Does anyone have any idea what this idiot is talking about?
@johngcole so who’s idea was using antifeminist hatec#nt @kailijoy to go catfishing? Kosters seem to want to blame it on you.
— cONcUSSIONfaN (@cONcUSSIONfaN) March 10, 2013
@johngcoleyou and folks on your site thought you were clever and actively inabled people to stalk and harass me. I’m sure its funny to you
— cONcUSSIONfaN (@cONcUSSIONfaN) March 10, 2013
I’m completely lost.
I think I see the problem: you’re using Twitter.
Blunt force head trauma? The name seems to imply it.
He’s probably from Arkansas.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MikeJ: does cheap vodka count as “blunt force”? I think it could.
The guy’s Twitter home page says that he roots for concussions. And appears to hate the Stillers. So I think you are being stalked, Cole. Sick bastard.
Speaking of stalking and harassing…
The fuck?
Yes, what on earth does cONcUSSIONfaN really mean?
This is very strange. Is there another blogging John Cole out there, or is this someone who’s off his meds?
It’s a bug created by those that fear you..
I would guess he longs for a world where repeated brain damage would leave him a Nobel Prize winner of some sort.
Amen! This! Quoted for truth! Hear hear! Well said!
Maybe he thinks he can just accuse people of harassment? Even when they aren’t harassing him? Maybe he thinks all the people actually being harassed on the internet are making it up? It’s like one of those right wing exposes?
Or Acid… which is probably more likely.
Always remember PennyArcade’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, and take solace in the fact that at least you’re not seeing the worst manifestations of it.
Wow, check this one out:
I think the code is: ON USSION N
Is he on some sort of ship? A boat? A deserted island?
OHH Maybe it is this guy?!
Spaghetti Lee
Internet’s full of weirdos, John. Especially weirdos who think everyone’s out to get them. I recommend ignoring the guy.
Ooh Ooh! Fight! Fight!
The Sheriff's A Ni-
He’s off his meds. That’s my best guess.
@Sly: Ho-lee shiat.
Any chance he’s got some bee in his rather empty bonnet about Juan Cole, and kinda got mixed up due to the cranial trauma he seems to be in favor of? Usually it works the other way I think, and poor Prof Juan gets dragged into the drama from this here watering hole.
Scott S.
I don’t know, but now I want to go send him ominous messages about the Conspiracy Against Him.
I blame Tunch.
I’m thinking Concussion man took one too many hits to the head with the snake.
Some things aren’t worth having explained.
Chickamin Slam
Perhaps he wants this John Cole, a hair transplant specialist from Georgia?
No way Burns would use caps in a Twitter handle, even if it was fake.
So, no, I don’t know who it might be.
Also, too subtle for Just Some Fuckhead.
I’m stumped.
Inable or enable? He’s not very smart.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Alison: Or Zsa Zsa. She only LOOKS innocent.
He’s a time traveler. He knows he is going to get shit from your readers for what he twittered.
Central Planning
Time to consult the internet anagram server to figure out who this really is:
Con Icon Ass Fun
Cocains Fun Son
Ficus No Canons
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Kali Joy’s last front-page post was on the uselessness of “abstinence-only” programs. I’m not sure how that connects up with concussions, though.
Holy God. That is just…wow. Shameful despicable people.
Thats ignoring the bigger question….whats a “hatecunt”? Is it a noun or adjective?
@Central Planning: Ficus No Canons sounds like a loveable peace movement composed of shut-ins.
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-:
I actually find the whole “women should be armed to prevent the awful crime of rape, and if you disagree you should be raped” argument to be oddly comic but, admittedly, would probably find it less so if it were directed at me as part of a 24/hr a day hate-a-thon from perfect strangers.
He just called you a “Breitbortion.”
I think it’s Ted & Hellen.
Or, maybe Omnes is still pissed about the meetup in Austin thing…
I am not on Twitter and this is a total shot in the dark, but could this be related somehow to that dust-up a few months ago between Imani and her friend (on one side) and that weird guy on the other side, who was also slinging tweets at you?
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Who knows what the guy has been banging his head against.
Scott S.
Three random cards from my old INWO decks = TWITTER CONSPIRACY.
Calming Influence
John: Occam’s Butter Knife demands that “concussion” be part of the answer to your question.
