When we debuted our “Asshole of the Day” segment on TWiB Radio I didn’ think I’d end up using it so often. In 7 days we’ve already had to crown 3 assholes–1 of which got double crowned. But the latest guy we gave the title to not only owns his title but it seems like he’s trying to get upgraded to asshole of the month. Perhaps the YEAR. Don’t believe me? This is the tweet that got him to his lofty position…
On Today’s TWiB Radio, before we had to deal with Kincannon, everybody’s favorite Angry Black Lady™ Imani Gandy swings by for her weekly segment “All Up In Your Uterus w/ Imani Gandy” to talk about the uproar over the Obama administrations actions with dealing with birth control and the hissy fit some folks are having about women possibly having access to birth control through work-supplied insurance.
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And on TWiB in the Morning you get to hear when Kincannon first gets crowned, the leaked Obama White Papers, and a conversation with Feminista Jones, founder of #SexyShred about becoming healthier, using social media to move a cause and more.
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I saw this Monday & recognize the guy as a local Republican Big Wig. I assume he was doing minority outreach.
Just Some Fuckhead
Someone was broken enough to actually have that thought and even more broken to share it with the world?
On behalf of South Carolina, I apologize yet again to decent people everywhere.
I think asshole of the century could be his if he applied for it.
He’s probably asshole enough to do so—thinks his remark was cute, I’m sure.
a deeply sick dude.
I think asshole of the century could be his if he applied for it.
He’s probably asshole enough to do so—thinks his remark was cute, I’m sure.
a deeply sick dude.
Elon James White
You just made me laugh out loud…
Also, too: http://wonkette.com/499886/republican-who-tweeted-about-trayvon-martin-as-a-drug-addled-gay-hustler-would-like-to-show-you-his-penis
Roger Moore
I doubt it. Look at the top candidates for asshole of last century and think about how hard it would be to break into that group.
This guy is trash. Glad he’s showing everyone exactly who he is and what kinds of people represent the Republican party. Did he take down the tweet after pressure or is it still there?
Elon James White
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Not only did he think it then say it, he doubled down in so many different ways.
I believe it’s still there and he’s enjoying the attention.
@Schlemizel: He’s famous on Twitter for organizing a gang to try to get lefties thrown off Twitter.
Ben Franklin
He’s going all-in with a pair of douchebags.
Texas hold ’em has nothing on this kind of poker.
El Cid
If I were from South Carolina, I’d be ashamed.
Now, what’s this about a Twitter comment?
What’s the under/over on somebody finding that guy’s profile on a gay dating site?
@kc: Just saw that he considers himself some kind of comedian. Do people actually think that sort of thing is funny?
Republicans in South Carolina think it’s hilarious.
The human asshole performs an essential function.
This particular human asshole performs no essential function.
Rob in Buffalo
This might be the most vile comment I have ever heard.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
one more Republican victim of Barack Obama’s refusal to invite Republicans over for skittles and beer.
I googled this asshole’s name to see if there was any more direct connection to Graham, Demint, Haley or other South Carolina stalwarts. Nothing jumped out, but I did come across this rather confusing response from Alexandra Petri, a WaPo writer who, as near as I can tell, is Dana Milbank’s sidekick and fancies herself a humorist, though she’s all sober-sided, let-us-rise-above-and-ignore-the-brute Broderism on this. This is from the Petri column
So… apparently jackass wants Jon Stewart to pick on him so huddled hood-wearing masses can rally ’round?
If this were a news media that could mock the guy and ruin his career, then I would think he was worth writing about.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes, “hood.” Not to be confused with “hoodie.”
One has matching sheets.
@Aji: At first I read it as “hoodie.” I was perplexed.
What the fucking fuck?
Jesus Christ, the GOP is nothing but psychopaths now, isn’t it?
He did NOT. Holy shit, just when I think public discourse can’t possibly become worse….
Also, too, Sandra Fluke: still a
Gonna be hard to top this asshole anytime soon. Though I’m sure the Wingnuts will give it their best!
