Think I am going to watch the globes and catch Abbey on demand tomorrow.
And if any of you amoral pricks post any Downton Abbey spoilers in this thread, you will be banned for life with extreme prejudice or some shit like that.
This post is in: Open Threads
Think I am going to watch the globes and catch Abbey on demand tomorrow.
And if any of you amoral pricks post any Downton Abbey spoilers in this thread, you will be banned for life with extreme prejudice or some shit like that.
Comments are closed.
What’s Mel Gibson wearing?
gogol's wife
I hope the black-hearted Downton spoiler-mongers who were here last week will stay away. Mrs. Peel and Jon, to be exact. What jerks.
Heh. As if.
They kill off Sybil and Matthew.
@gogol’s wife: I’m just trying to spare you the pain of a show that was literally destroyed this season. You’d be better off stopping after S2.
Comrade Mary
Thanks for the reminder. I missed the first 4 minutes. Love Fey and Pohler.
Culture of Truth
“ta da!”
Mustang Bobby
I’m watching Star Trek First Contact on SyFy and TiVo’ing The Good Wife. Yeah, I’m weird.
By the way, I recommend Hyde Park on Hudson just to see some great classic cars and a nice turn by Elizabeth Wilson as Mrs. Roosevelt. Bill Murray does a pretty good Ralph Bellamy, and Laura Linney is good, too.
Culture of Truth
Prof. McGonagle from Downton Abbey just won. She couldn’t be there because she is on the other channel.
I didn’t get the Bigelow/Cameron joke. Is Cameron a known jerk?
And the Golden Globe for least compelling programming is…. NBC!
Damn your ban– the butler did it.
Go Niners…
@Jon: Perhaps it will suck for her because you insist on posting potential spoilers.
@Gogol’s Wife — Actually, Daleks arrive, but are so impressed with Carson’s diction that they spare England!
Comrade Mary
Mr. Golden Globe really looks like his dad.
And Palin finally won something.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Who, for fuck’s sake, watches these goddamned Celtic Woman/Thunder specials? Who buys the CDs? Who buys tickets to the concerts- and why hasn’t some asshole shot up one of those gigs yet?
@JPL: Notorious jerk.
@Jon: I’m glad you feel empowered to make decisions for everyone based on what you felt about the show. People making up their own minds are overrated. You are a twat.
@Jon: I’m glad you feel empowered to make decisions for everyone based on what you felt about the show. People making up their own minds are overrated. You are a tw@t.
Culture of Truth
Mark Helperin was just called “brilliant”.
@JPL: I didn’t hear the joke, but Bigelow was married to Cameron for a few years. He’s also been an investor in her films. Cameron is something of a jerk, I believe.
Keith G
a couple of days ago I asked books here for information on the Kindle Fire HD. I want to thank those folks for the input. None-the-less, I ended up buying a Nexus 7 32gb.
So tonight I can finally spend time playing and getting to know this thing.
Lady Rosamond Painswick in the butler’s pantry with a grapefruit sectioner.
@John Cole
My hubby watched it on the BBC and didn’t realize that I hadn’t seen this season yet and spoiled it all for me…
And he kept talking while I tried to cover my ears and yell “la la la la la la”
Culture of Truth
Cameron is a demanding perfectionist I believe, like many directors. also I think the left his wife for the young woman in Titanic.
The pie fight is classic.
I’m gonna watch a rerun of Three’s Company instead but am DVRing Abbey.
@PurpleGirl: “When it comes to torture, I trust the woman who was married to James Cameron for three years.”
Wonder what Amy Poehler would say about Gibson..
gogol's wife
It’s really interesting how desperate some people are to feel powerful.
Sarah Palin is doing quite well tonight.
This week on Downton Abbey: a person with a British accent is mean to another person with a British accent. They are both sad, but for reasons unrelated to the meanness.
…I haven’t seen the show.
Mike in NC
@JPL: Cameron is a major prima donna and all around pain in the ass to work with in Hollywood. Everybody hates him.
@JPL: Well, he’s known for having a colossal ego and being impossible to work with, according to a couple of friends in the industry.
Spoilers? For heavens sake. Downton Abbey is the ultimate soap opera (and I’m not denigrating it when I say that) so, crazy coincidence will have it’s day.
