Tonight’s live chat is featuring author Wiley Cash, whose first book, A Land More Kind Than Home, was just released in paperback.
Wiley has been a friend of mine (and neighbor) for several years, and I am really excited about tonight’s discussion. Feel free to ask anything. For more information on Wiley, please visit his website.
For the record, we photoshopped that picture above a while back because he had the Angelina Jolie leg thrust pose. Little did I know that it would rocket to the top of google images and all his work friends would see it and laugh hysterically. Had I known that, I would have done it earlier.
I swear that said Mistermix earlier. What’s going on here?!
Oh yay, glad it’s out in paperback. I was planning to pick it up once it was :)
dance around in your bones
Well, I don’t know how this live chat thingymajoo works, but Wiley? You have written an excellent book (that I am 65% of the way through).
My mother-in-law (who died a couple of years ago at the age of 102) was just like the people you write about in the book. She was from “the hills and hollers” of Tennessee and grew up in long skirts, mixing cornbread on the wood stove at age 5. (My husband LOVED pinto beans and cornbread and coleslaw all his life – his comfort food).
She bore 9 children, 5 of whom she had at home – once she had to try to keep the baby from crowning while the doctor made his way up the hill on a donkey.
Jeebus, I feel like you sneaky-peeked into one side of my family. Oh, and I should say that the whole Pentecostal/Holy Roller/talk to Jeebus in your heart was in the mix, too. Not the snake handling part, however. Thank Gawd.
Anyway, thank you for a book that has kept me glued to the pages and sometimes literally in tears.
dance around in your bones
P.S. Does this CoveritLive thing have some connection with Facebook? I don’t do Facebook.
Anyway, I just want to say again how much I am enjoying your book, Wiley. I spent some of my sparse Xmas Amazon gift card funds on the kindle edition.
Congrats on a book well done.
If my given first name was Wiley, I would legally change (at least) my middle name to Coyote.
Never heard of that book, but I must say Amazon makes it look quite worth reading.
Hello?! Is this microspectroscope on?!
Always late to the party….just found the book on kobo and am downloading it now.
Can i get a mulligan?
dance around in your bones
Really enjoyed the live chat with Wiley.
BTW, Rachel is ripping John McGrumpy-onion-on-my-belt gramps a new one on her show right now. (Left coast here).