We will be doing a site rebuild in February, and I just wanted you to know that there is a gmail address where you can send your suggestions:
I personally want to move back to a three column set-up with ads and other crap on both sides with the content in the middle, but I am open to suggestions.
And holy shit, Louisville is bringing it to Florida.
Just Some Fuckhead
Where can I contribute money for this site rebuild?
Comrade Mary
Make your time? For great justice!
Just Some Fuckhead
Go with pastels on the site rebuild John. Everyone loves pastels.
@Comrade Mary: MOVE ZIG!!
I’m interested to see what this will bring. If it results in less FYWP moments, I’m “all in”, just not in the Paula Broadwell sense.
Can you put the switch that turns mobile format on and off at the top of the page, instead of at the bottom? Would be more convenient.
Hmmm … I guess Betty’s going to be a little snappish tomorrow morning.
Change, noooooooooo!!!11!1eleventy1!!
I disagree. Get a really dark background with tiny, light-colored letters. People can’t get enough of that!
Animated GIFs, lots of those.
Spaghetti Lee
I’d vote for an all-pet-photos format. This politics stuff, enh, y’know?
Flashing GIFs! With MIDI sound effects!
What Louisville is doing to the Gators is exactly why the NCAA had to break up the Big East…
Michael G
Nobody uses the color orange enough. Make everything orange.
Also, that way you won’t clash with GOS anymore.
Higgs Boson's Mate
If I can’t access it Latin then, as far as I’m concerned, it’s fucked.
How’s that for help, John?
RobertDSC-iMac G5
A sound file of Tunch’s meow on a loop with each page viewing.
“I personally want to move back to a three column set-up ”
I think single column is easier to read,
but it’s your site, so do as you will
I come for the content, not the format
The site must be green in support of the revolution.
@Michael G: “Make everything orange”
with yellow text
@Just Some Fuckhead: No, no, no. Everyone loves GREIGE.
I miss the Bodoni Extra Bold post numbers, and getting the ads out of the middle would be great, because I often click on them accidentally on my iPad when trying to load comments.
When in doubt, stick with the classics.
The email bounced. Here is what I said:
Since New Years or so, when visiting from my iPad, occasionally the phone version shows up, which is annoying because there is plenty of room on the iPad for the regular site. Would prefer to ony ever see regular site on iPad.
Other than that, I got nothin. Keep up the good work. I guess there is one other thing…
I realize that the GOP is worse, but I am getting very leery of all the encroachments on the 4,5,and 6 amendments by Obama. It needs attention. I am not happy at all about the banks shutting down OWS via police I pay for, coordinated by FBI. But will not pollute a thread with that concern.
@Violet: For that, I would pay $19.95/annum!
The prophet Nostradumbass
The site needs a function where, when Andrew Sullivan changes his color scheme in pretend solidarity with some group, Balloon Juice automatically changes to something different.
Ed in NJ
SEC is so overrated. Their teams are giving up 30+ points in the bowl games. After facing Rutgers, the Florida D had to seem like playing a JV team.
I hate Notre Dame, but they are going to beat Alabama.
I suddenly realized that I spent all day yesterday watching the Rose Parade and never bothered to find out who won the football game that follows.
It was Stanford, if anyone cares.
Corner Stone
@Ed in NJ:
No. They are not.
If you moved the Contacts and the gigantic/dated blogroll to a tab or something, you could save a lot of space and go to two columns. With the ad column being the default tab.
How about turning it into a porn site? Call it Green Balloons. This can be lucrative so you can donate more proceeds to the Democratic Party.
@Ed in NJ: Think about what the announcers would have been saying about who didn’t belong in the game if the uniforms had been reversed tonight.
Oh, and the Big East is now 5-3 in BCS games, and 3-2 against the SEC.
Yeah, well put down your damn bon-bons as teh google just bounced my email.
It’s a great day for America when an SEC team loses.
How about a generally functioning site? Lacking triple comments and “Can’t handle the 2013 Missouri Republican Debate”.
@Ed in NJ:
You do realize that you’re saying that a conference that has won the last 6 national championships, with 3 different teams, is overrated…right?
Yeah…that’s not going to happen.
Tunch should be looming over the blog like Putin over Alaska Or have your pet troll provide some artwork. Whichever.
Error message:
[email protected]
“The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.”
Roger Moore
And blink tags everywhere. Nothing else will show what a VSP you are.
On a more serious note, I’d like to see the main text column be variable width again, so it uses all available space between the sidebars. And bring back the rotating tags at the top, which seem to have disappeared.
I don’t see why there can’t just be a delicious smell when you first open the web site.
It could be whatever Jeffrey is cooking. Not Cole’s house unless he’s making a roast or something.
I also think a Cole web cam is long overdue.