You just know, that as soon as Matthew accepts that inheritance from Lavinia’s dad, that long-lost heir who was lost in India will be magically found.
Is it true that Maggie Smith actually was the third man?
Potomac Ripper
Mr. Carson turns out to be a Skrull.
Mr. Bates converted to Islam in prison
Three words: Mister Pamuk zombie.
Thomas Barrow has a tryst with Captain Jack Harkness who mentioned a mysterious agency called Torchwood.
“Mr. Molesley, who is that madman with a box and why is he in my drawing room?” – Dowager Countess of Grantham
Crossover with Upstairs Downstairs ala DS9 “Trials and Tribble-ations”
Edith screws something up.
Harlan Ellison had a run-in with Cameron over Terminator, which was pretty clearly based on an episode of Outer Limits that Ellison wrote (best Outer Limits episode ever, BTW).
Ellison thought Cameron had quite an ego.
Think about that for a minute.
Harlan Ellison thought Cameron had a big ego.
@JPL: Since people are disputing what Bigelow “says” about torture in the movie, I guess the line means the speaker believes what Bigelow says (because she was married to Cameron).
This week on Downton Abbey, a young Jeeves and Wooster show up and get the Dowager Countess hooked on Heroin. Kramer buys a Ford Flivver.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
She had the port removed. She’s up in the room. Vitals are starting to look less good. They’ve called the rapid response team in to get an assessment. May need to move her to ICU? May be starting to go septic? Ugh. I don’t know.
I don’t want to be here anymore. This is really scary.
@Narcissus: That’s the first episode that’s ever tempted me!
@JPL: Oh my yes. Bigelow was married to him at one time.
@Taylor: Yes, that is funny.
Dear Lord. Holding you both in the Light.
Culture of Truth
@efgoldman: The ‘Game Change’ winner
Hypatia's Momma
We just finished the Forsyte Saga and were surprised to see that Soames won the Golden Globe for Homeland. We’ve never seen it.
Culture of Truth
Hey she married him.
Anyway, Sigourney Weaver worked with him twice.
Robin G.
I would do Salma Hayek until I got carpal tunnel. That is all.
The aristocracy finds it increasingly difficult to maintain the old estate system in the post-war era so most of them end up sub-letting as backdrops to dramatizations of Jane Austen novels or BBC/ITV Edwardian soap operas.
Oops. Sorry.
@Gex: take care of youself. deal with what comes when it comes. I was on a freaking ICU for three months, although not always at the highest level, I don’t know why but I did benefit from the improved ratio of patients to nurses.
{{{{{{{Hug}}}}}}. Hang in there, GF is depending on you. We are all pulling for you.
gogol's wife
I’m hoping it turns back the other way, very soon.
Who hasn’t he had a run in with? Didn’t he write a first draft for the Star Trek episode ‘City On The Edge of Forever” And despite it being considered one of the show’s best episodes, he’s been bitching for almost 30 years about how they changed his script.
In a episode of South Park last fall, “Raising the Bar,” savage satirical surgeons Trey Parker and Matt Stone conducted an anatomy lesson on the bloated ego of James Cameron. The literally bloated HoneyBooBoo was the primary patient of their dissection that night.
Robin G.
Adele is Queen.
Positive thoughts to you Gex. Much love as well, you don’t know me but I have read your comments and send all positive thoughts to you.
For anybody who hasn’t seen it, here’s Colbert’s version of Breaking Bad, as portrayed by Lord Grantham, Carsen and Thomas.—breaking-abbey
Funny stuff, and the three of them must’ve had a blast!
The Dangerman
@Robin G.:
Carnal carpal is a condition?
@Keith G: “a couple of days ago I asked books here for information on the Kindle Fire HD. I want to thank those folks for the input. None-the-less, I ended up buying a Nexus 7 32gb.”
I gave both to people for Christmas; I’d go with the Nexus. The Kindle had too much marketing sh*t (and the friend I gave it to was the least computer-savvy on my list).
On with the closed caption for the Abbey!
If you know someone, call and ask for that person to be with you.
Oh Gex. You and your partner have been in the hopes and thoughts of many here today, reading your painful updates. Whatever will help you now, trust your instincts and do.
