Props to Wonkette‘s Stefan BC for reminding us that when it comes to the Beltway Village, the only serious social error is not monetizing one’s sins:
Lanny Davis, everybody’s favorite personification of uncut, high-grade, burn-your-nostrils-on-its-way-up cynicism, has a new book out! In it, he details the trials and tribulations of lawyering for the world’s most formidably terrible individuals and evil organizations. One can’t help but sympathize, as it is a career he nobly chose in response to a higher calling: for the preservation of equity, the defense of justice, and that sweet, sweet money. (If a guy is deploying murdery murder-mobs and also happens to need a lobbyist, of course it is totally cool to do that! This is America.)
Anyways, Davis has taken a break from swimming in his pool full of blood money to promote this “book”/unrepentant confession that no one in his Rolodex actually has a soul…
Lanny, being the principled person that he is, got into a little trouble a few years ago for accepting a six-figured monthly salary to defend the now (thankfully) former dictator of that country during the midst of an election crisis. Lanny is a bit sensitive about this subject, as even someone shameless enough to represent the vampires in the for-profit education system knows that it looks pretty bad to get caught accepting money to clean up the public image of people so bad the United Nations gets to arrest them. (Not to mention Davis’ equally cheery dealings with the even-more-insane Obiang family from Equatorial Guinea)…
Much more at the link.
(If anyone’s making odds on how soon Drunk Cole bigfoots this, I’ll take 20 minutes… )
Isn’t he off having fun tonight? If so, I say 40.
Who buys a book like this, let alone publishes it?
@Waynski: Assholes, because all they produce is shit?
If Hillary had won in 2008, Lanny Davis would certainly be in the Cabinet, and possibly even be on the Supreme Court right now. Marinate that thought, then add a dash of Mark Penn and a pinch of James Carville. Gotz ta love those Clintons!
Suffern ACE
@Waynski: Dick Morris once wrote a children’s book on virtues and western values. I’m assuming that those kids grow up to buy books by Lanny Davis. since they’ll be spending plenty of time alone with no one to talk to, they have plenty of time to keep current their reading.
@Waynski: Business school students and graduates. Or, what YellowJournalism said.
Comrade Mary
RIP Stompin’ Tom Connors, who died today at the age of 77.
The Good Ol’ Hockey Game
Margo’s Cargo
@FlipYrWhig: This to both of you. When the revolution comes let’s start with MBAs.
Warren Terra
How much more fitting could it be that corporate (and brutal warlord!) whore Lanny Davis’s new book has a glowing blurb from the Wingeriffic CEO of Whole a foods? None more fitting, I say, unless he’d gotten a blurb from Cheney or Rove.
Cole’s liver ain’t gonna kill itself
Anne Laurie
@Suffern ACE:
No, that was soulless professional Republican Bill Bennett… shortly before his gambling addiction became a matter of public record.
Spaghetti Lee
@Warren Terra:
“Crisis Tales by Lanny Davis is an inspiration to me…no other book has helped effectively manage my business in the face of criticism like this one has.”
-Satan (CEO, Hell)
But don’t worry the Hillary 2016 presidency won’t have any of those slimeballs associated with it. It will be pure as the driven snow and way more progressive than Obama’s 2 terms. At least that is what people keep telling me.
John Revolta
We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?
@Comrade Mary: JenJen has a new theme song. And now I wanna move back to the ancestral homeland even more.
Much as I had a great time during the Clinton years, I was indeed put off by the sleaze, bullshit, and glib Repug-litery.
And, although I thought Mrs. Clinton did an outstanding job as Secy State, I really do not want to see her and Big Dog back in the WH again.
That said, if she’s the nominee, I’ll be out there making phone calls and knocking on doors to get her elected. More or less unwillingly, like I did in 2004 for Kerry. And we all know how that worked out.
Now, if Elizabeth Warren ran for president, I’d go out of my way to do everything I could to get her elected, with joy and excitement. That’s someone I’d go all out for.
