Trying to post downstairs just about killed me due to my puter problems but has anyone seen the David Tennant/Catherine Tate version of “Much Ado About Nothing” is is worth the cost of the rental/download? Would love some thoughts.
@Yutsano: That would be awesome. My sister’s doggy’s brother might be there. Keep an eye on the Icelandic Sheepdog.
Comrade Mary
I have to rely on liveblogs and streaming video to catch the SOTU and the doggehs. Not getting cable back. Nope.
Also: Mohawk Guy!
mai naem
Its on fucking tape delay here. Is it on anything else apart from USA? I am not streaming it.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Mohawk gut is hawt. The FLOTUS gets all the cool dudes.
Westminster is a pretty tough time slot opponent. I’m a hound lover, so will never get better for me than the year we heard “Let me have the beagle,” and Uno won it all.
Not watching the doggies.
Even if you win, you’re still a Pomeranian. Best of breed, my ass.
Going with the Spanish coverage of Pope on the Ropes. It’s sure to justify my tequila consumption. But let me know if the Prez indicates that Gabbi Giffords will be permitted to jump on her horse and round up Ted Nugent, Wayne LaPierre & any Opus Dei members sitting on the SCOTUS, under his proposed gun safety legislation. Because imma drop Univision for that.
Ha! The feed I’m seeing at The Grauniad says that it’s the “enhanced” SOTU. Does that mean Now With Extra Horsemeat?
(I know it’s not their feed, OK?)
dance around in your bones
So, there’s not going to be a SOTU thread? Everybody gonna watch de doggies instead?
I love dogs, but a lot of these overbred, overgroomed dogs just kinda put me off. Give me a good ol’ mutt any day. I tend to watch the highlights later, maybe.
Plus, the handlers just look kind of silly running alongside. I know, uninformed opinion, but it’s MINE, gawdamnit!
I keep hoping one of the Teahadi Reps will invite Orly Taitz to the SOTU.
Damn, foiled again.
A night of priorities here at John Cole’s Bar-n-Grille. The patrons are gonna need a lot of TVs…
An excerpt from my comment on the SotU Open Thread:
Once again, the only truly deserving breed has been unjustly denied its rightful “Best in Show” trophy. (Pembroke Welsh Corgis, obviously!) We always root for the more obscure breeds to win the groups (yes, aware of the judging standards, but still!). Surprised that the Affenpinscher won the Toy Group, until I learned that it was one of the four dogs that oddsmakers (!) had selected to win the whole prize.
The Guardian, God/doG love ‘em, is live-blogging the show!
Apparentamente no. Just to get the Spanish in there. John’s going to the dogs :)
? Martin
@handsmile: We’ve got a cardigan – he was part of a litter bred to be shown. He comes from a fairly successful line, but we’ve never shown him. He’s here for the kids. So we always root for the corgis too.
@? Martin: Still angling for that knighthood I see.
My heart is breaking seeing Hadiya’s parents.
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
Cole, the AKC apparently does not share your respect for our canine friendsGo here
@MikeJ: One should always aim for one’s dreams. Or something like that, involving eagles and soaring and some such rot. Stars, also, too.
I wish (not really) that I had a hairdo like some of these doggies. Or my own personal groomer.
POTUS looks incredibly handsome and relaxed, as usual. Boner, earlier, looked like he had heartburn. Let’s see if Boner can get through the speech w/o looking like a) he needs some prunes or b) a triple scotch.
I cannot even imagine what it would feel like to not have Obama delivering this SOTU.
mai naem
At first I thought Bonerman looked like he had heartburn. Looking at him now, it’s more like he has food poisoning and is trying not to throw up until he can get to a bathroom.
I doubt he’s paying attention to the blog – he’s kickin’ back in the Lazy Boy with doggies on his lap, watching doggies, while Tunch glowers from the lowest level of the cat tree.
Who needs a groundhog? Those are some springlike ties on POTUS, Onion Joe and Hey Bartender.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh NO>>> I didn’t know we were suppose to subscribe to this site…
Has Politico won the morning yet?
Boehner looks like he badly needs a drink before his current buzz wears off.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Anyone here maybe just a wee little bit nostalgic for the SOTU’s of recent yore, with their manned missions to mars and dire warnings about yellow cake and human-animal hybrids?
Yeah, me neither.
This is like an inhouse exercise program for congressional Dems. They’re hopping up again.
