House Republicans are intent on defunding ACORN, despite the fact that it is deader than Tupac and Biggie combined:
A new short-term budget bill introduced on Monday by House Republicans includes a bizarre provision banning federal funding to anti-poverty group ACORN, despite the fact that the group has already been stripped of federal funding — and has been defunct for nearly three years.
ACORN leaders announced that the group was disbanding in March 2010, after Congress cut off all federal funding to the organization. The provision in the current GOP budget bill [PDF], buried on page 221 of 269, would duplicate legislation that has already passed, to target an organization that does not exist.
I guess some boogie monsters are just too good to let go.
Next: give Corpse Breitbart a Medal of Freedom.
The greatest trick ACORN ever pulled was convincing the world it didn’t exist.
Reluctantly, I think we should make some sort of bargain here. Maybe we should give up all that sweet, sweet, ACORN money, but only if they give up something too.
Most Repuke Congresscritters probably believe that still ACORN exists. They’re not the brightest lot.
Hunter Gathers
They’ll still be running on ACORN! and Benghazi! 30 years from now. But I can only imagine the tale they’ll tell in 30 years about how much they were oppressed during the Dark Reign of The Kenyan Muslim Usurper.
Oh they only want you think that they’re defunct.
Obama won the 2012 election, didn’t he? What more proof of ACORN still being around do you need?
I hope somewhere in the bill a Dept. of Redundancy Dept. is established. The Dept. can liaise with the Soviet Union and such.
So bascially any Get Out the Vote effort in a GOP unpopular area becomes “Stealth ACORN” operation, and tea partiers are justified in being jerks?
If we were RedState, this would be our cue to start mailing bags of acorns to the relevant Representatives.
When you have a hit song like ACORN, you’ve just got to keep it in the heavy airplay rotation.
Thank heavens the GOP is on the job. Next they need to target Friends of Hamas — before it does any more damage.
After that, they need to take Gus Hall into custody — there’s no telling how much vital information he has about communists in the State Department.
Cutting funding for ACORN is a good start to solving our budget woes, but how about getting rid of the subsidies going to companies like Lehman Brothers, Enron, and Pan Am?
The same bill mandates six day a week postal delivery for the next 3 decades according to Ed at Washington Monthly. link
edit the link is to the article at the which has the story
From Steve Benen at MaddowBlog, December 5, 2012:
“The right still thinks ACORN exists”
There’s also a link there to a piece by Steve M./No More Mister Niceblog detailing Faux News stories on ACORN’s “rebranding.”
The conservative entertainment complex continues to be the catechism for right-wing beliefs.
Maybe we should recall our ambassador to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and stop foreign aid from going to the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium.
General Stuck
To the wingnuts ACORN was and continues to be a symbol of what is happening to them in THEIR country. Not enough wingnut babies and future voters being born to keep them in power. So they indulged in deep fantasy, that if they could kill the vote reg monster ACORN, then they could sleep at night and all would continue peaches and cream, in the land profit.
It was a fantasy, as ACORN was not their problem, their problem was a country marching to its own destiny as a matter of math, and the promise of the founders realized as a truly melting pot country. “Your tired hungry masses” and all that kind of thing.
So even with the corporeal ACORN as historical worm food, it’s ghost is all they have to project their fear and dread onto, over something which they have no real control. Demographics, being a force unto itself, that can only be stopped by killing the democracy of the country it lives in. They haven’t quite made the decision to go all in with that last resort, as we are not quite into the end game for loss of white majority in America. yet.
ACORN has the same number of letters as SOROS.
Coincidence? I think not.
Ted & Hellen
What’s wonderful and really great though, is how President Obama and the Congressional Dems went to the mat to defend ACORN and maintain its funding despite the comically, transparently bogus attacks from the right.
Oh, wait…
…never mind.
Short Bus Bully
John, you’re again pre-supposing that the GOP and reality are in any way friendly or even on speaking terms. The closest equivalent I know of to the modern GOP is the LARPers down the street in the park charging each other with cardboard swords.
The first rule of ACORN is no one is allowed to talk about ACORN still being alive.
Dammit, I almost choked on a gulp of water.Too funny but some wingnut has probably already thought of this.
Roger Moore
Given that Romney was talking about the importance of supporting Czechoslovakia in 2012, is this a big surprise?
@Ted & Hellen:
All for something completely new and GOP Shenanigans-proof to come along and help Obama win the election non-the-less.
Far be it for me to take away from your Hacktackular Jizzgasmic Contrianisms and Troll-erific Assholery of this blog, however!
So please! Wank away …
OT – Jon Stewart is taking a 12-week hiatus from Daily Show with John Oliver filling in. Maybe I can finally watch DS again now that Jon “both sides are to blame” Stewart is on a break.
Ted & Hellen
So it was a strategic move on Obama’s part to let the Repukes destroy ACORN…wow, that man is awesome at 400 dimension Chess.
I’ll let the ACORN people know. I’m sure they’ll be glad to hear it.
