Sitting here having cocktails with my boss before we embark on a road trip to Austin. You?
What’s that number? 911?
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Sitting here having cocktails with my boss before we embark on a road trip to Austin. You?
What’s that number? 911?
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Watching the last of leverage with my daughters, who are seeing it for the first time. Eating rhubarb-custard pie that I just made. Life doesnt get any better than this.
You have a boss? I thought you were independently wealthy?
Foregone Conclusion
How does Tunch hold a glass exactly?
Omnes Omnibus
@ellie: I think he means Tunch.
Contemplating the meaning of life.
You’re having cocktails with Tunch?
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh. Well, that makes sense then. All hail Tunch, our Lord and Master and Boss.
Zoning out while waiting for WarriorGirl to tire out. Once she goes to bed I have to make gift boxes from poster board; the demise of stationery stores means that no-one has gift boxes except at XMas.
Two birthday parties for 5-year-olds this weekend. By Sunday at 5, I’m going to need a drink. Or 16.
Obama wasn’t kidding about the sequestration affecting air travel.
Got home from dialysis and ready to veg out all weekend, since last weekend was spent in the hospital. Words cannot describe how good a weekend feels after doing work-hospital-work for 2 weeks.
the Conster
I just can’t process that news about the earth opening up under that poor bastard’s bed in Tampa and swallowing him, alone of his household of 4 other adults, a child and two dogs, whole. WTF.
Anne Laurie
The local Target carries them year-round, in the gift wrap aisle. So, IIRC, do the Hallmark mall stores, if you have those.
Not that it’ll do you any good tonight, but there will be other birthday parties…
Waiting for the week to end. Then I get to go home and do laundry. Yay.
@the Conster:
I’m not sure I believe in God, but I’m pretty sure I believe in Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. When your time is up, it is frickin’ up, no matter where you are or what you happen to be doing.
A boss of what now?!
Yep. You just don’t know when FSM will put you in his pie filter.
the Conster
But, that way is just beyond understanding. Disease, plane crashes, accidents, murder, old age, choking, heart attacks, terrorism – I get it. But being swallowed by the earth in your bed in the middle of the night, while the house and everyone else in it is left undisturbed? Yeah. No.
So you’re all down with Madden now after that chickening out on the SF trip?
I’m figuring out which bar I’m going to warm up tonight for my trip to Napa tomorrows. Suckin the Paoletti, biotches.
Trying not to lose my shit over all the recent blog posts talking about how climate change will basically end human life within the next 35 years.
Trying to contain the depression with regards to things I might actually have a little control over, such as finding a job at some point.
Trying not to think about how I graduated from nursing school 8 months ago and have only had 4 interviews. (Will punch the next person who says “oh nursing, always jobs there.”)
Could use a little positive energy, if anyone’s willing.
Betty’s thread from earlier today is hilarious.
@the Conster: Dead is dead.
RobertDSC-eMac 1.25
My niece and nephew are visiting, but it’s been a hard week at work. I’m sore, tired, and irritable. But the kids bring a smile to my face even though I don’t want to play with them very much.
the Conster
The chances of the earth opening up and swallowing you whole like that other poor bastard today is about 1 in a trillion. So, you got that going for you.
dance around in your bones
Since when is it a disaster if the S on your cape gets a little frayed?
Just watched the end of Pulp Fiction. Love that movie.
Sorry you’re on a road trip w/yer boss. Better Toga! Toga! (I love John Belushi’s eyebrows! also – tool!).
ooh, cheers! Kittens and whatever-that-is (ricotta?) will improve the mood a little.
Clyburn: Scalia Said He’s ‘White And Proud’ in Rejecting Voting Rights Act
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Friday that he was “absolutely shocked” to hear Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia describe a key piece of the Voting Rights Act, one of the most significant achievements of the civil rights movement, as a “perpetuation of racial entitlement” earlier this week.
“I’m not easily surprised by anything, but that took me to a place I haven’t been in a long time,” Clyburn said of Scalia’s comments, during an interview with HuffPost. “What Justice Scalia said, to me, was, ‘The 15th Amendment of the Constitution ain’t got no concerns for me because I’m white and proud.’”
