When I was messing around on the internets the other day, I came across one of my favorite urban legends: the one about Keith Richards getting a total blood transfusion to kick heroin. My other favorites are Mikey and the pop rocks, Snapple supports the KKK, and, of course, Richard Gere and the gerbil.
What are your favorites?
And what’s your favorite example of something you assumed was an urban legend but turned out to be true? Mine is that Tom Friedman won three Pulitzer prizes.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Always false: Anything about Obama forwarded by a conservative…
Rod Stewart’s protein addiction.
Balloon Juice?
I like the one about Obama and the cattle guards. I think it amuses me so much because in an effort to make Nobawmmmmer look stupid, posting it proves you’re dumb enough to believe anything you read on the internet.
When I was in college working for the student newspaper, we got a gen-u-ine fax informing us that Procter & Gamble was owned by Satanists, presumably under assumption that we would cover this breaking news story.
And at my current job, we got an actual Nigerian scam letter over the fax machine. That made my day.
The current round of Curt Schilling divorce rumors are entertaining. Some think his busty blonde wife finds him less attractive now that he’s pissed away a multimillion-dollar fortune playing wizard.
ha ha
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Bob Ney is trying to start some urban legends about Boehner, and has my warmest and best wishes in that endeavour, which I spell the British way because it’s fancy:
Das Boner as a ladies’ man?
Also, too, Elvis is alive, Mama Cass and the ham sandwich, and the true one about pre-asshole Bill Bennett once going on a blind date with a pre-Pearl Janis Joplin
Hill Dweller
Republican Presidents balance the budget.
Republicans are fiscally conservative.
Some joker on the internet said Laura Bush killed her boyfriend.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Supposedly a lot of Amway people pushed the Procter & Gamble was owned by Satanists meme for obvious reasons…
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Hill Dweller:
Republican Presidents keep Americans safe.
My favorite from elementary school was the spider eggs in Bubble Yum rumor.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh, and Richard Nixon saying that Barbara Bush was the only real man in that family, and that he grudgingly admired her because she knew how to hate.
The feud between Nancy and the Bushes, though you wonder which side to take. They say Big Bad Bar put another book cover on the Kitty Kelly bio of Nancy and would slyly show it friends. I wonder how she felt when Kelly wrote that book on the Bushes, which I confess to buying out of spite but couldn’t make more than a hundred pages in.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Bill & Hillary are apparently responsible for every murder committed in Arkansas from 1981 until 1993…
Hill Dweller
@jrg: They pushed the cattle guard nonsense when Clinton was in office, too.
Mr Rogers was a sniper.
Frank Sinatra pounding Nancy upstairs at the White House.
Certified Mutant Enemy
The Beaver was killed in Vietnam.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Certified Mutant Enemy: and a few in DC. Not just Vince Foster but there was one floating around about the body of one of Bubba’s mistresses being found in the bear pit of the National Zoo, or something like that.
also, Pat and Bay Buchanan have never been seen in the same room.
Hunter Gathers
Paul is dead.
Evolving Deep Southerner
Easy. Dock Ellis throwing a no-hitter high on LSD. Snopes rated it true.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Mr. Green Jeans was Frank Zappa’s father.
@pokeyblow: Nancy Sinatra???
Evolving Deep Southerner
@pokeyblow: Please tell me you’re talking about Nancy Reagan and not “These Boots Were Made For Walking” Nancy.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@raven: Great (or some other kind of) minds think alike.
Jimi was a machine gunner in the Nam.
General Stuck
That Elvis was really dead. Didn’t buy it. Though he could be now, after becoming David Broder.
Not exactly an urban legend, but after the attack on Pearl Harbor Admiral Yamamoto did not say, “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant”. That was a Hollywood fabrication.
Southern Beale
Prob’ly the Van Halen-Brown M&Ms thing.
Marco polo brought noodles back from Asia.
Nancy “best BJs in Hollywood” Reagan.