Steeplejack has a Nexus and loves it. I have a Nook, just for reading. I adore it. Won’t be lugging paper books around again.
Oh Gex. I don’t know what to say. All I can do is think good loving positive healing thoughts for Kate and for you, and send many virtual {{{{{hugs}}}}} your way.
@Gex: Best to you both.
Mike in NC
Big Dawg is on. Can’t resist an audience.
@Jon: duh, wikipedia is your friend, but, you, are a dick.@Jon:
Cameron himself says that he has a history of marrying women who are smart enough to figure out they should leave him, so draw your own conclusion.
It is probably true, though, that Bigelow was able to win her Oscar for The Hurt Locker because Cameron made it very publicly clear that he held no grudges from the divorce and that if the other directors in the Academy thought she deserved the award, they should vote for her. So there’s that in his favor.
Oh no! Sending healing thoughts your way.
Will Ferrell is really drunk, or I’m really drunk.
PF37 +5
@Mike in NC: Best line was from the following announcer — That was Hillary Clinton’s husband.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I haven’t seen any of hte movies K Wiig and Will Ferrell are talking about. Would this bit with be funnier if I had? I’m with Tommy Lee Jones.
@Robin G.: TMI
@JPL: Cameron is known huge, raging egomaniacal asshole. So. Yes.
Gex. Huge amount of positive thoughts to you and your GF. Please, if there’s friends or family to call and be by your side, please call them.
I think you mean, not enough information.
Villago Delenda Est
@Culture of Truth:
I trust someone was being REALLY sarcastic when they called him “brilliant”.
Villago Delenda Est
“I’m king of the world!”
@Gex: Very scary stuff. I’m with Maude, do you have anybody that can come and be with you while things are so uncertain?
Prayers for you and your family, Gex
My meatloaf with barley is in the oven but probably needs about another ten minutes to cook. Internal temperature is currently 140 degrees but it needs to be more like 160-170.
My dinner party claims Bill Clinton is dating someone at Goldman Sachs. Really?
@Baud: If you need more information that that, then you are pathetic and lonely. Leave your computer right now and go meet a good woman.
Respeck my authoritay!!!!
@PsiFighter37: Hillary is out of the hospital now. I doubt it.
That’s a huge insult. He was president for 8 years. I bet he didn’t like that one bit. He might laugh and smile, but wow.
Anne Hathaway? I suppose so, as I guessed she would win, but she was basically in half a movie.
Whatever. I drink more and don’t care about this shit
@Gex: breathe, love& light to you both
Culture of Truth
@Maude: It was a joke by Amy Poehler, who played Hillary Clinton on SNL
Ah fuck man – its time like this that I wish I believed in prayer. I’m going to try to think positive thoughts and hope that things will turn up.
Good luck
I think I’ll just wait for a Sarah Proud and Tall post. ;-)
Don Cheadle is fucking awesome. He deserved it.
@Baud: If you’re going to do what RobinG does with Sarah’s posts, then you really do need to get out more.
@Culture of Truth:
Even so. That type of thing isn’t funny. Not to him.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I’m too drunk to post after reading that Maureen Dowd column, and the discussion that ensued in the thread.
It’s an easy joke. Hollywood, by definition, has difficult people with big egos. Cameron has been tremendously supportive of KB’s work, and I think she has a producer cred on some of his films.
@Culture of Truth:
Hard to keep up with Cameron’s personal life. But he was with Linda Hamilton before he married the woman from Titanic.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Watch out for him, he’s horny.
@Brachiator: You cannot fault James Cameron’s choice in women. It is known #GoT
thanks for the warning…and advice.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I understand completely.
@cathyx: We’re not talking about Cole, are we?
@PsiFighter37: I don’t know about John, but Baud is the one who needs a life.
@PsiFighter37: Ok, John needs a life too, but we’re talking about Baud now.
@cathyx: was there a party foul committed? Why are people upset at each other
@PsiFighter37: It’s a comment thread on the Internet. I just assume it’s par for the course.
Hang in there. Let’s hope for the best of all possible outcomes.
I blame Obama.
Cameron is an old school polymath and explorer.
Hollywood only tolerates him because his movies make shitloads of dosh.
