The very oblique angle of this camera feed from Fox, not to mention the fact that the lights are so bright it seems like everyone is glowing, is making this game hard to watch.
Wait- can you be very oblique, or is it a binary construct like unique or being pregnant, in which you either is or isn’t?
I’m glad the coin thing is over.
Technically oblique shouldn’t have a very, but people who give a shit about stuff that that are annoying and should be ignored.
Omnes Omnibus
Troy Aikman annoys me. He did as a player; he does as an announcer.
Its more than lighting and camera angle that makes that game hard to watch B-{D
I assume Tim Tebow has 12 disciples & one is an FB friend who is already suggesting Denver’s loss what the result of trading the sainted one away.
Go team!
The Dangerman
Oblique, obligate, life goes on, bro.
Hill Dweller
There has been a lot of bad special teams play today.
They have these adjustments on the television where you can modify the brightness, contrast and stuff like that.
Glup, not so good Rodgers! I guess I should have taken the under 300 comments too.
David Koch
I blame obama for the bad broadcast. Clearly he could enforce good camera angles via the FCC.
My 18 year old son is at the game–his first ever pro football game. And he’s having a blast. Go Niners.
@efgoldman: This whiner bows to your superior expertise.
@Kathy: You were not the only one asking!
Gotta cheer for San Francisco in this one. No way I can cheer for a team that comes from the state that elected Scott Walker.
BTW, I cheered for Baltimore earlier. Seems to have worked.
Since there will never be a Super Bowl with the Lions, this Michiganer kindof hopes for a Harbaugh/Harbaugh Ann Arbor Pioneer Super Bowl.
I have one on my TV for brightness – I have tried turning it all the way up & the stuff on the TV does not get any brighter. Usually I feel brighter after I have turned it off B-{D
Mr Stagger Lee
@Schlemizel: Speaking of Tebow, how about the dissing of Baby Jesus by the hometown Jax Jags?
Stupid motherfucker.
@Schlemizel: Ha!
This game is going to get very chippy before all is said and done.
Mr Stagger Lee
I hope Alex Smith is upgrading his resume.
Omnes Omnibus
I am not pleased at the moment.
The Dangerman
@Hill Dweller:
Topped easily by the biggest brain fart by a safety that I’ve ever seen; truly unbelievable. Baltimore covered the spread already or Vegas woulda gone nuts (well, nuttier).
@Gravenstone: The Packers are not above another Charles Martin move.
What a stupid caddy commercial.
Jewish Steel
You gotta time those drugs, Cole. Thought you were a Deadhead?
No network is obliquer than Fox.
/PhD in English
@Raven: Thanks :)
@BGinCHI: oblique,obliqua,obliquaha, la la la life goes on. . .
Suffern ACE
The ball. Please don’t keep giving it away.
Peyton throws a pick? At the end of a big game? WHOCOULDANODE?
There’s a nice Butkus moment, hold the ball carrier up so some defensive prick can light him up.
Most awesome tweet ever from pourmecoffee:
I have only been watching between periods of the Gopher/Seawolves game – either team playing defense here?
Sweet toss to Jones. Let the track meet commence.
This SF defense has not been stingy at all in a while. They were one of the best units; now they get torched like a second-rate unit.
Omnes Omnibus
This drive looked better.
Suffern ACE
I am wearing a cheese hat for the first time. They must make them out of insulating foam. My head is really warm. I don’t think that’s from the beer.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Omnes Omnibus: three penalties against the 49ers sure helped.
@Kathy: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! I wonder how they feel about the sinners in Jacksonville about now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: I do not have such a hat. I haz an envious.
good one!
Plenty of walruses out there on the field, did Paul die & which one is the eggman? Coo – cooka – choo
@Schlemizel: I am the eggman
@Yutsano: His wrath will be mighty! My guess is double diget losses until God’s Tebow reaches retirement age.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m drinking new glarus beer as well. Seriously, if I can find these things 600 miles away, I think you can solve that problem by, say, leaving your apartment…
Oh dear lord, another fucking Die Hard movie?
Oblique seems a continuous quality, not a binary state, so I’d say there are degrees of obliqueness, just as there are degrees of opaqueness.
Unless I’m mistaken, the term “oblique” originally comes from geometry, where an oblique angle refers to any angle which is not normal to the perpendicular. That covers a wide latitude.
BTW, if you’re specifically talking about camera angles, the proper term is “Dutch angle.” That’s also vague enough that it has degrees: see the wikipedia article on Dutch angle in cinematography, which defines a Dutch angle as
“Tilted off to the side” admits of enough vagueness that an oblique camera angle can indeed be very oblique. Or, conversely, not very oblique.
@Suffern ACE:
Well, over heated brain pans could explain an awful lot about the folks from Wisconsin – a state that actually BRAGS its the birthplace of the Republican Party!
