Just got a call from the DCCC, and they were asking for money, so I gave an initial donation of a sizable amount and then signed up to give 50 bucks a month in perpetuity. I already do the same 50 dollar donation every month for the DNC. I plan to go to the DSCC site and set up the same monthly payment.
It’s 150 bucks a month, which fortunately for me, is affordable. I drive a 97 Subaru, have no interest in clothes and have no problem wearing grey t-shirts from cheapestees.com and khaki shorts 90% of the time, I have no interest in luxury items outside of kitchen appliances, and remember a few years back when I would blow 100 bucks in one night in a bar. So this is an easy concession for me. I’m lucky.
Many of you are not, so this post is not for you. But for those of you who have the means to donate, I think you should consider doing the same. With redistricting and the gerrymandering that has been discussed at length, and all the historical problems going into 2014 (the President’s party almost always loses seats in the House in midterms), we need to do what we can.
So think about it. If you have the means, consider a monthly donation to the DSCC, the DCCC, and the DNC.
Look. The deal Obama and the Democrats struck (and passed the teahadist House) was not ideal in any way, shape, or form. But it was the best I think they could have done given the current make-up.
You want change? You want real change? Elect a better congress. That costs money. And for the reliable trolls who will tell us the Democrats are the problem, well, you just need to be choked out with a strap-on. The Democrats are in no way perfect, but they are a much better option than the lunatic party. If you can tell me one way that a Pelosi led house would be worse than the Boehner nihilist shit-show, I’ll listen. Until then, no quarter, so don’t even pollute my god damned thread.
E. Loomis
“… you just need to be choked out with a strap-on.”
Metaphorically speaking.
I don’t donate to those fuckers. Too much of the money goes to electing blue dogs and other conservadems.
Some folks expect their elected officials to deliver policies that are perfect images of their political positions.
I had two epiphanies about perfection recently…
1. “Perfection” is a moving target.
2. “Perfection” is for weenies.
No One of Consequence
Don’t candy-coat it for us. Let us know how you really feel.
– NOoC
Corner Stone
Something feels familiar about this…something…not sure what exactly.
I’m sure it’ll come to me.
In a Swiss village, a gunman killed 3 people and wounded 2 others. He was arrested.
This comes under the heading, What is the world coming to?
No wonder you’re nakid most of the time.
Other than that, good call.
Corner Stone
Personally, I’m going to continue trying to get non-insane nominally D type people to run for school board where I live.
The last D one we had was insane but in a far left way and went all self-destruct torpedo. She switched candidacies to compete against the worst of the worst RWNJ. It was Mad Max style. Her or the crazy ass RWNJ would get through.
Two women enter, one woman leave.
“I have no interest in luxury items outside of kitchen appliances”
Amen, brother. Next up on the wish list, a pressure cooker.
Love me some kitchen stuff!
If that job in Seattle area that I am aiming for works out I will be able to afford 100-150 per month. However…Can permanent residents (i.e. Green card and not citizen yet) donate to DNC etc.? I am just lazy to find and this seems like a good thread to ask.
Corner Stone
@Maude: How big was his pen!s? Do we know yet?
General Stuck
Right arm, man. well stated.
Why don’t we raffle off corner stone as a national icon keepsake?
@Maude: There goes another nra talking point. Weren’t they citing that eeewwwropean country for ‘responsible gun ownership’?
I just had the best idea for a fundraiser…
pseudonymous in nc
State races. State legislatures are where ALEC and AUL and the other DC wingnut welfare shops send their “[insert state name here]” draft bills. State legislatures have power way in excess of their accountability, and it’s possible right now for one or two rich bastards to buy themselves control (see: Kochs, Wisconsin, or Art Pope, now NC’s budget director). Give a shit about your state government.
Not a chance. I’ll give my money to individual politicians. But never to any national democratic organization.
@pseudonymous in nc:
This too.
Corner Stone
Yeah. We’ve seen your place. In really bad, yellow tinged lighting so that ’70s pr0n is always unspeakably around the corner. But yeah. We get what you’re saying.
pseudonymous in nc
Corner Stone
@Baud: Hey, if you need new equipment I’m sure you could get a few bucks from this crowd..
Good thoughts, Mr. Cole. I prefer to give to “more” progressive groups to get better Dems but to each their poison. I agree, it takes money and effort which is why I support my local Dem party 110%. Giving in this spirit (to any worthy organization) is better than sitting on the side lines and complaining!!
@Dexter: nope. [/ofa volunteer]
@Corner Stone:
I’m always looking to upgrade…
Hats off to you, and thank you for your support.
