I’ve been working like a dog, and doing new and interesting things with beautiful people…actually I just haven’t had that much to say. I have been paying more attention to local blogs recently.
Here in Oklahoma, one of the better liberal blogs is The Lost Ogle. The name is an OKC in-joke. Also, Dustbury and The Oklahoma Observer. For a not entirely batshit insane conservative take on local politics, The McCarville Report.
Let us know in comments who the local sources are in your areas. Who should we be reading to get the flavor of local culture and politics?
The Flagpole is DG’s old rag here in Athens. Not really a blog but it’s online. Gina and Tacos was here but he split.
I like Barry Friedman from Tulsa, Sooner.
In Arkansas the best liberal blog is http://www.arktimes.com/
” The Lost Ogle. The name is an OKC in-joke ”
What is the joke? I am curious.
Michigan Liberal and to a lesser extent Blogging for Michigan are good for local news here.
The unfortunately named San Diego Politico is pretty good on the local level. http://www.sandiegopolitico.com/
State level: Calitics http://www.calitics.com/
For GA politics, political insider at ajc keeps us informed. link The comments are only readable for those with low pressure.
? Martin
CA bond rating was upgraded today. Governor has a 51% approval rating (and climbing), legislature a 41% approval rating (and climbing). Increased support for gun control in the state, and we already had some of the strongest gun control in the nation.
Things are looking up.
What’s up?
? Martin
Via TPM:
This has now become the single greatest argument in favor of Hillary running in 2016. If she could win Texas – the GOP pundits would be apocalyptic. She is, after all, history’s third greatest monster – following Obama and Carter.
Riley's Enabler
There are no sane local politics, but I do adore
In the Pink, Texas
for a funny view from Austin
Edited because WTH, WP?
Not to freak poor Kay out about guns even more than before, but yesterday’s shooting in Phoenix happened because a guy didn’t like the way his arbitration was going. The two dead were the judge supervising the arbitration and the opposing lawyer.
Bookman is usually pretty good.
I live in Portland, OR, so basically you can just watch Portlandia and that’s it.
For blogging, I like http://www.wweek.com/portland/ which isn’t awful, but it’s not, like, Pulitzer material or anything.
In Iowa, John Deeth has the inside baseball stuff on local and state legislative elections. Bleeding Heartland and Blog for Iowa are also good sources.
Ted & Hellen
DougJ has apparently stolen Sooonergrunt’s password.
Since it gets linked here all the time there’s no point in mentioning the Slog. I will point out that even though Goldy now works for them, the blog he started, Horse’s Ass still exists.
TG Chicago
If anybody has suggestions for Chicago or Illinois, please share. I do a lousy job of following local politics and I’d like to remedy that.
Currently, about all I do is read Ben Joravsky’s stuff at the Chicago Reader. Which is great, but I should read more.
I like Blue Virginia for the Old Dominion.
In Ohio you can’t beat http://www.plunderbund.com
@Raven: I really like Ed at Gin and Tacos. He moved on due to the vagaries of employment in academia, (I think he’s in Indiana now, could be wrong) but his writings on the site are very good. Doesn’t matter where he is. To those not familiar with the site, check it out.
@? Martin: As cynical as I sometimes am, I have to agree. I live in the San Gabriel Valley (CA 32) and even though my old rep is no longer in my district, my new one (and the people in her office) give me a bit of hope. Admittedly easy to say as my district, as well as Los Angeles county is deep blue, but it wasn’t always this way. Eternal vigilance, etc………
@jl: The Ogle brothers, Kelly, Kent, and Kevin, are all anchors on local news stations, and their father was a fixture in the local news scene for decades.
The blog proprietor, Patrick Nelson, named the blog after them.
The OC Weekly does a decent job of covering local politics and law enforcement matters, and even if it didn’t, it would be worth looking at for Gustavo Arrelano’s mostly hilarious “Ask a Mexican” column.
@Haydnseek: Yes, I’m a Gin and Tacos fan too, and try to remember to check it out most days. There are several regular Balloon Juice commenters who also show up with some frequency over there.
In Montana – Montana Cowgirl
She is definitely tuned in, and funnily enough completely anonymous which drives the righties crazy. hehe……
Can’t recall the name and can’t look it up right now (still at work) but the liberal blogger from Alaska who really had Bible Spice’s number is really good.
You’re probably thinking of The Mudflats.
I tried twice to post about a Seattle-area blog, but I now suspect the name sent it to moderation, so if you Google “HA Seattle”, it’s the second entry that comes up. Another one is The Slog, run by The Stranger weekly.
Lord Omlette
Blue Jersey and NJ Spotlight are pretty good for New Jersey news.
Doghouse Riley has frequent commentary on the fetid cesspool referred to as Indiana Politics. Nice line in vitriol, too.
For Massachusetts:
BlueMassGroup is our best lefty blog (and links to the more local blogs)
RedMassGroup is our sane what-EisenhowersGOP-would-be righty blog.
I also follow lefty blogs in NH, ME and CT, but I think someone who lives there might have better insight than I.
Although infrequent, Waldo Jaquith in VA.
I agree with an earlier shout-out for Calitics and its good, detailed work on California politics. They often are a little slow in putting up new posts on their front page, but it’s an acceptable flaw; what does make the page is usually top notch.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, East Bay Citizen does a great job muckraking in local politics, and has broken plenty of stories. Since the Bay Area News Group, the publisher of literally ALL local newspapers in the region, sucks major ass (surprise!), it’s been particularly valuable to have another talented journalist who can break news and have it reach enough of the public that, on certain discreet issues, the reports have started ripples which turned into outcome-changing waves. Oh, and he writes entertainingly too.
One of my favorite muckraking reports from the site:
The Ancient Randonneur
Read Blue Hampshire for a progressive take on New Hampsire. Some very good writing and comment threads for such a small state. I don’t know if a sane GOP blog exists but plenty of the Free State types writing gibberish if you want to find it.