Here’s what’s happening at noon EST:
Oath of office administered to President Obama: Chief Justice John Roberts
Inaugural address: President Obama
Musical selection: Kelly Clarkson
Poem: Richard Blanco
Benediction: the Rev. Luis Leon of St. John’s Church, Washington
The National Anthem: Beyoncé
That will be the fourth time Obama is sworn in. He did it twice in 2009 because Roberts left out part of the oath, and he’s doing it yesterday and today because the Constitution says everyone should carry an AR-15 to their local shopping mall and Presidents should be sworn in on January 20. I wonder if that’s enough times for Orly Taitz?
Maybe she can take herself to a local gun show.
For Orly that is a reason he should be disqualified.
Congrates to Pres. Obama on quite an achievement. For as much as he drives me crazy on some things I am still proud he is our President.
I’m glad the Chief Justice learned enough humility to have a copy of the thing in front of him this go-round.
Reciting? Not so hard. Reciting with an immense audience hanging on every word? Yeah, get the hardcopy, Chief.
Comrade Jake
Someone on Twitter this AM noted that watching Fox News today will be like listening to an endless Adele concert.
mai naem
I hope Kelly Clarkson sings Stronger. Surprised that they picked her. Her future MIL Reba! cannot be happy about seeing Obama elected(Reba’s a Bushie and dissed the Dixie Chicks big time over their criticism of Bush.)
Congrats Mr President and Mr Vice President.
the Conster
I’m glad about Kelly Clarkson – she’s been a guilty pleasure of mine since she first appeared, and I admire how she’s bucking all the pressures to conform to that pop princess image. Also too, isn’t it time to change the tag to Black Ronald Reagan now? kthx.
mai naem
@LittlePig: I have to wonder what Roberts was thinking yesterday – better not screw this one up better not screw this one up please god don’t let me screw this one up better not screw this one up better not screw this one up better not screw this one up please god don’t let me screw this one up better not screw this one up. The description said Roberts’ wife was right there but they didn’t show her on the video even as he’s the last one walking out.
Big props to our Kenyan Muslim overlord and the Onion Joe Biden. Working to elect them helped purge the poison left in my system from 2000-08. Gave an old cynic hope, it did.
Meanwhile, I can’t even articulate how much I love this article:
h/t GOS
@the Conster:
Are you kidding? If I had to pick one I’d rather bee known as “the black Jimmy Carter” than the “black Ronald Reagan”! He is trying to build the country up not tear it apart from the inside.
@mai naem:
Seems he would worry more about botching it on the big stage today. It would be nice to think the experience taught the pompous ass some humility.
Thank you for getting that fucking song stuck in my head.
schrodinger's cat
We dodged a bullet with the Mittster. On a completely shallow note, what is with the Flotus’s bangs, I had that hair style when I was 4. I much preferred the earlier do.
Me too. I’m not exactly a fan of her genre, but she’s a true artist and can stick to her true self.
@schrodinger’s cat: She was going for super non-threatening. Meek as a lamb, which looked really out of place.
ETA: Not out of place, so much, it being the Blue Room and all. Out of character.
He@schrodinger’s cat: I think she looks fantastic and what the hell, she’s entitled to change her look if she feels like it. Before my surgeries I decided to dye my hair red. I figure she knows what she’s in for and needed a pick me up.
schrodinger's cat
@emma: Of course she is entitled to change it. I just don’t think it is flattering. YMMV.
peach flavored shampoo
@mai naem: An older, rich country singer votes Republican? Hoocoodanode?
And I read your “MIL” as “MILF” and thought, as it pertains to Reba, that’s about right.
Mike in NC
FLOTUS has a fabulous new hairstyle.
Is Roberts wearing a peach-colored yarmulke?
Orly was in DC “protesting” the inauguration. A whopping 2 people showed up along with her. She left after the loudspeakers outside finished broadcasting the swearing in.
Mike in NC
@peach flavored shampoo: I had a blind date drag me to a Reba concert at Wolf Trap about 20 years ago. Concur.
Is it appropriate to criticize Hillary’s hair-do also?
Man, the girls look *exactly* like their mother.
El Caganer
So today is the long-form inauguration?
Smells like…VICTORY, bitchezz!
@emma: I love our FLOTUS and except for rare occasions, she always looks fab but I am with @schrodinger’s cat: on this one. My general rule about bangs is that unless you’re under 14 or in disguise you should never wear bangs. They look like a wig, and I think they make her look older.
@MBL: Malia does. But I see a lot of the Dunham features in Sasha.
And I have to agree about the new FLOTUS do. She always looks great, but the bangs really aren’t that flattering to her. I hope she’ll start brushing them to the side until they grow out.
Had the morning cable news shows on. MSNBC and CNN were reporting live down at DC. Fox & Friends were showing cat videos.
They’re expecting less of a crowd this year. Wonder what the wingnut meme will be? ‘People tired/disenchanted with Obama already?’ And if the crowds exceed predictions they’ll accuse them of doctoring photos.
As long as nobody wears a hat.* I still remember that weird flying saucer lid she wore at the first inaugaration.
(* Unless you’re Aretha Franklin.)
Saw a report on this somewhere this past weekend. They are estimating about 6-800K this time around. So less than his first but more than W or Clinton had for their second by a factor of 2.
