Greetings folks!
My name is Elon James White and I’m a writer, comedian and I run a little outfit called This Week in Blackness. Mr. Cole was kind enough to give me the keys to a shiny new account here at Balloon Juice in order to share some of the stuff we’re working on. We do 2 Mon – Thurs shows that I think fits the space here fairly well. Both shows (one is a morning show with a different lead anchor and the afternoon one is led by me) deal with news, politics and race while adding a bit of humor to it. I also recently launched a new series called “On Blackness” where I talk to a bunch of really smart folks in academia about race in America. If nothing else, I figured that there would be some healthy…ahem…conversations about some of the topics we cover.
I reached out to Mr. Cole because I was very appreciative of his previous postings of episodes of “This Week in Blackness: The Series” and I wanted to show you folks more of what we do. Since TWiB has grown into an independent media source, we’re trying to reach out to as many communities as possible that may be tired of the crap being served by big media. Communities that are looking for alternative voices. That’s what we do at TWiB. We try to give the coverage that we wish we heard and saw elsewhere.
I wrote all of that to say “Hi.”
To give you a taste of what we do–here’s an episode from #TWIBradio from this past week. The episode is titled “D’Plato.” Yes, it’s that type of show.
And here’s a clip from our debate night coverage during the election. This was directly after the Vice Presidential debate. Remember when Joe Biden abused Paul Ryan on national television?
So again, thanks for having me here and I look forward to the magic that will come. You can always find me on Twitter. @elonjames
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Holy shit.
Greetings good sir, and welcome to our unscrupulous corner of the interwebs. Glad to have you here and I am sad to admit I listen to you a lot less often than I should.
RobertDSC-iMac G5
Welcome. What pets do you have?
Is this the special treat coming to the front page shortly?
@RobertDSC-iMac G5:
Yes. This information must be divulged immediately!
Corner Stone
Just what I asked for this last Xmas. So when’s the special treat coming?
I hope you have a zookeeper’s degree; not mandatory ’round here but helpful.
Very much looking forward to your posts.
dr. bloor
Oh, I’d love to know what the hell Cole told you about what goes on around here. Being a Reasonable Negro will makes you the only reasonable creature of any kind within typing distance.
To know us is to hate us.
This is great. Glad you are here.
I guess you’re the surprise John was talking about.
If you don’t have a pet, get one. And post pix.
I’m confused…
Just kidding my reasonable friend. Welcome. And do answer the question about the pets. It’s the only real way to judge your character.
Corner Stone
As long as The A-Team remake is on TV, I’m pretty good with just about anything.
“I pity the fool!”
You are on a roll tonight.
Corner Stone
Apparently, one of my neighbors on the street directly behind me has sold their house to George Lucas.
Because that motherfucker has installed a home surround sound system so fierce it rumbles my tiny little balls when he turns it on.
Which he does about 4 nights a week from 7pm to midnight.
Rosie Outlook
Hi Elon! Just to clarify, you will need the zoo keeping skills for the commentariat, not the pets.
Okay, so I’ve only ever commented like once or twice, despite lurking every day (Mnem knows me). But for this, I had to log in just to say how delighted I am to see this.
We loves us some Elon James White in this household.
Elon James White
@RobertDSC-iMac G5: I currently don’t have any pets. This is not due to a lack of desire but a wife who is allergic to cats and has been afraid to allow me to get a dog because she feels as if she would never leave the house. She loves dogs a crapload and if she could play with one all day she would just quit life. But in the past month she’s told me I’m allowed to start looking around for one that might work for us…
Hey, an internets celebrity!
Maybe we can have the internets celebrities, too.
P.S. Cole, this would also be one reason why I’m such a devoted lurker. You’re a mensch.
Thanks, Maude. The Jack Reacher thread actually got me thinking: Tom Cruise as the lead in the Barack Obama biopic?
Sandia Blanca
Yay, welcome from another mostly lurker! You are a funny, thoughtful guy.
@Elon James White:
Rosie is a sweet, adorable JRT. She loves people and will follow your every command.
