Unless you’ve been trapped under something heavy for the past 24 hours, you already know that there was a power outage at the Super Bowl last night (which was held in the Superdome in Nawlins).
Now guess who thought it would be a good idea to tweet snark about the power outage?
This motherfucker right here:
Someone just told me there was fighting going on in the NOLA Superdome. #shocked
— Michael D Brown (@MichaelBrownUSA) February 4, 2013
That’s right — ol’ Heckuva Job Brownie had the unmitigated gall to tweet Superdome-related snark, and then to defend it on his radio show.
Via Yahoo! News:
His Superdome tweet also drew criticism, but Brown, now a talk radio host, did not back down.
“Come see the water line marks on the street signs by my church and see how funny Katrina/Dome tweets are,” Twitter user Duris Holmes wrote.
“I saw them,” Brown replied. “Blanco Nagin refused to look”—a reference to former Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin.
“Screen shots on iPad,” he later tweeted. “Great for capturing vitriol that’s later deleted from Twitter feed.”
Brown added: “Blocking is quite useful, too.”
It’s not the first time since his FEMA resignation that Brown’s been at the center of a controversy. Last fall, Brown criticized President Barack Obama for responding to Hurricane Sandy too early.
I need Michael Brown to stop talking… forever.
(h/t Color Lines)
[cross-posted at ABLC]
Southern Beale
We will be living with the sins of the Bush Administration for a long, long, long, long, LONG time, I fear.
Quaker in a Basement
That clown is back on the air? He was on our local Denver Clear Channel station a while back and disappeared without explanation.
Spaghetti Lee
I guess they took away his cushy patronage job (you know, because he failed horribly at it) and he’s still mad about it 7 years later. What a douchebag.
Why would he have a radio show? About what? His chief distinction is fucking up.
some guy
Idiot savant, minus the savant
Ash Can
ABL, I feel it’s my duty to point you in the direction of the current lead story at LGF. But brace yourself. (Sorry, no link; haven’t figured that one out on smartphone yet.)
A horse guy who singlehandedly fuxxors the biggest disaster in memory is now a talk show host? WTF? What does he talk about? Horses?
Fucking up in a way that conveniently harms the “surplus population” of non-Repukes, combined with monumental braggadocio and callous arrogance about it, makes him a right-wing hero.
And being held acccountable for his massive fuckups makes him a “martyr.” Under Bush Assministration ideology he’s practically Gandhi.
Michael Brown is the perfect Republican. Spectacularly incompetent, deliberately offensive, and a total attention whore.
dance around in your bones
Of COURSE he’s a radio talk show host now. It’s about the lowest you can sink after Fox NewZ host. Well-remunerated in most cases, unfortunately. Hope his show sinks like a stone (in a just world, it would).
Thoroughly Pizzled
Kill yourself, Michael Brown. Drown yourself in a septic tank, you filth.
@Southern Beale:
One of the worst features of C+ Augustus was his willingness to give out IMPORTANT positions as patronage jobs.
Nobody would have suffered much if Brownie was Ambassador to the Bahamas.
@Ash Can: Dear lord…..wow.
Probably how the hurricane is the fault of the queers with a dash of birther conspiracies.
@Ash Can:
Here you go ABL.
Ash Can
@Punchy: Whatever the Secret Service folks are being paid these days, it’s NOT ENOUGH.
Ash Can
@freelancer: Thanks.
@Ash Can:
I hope I never, EVER, get over being shocked and horrified by this filth.
Assholes. It just makes me want to scream or cry. I can’t decide which.
Xecky Gilchrist
I need Michael Brown to stop talking… forever.
Until then, at least his stupid chatter will remind everyone why we can’t afford to elect the kind of shitheads that appointed him.
Yeah, the comments link to the manufacturer. They’ve got a racist OBL/Terrist zombie, a racist “North Korean Soldier” zombie, and for you bitter asshole he-man woman-hater conservatard misogynists, they have one that’s just a woman, called “The Ex.”
Apparently “Rocky” Zombie used to be from Chicago, but now he’s from Detroit, cough cough.
I know it’s a thing to (sort of) want the meteor to come, but some people are just willing it.
A normal human being, one capable of guilt and shame, would slink away after a debacle like Katrina and never show his face or open his mouth in public again.
Michael Brown clearly is not a normal human being. What a utterly classless, callous, loathsome piece of horse feces.
Roger Moore
I hope I stop being horrified by these filth because they are replaced by decent human beings. But until they are, I want these people, and Heckuva Job Brownie to be given the largest megaphones anyone can find. People need to be reminded just how awful these people are, and putting them on public display is the best available way of doing so.
Holy fuck that’s awful.
The Dangerman
Excluding Bahamanians, I assume.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: You want us to be at war with the Bahamas?
Roger Moore
Don’t be dissing horse feces; it helps things grow, which is more than can be said of Michael Brown. He’s more like Agent Orange: something that kills what it touches and leaves behind a generations-long toxic legacy.
@freelancer: Gah. I’m done. Where’s my fucking TARDIS??
Mike in NC
How is it this maggot can hold down any sort of job, let alone radio host?
Closeted epistemic (formerly Lojasmo)
Dicks gotta dicks, and cunts gotta cunt.
Roger Moore
@Mike in NC:
There is definitely a school of talk radio that believes that more offensive is better. If you accept that idea, it would be hard to find a better host than Michael Brown.
Here’s one now.
Really fuckin funny Michael Brown.