Downton Abbey spoilers: Rich person says something a rich person would say. Poor person says something a poor person would say. Repeat.
George Clooney is too cool for an already cool room. He and Amy Poehler were a hoot.
@Maude: @Culture of Truth:
See, I didn’t know who said the line. I thought it was a reference to to Hollywood Pumas.
gogol's wife
That’s hilarious!
In Downton, I was really surprised when the Dowager grabbed Matthew and kissed him passionately.
And what about that ending, when Sybil shot her father after catching him with Branson in a tight embrace?
@Gex: Not a regular poster here, but delurking to offer all my prayers for you and yours.
@Gex: Oh Gex, I have been there, and it can be so scary and disorienting. Here is something that you can do:
When you can be beside your sweetie, take her hand. Breathe from your belly. Acknowledge your fear, and set it to the side for the moment – you can pick it up later. Continue to breathe from your belly and clear your mind and your heart, and then invite the healing, loving energy of the universe to flow into your head, through your heart, and into your beloved and rest there together, and breathe…..
Peace and love to the two of you…
@Todd: LOL
Mike in NC
Jodie Foster is a lesbo who loves Mel Gibson. Since when is this news?
Gex, I’m holding you and Kate in my heart. Take care of yourself.
What’s going on with Jodie Foster? I didn’t understand the last part of her speech. Is she sick or something?
The sound cutout for about 5 words during Jodi acceptance speech. Shortly after she talked about being “single” and before how she came out to friendz
Guess I’ll catch it on YouTube tomrrrow
Comrade Jake
@WaterGirl: I wondered the same thing.
The warmest hug possible and sending you heartfelt good vibes.
@WaterGirl: which part? The part about her mom? I’m guessing her mom has Alzheimer’s
Southern Beale
Did Jodi Foster come out? WTF was that speech, and did everyone have a big chunk of it bleeped out?
Watched ten minutes of the execrable awards show. Doesn’t anyone in Hollywood know how to run sound? The clips, the orchestra, everything except the main mic is badly eq’ed and 1/3rd the volume. Unwatchable.
Anne Laurie
Yes. Ellison eventually published his script in a paperback anthology, and better minds than mine judged it (a) unplayable and (b) in violation of ST “canon”, as it stood at the time. The expression “hot mess” was not in wide use during the early 1970s, but that would be the shorter.
@Southern Beale: I was wondering about that too. Who the fuck cut the mic?
J.D. Rhoades
Deep breaths, Gex. You’ve got a lot of people pulling for you, and you can NOT freak out around her right now. Good thoughts sent.
@Southern Beale:
Jodi Foster has been out for thirty years.
J.D. Rhoades
@Southern Beale:
Did Jodi Foster come out
If this is supposed to be the first time Foster came out in public, then that has got to qualify as the worst kept secret in Hollywood.
@Southern Beale: yep lost abit in the middle.
It sounds like she had a pretty good rant about how she does not need a huge public coming out announcement since everyone she knows personnally already knows
The prophet Nostradumbass
@MikeJ: what about Jodie Foster?
Southern Beale
I didn’t think it was a big secret. But the fucking censors in FREE AMERICA PATRIOTISM FLAG WAVING MAH RIGHTS BLAH BLAH bleeped a big part of her speech out, and then she went on this rant about how she might never act again. It was all very confusing.
@lee: I thought her mom must have something like that, but I was talking about the part after that. The beginning of a new chapter, maybe small roles? Something about a different kind of stick, without the dazzle? Just a bunch of stuff I didn’t really get.
Maybe she’s worried about getting Alzheimer’s herself since it’s hereditary?
And Mel Gibson looked so sad as he was watching her.
And it always seemed like the lifetime achievement awards go to people who are older, sick or dying, and she’s pretty young.
And yes, the sound went out on my channel, too, for a bit while she was talking.
Southern Beale
So, in America Land Of The Free Founding Fathers Tea Party Tricorn Hats you CAN buy a fucking arsenal but you CAN’T hear 10 seconds of Jodi Foster saying a cuss word. Or whatever.
Got it.