And again.
mai naem
@Baud: Everybody’s gone home. I frankly have reached my limit with the squabbling. The Republicans are not going to change. They don’t give a shit about anything except the amount of power they have. We’re going to have wait for another ten years before the House changes hands.
I am watching at C-span from my stupid smart teeve so I can’t see Boehner’s face. Is he sleeping? He looks so unengaged. And now I see some dude reading the speech or something else.
@the Conster: You sure he’s not thinking about Nugent’s diaper. Vitter is hiding in shame.
Mike in NC
@Yutsano: I don’t know what’s in Boehner’s glass, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t water.
? Martin
I’ve been helping with a proposal for one of these hubs, btw. There’s a surprising amount of energy going into this from all over. It’s really eye-opening how little we have to start from, though. A bit like asking to open a water park in a desert.
RobertDSC-iMac G5
No more tax cuts. More spending. It’s not that fucking hard.
I subscribe for the pompous gestures toward transparency and even-handedness while peddling decrepit Tory-ite racism and classism in the guise of scientific curiosity.
No, wait, that’s a different blog. What’s the point of this blog again?
@TaMara (BHF): People keep telling me, Great Danes are sighthounds!
Also too, toy dogs are working dogs — making people happy is hard work :)
mai naem
Jim Inhofe started shitting his pants as soon as Obama started talking about climate change. Shit, that place must stink with all these stinky diapers.
Who’s the survivor cabinet member tonight? Napolitano or Vilsack?
? Martin
@the Conster: Apple has $140B in the bank. They have more money for R&D than the US government does.
They need workers with the right training, they need tool and die makers (they’re mostly gone from the US), they need better transportation infrastructure. China is beating us on all 3.
“Self-healing power grids.” These speeches are hilarious. Like when GWB allofasudden started talking about Mars. Mars!
They also need air they can breathe, legal systems that are reliable, and local governments not riddled with corruption. I’m not the least scared of China, to be honest. They’re fucked worse than we are because all we need is some new infrastructure. They need a new society.
Comrade Mary
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, DougJ has been holding lots and lots of meetups.
David in NY
@? Martin: They need tool and die makers? The town I grew up in lived on tool and die makers. And we dont’ have any? Shit.
@dance around in your bones:
Unless the cat tree is in another room, I’d watch for a Glowering Tunch suddenly appearing on the top level,
tail twitching, crouched down and eyeballing the distance to a Lazy Boy full of targets.
@ChrisNYC: It’s a perfectly viable goal. Power grid problems get magnified significantly because when there’s a problem, parts of the grid get overloaded before operators can balance the grid out which takes more of the grid out.
And here in SoCal all of our power lines other than the main high-tension ones feeding the city are underground. No tree damage, no weather damage. They even weather earthquakes better underground since it’s poles swaying and things falling on them that cause the problems.
I don’t know what’s in Boehner’s glass, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t water.
You know, I’ve always thought that. Plus, he seems to have about three glasses in front of him (one or two are the fake-outs). Like the shell game – what’s in THIS glass?
@Comrade Mary:
Can’t usually identify fire victims on scene. Don’t know who else was there. Thx for update.
Anne Laurie
New thread up top, for political junkies.
Corner Stone
Holy shit. Did he just say that about immigration?
Immigration reform — even Soppin’ John applauded that one.
ETA: In fact, I think he just wiped away a tear.
Seems like everyone’s on board for immigration. Let’s get it done.
@? Martin: Oh I don’t doubt it is. It’s just the scrounging around about Medicare and the doc fix and blah blah percent unemployment and all the mundane stuff and then ta da “self healing power grids” and space!
I would not be surprised if one of them came out with “By the end of the decade, every American will have the ability to transmit a rabbit cross country in seconds using nothing more than an ordinary spoon.”
Comrade Mary
@Corner Stone: Beats having someone hang a little tree-shaped air freshener on your dick, doesn’t it?
I won’t mention who gets the Febreze.
dance around in your bones
@Platonicspoof: Death from above! Tunch could do it.
Dorner is enough of a movie fan that I’d be wary of assuming it’s him. I can name at least a couple of movies off the top of my head that use that ploy.
The GOP looks unimpressed by anything regarding women’s rights. Great job narrowing that gender gap, clowns.
Agree with you both. China’s middle class will/may already understand they’re living in a shithole that’s becoming worse by the hour. They’ll eventually figure out they have the power to push the party into doing something, but WRT water supply, desertification of the ag land, etc. it may be too late.
