Happy 3-13-13! This will be the last one for a hundred years.
Sammy and Max do the chest bump.
Chat about whatever.
I meant that it will be the last 3-13-13 for 100 years, but I’ll take credit for the semantic confusion.
by Tim F| 70 Comments
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
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Depends on your date format. 31-3-13 Will be the last for a while.
Flossie is just about killing me with the post spaying stuff. She is trying to rip out her stitches, causing all sorts of problems with her tiny slit in her belly to the extent that I am wrapping her up with ace bandages on a daily basis. The Elizabethan collar works sometimes, but not all the time. I am worried that she is going to evicerate herself.
This will be the last one for a hundred years.
What? How about 4-14-14? Mike J has it right.
5-15-15? 6-16-16? WTFTW?
Will never be as cool as 1961 was.
@MikeJ: Uh-oh. Doesn’t the world end on palindromic dates, if done in the right date format? And we have two 13s in Tim F’s date. Should I be twice as scared, or just watch out to not walk under double ladders?
I don’t understand. What’s wrong with 4-14-14, 5-15-15, . . . 9-19-19? I’ve changed my meds, so I may be missing something obvious. But I don’t understand why this is the last palindrome day, in this date format, for a century.
A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.
@Raenelle: Or 2-20-2020, I knew 2 people born on 9-19-1919.
I hate to bother, but this is someone I know and he’s currently fighting for his life in the hospital.
He was beaten up in a hate crime and I know these guys, they make a living wage, but it does not cover this level of hospitalization and whatever recovery theraphy will be necessary.
” A slut nixes sex in Tulsa. ”
Why didn’t they teach me that in grade school? You give an example like that, and students won’t forget what palindrome means, fer sher.
@jl: Yeah, Madam I’m Adam doesn’t have the same punch. Unless you’re already named Adam.
Omnes Omnibus
FWIW Napoleon most likely did not say, “Able was I ere I saw Elba.”
I hear the world will end on a Palin Dronic date…
I found a guide to palindromic dates (in the two most common date formats) by some fellow at University of Portland.
There seems to be something special about Mitt Romney’s palindromic birth date, but I will click on that and find out what it is later.
Palindrome Dates (Palindrome Days) in the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Centuries
@Omnes Omnibus: SACRE BLEU! Are you saying Napoleon did not speak the English? Picard you lied to me!!
@ruemara: thanks for that info. Horrible story. I see there is a paypal link on the ‘about page’.
Must read article on science (biomedical research in this case).
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Not well enough to have come up with that palindrome. Also too, he spoke French with a strong Corsican-Italian accent.
I just don’t get it. Why? Mike is almost painfully shy, very sweet and friendly. WHy would anyone attack him? Why would they beat him up like this? I don’t hate people but I don’t understand this kind of hatred & violence.
A man, a plan, a canal—Panama.
Teddy Roosevelt palindrome
@ruemara: Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.
The Dangerman
A Palin drone? I’m all for it as long as you get most of the kids!
Palindrome?! Oops, my bad. Carry on.
Sadly, this kind of shit is definitely part of human nature.
homophobia: the terrifying fear that some guy will treat you like you treat women. and that you’ll like it.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: From Morgan Freeman on Twitter:
Thread needs moar puppeh!
@Litlebritdifrnt: Vitamin E capsules? Coconut oil? Bio-oil?
It itches as it heals. Drives them nuts.
One of the all-time great palindromes appeared in Roger Angell’s magnificent New Yorker piece on the 1986 World Series.
“Not so, Boston.”
Go hang a salami – I’m a lasagna hog.
gogol's wife
I just watched “Animal House” for the first time since I saw it when it came out. I now realize that many humorous quips that I thought were Balloon Juice originals are in fact quotations from that sacred text.
@gogol’s wife: Did we give up when the Nazis bombed Pearl Harbor?
Sigh. And you were doing so well too.
@Yutsano: I’ll get me coat.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: We’re just animals, I guess.
@gogol’s wife:
There hasn’t been an original thought in this country since 1969.
gogol's wife
I love “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.”
Also too, Niedermeyer IS Mitt Romney!
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I thought it was wine that we haven’t had since then.
gogol's wife
Having just seen it, I think it’s “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?” But I could be wrong.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: You are not wrong.
We live in the age of Google, people.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Same difference.
@gogol’s wife: @Baud: Yeah. I couldn’t remember the rest of the correction and I’m at work. Mote in eye, etc.
karen marie
@Litlebritdifrnt: Staples. That’s what the vet did for my Lucy when her incision started opening because I couldn’t keep her quiet enough. Healed beautifully.
Culture of Truth
@gogol’s wife: Isn’t it really better that way?
gogol's wife
@Culture of Truth:
Oh yes, I was deeply amused. But only half the quotations come from there. The other half are from “Airplane!.”
@gogol’s wife:
Don’t forget Blazing Saddles. That’s another half right there.
Big but not entirely surprising Red Planet news today.
ETA: FYWP apparently does not like the name of the next planet out today.
Gurgle of joy from this snippit, for obvious (or not so obvious) reasons.
Possibly a sub-nym for this period of the smoke-reading?
@gogol’s wife:
Surely you can’t be serious.
I am serious. And stop calling me Shirley.
Omnes Omnibus
No one wants that.
@gogol’s wife: “He can’t do that to our pledges. Only we can do that to our pledges.”
@Omnes Omnibus: Well then extra omnes really did empty the room!
It seems to me that 2-22-22 is a palindromic number.
Trivial, bit I like trivial solutions.
05-5-50 if you start abusing the format
et cetera, et cetera
Culture of Truth
@gogol’s wife: Heh. I almost ended my first post with “we’re all counting.”
Here is an amazing David Brooks column from April 2003 on the then-recent invasion of Iraq. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/002/565jgibg.asp?page=3
Here he’s describing how a hypothetical 20-year old, “Joey,” who’s watching the war unfold and how the events would shape his political views:
bold mine.
And here’s how the column ends:
Culture of Truth
“on you.”
Culture of Truth
No wonder Joey couldn’t get laid in college.
@jamick6000: If pundits were held accountable Bobo would be living in a cardboard box.
@Culture of Truth: I know, I’m laughing my ass off.
Also, Joey’s full name is “Joey Tabula-Rasa” … some sort of Latino outreach?!!?!?!?
@Baud: I heard a rumor he almost got it in with a chunky Reese Witherspoon.
Omnes Omnibus
@jamick6000: It sounds better than Joey Clean Slate (which is possibly the worst Native American name since Dull Knife, who was a bad ass).
The ironic part is, Brooks was 100 percent right about this. Thousands, if not millions, of Joeys were watching the Bush administration in action in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in New Orleans.
And that’s why they all voted for Barack Obama.
@jeffreyw: Such a cute face. I want to rub noses with the puppeh.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Of course, Dull Knife really was Morning Star (which is also Lucifer).
Also too (using the same formatting):
and so many, many more.
Was that an assigned reading in Brooks’ Humility class?
Great find.
If you happen to be in Europe late this year, you might see 31-11-13.