Are you there just for shits & giggles, or is Mr. Cole on a mission?
He rode into town on a fat white cat….
You should go to JMueller BBQ on South Congress to eat. Although I’m sure he’s sold out for today and he won’t be open again until Thursday. In which case you should go to Sam’s on East Sixth Street and get the mutton ribs. Or try one of the joints down in Lockart (about 40 miles southeast).
@Joseph Nobles: Is it SXSW time? Then forget about JMueller’s or Franklin’s for BBQ; they’ll be packed. Sam’s will do, provided you go late at night, and Lockart will be fine. You might want to try Louie Mueller’s in Taylor (aobut 40 miles northeast).
What kind of shots does an American need to get before going to Texas?
You are aware they execute the bewildered in that god forsaken state. Just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and innocent as a baby calf. Austin may be fairly liberal, but I wouldn’t go out unless you absolutely have to.
Austin isn’t really Texas…
The Dangerman
I saw a TV show on Black’s BBQ in Lockhart; worth the trouble from Austin? I figure with a fluffylarge gigantic white cat, going to Blacks seems apropos.
Cole got stuck inside a lamp post somehow?
WTF are we supposed to do about it?
@Tommybones: Yes, it’s not really Texas, except for that being in the middle of the state part and being the capital part. Other than that, not Texas at all.
Oh, Austin… I haven’t been there in almost 20 years. I was on a children’s theater tour and had just been dumped by my boyfriend. Austin offered me many fine places to drown my sorrows.
Tonight, the husband and I are off to celebrated a friend’s 40th birthday. Said friend decided he wanted a superhero/supervillain theme party. Costumes are required. While shopping online for something to wear, I thought how helpful it would be if. among the many other costume categories, there was “Costumes that do not require Spanx.”
@ruemara: Is it part of transferring a blegpet cross country?
Or people have some other reason for travelling?
@Nicole: I don’t know why they don’t just label women’s costumes by degree of sleeziness.
Is the Broken Spoke still there?
@Nicole: There may actually be people (more likely androids or some such) who do not require spanx for such costumes.
@catclub: I bet those androids dream of electric sheep.
@raven: The Broken Spoke is still there, complete with old guy dancers who make sure every female gets a turn at the two-step.
@Jane2: I saw Frieda and the Firedogs there about 40 years ago. Frieda is Marcia Ball.
Mike in NC
Last time I was in Texas several years ago, I spent two weeks at Fort Hood in August. God did it suck. On my one day off I visited the Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg.
@raven: It gets in your blood. I have several friends around Galveston Bay who are married to a fine boat and keep a good wife.
@Keith G: “Well, if he’s really, really dead, it would take a miracle.”
@JenJen: Heh. I might slightly annoy a Dawg later. Et allez les habs!
@PeakVT: At times, I’ll be on a nine to five shift but mostly ten to six. Eight is a tad early, my friend. just sayin Pretty soon the sun will still be shining at that time so your clock will be readjusted.
I thought you guys didn’t like PBS/NPR as part of the Village. I think sometimes they are but mostly they aren’t – certainly not part of the news entertainment complex.
Dude if you can actually get in to see a show Austin City Limits, you’re in for a treat. I hear it’s an awesome experience.
“Let me be weak, let me sleep, and dream of sheep”
Dee Loralei
Also YouTube “House of Cardinals” the perfect spoof and timely too!
I just finished the BBC version of House of Cards and it’s different from the American version. There was more chemistry between Spacey and Wright but Richardson is the ultimate ambitious sociopath. Because of the length of time between the series, it seems like a different show, imo.
I went to bed at 9pm on Friday, then the puppy woke me every hour on the hour by jumping on my head, at 2am, 3am, and 4am. By 5am I figured it was just time to get up and give up the battle. I figured that I will be in bed by 9pm again tonight so’s the puppy can do her thing. *sigh*
OT HORRORS!. Man possibly forced into parenthood without his consent and with monetary consequences for years! Anyone going to bring up that once that sperm exited his body it should perform its sacred task in the production of snowflakes? If he didn’t want to be a father, he should have kept those wigglers where they belonged. Once the sexual bits leave the body, doesn’t it not matter what happens to them next according to the transvaginal principle?
Not to actually condone stealing sperm all the same. (Guess the regular act was just too traumatizing for the woman, or something.) Amusing to contemplate who is going to get most control of their gametes though in this post-discrimination world.
Mr Stagger Lee
@JPL: Richardson is ten times the prick as Urqhart than Spacey is as Underwood. I loved them both.
@JPL: Unfortunately, the sun has very little effect on my sleep cycle.
@Litlebritdifrnt: At least that will end in a year or so. And puppeh kisses make everything better anyway.
Geez General you sound like one of those wingnuts who insist we must invade Iran because he’s afraid of the elastic in his underwear!
@raven: Those bass were illegal to keep even 40 years ago!
Okay, that was a surreal moment.
In the kitchen prepping for big cooking adventure this afternoon. TCM on in other living room, in the background.
Announcement made that the Burt Lancaster movie “The Train” will be on later today.
However, what with being in another room and the bubbling of stuff simmering on stovetop partially masking the sound, what I heard was the announcer say “And then Burt Lancaster tries to stop The Tranny.”
And for the record Snow’s BBQ in Lexington is the best in Texas.
That is if Miss Tootsie is still alive and kicking cooking.
Can’t be SXSW yet. That doesn’t start till the 8th. But it may be a good time to hang out for a couple weeks if ya know what I’m sayin’ John. Could be fun.
@Mr Stagger Lee: It will be interesting to see what card topples Underwood.
Another weekend another birthday party in NOLA. Today’s party is for my twin aunt and uncle’s 44th birthday. The bar is stocked, the DJ is on da ones and twos, the crawfish is boiling, the oysters bout to go on da grill and da party ain’t even started yet!