Until the blue dogs are no longer messing with the balance, I have a tough time with the DCCC. Knowing that the $ flows to incumbents by design, I eschew the indirect support in favor of Act Blue. It requires I sit up, pay attention to the candidates and the issues, and pony up accordingly. Kos called it, you want change, get your ass to the voting booth for the primaries, and send your donations where you think the support will do some good.
I’ll give Wasserman-Schultz major props, she makes the right noises, and she’s a helluva lot easier on the eyes than her predecessor(s). She was on my Act Blue list last go around, and will likely be again as long as the scratch holds out.
So, good on you Mr Cole. Knowing you got the national scene in mind, I’ll trade for the quick hits at the state level in the Buckeye and at the individual candidate level nationally via Act Blue.
Just Some Fuckhead
now everyone knows you use a strap-on john. real smart.
I’m savin my dough for the dog blegs.
@Corner Stone:
No, but if you give me the air fare, I’ll go find out.
Yup. Another hole in the argument by the NRA.
For people who have more money than time, I think it’s a decent way to contribute.
If you have time to select a few candidates you find worthy, I think you can do better than the DCCC.
The guy–Sam Wang, I think–at Princeton who helped run their election blog (Nate Silver type stuff) had a list of ‘high leverage races’ and that’s where deploying limited money might be better.
I know there’s a few lists out there of targeted races such as Red to Blue, Dean’s List, I think dKos has one, certainly a few though ActBlue. Some may be more ‘institutional’ than others.
All that being said, we’re T minus 20-months to the next congressional election. Institutional support might not be a bad idea. Or look local. Off year elections for local or statewide posts, building infrastructure for a strong primary fight, etc.
Corner Stone
@Just Some Fuckhead: You didn’t really think it’d be just y’alls little secret did you?
@Raven: They are much more easily trained.
Corner Stone
@Maude: Once you get there how do I know you won’t just spend it on beer and excellent chocolate?
Besides, I don’t think we really need Medical Examiner reports now. By default, anyone who has ever seen a real gun in real life had their pen!s shrunk two sizes two small, Grinch style.
I can’t bring myself to donate to the Congressional committees. I’d rather give to individual candidates instead of to a general ‘elect more Democrats’ fund (which is what D-Trip and DSCC are about). I’m no firebagger, but I’d rather send my money to candidates I can feel good about supporting, without reservations.
ETA: If Eric Cantor shivs Orange Julius on the speakership vote tomorrow, I want full credit for being right on every single one of my Election Night predictions. And I didn’t even need no fancy Nate Silver / Sam Wang model to get everything right.
Did you and little dancing bear break up?
I wish I could afford to donate, but it’s just not possible. Money is still tight. Sigh.
This is a good idea, but it’s also essential to work on getting people to vote. I hope OFA is using its considerable database and army of volunteers to get people to vote.
Ronnie Pudding
What about the DLC? How much to them?
And why is Louisville stomping Florida?
@Corner Stone:
I don’t drink, but I’d buy the most expensive coffee I could find. Suchard chocolate.
It was a good idea, anyway.
I love you John Cole, have I ever mentioned that, because if I have not then I would like to point out that what you just said is spot on, the only way we get rid of these fuckers is to vote them out of existence and the only way we do that is to out spend them.
Keith G
And anyway that was the last round and it’s already in the books. I have issues with it, but it’s the next fight that one needs to worry about, not the last.
I rarely give to political entities. I made an exception this year for the Obama campaign – a token $100 though BJ, twice. A postcard contribution.
I’m a perpetual donor to Planned Parenthood to the tune of five figures.
As a corporate executive I refuse to contribute to professional grifters. Like the DLC.
Not sure about the DCCC. Watching them, and with no true trust.
I’m going to attend my local township’s new Democratic club monthly meetings and try to line up people to run for township commissioners and the school board in this very red bit of the world.
Fascists like Cassidy.
Oh hell no. Put your money where it matters/makes more of a difference – get decent local Dems elected.
DCCC? DSCC? Shit, just shovel it into a barrel and light it on fire.
@Pococurante: Yeah. The brilliance of your wisdom just amazes me. Speaking of choking to death on a strap on, don’t you have something to go do?
@Violet: Oh, I concur totally. OFA’s primary mission is complete. They now need to leverage that contact information into turn-out movements, especially during the next mid-term.
Even if you think OFA isn’t progressive enough, the turn-out equation is a tough nut to crack, and they’re good at it. We can’t let that knowledge and ability just fade away.
Comrade Jake
So… You gonna subscribe to Sully’s site, Cole?