David in NY
Comrade Mary
WOW. Obama called for a $9 minimum wage. Tie it to the cost of living.
The map on the enhanced version of the speech shows 19 states that have voluntarily raised their minimum above the federal minimum. Gosh, what do most of those states have in common?
My wife and I saw it in London during the original run at the Wyndhams. It’s one of our favorite plays and we both loved Tennant and Tate from ‘Doctor Who’.
@raven: I hope the Bohdi is okay. Milk is believed to be less dangerous than dark chocolate, if that’s any consolation. Consult your vet for actual answers however.
@Platonicspoof: Thanks, this is the third time, the first was a pound of dark chocolate/raisin. That cost $750 cuz we didn’t know which one so they both went to the emergency vet. The second time was homemade bourbon balls and, with a bunch of peroxide that never did make him puke, he was fine. This was a 3oz bot of Russell Stover and in looking at several calculators he should be fine. Of course I get the couch so the princess can have him next to her and wake me up if needed.
@Platonicspoof: You mean the paper? Ah, I see “the wrappers”. I’ll keep a close watch on that, thanks.
Yes, I believe that’s what they are referring to at the link. They didn’t say paper, plastic or foil, but I assume that makes a difference.
It stood out to me because I saw a german shorthair suddenly get “twisted stomach”,
which has, as far as I know, completely different causes.
Just that both are intestinal.
Again, it caught my attention due to a personal experience.
? Martin
What the fuck! You don’t stop for water!
Christ… what a bunch of rookies. He’s a pretty good speaker otherwise.
So you have 99 problems and the bitches ARE one of ’em?
Your choice of priorities is… disturbing.
I can’t stream it unless justin tv has it.
? Martin
Security detail around the corner is still there. They had no details to share, but suggested they expect to get the call to leave any minute now.
The person they are watching is former LAPD. Their former boss is on the list of targets, but they aren’t. Abundance of caution.
Hows abouts a two legged cat?
Apparently the smart monet is on the Dobie.
wow I’m in moderation.. I wonder why.. this is my comment with dots in between
I can’t st.r.e.a.m it unless j.u.s.t.i.n t.v has it.
So, your dogs hate politics?
Whereas the dumb Monet became a housepainter.
@MaryRC: Maxpuppeh is in the show? :)
Trying to post downstairs just about killed me due to my puter problems but has anyone seen the David Tennant/Catherine Tate version of “Much Ado About Nothing” is is worth the cost of the rental/download? Would love some thoughts.
The long shot monet is on the Maynard.
@Yutsano: That would be awesome. My sister’s doggy’s brother might be there. Keep an eye on the Icelandic Sheepdog.
Comrade Mary
I have to rely on liveblogs and streaming video to catch the SOTU and the doggehs. Not getting cable back. Nope.
Also: Mohawk Guy!
mai naem
Its on fucking tape delay here. Is it on anything else apart from USA? I am not streaming it.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Mohawk gut is hawt. The FLOTUS gets all the cool dudes.
Westminster is a pretty tough time slot opponent. I’m a hound lover, so will never get better for me than the year we heard “Let me have the beagle,” and Uno won it all.
Not watching the doggies.
Even if you win, you’re still a Pomeranian. Best of breed, my ass.
Going with the Spanish coverage of Pope on the Ropes. It’s sure to justify my tequila consumption. But let me know if the Prez indicates that Gabbi Giffords will be permitted to jump on her horse and round up Ted Nugent, Wayne LaPierre & any Opus Dei members sitting on the SCOTUS, under his proposed gun safety legislation. Because imma drop Univision for that.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): My son accused me of having a crush on mohawk guy and I said why not..
Cruz is trying to smooze and no one appreciates him..haha
Comrade Mary
The only way to win is not to Pomer?
Comrade Mary
Ha! The feed I’m seeing at The Grauniad says that it’s the “enhanced” SOTU. Does that mean Now With Extra Horsemeat?
(I know it’s not their feed, OK?)
dance around in your bones
So, there’s not going to be a SOTU thread? Everybody gonna watch de doggies instead?
I love dogs, but a lot of these overbred, overgroomed dogs just kinda put me off. Give me a good ol’ mutt any day. I tend to watch the highlights later, maybe.
Plus, the handlers just look kind of silly running alongside. I know, uninformed opinion, but it’s MINE, gawdamnit!
