On Twitter, David Limbaugh sums up the entirety of contemporary right-wing thinking in half a tweet:
Universal pre-school. Marx has to be burning with jealousy.
That’s it. That’s everything you need to know about the political philosophy of modern conservatives.
Tweet here.
(X-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
Sweet tweet
Universal pre-school should only be for kiddies who are committed to their own initiative and who desire to work hard. Freedom!
Toddlers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your finger paints.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Exactly. We know that educated children start thinking for themselves, and then they start questioning all sorts of things, like why do Republicans keep getting elected to office. This is exactly why Republicans here in Texas want to eliminate critical thinking education from schools.
Blaargh pfht argle bargle Marxism!!!1! blaargh sptttth!
You have to wonder how many of these guys who claim that something is Marxist have ever read anything Marx wrote.
Forum Transmitted Disease
You and I read “universal pre-school”. He reads it as “handouts to Negroes and illegal Mexican border-jumpers”. It’s a really bad case of dyslexia.
David in NY
My wife doesn’t follow the daily pull-and-tug of the so-called “conservative thought” so she tends to be aghast whenever she hears something like the conservative response to Obama. And I have to keep reminding her, “They’re idiots. So they keep saying idiotic things. There’s no need to be surprised every time. It’s just because they’re idiots.”
Big Bird is Watching You!
Pee Cee
See, Rush, we need universal pre-school because the free market has decided that both parents of a child must work in all but the most affluent households.
Ah yes, I remember Marx’s many treatises on the need for four year olds to control the play-doh. Unless they own the means of producing small colored snakes, they are cogs in an unjust system.
I swear that I just can’t be suprised anymore.
They just speak so that words come out now.
Villago Delenda Est
Marx, hell. The idea is Bismarck’s.
These assholes revel in their ignorance.
The party of “no filibustering Cabinet positions!” looks like they will absolutely filibuster Hagel. If only there were a media in this country who might point out the hypocrisy and unprecedented nature of doing so with a SecDef while the country is at war….
Villago Delenda Est
Well, we are dealing with twits who never read anything Adam Smith wrote, so there’s that, too.
Why the hell does David Limbaugh have a career?
Higgs Boson's Mate
One of their greatest crimes is converting perfectly good words into pejoratives and then shotgunning them into the discourse to the extent that those words lose all meaning.
Suffern ACE
“In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic. But in order to do that, I say, we drop the kids off by 8:45am starting at age 4. For the children make too much noise for fishing, but should be home in time to learn about husbandry.”
-K. Marx. The Economic and Philosophical Rough Drafts.
The Red Pen
I was just reading a roundup of comparative points in the Obama, Rubio and Paul speeches. Remarkably untainted by bias; just the facts. Almost surreal considering it was on Glenn Beck’s web site.
Link: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/12/heres-a-side-by-side-comparison-of-how-obama-rubio-paul-view-the-state-of-the-union/
Comments are unhinged, as expected.
Villago Delenda Est
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
What you wrote is pretty much a paraphrase of the 2012 Texas GOP platform, attacking the idea of teaching critical thinking skills to children.
Because if they are taught such skills, they’ll inevitably start to question the fucked up goat herder’s religion of their parents.
Howlin Wolfe
This tweet shows that David Rimjob understands neither Marx, Marxism, nor universal preschool.
Omnes Omnibus
@Punchy: I originally was rather lukewarm about Hagel as a nominee, but, good god, if the Republicans are so opposed to the nomination as to filibuster a former Republican senator, I am more enthusiastic about it. It just provides further evidence to anyone paying attention that the GOP has gone off the rails.
Howlin Wolfe
This tweet shows that David Rimjob understands neither Marx, Marxism, nor universal preschool.
Yes, clearly when people call Oklahoma a “deep red” state they mean that it’s Communist.
These guys remind me of the mother in the Waterboy.
Universal preschool is the Devil!
Modest market-based health care regulations are the Devil!
Raising the minimum wage to Reagan-era levels is the Devil!
Pee Cee
@Pee Cee:
Whoops … should say David. Can’t keep your wingers straight without a program!
News flash, Republicans: RUSSIA IS NOT THAT INTO YOU.
The Cold War has been over twenty years, and they still soil themselves whenever they hear the word ‘Communism’.
And here I honestly thought Rush was the stupidest member of his family. I’m glad to have been proven wrong.
@jibeaux: That sounds great in theory, but we all know that in practice it never gets beyond the intermediate step of setting up a dictatorship of the drooletariat
General Stuck
You can’t prepare for civil war or constitutional coup for a godly takeover, sending little jimmy to school with all those collectivist libtards. His young and precious bodily fluids get contaminated from the git go, and are the devil for cleansing later.