James E. Powell
Okay, so I hit the link and regretted it after reading two or three tweets. I’m back, but feeling unclean for having gone there.
Seems like a crazy person. Isn’t there a lot of this kind of thing on twitter?
@TooManyJens: What in the the running frak is that all about? Fallout from the Zerlina Maxwell freak-out? I hate that they are tossing threats so boldly and casually. What a giant load.
Hatec#nt I can kinda understand… but it’s “antifeminist hatecunt” that has my brain in a tizzy.
Also, does the guy mean virtual catfishing like Mantei Teo or the kind where you use an actual rod?
I do think if Cole went fishing in a crowded area a lot of people could get hooked.
In his defense, there’s a decent chance one of us really did piss him off.
ETA- But he or she probably deserved it
James Harrison has a lot more time on his hand.
That’s all I’m saying.
@SatanicPanic: I kind of wish we had a more badass reputation internet-wide.
Scott S.
@SatanicPanic: Maybe Tunch ate his catfish.
@1badbaba3: I don’t think it’s about Zerlina. @PostModMaturity has been at it for months. They also used the same “Breitbortion” term as John’s new concussion friend, and went after @kailijoy, which leads me to suspect the two are related or sockpuppets or something.
“Breitbortion” doesn’t even have any results on Google, for Pete’s sake. That’s some niche jargon.
@BGinCHI: Pretty sure Cole would be noodling
twitter-based tuft-hunter with delusions that swapping outrageous random bytes constitutes a BFF hit of great value that he’ll hug to himself for days. Nah, JADIL (just another desperate/drunken interweb loon)
The cow barks at midnight.
@sparky: Points for imagination.
gogol's wife
You are on fire. But doesn’t Ficus No Canons have something to do with getting the dead white males off the syllabus?
@BGinCHI: I read comment recently by someone complaining the various liberals blogs. Commenter went down the list of usual suspects- GOS, Digby, etc.- got to this blog. I swear it said, “Balloon Juice is just naval gazing all the time.”
Well, I do happen to be watching NCIS at the moment.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Lavocat: I hear the gooseberries are doing well this year… and so are the mangoes.
“Antifeminist hatecunt”. Isn’t that on Ann Coulter’s business card?
Try anagraming her name sometime.
gogol's wife
And I just watched “Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison.” (but that’s the Marines)
@TooManyJens: You know what I like about the Miami one? It cuts down that Who song to the only good parts. Oh wait, I’m thinking of CSI, nevermind.
Let’s see. The guy hasn’t written since october 29. Then he blasts three people in the space of an hour – you, Kos, and Kaili Joy at Kos – with random hate-spew.
Looks to me like he’s crying for attention. Unfortunately he got a bit. Just block and ignore him and he’ll quit being a bother.
Just jaw-droppingly vile.
Let’s file that one away for the next time the right starts wondering why it has trouble winning over women and/or minorities.
@TooManyJens: Great, just another garden variety rape fetishist then? I have come to fear their numbers are far greater than we know. And they seem to be quite agitated of late.
@TooManyJens: Nah, got us confused w/Lawyers, Guns & Money. Where actual naval gazing is a feature, not a bug.
Even if you could read his mind, you’d have no idea what he was attempting to communicate. I wouldn’t have a second thought about ignoring the twit.
This exchange does, however, make for great internets.
@James E. Powell: Crazy people on Twitter? You betcha. Tons and tons of loons. That’s why it’s great to screen who you follow and who follows you. Block the nutjobs and turn on e-mail notifications for when anyone contacts you.
Then you can screen the account before you even see it on Twitter. If they’re nuts, you copy their username, go straight to their page, and report them for harassment. It automatically blocks them from your feed and contacting you.
MC Loko? Or maybe Spatula? Derf? Heck, I wouldn’t even cross Cornerstone off the list though the sentence structure isn’t necessarily his bag.
Teh Interwebs can be a scary place.
Wow, that woman from Austin holds quite the grudge.
I don’t know, but I bet he’s a fan of fIREHOSE.
Keith G
We Buckeyes understand what it is like to try to make sense of the sputterings emitting from all too many of the supporters of the maize and gold.
@different-church-lady: This. Hatecunt? WTF.