@jeffreyw: Just a Pukin Buzzard.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
The best one of those is the “bullet hole in Ron Brown’s head” after he died in a plane crash. There was even a book written about this. The theory was that the assassin (paid by the Clintons, natch) shot Brown and then crashed the plane to get rid of the witnesses. (I seriously heard someone argue that the assassin would loyally go down with the plane, just like the 9/11 terrorists.)
I just want to know: if you’re going to crash the plane to get rid of the witnesses, WHAT’S THE POINT OF SHOOTING HIM? He can only die once.
Southern Beale
When I worked in the communications office of a federally-owned national recreation area back in the ’80s I got a call from a radio station wanting someone to appear on the show to talk about how huge chunks of the site had been ceded to the United Nations and were no longer owned by the people of the United States. I had no idea what they were talking about but it turns out we had a few areas designated a UN Biosphere Reserve, which just tells the scientific community that “hey, there’s this cool thing here, you might want to study it.” It really is meaningless.
That was my first introduction to wingnuttia. I had NO idea these crackerjacks would soon take over the country.
Around 1998, there was this email forward going around that Tommy Hilfiger had said all this openly awful stuff, I think racist stuff, on like Oprah or something. I got it from an extremely intelligent person– now with an authentic MSM job– though a quick (whatever preceded Google– Alta Vista?) search could debunk it in seconds.
The rumor itself is forgettable, but that it could take off, in an era where any half-assed effort to turn up real-life facts could debunk it in seconds, really stuck with me.
Also, I used a line from “Man Out of Time” as a post title awhile back after coming across a Rick Perry line about Karl Rove: “My brain is like a chicken pot pie. His is like a refrigerator that is all very organized— pickles here, salad there.”
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
To borrow from Mark Russell: “These are people in their late sixties. Shut the drapes, PLEASE!”
Little Boots
nothing about gerbils.
Southern Beale
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
Oh yeah I had a publicist for some top-name Christian music artists tells me that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist. LOL.
@Southern Beale: Our youth group priest was the first to mention green m&ms make you horny.
Weird, that.
@JWL: Horrywood?
Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed a guy in another car, back in 1963.
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
There’s a great animated version of Ellis retelling that story.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
My favorite was that KFC had to change their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken because they actually used some sort of non-chicken meat grown in a test tube.
Southern Beale
Yes but that one happens to be true. Of course, when you’re a teenager, everything makes you horny.
Andrew Card saying “Sir, we are at war” to Bush in that Florida school on 9/11.
No one apart from those two dirtbags has any idea what Card actually said. “Things are going just as planned” is just as likely a candidate for Card’s actual statement, and is more consistent with Bush’s lack of reaction.
Little Boots
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
was that real, or were they just trying not to say “fried” at some point?
Southern Beale
@Little Boots:
… or Kentucky???
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@pokeyblow: along those lines, Rudy 9/11 turning to Bernie Kerik after the second tower fell and saying “Thank GOD George Bush is our President!”, a line the McCain-endorsing Giuliani managed to keep a secret until three years later, at the GOP convention.
A Mexican cactus explodes and spews baby tarantulas everywhere.
may be partially based on fact. I once prepared an avocado (imported from Mexico) that had some soft spots near the skin. I left the skin with soft spots out, and later when I came back it looked like a near by bottle was covered with grains of salt or sugar. It turned out that the grains were mites and they numbered in the thousands. If you looked closely at the flesh still on the skin you could see mites sucking on it. (I took the skin to an expert and we watched them through a microscope. He noted that the mites had spines on their body which suggested they developed in cysts under the skin where a touch sense was important)
@pokeyblow: He proly said “grab your cocks and pull up your socks, Osama’s in the wire”.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Little Boots: I assume it’s not real. Although, having tasted their product, I’m not gonna swear to it.
Southern Beale
Around 2001 my sweet, elderly neighbor sent me an e-mail that said the ACLU was trying to ban the singing of all Christmas carols on TV. That meant no more “Charlie Brown Christmas,” etc. It was my first chain-email thing I’d ever gotten. I looked it up on Snopes and found out it was one of the oldest chain email hoaxes ever, it started actually on snail mail. LOL.