David Koch
I like Hillary, but gawd, you just know she’s gonna bring back the freak show: Lanny, Mark Penn, Her Baroness Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Susie Tompkins Buell, Howard Wolfson, Begala. She’ll probably make jamie dimon secretary of the treasury.
Oy vey. how can someone so smart have such bad taste in friends
@Anne Laurie:
OMG! Lanny Davis, Dick Morris, and Bill Bennett all in one thread. A shower in sulfuric acid wouldn’t clean that slime off. There needs to be a rule that once two of these three are mentioned in a thread, the thread has to be shut down.
@David Koch:
My sentiments exactly.
hard to describe the feelings these images evoke….
I watch her doing the best to repair and retain the life that she once had and trying to make her struggle and the deaths of those there with her that day mean something and still see the vacuous vicious hatred spewed her way and that feeling is still not very nice and the animosity that it raises in me is so very raw that it’s hard not to simply lash out and lump all of these very scared and emotional stunted people off of some cliff.
@fuckwit: I’ve seen few people suggest Clinton/Warren, although to be honest, I’d prefer to see Warren stay in the Senate where she could do more good, IMO. Hang there for a while, we elect Clinton/Julian Castro for 2016-2024, then Warren/Someone-Awesome in 2024 :)
Catching up on a couple of days worth of posts…I was amused by Niall Ferguson’s whine that Paul Krugman is meeeeeeean to him (and applause to PK for the Monty Python reference in his response).
If he thinks calling bullshit on bullshit is uncivil argumentation, he would have just curled up and died if he ever got into a fight with Harlan Ellison back in the day.
Another Halocene Human
So maybe I missed it here, found out in the comments at S, N! that Businessweek had a gross racist (race-baiting?) cover that only Julius Streicher could love, and they non-apologized for it. Given that it’s Bloomberg Businessweek, you’d think somebody could embarrass (shame would be too strong a word) Michael Bloomberg into inducing heads to roll, etc, usw.
Bloomberg doesn’t show much sign of giving a shit about blah people, but he certainly wouldn’t want to see as if he’s indifferent to the right people. Besides, the cover is vulgar.
Another Halocene Human
You know what would REALLY make the wingnuts lose their haids?
Putting a Black person on the currency. Like Benjamin Banneker.
That would be like an epic troll, to see how much vitriol and lies they could spew about a pretty inoffensive Colonial and early post-Colonial American figure.
Or you could just go nuclear option and submit Frederick Douglass. Bump Hamilton, nobody gives a shit about him anyway, although I would lap up the lulz of watching “end the fed, inflation is theft” nuts on the right defending Hamilton, heeheeheehohohohahaha.
@Another Halocene Human
Crispus Attucks.
Indian head coins did at least have non-whites on them. The nickel portrait was a composite done at the time from 3 living Native Americans.
Bobby Thomson
@Another Halocene Human: You do know Hamilton was African American right? And that the native born qualification for the presidency was written specifically to exclude him from eligibility?
Patricia Kayden
I’m sure Lanny’s motto is: “It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.”
Why should someone else get that beautiful money?
Omnes Omnibus
@Bobby Thomson:
No. At least, to your second assertion/question.
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Hamilton was a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution.
Warren Terra
@Bobby Thomson:
Whether Alexander Hamilton was African-American is a matter of some dispute (he may have had some African heritage on his mother’s side; charges that he was a bastard and the fruit of a bigamous union were more prominent, and more problematic).
What isn’t controversial is that this commonly repeated claim he was ineligible to be President, and moreover that the Constitution was written to ensure this restriction, is utterly wrong. It’s a canard, repeated by people who haven’t taken the time to read the Constitution:
Hamilton was not a “natural born Citizen” – but you’d be hard pressed to say that someone who’d lived in the Thirteen Colonies since 1772, joined the militia in 1775, fought throughout the war, and spent four years as Chief Of Staff to the General Of The Armies wasn’t a “Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution.” Hamilton was eligible to be President from the moment he turned 35, which was no later than 1790.