Suffern ACE
@Punchy: Because we’re not at war much longer. We’re withdrawing. I think we need to get them talking about that. Because like Iraq, they want to stay. Change the topic from Israel to why on earth we would want to stay.
Holden Pattern
Poe’s Law is a harsh mistress.
@Linnaeus: Well, they’ve spent the last several years calling the government making taxpayers give money to private industry a socialist act. I’m guessing they have very little idea what words mean, so whether or not they read Marx is irrelevant.
Mike in NC
The only Marx that Republicans are familiar with was named Groucho.
Jay C
More like (puts on best Boris Badenov accent):
“In Russia, you watch Big Bird.
In Marxist America, Big Bird watch YOU….!”
Feudalism Now!
Pre-K is the next step towards a Chairman Obamao Red Book! The Soshul-acalypse is upon us! Repent ye conservatives or be lost under the jack-booted foot of the Red State of Amerika, comrade.
Naptime is the opiate of the child-masses.
schrodinger's cat
What does Marx have to do with preschool? I don’t see the connection.
Republicans are weird creatures. Sometimes, I think some other planet with intelligent life weeded out their primitive kooks and dumped them on earth.
Southern Beale
Dude, the second half of that Tweet is pretty major, too. Sirius is going to drop Fox News? YAY. I’ve been bitching about this forever. Sirius/XM’s political talk is way right-wing heavy. They have Fox, and then America Right, and then all the hard-right Christian crap, and on and on, and all of these air the same shit. How many times do you need to hear Hannity?
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat:
This is because you have more than a single working synapse.
Laugh all you want, but I do not want that E-Trade kid in charge of the People’s Tribunals.
@Southern Beale: I’m afraid there is no reason for celebration after all.:
I’m getting really sick of these retards shrieking over and over that government doing anything – even things that have been widely accepted as government services for centuries, like public education – are communist.
These people are fucking idiots, and their arguments do not deserve to be treated with any respect whatsoever.
Southern Beale
According to Sirius/XMs facebook page, it was removed from XM back in December.
I have XM but needless to say I never listen to Fox News. Mostly I listen to World Radio News and jazz. I guess I can check my channel lineup and see.
Jay C
@schrodinger’s cat:
1. Government-sponsored initiative.
2. Nationwide.
3. Aimed at kids.
4. Coming from Barack Obama
Of course, as noted, you and/or I have working brains so Limbaugh’s carping makes no sense, but to a significant percentage of his presumed audience, making the connection between the above four points and Marxism/Communism/Maoism/Hell is, rather sadly, all too easy…
Apropos of I don’t know what:
“On Point” had on two guys talking about “grand master” Lee Kuan Yew (former head of state for Singapore) and his views regarding China’s and America’s futures. Outside of concluding that Lee’s “masterful” insights were nothing special – it was all stuff I realized a long time ago, and I’m nothing special, vis-a-vis geopolitical thinking – I was struck by how well and truly fucked America’s future is, because the Rethugs are allowed to roam loose (never mind that they effectively Rule Everything Around Me).
So, instead of working on a 50 Year Plan (hell, even a 20 Year Plan would be a start), we end up focusing on Chuck Hagel’s “financial dealings” and their effect on the Benghazi terrists, on whether screwing over everyone-but-the-rich is sufficiently Murican, on whether Steve Stockman should be involuntarily committed, on how Obama can get around the myriad roadblocks Rethugs throw up to prevent him accomplish any non-wingnutty good.
Meanwhile, we’ve given away most of our industrial production capability to a country that – when they take over the world in 40 years – will have no problem throwing people like The Fucking NUUUGE into a pit, nor have any problem with treating American workers as quasi-slave labor.
But, hey, we’re America, and GOD wants us to be Number 1!
I swear, this country, and the world, would be a much better place if all the Rethugs, their enablers, and their acolytes were shipped to Somalia, or maybe the DRC.
Sorry for the semi-incoherent rant. It’s just that, if the Rethugs truly cared about this country – rather than just the 0.001 percent – they’d stop with the treasonous, anti-almost-everyone behavior. And pigs will fly. And the Mets and Jets will win their respective Championships in the same year.
Well, one of the Communist Manifesto’s 10 points was free public education for all children (and an end to child labor). There’s actually a lot in the post-war liberal consensus that would have been a pipe dream for Marx.
@Villago Delenda Est:
This, times 10 million. They really haven’t read Smith.
Quaker in a Basement
Lighten up on the poor guy. Just imagine what it must be like to go through life as Rush’s dumber brother.
I didn’t even know the Tub of Lard had a brother…
Mezz (fpa Michael2)
It’s a pity these people are so f****ng stupid. (Wait, no it’s not. It’s just maddening.) Anyone who ever read Marx would know that ANY institution that developed under the bourgeoisie (the family, legal systems, education, gender relations) he opposed as a tool of proletariat oppression. Marx would have HATED universal preschool, unless it was being organized by and for the benefit of the proletariat revolution.