If you’re in the cool parts of town next weekend, ye shall know me by my shirt.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
anybody know if MyDD has folded it’s tent? They seem to have slowly fizzled out over the last few years, but now the link goes nowhere. I wonder if Jerome Armstrong finally joined the Trappists or something when Willard failed to avenge Hillary.
Mrs J and I just got back from a visit to the new microbrewery just down the road. Opened today and may have wood fired pizza kiln operating soon. Beer was tasty but the crowd seemed too young to drink. New crop of hippies, looked like.
Also, responding to another poster; yes, the Broken Spoke lives though it is in the middle of a severe attack of “progress”, surrounded by construction.
Jeffrey, I saw the picture of Katie on the what’s for dinner site. Since your wife works with animals, I know she has several techniques for luring her back to the tribe. Have you tried sleeping with the stuffed animal before leaving for Katie? When I left dogs at the kennel I used to leave a pair of my jeans so they would have the scent.
you have unfortunately missed the texas rollergirls, unless you want to stay the entire month.
I live in Austin:
Here are my essentials:
1.) Catch a show at Alamo Drafthouse Ritz or S. Lamar locations. Best to see an original show like Master Pancake or a Sing-a-long.
2.) LBJ Museum
3.) La Condesa Happy Hour – amazing half price apps, like grilled corn on the cob with parmesan cheese.
4.) Koriente – excellent downtown food, healthy, local, I love the Jabchai, sweet potato noodles, great teas, etc.
5.) The flagship Whole Foods
6.) Peche – Sunday and Monday has all day happy hour and turn this place into a bargain. Only certain marked drinks are half price. I love the ones with champagne.
7.) East Sixth – So many awesome bars to choose, Liberty, White Horse, Eastside Showroom, The Grackle
8.) Club DeVille is my favorite Red River bar
9.) Mt. Bonnell, take a short walk up for a great view of Austin, nearby here is the grounds of the Austin Museum of Art Laguna Gloria location which are great for a lovely stroll. The museum is a big skip. Right by here is a cute park with a bunch of peacocks and coi ponds.
10.) Eat in the front patio of The Driskill Hotel. food is not amazing, great chocolate cake though, but view is fun and good ambiance. The restaurant is called 1888 or something.
I give you the new voice of Republican reason: Herr Karl Rove. No, seriously guys. Stop the guffawing, the lot of you.
“Losing has one great benefit to it,” Rove told a gathering of delegates at the party’s spring convention in Sacramento. “It gives you the chance to start fresh to look everything anew and start rebuilding from the ground up in innovative and thoughtful ways that will expand our reach and expand our members.”
California GOP officials invited the former aide and adviser to former President George W. Bush to address attendees as they seek to recoup from a bruising 2012 election. The party, which holds no statewide office, ceded supermajority control to legislative Democrats, lost key congressional races and dipped below 30 percent in statewide voter registration.
Rove echoed earlier remarks on the need to elect Latino and other minority candidates to local and state offices, telling state Republicans they need to go beyond talking to their traditional base. He praised Republicans in his home state of Texas for recruiting diverse candidates for statewide office, saying it’s important to have Republican messengers who “look like and sound like the people they’re asking for the vote from.”
“If our values are universal then we have obligation to argue on behalf of values in every corner, in every crevice, in every community of our great country,” he said.
Rove also urged Republicans to modernize their message, applying “timeless principles” of conservatism to new circumstances.
It is down the street from Franklin and will not have the crowds. I plan on taking friends during SXSW. It is a craft meat trailer.
@trollhattan: wtf.. values? applying timeless principles to new circumstances? Do you have any idea what he is talking about?
I saw this earlier today.. This is what repubs do
BATON ROUGE, La. — The budget hole in Baton Rouge has now grown to an estimated $1.3 billion for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Gov. Bobby Jindal is hoping to avoid massive cuts to higher education and healthcare by taking money from reserve funds across the state.
His $24.7 billion spending proposal would get $100 million from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.
Much of the money was set aside to build phase four of the sprawling facility along the riverfront.
“That is a state entity,” said Jindal. “They’ve got $170 million in reserves. This is above and beyond the money they use for operations.”
State Rep. Jared Brossett, D-New Orleans, calls it a money grab.
“It should not be taken and used for the state general fund,” said Brossett. “I disagree with their raiding of the fund. It’s a problem all over the state what the governor is doing as it relates to this budget.”
With the Repubs it’s all about the presentation/messaging, not their principles.
FAIL. Please proceed, Repubs.
@David Koch: Did Adam Sandler die again? Whitey Burger is alive and hopefully stands trial soon.
@Lolis: Any chance that Club Foot is still around? My band played there in the early 80’s. We got bottled one night. Only time in my life that’s happened.
My other memory of Austin is cockroaches the size of mice. When I got home I opened my suitcase on the front yard and brought everything in one piece at a time.
While we were there we went to The Continental to see Doug Sahm. That was so cool.
Cole, I live in Austin. Are you planning to do a BJ meetup while you’re in town? And are you in town for SXSW Interactive? I go every year. Could possibly meet for a beer or some whiskey. There’s going to be pretty much unlimited free alcohol in this city for the next few weeks.
Cole, I live in Austin. Are you planning to do a BJ meetup while you’re in town?
John pretty much love/hates us all and is famously not interested in meeting us. You might try DougJ, though.
I wish I was in Austin.
I didn’t know until just checking the googles he died back in ’99. Completely missed that but then, it’s not like MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON DYING. LOVE the Texas Tornadoes album, and am frequently caught singing, “If you’ve got the dinero, we can take my Camero.”
A buddy’s BIL was guitarist on a Doug Sahm album and got us into Fantasy Studio, which at the time was unchanged from the Creedence “Cosmos Factory” cover. Which had more of an impact seeing it than typing it.