Now the third most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, Clyburn’s work on civil rights issues goes as far back as the age of 12, when he was elected president of his local NAACP youth chapter. He organized civil rights demonstrations in college, and even met his wife in jail after a protest.
the Conster
True, but I think it matters how you go out – what your last worldly conscious thoughts are which leave an impression on the rest of us who are living. It’s really fucking bothering me.
Gin & Tonic
I blew off work and skied all day, so my legs are sore but my head is clear.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: I haz an envious.
Just reading the Massachusetts Sec. of State’s comments about how John Roberts was making shit up about non-white voter participation levels in Mass.
Why let facts get in the way of neo-confederate political goals?
Wasn’t it his old boss who said “Facts are stupid things”?
dance around in your bones
Jeezus H. Christ! Why do I keep getting moderated? Two fracking YouTube clips and I’m in the Dead Zone.
@the Conster:
If it’s any consolation, his last conscious thought was probably, “What the hell just happened?” Which I kinda suspect is what all of us will be thinking just after our time comes.
And, yes, weird deaths happen all the damn time. For no rhyme or reason. This is why religion was created — to try and create meaning out situations like this.
@the Conster:
That is certainly a cheering thought that will in no way cross my mind a hundred times or so while I am trying to fall asleep tonight.
been wanting deep dish pizza for two weeks. just finished having some…it was delish.
@the Conster:
Just regard it as a practice run for when Dick Cheney finally returns home.
the Conster
See – there’s always something worse. Glad to help! :)
At the New York Times, they’re front paging a Michael Shear article about the sequester impasse/potential shutdown with the title: Obama Signals He’d Let Cuts Stand to Avoid U.S. Shutdown.
Now here’s the thing:
I’ve read that article through three times now, and for the life of me, I can’t see anywhere in the article where the President signals any such thing. Am I nuts? Well, okay. we know I’m nuts without investigating the article. More to the point, am I missing something?
Or is this just Shear/NYT spinning President Obama’s comments to maybe force a center-right conclusion or just to stir shit up for the pure wingnutty joy of it?
@Mnemosyne: I just wrote a long post about that and then deleted it.
the Conster
I suppose, but I have claustrophobia and every other way I can think of to die is preferable to being buried alive, alone in the dark in my own bed. :(
Wayne t
Austin? Are you going to south x southwest?
peach flavored shampoo
You have a job?
the Conster
Hotter would be good for him – molten, actually.
Omnes Omnibus
@the Conster:
You don’t want to start that competition. You just don’t.
@Omnes Omnibus: He or she has no idea.
the Conster
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m REALLY claustrophobic.
I live in Austin. I’m headed to a comedy show tonight. March is the best month in Austin.
@the Conster: You need to do something else tonight. This is a stone loser.
Omnes Omnibus
@the Conster: Yeah, but this is a really twisted and creative bunch.
Hill Dweller
Why does Maddow think Rather has a clue? He is awful.
Comrade Mary
Poor Tunch. One week with Zsa Zsa and he’s already on the bottle.
@Omnes Omnibus: Drag your ass around some shithole for a year and get killed the last day.
@Omnes Omnibus: Second that. There is no winner in the game of Who Can Think of the Worst Way to Die
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: @SatanicPanic: And this is how it starts…
@Hill Dweller: Because he has cute little sayings and is a counter to Brokaw.
dance around in your bones
I commented about the ‘sucked down a hole in his own bed’ guy today.
I guess there are worse ways to go – I figure ‘over in an instant’ is better than several weeks or months or years of contemplating your demise. Short and
sweetah, short, that’s my wish.amk
@Foregone Conclusion: @Comrade Mary: lulz.
@dance around in your bones: How was Alvin Lee?
Hill Dweller
The Village is working hard to blame Obama for the sequester, but their only accusation seems to be he can’t magically stop the Republicans from being nihilists.
You passing through OKC on this trip?
@Hill Dweller:
Bob Woodward has practically gone insane trying to blame it on the ni-CLANG.
