The papal resignation is fascinating:
Rev Lombardi said he would continue to wear a simple white cassock, but his footwear would change.
Gone will be the red “Prada” loafers, replaced by brown shoes made in Leon, Mexico.
A pair was given to the Pope on a recent trip there. After Thursday, the Pope’s “fisherman’s ring” will also be destroyed.
How can you say that he’s too old?
Patricia Kayden
Fisherman’s ring? Inherited from Apostle Peter?
I thought he could just turn his fisherman’s ring around, you know, pointing at the world to tell people he’s on the market again.
relationship status: it’s complicated.
When I first saw this photo I was taken aback that the shoes weren’t all sparkly, like Dorothy’s from The Wizard of Oz or the cover of Eldorado. It was confusing for a moment.
low-tech cyclist
She said “drop dead” and left with another guy.
Bobby Thomson
I don’t think those shoes will come off while he’s still alive.
schrodinger's cat
The devil does wear Prada!
Comrade Dread
@ellie: Those are only for when they go out clubbing.
I too find myself fascinated. Mostly at wondering how all of the pomp and circumstances feels really out of place in a religion that claims to be directly descended from a penniless, itinerate rabbi who spent his time devoted to the poor, the sick, the outcasts of society and had nothing but bad things to say about the organized religious leaders of His day.
Thrown into the volcano where it was originally forged, I trust.
pimp’s gotta keep pippin
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat:
After Wednesday, the devil will no longer wear Prada!
@schrodinger’s cat:
Internets on the way. Special delivery!
Omnes Omnibus
Oh, I know that [he’s] disgusted. (Oh why’s that)
‘Cause [he’s] feeling so abused. (Oh that’s too bad)
[He] gets tired of the lust, (Oh I’m so sad)
But it’s so hard to refuse.
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Dread:
DFH lies!
They say his official title will be “Pope Emeritus”. There is a joke there but I’m too tired to think of what it could be.
Villago Delenda Est
Dowager Pope.
I know I’m very excited about the field of candidates.
@dmsilev: Exactly my first thought. Should we be concerned about Vesuvius?
Robin G.
@Villago Delenda Est: Now I’m picturing Maggie Smith in the pope’s hat.
BTW, in actual news:
@Patricia Kayden: Every Pope gets his own seal ring bearing the device of Peter as fisherman of souls. It’s cast from gold for the new Pope and then ceremonially melted down in front of the cardinals after he dies. This is to prevent the manufacture of fraudulent papal missives (“hey guys, look what we just found in the Popemobile’s glove compartment, it has his seal and everything”).
Apparently Ratzinger wears his on a daily basis, which is unusual.
schrodinger's cat
@Poopyman: Shorter GOP senators,
We is in your Senate being whiny brats.
Southern Beale
Swapping Italian designer for Mexican leather? THE HORROR.
Then again, Jesus wore sandals.
The next Pope.
schrodinger's cat
@Ruckus: Thanks!
@Poopyman: Enta is where the action is right now.
schrodinger's cat
I have been looking for the right red color shoes to wear with my LBD, this color is perfect! I can has peep-toe sling backs in this color?
Just Some Fuckhead
Same thing happened to Dorothy when she returned to Kansas, she lost the Ruby Slippers.
There’s no place like
RomeZe GermanyMattF
The shoe thing is just… well…
gocart mozart
Maybe the angels want to wear his red shoes?*
*Obvious song reference fail DougJ
Huh, just remembered one of the traditional ways of recognizing the Devil in all his disguises is looking for the cloven hooves (CGI resistent, apparently). Are red non-cloven feet the Pope tell for those of wishing to avoid both? In any case, quite the footwear fetishists the group is revealing itself as. Quite the least of their freaks.
Quaker in a Basement
“the Pope’s “fisherman’s ring” will also be destroyed.”
Not the precious! Must have the precious!
schrodinger's cat
Are we sure that he wants to give up the ring of power, his precious…
Those shoes look comfy, and I love that red. If I were Pope, I’d stay Pope, just for the shoes.
Omnes Omnibus
@gocart mozart: The title is a line from that song.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I know it’s happening, but I still can’t believe that you can up and give God a ‘ two week notice’ and be outta there.
he’s still going to get to keep the fabulous dresses
@Comrade Dread:
“Let me introduce myself…,” sez Martin Luther almost 500 years ago. And he was such a punk-ass, he nailed his protest flyer to the church door.
@Southern Beale:
He’s being punished for embarrassing the Holy See by resigning. If he’d only waited a little while longer, he could have kept the Prada shoes and the Versace burial vestments.
gocart mozart
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: Maybe God asked him for his resignation. It’s not like there wasn’t just cause.
@eldorado: His bag is still smoking too.
Amir Khalid
It’s probably just my laptop monitor, but that colour looks kind of like Doc Martens Cherry Red leather to me.
Does anyone know if Benedict is going to keep the two Papal wetsuits and gold encrusted dildo?
? Martin
@Southern Beale:
Fucking hippy. Bet he was too lazy to fundraise for his own cathedral too.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
Where would you like your internet delivered?
