wonder if the rules change for Sullivan once he starts charging people to view such posts.
Perhaps he is referring to his habit of being firmly on one side of an issue (see the Ryan budget), then doing a complete about-face & being just as committed to the other side. The “dissent” is between himself, before & after.
@bemused: He probably meant riots in the TV studios. I add Scarborough to the “He” as well.
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
One problem with this story is that US press travels on the plane with Clinton.
Culture of Truth
Peter King is “right” in the sense that he is mean and selfish, but not stupid, and now he needs something, and his buddies who are also, like him, mean and selfish are being mean to him.
He’s one of the worst people in the world, and belongs to gang of wretched crooks, only this time they are screwing him and his people. Welcome to the party, dipshit.
My question is why the back-stabbing is going public right now. Remember– these are not nice people. They are not anybody’s friend, and that includes each other. Oh, well. Pass the popcorn.
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
Man, they sure put a lot of work into their website. Thats a pretty long con of real looking news just so they can post batshit crazy stuff as real news every once and a while.
I wonder how many people go for it.
@Comrade Jake: There’s too much willful ignorance and Catholicism for me. After Tiller was shot, he spent a month publishing letters from women who survived only because Tiller would third trimester abortions, and many men who lost their wives because they couldn’t get one.
In the end, he still feels third tri abortions should be illegal because of his religious belief.
So I don’t care much if he can be interesting. He’s a narcissist that will kill others to make himself feel better.
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
The author of that doom-laden article was “Sorcha Faal”. The previous scoop by Sorcha Faal on 12/23/12 stated”
Were you astute enough to believe that “scoop” as well?
Forum Transmitted Disease
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin): Wow. Made up of whole cloth if you ask me. I like the part about her replacement already being selected. Surely had nothing to do with her announced retirement this summer.
However, she’s not in a good way. She should recover, but a blood clot on the brain (regardless of cause) is a very serious, life-threatening condition, no two ways about it, and survival is not guaranteed.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
I see a lot of problems with the story. My fear, is that whatever the cause of her bloodclot, it’s a lot more serious than they let on. Many Drs. are saying it’s very uncommon, in injury from a fall.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
She’s had bloodclots before (her leg, I believe) and she is tough, but tired.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
It has an Alex Jones look, for sure.
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin): Sounds to me like the fall was a result of blood pressure medication. She’s in a high stress job and in the age bracket where things like BP go awry. She already has a history of blood clots. And for someone not willing to be chill long enough to get used to the meds, falling/ dizziness/ passing out is a real risk of the medication.
Boner is apparently scared enough to call for an emergency relief package.
Seems that might dampen the coming debt faux ceiling debate a bit.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@The Ancient Randonneur: A reporter last night asked one of Boehner’s aides what had happened about the Sandy vote and was told to call Cantor’s office in the morning for an explanation.
@The Dangerman:
At the moment the clip (appears to be edited somewhat) is front and center on
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
I’m keeping a good thought. She is one of the few politicos I’ve found, through personal experience, who really does care about her constituency.
@gogol’s wife: that already happened
I guess they figure they’ve lost Wall Street dollars since the massive, oh-so-painful tax increase (one reputable source suggests a household with $1M in income, mixed between salaries and cap gains/divs will see … get this … a $37,000 increase in taxes. Ouch, that’s two illegal maids!)
Anyway, since the Wall Street ATM has been dented by yesterday’s cliff vote, why not further piss off those gay-loving Brooks Brothers RINOs in lower Manhattan?
I find this maneuver to be stunningly amoral and vacuous too. Such an easy ’14 campaign ad for New England Congressional races to boot.
ETA: By illegal, I mean richie-rich is breaking the law in hiring the maids w/o documents. Sorry.
I was looking at the list of Senators who voted for/against the Sandy relief bill. All 32 who voted Nay are, of course, Republicans. But isn’t it interested that the Republicans who voted Yea included both Senators from Mississippi (Cochran and Wicker) and the GOP Senator (Vitter) from Louisiana, and even one Republican Senator from Alabama (Shelby). Guess memories of Katrina haven’t faded even 7+ years later.
Ha, I’m enjoying the mental image of a group having a kicking and screaming tantrum, ala Rick Santelli. btw, Kilmeade with Doocey by his side asked that question of Varney who then whined that he moved to get away from “cradle to the grave socialism” 40 years ago and now he’s scared it’s come to America.
@Mandalay: can I enter a negative number?
If I actually read Sully I might care.
FYWP, interesting, not interested.
Ash Can
I’m sure this has been mentioned already, but Chris Christie is holding a presser at 2PM EST to, ahem, say a few words about the House punting on Sandy relief. I suggest that those of who who get the vapors whenever Cole observes that Christie is serious about this “governing” thing get your smelling salts, pearls, and fainting couches all ready because Christie’s Twitter account has been indicating that he’s not exactly going to blow kisses to his fellow Republicans. Could be pretty entertaining.
Lee Rudolph
Has anyone ever implemented a pay-to-comment model?
I See A Great Need. (And will happily accept 10%.)
Another Halocene Human
Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)
Oops, for a second I thought that was a joke on Peter King,
RD-Israel. King would never run as a D with the things he’s said and done yet some are talking a party switch for him today. Also, because I mix up Steve and Peter King sometimes because they’re both assholes. Only one of them palled around with the IRA but they both hate Muslims, for example.Mandalay
@Ash Can:
Except Christie might be blowing Peter King.
They would make a lovely couple.
Here’s the deal. If Boehner does end up bringing the Sandy bill today, a substantial part of the House GOBP may vote no to please their Club for Growth and other cancerous masters. It may be the second stab to the Hastert rule in 24 hours.