Now when I get stuff like that I just debunk and “reply all” because I can’t be bothered with that crap.
Jim + Raven, it’s amazing how the meatheads eat up all the cheesy John-Wayne dialogue they get fed by the GOP.
Not sure whether there are similar gullibilities on the left… maybe regarding environmental stuff?
Anyway, Let’s Roll!
Little Boots
i remember jokes about priests and little boys a LONG time ago. not exactly an urban legend, but still … all too true.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Southern Beale: Oh yeah, and there’s that one about how “this is the last year you’ll be allowed to buy Christmas stamps with religious images.” That one has been going around every Christmas since probably the Pony Express.
“Obama is a leftist.”
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Southern Beale: I’d heard that Kentucky decided it was time to make money off of its name, so KFC and the Kentucky Derby changed their names to avoid paying royalties.
Southern Beale
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Thank you for that horrific information. Will never, ever eat avocados again.
Some packages of Chilean grapes came with black widow spiders in them, I think they were used as an organic form of pest control. I saw it on the news.
Anton Sirius
@Southern Beale:
That one’s true, but they didn’t put that clause in their rider because they were entitled dicks (which is what everyone assumes):
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh, historical urban legends: George Washington’s teeth, Caligula and the horse, Catherine the Great and the horse, Frederick the Great and the Horse Guards…
West of the Rockies
I’ve heard that Michael Savage’s son-in-law runs Rock Star energy drinks. Anyone know if that’s true? I have never consumed one of those because I don’t want to support someone who is even related to that wanker. I used to down the occasional “Lost” energy drink, but I don’t see that brand much anymore here in nor Cal.
Marco Rubicon claiming that his folks were refugees from the Revolution.
And really anything about the JFK assassination. (I’m not that generation, but I’ve never understood what was so implausible about “Oswald was fucked in the head and/or a commie and decided to shoot the president.”
Southern Beale
Here’s one: that Rand Paul’s filibuster was really a pre-planned scam for cash.
By the way, you can substitute “Rand Paul’s filibuster” for pretty much anything a right-winger has done recently and get the same “was a pre-planned scam for cash” result. Amazing!
Pat Lang is not a confederate bitch.
Little Boots
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
knew the rest were false,but no frederick and his luscious horse guards?
Lack of reaction? The man was basically trying not to piss his pants in public.
And I’ve always assumed the thought going through Bush’s head at that point was, “Bandar fucked us! He told us we didn’t have to worry about Bin Laden! Fuck!”
Avery Greynold
How old am I? Mid-century, when those kids took LSD and stared into the sun until they went blind.
The story of Caligula’s horse, Incitatus, is in Suetonius.
I tend to believe it.
Eric U.
Clinton and the Gold Star Mothers comes to mind. Seen that so many times it’s just amazing
– Barack Obama wants to put serial numbers on every bullet manufactured in the United States.
– Adam Sandler, Mickey Rourke, George Clooney, Jim Carrey, and/or Eddie Murphy just died in a snowboarding accident.
– Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite. So is Lady Gaga
– Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers fame was a Marine sniper with 150 confirmed kills in Vietnam.
– “420” in pothead lingo is a reference to the number of cannibinoids in marijuana or Hitler’s birthday or the day Bob Marley died.
– Walt Disney had himself (or his head) cryogenically frozen and stored beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Anton Sirius: The Van Halen M&M’s story has mutated to include anyone that the right wants to portray as a diva – last time I heard it, it was supposedly Barbra Streisand.
Quaker in a Basement
The whole Las Vegas stolen kidney story was a good one. I also heard that some people think Ted Nugent was once some sort of rock star.
Also, the one about Rod Stewart being taken to the Emergency Room and doctors pumping a quart of semen from his stomach always made me chuckle. I mean… a quart?
Little Boots
@Quaker in a Basement:
that gives me cat scratch fever.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@reflectionephemeral: Thank you for that. That’s teh awesome.
@reflectionephemeral: OT: I like the web site you linked to. Sadly it contains the news that Alvin Lee has died. Nobody – not even Hendrix – topped him at Woodstock.
