I rather think John Boehner may still be feeling a sharp, shooting pain radiating from his groin. Consider this shot, delivered last night:
“I don’t understand that because he’s a gentleman, the speaker is,” Pelosi said in an interview with CNN published Wednesday. “But that remark [on the President’s “weakness”] was — I mean, it was almost as if he was projecting onto the president his lack of being able to pass any bill that created jobs since he became speaker.”
CNN’s Chris Cuomo clarified: “You think the speaker is projecting onto the president his own failure?”
“Exactly,” Pelosi said. “Because he hasn’t been able to deal with his own party. There isn’t anything that he passed that we haven’t’ delivered the votes for him that has been job-creating.”
If I may be so bold, oh Once-and-Future Speaker Pelosi? Will you be my (strictly political) Valentine?
PS: thinking of Nancy Pelosi’s lien on certain smallish bits of John Boehner’s anatomy reminds me of the old jr. high school joke:
Q: What do you have when you’ve got two small green balls in your hand?
A: Kermit’s undivided attention.
Right. I’m sorry. Open thread, all. Chat about whatever.
One more thing: I don’t know why, but this picture gives me a strong Pelosi vibe. Don’t mess:
Image: Hyacinth Rigaud, Portrait de Marguerite-Henriette de Labriffe (comtesse de Selles), 1712
Robin G.
Damn, do I love that woman.
Years ago I attended a fundraiser with Pelosi, up close and personal–right when the Dems took back the house and lots of people, myself included, were really hot to see vengeance wreaked on Rove et al. She was very politic and uninterested and just kept to her bland, party line “the people want to see us get something done. People do not care to see the country mired in hearings and recriminations.” I was really, really, pissed off with her then but I have come to admire her political acumen more than any other politician I know (of). She is one sharp, sharp, political operator and if her elbows and tongue got any sharper, at this point, she’d have to lisence them as deadly weapons.
If politics were a meritocracy, Pelosi would be President in 2016. She is the best.
Gin & Tonic
I don’t follow the comings and goings of the media elite, but is Chris Cuomo of CNN any relation to the well-known political family from NY? So I can safely ignore him as being as qualified as, say, Luke Russert?
There is not enough self-tanner in the world to cover up the mark that one’s going to leave! Nancy Smash!!! Me happy.
c u n d gulag
Well, Tom, since you started with dirty Muppet jokes, here’s one:
How did Kermit’s middle finger smell?
Like bacon!
And no, I’m not proud of the fact that that’s one of the few jokes from HS 40 years ago that I remember…
I was really thinking more of Judith and the Head of Holofernes but when I tried linking to an image some nefarious counter Judith plot produced a link to something totally else so google it yourself. All the potential versions are good.
Tom Levenson
@AIMAI: Yeah, I thought of Judith and Holofernes (many great ones to choose). But I like the more subtle signal delivered with a smile and that sickle.
I like that she used the term “projection.” Maybe we can all start talking about what that means and how it applies to the Republican party.
@c u n d gulag: I know jokes lose their punch when they have to be explained, but I’m not getting it.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@nancydarling: Who is Kermit’s girlfriend?
El Gruñon
Hey Tom, love the art works that punctuate your commentary. Here’s an idea: In addition to identifying the artwork and the artist, could you also identify the gallery where the work is displayed? Assuming you are looking for additional work to do…
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Thank you.
General Stuck
Each new day brings another double down by the wingnuts in congress, to seemingly feed the mother of all hissy fits at their current power status in this country. John Boehner is a running joke with too good a tan, and the tea party has built nests in the Dome rafters, to swing about to and fro, from their ancestral branches on the tree of evolution.
Just watched the senate kick off today, with Reid chronicling the clown show being put on by the senate nutters. That are thinking of new ways every minute, for giving high school towel snaps on America, and are near to, for the first time in our history, leaving the dept of defense without a secdef as of noon today.
The party of national defense, and denying one of their own members of the GOP the opportunity for confirmation. Just think about the cynicism of that state of mind. “Crack up” is too weak a word for what is happening to the republican party. It is more a quickening for the right wing to lead the zombie apocalypse into the spanky new century.
Ash Can
LOL! And it doesn’t hurt Nancy Smash! one bit to have all the actual facts on her side, either.
We must do everything we can to make her “Speaker Pelosi” again! Nancy Smash indeed!
@c u n d gulag:
Oh, so today is joke day?
Q: What do you call a bus load of Republican Congressmen going off a cliff?
A: a decent start.
Also too, there are no mornings better than the mornings after Duke beats Carolina. Suck it, Tarheels.
Gin & Tonic
@burnspbesq: Isn’t the canonical version of that with lawyers?
Cheryl from Maryland
Greek Mythology has Uranus’ male parts removed by his son Chronos with a sickle. So while the portrait depicts the sitter as Ceres, that weapon is so appropriate.
In fact, political operatives say Pelosi isn’t so great on ‘process’– but it’s clear now that’s missing the point. Particularly in a Congress where redistribution and ultimate placement of body parts is a negotiable item. ‘Would your balls like to end up on my desk with a big sign or would they prefer an anonymous fate in the broom closet?’
Q: What do you call a bus load of Republican Congressmen going off a cliff?
A2: Mind readers.