I keep hoping one of the Teahadi Reps will invite Orly Taitz to the SOTU.
Damn, foiled again.
A night of priorities here at John Cole’s Bar-n-Grille. The patrons are gonna need a lot of TVs…
An excerpt from my comment on the SotU Open Thread:
Once again, the only truly deserving breed has been unjustly denied its rightful “Best in Show” trophy. (Pembroke Welsh Corgis, obviously!) We always root for the more obscure breeds to win the groups (yes, aware of the judging standards, but still!). Surprised that the Affenpinscher won the Toy Group, until I learned that it was one of the four dogs that oddsmakers (!) had selected to win the whole prize.
The Guardian, God/doG love ‘em, is live-blogging the show!
Here comes Michelle. Can we please get an actual SOTU thread?
No doggies, but plenty of irish lager and hilarious cat .gifs on tumblr.
Oh look its SOTU time … and MrsFromOhio is not interested, so all of sudden its time for something else… Castle reruns and Bones reruns and … reruns.
Asked what to watch for in the SOTU, David Gregory replied, “Well, tone is important.”
No shit, Jackass.
dance around in your bones
Apparentamente no. Just to get the Spanish in there. John’s going to the dogs :)
? Martin
@handsmile: We’ve got a cardigan – he was part of a litter bred to be shown. He comes from a fairly successful line, but we’ve never shown him. He’s here for the kids. So we always root for the corgis too.
@? Martin: Still angling for that knighthood I see.
My heart is breaking seeing Hadiya’s parents.
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
Cole, the AKC apparently does not share your respect for our canine friendsGo here
@MikeJ: One should always aim for one’s dreams. Or something like that, involving eagles and soaring and some such rot. Stars, also, too.
@dance around in your bones:
Yeah, and the doggies are better groomed and sleeker than their handlers. How fair is that?
Anyone know what those green ribbons represent that the Republicans are wearing?
Edit: I see Democrats wearing them as well now.
TaMara (BHF)
If it’s not a working breed or a mutt, it’s not for me.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@batgirl: Victims of Newton.
I heard this morning that labrador retriever lovers are protesting the show because the number one most loved breed never wins.
@batgirl: Sandy Hook
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn: Thanks.
General Stuck
Only in America
Boner is already thinking of his next drink.
John Boehner just does not look happy.
He would rather be at the Westminster do.
They make better friends than the ones he’s got in Washington.
@efgoldman: It’s an eagle. Are you gonna tell it that it’s not welcome? Think Tunch, but with moar talon.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
I thought we was gonna get the fancy message app, and all we get is a dog show thread?
Full-service blog my freeloading ass!
dance around in your bones
I wish (not really) that I had a hairdo like some of these doggies. Or my own personal groomer.
POTUS looks incredibly handsome and relaxed, as usual. Boner, earlier, looked like he had heartburn. Let’s see if Boner can get through the speech w/o looking like a) he needs some prunes or b) a triple scotch.
I cannot even imagine what it would feel like to not have Obama delivering this SOTU.
The brain will not go there.
At this point Obama should give Boner a kiss…
Southern Beale
POTUS looks strong, confident, rested.
Still grinning that that isn’t Romney.
@dance around in your bones:
Do we have any evidence that these two discrete events have not already happened?
Southern Beale
No, “I’m pleased to report the state of our union is strong…” …?
I was hoping Obama would lead with “Fuck all you haters. I’m back!”
Not his style, I guess.
Steven Chu is the designated survivor.
Southern Beale
Southern Beale
And he’s resigning …
Mike in NC
McCain looked like he wanted to shit a brick, per usual.
@Elizabelle: He’s probably already wasted.
Standing ovation from the Democrats on putting the nation before party.
Comrade Mary
(John, if you don’t want the doggies thread to be swamped, can you please put up a SOTU thread?)
dance around in your bones
Why, no! In fact we do not!
It always kills me to watch Boner’s “I can barely get through this – when’s the bar open?” expression
@mdblanche: He would not be a bad leader.. just sayin
No SOTU open thread? Christ, this place is a dump. Can I have my subscription back?
RobertDSC-iMac G5
I wish he had never mentioned the deficit or debt.
Omnes Omnibus
mai naem
At first I thought Bonerman looked like he had heartburn. Looking at him now, it’s more like he has food poisoning and is trying not to throw up until he can get to a bathroom.
dance around in your bones
@Comrade Mary:
I doubt he’s paying attention to the blog – he’s kickin’ back in the Lazy Boy with doggies on his lap, watching doggies, while Tunch glowers from the lowest level of the cat tree.