The Wingularity spins ever faster.
Did you hear Obama recorded a message for Kenyans today, speaking Swahili in it? OMG! SKEETERBIRTHERKENYANCRYPTOCOMMIEMUSLIM!
@shortstop: Same here. I thought that needed clarification.
David Brooks
I for one am glad we are covering the important news of the day, and not trivial stories like the drone memo fuss.
Schlemizel, any chance you have a pair of steel toed boots and a little spare time? We’d love to ask you to do one small favor…
@Violet: I hope he doesn’t quit his day job. No, take that back, I hope he does quit his day job. That will make his future failed comedy career that much funnier.
Keith G
@David Brooks: They might be waiting for prime time to launch that 400+ thread.
Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S. (Mumphrey, et al.)
Who the fuck is that guy? I tend to be a fairly pacifistic kind of dude, but, shit, that guy needs a serious beating.
Is “all black men suck dick for drugs” a thing now? That’s a new permutation of racist homophobia to me.
Elon James White
@David Brooks:
We actually talked about drones today on BOTH shows while talking the leaked white papers…take a listen…
General Stuck
This sounds like a real honor, and would like to nominate myself for future consideration. Today, tomorrow, it don’t matter.
The GOP knows it is doomed and they are obviously determined to inflict just much pain on African Americans as they can before they get flushed down the toilet of history. Their stench is already overwhelming…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elon James White: sancti-trolls just wanna sancti-moan.
I just can’t. Fleas of a thousand diseased camels for him and all his progeny for a thousand generations.
@Rob in Buffalo:
You clearly haven’t been on the Internet long.
Asshole of the Day doesn’t even come close.
You might want to run a quick trademark search and see whether you can use Worst Person in the World without having to pay Keith Olbermann.
@David Brooks:
We need to wait for columns from Greenwald and Sullivan so we can fight over them as a proxy instead of actually discussing the matter.
@David Brooks: Your new nym isn’t fooling anyone.
Not good enough. I say strip him naked, stake him in the middle of the street in that famous underpass in Austin, and cover him with some sort of food substance that bats find irresistible. The fear of being bitten by a rabid bat should fuck him up good and proper.
@arguingwithsignposts: True, but you have to admit it’s a worthy contender. When they start accusing the dead six-year-olds of Newtown of sucking dick for drugs…wait. They haven’t yet, right?
Comrade Jake
Speaking of assholes, Fox has dropped Dick Morris. I’m sure he’ll get picked up by The Daily Caller.
Um, that would be bugs, Frank. The foodstuff that causes 750,000-1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats to leave that bridge every night is insects.
I will say this again.
Large numbers of conservative Republican men think about and talk about and fantasize about gay sex more than most gay men I know.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Maybe OT, but here’s that number again (via TPM)
Omnes Omnibus
@GregB: I really think there is a big closet over there.
Just Some Fuckhead
@shortstop: lolz
Did the guy forget that twitter isn’t 4chan?
wasabi gasp
You can tell that he has so many that he has black friends to spare.
Sicknote – Whitey
Just Some Fuckhead
@Omnes Omnibus: Note there is no Log Cabin Democratic group.
They’re doing it for the children.
Dacia Mitchell
@Yutsano: Now that’s a legacy of pain!
@Loneoak: I might be a hypocrit and/or an OBot, but I just can’t be bothered to care about drones. I might even have complained about them while Bush was prez, but now I don’t. Oh well.
Culture of Truth
He’s a sick fuck.
By the way, I caught you show with Lizz Winstead and look forward to many more.
Omnes Omnibus
@Just Some Fuckhead: Also, note that most Democratic sex scandals just involve someone having sex/paying for sex. Republican sex scandals always seem to have a little something extra.
Really? What was the rush? It only took over two years of him being dead wrong on everything.