Someone should frontpage this. It’s so wonderfully appropriate in the current political situation, it should be the new anthem for the Republican party.
I wish I was sitting right under the X in Texas
Right in the heart of where my heart should be
No matter where I roam
I’ll always be at home in Texas
Under the X in Texas
Is the only place for me. . .
Now I know he’s a teabaggin not job but Charlie does a nice job on Sweetwater Texas.
When I was a young man in Sweetwater Texas
Just one thing stayed on my mind
To ride a white horse over Durango Mountain
And leave Sweetwater Texas behind
@raven: This time of year is kind of a low point for the bats. They’re migratory, and peak in August/September.
@Omnes Omnibus: I acutally learned of it in a documentary where Quentin Tarantino and he brought Fiona Apple to see it! Iconoclasts.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I wish neurotypical people would mean what they say. I wish that when someone says, “I’m really excited about going to the game tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it,” it meant that they actually intended to show up. On an intellectual level I realize that most people don’t actually intend any sort of commitment when they say things like that but on a fundamental level I don’t get it. I fall for that trick every time.
Those of us on the autism spectrum allowed the rest of you to create (although you didn’t write down) the rules of social behavior. All I can say is that you guys have fucked up the job.
I grew up in ABQ, which was about the closest I got to Texas. Something about it makes me go all Thelma and Louise about the place.
I have a sister who lives in El Paso, but that’s not Austin, man. Who knows, I may end up living in El Paso, the way things are going.
Just a friendly FYI, when a Texas joint says “BBQ” what they mean is slow cooked beef.
Barbecue, of course, comes from a pig, but Texas tries, bless their hearts.
@dance around in your bones: When I was a kid we made the Chicago to LA drive often. We’d stay at the Western Skie’s motel, swim and foll around. My old man loved that place.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): As a neurotypical (actually, sometimes I worry that I’m a sociopath or a misanthropist) – I apologize for our insensitivity.
I really mean that. I have a grandson that looks like he might be “atypical” and it kinda worries me. He’s smart as hell and very imaginative, however – so I’m sure he’ll be fine? You just have to deal with what life hands you, no?
Naturally, I don’t say anything about it to his parents.
Suffern ACE
Mmmm. Stinky Cheese. But since the theme is Texas….well I don’t know how this day ties to that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Question: is tone of voice an issue for you? Sarcastic or ironic tone, etc? I certainly know that I have said things like “That sounds great,” in a tone of voice meant to convey exactly the opposite message.
I’ve been to Austin once, for a professional conference. Barbecue at Iron Works and live music on Sixth Street. It was lots of fun.
I was actually born on the outskirts of Chicago, and we moved to ABQ when I was around 5 or 6? I remember driving there in the family station wagon and thinking I was going to see Cowboys and Indians any time now.
Then we got to my parent’s friends place in ABQ and I promptly threw up in their hallway.
We DID go to a lot of Indian reservations later on down the road, saw the dances, ate the fry bread. New Mexico is a good place to grow up.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Omnes Omnibus: It can be an issue, but not in this case. The person seemed genuinely excited. She was asking where a good place to park near the arena is. That just doesn’t seem like the question you ask when you’re just kidding.
On the other hand, the Gophers are now 36-0 and have scored 20 times since they last gave up a goal. The penalty kill is +2 on the season. And right now they’re doing it without the best player in the country on the ice.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): I’m not entirely sure how many people actually understand whatever rules there supposedly are. Far as I know I’ve never been diagnosed with anything beyond chronic curmudgeonliness and so-called normal people baffle me. Luckily, there are enough of the other kind. I’ve a sneaky suspicion that many people are just faking it — no wonder it’s a mess. Not to imply you’re not wrestling with more bafflement than most, but don’t underestimate others confusion with the muddle of social existence.
Omnes Omnibus
@scav: Plus the rules are like those in Pirates of Caribbean – more like guidelines.
Sometimes people are just trying to be polite. That’s the basic social funky fabric.
And sometimes stuff comes up that makes you not able to carry through with your implied promises.
Try not to take it to heart so much. One thing I have always told my kids is that people are never thinking about you as much as you think they are. That’s life.
Sadly, Austin has no BBQ. They have this thing they do with beef that is reminiscent of BBQ, but just isn’t the same.
I did once see Guided by Voices there though. Some outdoor “bbq” venue. A joint went from guitarist to me to Pollard, which is probably true of every other person who was there.
I also saw a buncha other bands in a buncha other bars and even bought cds from many, but GbV was the only one that ever mattered.
@dance around in your bones:
Yeah, I figured as much. But now that he’s crawling out of his undisclosed location, posting pics of himself, and travelling to conferences, I figured it was worth asking.
@clussman: Cole explicitly said he hates it when people invite him for a beer when he is in town, but it won’t stop me from inviting him for one if he ever lets us know he’s coming to Seattle. Getting to annoy him would probably be as much fun as meeting him.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Maybe everyone in the Austin area should email Cole about meeting up. Two for the price of one.
I’m not entirely sure how many people actually understand whatever rules there supposedly are.
I agree. That’s just more evidence that you’ve all fucked this up. Your rules for social behavior don’t even make sense to *you*. I mean, if they did then I could at least understand why you do it even though it all baffles me. But you don’t. You can’t even get it right for yourselves.
It’s time for you to just abdicate your authority and let those of us on the spectrum take over.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Actually, I don’t think there’s any system that would really work universally. Regimenting jello is the basic issue. What makes sense to one person is ass backwards to the next, and we’re a mass of contradictions over and beyond our confusions. And that’s even if we’re well intentioned and trying to get along.