Her teeth are good and she has a healthy appetite. Your wife will love her.
General Stuck
TWIB? so am I. The season don’t open till April. Anywho, welcome Elon. Don’t know if you’ve been reading Balloon Juice long, but if not, it is way worse than Cole has told you. So get your troll legs, and a can of firebagger repellant, and you’ll do fine.
W00t! and Welcome.
So not Tbogg?
Kidding. Welcome to the madhouse.
i blame Obama for this.
Yes. He could also play SoS Hillary Clinton. Sounds like a winner.
@Maude: He’s not tall enough.
Welcome aboard Elon!
@Elon James White:
Hmmm. Chooses wife over dog. Jury is still out.
Elon James White
So do I.
@Corner Stone:
I LOVE that movie. SO mad it didn’t get any sequels.
Welcome, Elon!
I’ve been very impressed by your appearances on Melissa Harris-Perry’s show. I think it’s just great you’ll be posting here.
(Balloon Juice is moving into the big time, folks!)
gogol's wife
I liked the clip!
With Denzel playing Mitt and Margaret Cho as Ann.
And howdy to new FPer.
Corner Stone
I’m pretty sure this calls for more alcohol.
Sawgrass Stan
Welcome aboard! When I first read TWIB, I said “this is something I should read every week! Every week!”
Then I forgot. Having you around will remind me to do that, thanks. The chat has already begun to fly….
But you DO have pets, don’t you? And do they drink?
Now, if John could just get some reasonable white people to blog here, we’d be set.
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!
TaMara (BHF)
How do you feel about food?
And stick around long enough, there will be a dog available any moment and we can probably caravan it to you. We’re like that.
And Keanu Reeves as Seamus.
Hey, cool, somebody famous! (At least, someone with a Wikipedia entry. :-)
TaMara (BHF)
@Aji: Holy cow. That’s some awesome silver work at your link. Stunning.
The first episode of On Blackness featured Melissa Harris-Perry and is well worth a listen. Really good.
Elon James White
@TaMara (BHF):
I have an unhealthy obsession w/ food and drink. I just launched a show with my wife ONLY ABOUT FOOD called This Tastes Funny. I used to run a cooking blog ( and my brunch game is a bit ridiculous. So much so I made a video about it. ( The next step is we’re building the blog space on TWIB so we can post food and reviews.
So, um…basically…I really like food.
Hello, from those of us more inclined to sit silently in the back row. Looking forward to what you might contribute to this half-zoo-half-funny farm. You could be too sane by half to survive.
@Baud: My money is on Will Ferrell. Breakthrough role.
Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought Cruise was reaching when he made them take him for that role. He’s probably why the film got greenlighted.
Or Jeff Goldblum was busy.
Jay S
I’m thrilled you’re posting here. Welcome.
Oh, and welcome, reasonable black fellow. You’ll love this place. It’s full of geniuses and idiots. But mostly the former.
Welcome! I subscribed to the original TWiB on iTunes. When that stopped, you mostly dropped off my pasty white radar, except when someone posted a link here or at ABL’s place.
@TaMara (BHF): Hey, thank you! That’s the Mr.’s work. I’m mostly just the back end of things (I’ll design a piece once in a while, but that’s it). I think he’s brilliant, but I’m biased.
BTW, I read your recipes faithfully. Might’ve . . . erm . . . cribbed from them a couple of times, too. Or more. :-)
Old Dan and Little Ann
Cool. And thanks for helping me relive the awesomeness of the Biden-Ryan debate. I loved that night.
TaMara (BHF)
@Elon James White: OMG, that’s too funny. I’ll expect you back here Thursday night for the recipe thread and I’ll try and bring my ‘a’ game.
@Maude: ROFL
Hey now, let’s not be baiting the new guy quite so aggressively yet. Give him a moment to get his bearings.
Jim Carrey as Santorum?