J.D. Rhoades
@Anne Laurie:
Yeah, much as I love Ellison (and some day I’ll tell y’all the story of how I narrowly avoided being the target of an Ellison rant), I’ve read that script, and he completely did not get Trek as it existed at the time. Or more likely, he did, and just didn’t give a fuck. But he took one of the show’s central concepts, threw it to the ground, and danced upon it. And then he’s surprised they didn’t like it?
Jodie came out in 2007.
@WaterGirl: my guess is that she is actually quitting acting and going into something else entirely. Politics? Activism?
Culture of Truth
Well she’s has been around since the 1970s
Yes she was bleeped out on my tv too. Eh, it’s the GG. People drink. It’s fun!
On tv you can’t say fuck. Which is too fucking bad.
@sylvan: I think he was using internet years :)
@Funkula: And then, after much anguished debate, this happens.
@Culture of Truth: I recorded the show on Tivo, so I turned on closed captioning and went back to the spot where the sound went out. I thought if the sound issue was accidental, then the words should show up on screen, right?
Interestingly enough, there was no pause, there was no “bleep” or anything. I think whatever sound was eliminated was done on purpose.
When I went back to check on the missing sound, I also caught Jodie thanking someone who always talks her down when she says she’s done with acting and that 47 years is a LONG time. So maybe she is quitting.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Jamey: what the fuck? That is, uh, pretty strange.
@lee: Internet years and the “everybody that actually cared at all about it already knew” scale. It wasn’t a secret before 2007.
Even so, I’d verbally abuse a republican to impress her. (I wouldn’t actually shoot anybody unless there were very exceptional circumstances.)
ARGO as Best Picture at the Golden Globes?
She credited the support of her partner of 14 years during an award ceremony.
Before that, it was none of anyone’s business.
What a relief.
So what was in the missing seconds of the Jodie Foster speech?
Gex, are you out there? Wondering how you and Kate are doing.
dance around in your bones
Gex, I just wanted to say that having been through the caregiver/hopebringer role you are going through now, I know how hard it is and how much strength and fortitude it takes. I’d like to hold your hearts and hopes in my warm hands and give you both strength to carry on.
She’s already directed several films, so maybe that’s the direction she’s going.
We watched Tivoed episodes of “Dr. Who” instead of the Golden Globes, so I really have no clue what happened at all.
@Gex: Hi, I’m really late here, but my thoughts & best wishes are with you both. Having been there, more than once, with my son, having the infected port removed can get her on a better road; the infection can be slowly taking root & you don’t know where from, now it is gone & can be targeted & treated.
It sounds like you have a good team who is doing all that is possible for her. Please take care of yourself & her as best you can. Lots of us here are pulling for her.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: I know. File this one under, “it is what it is.” #truthinadvertising
@MikeJ: Not really. at least not officially (and she didn’t EXACTLY come out tonight , although she more or less did)
She came out six years ago.
Apparently she was being too subtle for the “progressive community”.
@sylvan: So you picked up “progressive community” from what others described as
Jodie Foster came out six years ago.
The reasons why she was so reluctant to do so becomes more evident every time she temporarily gives up her privacy.
@sylvan: Evident to whom? All these cryptic comments you are making tonight don’t convey anything to me.
Jodie Foster is a very talented actress.
Have you seen Contact? She’s really good in it.
Well, if my lip-reading skills are worth anything, she:
1) Revealed what really happened to Judge Crater
2) Divulged the key ingredient in Original Coca-Cola
3) Explained the endings to both “Sopranos” and “Lost”
There was something else, but she was speaking too fast.
I’m a nurse down at mayo. Shoot me an email if you need to rap.
lojasmo @ geemail dot com
Jose Padilla
You don’t have to pay to watch Downton Abbey. It’s free on the PBS website.
@Todd: and then when the downstairs staff became zombies and they had to blow up the house? Good season! :-)
Omnes Omnibus
Am I the only person who is finding Matthew to be a bit of an insufferable prig?
@sylvan: I have seen contact. She’s been great in everything I’ve seen her in, but when I saw the retrospective I was surprised at how much of her stuff I hadn’t seen.
She was in a movie 20 years ago with mark harmon that really made an impact on me, but as far as I could tell, it didn’t make the retrospective.
Gex, I cam to BJ this morning hoping for an update. I hope you are okay.