Hill Dweller
@Gravenstone: Die Already
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: I prefer to receive such things as gifts. Also too, my Woodson jersey has been serving well so I can’t really complain.
Well that explains EVERYTHING!
@Suffern ACE: Where did you get the New Glarus? You aren’t in WI?
Something fishy….
Mr Stagger Lee
@different-church-lady: No doubt Eli will comfort him,as he cries crocodile tears.
@mclaren: Thanks.
I always get the Dutch angle and German angle mixed up.
Suffern ACE
@BGinCHI: well, you ask your mom for it for christmas, and she goes to the piggly wiggly, and then you drive to pick it up from your sister in Columbus so you’re ready for the playoffs. It helps to have my mom.
@efgoldman: I don’t get the hate on the Oxford comma. It’s perfectly sensible and useful. It is also incredibly polite and well-dressed.
The Dutch angle is to get you high on pot and feed you really good cheese & chocolate.
The German angle is to claim the Sudetenland sign a deal to neutralize Russia.
The Dutch angle is much more preferable
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: Sure, that’s when it is sober. Put a few drinks in it and look out.
@Suffern ACE: Not being able to get NG outside WI is a serious issue for us in the Chicago area. We cycle up there quite a bit (cyclocross nationals are there this weekend), which allows us to stock up.
Otherwise we’d probably invade and annex everything up to Dane County.
When flushing a QB from the pocket, you should probably have someone in place to tackle him. Just a thought.
@Schlemizel: Right.
I figured the German angle was acute. Very acute.
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: As many FIBs come up here over the weekends, you could probably just claim residency.
@efgoldman: Just looked like a clip. I don’t give a shit who wins this one either.
Hill Dweller
GB can’t get any pressure on Kapernick with their front four. That doesn’t bode well for them.
@Omnes Omnibus: That really smarts.
Being a regional powerhouse is hard! Sniff.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gravenstone: Of course you know what separates a cheesehead from a dickhead, right?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey, seriously, get your ass out to the pro race at the nationals tomorrow. Not sure what time, but look it up.
Epic race.
Bears. OK, so I know they’re out of the playoffs but I like saying that: “Bears”.
So the GF’s port infection was the bad news for the day. The positive angle is that the Vancomycin went down again and that’s her best shot to fight that. Just thankful to get to night time. Nights always seem to be the easiest part of the day.
Our checklist for tomorrow is to have a better day than today.
Nurses and nurse’s assistants are angels. Simply wonderful people. We have had a handful of them stay past their shift to make sure the GF gets the attention they want her to have. This one said she won’t leave until GF gets her third dose of Vanco today or she won’t be able to sleep tonight.
God love ’em.
@Nerull: Pfft. Where’s the dramatic tension in that?
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: I’ll see what I can do.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Gravenstone: And our new Die Hard movie, like every one made any more, is in two colors: Orange and Cyan. Watch the trailers for awhile.
OK, sometimes it’s orange and blue.
@efgoldman: You mentioned in our first session that your father was a quiet man.
Could you say a bit more about that?
OT: Jeebus on a unicycle this crying wolf shit about SS is gonna get cut by Obama and ZOMG CAT FOOD COMMISSION!! is getting really old. I just got an e-mail that says he’s gonna do it for sure this time! We mean it!
@Omnes Omnibus: You won’t be sorry.
Bring a cow bell.
@Yutsano: You need to unsubscribe to that and subscribe to a vodka tonic.
Hope it wasn’t family.
Poland didn’t think it was so cute!
Billie Piper on Graham Norton just now. Purrrrr
Omnes Omnibus
Oddly, I don’t just have one lying about the place. You would think that years of skiing in Austria would have caused me to get one, but no.
@efgoldman: Your rant on the Oxford comma seemed to cover over some deeper anger issues.
It was meant to be funny but as with so many things I do it just didn’t work.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I assume Lake Michigan
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Schlemizel: That was no angle…it was a straight line.
Good grief. What’s going on? Whatever it is, hope you get through it OK. First step, a good night.
@Omnes Omnibus: Get one on the way. You live in Wisconsin.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemizel: The Illinois border.
Thinking good thoughts for you guys. Hope things turn around and she is doing better very soon
Having had more than my fair share of contact with nurses I concur. They are much more important to regular care that the doctors but they get way less respect than they deserve. Worse is that over the last 25-30 years they have been reduced in numbers so that they have much larger work loads while having their pay and benefits cut. This causes poorer care and must be very stressful for the nurses.
@efgoldman: I would think the semi-colon would be where the big arguments are. There’s some real subjectivity there.
Mike the dealer
45 was the total, hit it at the half, one more score and I win, otherwise I push and keep my money.