Seriously, I have a PhD in History, I live in a reality-based world, and can barely rub two damn nickels together. (To rob from Sane Eastwood: ‘I couldn’t get out of sight if it took a quarter to go around the world.’) Yet here’s this f****ng clown printing obvious nonsense to any remotely educated person, and he’s living large, with a nice wingnut sinecure on the “Regnery Publishing” teat. Fuck these people.
El Cid
Next they’ll be demanding our children adopt Communo-galileanism’s doctrine of “uniform acceleration,” where every single child has to experience gravity the same, no matter what their individual mass might be.
Here is the kind of Maoist-Leninist dogrel these freedom-hating big government welfarist soshullists want our children to repeat like Founding Father-hating zombies:
@Mezz (fpa Michael2): Dude, you need to suck it up and write a book. We all say we need to figure out a way to take their money. You already know how.
I think his concern would be that: he can write a reality-based text, and no one would buy it; or he could pen a wingnut-friendly tome (i.e. long on left-bashing lies and general hippie-punching, short on true facts) and make a mint. So, does he prostitute himself for some green? Or stay an ethical pauper?
Not a choice I’d like to have presented to me.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
It’s a pity these people are so f****ng stupid. (Wait, no it’s not. It’s just maddening.) Anyone who ever read Marx would know that ANY institution that developed under the bourgeoisie (the family, legal systems, education, gender relations) he opposed as a tool of proletariat oppression. Marx would have HATED universal preschool, unless it was being organized by and for the benefit of the proletariat revolution.
I dunno – I’d say any sort of educational mechanism past the bare minimum needed to fit the proles into their roles as cogs in the machine was “Marxist” (or to be clearer, anti-elite). The elites WANT the vast mass to be dumb, ignorant and easily led; having education, including pre-school, stratified by paying for access seems like a good way to restrict all that interesting, intellectually-stimulating, questioning effects to the right sort of people (those who can pay for it).
If pre-school education leads to more inquisitive, more engaged children (and I can’t see how it wouldn’t do so, compared with the alternative), then making it universal rather than restricting it to the moneyed elite is a profoundly progressive, humanistic ideal.
Mike G
The same (and only) reason GW Bush did — being related to someone with name recognition in the wingnut nepotism sewer.
Mezz (apa Michael2)
@Cassidy: I’m working on it. Need a grant to go to Kansas (of all bloody places), DC and a sufficient income where I have time to write. (I.e. not doing 4/4s every semester with a nice 10 hour weekly commute to my two adjunct jobs.)
Or I could pull a Shlaes and act like I’m doing history and the idiots wouldn’t know the difference! Hell, they think Lincoln’s Republican Party is the same as theirs because they shared the same stupid name.
If anyone sees middle space between an ethical pauper and a soul-less sell out, I’m dying to hear it.
I do fantasize though once in a while about pulling a long con on some Conservative propaganda mill like AEI or whatever, and writing a smashing tell-all book after. That’s about as middle as I’ve gotten though.
Mezz (apa Michael2)
@Phoenician in a time of Romans: Yes, true, universal education would be an ideal communist goal, (and was tried in the Soviet Union way before in the United States; see some of the biographies of female Russian scientists in the 1930s and 1940s) **but only if it was set up by the Proletariat**. Would you send your kid to a Teatard run pre-school? Of course not, they’d end up permanently stupid. It _can_ be anti-elite, but if it’s set up by the bourgeoisie, it will simply enforce bourgeois values.
AA+ Bonds
In Capital, Marx actually spends quite a bit of time explaining how universal education benefits employers.
Which is a simple enough idea to grasp . . .
AA+ Bonds
@Mezz (apa Michael2):
Took the words right out of Mr. Lenin’s mouth. Emphasis added:
From a liberal perspective, Marx is still more or less right (as is Lenin). The idea is that pre-K education prepares people for life working for capitalists. Obama, who is about as far from a Marxist as you can get, has been pretty open about that.
Red Rocks Rockin
It’s a pity these people are so f****ng stupid. (Wait, no it’s not. It’s just maddening.)….Seriously, I have a PhD in History, I live in a reality-based world, and can barely rub two damn nickels together.
Who’s the bigger dumbass–the intellectual who put himself into debt to get a degree and limited job prospects, or the plumber with the high school diploma who has a successful business?
perhaps judge stephen limbaugh jr. could explain that pre-K programs seem to reduce crime and incarceration, as well as increasing incomes (which fuels growth).
the actual study: danger! PDF!
actually, it would be like talking to a post….””