Who needs a groundhog? Those are some springlike ties on POTUS, Onion Joe and Hey Bartender.
@dance around in your bones: … worn on any day ending in “y”
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh NO>>> I didn’t know we were suppose to subscribe to this site…
Has Politico won the morning yet?
Boehner looks like he badly needs a drink before his current buzz wears off.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Anyone here maybe just a wee little bit nostalgic for the SOTU’s of recent yore, with their manned missions to mars and dire warnings about yellow cake and human-animal hybrids?
Yeah, me neither.
This is like an inhouse exercise program for congressional Dems. They’re hopping up again.
And again.
mai naem
@Baud: Everybody’s gone home. I frankly have reached my limit with the squabbling. The Republicans are not going to change. They don’t give a shit about anything except the amount of power they have. We’re going to have wait for another ten years before the House changes hands.
Zandar you are so fucking done here.
Oh wait, wrong thread, oops …
@dance around in your bones:
I’m an Intertrons doofus, and even I know how to schedule a WP post in advance before getting drunk in front of a dog show.
“Drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next.”
I’d like to see some Republican faces on that one.
@PsiFighter37: I just assumed he was already wasted before noon when he started asking for foreplay.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Diggin’ on the manufactured crisis quip. Fuck yeah!!
the Conster
Cantor looks like he’s thinking about his dirty diaper.
@mai naem:
I spent four years fearing that the Republicans would be successful in making Obama a one-term president. I’m going to enjoy the next four years.
boehner is drinking.. uhoh, nothing good can occur from this..
Omnes Omnibus
@Loneoak: Knowing how to do something a giving enough of a shit to do it are not the same thing.
mai naem
I bet Bonerman’s got some vodka in that glass of water he’s swigging out of.
I thought there’d be a thread for the SOTU.
? Martin
Boy, someone seems more relaxed. Not having to run for office again takes some weight off. Republicans could not look more disdainful.
@Elizabelle: Ha! And they tried to tell us manufacturing was finished in the US.
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
human-animal hybrids.
Maybe W will claim that’s what he was going for, once he begins his portraiture studies.
I’m looking forward to the part of the speech when Obama personally arrests Ted Nugent.
@JPL: He is! That was whisky in that glass. Totally amber colored.
General Stuck
Comrade Mary
“Caterpillar is bringing jobs back from Japan.” Not only Japan. Motherfuckers.
dance around in your bones
@Poopyman: Well, yeah!
Boner always looks like ‘Gawd damn I wish I could speak as well as this guy – THEN we could sell our ridiculous policies!’
Heh. Uncle Joe just cracked up, while Boner continues to look rather…..sour. Like he’s sucking on a lemon.
@the Conster: … or Vitter’s.
I am watching at C-span from my stupid smart teeve so I can’t see Boehner’s face. Is he sleeping? He looks so unengaged. And now I see some dude reading the speech or something else.
@the Conster: You sure he’s not thinking about Nugent’s diaper. Vitter is hiding in shame.
Mike in NC
@Yutsano: I don’t know what’s in Boehner’s glass, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t water.
? Martin
I’ve been helping with a proposal for one of these hubs, btw. There’s a surprising amount of energy going into this from all over. It’s really eye-opening how little we have to start from, though. A bit like asking to open a water park in a desert.
RobertDSC-iMac G5
No more tax cuts. More spending. It’s not that fucking hard.
Gotta create something. Gotta suck up that TV time. (When there isn’t some cop going rogue in the mountains.)
I subscribe for the pompous gestures toward transparency and even-handedness while peddling decrepit Tory-ite racism and classism in the guise of scientific curiosity.
No, wait, that’s a different blog. What’s the point of this blog again?
@Mike in NC: duh!
Comrade Mary
Now to climate change … executive actions if Congress won’t act.
the Conster
Ford and Apple. Is this his 11 dimensional play to socialize them by offering R&D government investment?
Climate change! VP Biden popped up. Speaker Boehner remains.
the Conster
CLIMATE CHANGE! Suck it wingnuts!!!
dance around in your bones
@Loneoak: Heh. Priorities, priorities.
Perhaps Lily and Rosie demanded it.
OMG. POTUS is talking about climate change! Bring out the smelling salts for the Repubs!