The Red Pen
Obama is being sworn in on MLK day because black Democrats are the real racists.
Honestly, guys, it’s not whether you or I think they’re flattering. It’s whether she likes them, ok? It’s her choice, her decision, her look, and her face.
(edit) and if I sound a little cranky I’m sorry. We just had to rush my cat to the vet and it doesn’t look good. I couldn’t go because with what’s basically an still semi-open wound, I can’t be near any possibility of infection. So I’m at home, waiting.
Comrade Jake
She’s a good singer, but “true artist”? Does she even write her own songs?
@Comrade Jake:
I’m not sure what one has to do with the other. Would you say that no orchestral musician can be an artist because they didn’t write the songs they play?
A Humble Lurker
I dig the bangs. And I’ve always thought the youngest looked a LOT like mom, while the oldest looked more like dad.
Coming soon to an MSM near you: Bang-gate. The untold controversy that could doom Obama’s legacy. What did the president know, and when did he know it?
@Comrade Jake:
Yes. Her label threatened to purposefully tank her career because she wanted to release an album of songs that were all written by her, and she did it anyway. This was back in 06/07, when she was arguably the biggest pop star on the scene.
ETA: And she’s going to gospel-sing the HELL out of something today, I’m sure. Her national anthem at last year’s Super Bowl was insane.
Somewhere, on some blog or newspaper comment section, some wingnut is frothing mad that HIS TAX DOLLARS are paying for Michelle’s bangs.
How arrogant these Obamas!
@A Humble Lurker:
exactly my thoughts.
Also, too. I think Michelle looks great with the bangs. If you see her pictures from yesterday’s reception and this am you will see (I think) that she looks younger actually with that hairstyle.
For a while even the famed Giselle Bundchen had bangs. It can be quite chic./ total fashion nerd, sorry
Rex Everything
Kinda off topic, but here’s an encouraging comment from Krugthulu:
“Putting this together, we have a roughly 6 percent hit to the 1 percent, around 9 to the superelite. That’s only a partial rollback of these groups’ huge gains since 1980, but it’s not trivial.”
Mr B
Didn’t they do it three times in 2009? I recall the second one was bungled too.
@Anya: How funny! I think the bangs make her look younger.
Comrade Jake
@Baud: No I think I just have a lot more respect for singers who do. If Clarkson has, then more power to her.
I’m thrilled we have a FLOTUS with a style I can relate to for the first time ever. She is so refreshing to watch after a long line of dowdy, blah dressed first ladies. Nancy Reagan and Jackie Kennedy weren’t dowdy but high couture isn’t a good fit for this century, imo.
@Emma: Oh Emma, I hope your kitty is okay. (Of course I also very much hope the same for you. I hope EVERYONE in the Emma household is okay, and soon!)
Older Obama girl is very tall. Saw them go to church this a.m. and older girl is taller than Michelle. Michelle was in heals and older girl in flats. They looked to be the same height. If both were in flats I think the girl would therefore be taller.
EDIT: CSPAN was showing the Presidential motorcade and they showed them getting out and going to church. The door on the limo is thick, felt like a bank vault had opened to let the President out.
What a wonderful day.
Had to steal the headshot and do something. 8-]
patrick II
@Comrade Jake: Kelly won songwriter of the year some years ago for “Because of You” .
patrick II
@Comrade Jake:
Kelly won songwriter of the year some years ago for “Because of You” .
patrick II
Kelly won songwriter of the year some years ago for “Because of You” .
But black Ronald Reagan will require Peggy Noonan to down entire bottles of Grey Goose (or whatever it is that fuels her incoherence), so I like it.
@A Humble Lurker:
Agreed on who the girls look like.
As for Michelle O.’s fabulous new hairdo, I love it. She looks sexy and young and tres chic. Loved her old look, too, but it was very suburban/soccer mom.
Having just moved from a very edgy hairdo to one a bit more conservative, I’m starting to re-think that simply because FLOTUS looks so fantastic. Gotta talk to my hair dresser about something a little more edgy, if not quite as in-your-face as the old hairdo.
patrick II
@patrick II:
sorry about the triple post — just learning to use my new -note 2.
@Emma: hope everying will turn out fine. Best wishes.
@Emma: c’mon Emma and Emma’s cat…
Patricia Kayden
Who cares about OILY Taitz? Please!
Nice photo of the Prez and his gorgeous family. Loved that Sasha commended him for not messing up the oath.–watch-sasha-obama-adorably-congratulate-barack-obama-after-inaugural-oath
About the AR-15 in the shopping mall. It was a Riverdale J C Pennys. Isn’t that where Archie and Jughead drive Betty and Veronica to shop?
schrodinger's cat
After seeing Michelle Obama’s coat and her belt, her hair cut made a lot more sense, she was going for Romulan Chic. I had no idea that she was a Trek fan.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Well, duh.
@Mnemosyne: It’s very difficult to find a black person of that age who was NOT a Star Trek fan. It really was that progressive for its time. And shall we mention The Kiss?
I think they have their father’s smile.
Cheryl from Maryland
@schrodinger’s cat: Well, I can see that, but those bangs and that suit look like something Emma Peel would rock.