Libby's person
@Elon James White: Welcome to the party! Watch out – Anne Laurie can get you and your wife set up with a great dog in a flash, and TaMara (BHF) is right – BJ’ers will transport the bundle of furry joy right to your doorstep if necessary.
Mr Stagger Lee
Welcome! I do enjoy your work.
@BGinCHI: What, Tom Cruise wasn’t perfect casting for a character who is explicitly and importantly, 6’5″ and physically intimidating?
Next you’ll say he wasn’t right for Lestat.
Herman Cain as Herman Cain.
ETA: And Gollum as Ron Paul
TaMara (BHF)
@Aji: Thanks. My secret goal is for people to look at one of my recipes and go, “hey, I can improve on that!” And then get busy in the kitchen. :-D
What’s your stance on the various “-baggers”? Totebaggers, Firebaggers, Teabaggers, Doublebaggers, etc?
Dennis G.
Welcome. It is great to your here.
fleeting expletive
#47—I read that as “Jeff Goldblum is easy”. Hmm?
If Bobcat Goldhthwait is unavailable. :)
Or maybe he could do justice to Bachmann.
Jay S
@Elon James White: Welcome, and don’t let these mugs get you down.
TheyWe are mostlytoothlessharmless.Alison
Woohoo! Welcome, sir. :)
Dee Loralei
@Elon James White: Yay! A sane person(Is it contagious?) Welcome, Elon.
Let’s face it, Tom Cruise should just play all the characters. No one else measures up.
In the absence of pictures of Elon’s nonexistent pets, how about a short film selected for showing at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival:
Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?
Make him Romney. A Scientologist playing a Mormon would be agreeable for the outrage it provokes.
Be sure to tag each new post with several brand new categories. Cole loves that the most.
Welcome! I’ve seen you on MHP’s show, happy to have you here.
Hi, welcome. There are some real douche bags here so hang tough.
Welcome, EJW! Love the new media injection. Vidcasts, podcasts, all much appreciated.
Quaker in a Basement
Ash Can
Oh crap, Cole is classing the joint up. I’d better get dressed. And does this mean we have to stop dropping f-bombs?
If Cole brings back the rotating taglines, this has to be one of them.
@TaMara (BHF): I don’t know about “improve.” But I spend a lot of each day gettin’ busy in the kitchen, so . . . . Yours are always so photogenic, though.
@catperson: His best role was the crazy sales/motivational guy in Magnolia.
@BGinCHI: Nah, Ron Kovic.
El Cid
I love TWIB.
Cool. Some of my best friends are reasonable Negros.
Stay Black.
HOLY CRAP, it’s Elon James White! Dude, I’ve been watching your show TWiB for a year or so- awesome all around!
Looking forward to what kind of game you’ll bring here!
Props from Canada!
Elon, I have no idea who you are and I no longer get cable to see Melissa..and always forget to look her up on the intertubes.
But..started to watch that clip you posted..and am still laughing even after it crashed my flash…god you have an infectious laugh and it soooooo brought back the moment. It was sweet.
Thank you and look forward to more.
@Raven: Nah, that bit part in “Tropic Thunder”.
The Dangerman
I agree.
A lot of movie talk here tonight, so I’ll add that Zero Dark Thirty was a good movie, but not Oscar worthy (it’s the only movie I’ve seen this year, so if every other movie this year blows, I’ll reconsider). I don’t want to say too much about it and spoil the ending.
OMG — you can be my one black friend!
(disclaimer: I have no actual RL friends, because I’m never allowed to leave my desk.)
Seriously — we love you ’round my house already, so this is just extra.
Welcome to Balloon Juice. Now get a dog.
Corner Stone
@Chris: “Murdoch, don’t you remember what I said? Catch him after you inject him.”
Corner Stone
Some of my best friends are black. Very few of them, however, are to be considered reasonable.
Haven’t read all the comments, but the traditional greeting is a hale and hearty “Fuck you!” Glad to have you, and look forward to your posts. See you commented up above in response to someone. That’s a good start. You’ll learn the trollery soon. Do you have any pet trolls who will be coming with you? Just so we can be prepared.