@Kirk: Just got out jail? or detox?
That is evil.
Arm The Homeless
The tweets from the Apocalypse are going to be epic. I imagine the hyper-intellihent squid are going to have a Hell of a laugh at our expense.
Well, viewing warships can be sort of interesting…
Arm The Homeless
I also imagine their blogs will have an edit feature
Joey Maloney
It’s DougJ. Obviously.
I got nuthin.
You do know that you can block assholes on twitter, right?
Splitting Image
Done in one.
It ain’t me. Ask wifey: I don’t tweet.
This thread is beyond hilarious. I couldn’t even narrow it down to my 25 favorite comments.
Jesus, John. That’s creepy. Stay safe.
Maybe it’s Tunch, fucking with you?
Other than that, I’m totally lost. None of the recent regular trolls have been THIS douchey.
Jay in Oregon
I don’t think they give a fuck about winning over women and/or minorities any more.
In their perfect world, women would either not vote or vote as their husbands direct, and minorities would be too busy working in the fields for $0.74 an hour to vote (assuming they didn’t get shot on their way to the ballot box).
And that’s what all of the voter disenfranchisement laws being passed are about—returning us to the glory days of White Men making decisions for the rest of the rabble.
opie jeanne
@Yutsano: I love that you call her “wifey”.
Felonius Monk
Looks to me like some guy shit in his hand and tweeted it on the Twitter machine.
Jay in Oregon
Actually, you can’t. “Blocking” on Twitter itself (or their first-party clients) means that they can’t see your updates; it doesn’t stop you from seeing theirs. It’s totally fucking-ass backwards.
Many third-party Twitter apps have their own filtering built in, however.
@opie jeanne: She does too. That’s the best part. :)
@Jay in Oregon: I don’t see the blocked twitterers on my TL, not even on my page (connect).
Ash Can
Sic Tunch on his ass and fergttabottit.
This would never have happened if Obama hadn’t… well, somethinged or othered.
Or maybe the internet is full of sociopaths without a cause or a functional spell-checker?
Anyway, chalk up another angry, not very bright man ranting away in cyberspace and then go and enjoy your life.
David Koch
This is all Obama’s fault
Evil twin?
The use of “hatecunt” (as opposed to “lovecunt”?) makes me think of maclaren.
Damnit. Now my iPad thinks “hatecunt” is a word.
You kiddin’? The iPad is the least of your worries — now Google thinks “hatecunt” is a word.
Calming Influence
With some minor formatting this comment thread is the script for the pilot of CSI:BJ.
Winston Smith
This person has paranoid delusions. Not “ha ha, they’re a wingnut with paranoid delusions,” but “Oh dear, this person really needs professional help for their paranoid delusions.”
@SatanicPanic: I think LGM is more of a naval-gazing blog than BJ.
Sounds like that to me, too.
@different-church-lady: Does this thread show up when Googling ‘hatecunt’? Why, yes. Yes it does. Congratulations on this fine achievement.
Also,too… what’s the frequency Kenneth
This is the thread where Ted & Helen ‘s input would be needed. He speaks asshat, right?
@BGinCHI: Not cannons, canons. Songs that can be sang in a round, like Frère Jacques.
Then why use twitter?
@maya: Heh, she’s got some good ones.
So hard to choose…
That was someone else. Cole knows his name.
Holy cow, I should not have searched out @PostModMaturity. That… wow. No one who talks about buying rapists beers and tweets or twitters or whatever repeated sexual demands can talk about anyone else’s feminist credentials, ever. Holy cow that’s utterly and completely insane. I am scarred. @_@
And then they go on with the violent, sexualized, blatant anti-woman insults, I just… who the hell thinks this is progressive? At all?
In the “Don’t Feed the Trolls” guide, pretty sure there is a page or two on “Never reply to any Tweet or post that uses the c-word in any form.” With the corollary rule of “do not give their c-word usage blog space kind of attention, you’ll only make them happy”.
Blocking them on Twitter, though, is good. Also reporting them for spam.
Same comment as for the panorama of all of American public life in 2013:
“Meth is a hell of a drug.”
I got nothing.
But I’m counting down the minutes until some FP’er ironically changes their name to some variation of “hatecunt”.