Southern Beale
I remember David Horowitz promoting his “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” with a phony photo that turned out to be a movie still. That’s not so much an urban legend as typical right-wing bullshit but still.
joel hanes
W was trying to figure out how to get his Saudi and Yemeni friends, sponsors, and business partners out of the country before the net came down. At this task, he completely succeeded — which tells you the importance W gave it, because he never bestirred himself to succeed at anything else in life, before or after that moment.
But almost every member of the al-Saud and bin Laden families got out of the US very quietly, while the no-fly edict grounded almost all aircraft.
Little Boots
wow. were you there?
Splitting Image
@Anton Sirius:
I’ve always wondered why the M&Ms got more attention in the press than the fact that the band also asked for a large tube of KY jelly to be placed in one of the band members’ dressing rooms.
Perhaps rock’n’roll fans are not so prurient as the industry press leads us all to believe.
jay Noble
New one I just ran across this afternoon – black-eyed children. Black-eyed as in all pupil.
Little Boots
the idea that america was rushing to fly bin laden family members out of the country after 9/11 is pretty incredible, even now.
See, now that’s just silly. Everyone who works for the company knows that his head is really stored …
… wait, I think someone’s knocking at my doo
Hippie babysitters smoking pot and sticking the baby in the oven, thinking the baby was a turkey. I love all those old-school horror ones that usually ended with a maniac with a hook being in the house. I also love the accounts of Disney theme park and movie urban legends and true stories like the penis castle from The Little mermaid or “SEX” in The Lion King.
I was surprised to learn that there really were naked porn pictures hidden at one time in the Rescuers, and that someone actually did find a dead body hidden in the bed of their motel room.
There is a minor kernel of truth here, but it was Ted Williams.
@Mnemosyne: I like Robot Chiken’s take on it that involved Elian Gonzales.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: @joel hanes: You guys give that wet brain a lot more credit than I do. I imagine his “thoughts” for those seven minutes of blinking and staring into space as resembling the grey screen your old rabbit-eared TV used to show after the day’s programming had ended
@Avery Greynold: You’re also old enough to remember that Art Linkletter’s daughter believed she could fly after dropping acid and listening to Sgt. Pepper.
Kids do the darndest things..
Little Boots
and paul is dead, dammit.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The stories about G. Washington’s teeth are true. I’ve seen a set of his dentures at a Washington exhibit at the Huntington Library in Pasadena. He had a set carved in wood, another carved from hippopotamus ivory, and one set where the upper and lower were actually connected with springs.
What is the “cattle guard” story?
@YellowJournalism: Grammar fail! The way I wrote my first post made it seem like I thought they really spelled out “SEX” in The Lion King. The penis castle is under debate.
Southern Beale
@jay Noble:
Have you heard of Indigo Children? That’s some kind of New Age-y thing I really don’t know much about. Children that are hyper sensitive to the cosmic convergence or some such.
Pre-Snapple, a french kid solumnly explained to me how Marlboro cigarettes were owned by the KKK, tracing out the hidden Ks on the package. Didn’t slow down his smoking them in the slightest.
Southern Beale
@Little Boots:
Little Boots
the wooden teeth? really?
damn. ow.
Don’t know if it’s true or an urban legend, but the internet tells me that Nancy Reagan was once known to give the best blow jobs in Hollywood.
@Southern Beale: I am the Eggman. Koo koo ka choo.
Oh oh oh –
Reichstag fire. I grew up hearing that the Nazis had done it as a false flag operation. It’s not until I read “An Anatomy of Fascism” that I learned that most historians now think the communist who took the fall really did do it, and the goose steppers just seized the opportunity.
Little Boots
legends I don’t want to confirm.
that could be a whole A&E series.
Southern Beale
@Anton Sirius:
Yeah I know the Van Halen thing is true. It was my “thing I always thought was a hoax but found out is true” response. Should have clarified.
Here’s something that’s true that I refuse to believe: Kenneth Lay of Enron died before sentencing. Sorry, I am convinced he’s on an island somewhere, under an assumed name. Or maybe South America.
