The narrative that President Obama has a problem with women or a “lack of diversity” problem is being driven by a media that doesn’t know what to do with itself now that the media-driven fiscal cliff nonsense is finally over, and it’s a bit too early to really dig in to what will soon be a media-driven debt ceiling countdown fiasco.
It’s a narrative that’s bullshit on many levels.
Tonal Crow
Read full post at .
I do have to admit, I find it particularly … special that the same people complaining about Obama’s cabinet not being diverse enough are the exact same people who put the kibosh on Susan Rice’s nomination.
I would call them hypocrites, but it’s even beyond that. Fucking disingenuous liars, perhaps?
@Tonal Crow:
Listen you may have a problem with it but John, you know, the OWNER of this fucking blog, TOLD HER TO DO IT. You have a problem with it then take it up with John. Doubt you will though cause he would more than likely tell you to DIAF.
2 women on the supreme court…
that’s lifetime yo.
anything else?
Well they could spend a little national media time covering this ‘christian’ charter school that had their students perform unprotected asbestos abatement on a building they’re remodeling. Via Wonkette. Hope the fuckers who run this school rot to death in a dungeon.
Ted & Hellen
@Tonal Crow:
Read full post at .
Ted & Hellen
Greenwald was right.
Tonal Crow
So fucking what.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
When he stands tall wrt to Austerity and keeps the US safe from a Latvian Fate, diversity will be a direct beneficiary. That is all.
@Tonal Crow: so, lighten up, Francis.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Maybe John will take heart and give him a partial refund on his BJ subscription.
@Tonal Crow:
So quit shitting on the living room carpet when you are at someone’s house party for gawds sake. It isn’t like you are forced to be here. John’s rules. You don’t like them? Quit knocking on the fucking door.
Tonal Crow
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
Not to mention when he follows through on ratcheting down the War on
black menDrugs. His words on Colorado and Washington give me some hope. Now I’m hoping he doesn’t change his approach, as he did on medical pot.RossInDetroit, Rational Subjectivist
@ABL: the usual problems: conflict sells, ‘diversity’ is a simple thing for simple people to understand, the public won’t bother to tell the difference between a fake controversy and a real one.
It works. Why should they stop?
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
@Tonal Crow:
I hadn’t heard he spoke up about the Western Secessionists. Was he crossing his fingers?
And of course , the ultimate Media Masturbation, the Presidential campaign is long over. They’re probably sorry they can’t say ‘Mitmentom’ any more.
Ted & Hellen
Ummm…John’s rules are anyone can post in any thread they like. Get a life.
Tonal Crow
@Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin):
It was very shortly after The Weed Rebellion was confirmed. He said something to the effect that he had bigger fish to fry than to prosecute pot smokers in states where it’s legal. We’ll see about crossed fingers.
Machine-Gun Preacher (formerly Ben Franklin)
@Tonal Crow:
Oh, that one. ‘It’s not a high priority”. I should have thought Swarz was a low priority, too.
Hey whatever your name is, address what you think about the fact that Obama has proven that he is incompetent as a negotiator?
Mr Stagger Lee
Like Mitt Romney would have a Rainbow Cabinet.
My favorite part of this controversy is the photo being used to illustrate a lack of women in thr cabinet literally has an unseen woman in the photo. Only her leg is visible.
General Stuck
Cole should make me moderator for a week, and we’d be dining on sauteed troll liver. Or they could feed the Piranha in my bathtub.
RossInDetroit, Rational Subjectivist
@General Stuck:
Hell, I’d take time off work to sit and watch that. And I LOVE my job.
The media has a stupidity problem.
We are truly blessed in having such a variety of important people that warp both space and time as everything and everythread revolves about their needs and interests.
RossInDetroit, Rational Subjectivist
@Diminutive Corsican:
Who are you hollering at? Stand on a box or something so we can understand you.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@huckster: Yeah, pretty much this.
Humble Lurker
@Ted & Hellen: Weren’t you the one who stopped harping on John after he bought art from you? You’re the last person to be calling someone or heh-indeeding the calling of someone else a whore.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@huckster: Yeah, pretty much this.
jesus, you only know one chord, don’t you.
It also isn’t a photo of the cabinet.
Keith G
My goodness, these are always fun to read.
RossInDetroit, Rational Subjectivist
Okay, speaking of a media problem, the television is turned on and that awards show is playing. Because my wife, the least celebrity-driven person in town, has to watch this.
Amy and Tina scare me. If I ran into two women like that at a party I guarantee hilarity, misbehavior and repercussions.
So I’m going upstairs to read a book now.
@Tonal Crow: Stop being an ass.
@Humble Lurker:
If we could upload pix on this blog, I’d post one of Nelson Muntz pointing and laughing at Tedd n HELEN
I’m still waiting for this hot shot to run for office and fix all of the shit he flings poo over WRT to Obama. He obviously knows what all the best prescriptions are, both in terms of policy and in terms of politics.
A beautiful mind, obviously. A shame it’s being wasted on the B-J comment threads. Oh well, broader humanity’s loss is this blog’s gain, I guess.
@General Stuck:
Could we have some fava beans and chianti with it?
I think your math is off there.
@Tonal Crow: Fuck off, you half wit. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch, Cole has repeatedly *told* her to do this; he wants her to link to her blog. My god you people are fucking dumb.
@Tonal Crow: “So fucking what?”
So you are deeply stupid.
The Media Has a Boredom Problem.
This is why “most Presidential scandals happen in the second term.”
Not because White Houses get sloppy or stupid in term two (well, they may do that) but mostly because the journalists are bored by about year 5.
What! The same boring a-hole who was Presinoodle last year is STILL Pres? Booooo-ring.
Find me dirt!
@Ted & Hellen: that he is a twat or that your artwork could cause cancer of the eye ?