Sometimes I shouldn’t click on links tweeted at me. And sometimes I totally should because of magic like this.
Yesterday I posted our SOTU eps but not the new one from last night. On Last night’s TWiB! Radio we discussed the ridiculous of the above video, suing to get your grade changed in college, a guy who’s going to be executed and they refuse to take into consideration he might be mentally unstable…even as he pulls his own eye out (Oh Texas) and more. Check it out here.
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And we’ll jump in the comments and be back later today for the show that’s about to start right now! You can tune in live here: and jump in our chatroom!
Is the video real? I mean, jeebus.
Bob In Portland
I’m out on the West Coast. I’m guessing that the asteroid didn’t hit the world, right?
Back to my diet.
General Stuck
Nothing says hiphop more than a white senior citizen with mom jeans bouncing next to a Casio.
I got as far as The Word, and I was all set.
White conservative minority outreach win.
Looking forward to Wilfred Brimley doing a rendition of Me So Horny.
You know, the lyrics, the singing, the production values, the people, the lyrics — did I mention the lyrics? — made me nostalgic for SCTV.
NO! Those tapioca muvvafuqqas actually lay down some slick rhyme.
“The original G.” Priceless.
Ash Can
I am NOT clicking on that vid.
@General Stuck: lol.
I couldn’t watch all of it. Comments on youtube claim it’s a parody but the guy who posted claims it’s the real thing. “Jesus is my nigga.” Okay then.
OT: Lautenberg is retiring. (Will FYWP let us type B00ker yet?)
Thank you for being so freaky, internets
Are we supposed to give them kudos for belatedly recognizing that the Jesus of the semi-historical record would have been a man of color? Not that I actually watched the wretched thing to see if that might be the case.
And O/T, but CNN is reporting that Frank Lautenberg won’t seek re-election. Clear the decks for Cory Booker.
@PeakVT: Survey says, yes. And apparently IE isn’t as inclined as FF to lose my damned cookies and force me to manually re-type my info any time I comment.
At 4:15 Harry Reid is going to have a cloture vote and I’ll probably mention the name of the lord several times.
Omnes Omnibus
AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I think the turning the other cheek part was the worst… No, wait… The N-word dropping was… No, it was… Aw, fuck it.
Ash Can
If he does run, he’d better not fuck up.
That video?
Holy actual for-real no-kidding fuck.
@PeakVT: So, he’ll retire before he spanks B00ker?
OT: obligatory history of Valentine’s Day video.
This video cannot be real. I think it’s a parody designed to make liberals angry.
Omnes Omnibus
It is failing in that mission. It veered quickly into point and laugh territory and carried right on through to WTF-land
On a serious note …
Doctors in South Africa, Italy, Iran, and India are struggling against a strain of totally antibiotic resistant TB. See here for the CDC paper. This is important as 40% of the US cases are in the AA population, see here for the why, which as a percentage of the total US population is a horrendous infection rate.
(There’s more info out there but I’ve run into the 3 Links boundary.)
With the AA community having the highest HIV infection rate this new TB strain, if (when?) it gets established, would hit hard. The CDC HIV Fact Sheet reports:
With no drugs and no immune system people with HIV are essentially dead people walking once they contract the TB strain.
Betty Cracker
It can’t possibly be for real. Not. Possible.
Comrade Mary
It’s Andy Kaufman returning to comfort us in The Last Days.
(So what if the guy claims in comments that it’s real? It’s all part of the schtick. Check out his YT page.)
Also: Jesus Markoving Christ.
@Anoniminous: Doctors in South Africa, Italy, Iran, and India are struggling against a strain of totally antibiotic resistant TB.
Unpossible because Jeebus said evolution doesn’t happen. (Okay, that’s not true, but the people who wave his name around like a talisman think he did.)
Blue Shark
Oh My!
All right, who put the LDS in the Alhambra dispenser? There’s no way I didn’t hallucinate that video.
No. Fekking. Way.