The Dangerman
While we are on blog etiquette, it should also be mentioned that when the Blog Boss posts a picture of his cat, this blogs loyal following must suppress the urge to post “GOOD GRIEF, MAN, THAT CAT IS ENOURMOUS” and instead ask rather whether or not said feline has lost a few
poundsounces recently. Insulting the Blog Boss’ Boss is bad form.trollhattan
@The Dangerman:
Jeebuz, I nevah read this rool before. So my Tunch-in-sun-blinds-Google-satellite jokes aren’t well received?
That would explain a lot.
@trollhattan: TUNCH IZ NOT FAT!! He’s floofy!
@The Dangerman:
I think we’ve arrived at who is actually responsible for this new front pager.
I was just thinking, you know you else didn’t have a pet? Our last ombudsman…..
You really don’t want to go down that road.
TaMara (BHF)
@Aji: That dang jeffreyw really raises the bar! I’ve had to up my game to keep up.
TaMara (BHF)
@Yutsano: This. A thousand times this.
Welcome, dood.
Sooo, has the resident racist troll’s head essploded yet?
Exurban Mom
Sooooo excited to see you around these parts!!!! Love following you on the twitter machine, will really love seeing your posts here!!! Welcome!!!!
WOOOOT!!! WELCOME!! (Also, John Cole, master of the understatement–who knew?)
There’s a new satellite going up on Feb 8th. It has hires and just maybe they can fit Tunch, floof and all into a single frame. The current satellite leaves out the after market tail and some of the rear end.
Welcome, Mr. White! If you don’t have pets yourself, just post pictures of relatives’ or friends’ pets. Those will do fine.
Okay, where do we send your intertubes?
Welcome to the Colosseum. Here’s your sword. The tigers will be along shortly…
Bobby Thomson
@BGinCHI: Yes. But that wasn’t acting.
Oh, and welcome, Elon.
@TaMara (BHF): LMAO. You both make me feel wholly inadequate. And I say that as a foodie who is [I think] a pretty decent cook. Tonight’s was buffalo and barley soup, because we have freezing rain outside, and we needed comfort food.
Oh, and before anyone worries that we’re not sufficiently pet-friendly for BJ: Four horses, five dogs, and five chickens, plus a seemingly unending supply of wild and migratory birds (ranging in size from goldfinches to bald eagles) and assorted wildlife, including (but not limited to) coyotes, wolves, skunks, bears, and sundry rodents, snakes, salamanders, and insects. We’re equal opportunity when it comes to animals. Oh, and all the dogs (and three of the horses) are rescues.
Crikey! Welcome Mr. White. This is awesome.
Bobby Thomson
@The Dangerman:
Welcome, Elon! Love your stuff.
ETA: Or Tunch. Or whoever’s responsible.
Okay so I am excited about this and support your work. But I gotta say, I am now in the ninth minute of the audio file and all you have done is chit-chatted with each other about how you are eating on the air, got a nice voicemail, etc. Maybe speed it up a bit?
Bill D.
Welcome, Elon, from a persistent lurker and very occasional poster. Please don’t be *too* reasonable… it just won’t be allowed around here. ;-)
@Bill D.:
He’s giving us a false sense of security.
Smart man. We fall for it every time.
There are many things we tolerate around here – reasonable is not one of them. Knock that shit off.
Been following TWiB for a long time & enjoyed it always. I look forward to the addition here.
Gin & Tonic
And I thought the surprise would be getting m_c back.
Welcome welcome!
The few TWiB videos I have watched were amazing. This is my first try on the radio broadcasts. Didn’t finish it, tho… I’m not cool enough to enjoy people being that funny without getting self-conscious, and then I heard Paul Ryan’s voice, ew. (yes this feedback is meant to be humorous, as I don’t pretend to be any sort of representative audience. As a fourth-generation feminist, aren’t I supposed to be humorless anyway?)