$150 a month is a NEW Subaru lease on a “Forester”.
Sell the ’97 and donate the funds.
@MB: Tea Party vs DCCC/DSCC – who did more to get Democrats elected to Congress in 2012?
(And yes, 2010 was a very different story)
Ron Thompson
For God’s sake, don’t give your money to the Democratic Party. Give in to individual, progressive candidates, like those listed at Act Blue. The DSCC and DCCC will just give it to Blue Dogs like Bob Kerrey, Jim Cooper, and others who want to cut social security and medicare to appease the confidence fairies. Concentrate your resources on people who can produce, not just a Democratic majority, but a progressive Democratic majority.
Actually, got no problems with blue dogs….if they’re from conservative areas. MacCaskill is a darn site better than a Tea Party Republican.
But I don’t care if you work on a more progressive candidate….as long as you get them elected. Rhetoric doesn’t move the Overton window much…elections do.
@Corner Stone:
I believe the kids today are calling that “Instagram.”
@Ron Thompson: Or, we can try to win. Winning seems the better option.
Corner Stone
@Ron Thompson:
Woah, woah, woah. This goes against everything we’ve been told.
@Oltrol: $150 new Forester lease? Ooh, where?
John, you should go behind a paywall and give all the money to the DNC
Corner Stone
@Jamey: Huh. efgoldman recently told me it was now being called, “homemade cookies for neighbors”.
I’m really confused at this point. Is this the next evo of The Ice Storm?
Ted & Hellen
Oooh. How butch.
It went up, its $189.00 now.
It is the 2nd link.
@Oltrol: I’d love to be buying/leasing a Subaru in Colorado. We’ll have to keep looking for a deal here in Philly. Thanks.
Amen. Look at all the money wasted on Darcy Burner.
I agree, which is why the American experiment is over. Oh, not right away, it’ll take a few more decades. But the plain fact is, the Oligarchy remorselessly assfucked us with this deal. Their taxes are significantly lower than they were a mere 15 years ago, and the leftmost possible position in our republic is that the Oligarchs pay significantly less than what’s needed to fund societal priorities. They won, John. Game over. What happens over the next few decades is what is commonly called “garbage time” in sports.
General Stuck
Don’t like blue dogs in the House.
Or would you prefer a tea party rep with a gas can and box of matches?
@PsiFighter37: from Drinking Liberally Philly?
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
A little more L&O:SVU than what many may have been thinking, but…
Corner Stone
Look at all the money Rahm wasted on Duckworth. And where is she now?
@Heliopause: kinda how like the Dems won everything since the New Deal, right?
Corner Stone
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): I don’t know. Some episodes Mariska is just mind blowing sexy, and others I’m wondering if she’s been on another set shooting some blue movies before she arrived.
Scamp Dog
@Violet: I hear ya. I didn’t donate any money this cycle, but I knocked on doors nearly every weekend for the last month or two. Colorado went blue by more doors than I knocked on, so I can’t take full credit, but I do think I made a difference.
I plan on doing at least that much for the 2014 mid-terms. Which reminds me, I need to keep in touch with the OFA folks who are local.
Corner Stone
@efgoldman: Isn’t that what we agreed on? Your neighbor and his wife really appreciated your wife’s homemade cookies?
Corbin Dallas Multipass
There’s also Blue America.
M Riles
@Corner Stone: Being sworn into the House tomorrow, unlike Darcy.
What’s your point?
General Stuck
Well aren’t you just the little ray of sunshine. Or are you trying to snatch the end times blog loon crown from mclaren?
@E. Loomis: “..with votes.” Or is it, “with a strap-votes-on?”
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Actually, I just made my first donation to Texas Democrats. My goal is to figure out how to get enough Hispanics to vote and Democrats to vote in off elections to start making a difference.
Corbin Dallas Multipass
Also, for some reason this post title reminded me of this terrible song. You can hate me now if you follow, nsfw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mAJU_ZKhEM
Corner Stone
@M Riles: It’s pretty simple if you weren’t a raging fucking dumbass.
@Gwangung: I’m gonna be watching Del Bene like a hawk since I’m close enough to her district (I’m like three blocks from the border or something like that) to keep an ear to the ground on these things. I’m glad she won and all, her opponent was a total nutjob, but I hope she doesn’t take the easy win for granted.
(I always had Shoreline pegged as more conservative than that. Who knew?)
@pseudonymous in nc:
This needs to be repeated often until it penetrates. We need to put alot of resources in state races. That’s where all the carzy is coming from.
Ted & Hellen
DCCC is smart to call while you’re wasted.