@joel hanes: Have you ever met a lawyer in the depths of an ether binge?
dance around in your bones
Raoul Duke: And that, I think, was the handle – that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of old and evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look west, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark – that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
While shopping online for something to wear, I thought how helpful it would be if. among the many other costume categories, there was “Costumes that do not require Spanx.”
I believe that would be under “Muppets”. (Still have many yards of sequin-dazzled ruby velour that I intend for an Aughra costume one of these here years… )
@MikeJ: We’d just have a meet-up with or without him. And if/when he didn’t show we’d just mock him mercilessly as we liveblogged.
Those of us on the autism spectrum allowed the rest of you to create (although you didn’t write down) the rules of social behavior. All I can say is that you guys have fucked up the job.
May I recommend — probably not for the first time — Miss Manners’ first book, which is available on kindle & almost certainly thru your local library?
I am ADD, dyslexic, and was raised by wolves human ferals. When the book first came out in 1983, I read it cover to cover, which was easy because it was so entertaining. But more importantly, Judith Martin uses etiquette to spell out the substructure by which modern American neurotypicals have built our society, explaining in minute detail why “I’ll call you” can mean either “I look forward to becoming soulmates” or “Never come near me again or I’m getting a restraining order”, depending on context. She actually does write down all the stuff Normals pick up ‘automatically’.
I have a grandson that looks like he might be “atypical” and it kinda worries me. He’s smart as hell and very imaginative, however – so I’m sure he’ll be fine? You just have to deal with what life hands you, no?
Naturally, I don’t say anything about it to his parents.
Of course you don’t want to scare your kids unnecessarily, but on the other hand, if the little guy is ‘atypical’ then the earlier he gets access to special assistance, the better.
I’m reading Far from the Tree, which is every bit as good as its reviews, but it’s terrifying even though I don’t have kids. Just the chapter on autism could be a stand-alone book, and there’s a bibliography long enough to published as a scholarly monogram.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and book recommendation.
The kid seems to have anger issues (usually directed at his little brother – shit rolls downhill) and lately has taken to chewing on his fingers. I’m not sure this is entirely atypical but I am keeping an eye on him. I will talk to the parents about it if it seems to worsen…..gads, I saw one of those “My Strange Addiction” shows yesterday that had a 24 yr old who wrapped a bit of blankie around her thumb and sucked it constantly, in public, even.
People can be weird. Not excepting myself from that statement, either.
I am ADD, dyslexic, and was raised by wolves human ferals.
So sorry to hear that. I too have ADHD and dyslexia. It’s hard to deal with. For example, I know it’s not my fault, and I know I do everything to compensate, but still, I get so embarrassed when I misspell words that I want to crawl into a hole.
I hate sports, but would certainly be interested in a MN Balloon-juice meetup.
I second the barbecue nominations above, especially Snow’s in Lexington (open only Saturday mornings), Louis Mueller’s in Taylor (scheduled to reopen yesterday after having been closed for the last couple of weeks because of a pit fire), and Black’s in Lockhart (Smitty’s and Kreuz’s, too, for that matter). Franklin’s in Austin is some of the best, but that can be a hassle unless you order ahead for pickup. (They often run out of meat by 11:00 a.m.) I would also add to the list Stiles Switch on N. Lamar in Austin. Not Snow’s or Franklin’s level of greatness, but pretty good. Enjoy!
Hey Cole,
If you’re still in town Saturday (the 9th)stop by and see my band play at Russian House (307 East 5th, 8-11). We play blues/jazz/gypsy (me on vocals and accordion, plus cello, trumpet, clarinet, guitar, bass and drums. They have Russian (and Soviet) costumes you can wear, and some very tasty vodka infusions. Hope to see you there!
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Are you there just for shits & giggles, or is Mr. Cole on a mission?
He rode into town on a fat white cat….
You should go to JMueller BBQ on South Congress to eat. Although I’m sure he’s sold out for today and he won’t be open again until Thursday. In which case you should go to Sam’s on East Sixth Street and get the mutton ribs. Or try one of the joints down in Lockart (about 40 miles southeast).
Joseph Nobles
@Joseph Nobles: Is it SXSW time? Then forget about JMueller’s or Franklin’s for BBQ; they’ll be packed. Sam’s will do, provided you go late at night, and Lockart will be fine. You might want to try Louie Mueller’s in Taylor (aobut 40 miles northeast).
What kind of shots does an American need to get before going to Texas?
Texas isn’t afraid of you.
@MoeLarryAndJesus: Buckshot.
John, Does your trip there have anything to do with the LabVIEW conference? My son is flying in tomorrow for it with some fellow engineers.
master c
Texas wants you anyway.
Mornington Crescent
All four parts of a barbershop quartet performed by one singer:
General Stuck
You are aware they execute the bewildered in that god forsaken state. Just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and innocent as a baby calf. Austin may be fairly liberal, but I wouldn’t go out unless you absolutely have to.
Austin isn’t really Texas…
The Dangerman
I saw a TV show on Black’s BBQ in Lockhart; worth the trouble from Austin? I figure with a
fluffylargegigantic white cat, going to Blacks seems apropos.jl
Cole got stuck inside a lamp post somehow?
WTF are we supposed to do about it?
@Tommybones: Yes, it’s not really Texas, except for that being in the middle of the state part and being the capital part. Other than that, not Texas at all.
Oh, Austin… I haven’t been there in almost 20 years. I was on a children’s theater tour and had just been dumped by my boyfriend. Austin offered me many fine places to drown my sorrows.
Tonight, the husband and I are off to celebrated a friend’s 40th birthday. Said friend decided he wanted a superhero/supervillain theme party. Costumes are required. While shopping online for something to wear, I thought how helpful it would be if. among the many other costume categories, there was “Costumes that do not require Spanx.”
@ruemara: Is it part of transferring a blegpet cross country?