PS @Aji: Yes, beautiful work and beautiful photos. I worked in NM once (mostly around Santa Fe/Espanola/Sta Clara), thanks for a trip down a good memory lane! And thank you for rescuing some NM dogs!!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Welcome to The Nightmare on Cole Street and good luck! May your voice be true, strong and clear. In addition, may your skin be very thick.
I mean very thick. I mean really really thick. Really! :)
I like what I’ve heard of you on MHP and look forward to hearing what you have to say.
We’re fresh out of reasonable white people, please check back next week.
Jewish Steel
Hey, as long as Freddie de Boer isn’t using his keys, can I have them? I could use this blog to cadge some free shit and brow-beat some personal enemies. Whaddya say, Cole?
@Baud: Thanks Baud – one of the blackest guys I ever knew (in high school) was named Mike Pink. Also – and this is a true story – I was in Anaheim by Disney for a trade show, and a black driver was standing in the lobby of a major hotel holding a sign with the name of the family that he was there to pick up (like the limo drivers at the airports), and his sign said “Coon”. It was just so fucking wrong on so many levels. Asshole dispatchers!
Davis X. Machina
@Baud: It was a rule in baseball. Bud Black was white. Roy White was black. And Cecil Fielder was a DH.
Then along came Butch Husky, and he screwed it all up — 6’3′, 244 lbs… (which means more like 260.
@Jewish Steel: No way. The basenjis will be terrorising Tunch by noon.
@Baud: You are killing me tonight! Spit my wine out laughing at one of the comments. You owe me about 1 mouthful of wine.
So happy Elon has been invited to the party! Good ish Johnch! Yall know the John and Tunch Brangelina nym has been a long time coming.
TaMara love, love, love the food threads and recipes. You and Jeffreyw always give me life.
BJ continues to impress this mostly-lurker! I think John has a really good knack for smart growth and balance when it comes to the blog.
Rex Everything
Yes. And goodbye.
Thor Heyerdahl
Made a pot of Irish Stew (complete with Guinness and Red Wine); and slow cooking a first-ever batch of New England Clam Chowder – looks like I might have to make a roux to thicken it up a little.
Corner Stone
Yes they deserve to die! And I hope they burn in hell!!
Corner Stone
I think I may be in love with Rampage Jackson. It’s more of a mental connection than anything else.
Addicted reader and rare commenter. Am listening to you show now. You have a smexy voice sir.
Davis X. Machina
@Thor Heyerdahl: The trick here is to use slightly floury potatoes, not real boilers, which tend to be waxy, and to stir them around for a while in the fat from the salt pork. They shed starch, and make a quasi-roux.
It’s not chowder without some salt pork. I use home-made pancetta.
@Thor Heyerdahl: Yum! Could some time slow cooking with no lid to get some evaporation help before you have to turn to a roux?
Welcome Elon! I look forward to reading your posts and to hearing about any pets, favorite recipes, music and your joining in our raucous conversations. Hold onto your hat!
Greetings folks!
{makes Vulcan handsign} Live long and Bqhatevwr, dude.
[‘Have you seen Cole’s pants?’]
Welcome to the Balloon Juice club, Elon! I haven’t watched all your videos, but I liked the ones I’ve seen. Looking forward to seeing/hearing/reading your future work.
Comrade Mary
OMG — hello, Elon!
/kicks newspapers under couch
I never thought you would fetch up here, but it’s great to see you.
/throws dirty dishes into dishwasher, shuts door
So you’re petless, eh? Allergies, eh? Can I interest you in a refurbished Tamagotchi? I’m sure that you can keep it happy and healthy.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Welcome! We’ll look forward to seeing dog pictures once you find one. And you’ll be reminded with each post you make, likely by several commenters.
@Thor Heyerdahl: You could also take a couple eggs, mix it with some flour and a little salt, and throw that in. It will thicken things up slightly plus give you little spaetzle-like dumplings. Also for a chowder you’re better off doing a beurre manié over a roux, but cook it out thoroughly.
Mr. White running a site about Blackness?
@Lyrebird: TY & YW.