@burnspbesq: This may sound silly, but THANK YOU for your comment – the site has been repeatedly (though not consistently) loading on my iPad in the mobile format lately, and it was driving me nuts. I had never bothered to scroll all the way down when this happened, so I had no idea there was a switch.Yaaay!
@burnspbesq: Sturridge?
What say you?
Ed in NJ
Gaming the system by having 8 top 25 teams to start every season guarantees that the SEC always will have a team in the BCS Championship. They beat each other and then everyone says they played the toughest schedule. But they never play a single game in weather below 50 degrees, and rarely outside the south. While everyone else has to battle their schedule and the elements. Everyone outside SEC country who knows anything about college football knows this.
Suffern ACE
Like buttons, embedded comment chains and would you please friend me on facebook?
16-bit graphics and MIDI sound files.
@burnspbesq: I fully expect her to be slightly churlish. And possibly hungover.
@Yutsano: Plus an annual convention or some kind of Burning Man thing.
Or a Tunchapalooza concert for charity. I’ll talk to Rahm.
No animated GIFs, no autoplay midi sounds.
Animated stuff makes me anxious — turns on a neurological over-stimulation problem. I use Flash Blocker and AdBlocker to keep from having to deal with animations now. Any other animations I can’t control will drive me away from the site.
Suffern ACE
Yeah, but just wait until Rutgers and Maryland join the Big 10. Then we’ll see who wins. Or t least who gets the most money that goes God knows where to fund God knows what, most likely child soldier divisions somewhere.
Before or after you kick Hizzoner in the nuts?
I liked the previous site personally. This one has always felt rather unrefined (well, so was the last one but it just seems like it’s worse now).
I would mention something about fixing FYWP, but we all know that’s asking for the impossible.
@Ed in NJ:
First, they don’t vote themselves into the top 25. Secondly, they still have to win all the games on their schedule.
Well that’s a function of their geographic location, so I don’t see what point that is. Also, it has nothing to do with he fact that they’ve beaten teams on neutral fields in the championship games.
For the past 5 years (not including the SEC/SEC game), they have beaten the team that played them in the national championship game. That is the measure of the best team. What you’re saying is that because they don’t play in snow, they’re not any good? Sounds like a lot of hate coming from you.
Also sounds like a midwesterner mourning the good ole days when the Big 10 was actually relavent.
Right…everyone thinks that. I think that everyone in your social circle believes that…doesn’t make it true.
You want there to be other determining factors to decide the champion, instead of winning in a championship game. That’s not going to happen. Whether or not a team plays in snow, will never be a determining factor for how good a team is…because they don’t play championship games in the snow.
Here’s a bit on common knowledge you may not be aware of…the only people that talk about “the elements” are the people that have to deal with them. There’s a reason that most of the top athletes go to schools in warmer climates…nobody likes playing in “the elements”.
Fix the block quote thingy at least now. I am cool with the present lefty orientation.
And segregate mobile site from the regular site completely with a different url.
More Rosie and Max pictures and lots of purple.
@Yutsano: You can’t stop that guy’s nuts. You can only hope to contain them.
Soup of the evening
The ‘off’ switch never seems to work on my tablet. Scrolling down past eleventy-something comments to reach this nonworking switch is icing on the cake, I guess.
I was having a different (and even more annoying) problem with the mobile site on my iPhone — it would randomly turn on and off, and there didn’t seem to be any way to force it to stay “on.”
A couple of people recommended that I clear my cookies and history, but it didn’t seem to help. After clicking on a couple of posts, it would switch off again and I would have to clear history and cookies all over again.
So I also vote for having a m.balloon-juice.com URL rather than the buggy on/off switch.
There Will Not Be Any Posts Between Now And Then Where John Cole Tells Everybody To STFU And DIAF Until After The Rebuild Is Done, And Other Stories
Comrade Mary
@Mnemosyne: I was having the same problem. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but after clearing history and cookies, I didn’t go back into any threads that had shown the desktop style instead of mobile style. I was shown the desktop home page a few more times when I returned, but then the home page and all new threads flipped to mobile. And ever since, I get pure mobile.
Still buggy, though. I’d also vote for a separate URL for the mobile site.
I also personally miss the old blue gradient banner at the top with the black “Balloon Juice” and the little illustration. The one you have now is like New Coke.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
I’d be all about requiring logging on to post comments, wherein the commenter-to-be would be presented at the beginning of each session with a short list of questions designed to determine their familiarity with scientific method. Fail = remaining on the sidelines, barking.
Actually, my first idea was a commenting log-on process that would operate as a mental breathalyzer to screen out drunk posts, but the I realized this place would be a ghost town after 5:00.
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
I would miss PsiFighter.
@Suzanne: Yeah, me too. I loved the balloon illustration. And “John Cole’s Balloon Juice” too.