Omnes Omnibus
Fuck if I know.
mai naem
He should have mention the hot air from Republicans as one of the reasons for global warming.
Omnes Omnibus
I like the “Hey, Congress, you do it or I will” stuff.
@Loneoak: Something about a fat-cat,I think.
Boehner needs a drink
Comrade Mary
I think it’s a dating service.
Anne Laurie
@TaMara (BHF): People keep telling me, Great Danes are sighthounds!
Also too, toy dogs are working dogs — making people happy is hard work :)
mai naem
Jim Inhofe started shitting his pants as soon as Obama started talking about climate change. Shit, that place must stink with all these stinky diapers.
Investments in mapping the human genome! What up Banana Slugs!
Anne Laurie
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn: Yup — because green & white are the school colors at Sandy Hook.
Comrade Mary
mai naem
Who’s the survivor cabinet member tonight? Napolitano or Vilsack?
? Martin
@the Conster: Apple has $140B in the bank. They have more money for R&D than the US government does.
They need workers with the right training, they need tool and die makers (they’re mostly gone from the US), they need better transportation infrastructure. China is beating us on all 3.
“Self-healing power grids.” These speeches are hilarious. Like when GWB allofasudden started talking about Mars. Mars!
? Martin
@mai naem: Chu.
Infrastructure spending. Woo hoo.
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary:
I am not sure how effective it is.
@mai naem: Steven Chu, Energy.
Will be interested what the reaction will be like when we get to social issues. We’ve got the winning side on all those issues.
@Omnes Omnibus:
But this blog excels at pet housing.
@efgoldman: Wrong continent. It’s a tiny province shared by Germany and Poland and previously owned by United Scandinavia.
Meine Vorvätern kamen aus Pommern. A very very long time ago.
Boehner really looks like he’s going to barf any second now.
@? Martin:
They also need air they can breathe, legal systems that are reliable, and local governments not riddled with corruption. I’m not the least scared of China, to be honest. They’re fucked worse than we are because all we need is some new infrastructure. They need a new society.
Comrade Mary
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, DougJ has been holding lots and lots of meetups.
David in NY
@? Martin: They need tool and die makers? The town I grew up in lived on tool and die makers. And we dont’ have any? Shit.
@dance around in your bones:
Unless the cat tree is in another room, I’d watch for a Glowering Tunch suddenly appearing on the top level,
tail twitching, crouched down and eyeballing the distance to a Lazy Boy full of targets.
@Darkrose: There’s a drink for that..
the Conster
@? Martin:
I think he was including them in the overall theme of private/government partnership to prioritize training, education and infrastructure.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@Comrade Mary: I miss MSNBC since we scaled back our cable. I’ll bet that had Rachel fanning herself.
“Send me the bill so I can sign it. Why would that be a partisan issue?” Again, fuck yeah!
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: Well, the only FPer who came to my town was Cole and he just wants us to fuck off.
How does the GOP not know that not clapping for universal pre-K makes them look like assholes?
@Darkrose: Bourbon is one hell of a drug.
? Martin
@ChrisNYC: It’s a perfectly viable goal. Power grid problems get magnified significantly because when there’s a problem, parts of the grid get overloaded before operators can balance the grid out which takes more of the grid out.
And here in SoCal all of our power lines other than the main high-tension ones feeding the city are underground. No tree damage, no weather damage. They even weather earthquakes better underground since it’s poles swaying and things falling on them that cause the problems.
This isn’t hard. It’s expensive, but not hard.
China has pollution problems and unrest in rural areas.
the Conster
feature not a bug
@Loneoak: Tunch. All else is commentary.
Omnes Omnibus
Dude, ‘cuz they are assholes.
Comrade Mary
OT Dorner: looks like a body has been found in that burned-out cabin.
dance around in your bones
@Mike in NC:
You know, I’ve always thought that. Plus, he seems to have about three glasses in front of him (one or two are the fake-outs). Like the shell game – what’s in THIS glass?
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus:
Every time I get a little randy someone spritzes me with patchouli stink.
Not sure what to make of that.
@Loneoak: Upgrading our infrastructure may require upgrading our society too. Just sayin’.
We went out for thirty fucking minutes and Bohdi got a box of valentine chocolate. Goddamn it!
A tweet from the Guardian feed:
@Comrade Mary:
Can’t usually identify fire victims on scene. Don’t know who else was there. Thx for update.
Anne Laurie
New thread up top, for political junkies.