Roger Moore
The more I think about this, the more I’m convinced this was a preemptive thing. Brown knew that any bad event at the Superdome was going to bring up Katrina, so he decided to get the first licks in. Better to have the story be about what a jerk he is for bringing it up than how he deserves to be run out of polite society for his incompetence in dealing with the hurricane.
That Heckuva Job Brownie was not smote by lightning is the clearest proof to date that a just God does not exist.
Actually, a just God would toy with him first, in a way only vengeful Gods can, then smite his evil ass.
Yeah, like installing Jamie Gorelick as National Security Advisor, so that she could continue her reign of error, by not allowing the different security/intelligence arms to talk to one another, pre-9/11.
Wait, did I say Jamie Gorelick? No, that wasn’t her name. Who was it again? It’s right on the tip of my scary-smart tongue ….
Hill Dweller
Michelle Rhee is a fraud, but you’d never know that watching Jon Stewart’s pathetic interview of said fraud.
Actually, for a debacle the magnitude of Katrina, I think seppuku might be more appropriate. Not that HJB would have the class (I almost said “guts,” but people might think I was making a pun or something) to do it.
grandpa john
@gf120581: Of course he’s not normal, if he was normal he wouldn’t be a republican asshole
@grandpa john:
Still working for the Department of Redundancy Department, I see.
Speaking of Condi and Katrina, who can forget her show of support for the people of NOLA by going on that 5th Avenue shopping spree.
Jerzy Russian
Jesus Hussein Christ. I am at a loss for words. Can’t we declare a moratorium on stupid for the night, and instead look at pet pictures or something?
@Roger Moore: That’s true. I just felt a horse-related comment was necessary given Brownie’s past employment. Because, you known, knowing horses was so essential to keep New Orleans from drowning.
Although, with that skill, I’m surprised Mitt hasn’t hired him to clean up after Rafalca.
Seems like the only thing that can even temporarily shut up a big-mouthed, sh*t-talking bully like Brownie (or any of those other right-wing gas bags) is to slap them across the face – I mean, *literally* slap them across the face – in public, so that they turn all red and start crying in front of everyone, and then run away. Never happen…
Well, if I recall, her
husbandboss suggested that the best way to show them terrists, post 9/11, was to go shoppin’.SFAW
Probably not, but I’d love to test your hypothesis.
@Roger Moore: Actually, we need to fund a speaking tour by Brownie, George W, and some gun nuts – and encourage them to speak publicly about their core beliefs. I expect that the Democrats would win the House by a wide margin if enough voters hear what these fools believe…
@gf120581: Didn’t the guy hired to clean up after Rafalca mistake Brownie for some of the equine-derived organic fertilizer?
Loyalty to the Bush family was the primary qualifying characteristic of any Dubya appointment. That’s how we ended up with…
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
FEMA Director Michael Brown
and almost Supreme Court Justice Harriet Miers
@Cacti: Very true and it was carried out to disastrous extremes. In Iraq, for example, officials in the Green Zone were not hired for their qualifications, they were hired for their loyalty to the Bush administration and the GOP. That’s how instead of capable people we got complete fucktards like Dan Senor (the little neo-con shitheel who had Romney’s ear on foreign policy) running things over there and completely fucking things up.
Brown was maybe the worst, although Gonzales made a pretty good run for the money with the U.S. attorney scandal. (Miers never got in a position to do any real damage.) Brown probably gets top honors because he let a whole city drown and still acted like a belligerent asshole who did nothing wrong afterward.
@gf120581: May L. Paul Bremer be forever infested by the fleas of a thousand diseased camels.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Ah yes, he of the business suit and Timberland boots.
Imani Gandy (ABL)
@Ash Can: ah yes, the little dead babies nonsense. peak wingnut is a lie.
Ash Can
@Imani Gandy (ABL): No, not the birth control post. The zombie/shooting-range post.
@Mike in NC: That’s why it’s called wing-nut welfare.
Patricia Kayden
Brownie criticized President Obama for responding to Hurricane Sandy TOO SOON?
It’s too early for me to laugh. Wow. Just wow.
@Patricia Kayden:
Yeah, HJB thought Obama needed a more deliberate approach, because LOOK OVER THERE! A BUNNY RABBIT!
Or something like that.
STOP talking? Why in the world would you want him to stop talking? Let the fucker talk! This guy is not a major Republican player any longer, he barely ever was, especially since he grotesquely mishandled his responsibilities during Katrina and while not disowned by the Republicans, they’re surely aware of how kryptonite-y he is in the public’s mind.
And every time he speaks he reminds the normal part of America just how horrifyingly inept Republicans are, how they’re only interested in power for power’s sake, which is why they put their buddies into positions of power even though that person hasn’t the least bit of qualifications for the job, and no real love of governance. That’s good for the side that values rationality and common sense, which at the moment is the Democrats.
Play on, Brownie.
Yes, because they remembered that so well in 2010. Which is kind of amazing, because something like 21
yearsmonths had passed since W left office. That’s like, 10 whole generations, right? Well, mayfly generations.To paraphrase Mencken: “No one ever went broke underestimating the attention span of the American public.”
How did that useless fuck get a radio show? Don’t tell me that he is competent with blow jobs.
I’m kinda with sweaver @50 – just let this guy keep talking. He was an Administration guy, and as such, bad memories of his past incompetence won’t hurt the GOP in non-Presidential election years. But it won’t help either.
And a minor nit to pick in the OP – the tweet was regurgitated by His Horsiness on Feb.03, not 2/4, as seen if you click on the link.