The lovely people at Wonkette have discovered that Skincannon is Internet famous for another reason.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, you gotta feel for the guy a little bit. After all, Todd dreams of getting assfucked by a KKK member every night but if he wants to whack off to it he’s gotta get out the tweezers, so he can get that little rigatoni noodle of his out far enough that he doesn’t jizz over his own taint. Then he calls his dad and asks him if he’s doing it right, because, you know, guys like Todd whose first sexual experience was getting plowed in 6th grade by a pedophile custodian might be a little lacking on details. Anyway, Dad says you gotta taste it to know if you’re doing it right, so Todd gets out the old shot glass and aims painstakingly until there’s enough to swallow. Time-consuming, to be sure, but it does pleasure him in a way that he hasn’t felt since he gave cunnilingus to a pig at his uncle’s farm. An in attempt to recapture that magical feeling he attends furry conventions wearing an assless pig suit and dry humps every teenager he sees, but no matter how often he tries his nights always seem to end him crying into the piss-soaked pig suit in a bathroom stall with a bottle of the cheapest high-proof whiskey he can buy. Poor guy.
…the Aristocrats!
@quannlace: Yeah, like being wrong ever got anyone fired at FOX News.
If anybody knows how to drone, it’s David Brooks.
@Just Some Fuckhead: same thoughts here – just wow then “does this fuckwit have kids?”
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: Win.
Patricia Kayden
@Violet: No, I heard he double downed and sent out even more offensive tweets. Typical Repub. And they wonder why Blacks don’t vote Republican.
Hmmmmm? Wonder why.
Roger Moore
I think that’s a generalization of people fantasizing more about sex when they aren’t getting it. These guys are so repressed they wind up fantasizing about gay sex all the damn time.
@Patricia Kayden: I don’t think it’s wondering so much as having impotent fits of rage about it without bothering to ask the reason.
Roger Moore
@Patricia Kayden:
It’s because they have no sense of humor and can’t accept that this is just a joke they should all be laughing at.
@Roger Moore: And by not laughing, they’re the real racists.
Omnes Omnibus
@Patricia Kayden: Obamaphones?
OT – on an amusing note, it appears that the FBI used an evil drone in saving the kid in Alabama.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: They certainly talk about it more than all the gay men I know do. It’s as if the GOP is the party of self hating gay men. Who want to scold everyone, straight or gay, about having too much fun because think of the CHILDREN.
Roger Moore
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Patricia Kayden
@Omnes Omnibus: What exactly are Obamaphones? And why didn’t I get one? I voted for the man.
Omnes Omnibus
@Patricia Kayden: I don’t know either, but apparently they are part of some form of scandal. I want mine as well.
I can’t believe the audacity of this guy insulting the Super Bowl like that.
David Brooks
@Elon James White:
I was referring to this blog, not your podcast. I’m sure you guys do a great job. I just think it’s all sorts of silence speaking louder than words ever could, how this blog is ignoring the elephant in the room. :D
Here’s what this scumbag tweeted later:
I didn’t realize black kids with Skittles were so scary.
@Patricia Kayden:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Government program to provide phone access to the poor that started under Reagan.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen_X: God, he is like a kid who has just discovered that swearing gets a shocked reaction.
That’s fine. I care about them, but not in a emo fashion. I don’t think a US President will ever be using drones to bomb citizens in the US, that’s a ridiculous slippery slope that a Greenwald or Sullivan will allude to but never actually articulate.
I put the drone issue under the subhead of Congress’ long, slow abdication of war-making powers to the Executive. Al Qaeda needs to be fought, even when US citizens are part of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda choose asymmetrical warfare fought across national boundaries and in many weak states. What is the US to do about it? Drones might be legitimate answer, but for the most part I don’t think that answer has been given a Constitutional vetting or proper oversight.
Omnes Omnibus
@freelancer: That’s it? Oh. I wanted a new iPhone.
@Loneoak: It’s incredibly rare that I wish any site had upvote buttons.
Dacia Mitchell
@bago: That is valid as hell. Is there a way to send 4Chan after this guy? Someone needs 1,000 pizzas delivered to his house.