Or people have some other reason for travelling?
@Nicole: I don’t know why they don’t just label women’s costumes by degree of sleeziness.
Is the Broken Spoke still there?
@Nicole: There may actually be people (more likely androids or some such) who do not require spanx for such costumes.
@YellowJournalism: On internet, sleazy labels you.
@catclub: I bet those androids dream of electric sheep.
@raven: The Broken Spoke is still there, complete with old guy dancers who make sure every female gets a turn at the two-step.
@Jane2: I saw Frieda and the Firedogs there about 40 years ago. Frieda is Marcia Ball.
Mike in NC
Last time I was in Texas several years ago, I spent two weeks at Fort Hood in August. God did it suck. On my one day off I visited the Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg.
@Mike in NC: This was me in Texas 4o years ago!
Listening to John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey, Dance Hall at Louse Point.
Damn that’s a good album.
Keith G
Well, Cole, if ya ever get to downtown Houston dinner is on me.
@raven: They still have great acts and lots of cold Shiner. I don’t think the bathrooms have been cleaned since you were last there.
Hill Dweller
@MikeJ: Love me some PJ Harvey.
Keith G
@raven: Well, ya got the fishes. Where’d ya stash the bread? The crowd is getting hungry.
@Jane2: And I haven’t had a drink in 20! We went to the Armadillo too and saw Michael Martin. . .
@Keith G: That was one of my earliest fishin trips, I had no idea it would become what it has for me.
@raven: I saw him in Vegas…he was a right wing loon that night.
@Jane2: She went callin Wiiiiidfire. . .
“Austin is long on music, migas and markets”—Molly Ivins
Going to bed soon because this week my body wants to sleep from 8 to 4. This is something that is not under my control.
Habs 1, Pens 0. Just an update.
No offense, but that is one humongous booger.
Keith G
@raven: It gets in your blood. I have several friends around Galveston Bay who are married to a fine boat and keep a good wife.
@Keith G: “Well, if he’s really, really dead, it would take a miracle.”
@JenJen: Heh. I might slightly annoy a Dawg later. Et allez les habs!
@PeakVT: At times, I’ll be on a nine to five shift but mostly ten to six. Eight is a tad early, my friend. just sayin Pretty soon the sun will still be shining at that time so your clock will be readjusted.
@PeakVT:sorry for the double post
@raven: Wiiiiidfire”?
Wheel of fortune might give you an L.
I thought you guys didn’t like PBS/NPR as part of the Village. I think sometimes they are but mostly they aren’t – certainly not part of the news entertainment complex.
Dude if you can actually get in to see a show Austin City Limits, you’re in for a treat. I hear it’s an awesome experience.
“Let me be weak, let me sleep, and dream of sheep”
Dee Loralei
Also YouTube “House of Cardinals” the perfect spoof and timely too!
That’s the French section of Texas, right?
Juan In A Million for brunchies.
I just finished the BBC version of House of Cards and it’s different from the American version. There was more chemistry between Spacey and Wright but Richardson is the ultimate ambitious sociopath. Because of the length of time between the series, it seems like a different show, imo.
I went to bed at 9pm on Friday, then the puppy woke me every hour on the hour by jumping on my head, at 2am, 3am, and 4am. By 5am I figured it was just time to get up and give up the battle. I figured that I will be in bed by 9pm again tonight so’s the puppy can do her thing. *sigh*
OT HORRORS!. Man possibly forced into parenthood without his consent and with monetary consequences for years! Anyone going to bring up that once that sperm exited his body it should perform its sacred task in the production of snowflakes? If he didn’t want to be a father, he should have kept those wigglers where they belonged. Once the sexual bits leave the body, doesn’t it not matter what happens to them next according to the transvaginal principle?
Not to actually condone stealing sperm all the same. (Guess the regular act was just too traumatizing for the woman, or something.) Amusing to contemplate who is going to get most control of their gametes though in this post-discrimination world.
Mr Stagger Lee
@JPL: Richardson is ten times the prick as Urqhart than Spacey is as Underwood. I loved them both.
@JPL: Unfortunately, the sun has very little effect on my sleep cycle.
@Litlebritdifrnt: At least that will end in a year or so. And puppeh kisses make everything better anyway.
@General Stuck:
Geez General you sound like one of those wingnuts who insist we must invade Iran because he’s afraid of the elastic in his underwear!
@raven: Those bass were illegal to keep even 40 years ago!
Okay, that was a surreal moment.
In the kitchen prepping for big cooking adventure this afternoon. TCM on in other living room, in the background.
Announcement made that the Burt Lancaster movie “The Train” will be on later today.
However, what with being in another room and the bubbling of stuff simmering on stovetop partially masking the sound, what I heard was the announcer say “And then Burt Lancaster tries to stop The Tranny.”
And for the record Snow’s BBQ in Lexington is the best in Texas.
Don’t take my word for it, just ask Texas Monthly Magazine
That is if Miss Tootsie is still alive and
Can’t be SXSW yet. That doesn’t start till the 8th. But it may be a good time to hang out for a couple weeks if ya know what I’m sayin’ John. Could be fun.
@Mr Stagger Lee: It will be interesting to see what card topples Underwood.
Another weekend another birthday party in NOLA. Today’s party is for my twin aunt and uncle’s 44th birthday. The bar is stocked, the DJ is on da ones and twos, the crawfish is boiling, the oysters bout to go on da grill and da party ain’t even started yet!
dance around in your bones
He’s on a mission from Gawd.
If you’re in the cool parts of town next weekend, ye shall know me by my shirt.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
anybody know if MyDD has folded it’s tent? They seem to have slowly fizzled out over the last few years, but now the link goes nowhere. I wonder if Jerome Armstrong finally joined the Trappists or something when Willard failed to avenge Hillary.