Mornington Crescent
I’ve rented several episodes of Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. It looks like grandpa is the Fernwood Flasher.
@raven: THE MOST TERRIFYING DAYS OF MY LIFE were always last day in country on the ends of my three combat tours.
In each case, we had to convoy out to an airport or airfield and every single car on the road looked like it was a VBIED. It’s a total mystery to me as to how I made it out of those last day convoy ops without smoking some innocent Iraqi or Afghani motorist just going to get his propane tanks or diesel cans filled up.
dance around in your bones
@raven: Well, my DVR thingamajoo didn’t work for some reason, so I didn’t get to see Alvin Lee and/or Woodstock. Luckily, there is YouTube nowadays, so ….. Alvin Lee rocked!
I DID watch the Dick Cavett bit and it made me sad that there are not journalists like him around anymore. You know, open-minded. Not pre-determined.
Omnes Omnibus
Tonight and tomorrow, I intend to relax. Sunday, I will spend getting ready for a Monday morning job interview.
Many “Dollar” type stores have extensive gift wrap offerings. Including gift boxes and gift bags. I stock up on tissue paper there for their really good price.
Suffern ACE
@Hill Dweller: yep. The other argument is that the markets were up and it’s no one I know, so really, it’s no big deal. At least that was what was going on on CNN yesterday afternoon between that bald south Asian business analyst who is usually wrong because hes trying hard to be glib and that anchorwoman who has very poor posture and a rather unprofessional demeanor. Sorry, I don’t know their names. I just see them when I get coffee. Their worse than that CNBC crew that seems to just shout the news all day long.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good luck! We’ll be pulling for you!
oh sweet Jaysus Christmas, y’all aren’t REALLY going to spend Friday night circle jerking over horrible death pr0n, are you?
Fer fuxsake, fucking mclaren is over there on the last thread engaging in reasonable political dialogue.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soonergrunt: Thanks.
@Soonergrunt: That’s what I’m talkin about. I remember, about two years into this cluster fuck, sitting in the Atlanta airport across from a couple of rotating grunts waiting on a plane. They have these trash cans that are compactors and they seem to go off for no rhyme or reason. Goddamn thing started buckin and shakin and I thought these dudes were going to shit a brick!
@Omnes Omnibus: Yea man, smoke em.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: Wishing you well Monday, and enjoy your weekend!
Omnes Omnibus
Thanks all.
mai naem
@BAtFFP: what part of the country do you live in?
Wife and daughter are with grandma and grandpa. Heading to the local p0ker room for a bit. Famous last words.
ETA: Good luck Omnes.
@eemom: “Fer fuxsake, fucking mclaren is over there on the last thread engaging in reasonable political dialogue.”
I call bullshit. Because that assertion is about as likely to be true as the assertion that the sun occasionally rises in the west.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soonergrunt: Reasonable is relative, but it’s true. She also threw in some cray-cray for flavor though.
dance around in your bones
@eemom: Uh, lighten up, eemom? I think ruminating about a weird death is not so weird.
And mclaren? sometimes makes good points but mostly is TL:DR. Not that I have applied the pie in his/her case.
Watching old episodes of Dexter at the moment. That’s how I am spending my Friday night (well, whilst cruising Balloon Juice).
ETA: Good luck to you, Omnes! Get that fucking job!
Omnes Omnibus
If tonight’s episode of DCI Banks is a rerun, I shall be sad.
@dance around in your bones: mclaren can be interesting and even insightful, but she veers off the rails very easily. Once she does, it is off to the races with things like accusing people of masturbating to Holocaust pr0n.
Don’t you hate it when you’re licking the knife clean and it slices your tongue down the middle?
I hate when that happens!
@Omnes Omnibus: Best wishes.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
My hockey team is better than yours is. Unless you’re Schlemizel, of course.
A little early for SXSW John. That doesn’t start till the 8th, but if you are in Austin then you better damn well go.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Think they’d beat the Blackhawks?
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree with regards to mclaren.
Sometimes insightful, other times terrifically long-winded and, well – just nutso.
I’m sure I never come across like that. Prolly because I don’t comment much about politics. It’s mostly music and hanging about w/the community.