Jewish Steel
It’s a feel thing for me. But if I don’t hold myself in check I will punctuate like it’s the 18th C.
Suffern ACE
Thank god. I don’t think I could take being beaten by Moss.
I don’t have many fights with the semicolons at work but a couple of the full strength colons give me headaches.
Hill Dweller
@Gravenstone: Horse face.
Bobby Thomson
It’s not the QC guy’s fault your high school teacher was incompetent.
@Schlemizel: I think we wouldn’t be having this port problem if doctors had any idea what it is like to give care at the nursing level.
When the cancer stuff started up, the doctor mentioned ports, but really didn’t go into any depth. But why should he? It is no inconvenience to him if it takes up to a dozen pokes to get an IV in or get a blood draw.
By the time we had a lull in treatments and we did get the port in, it really had no time to heal up before all this hit. The person who talked us into the port was a nurse. It should have been a no-brainer for the GF who has always had trouble getting IVs.
@Svensker: Hard to sum up briefly, but I’ll try.
At the end of December she received her first dose of chemo for her second course of chemo treatments. Dosing chemo is tricky, the upshot of which is she was given way too much. The damage to the immune system allowed some nasty infections to set in and landed us in the hospital. It’s been a real nightmare of trying to get the immune system back online, fight the infections with antibacterials/antivirals/antifungals. We had just had a few days where the blood work looked good and some symptoms were abating when we had a slide today from her port getting infected.
The poor kid is going through hell. Makes the normal level of chemo side effects look like a walk in the park.
Suffern ACE
Moving on to lefse. There has to be luck in lefse.
Oh god, thats awful. THe problems that landed me in ER on xmas day were caused by a doctor who didn’t do his job.
Worse, I decided to go to a different doctor so I had to get my records – I found several significant inaccuracies in them including that I refused treatment when the treatment was something the doctor said I shouldn’t do and he didn’t provide alternatives.
Hopefully this will be her low point & things will get better from here. I hit bottom a couple of times, once when I thought it couldn’t get any worse & then it did. Hopefully you and some of those nurses can get her through.
Jesus Christ, Kaepernick can run. Once he gets moving, he has got some WHEELS.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: Put the lefse down. It is not helping.
Suffern ACE
@Suffern ACE: and now we’re putting it back in the fridge. It is probably Viking food anyway.
I have to ask again – are either of these two teams playing defense?
The prophet Nostradumbass
Now that was a nice play there by the Niners.
Tangent of 90
Kaepernick seems pretty awesome in this contest
Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. Best wishes for balance and healing and loving helpers in the meantime.
Fluke bucket
@PsiFighter37: no shit. I had no idea he was that fast.
Comrade Jake
Kaepernick is still running.
We need some Randy Moss touchdowns.
One clap!
@Suffern ACE: :
No. Lefse and lutefisk are why the Vikings left, looking for edible food. (What was lefse made out of before they discovered potatoes?)
Mr Stagger Lee
Maybe the Raiders can use Alex Smith,or the Chiefs, the Jags.
Or maybe the Jets!
@Svensker: Ever had Kumla?
Jewish Steel
How tall is Kaepernick? He appears to tower over the other players.
BTW Gopher mens game ended with a 7-1 win
Watched the women sweep ND with a 6-3 win, only the second time in 30 some games they have given up 3 goals! They are now 22-0 this season
Turned it over to the foosball game, looks like the punters are getting a lot of pine time
Suffern ACE
@Jewish Steel: the packers are kind of a short team.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Jewish Steel: he’s 6’5″, according to the 49ers.
Comrade Jake
@Jewish Steel:
He’s 6’8″, according to the Packers.
Suffern ACE
@The prophet Nostradumbass: the standard packer size is 6’2″. Which happens to be the height of Rogers.
Omnes Omnibus
This is not going well.
49er offense is just punishing the Packer defense now. Think the Packers have to score next possession or we can call it a game.
Nope. Had to google it. Doesn’t sound too bad. My knowledge of Swedish food is mostly based on recipes that came over in the 1890s (and since, from Ikea). Growing up in Seattle I had Norwegian friends and they had lefse but never saw kumla.
It’s funny, one of the favorite old Swedish dishes we had in Seattle was potato sausage (potatoes, meat and spices ground and stuffed into guts, then boiled). I went to a Swedish festival here in Toronto — with real, modern Swedes — and none of them had ever heard of potato sausage. An old fashioned thing, I guess. One of the few Swedish foods, outside the baked stuff, that I really love. May have to buy a meat grinder so I can make my own.
Comrade Jake
Yeah I’d say this Kaepernick kid is a gamer, eh?
Mostly graham or whole wheat flours, the potato probably made the texture more pleasant as well as changing the flavor.