Mrs J and I just got back from a visit to the new microbrewery just down the road. Opened today and may have wood fired pizza kiln operating soon. Beer was tasty but the crowd seemed too young to drink. New crop of hippies, looked like.
To be fair, I’m afraid of the elastic in his underwear, too.
Austin. Bats. Grackle shit. IBM training courses. Other than that, I got nuthin.
@jeffreyw: funny.. what goes around, comes around, I guess.
@catclub: I figured it was a beer run gone horribly, horribly long.
central texas
J. Mueller has been involved in a bit of drama over the last few months but will be back in business as:
Also, responding to another poster; yes, the Broken Spoke lives though it is in the middle of a severe attack of “progress”, surrounded by construction.
Jeffrey, I saw the picture of Katie on the what’s for dinner site. Since your wife works with animals, I know she has several techniques for luring her back to the tribe. Have you tried sleeping with the stuffed animal before leaving for Katie? When I left dogs at the kennel I used to leave a pair of my jeans so they would have the scent.
you have unfortunately missed the texas rollergirls, unless you want to stay the entire month.
I live in Austin:
Here are my essentials:
1.) Catch a show at Alamo Drafthouse Ritz or S. Lamar locations. Best to see an original show like Master Pancake or a Sing-a-long.
2.) LBJ Museum
3.) La Condesa Happy Hour – amazing half price apps, like grilled corn on the cob with parmesan cheese.
4.) Koriente – excellent downtown food, healthy, local, I love the Jabchai, sweet potato noodles, great teas, etc.
5.) The flagship Whole Foods
6.) Peche – Sunday and Monday has all day happy hour and turn this place into a bargain. Only certain marked drinks are half price. I love the ones with champagne.
7.) East Sixth – So many awesome bars to choose, Liberty, White Horse, Eastside Showroom, The Grackle
8.) Club DeVille is my favorite Red River bar
9.) Mt. Bonnell, take a short walk up for a great view of Austin, nearby here is the grounds of the Austin Museum of Art Laguna Gloria location which are great for a lovely stroll. The museum is a big skip. Right by here is a cute park with a bunch of peacocks and coi ponds.
10.) Eat in the front patio of The Driskill Hotel. food is not amazing, great chocolate cake though, but view is fun and good ambiance. The restaurant is called 1888 or something.
I give you the new voice of Republican reason: Herr Karl Rove. No, seriously guys. Stop the guffawing, the lot of you.
Also, many have recommended a new bbq place:
It is down the street from Franklin and will not have the crowds. I plan on taking friends during SXSW. It is a craft meat trailer.
@trollhattan: wtf.. values? applying timeless principles to new circumstances? Do you have any idea what he is talking about?
I saw this earlier today.. This is what repubs do
BATON ROUGE, La. — The budget hole in Baton Rouge has now grown to an estimated $1.3 billion for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Gov. Bobby Jindal is hoping to avoid massive cuts to higher education and healthcare by taking money from reserve funds across the state.
His $24.7 billion spending proposal would get $100 million from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.
Much of the money was set aside to build phase four of the sprawling facility along the riverfront.
“That is a state entity,” said Jindal. “They’ve got $170 million in reserves. This is above and beyond the money they use for operations.”
State Rep. Jared Brossett, D-New Orleans, calls it a money grab.
“It should not be taken and used for the state general fund,” said Brossett. “I disagree with their raiding of the fund. It’s a problem all over the state what the governor is doing as it relates to this budget.”
David Koch
Mokhtar BelmokhtarOsama bin LadenMohmar KhaddaffyiAdam SandlerAnwar al-awlakiWhitey BulgerAndrew Breitbarttrollhattan
Sadly, I’ve lost my English-Wingnut/Wingnut-English dictionary, so I’m stuck on “Give me your money and I’ll fix it.”
Seems too simple.
dance around in your bones
With the Repubs it’s all about the presentation/messaging, not their principles.
FAIL. Please proceed, Repubs.
@David Koch: Did Adam Sandler die again? Whitey Burger is alive and hopefully stands trial soon.
@Lolis: Any chance that Club Foot is still around? My band played there in the early 80’s. We got bottled one night. Only time in my life that’s happened.
My other memory of Austin is cockroaches the size of mice. When I got home I opened my suitcase on the front yard and brought everything in one piece at a time.
While we were there we went to The Continental to see Doug Sahm. That was so cool.
Ben Cisco
Was stationed in Austin circa ’88-92. Loved it. Alas, haven’t been back since my retirement tour in ’94. Miss the BBQ.
Beer meetup Sunday evening?
Scholzes Beer Garden?
I’m in!!!
I agree. They should do it more often.
“She’s about a mover.”
Just a Doug Sahm shout-out. Carry on.
@trollhattan: Ahh yes – I remember Sir Douglas well.
Actually saw his son playing his slot with the Texas Tornadoes a couple years back. Very sweet.
Sup, John!
/waves from Houston
Cole, I live in Austin. Are you planning to do a BJ meetup while you’re in town? And are you in town for SXSW Interactive? I go every year. Could possibly meet for a beer or some whiskey. There’s going to be pretty much unlimited free alcohol in this city for the next few weeks.
Pens-Habs game is EPIC. 6-6 with 4 minutes to go.
It’s like they’re making it up to the fans for all that lockout nonsense or something.
silver perch? (yellow tails)
Poor the rest of Texas. They just don’t have the right attitude.
@tybee:I think they were little speckled sea trout.
dance around in your bones
John pretty much love/hates us all and is famously not interested in meeting us. You might try DougJ, though.
I wish I was in Austin.
I didn’t know until just checking the googles he died back in ’99. Completely missed that but then, it’s not like MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON DYING. LOVE the Texas Tornadoes album, and am frequently caught singing, “If you’ve got the dinero, we can take my Camero.”