::: smile :::
Mike in NC
Watching “Kitchen Nightmares”, my favorite guilty pleasure reality show. Best part is when they inspect the restauraurant’s freezer.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Omnes Omnibus: I’d make ’em about a 3-1 underdog. But you can only beat the teams you play.
I thought the Gophers played as well as they’ve played in a month in the second and third periods tonight. Considering that the best player in the country only had three shifts all night I like the way they’re coming together. I’d be even happier if Kessel were healthy, though.
Just got in from a long day out. Ended up with dinner for 15 people at Chima, a Brazilian steakhouse near Tysons Corner. Before that was a couple of hours of champagne and appetizers at my brother’s house to celebrate the immediately foregoing event: my gay brother’s gay marriage to his gay partner. They’re gay! We all had to drive up to the courthouse in Rockville, MD, because the Christianist Dominion of Virginia is not down with that stuff (yet). And before that I was getting a haircut and running around to get some things for the festivities, including a mixed case of very nice champagne.
That was the biggest day I’ve had in my monastic existence in quite a while, so I’m spent. Came home to find the housecat scrunched into her tiniest “You abandoned me!” meatloaf on the bed, and before she would let me pet her she had to sniff my hands and forearms to confirm that, yes, I did have dog whiff on me from the bro’ man’s sighthounds, Kathleen “Kitty” Cobblepot, the retired racing queen, and Dick Cheney (not his real name), the superannuated Italian greyhound. I gave the housecat some good wet food and made up with her, and now she’s purring at her heated workstation beside the computer. Life is good. Although I wish I had maybe one more glass of that Legras et Haas Tradition.
The civil marriage ceremony was very well done, and I am happy for my brother and his partner. They are planning to have a big blowout wedding party in the summer of 2014, after (it is hoped) the Supreme Court has clarified the legal situation on a national basis. Fingers crossed on that.
dance around in your bones
@Mike in NC: Ooooooh! Huácala, as they say in Mexico.
Means YUCK!
@Mike in NC: When I was a kid the NYT used to publish the health inspection results of those restaurants which had failed inspection. It made for some very yucky reading.
@mai naem:
Seattle. The market is wretched for new grads right now.
General Stuck
@Omnes Omnibus:
Knock em dead, dude. If you need a reference, just tell em you served with an infamous fake General, a hero from The Battle of the Bilge.
Enjoy the time outside of WV, America’s “most miserable state“
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know your résumé is clean and honest and good. And I know you will be brave and true and look the interviewer squarely in the face, and if it all goes to hell it will do so in a way that affirms courage and grace under pressure. Have you ever shot a charging lion?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have been watching DCI Banks. His personality really grated on me in the first one, but I have stuck with it. Pretty good. I am stressing because I think the DVR missed one episode, and that triggers my OCD “must watch in chronological order” thing.
It went off last week and has been replaced by Dalziel and Pascoe. Jury still out on that.
Are you getting Death in Paradise? Buttoned-up British cop goes to the islands, mon.
@John Cole:
So you’re going on a road trip to Austin with Tunch? What kind of cocktail does a TomCat prefer?
You have a boss? I figured you for an independent consultant on some obscure technical specialty. (Maybe you are but under contract.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I got a repeat of Banks. Bummer. I haven’t seen either of the other shows yet, but I am sure Wisconsin Public Television will show them eventually.
Only in the rain.
dance around in your bones
I’m watching the Doakes/Dexter’s crazy girlfriend Lila/Deb and FBI guy Frank Lundy episodes.
Ok, it was 6 yrs ago, I am kinda lame like that. But those old episodes resonate more than the later stuff. I’m afraid for Dexter next/last season. I think he might bite teh big one.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: Dexter never caught my interest; something in it never clicked for me.
Comrade Mary
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey — good luck!
Here’s a pretty Thom Yorke video to psych you up. Not that I’m suggesting a ponytail, a three-piece suit and a doppelganger for Monday’s interview, but if you enter the interview room dancing, it’s sure to set you apart from the competition.
Comrade Mary
WTF? My previous comment is in moderation for some damn reason.
