Reader J writes to share that Paul Krugman and Morning Ho will be debating tonight on Charlie Rose, if you dare to watch it. Open thread.
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Reader J writes to share that Paul Krugman and Morning Ho will be debating tonight on Charlie Rose, if you dare to watch it. Open thread.
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Ash Can
So Krugman will make Scarborough cry and Rose will be disgusted at the uncivilized tenor of the conversation, right?
Hill Dweller
Squint Scarborough becoming a high profile media personality is a sign of the apocalypse.
Fist fight breaks out, Charlie Rose wields a broken gin bottle but cuts the shit out of himself.
Fade to black.
General Stuck
I’m up to here with pundits from both sides. And never have thought that much of them. Though Krugman debating Joe Scarface should be a Raggity Man versus Master Blaster affair. And Joe being too stupid to know he is that stupid, cannot be defeated in any rational sense.
@General Stuck:
What was it that Mika’s Dad called Joe once–“spectacularly superficial”?
the Conster
@Hill Dweller:
He’s carving out his niche as the 21st century version of Gingrich who can be for some gun control while blaming everything on Obama while fellating Reagan twenty times every day and holding liberals in contempt for being right while railing against being the stupid party. A Villager’s Villager, IOW.
Suffern ACE
I don’t know. I think Scarborough is too lazy to prepare, but I think Krugman could get flustered easily if Scarborough were at all keen on getting inside his head. “Economists say the recession is over. So if we don’t cut our spending now, when will we?” Stuff like that. Or “Look at how well Wisconsin and Texas are doing in their new unregulated environments”, or “Slovakia is thriving under austerity. Sure all of its young people are leaving, but if the economy sucks, the unemployed should just move to Germany.”
I’m rooting for injuries, since Krugman will be protected by his shield of logical invincibility.
@the Conster: 2 thumbs up on your comment, the Conster. I found some bitterness in my laughter.
This sort of long-form conversation, where you can follow up on false assertions, disproportionately favors Krugman, even if Rose plays “on the other handism.”
But also, Joe won’t be able to direct and dictate the conversation as he can on his own show and won’t be able to deflect onto another “expert.” I’d expect him to tone down his bald and patently false assertions, stick to the things that he knows Krugman agrees with, and play the margins more like the former politician he is.
They’ll find some common ground and then Joe will splice and dice the results on his own show to make it look like he’s won.
c u n d gulag
Why would I watch?
I’ve already seen Dr. Krugman steal Cup O’ Schmoe’s lunch-money, and give him a wedgie and a spanking on national TV (ok – it was MSNBC).
What more can he do to make Schmoe look any stupider?
He can just sit there, and smile and have the same wry twinkle in his eye, like he does when George Will yaps on ABC, right before Dr. K, in one line, makes Will look like a bespeckled hooked bass.
Let Schmoe drone on and on for 59 minutes, Dr. K, and then destroy him in the last 60 seconds.
Hill Dweller
@Suffern ACE: Krugman is really good in a format like Rose’s show, which is different from the Sunday show panels and/or a five minute interview on a cable show.
I’ve seen Krugman absolutely destroy David Brooks on Rose’s show. I hope he does the same to Squint.
Scarborough is about as likely to win this debate as I am to keep Kyrie Irving out of the lane.
General Stuck
Diplomat speak for moron.
@MomSense: “Stunningly superficial“
@Hill Dweller:
Yes, but it’s the apocalypse for television news. Just like the Tea Party, as their influence wanes they get more and more crazy – and their influence wanes further.
”spectacularly superficial”
Crystalline synopsis of how to succeed in today’s smartphone village vortex.
Is Scarborough getting ready to run for office or something?
I find willful ignorance painful. No way I could watch this.
Joe Scarborough doesn’t debate – he lies and threatens.
Krugman just wins.
You bastard. I didn’t spray the fake-lemonade I was drinking on my keyboard, but I did aspirate it. And it rather hurts like hell.
@Hill Dweller:
Of course, the problem with winning a debate in this venue is that even though over 80% of the program’s viewers will completely agree that Krugman totally destroyed Brooks or Scarborough, that’s 80% of a relatively minscule total audience that’s barely enough to win a mayoral election in a medium-sized city. Why > 80? because a substantial portion of the 27%-ers won’t bother to leave their Fox cocoon to watch. Not to be totally dismissive of the event’s importance, it will have more influence than winning an argument on some obscure internet blog such as…um, we’ll forego defaming anywhere with specific examples, but youknowhatImean.
But Brooks will unfortunately still (by virtue of the compressed-time format) be able to maintain faux-parity with Krugman on the much better-watched major Sunday talking-heads programs (though even here we’re only talking about audiences in the low-to-mid single-digit millions on most Sundays).
I won’t be able to watch, so the dare makes no difference to me.
I hope Mornin’ Joe continues to counter Krugman with his sworn enemies like Blinder. Or maybe DeLong, Stigltitz or some other reactionary nutcase economist. That would be the real finals intertubes style Biblical smackdown of Krugman, for evs.
@General Stuck: Or as Churchill once said about a fellow MP ‘he is a modest man with much to be modest about’
Mike E
I predict we’ll see fades and jump cuts due to Joe storming off the set at least a couple times. Butt hurt is some serious pain to rump Repubs.
Julia Grey
He’s been there and done that. There wasn’t enough money in it.
@BGK: A neti pot with lemon juice would be – surprising.
Full Metal Wingnut
Morning Joke! Ah
That’s it!
The Other Chuck
Krugman will destroy Joe, and I’m sure both of Charlie Rose’s viewers who remain awake at the end of his show will agree.
Whoa, whoa, whao. Back up.
Mika is Zbigniew Brzezinski’s daughter?
Well paint me green and call me a walrus.
Hard to tell, isn’t it? But, sadly, that particular apple seems to have fallen far from the tree.
And Mika’s mother is a sculptor, in some circles better known than her father.
I’m sooo sorry. Noone should discover these things without sufficient warning or vodka. Vodka helps greatly in soothing these sorts of shocks.
David Koch
I really wish Krugman wouldn’t lower himself (and our side) by appearing with an idiot who killed an intern.
What’s next – KThug debating trade policy with Oscar Pistorius?
@MomSense: Actually, he said Joe was stunningly superficial. I was watching that morning – it was great to see Scarborough’s expression. I thought he was going to explode.
@Julia Grey: There is also the issue of the dead intern.
In even better TV watching news, for those of us without HBO:
The Sundance channel is going to run 2 episodes of Breaking Bad on Monday nights, beginning tonight, at 11:00 p Eastern.
Pilot and second are up tonight.
RE Krugman v Scarborough: any thoughts on a drinking game?
Although I may not actually imbibe; too much stupid on parade.
Bruce s
Wow – why doesn’t that bully Krugman pick on someone his own size?
Next – George Stephanopoulos v Dennis Rodman.
Oh – wait a minute…
uh-oh Krugman is already setting expectations that he got beat by Scarscum tonight, who apparently was playing fast and loose with the facts and changing his perspective, go figure. Krugs was unprepared for this, which shocks me. I could have told him Scar would pull that crap.