Like so many of the potato or flour fillers poor people eat they are proof that butter and sour cream make everything tasty!
Still its one of the oddities that so many places have their flat breads Lefse, tortilla, Chapati (in India), Pita and a bunch more
Had a Norwegian co-worker who vacationed there one year & visited relatives. He asked them about lutefisk and was told “Hell, we haven’t eaten that crap since we got refrigeration!”
I think a lot of the foods we think of as ‘from the old country’ really were made not because people enjoyed them but because it was what was required to survive. And folks in the old country don’t miss them at all!
Looks like the Harbough bros are a winning combo. I’m bailing. Best to all. Save some sour cream and butter for me for the morning, with good coffee!
Jewish Steel
‘Sa tall dude.
Can I also note that it just occurred to me that Joe Buck is about my age and that means I might have to listen to that sanctimonious fuck for the rest of my days.
Suffern ACE
Ok, that’s enough drops for Cobb. Bring back the other fumbler.
Oh for fucking fucksakes, will you people hold onto the damned ball?
We seem to have forgotten how to catch kickoffs.
Screw AIG
Suffern ACE
Well, they certainly are playing like the fourth best team in the NFC I thought they were.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Jewish Steel: Joe Buck is the Joe Lieberman of football announcers.
And goodnight Gracie
Fuck, it’s over. WTB defense. Will settle for only a decent run defense.
And another year of maybe next year.
Suffern ACE
Well we just needed someone to run the ball, someone to passblock, and someone to stop the run and kicker and we coulda been a contender.
There’s the game.
As someone who doesn’t have a horse in the playoffs, who do the Niners want next week? The Falcons away, or the Seahawks at home? I don’t think you ever hear people say a team would rather face the top seed on the road, but the Hawks absolutely creamed the Niners last time they played. That said, I know that Seattle’s homefield is absolutely deafening and about as intimidating a place to play. Maybe it would be better in Candlestick?
@Batocchio: An offensive line that can stop pass rushes would be nice too, so we can stop letting the other team beat the shit out of Rodgers every single game.
Omnes Omnibus
Good night, Packers. Good night, aggrieved Aaron Rodgers.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: My hypothesis was that Joe Buck was brought on board to make Tim McCarver look less stupid. Perhaps it was the opposite.
Ran into Bill Clinton the other day
I asked him how Hillary’s head was
He said, “not bad, better than Monica’s actually”
Yeah, that too. I knew San Fran would probably be hard to beat, but no reason to help them out this much…
I just figured after Green Bays performance bad jokes were appropriate
The prophet Nostradumbass
Forty Niners
Warning: video may be hazardous.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: The Juice Crew, they are not.
I really don’t care about the NFL any more, I did at one time.
I have a cousin who actually played for the Packers. He quit though when they hired some guy named Lombardi. In the cousins own words “He expected us to show up sober for the games!”
The prophet Nostradumbass
That was one terrible pass interference call.
Suffern ACE
Oh shut up with the “the fact that they got this far is impressive” crap. These aren’t the jaguars…
But of course at the time they played 8 games a season. He considered himself a truck driver since thats what he did most of the year & how he made most of his money
Kaepernick sure looked great tonight, although the Packers D helped him look good.
Maybe it was 12, I thought it was 8 but I was fairly young. Seems like they were done before Christmas. Maybe mid-December?
Enjoy that, Bears fans, just don’t forget, your shitty team still sucks (more).
And: Jay Cutler.
Off to polish off the last of the booze now.
The Pack obviously could have played better all around, but come on, give the young man his due. Guy played an excellent game. Got to hand it to him.
‘Bout how I figure it.
I think if there was any handing it tonight is was
KupernickKuperhiceknah, THAT guy handing GB their assesRon
@Donut: He did play very well but the Packers defense looked awful.
patrick II
What really hurts about the “Jay Culter” jibe is that I have been thrilled to have him. He is the best quarterback the Bears have had (with the exception of about two McMahon years) since the 1950’s. The Bear passing records he is surpassing are sixty years old.
Yeah, I remember the first Stuper Bowl but no NFL championship game before that. I don’t think many people paid a lot of attention around me about the NFL then. I can remember the Rose Bowl always being a big deal. Family always came over on NY day & watched several bowl games but the only one that really mattered was the Rose. Probably because we were in a Big 10 city.
Even after the Vikings arrived I still don’t think they were as big a deal as college ball until they won the NFL championship game in 69. That and the total irrelevancy of the Gopher football program caused a shift in interest
Jewish Steel
@The prophet Nostradumbass: Well put.
@patrick II:
I lashed out in pain. It was a low blow. I kinda feel bad I did that.
Now that game was fun. The morning was too. Tomorrow I’m more interested in the New England game. I don’t think I’d like to see a Harbawl superbowl.