Anyway: good luck, Omnes. I gave you a link to the latest Atoms for Peace video. See if you can find it …
gogol's wife
Thank you for pointing me to that Barbara Stanwyck thread. Interesting.
We just watched an Inspector Morse that by some miracle we’d never seen. It had a vast array of great actors (Jim Broadbent and Diana Quick among others), including the guy who stars in Death in Paradise, which I haven’t seen yet but we’re supposed to get starting next week.
ETA I’m off to sleep now.
gogol's wife
I’m wrong, the guy who was on Morse (Robert Pugh) was just a guest on Death in Paradise, I guess.
@raven: Keep up the good work!
Mr. Positive.
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: Ingenue? Judge, Jury…? Or other?
@BAtFFP: I laughed myself silly over this, which is my view of future me:
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: I tried to link a couple of choices. I went into mod as well. Thanks though.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus:
Whoa – so sorry.
I believe the number is 867-5309.
Or perhaps this number? Though I don’t know if Johnny Rivers ever found out the number since his uncle wrote it on the wall.
I ain’t even going to go with Steely Dan and Ricky Don’t Lose That Number. Y’all look it up.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: Ever hear John Cale’s version of Memphis?
ETA: Cale is a rock god. Droning viola in rock and roll? Awesome.
dance around in your bones
@JoyfulA: Ok, that was hysterical.
Next person that honks at me is gonna get the business! Better make sure my bag weighs enough!
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, NOW I have!
Droning Viola will be my rock band’s name, once we get it together.
You guys here got nothing about the XL pipeline? State Dept.?
You’all take obscure BS to a new level.
OTOH, I did find some neat kitty scratch posts!
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: Fear Is A Man’s Best Friend
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hmm – I remember John Cale from back in the day, but somehow watching that video led me to this:
The History of English in Ten Minutes
…..which I found pretty funny.
“A Plaque on Both His Houses!”
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: ’twas funny.
@Hill Dweller:
Thats probably all they need.
@Anne Laurie: Not the Target in Watertown. All they had were “shirt boxes” that were roughly 14x9x1.5. And the party stores (which used to carry them) only have those oblong boxes.
I needed a 15x15x2 and a 12x8x3. Which are done.
@dance around in your bones: I think my favorite season, other than one, is five. I really liked the introduction o Lymenout of the blue. In the first few episodes where Dexter didn’t know what the hell he was going to do with her, I was on edge in a way similar to the end of this season. I also thought the end of that season started Deb as a character down a path toward more maturity, albeit with a fuckton of cursing. I read that Julia Stiles was not happy with the way her haracter left. Would thy ever bring her back, I wonder?
If the series ends with a dead Dexter, that’s such a lazy way out. He needs to fake his death and settle down in Argentina, leaving Deb behind to go full-out Lundy while writing her own book: “Holy Filet of Fuck! My Brother Was a Serial Killer.”
@MazeDancer: The Brighton Dollar Tree didn’t have any in stock (again, not XMas), and I didn’t have time to drive to Somerville or Everett to the stores that actually stock gift boxes.
Yes, I live in inner-suburban Bwahstin, where it takes 30 minutes to travel six miles because I have to somehow go through or navigate around Cambridge. It only takes 19 minutes to get to Terminal C at Logan, or 22 minutes to drive to Shoppers World, but heaven help you if you want to go to Assembly Square or Mystic View.
dance around in your bones
I quite liked the ‘Lumen’ Julia Stiles arc. Dexter having a partner with a REAL reason to kill some dudes who had hurt her terribly was epic. More believable than Lila, who was just nutso, IMHO.
And then ‘Lumen’ just quit, once she was done with the bad guys.
Wonder why Julia Stiles was upset with her character’s leaving? I quite liked her in the Bourne series of movies.
I guess I gotta Google.
Don’t forget drinks at the historic Driskill Hotel when you’re in Austin.
Who is taking care of the girls and boy during your absence?
Who is taking care of the girls and boy during your absence?
Who is taking care of the girls and boy during your absence?
Just be thankful you’re not in the UK…