Ash Can
@Corner Stone: lulz!
@efgoldman: Go Cards!
@M Riles: Carol Shea-Porter will be sworn in again, and she won the first time with zero D-trip and sfaik zero Orange dollars, just with strong campaigning.
I’m delighted that DKos folks helped create (did create? idunno) ActBlue. Commenters (and FPers) here are reliably funnier and arguably saner, but not every blog needs to serve every function. Which is why the troll parade from last night was so tiresome!!!
Any concerted effort to back more than one candidate is likely to have some wins and some losses. I give more to OFA and to indiv races (via ActBlue) than I do to the DCCC, and I make sure only to reply to dunning letters (supposedly) penned by Nancy SMASH! herself. I wish they would get rid of slimy Mary Matalin’s slimy husband. (yep that’s reverse sexism for ya right there, but don’t worry, I believe he earned the boot all by himself without her help.)
In addition to JC’s original post, I think that letters to local papers can make a difference. Not sure if letters from *me* would help, me being the sort of long-haired bluestocking leftie that Rush warned them about…
Thats a lot of scratch that could form the basis of a good retirement….
@pseudonymous in nc:
I most definitely do and will focus even further down — the county government. In WA state, the county council is a petri dish for pointy head right wingers to be. Also boards of education. Getting good progressive candidates in mixed rural/urban or small town America is critical to changing the state legislatures. I always look for new angles as well to make new friends and participate in the community, learn what is important to people. It takes a while but you cannot build what we need to build without building new communities of trust and demand for progressivism. To my mind, we need people with positive energy and can do attitudes more than polemicists or firebrands.
@RSR: Who, me? I did go to DL Philly, but it was 5-6 years ago, when I was going to school there…
joel hanes
After watching the national Dem “leadership” through the last two elections, I’ll never give a dime to anything headed by Steve Israel, or DWS, or Steny Hoyer.
Act Blue.
Blue America.
Local Democrats.
What do you do to stay in touch?
I don’t know her, but I always try to assume the best and try by sharing information openly –inviting her to local covered dish dinners, etc to learn who the locals are and to pick up her vibe. Its like courtship isn’t it? You can tell early on whether she is going to be receptive to your community. We need to try this soon..
Corner Stone
Only a moron would give money to such a widely unaccountable grifting money laundering service as the DCCC.
Oh, wait.
Balloon Juice: Choking them out with a strap-on since 2002.
I’ve been giving regular donations to my county Democratic Party. I had particular motivation because I’m the treasurer, so I know we’re operating on a shoestring. I intend to give monthly to my Congressman, Pete DeFazio – I donated to him during the campaign, but I figure he needs to build up his war chest to fend off that nutjob Art Robinson, who’ll probably run against him again in 2014. I have mixed feelings about the DCCC and DSC, but taking back the House is a dire necessity, so I may break down and give to DCCC.
I’m not sure if it’s “garbage time.”
I understand the “Sturm und Drang” and I’m usually the one playing it. My wife has talked me down a few times, and I’ll say over the last six months or so, I’ve felt things are shifting, if subtly. (She often reminds me that political cycles in the US can take decades…but damn it’s frustrating!)
Until Nov 7, I harbored lingering concerns things could get horribly worse. But from “47%” past the +51% election of “that one” through the ‘cliff’ stand-off and the final US House of Reps Sandy F-U to NJ/NY, I just see a shift and realization of what the party of NO is capable of.
It may take years–and bad law can be written in the meanwhile–but people are waking up to the dysfunction of the Congressional GOP. NY Reps are telling people to stop donating money to fellow republicans! The real money is corporate anyway, but it’s gonna make some great commercials.
So, yeah, GOP in disarray–push it. It’s overdue.
Anyway, fight on.
@pseudonymous in nc: ding ding ding we have a winner.
You want real change, start at the local school board and work your way up.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
FWIW, Mayor Julian Castro was on the Today Show this morning in some roundtable on economics or something. Warren Buffet, the woman who invented Spanx and and is the CEO of the company, and Tony Robbins the motivational speaker guy were the other people there.
I didn’t watch it, but saw the promo for it and thought it was interesting that Julian Castro was one of the people there. Democratic Latino mayor in that crowd seemed like an interesting choice.
West Oakland original
@E. Loomis: Golf clap.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Violet: He sounds like a pretty good guy. I hope he takes it slow, though. Let everyone in the state get to know him, and start getting Democrats registered and voting. A few election cycles ago we tried putting another Hispanic up for governor, and Ron Kirk, African-American former Dallas mayor, up for Senate as a gimmick. It didn’t do the party, or either of them any good.