@Gin & Tonic: @Gin & Tonic: Or accordians.
Q: What are smart Democrats doing as the bus load of Republican Congressmen goes off the cliff?
A: Taking Cliff Notes.
@gbear: Shouldn’t they be burning in a fire then?
Chyron HR
Q: What did the idiot say to the internet?
A: The Supreme Court will rule 7-2 in favor of Obamacare.
Feudalism Now!
The Republicans on a bus punch line should be a ‘good start’.
Boehner is feeling no pain. He is still Speaker, so Mission Accomplished, he’ll be at the bar. He will spout off drunken inanities while the bartender refreshes, like needing some foreplay before talking about guns, but he will not be leading Shi’ite.
I wonder if that made him cry a little.
@Gin & Tonic:
There are many funnier lawyer jokes than the lawyer version of that one.
@Chyron HR:
Q: what do you call a chyron buried up to its neck in sand?
A: not enough sand.
… said the velvet-gloved iron fist right before it crushed Boehner’s balls. Not a lot Boehner can say back to Pelosi since he spent the last year doing nothing but saying no, focusing on lady parts, and trying to repeal the ACA some 30+ times.
@El Gruñon:
If you click the hyperlink at the end of Tom’s messages giving the name of the painting, it will almost always take you to a Wikimedia page that includes “current location” information.
This painting is in a private collection.
She could have just referred to him as SotH Johnny Flaccid.
Can Nancy run the Senate for the Dems, cuz this guy flat-out sucks…
Who’s up next? Does Rumsfeld get another turn?
As much as the netroots hates to hear it, Pelosi was right to focus on getting bills accomplished instead of wasting years on going after Bush/Cheney over Iraq.
I can’t wait to see her back as Speaker of the House. Obama and his team are planning on doing a ton of fundraisers for House candidates and help with candidate recruiting for the 2014 election and OFA is going to help GOTV. Let’s hope that is enough to win the House back.
Needs moar sad kitty eyes
Huh. First time I’ve ended up in moderation. I guess Schrodie was just too cute for WordPress to handle.
I have no idea how Pelosi is on “process”. I do know that she was the most effective Speaker we had in a generation and I can’t remember a time she ever brought a bill to the floor and didn’t have the Dem votes for it. Boehner has had that happen multiple times for him.
Patricia Kayden
@MomSense: But she’s a San Francisco Liberal!!!!!!! The scariest living creature out there.
If I’m still in the US or alive, I hope to be working on the OFA 2014 campaigns. Can’t wait to have Nancy back. Also, that is a gorgeous painting. Rare you do one I’ve never seen.
@Patricia Kayden: From my circle, I have noticed that Pelosi causes considerable angst and discomfort among otherwise reasonable moderate white men of a certain age. Apparently a woman in a position of such power creates insecurity issues, is my guess.
Noticed this on TPM right after I made my comment
Report: FreedomWorks Made Video Depicting Sexual Act Between Hillary Clinton And A Panda
Some deep psych issues in a lot of US men over a woman in any position of power. Sad…
@Cassidy: ..while munching on a big bag of dicks.
Love the joke. Which begs the question, if John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi were muppets, which ones would they be? (Statler & Waldorf pretty much some up the GOP, though they are funnier.)
David Hunt
@gbear: You forgot the salt.
Mike E
SMASH is the greatest speaker since, well, I can remember. It’s typical Rovian/Orwellian tactics to take an opponent’s strength and portray it as a weakness. Impotent jealousy tends to bring out GOP misogyny/racism/homophobia/paranoia.
@David Hunt: DOH!
Omnes Omnibus
@David Hunt: He is rightly concerned about their blood pressure.
Q. What did the Tarheel say to the Dukie?
A. Everyone in this state looks better than your women on campus … barf
If you use a new nym, the comment automatically goes into moderation until a front-pager approves it. After that it works fine.
Are you going to the grocery store with Betty?
She delivered the “bless your heart” right to Boozy’s scrotum with a cattle prod. I think I have a girl crush. :)
@Cassidy: (spits water)
Who was it — I think Jim, Foolish Literalist? — who perfectly summed up Boehner’s expression Tuesday night as “obviously wishing he were home in an easy chair with a Marlboro and a big glass of something, shouting “Ferchrissakes!” at the TV? Still laughing at that.
A: Campaign 2012
This so, so nails it. My prior career involved lots and lots of working with GOB’s, college educated and not, and nothing gets these old white dudes’ backs up faster than a woman with some power (and obviously more power than they themselves have). It’s a tie for the issue being the same when the person with the power isn’t white; please see: elections, 2008, 2012.
This warms my heart. Can or has anyone ever made a photoshop of Pelosi licking the tears off of Boehner’s face like Cartman did to Scott Tenorman?
John M. Burt
@MomSense: If Washington ran the way the Founders intended, Nancy Pelosi would have become President in 2007.
@shortstop: Well, somebody has to ride shotgun.
@Patricia Kayden:
Oh when I did my time in a red, red part of a red, red state-they used to introduce our blue-dog congressman “he votes in lock step with Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank”. They used to make pink/purple flyers of this poor dude with Pelosi and Frank on either side.
The two scariest things were a smart, powerful woman and a gay man.
El Cid
Nancy Pelosi is the political hero I never anticipated having.