A buddy’s BIL was guitarist on a Doug Sahm album and got us into Fantasy Studio, which at the time was unchanged from the Creedence “Cosmos Factory” cover. Which had more of an impact seeing it than typing it.
Someone should frontpage this. It’s so wonderfully appropriate in the current political situation, it should be the new anthem for the Republican party.
(From one of the greatest Marx Bros movies)
“I’m against it”
Pens win in OT. As warmed as my heart is by North American fellowship, I’m out of whiskey.
@dance around in your bones:
I wish I was sitting right under the X in Texas
Right in the heart of where my heart should be
No matter where I roam
I’ll always be at home in Texas
Under the X in Texas
Is the only place for me. . .
Now I know he’s a teabaggin not job but Charlie does a nice job on Sweetwater Texas.
When I was a young man in Sweetwater Texas
Just one thing stayed on my mind
To ride a white horse over Durango Mountain
And leave Sweetwater Texas behind
Somebody somewhere nearby can fix you up. Because that would be sad.
I’m told I have too much wine in the basement. As if.
Tea for Texas, . . . That state that made a wreck out of meee-eee . .
Omnes Omnibus
@JenJen: Ohmygodohmygdohmygodohmygdohmygodohmygdohmygodohmygdohmygodohmygdohmygod!
Torchy’s Tacos. Waterloo Records. The Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. Stuff in Austin that’s awesome and not a bar.
@Firebert: What about the bats?
Here’s an Austin song that brings BIG memories
My daddy sent me off to Baton Rouge in nineteen-sixty-nine
He said our love was like a forest fire and he’d end it with the miles
So you rode with us to Temple, Texas where I did catch the train
I remember waving back at you through a silted window pane
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Aren’t bats more of a concern between Barstow and Vegas?
One Jimmy Rogers and suddenly I’m off into Hank Snow and the Rumba Boogie. Dangerous stuff.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bats Departing from Congress Bridge in Austin, Texas
I’m surprised they let you in. I thought they shot our kind at the border.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Holy fuck.
One and a half million bats take off daily.
@raven: This time of year is kind of a low point for the bats. They’re migratory, and peak in August/September.
@Omnes Omnibus: I acutally learned of it in a documentary where Quentin Tarantino and he brought Fiona Apple to see it! Iconoclasts.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I wish neurotypical people would mean what they say. I wish that when someone says, “I’m really excited about going to the game tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it,” it meant that they actually intended to show up. On an intellectual level I realize that most people don’t actually intend any sort of commitment when they say things like that but on a fundamental level I don’t get it. I fall for that trick every time.
Those of us on the autism spectrum allowed the rest of you to create (although you didn’t write down) the rules of social behavior. All I can say is that you guys have fucked up the job.
@Firebert: Oh, well, I tried.
dance around in your bones
I grew up in ABQ, which was about the closest I got to Texas. Something about it makes me go all Thelma and Louise about the place.
I have a sister who lives in El Paso, but that’s not Austin, man. Who knows, I may end up living in El Paso, the way things are going.
Just a friendly FYI, when a Texas joint says “BBQ” what they mean is slow cooked beef.
Barbecue, of course, comes from a pig, but Texas tries, bless their hearts.
@dance around in your bones: When I was a kid we made the Chicago to LA drive often. We’d stay at the Western Skie’s motel, swim and foll around. My old man loved that place.
Damn, a post card of the Western Skies, the original!
dance around in your bones
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): As a neurotypical (actually, sometimes I worry that I’m a sociopath or a misanthropist) – I apologize for our insensitivity.
I really mean that. I have a grandson that looks like he might be “atypical” and it kinda worries me. He’s smart as hell and very imaginative, however – so I’m sure he’ll be fine? You just have to deal with what life hands you, no?
Naturally, I don’t say anything about it to his parents.
Suffern ACE
Mmmm. Stinky Cheese. But since the theme is Texas….well I don’t know how this day ties to that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Question: is tone of voice an issue for you? Sarcastic or ironic tone, etc? I certainly know that I have said things like “That sounds great,” in a tone of voice meant to convey exactly the opposite message.
I’ve been to Austin once, for a professional conference. Barbecue at Iron Works and live music on Sixth Street. It was lots of fun.
dance around in your bones
@raven: haha!
I was actually born on the outskirts of Chicago, and we moved to ABQ when I was around 5 or 6? I remember driving there in the family station wagon and thinking I was going to see Cowboys and Indians any time now.
Then we got to my parent’s friends place in ABQ and I promptly threw up in their hallway.
We DID go to a lot of Indian reservations later on down the road, saw the dances, ate the fry bread. New Mexico is a good place to grow up.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Omnes Omnibus: It can be an issue, but not in this case. The person seemed genuinely excited. She was asking where a good place to park near the arena is. That just doesn’t seem like the question you ask when you’re just kidding.
On the other hand, the Gophers are now 36-0 and have scored 20 times since they last gave up a goal. The penalty kill is +2 on the season. And right now they’re doing it without the best player in the country on the ice.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): I’m not entirely sure how many people actually understand whatever rules there supposedly are. Far as I know I’ve never been diagnosed with anything beyond chronic curmudgeonliness and so-called normal people baffle me. Luckily, there are enough of the other kind. I’ve a sneaky suspicion that many people are just faking it — no wonder it’s a mess. Not to imply you’re not wrestling with more bafflement than most, but don’t underestimate others confusion with the muddle of social existence.
Omnes Omnibus
@scav: Plus the rules are like those in Pirates of Caribbean – more like guidelines.
dance around in your bones
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
Sometimes people are just trying to be polite. That’s the basic social funky fabric.
And sometimes stuff comes up that makes you not able to carry through with your implied promises.