Do you know my husband? Are you my husband using a pseudonym?
Honestly, I had to tell him to shut up this morning. He was driving me crazy with his prophecies of doom.
He wanted the Messiah in 2008. He actually thinks that Obama(or someone), can change the social order just by himself.
My husband is PHD health services researcher — he is not stupid but even HE admits to a certain naivete that he just doesnt want to shed for some reason.
I tell him just like I tell you now: We the people have a lot to do with the government and social/economic structure that we have. WE have to change it from below — not wish for a Messiah that will do it or us from the top down. That is not to let our leaders off the hook — in particular Obama. Its to realize that the ACTION we need is on the front line and grass roots. Not in liberal left jaw flapping. If you want it different, get off your ass and make it different. You see, YOU are also responsible for this state of affairs.
Corner Stone
@arguingwithsignposts: Hey! I talked about my school board at #8!
I don’t get any love? Are you just trying to hurt me now?
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): I don’t know how long he can wait. The next Governor’s race will be in 2014. Perry is making noises about running again and I think he may be weakened by his poor outing when running for President. Plus he’s just been there forever and people are sick of him. If Castro doesn’t run in 2014, he’s going to have to wait four years after that. And who knows who might be the Governor at that point.
There aren’t going to be any other state-wide offices available for awhile unless he goes for a lesser office like Land Commissioner. Cornyn isn’t going anywhere and neither is Cruz, the newest Senator. He could run for a House seat, like his brother, but one has to open up.
I read an article about this very situation recently, talking about timing and how Julian Castro might not be ready to run for Governor in 2014, but in 2018 the field might be harder. Whichever Bush is the son of Jeb (is it George P. Bush?), the one with the Mexican mother, is setting up to run for some office in Texas. He’s Latino, speaks Spanish, and will be a Republican and have plenty of connections. He might be hard to beat in Texas.
Smiling Mortician
@Corner Stone: This is true. The point goes to Corner Stone.
/Thread Monitor
@Corner Stone: Yup.
But we know you can take it.
Pure poetry.
dead existentialist
@Smiling Mortician: Over my dead body. Oh, wait . . . .
Corner Stone
@dead existentialist: I’ve got dibs on the post mortem pics of you with the last couple of inches of strap showing.
Uhh, whenever that unfortunate occurrence occurs, of course.
Must follow the accepted decorum, as I have been reminded in this thread.
@Punchy: Ya know, I was just thinking to myself, “Self. WWRPS? (What Would Ron Paul Say?).” Thanks for answering that question for me.
dead existentialist
@Corner Stone: How ’bout I just respond with a “Gah!”
I’ve been wondering if there are any left think tanks or similar besides Think Progress that are worth donating to. I support a local MN one called Growth & Justice, and donate to MN and regional Dem candidates directly.
I’ve never been a party/DCCC/DSCC donor. Might be a once-a-year guy maybe. But the right funds all these noise machines, what policy shops exist (any??) that might stand up to the Winger Wurlitzer?
@Corner Stone:
Not sure why you are comparing the two. Duckworth is in Congress after 1 failed loss. Burner has run for office 3 times and lost including 2008 which she should have easily won.
I don’t get this. Because one tax increase was passed, no more tax increases will ever happen in the next 20 years? Really?
Why are you quitting before you’re even through the first quarter?
I mean seriously, if we aren’t building a multi-year plan for taking back the House, gerrymandering be damned, then what’s the point of even reading this blog, much less commenting on it?
Sure, the fuckwads in the Village say that there won’t be another tax increase. But what the shit do they know? They get everything wrong. And they’re some of the most entitled, self-interested assholes in the world, so of course they’ll do what the can to try and make that so.
And they’re a bunch of idiot sore losers. We’ve only begun to push back against the 30 year dominance of the right.
The pendulum is swinging. It really is. But we still need to be pushing it, so I want to contribute to candidates, orgs and efforts that want to win.
Corner Stone
@askew: It’s not actually a comparison. But rather, how much money did Burner get from DCCC v other sources and how much did Duckworth get and lose. Only to be victorious again in the future?
Someone else mentioned Burner as if she were some kind of anti-DCCC talisman.
God bless all our D candidates that they could run against “Deadbeat Dad” Joe Walsh.
I’m not out to run the flag for Burner. I don’t really care about her either way. Recently I believe she lost in a primary to another D candidate.
Just get tired of people conflating her in ways that make no sense as a bashing club.
Why are you quitting before you’re even through the first quarter?