@Nylund: Just say Blow?
Silly ass kid! Klansmen these days run Meth labs, not tobacco plantations.
Maybe those weren’t cigarettes he was smoking.
Clackers were taken off the market for shattering and blinding kids.
Comradde PhysioProffe
My favorite from elementary school was the spider eggs in Bubble Yum rumor.
YEAH! Me, too!
Little Boots
my favorite was the exploding pop rocks and coke combo.
good times.
Little Boots
or was it 7-up?
something blew your cheeks out.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Southern Beale:
How long till my soul gets it right?
Does any human being ever reach the highest light?
I call on the resting soul of Galileo,
King of the night vision, king of insight.
Ah, memories, of kid’s urban legends.
Don’t ever swallow your gum; it’ll stay in your stomach forever.
Don’t ever swallow any kind of seeds. They’ll sprout in your stomach, grow up into your throat and eventually choke you to death.
Funny how so much involved food/danger.
Little Boots
the least of rod stewart’s problems.
wait… the Richard Gere thing wasn’t true????
joel hanes
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
I love that song.
Little Boots
well, it’s not like there was a court case so …
Indeed. At the museum at Mount Vernon, there’s a whole exhibit about them. The poor man suffered terribly at the hands of primitive dentistry.
My favorite sorta true, but weird fact is “Neil Young owns Lionel Trains” and by that, I mean the company. In the mid-90s, Neil Young was part of a group that bought the company and at one point he had about a 20% stake in it. For more of the background see Trainmaster Command Control.
John Revolta
Moon landing. Totally fake.
Cat in the microwave.
Also, Zappa taking a shit onstage.
And also too, when I was a kid (this may be a strictly local one, did anybody else hear this?), the secret ingredient in Coke was…….BLOOD!!11111!!1!
Kinda like that whole blood libel thingie. Oooo! Protocols of the Elders of Zion!(Does that count?)
P.S. They saved Einstein’s brain!! No, really.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: NP, glad to share it, it’s a favorite of mine.
Yeah, that’s how I got that sad news, too.
@jay Noble: It’s a genetic disorder called “aniridia.”
@pokeyblow: His daughter? Ew!
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Van Halen story is true. The tour management team buried it in the accommodations rider to see whether the hosting facilities’ staff read and followed the rider.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Jamey: I know, and I thought it was pretty clever. But the story has morphed into “[fill in target of the day] is such a diva.”
Heywood J.
@John Revolta: I remember that Zappa thing, in his autobiography he talks about sometimes the rumor was that he merely took a shit, sometimes that he ate it.
His response was something along the line of, “Folks, the closest I ever came to eating shit was at a buffet at the Holiday Inn Express in Fayetteville, North Carolina.” Awesome.
danah gaz
“And what’s your favorite example of something you assumed was an urban legend but turned out to be true?”
Joe Scarborough murders women.
Thank you ladies and gentleman. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal, and don’t bother tipping your waitress because she’s probably a parasite.
Eddie Van Halen was on XM radio talking about the M&Ms thing and claimed they put it in after a venue ignored the technical aspects of the contact and some equipment was damaged or some such. So if they went into the dressing room and saw the M&M clause was met, they knew that someone had paid at least some attention to the fine print.
Al Gore won the 2000 election for President.
Don’t swim for at least an hour after eating.
Sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes.
My favorite that has been missed so far is that it was once a well known fact that Alfonso Ribeiro died breakdancing (head spin, of course).
This was sometime after Silver Spoons but before The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
disco bean
My all time favorite is the one where Church’s chicken puts a secret ingredient in their batter that makes black men sterile.
Pinkamena Panic
UGH. I got too sick of correcting my family on this shit over email and Facebook to deal with either anymore and now it’s getting dredged up here? UGH.
@Southern Beale: I think the brown M&M thing is actually true. I read that they did that to see if people actually read their contract.
@Splitting Image: The M&M’s got in the news because it actually happened once or twice, at which point Van Helen made a massive ruckus because it told them that at a minimum the show would be delayed because everything needed to be double checked, and worst case, the show might need to be cancelled.