Acorn. It’s worse than Watergate!
The GOP needs it’s boogie-men.
They think the jury’s still out on the Civil War (US especially) and Enlightenment. On the Republologic time scale, Acorn is still happening real-time and St Ronnie is strolling the halls of power doing battle against evil-doers and commies by the sheer threat of his sunny grin and jelly bellies.
Ahhhhhh…like a breath of recycled air. It’s always Obama’s fault. So fresh and original.
Villago Delenda Est
Understatement of the decade.
Ted & Hellen
No, silly…just the opposite! I specifically said I was thrilled by his no holds barred, iron fisted defense of ACORN that prevented the psycho Right Wing defunding effort and saved the day!
Never mind…
Pinkamena Panic
Hey Timmeh, when is Cole gonna ban your stupid ass again?
Real Madrid’s keeper just stopped a goal with his testes.
@Pinkamena Panic: Unfortunately, it’s not Cole who does the banning. It’s always another FPer and then Cole gets a whiny assed “Please un-ban me” email and proceeds to go digging around to do it and fuck up the comments at the same time.
Ash Can
So where’s the h/t to Hill Dweller? He’s the one who broke this news on an earlier thread. Glad to see it FP’d, though.
HuffPo should take a closer look through this latest GOP clown show. They might find passages outlawing the Soviet Union and calling for defense buildups to meet the threat of the Warsaw Pact.
House Republicans are intent on defunding ACORN
If they were smart, they would refund ACORN, and then see who came to get the money. Then they could say they were still fighting ACORN.
[‘Either that, or they should demand that Obama buy five tons of flax.*’]
* Immanentize the eschaton, baby!
@MikeJ: Was it a bad day or does he swing that shit around like a catcher’s mitt?
Chyron HR
@Ted & Hellen:
Wow, it’s like I’m really watching 90’s SNL! I assume the “Oh Wait Never Mind” guy would be played by Rob Schneider.
@PeakVT: Acorn must still exist! After all, we didn’t inaugurate President Romney, did we?
@Ted & Hellen:
Soon as you point out where I said that, I will own up to those words.
Until then, would you like a wet nap or two to wipe up the mess off your chin?
50 million chain emails sent by Fox News veiwers can’t be wrong.
Warren Terra
Maybe we can get a rider declaring it’s time to unleash Chiang Kai-Shek?
? Martin
No resolution opposing the USSR? Or a proclamation that the President should hurry up and connect the east and west coasts by rail? Or perhaps buy land in central america for the construction of a canal to reduce shipping times.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we should just go and buy that Alyeska territory from Russia – I bet there’s going to be some natural resources there, dontchaknow.
Roger Moore
Meanwhile, Franco is still dead.
@Cassidy: On the ground, legs spread, rolled right up between them.
Whatever it takes to beat Man U.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin:
Frankly, the lack of concern about the Ottoman menace is disturbing. Or, from a neocon perspective, the Parthian menace.
@Roger Moore: Ha! Buckwheat too.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
ITYM the Philistine menace.
Bah! ACORN was here before Columbus and will be here long after the United States is a mere memory!
Hail, ACORN! Immortal ACORN! We shall never be destroyed! Cut off a limb, and two more shall take its place! We serve none but George Soros—as the world shall soon serve us! Hail ACORN!
Villago Delenda Est
We need to get Nick Fury on this, stat!
cutting and pasting is HARD!
Amusing Alias
This bill is not the chuckle everyone believes. In addition to defunding ACORN, it makes funding ACORN’s successors illegal. The last part is the real purpose of the bill.
Is there anyone here who does not believe that Republican judges including Supreme Court justices will not declare any organization that registers poor and minority voters a successor to ACORN?
Not only is ACORN dead, but so will be any group that tries to extend democracy to the lower strata of society.
@MikeJ: Dude better get a bonus for that one. Yikes.
Another Halocene Human
@askew: Get back to us and let us know how that turns out.
“ACORN” doesn’t mean ACORN, just like “the deficit” doesn’t mean the deficit. They both mean the same thing. Scary colored folks demanding favors.
J.D. Rhoades
Laugh now. I have heard this exact argument coming from wingnuts.
@Chyron HR: “never mind” is the catchphrase of Gilda Radner’s “Emily Litella.”
Joe Buck
And if ACORN did still exist, whatever happened to the Constitutional prohibition on bills of attainder, and the 14th Amendment guarantee of equal protection? Congress isn’t supposed to be able to call a person out by name (or a corporate “person”) and declare a punishment.
@NCSteve: Ironically, I’m pretty sure Baron Strucker was a Republican.
@Joe Buck: You’ll find your 14th amendment protections in the same place we left the 4th and 5th amendment protections: in a landfill covered with 10000 remaindered Ann Coulter “bestsellers.”
@Jrod: Strucker’s just fronting for Soros the way Arnold Brown fronted for Strucker. It’s like an onion, I tell ya!
Next right wing frenzy – Obama was responsible for selling us out at Yalta.