Roger Moore
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
Balloon-Juice without trolls is like eutrophication without algae: implausible.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Oh, and courier font and a flashing siren. Then, we could party every day like it’s 1999.
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
Comic Sans…can’t go wrong with Comic Sans!
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@RareSanity: I thought the comic sans was pretty much implied around here…?
Bubblegum Tate
I want a realistic down-to-earth blog that’s completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots. And I want to win stuff by reading!
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
And ads featuring scantily-clad chicks smushing cream pies into each other’s faces. I hear that totally drove up page visits at some other lib site.
@Bubblegum Tate: The infamous Poochy focus group. I blame Ralph.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@ranchandsyrup: Cram it with walnuts, ugly!
The idea of a ‘Preview’ button has been discussed in the past, and rejected, IIRC because it creates too many problems with the site. But if those problems could be resolved, it would be worth considering again. And if the Preview button was operated by magic pastel robots, that would be especially awesome.
@The prophet Nostradumbass. Ha! Trivia time: The poochie episode intrroduced comic book guy’s catchphrase “Worst episode ever”.
? Martin
Great, we’re off to design the Homer again.
Jewish Steel
Now don’t just automatically say no, just hear me out and picture it for a moment: Sexy dancing avatars.
Eh? Eh? Nice, huh? Class the joint up some.
Jewish Steel
@Yutsano: There was a jumping alligator?
The Dangerman
Deep philosophical thought with lots of questions that can’t be answered.
The last digit of pi?
The meaning of life?
Ginger or Mary Ann?
@Jewish Steel: You don’t remember the jumping alligator? That ad was epic in how it would bog down the servers!
Suffern ACE
@Jewish Steel: Can we settle for “suggestive” avatars? Some of the stuff people on the internet find sexy is wrong. I don’t want to be up all night correcting them.
Jewish Steel
@Yutsano: No, I don’t. But that’s hilarious.
@Suffern ACE: Certainly. I am not an unreasonable negotiator. Now dance, Ace!
Next post/previous post at the bottom would be nice. And don’t bother with the mobile site, it’s useless.
That’s right, bring back the little man with the umbrella, or whatever it was. I miss him.
Humble Lurker
This. That change was my only problem with the last rebuild.
I’ve spent the whole time since the last redesign trying to figure out if the doohickey on the search box is a truncated banner or a deformed limb.
Anne Laurie
@Suffern ACE:
I seriously considered banhammering you for that comment, comrade.
Fair warning.
Anne Laurie
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
Around here, it’s ‘comic sans pants”!
@Anne Laurie: Is JC mopping again? I just want to make sure the EMTs are sufficiently warned.
Mouse-over of any instance of the acronym FYWP triggers a sad trombone sound.
And zombies. Everyone loves zombies.
Also too, blinking text. :·)
The experiment with the web has failed. We demand a gopher interface.
@Calouste: I use the mobile site all the time on my iPhone.
Oh my god THIS please!
Also can you put in a robot commenter that automatically responds to anyone complaining about the ads google shows them to say that those ads reflect their own damn browsing history and are not a conspiracy by the bloggers to assault their eyes with unwanted crap. I think the bot-comment should be intensely profane and include lots of words that set off FYWP so that all replies get moderated and don’t show.
Thor Heyerdahl
What about those of us who didn’t graduate from the University of Minnesota?
Next you’ll be asking for telnet access…
@Yutsano: That was nothing compared to the horror of the Pamela Anderson and anti-meat ads. And I also vote to bring back the old BJ logo with rotating captions.
Also for the site redo? One word: wingdings!
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@Anne Laurie: Hey I resemble that and things of this nature!
I would like to vote in favor of the current large-text-field on the left format. It works better with the cheap laptops I usually use, where scrolling right-to-left is a real pain in the neck.
Navigation buttons at the foot of the comments would also be nice. Barring that, please keep the little arrow-thingy that, with a single click, takes you back to the top of the post, so one can navigate from there.
As for the blogroll: why not trash it? There is something awfully 2004 about a blogroll, and half the links are dead in any case.
I know I’m old but I use the blogroll to visit sites every day. Sure I could create bookmarks for each of the sites I want to visit but I drop by BJ so often & it easier to just click over there.
Plus it introduced me to John Scalzi after I had given up on SF novels and Ta-Nehisi Coates when the Atlantic was overloaded with some of the worst ‘thinkers’ available. That last one alone is reason enough for it to be around in perpetuity.
Dump Pat Lang!
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Maybe some of you kids are not old enough to remember when the go-fer interface was THE thing. So cool & hep & happenin’. Never be first to the market with innovation.
Now if I could get BJ on my TTY33 that would be cool, I’d have the paper tape backup copy!
Please consider changing the glaring white background to something that is easier on the eyes. Thank you.
@tjmn: Get f.lux
If you could make it so a loud video clip automatically plays when you come to the site, that would be great.