Patricia Kayden
Tupac is not really dead. So many hits pop up on google about this “fact”.
John Revolta
A lot of people thought that Janis, Jim and Jimi were all murdered by Hoover’s FBI. Crazy, right?
John Revolta
Oh yeah, and J. Edgar Hoover was a drag queen.
@jeffreyw: Jimi was, however, a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne division. As was Billy Cox.
The Other Chuck
Fred Rogers was never a sniper, but Dr Ruth Westheimer was.
the Conster
Dragonflies sewed your lips shut and cats sucked the breath out of babies.
Ah, Imperial Bedroom is one of my favorites — nice one, DougJ
When I was a clinical clerk doing my Peds rotation in the early 90’s a patient pulled me aside and quietly asked if my resident was Jewish (not realizing that I was as well). When I asked why that would matter she told me that she had heard that Jewish doctors were injecting black babies with “AIDS” and was worried about my resident because he had a “Jewish name”.
That turned out to be true?
Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize. Which, of course, is why he is welcome in countries around the world for his humanitarian works.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
That being said, we hosted The Suburbs (semi-famous mid eighties MN band) at out high school, and they made a list about a hundred items long for us to get for them.
That one is true…his two sons have cerebral palsy and Young got very heavily into model railroading as a hobby he could participate in with them. Truth being stranger than fiction…
schrodinger's cat
If you put pencil shavings in milk and leave them overnight, you get an eraser.
@John Revolta:
there’s a whole weird video on Youtube about the secret messages in The Shining about the fake moon landing. Supposedly the government hired Kubrick to do it.
For years, circa late 90s, it spread among the comic book nerd (redundant) community that they were going to make a new Superman movie with Christopher Reeve, with digital effects enabling him to walk, fly, etc.
This idea was so stupid, absurd, and even sorta offensive that I started thinking less of my fellow comic nerds who believed it. I think it took Reeve to die before it finally went away.
jay Noble
@greennotGreen: @greennotGreen:
Interesting. However the “Rumor” is that these kids have nothing but black, no irises or whites. So everything from aliens to vampires has popped up as an explanation
Forum Transmitted Disease
Coke and Pop Rocks make your stomach explode.
M. Bouffant
@John Revolta:
A lot of people thought that Janis, Jim and Jimi were all murdered by Hoover’s FBI. Crazy, right?
Also: Brian Jones, Tupac, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Phil Ochs, Notorious B.I.G. & Michael Hutchence. No mention of Janis on the cover, though.
opie jeanne
You can get drunk by drinking Coke with aspirin in it.
If you shoot a triangle in a windshield with a bb gun, the triangle will pop out. This was tried on our pickup by a darling pair of children.
If you burp, fart, and sneeze at the same time, you will die.
h/t National Lampoon
Adam Jonas Waldorf
Emergency room doctors pumping a gallon of semen from Rod stomach. But that’s obvious, so let’s go with Mike D from Beastie Boys is Neil Diamond’s son.
Adam Jonas Waldorf
Emergency room doctors pumping a gallon of semen from Rod stomach. But that’s obvious, so let’s go with Mike D from Beastie Boys is Neil Diamond’s son.
John Revolta
I heard about that too. From what I know about Kubrick and his obsessiveness about his films, this is maybe the crackpottiest theory of them all.
Helen Bedd
80’s MetalHead rumors
KISS= Knights In Satan’s Service
AC/DC = After Christ/ Devil Comes
The Dio logo upside down [!!] spells “Devil”
Exurban Mom
@Evolving Deep Southerner: It is true: http://youtu.be/_vUhSYLRw14
@pokeyblow: That Laura Bush killed her boyfriend is actually sort of true. At age 17 she ran a stop sign and killed the occupant of the car she hit, which was a friend from school, and may have been her boyfriend or at least romantic interest.
Church’s Fried Chicken is in the Black neighborhoods to make Black people sterile.
Phyllis Diller is Susan Lucci’s mother.
What, no one else remembers Mickey Kaus and the goat?