Because he (like most liberals) has Disillusioned Seventies Hippie-itis. I love the Seventies, and I like hippies, but you bet I know why GenX hates them so much. I think a lot of liberals still have this “pick your battles” mentality about them (which sounds smart, but it’s curious how no battles ever seem to get picked).
Personally, I figure the solution is to join the Dems–I mean, it’s right there for the taking. The Tea Party understood this and (once again) Occupy didn’t. Why doesn’t Occupy occupy the Dems, for goodness sakes?
which is how Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker again.
@Corner Stone:
Are you stupid?
Tomorrow she will be sworn in as Congresswoman for Illinois’ 8th District.
And Burner?
@Corner Stone:
I think Darcy Burner is a good example of poor strategy by the liberal netroots/PCCC. They threw money to her in 3 consecutive elections after seeing that she was a poor candidate in 2006. The AR-Sen primary was another example of poor strategy. I get frustrated because with their stupid decisions because that money and energy could have been used by candidates who stood a chance of winning.
Corner Stone
@OzoneR: Nick. Shut up.
Corner Stone
@askew: Wow. Talk about non comparisons. Halter was a micro millimeter to the left of Blanche. No one but a few douchebags here like Nick ever thought he was a liberal.
@Corner Stone:
I’m not comparing them on ideology but that both were backed by the netroots/PCCC and both were huge wastes of money and energy.
Corner Stone
@askew: That’s a view in hindsight. In a kind of isolation now that you’re comfortable knowing the results. How do you feel about Tester or Webb? Wastes of money?
ETA, Blanche Lincoln was a dead duck walking and that was flat easy to see in real time. The WH and old boys network fired up the incumbent protection racket and went all in for her even though if they had either stayed out or threw in with a closer to actual “grass roots” candidate it may have went some other way.
Blanche was bones.
Fair Economist
@Ron Thompson:
That’s not really true anymore, because there are very few Blue Dogs left to get the money. In the coming Congress there will be 14, down from 63 IIRC in 2009-20. Further, even among the 14, several aren’t objectionable. One of them is my Rep, Loretta Sanchez, and she votes New Dem (the moderate caucus) in spite of her Blue Dog membership. I think Adam Schiff is similar. Some of the rest are from conservative areas (e.g. Matheson from Utah) and Blue Doggy behavior is the best we’d get. Finally, the really obnoxious Blue Dogs like Schuler and Boren are gone.
One of the interesting side effects of the Tea Party phenomenom is that it has drastically changed the character of the Democratic party as well as the Republican party. Because we’re down 39 Blue Dogs, and the Democratic House majority was only 39 seats more than an even division, *any* Democratic majority would theoretically be more liberal than the 2009-2010 House was. What with likely filibuster reforms, if the Dems ever get the trifecta again, things will work out very differently and much more to our liking.
Fair Economist
But since then the Conservadems have been noticeably less objectionable about insulting and getting in the way of commonsense Democratic proposals. They’re afraid to be publicly oppositional, and I think that’s well worth what we spent on that primary. This is the same tactic the Tea Party used, and it’s worked very well for them even though their policy positions are mostly nuts.
@Fair Economist:
Schiff is my rep and he does seem to be a Blue Dog in name only. He’s not a raging liberal (because that wouldn’t fly in this part of the SF Valley) but he votes on the right side for almost everything I want.
He’s kinda crap about copyright and other entertainment industry-related issues, but unfortunately Disney, Universal, and Warner Bros. are all in his district, and he works hard to serve his constituents. (Which is how he got the US in diplomatic trouble with Turkey when he co-sponsored an Armenian Genocide bill, but that’s another story.)
As someone who used to work in those circles, I would say this strategy is precisely wrong.
If you want to make political donations, either give to an individual candidate or to an ideological cause that you support. The DNC, DSCC etc. are bloated organizations that have no ideological grounding and often bestow their favors on unnecessarily centrist candidates.
For those of you arguing that the absence of blue dogs shows times have changed – you are looking at a minority congress. Of course when dems have fewer seats, the members will be from D registration advantage districts – that’s why they are in the minority. That aside, these groups do not help direct the party and are often just a slush fund for whoever is in favor at the time, not the most Democratic candidate.
Radio One
look, can we somehow just make the 2020 census redistricting somehow less partisan and gerrymandered eight years from now on a state and federal level than they were in 2010? I’d start with that as a point of focus.
@Corner Stone:
I am not a fan of Tester or Webb but I could see why they made sense as investments. The AR-Sen primary was obviously a bad choice from the beginning. They were putting in tons of outside money to primary a Senator in Arkansas from the left. It was in no way surprising that Halter lost. And Darcy looked like a lost cause after her 2006 race, yet they dumped money into her campaign in 2008 and 2012. Those are bonehead moves.