And, yes, with the dogs, I only do rescues. Two of the oldest have been with me for 12 years already. The two youngest were starving rez pups who knew suckers when they saw ’em kept coming around to the gallery. When we realized that we were feeding them from our lunches (without telling each other), we decided they might as well come home and join the pack.
Good luck… you’re gonna need it
No seriously, welcome
TWiB. Reminded me of of a comedy show my folks watcned when I was a boy, TWTWTW was the opening graphic as they played the theme song, That was the week that was. The Old Man wasn’t yet convinced that color t.v. was going to catch on so I can’t say if the cast had any negroes, respectable or otherwise. I’ll look foward to your show and pictures of your pets. Manti Te’o still has a nice selection of hypo allergenic dogs and cats available, FWIW.
Anne Laurie
Welcome to the blog, Mr. White!
Have always enjoyed your work.
And if you get a small, adorable dog, your wife will be able to bring it (almost) everywhere with her. Really! They’re a guaranteed icebreaker, too.
If the papillons just don’t appeal, two of our manliest FPers share their homes with bichons, and John Cole’s beloved Lily is probably a chihuahua cross…
Welcome! I’ve enjoyed the stuff of yours I’ve seen before. Looking forward to seeing more.
@Davis X. Machina: How does Dick Pole fit into all this?
Fresh, new blood!
Cole gives us the nicest presents.
Welcome aboard, and may FSM have mercy on your soul.
Crusty Dem
To quote my favorite Archer character:
Welcome, good sir.
@different-church-lady: whatever you expect from Dick Pole, you actually get from Rusty Kuntz. And vice versa.
@CaseyL: Should we warn him about the goatse?
Never mind. Some voyages of self-discovery are best left on their own.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Davis X. Machina
Thanks for the advice. I was trying to futz a little with an online recipe not having cooked the original first.
Holee crap, ELW? I’m more used to watching you on teh googles. I see you’ve already riled up one of our dicks. Obviously, you’re off to a good start. Welcome to the shit show.
I am fairly certain that a guy who can wire together a studio but mysteriously forgets to mute his gchat on the air is aware of all internet traditions.
Hi Elon! (I’m a semi-regular TWiB listener.) Nice to see you here, and I hope this gets you some new listeners.
Another Halocene Human
Fuck yeah! This Week in Blackness is awesome!
Another Halocene Human
@Baud: Tom Cruise as the lead in the Barack Obama biopic?
Ew. Where are we keeping the brain bleach?
@Rex Everything:
Can someone help out the terminally unhip over here? WTF is is this about?
@Yutsano: “Floofy” does not explain how his gravitational pull created the same Appalachians our fine Blog Host currently resides in.
Another Halocene Human
@Sawgrass Stan: megadittoes to all of that.
Welcome Elon!
I spend too much of my time creating content instead of enjoying it… our Blogfather has done well adding you to the lineup.
And get that doggie! Let your wife moon over Petfinder for a bit, go to the shelter, and discover that dog got a home but they have the one of your dreams right over here. At least, that is how it works for me.
I’m an insufferable hipster atca warehouse party with a kiln. Its rather warm.
@BGinCHI: Tropic Thunder!
Late to the party, but welcome, Elon, to the blog. We are proud to have you here (but you’d better get that dog soon).
Hey, Elon! Great to see you here.
Elon James White is hugely funny and very smart. Great addition to the BJ group.
I’m so glad to see you here, Elon! I’ve been a fad since the 2008 election.
So awesome to have you here Elon! I’m geeked.
OMFG! I love you! And I love Balloon Juice! This is the best thing ever! (I love exclamation points!)
My Truth Hurts
Awesome addition to Balloon Juice. Kudos.
All the internet worlds have now collapsed into one. Welcome aboard, Elon! Do something about the animal situation tout de suite, or the natives will turn on you.
@Yutsano: THIS! Hi, Yutsy!
Holy shit, indeed. Nice move, Mr. Cole.
I don’t even know how long this will last, but it’ll be fun while it does