Aww shucks.
Randy P
I think it’s pretty obvious he’s trolling. I’m not sure why you would troll Twitter, I’m not plugged into the Twitter machine and I don’t know how things work there. But I’m sure he’s getting lots of street cred with the wingnuts for how mad he’s making the liberals. So OF COURSE he’s going to double down.
It’s after midnight in the Central European time zone. We can haz new Asshole of the Day naow?
@burnspbesq: Only loosely related, anybody know when the Nigeria/Mali game is? Is anyone carrying it?
6:50 a.m. Pacific time tomorrow. espn3.com and the Watch ESPN app.
@burnspbesq: Thanks!
@burnspbesq: It’s Silvio’s little brother. This surprises you? I notice he got a crack in at “the ladies,” too, but his bro ain’t no Psy.
Aaron Rand Freeman
@JoyfulA: Wait what ? ::Googles::
Aaron Rand Freeman
@burnspbesq: Ha! He wins for February 6th yes.
@burnspbesq: It is a minor miracle that balotelli isn’t tomorrow’s winner, seeing how he acts like an asshole frequently. Only a berluscioni can bunga bunga things up badly enough to top him.
since mocking dead children is his thing, who’s next?
the kindergartener’s murdered at sandy hook?
But not asshole of the century candidate. He’s not going to beat the people I won’t name.
bad as his words are, the guy who shot young Mr. Martin is worse, and likewise for the events in Colorado, sandy hook, and the bunker-loving gun nut in Alabama who thought kidnapping a child was good idea, and it was better to pick a fight with the FBI hostage rescue team after murdering the guy who gave him chicken eggs and other stuff not a week before.
I’ll go with and old Churchill quote “jaw jaw jaw is better than war war war” and this asshole is just jawing.
that said, to steal a line from warrior soul, I do wish he’d “put his monry where his mouth is so I could shove it down his throt”
@Aaron Rand Freeman:
Alas, it doesn’t. Not even a little.
Mario is a cautionary tale waiting to happen. The feet of a bloody genius and the mind of a spoiled six-year-old.
Another demographic trend working against the Confederapublicans — increasing public acceptance of homosexuality means fewer self-hating closet cases compensating by becoming right-wing assholes.
Ted & Hellen
Why is this supposed to be so appalling?
ABL writes shit like this about her enemies all the time and you Bots eat it up.
Can’t take it, don’t dish it.
@Ted & Hellen: Let me see if I get this right. Comment by a RW media wannabe about a dead teen, gunned down for being black in public, probably being a trick turning drug addict is synonymous with something moderately successful blogger has said about her personal enemies, ergo it’s no big deal.
Sidestepping the obvious-as in, where have you ever heard ABL say anything about her “enemies” being cockgobbling addicts-you really don’t think there’s a bit of difference between smearing the dead, especially the dead under such tragic circumstances, and the usual internet flaming? Truly?
@Ted & Hellen: You are dead fucking wrong here, Lanny.
And fuck you too, WordPress.
Patricia Kayden
@Ted & Hellen: Provide a link to when ABL has made a comment anywhere as appalling as this RW troll. Just one.
You’re a nasty person. Too bad BJ doesn’t mallet people.
@Loneoak: Projection.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ)
It seems like this guy deserves the George Tierney treatment.
West of the Rockies
God, how I long for cosmic repercussions for people such as Kincannon. Instead, he’ll play the victim card and someone, somewhere will reward him with a column. I ventured onto AM radio for a couple minutes this morning and heard some wingnut joke about our “Muslim president from Kenya”. His sidekicks all chortled with glee, thinking they’d just said something terribly clever. No repercussions. The guy’s wife will kiss him hello when he returns home with a fat, undeserved paycheck. His kids will look up at him with respect. His church-going buddies will slap him on the back and wink with appreciation. And he’ll go on about how his rights are being threatened.
Just goddamnit.
Because it’s so funny to mock kids who were killed in that way.