David Koch
Not one dime until Obummer appoints Dan Choi Secretary of Defense!
I’ve given in the past to all of the DNC, DCCC and DSCC. And damn if I didn’t, at some point, give to the DLC before I knew better. But lately my dollars get more targeted based upon researching the races. Still, the national orgs have their place and I would fault no one for throwing money that way. For example, being in CA, while I will work local stuff, the vast majority of my political money goes out of state (for that matter, since I am in LA, it gets kinda weird that almost all of the political celebrations I get invited to are nowhere near where I live). Nonetheless, for everyone that has pointed out that state races are extremely important while often being cases where even smallish donations can make a big impact: true dat.
Hey Cole, are you mailing out the strap-ons? I don’t have one handy.
Seriously, the issue is not more democrats but better democrats. You can make fun of the teahadists, but they are influencing policy well in excess of their numbers and their grasp of reality. And the centrist leadership of the Democratic party is not working in their constituents’ interest.
We had progress in 2010 and 2012–Blue Dogs out, and some clearer voices in, although weak kneed policy cost the Dems the House. But there is still a leadership committed to bad, unpopular policy. Stoller may be a nihilist, but I don’t see arguments made on the merit that are compelling responses to his criticism.
There’s no reason not to advocate good public policy. At the very least, we can embarrass them.
UPDATE: And thank you, so much, John, for creating this forum, this community, and this setting where I get to say that. Not to mention the pets you’ve saved. My Gracie:
Shelter dog, of course. I still can’t get a “new” one.
@cthulhu: That’s one of the things Sam Wang did that I think was so thoughtful. Where can you maximize your influence? Which congressional races? But where the real influence lies is in your state and local legislature. (Not mine. New York is completely fucked. You have to get involved with semigovernment organizations like community boards or extra-governmental organizations like the Downtown Democrats.)
@askew: I liked Tester and Schweitzer. More fool me.
@manual: +1
David Koch
Not one dime until Obummer is arrested and placed on trial for failing to Mirandize Osama bin Laden.
Patricia Kayden
“The Democrats are in no way perfect, but they are a much better option than the lunatic party.”
So true. I am sure President Obama will make me wince from time to time in the next 4 years, but boy am I glad that he’s in the White House versus that lying Mittens fellow.
Comparing Occupy and Teahadists completely misunderstands their origins.
Since you seem to have missed it, the Tea Party was an astroturf movement started by Dick Armey to stop ACA. One can argue that the beast is raging out of control, or that it is accomplishing exactly what its paymasters want by being obstructionist, but it was never a true grass-roots organization, and it has always been well-funded.
Occupy was a genuine grassroots organization. I would say that without it, you would never have had Obama running in 2012 on raising taxes on the 1%. They are a bunch of kids, organized via the internet, who have done a thousand-fold more than the fat asses commenting on this blog to change politics in this country.
I agree that people need to organize within the Democratic Party to enable real change. You saw the fruits of that kind of organization in the 1930s. But you also had pressure from outside. And frankly, if you’re living in a corrupt cesspool like NY or NJ, where everyone is on the take from Tony Soprano, there’s a limited amount one can do within the party. If you’re in Maryland, you may be volunteering to help Steny Hoyer. WTF?
If you have the means, consider a monthly donation to the DSCC, the DCCC, and the DNC.
I’m with manual. I prefer to donate to individual candidates, although I certainly did give the DCCC some money.
Look. The deal Obama and the Democrats struck (and passed the teahadist House) was not ideal in any way, shape, or form. But it was the best I think they could have done given the current make-up.
Sorry, no. When we consider the issue of the debt ceiling, and the budget resolution coming up, it was a very bad move to throw away their high cards on nothing particularly important. Apparently the President’s model is Holy Joe and this is a bad thing. Better than Romney, but not helpful.
Regardless of the hype, they did not have to have an agreement, and if O was going to be undercut by the Senate, there’s something called a veto pen. But O wants a deal for some idiot inside the Beltway reason. Nothing to be done for it. At the moment.
If you can tell me one way that a Pelosi led house would be worse than the Boehner nihilist shit-show, I’ll listen.
I completely agree. But that’s why I am glad that of the money I gave to D’s during the cycle, only 21.5% went to O. The rest went to the House and Senate. And today is ‘See you in Hell, Lieberman’ day, so that’s good.
And for the reliable trolls who will tell us the Democrats are the problem, well, you just need to be choked out with a strap-on.