The funny/sad thing about this is that Boehner killed the bill not to screw over Obama or other Democrats, but as revenge for Cantor’s actions during the fiscal cliff talks!
Backstroking through a river of schadenfreude…sweetened with wingnut tears and seasoned with pink Himalayan salt.
Another Halocene Human
@The Ancient Randonneur: Staten Island… lol
One day they will come in out of the cold … one day.
Ash Can
@Mandalay: Heh. One of the wags at LGF was pointing out the fact that, in one fell swoop last night, Boehner and the House GOP managed to enrage both the Tea Party and the northeastern GOP factions. What’s left for them? North Dakota and a couple of precincts in Des Moines?
Jay C
Well, amusing as it might to see Peter King losing his shit on video, I still think this is more like a regional insurgency than a “civil war” for the GOP. King might be an off-the-wall whackaloon, but (in political terms) he’s not suicidal – natural-disaster-relief is supposed to be one of those Absolute Basics of American politics, and any public official (Federal, State or local) who isn’t at least seen to be standing up for aid to devastated constituents is going to find themselves seeking new career opportunities in short order. As SiubhanDuinne points out: Senators whose states include Hurricane Alley and/or Tornado Junction are going to be cognizant of these political realities.
Jay C
And: re Andrew Sullivan:
Is there a box to check where I can request Excitable Andy to pay ME for having to wade through his tripe???
Another Halocene Human
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks for the tip.
Peter King should start a new party if he is serious (and how serious he is we’ll find out whether he abstains from the Speaker election or not).
I already have a name for him:
Independent Republicans of America.
Another Halocene Human
@RaflW: I guess they figure they’ve lost Wall Street dollars since the massive, oh-so-painful tax increase (one reputable source suggests a household with $1M in income, mixed between salaries and cap gains/divs will see … get this … a $37,000 increase in taxes. Ouch, that’s two illegal maids!)
Nice, maybe with the drop in inequality, violence and crime will decline in NYC and they can save some money on police through RIF through attrition and put that money back into the MTA after raiding the agency for years and years and cutting people’s service. With better transit service the service end of the economy will be enhanced, reducing inequality more and a virtuous circle will ensue.
El Cid
What is this “New York” place he’s talking about?
Real America is the Confederacy. Anywhere else is a buncha librul commie traitors.
Another Halocene Human
@RaflW: By illegal, I mean richie-rich is breaking the law in hiring the maids w/o documents. Sorry.
I figured you meant illegal as in “paid under the table, in violation of US labor law and IRS tax code and possibly in violation of state statute and local ordnance w/ respect to things like breaks and sick days”.
I doubt the employer much cares about their immigration status unless they’re running for president, for Pete’s sake.
Another Halocene Human
@Jay C: Ah, but not for 19th-century re-enactors. Families hit by disasters sent letters begging for aid back in the glorious days of small government and were told to firm their resolve and buck up.
bah humbug.
Those areas are doomed anyway due to rising sea levels.
We should be encouraging them to move inland, not helping them rebuild in place.
@Calouste: I get it. I get it.
As entertaining (or gorge-rising) as Peter King’s tantrum may be, the Schadenfreude I’m feasting upon is that provided by Republican congressman Michael Grimm, who represents Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, areas which suffered much greater devastation from Hurricane Sandy than did King’s district.
Grimm was elected in the TeaParty wave of 2010 and is the only GOP member of the New York City congressional delegation. A loyal legislative vote for GOP extremism, Grimm is currently under investigation by both the Justice Department and the House Ethics Committee for alleged violations of campaign finance law.
The beleaguered residents of New York’s 13th Congressional district might now prefer to have some effective representation come 2014.
Bubblegum Tate
I think this wingnut figured it all out:
Good use of the Cavuto Mark, too.
@Comrade Jake: I already signed up.
“OT, but Sully is apparently moving the Dish to a pay-as-you-click model. $20 a year. That’s an awful lot to hear more about Sarah Palin’s mystery childbirth.”
He, LGF, and BJ are my three core go-to entertainment and learning blogs :)
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
She had a blood clot in her leg in 1998. She has a tendency to get them.
It’s is very serious to have a blood clot in your head.
They found it because of her concussion MRI.
I just want to hear that she’s okay and going home.
And, I upped the ante to $30 :) – like I said, very entertaining
Another Halocene Human
@handsmile: Ben Grimm not so Fantastic after all.
@Another Halocene Human: winning
A friend of mine tweeted this:
Shorter Rep. King: “Wait, you mean my party’s NO GUBMINT ALLOWED stance actually applies to things I care about? OMG!”
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
She left hospital today:
You might want to reconsider the reliability of a website, which claims Obama is planning to take guns away from Jews.
Bruce s
Saw King on my teevee this morning and he sounded sane. I was concerned he was having some sort of mental breakdown.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
She seems ok. I hope she takes a long sabbatical, before hitting full speed again.
We need the likes of her……..
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
If she had any sense, she’d resign right away. She is not ever going to be able to go full tilt again. There were more issues than the clot.
She won’t be president. Her age and health would prevent it. Also, they would clamor for details on her medical records.
Her life has changed.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
I made a vague reference to personal knowledge….
In the 90’s I had two businesses in BK. It was pure Hell and the Trustee was giving us fits.
He accused us of failing to show in court. Fortunately, we had counsel, and he came back (at some expense to us) to confirm, but the Trustee was an asshole.
I wrote one letter to Hillary. Within 10 days I got a call. When we returned to court, the Trustee was falling all over himself. His clerk had been burying paperwork. He informed us of her termination, and was quite helpful from then on. I feel sure it was Hillary’s staff who called because the Trustee seemed to think we were connected politically, which we weren’t. I will never forget that. I wish her only health and happiness, whatever her choices.