? Martin
Two weeks is plenty. The big man can build two whole universes in that time. Should be no problem getting a replacement and training them up in time.
@low-tech cyclist: kudos for the Costello reference…because I used to be disgusted and now I try to be amused….
I still can’t get used to all the pink boots on footballers. Everton-Oldham about to start.
@PeakVT: I didn’t know that Etna was active but I was going to suggest it anyway. (My mother’s family comes from a couple of small villages on the slope of Etna.)
Roger Moore
I thought he was without merit even when he was the active Pope.
The Shooz of The Fisherman.
Peter would be so proud.
ETA: Loving the EC luv in this thread…
Amir Khalid
Well, a guy in his position gets to say what the rules are; and by definition, no one gets to contradict him. According to Wikipedia, the very first pope to quit the job did so right after
making upreceiving from God the rule that popes were allowed to quit.Ruckus
The internets have already been shipped today, if only you had been faster we might have been able to hold a run off. I try to be amused
HE’S GIVING UP THE SHOES? Now that’s the biggest surprise of all. I was thinking he resigned to avoid all the red shoe snark.
Comrade Dread
@handsmile: I know, I’m one of those Protestant heretics, and goodness knows, we’ve got some of the same problems with church politics and spending our money on gilded cathedrals. Ours are just gaudier.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Notice that you got in under the wire and avoided the run off with GregB
Is he giving up the red shoes permanently, or just for Lent?
Omnes Omnibus
What is the angels’ side of the bargain, anyway?
Eric S
Mt. Etna just erupted.
The Other Chuck
@handsmile: Actually, Luther *mailed* his theses to the church. Somewhere along the way, someone changed a letter to have him nailing them to the church instead.
It certainly is a nice visual, but it’s as tall a tale as Washington’s cherry tree.
Short Bus Bully
@schrodinger’s cat:
/thread winned
The Other Chuck
Tradition has it that when the time comes to select a new pope, the old pope gets whacked in the head with a hammer. I see no reason to stop this tradition just because the old pope is still alive.
Brown shoes????
damn! I am so mad you beat me to this joke – arg!
Good for you.
@PurpleGirl: Etna is very active, but recent eruptions haven’t been dangerous to the surrounding population, so you don’t hear much about them. It’s a Decade Volcano, so it’s monitored and studied in detail.
The Other Chuck
We can look forward to His Eminence giving an incoherent rambling farewell speech, then touring the countryside in the Popemobile® before settling down to a gig on Fox News.
Higgs Boson's Mate
The “fisherman’s ring”? Is that the one they’re given when they’ve played The Lucky Fisherman with the 100th altar boy?
Click your heels three times and say “There’s no place like Rome. There’s no place like Rome. There’s no place like Rome.”
For Etna watchers, this site looks good — has a web-cam link, plus attractive false-color satellite imagery to prove it’s not really happening.
Mister Harvest
@Poopyman: So, help out someone who really does not understand these rituals. Was the entire point of the Hagel thing to give cover to Republican senators who are worried about a Tea Party primary challenge?
After all, wasn’t Hagel McCain’s choice as SecDef? How much more “It’s not OK if the black guy does it” can one be?
S. Holland
@comrade dread
@Mister Harvest:
I think trying to annoy the dusky usurper was in there too.
Entertainment Tonight:
The Pope, resplendent in a taupe gown from Balenciaga, kicky red flats by Prada and stunning hat by Harry Winston made a grand entrance on the red carpet . . .
The very helpful Dan Amira has compiled a “you were wrong” list of conservapundits sentencing Hagel’s nom to dooooooom.
It has most of my favorites, lined up in short, mockable form.
schrodinger's cat
Thanks everybody, I made my comment into a lol and posted it on my blog, because of your response.
@Mister Harvest:
I didn’t know Hagel was McCain’s pick for SecDef, but if so, it partly explains the petulance. It means McCain saw Hagel as “his” guy. For him to accept the same offer when made by the opposite side (worse, by the man who defeated McCain) is a betrayal that proves Hagel wasn’t on McCain’s side after all, and for that betrayal he must pay. McCain is one angry and vindictive son of a bitch.
Comrade Mary
Ratsy shops for new shoes.
Roger Moore
Are they made out of tachash skins?
The Other Chuck
In other news, the sky is blue.
Gotta love that Jennifer Rubin. Paid, every day, to be wrong about everything.
I can’t believe I’m the first one to point out that in the pic above, the Pope is wearing white socks with his Pradas. How tacky can you get? A nice Popish Argyle would look much better.
@The Other Chuck:
Fixed for media-worthiness.
@The Other Chuck:
Well, wait just one pope-picking minute there, Charles!
According to this section of the Intertubes, Luther (who was not, I admit, actually a punk-ass) may indeed have been a Wittenberg vandal:
And as you know, the Intertubes, much like the Bishop of Rome, is inerrant.
Also too, after a final spin around St. Peter’s Square tomorrow, Joey Ratz is going to have to give back the keys to the company car.
He will become a fisher of men.
patrick II
it seems that Kevin Drumm over mother Jones has changed his mind decided to call a filibuster a filibuster.