Enh. R or D, John, you’re a reliable partisan. And that’s fine, but I’ll take whatever party moves the ball in the correct direction, and I’ll support whichever elements in that party move the ball in the correct direction. Not moving the ball is ungood. Moving the ball the wrong way is bad.
[‘But then, I’m a very pragmatic ideologue. All I care about is the substance.’]
Bob h
I’ve been giving to he DSCC, but am going to tell them further support is contingent on filibuster reform.
No they won’t. Based on their postings, they never blame Congress. They ALWAYS blame Obama. Whether it is race related or whether they don’t understand how our constitution works, who knows. Hell, they still blame Obama for Gitmo, eventhough he is the hero and Congress (including just about every Democrat) is the problem.
@Corner Stone: Somewhere there’s a blind, deaf, with no sense of smell dog that will come to you.
Thanks for this, John Cole. We will contribute what we can — won’t be much, that’s for sure, but something is better than nothing — And something has definitely got to give. We simply can’t go on like this much longer without impaling ourselves.
Love the terms teahadists. Too funny. I tend to think of these folks as anarchists. The nihilist wing of the Republican Party brings to mind the pathetic gang of toe slicing dimwits that graced The Big Lebowski.
Am in total agreement with you in your assessment of the deal struck, by the way. Let’s hope and pray that the Grand Old Party comes to its senses and checks itself into some form of lengthy rehab. The USA always functions a helluva lot better when one of the major parties isn’t deep into psychosis and denial. Disgraceful performance on their part and 2014 will underscore this point.
Tone in DC
@Patricia Kayden:
This, a thousand times this.
We need money but we also need people willing to run for school boards, city councils, etc etc. the teatards are doing it.
If Corner Stone thinks that donating to the DCCC is a bad idea, then sign me up.
Keep the 97, drive it until it dies, which it won’t. It’s an Outback, I imagine? The 165hp 2.5 DOHC motor is a pain to do timing belts and spark plugs (every 100k)on(compared to the later SOHC), but is maybe the best of the 2.5s. If you’ve a Legacy, so much the better with the Phase 1 2.2 engine. Keep an eye on the head gaskets and the temp gauge, those cars routinely go 200-250k if they don’t rust out.
The 90s Scoobs have smaller wheels than the later models, which means cheaper tires. I’m looking to replace my 03 Outback with a clean 98 or 99 if I can find one. I may have to drive south to do so. http://www.subaruoutback.org/forums has a lot of knowledge. There are similar sites for Fozzies and Imprezas.
Ditto for Virginia! No way do I give to the DCCC when I can give my money to deserving non-blue dog Democrats!
Just good commonsense!
Ron Thompson
And because Illinois Democrats drew a custom-made district for Duckworth and Washington Democrats didn’t for Burner, that proves we should only support candidates with the Rahm Emanuel/Mike Madigan/Steve Israel seal of approval?
What is the point of all of this anyway? Is it just to make sure that the corporate dollars keep buying seats for Democrats who will reward their benefactors? Or is it to get REAL Democrats who will fight against domination of the government by the 1%? Bob Kerrey and Jim Cooper aren’t going to do that, and I very much doubt whether Tammy Duckworth will, either.
Hungry Joe
I’m perpetually flummoxed by the outrage at the very existence of blue dogs and other moderate, even mildly conservative Democrats. Under a parliamentary system they’d be a minority party in a coalition government with the more lefty Dems; here they win seats in (for lefties) unwinnable districts/states, and — when things work out — become part of the Democratic majority: Speaker, committee chairs, control of the House/Senate, etc. And they vote with most Democrats on most issues. It’s called politics — the art of the possible.
Yeah, I know, but, well, exitus acta probat or something.
Yeah, sorry, I’ll be contributing to local politicians who actually reflect my values. The national committee strikes me as a waste of funds.
Scrolling up a few posts, I see we’ve got “art of the possible” being argued. I live in Kentucky, Lexington specifically, where we have Ben Chandler who voted against the PPACA, then ran constituent service ads touting his support for Obamacare.
He got a lot of money from the national committees, as I recall. I’ll put my money on someone who might actually support their party on key issues, thank you.
(P.S. I went to Ben Chandler’s
victoryconcession party, despite not having volunteered for him. The crocodile tears were sort of fun, despite the horrible person replacing him. Hopefully our district comes to its senses, though I’m not hopeful. But then, that’s what you get when you run a contemptible, “compromising” slug like Chandler!)ETA: strikethrough deliberate, he thought he’d win, as far as I could tell.