Try not to take it to heart so much. One thing I have always told my kids is that people are never thinking about you as much as you think they are. That’s life.
Sadly, Austin has no BBQ. They have this thing they do with beef that is reminiscent of BBQ, but just isn’t the same.
I did once see Guided by Voices there though. Some outdoor “bbq” venue. A joint went from guitarist to me to Pollard, which is probably true of every other person who was there.
I also saw a buncha other bands in a buncha other bars and even bought cds from many, but GbV was the only one that ever mattered.
@dance around in your bones:
Yeah, I figured as much. But now that he’s crawling out of his undisclosed location, posting pics of himself, and travelling to conferences, I figured it was worth asking.
@clussman: Cole explicitly said he hates it when people invite him for a beer when he is in town, but it won’t stop me from inviting him for one if he ever lets us know he’s coming to Seattle. Getting to annoy him would probably be as much fun as meeting him.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Maybe everyone in the Austin area should email Cole about meeting up. Two for the price of one.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I agree. That’s just more evidence that you’ve all fucked this up. Your rules for social behavior don’t even make sense to *you*. I mean, if they did then I could at least understand why you do it even though it all baffles me. But you don’t. You can’t even get it right for yourselves.
It’s time for you to just abdicate your authority and let those of us on the spectrum take over.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus:
Let’s all email Cole and ask him out for a beer/meeting – wherever we are. That would be fun. All over the country! And perhaps out of the country!
He’d delete all our emails in a flash.
@MikeJ: GbV is on a very short list of Bands That Matter, period.
@dance around in your bones:
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m in. Let’s do this.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Actually, I don’t think there’s any system that would really work universally. Regimenting jello is the basic issue. What makes sense to one person is ass backwards to the next, and we’re a mass of contradictions over and beyond our confusions. And that’s even if we’re well intentioned and trying to get along.
dance around in your bones
@clussman: It’s like Toga! Toga! Toga!
Cole might put us on double secret probation, tho.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: He lets trolls post. Why not people who troll him?
joel hanes
@Omnes Omnibus:
And all he was worried about was the ether
Omnes Omnibus
@joel hanes: Have you ever met a lawyer in the depths of an ether binge?
dance around in your bones
Nice Fear and Loathing refs, guys.
Anne Laurie
I believe that would be under “Muppets”. (Still have many yards of sequin-dazzled ruby velour that I intend for an Aughra costume one of these here years… )
@MikeJ: We’d just have a meet-up with or without him. And if/when he didn’t show we’d just mock him mercilessly as we liveblogged.
Anne Laurie
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
May I recommend — probably not for the first time — Miss Manners’ first book, which is available on kindle & almost certainly thru your local library?
I am ADD, dyslexic, and was raised by
wolveshuman ferals. When the book first came out in 1983, I read it cover to cover, which was easy because it was so entertaining. But more importantly, Judith Martin uses etiquette to spell out the substructure by which modern American neurotypicals have built our society, explaining in minute detail why “I’ll call you” can mean either “I look forward to becoming soulmates” or “Never come near me again or I’m getting a restraining order”, depending on context. She actually does write down all the stuff Normals pick up ‘automatically’.ETA: Missed the link! :
Anne Laurie
@dance around in your bones:
Of course you don’t want to scare your kids unnecessarily, but on the other hand, if the little guy is ‘atypical’ then the earlier he gets access to special assistance, the better.
I’m reading Far from the Tree, which is every bit as good as its reviews, but it’s terrifying even though I don’t have kids. Just the chapter on autism could be a stand-alone book, and there’s a bibliography long enough to published as a scholarly monogram.
dance around in your bones
@Anne Laurie:
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and book recommendation.
The kid seems to have anger issues (usually directed at his little brother – shit rolls downhill) and lately has taken to chewing on his fingers. I’m not sure this is entirely atypical but I am keeping an eye on him. I will talk to the parents about it if it seems to worsen…..gads, I saw one of those “My Strange Addiction” shows yesterday that had a 24 yr old who wrapped a bit of blankie around her thumb and sucked it constantly, in public, even.
People can be weird. Not excepting myself from that statement, either.
David Koch
@Anne Laurie:
So sorry to hear that. I too have ADHD and dyslexia. It’s hard to deal with. For example, I know it’s not my fault, and I know I do everything to compensate, but still, I get so embarrassed when I misspell words that I want to crawl into a hole.
@dance around in your bones:
In the Chili Parlor bar
Drinkin mad dog margaritas
And not carin where you are
If I was in Austin this week, I might go see this lineup:
Thu 3/07
Billy Joe Shaver
Ray Wylie Hubbard
Chris Layton
Malford Milligan
Derek O’Brien
Mayeux and Broussard
at Antone’s.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
I hate sports, but would certainly be interested in a MN Balloon-juice meetup.
I second the barbecue nominations above, especially Snow’s in Lexington (open only Saturday mornings), Louis Mueller’s in Taylor (scheduled to reopen yesterday after having been closed for the last couple of weeks because of a pit fire), and Black’s in Lockhart (Smitty’s and Kreuz’s, too, for that matter). Franklin’s in Austin is some of the best, but that can be a hassle unless you order ahead for pickup. (They often run out of meat by 11:00 a.m.) I would also add to the list Stiles Switch on N. Lamar in Austin. Not Snow’s or Franklin’s level of greatness, but pretty good. Enjoy!
Central Planning
Does licking his balls make puppy kisses better or worse?
I think that’s why I am not a dog person.
Hey Cole,
If you’re still in town Saturday (the 9th)stop by and see my band play at Russian House (307 East 5th, 8-11). We play blues/jazz/gypsy (me on vocals and accordion, plus cello, trumpet, clarinet, guitar, bass and drums. They have Russian (and Soviet) costumes you can wear, and some very tasty vodka infusions. Hope to see you there!