That’s what you get when you go chasing after penitents.
Breathtaking, isn’t she? It’s hard to believe she wasn’t on Romney’s payroll, the persistent fashion on which she kept hawking him and his campaign. She’s Special.
Throwing the Ring into a volcano is right out. The Vatican would spontaneously collapse into ruin.
@Southern Beale: Which designer sandals would Jesus wear?
Michele C
@gbear: Ewwwwww.
dance around in your bones
Oh Gawd.
Oh, Gawd? Wherefore art thou, oh Gawd? And dost thou approve of these men in red Prada shoes and gold fisherman’s rings?
Take your time, but please answer in a form we might understand (i.e., no burning bushes or golden tablets).
Omnes Omnibus
@shortstop: Well played.
grandpa john
@Mister Harvest:
Definitely so in the case of Graham don’t kn ow about the others.
@Bobby Thomson: I think St. Peter’s has to fall on him for that to happen.
For breakfast Thursday morning, I’m ordering Ex Benedict.
dance around in your bones
@SiubhanDuinne: Heh. I had Ex Benedict with crabcakes this weekend.
No red shoes! Too chewy.
The shoes of the fisherman’s wife are some jive-ass slippers.
There’s no place like home,there’s no place like home…
So if the pope clicks his heels three times, does he return to Kansas?
I’ve got the inside scoop on the possible next Popes.
dance around in your bones
@Redshirt: I’m pretty cool with Space Pope.
Makes as much sense as anything Popish.
Omnes Omnibus
@Redshirt: @dance around in your bones: I sort of go for the Owl Bear dude. He seems John XXIIIish to me.
@dance around in your bones: Yeah, Space Pope rules.
@Omnes Omnibus: Owl Bear Jesus is a good guy, but too “Jesusy” to be Pope, I fear.
Omnes Omnibus
@Redshirt: Too bad, a hipster pope would be interesting. Eusebius, Tertullian, and Clement of Alexandria would be the next hot things.
dance around in your bones
I could rule the world, if I could only get the parts.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: I love the Waitresses. Yippee!
@dance around in your bones: No joke – the day is for real soon upon us. Parts to order. Mechanical and Biological.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Gawd damn. I saw them live several times in LA in small venues and was blown away.
So, again I say! everyone should listen to The Waitresses. Like, right now.
It’s my car, I’m gonna do the drivin’!
dance around in your bones
Oh FUCK YOU WORD PRESS, like, forever and ever!
I’m stopping for some more wine.
dance around in your bones Strut by The Waitresses will prolly get moderated as well – but just try to find it, ok?
You’ll thank me some day.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: Freshman year in college, Fall 1982. Oh, I know that song.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Gawd damn, Omnes!
I was prolly 30 yrs old by then. Other than that we could be a good match! (hahaha – joke is all).
But I still love The Waitresses.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: One is born when one is born and chronological age flows ever forward from there.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Jesus fuck, that is profound.
No, really – one can’t pick the year they are born or the family they are born into. That’s just fate, or karma, or some such shit.
I guess we all just have to suck it up.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: My s-i-l turned just turned forty and my 91 y/o grandmother nearly died last week due to heart problems – they just put in a pacemaker and she is on the road to recovery. I was thinking about some of this shit over the weekend.
Tibetan reincarnation myth says you choose your birth parents based on your life experiences.
Fun Rome Fact! The Romans had contact with Buddhism.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Aw, jeez – I am sorry to hear that.
Unfortunately as we get older, these things become more and more frequent in our lives. I speak from experience.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: The old lady may make it back to her home. She has to put in some time in a rehab facility, but there is hope. She is a tough old bird; neither ventricle of her heart was working, yet she is still kicking – just not very hard right now. Thanks for the sympathy; I fucking hate waiting around in hospitals.
dance around in your bones
Gads, I remember picking up a used book at my daughter’s wedding in Mexico called Destiny of Souls or something like that – it was all about our lives between our lives or something. It made a huge impression on me at the time.
I really liked the idea that if your last life was really stressful, you could kinda hang out in a cave in a fetal position until you were ready to take on physical life again.
ETA: Omnes – yes, hospitals suck.
@dance around in your bones: I know of it! For reference, I was referring to “Tibetan Book of the Dead”. Bardo Thodol, yo.
I’d also like to add how wonderful the picture is for this post. So vivid – lots of textures, and deep colors. Just an amazing photo, especially in evoking the Oz myth.
dance around in your bones
Oh, Redshirt – I read that back in the day. Like in the late 60’s. Not sure I understood anything but the most basic ‘been there, done that’ concept.
I didn’t mean to step on your excellent book ref.
@dance around in your bones: Follow the light! is all you need to remember. :)
The current pope doesn’t get to decide what the next pope will wear. The only way this story makes sense is if the next pope has already been chosen and he’s telling people he’s wearing the brown shoes.
It might also be interpretted as “MFer ain’t gettin’ my pradas and my ring.”
@mclaren: Hell.
@Southern Beale: Was hoping for the announcement of a deal with Skechers