@Baud: Or an animated gif with music!
Preferably Bieber or Nickelback.
@The Dangerman: Well, in a base-pi number system, the last digit of pi equals 1.
It’s time.
For a morning open thread.
@mikej(droid): Clearly what we need is a version supported by Lynx
I love the numbering of comments, and clean comments interface.
Absolutely hated it when the NYTimes changed its commenting software and removed numbered comments. Now the readers comments are just a mass, rather than discrete responses. A real problem when there are 400+ comments.
RE blogroll: maybe update and keep it, but behind a link that those interested can click on?
I would also love to be able to sort by commenter — for example, to be able to search for all “Kay” posts so that I can find the particular one on voting rights I’m searching.
Could you add a tag for posts by Kay, posts by mistermix, etc.?
Wouldn’t mind seeing a tag for Lily pictures, Rosie pictures, Tunch photos … because they’re not up there frequently enough!
Logging in with Facebook. And avatars.
Like this one from my Korea group!
@tjmn: If you use firefox, then you can try this addon.
You can customize any website to the background color and font you prefer.
All my websites are all set to very dull grey with black letters. No strain on the eyes going from one url to another.
definitely could use a separate url for the mobile site. I keep having trouble with it both on my phone and on my iPad.
Paul in KY
@The Dangerman:
There is no meaning
Mary Ann
J.D. Rhoades
Flashing GIFs! With MIDI sound effects!
Oooh…retro! Takes me back to the glory days, when “porn on the internet” meant still photos that downloaded so slowly they might as well have been coming from the Galileo deep space probe.
Or so I’ve heard.
gogol's wife
@Humble Lurker:
I would love it if the text were in the middle again. And back to the old font.
@Suffern ACE:
Aw Gawd, don’t do it Cole! That shit drives me craaaazyyyy.
Alex S.
I just want a crescent somewhere.
Man I just got used to it looking like this
I pretty much visit the site only from my iPad these days.
I kinda like the ‘R-ussian R-oulette’-esque aspect of loading the front page. You never know, will you get the desktop or the mobile site? Keeps things spicy!
I’d like to see the background color the lightish gray it was before. The three columns layout was better.
I miss the balloon man header.
A troll zapper, like the one on Curiosity would be nice.
Also it still looks like a wiki
@Raven: Quiet, dignified, easy on the eyes. I think we have a winner.
Re: FF addon
No, No, No. That would take away my whine.
Forum Transmitted Disease
You’re signal to noise ratio on the site’s becoming a real problem, Mr. Cole. You need to institute real user accounts and an “ignore list” like every other damn site on the internet has.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@Raven: Got to second this motion. He’s become a sad old man screaming about the Negro menace and the gubbmint taking away his guns. Damn shame, he used to be worth the effort to read. Not any longer.
Good god: “A three column set up?” are you insane?
screw columns. the future is in rows.
anyone still using the pie filter? i suppose i’ll have to update that, if so.
@cleek: It’s working beautifully. Is thier anyway to fill it with custom phrases?
the script has a set of built-in phrases that you can edit yourself, if you want. it’s Javascript, but the phrase section should be pretty simple to understand even for non-programmers.
(Manage add-ons, right click on the BJ Pie Filter, “Edit”, scroll down a little, find the list, add your own)
I like the current layout, but like others have said, I come for the content. My only suggestion would be the addition of the last post/next post links at the bottom above the “Leave a Reply” area, so you can navigate top and bottom.
For the love of FSM please let us subscribe to threads so we know when new comments are posted.
As a tech person you should be embarassed that you don’t provide at least that minimum amount of functionality on your site (I’ve given up on threaded comments)
Roger Moore
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Please, please, please keep the pie filter up to date. I love the pie filter. And please add “Revenge is a dish best served with pie!” to the list of stock phrases.
Oooh…we should go to the IO9 set up for comments!
Sturridge will help, but Liverpool is still not going to make it to Europe unless they win the FA Cup.
Damn skippy. Way too many one note idiots, without your work.
The Big Ten was never that relevant, Michigan and Ohio State were, with occasionally great teams from other schools– like most conferences. The issues that both of those schools have had over the last 5 years are well known, but OSU also just went undefeated and a basically talent-free Michigan was barely beaten by a top ten SEC team.
The issue people have with the insane conference worship that SEC fans (and only SEC fans, as nobody else roots for their conference like that) engage in is not that Alabama or LSU or anyone else who has won a championship isn’t a great team, it’s the notion that the midlevel schools are also incredibly powerful juggernauts just because SEC.
Not exactly. Back in the day, before the league started its creeping merger with the Big East. ACC basketball fans could be pretty chauvanistic about the conference.
@Roger Moore:
Comrade Luke
Per-author RSS feeds, please.
That is all.