Corner Stone
Holy shit. Did he just say that about immigration?
Immigration reform — even Soppin’ John applauded that one.
ETA: In fact, I think he just wiped away a tear.
Seems like everyone’s on board for immigration. Let’s get it done.
@? Martin: Oh I don’t doubt it is. It’s just the scrounging around about Medicare and the doc fix and blah blah percent unemployment and all the mundane stuff and then ta da “self healing power grids” and space!
I would not be surprised if one of them came out with “By the end of the decade, every American will have the ability to transmit a rabbit cross country in seconds using nothing more than an ordinary spoon.”
Comrade Mary
@Corner Stone: Beats having someone hang a little tree-shaped air freshener on your dick, doesn’t it?
I won’t mention who gets the Febreze.
dance around in your bones
@Platonicspoof: Death from above! Tunch could do it.
KABoom, all ye academics.
Scorecard for U’s? Federal aid contingent?
Reckon some of you profs types might wanna quit watchin’ dogs.
@Comrade Mary:
Dorner is enough of a movie fan that I’d be wary of assuming it’s him. I can name at least a couple of movies off the top of my head that use that ploy.
The GOP looks unimpressed by anything regarding women’s rights. Great job narrowing that gender gap, clowns.
Agree with you both. China’s middle class will/may already understand they’re living in a shithole that’s becoming worse by the hour. They’ll eventually figure out they have the power to push the party into doing something, but WRT water supply, desertification of the ag land, etc. it may be too late.
David in NY
Comrade Mary
WOW. Obama called for a $9 minimum wage. Tie it to the cost of living.
The map on the enhanced version of the speech shows 19 states that have voluntarily raised their minimum above the federal minimum. Gosh, what do most of those states have in common?
“Wimminz, meh. Oh, wait, do they vote?”
@Comrade Mary:
I will forever less than three you for this.
@Comrade Mary: Economies?
Ones that are actually operational, that is.
Spring Texan
@NotMax: No, indeed, your choice of priorities is EXCELLENT! :-)
@Comrade Mary:
First guess: they’re all not Texas.
@Comrade Mary: OOH! OOH! I KNOW THIS ONE!!
(I live in one of those. I bet our law gets amended to bump it up even higher now.)
My wife and I saw it in London during the original run at the Wyndhams. It’s one of our favorite plays and we both loved Tennant and Tate from ‘Doctor Who’.
It’s a fun, sexy production. It’s worth it.
Comrade Mary
OMG. I just found the White House promo for the enhanced presentation. I’ll give you one hint: WUB.
From Wayofcats,
a pet poison control hotline.
Good luck!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: I hope the Bohdi is okay. Milk is believed to be less dangerous than dark chocolate, if that’s any consolation. Consult your vet for actual answers however.
@Platonicspoof: Thanks, this is the third time, the first was a pound of dark chocolate/raisin. That cost $750 cuz we didn’t know which one so they both went to the emergency vet. The second time was homemade bourbon balls and, with a bunch of peroxide that never did make him puke, he was fine. This was a 3oz bot of Russell Stover and in looking at several calculators he should be fine. Of course I get the couch so the princess can have him next to her and wake me up if needed.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: The dog apparently just loves chocolate.
So…. what is that silver UFO thing in front of Boehner?
@Omnes Omnibus: No, the dogs owners are dumb as a fucking stump.
Then you’re unfortunately all too experienced in the possible symptoms.
Were you able to also piece together any packaging that might cause intestinal blockage, at least in small dogs?
@Platonicspoof: You mean the paper? Ah, I see “the wrappers”. I’ll keep a close watch on that, thanks.
Yes, I believe that’s what they are referring to at the link. They didn’t say paper, plastic or foil, but I assume that makes a difference.
It stood out to me because I saw a german shorthair suddenly get “twisted stomach”,
which has, as far as I know, completely different causes.
Just that both are intestinal.
Again, it caught my attention due to a personal experience.
? Martin
What the fuck! You don’t stop for water!
Christ… what a bunch of rookies. He’s a pretty good speaker otherwise.
Corner Stone
@Comrade Mary:
Not really, no.
@Corner Stone: LOL
A fuckin’ Affenpinscher. A toy dog wins Westminster “Best in Show” for the second year in a row.
It’s a national disgrace, I tellz ya! They’re not even real dogs. The Westminster Kennel Club is going to the…mutant bonsai creatures.