It’s an Easter miracle, they’ve pulled the vid.
India is the really Bad News. They know they’ve got it. They have no idea how many people are carriers. Antibiotics are available over the counter in India so symptoms will be masked until the carrier collapses but, meanwhile, they’ve been spreading the disease with every cough.
ETA: India is Bad News because if it goes endemic there it will quickly go pandemic and spread across the globe. I note airplanes are a perfect environment for TB to skip to a new host.
Gin & Tonic
@PeakVT: About fucking time. He’s been dead for what, two-three years?
And in more o/t hijinx, the tow rope pulling that cruise ship to Mobile snapped. Oopsie. Should have gotten a bigger rope.
Chyron HR
Hey, like the song said, “Jesus is just an average G.”
Is anyone keeping track of the filibuster vote?
This version will probably get pulled soon too but I heard there was some way around that….
Tottenham win it on a free kick in stoppage.
@JPL: 58-40
They just filibustered Hagel.
First vote went 58 yea, 40 nay, 2 voted “present.” So the cloture motion fails. Dems are now trying to do it again.
ETA: can follow the foo-foo on C-Span2.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: Dems lost 59-39, despicable little coward Orrin Hatch voted “present”. If the Franken rule were in effect, Republicans would have lost.
Kelly O’Donnell is on EvenTheLiberalMSNBC explaining that Democrats do this when a Republican is power
@MikeJ: Gareth Bale is playing a different game the rest of us.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’s a goddamn lie. This is the first time a nomination for Secretary of Defense has been filibustered.
@Gin & Tonic: Are we sure the people on that ship aren’t in some kind of Lost sequel?
@Anoniminous: Somehow, I want to kick the people who voted “Present” in the gonads even more than the ones who voted “No.”
Comrade Mary
@Trollhattan: The Brian Spinney YT account was created January 15. I think it’s a setup. Prank or viral or both.
Look, the freakin’ opening blue screen was left in as a splashy attempt at making it look amateurish and real.
Also: fuck the Republicans, and fuck the cowardly Democratic senators who wouldn’t kick the fucking filibuster to the fucking curb.
@TooManyJens: In order to bring up the vote again, I think Reid has to vote present.. It’s okay to kick him in the balls at this point, though. I’m not sure you can find them though.
@JPL: I thought he had to actually vote no. But if he’s one of the present votes, OK. His kick will be for other reasons.
Elon James White
Thanks. I updated the post with your link.
@TooManyJens & JPL:
An Motion to Re-consider (do it all again) has to be proposed by a Senator voting Aye or did not vote:
@Anoniminous: Drug resistance for many diseases is definitely a looming problem. And it’s something I think teh evul gubermint should be trying to do something about – better disease monitoring, more R&D on new antibiotics, etc. But, well, you know the deal.
CDC has their little list and it’s probable every disease listed will be totally resistant by 2030. Gonorrhea is almost there already. 10% of new cases are resistant to all but a three drug “cocktail”. CDC recommends:
And that, my friend, is it. There aren’t any other protocols known to work.
So guys … wrap that sucker. I gar-on-tee you do NOT want a dose of the clap. Lends a whole new meaning to the phrase, “that itchy, burning, sensation.”
Damn, and I thought I was down with the brothers.
He’s phat.
@MikeJ: COYS!!!! We’re proper fooked when Bale leaves.
Wow. I…umm…just wow.
you find interesting stuff, Elon
Just Some Fuckhead
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?
Certified Mutant Enemy
Speaking of bad Christian Rap…
I believe this is real. Sadly, I’ve seen well intentioned white folk try to rap…once. as a close to 40 y.o. white lady who listens to rap frequently, it still makes me shudder. Some humans just don’t understand the true artistry of rap, which can be amazingly emotionally expressive. Also too, I just don’t think the sort of people who performed this ‘rap’ understand irony well enough to create this a performance art. I’d love to be wrong about that though…
I was highly amused. This is a really weird country we live in.