To my ear, these guys have the sound of the Smiths. Open thread. (Via Tympanogram)
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To my ear, these guys have the sound of the Smiths. Open thread. (Via Tympanogram)
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My new MacBook arrived! Now I’m counting down the minutes until I get to go home and play with it.
? Martin
Is that supposed to be a good thing? Because it isn’t.
Trump gave his long anticipated speech @ CPAC today to an nearly empty room.
The empty chairs gave him a stacking ovation.
(h/t: attaturk)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Somebody in the last thread sent me to Wonkette, where I learned Mitch McConnell thinks Hillary is a silly old girl, too old to run for President, and doesn’t even know which rappers were popular in the late ‘nineties like that Young Gun Marco Rubio.
They can’t help themselves. It’s like they’re trying to goad her in to running, but even I don’t think even they are that stupid.
Great fight coming up this weekend. One of Canada’s most successful athletes is fighting.
Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Cardinal mistermix
@? Martin: Heaven knows I’m miserable now.
@Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Cardinal mistermix: Me too. How Soon Is Now?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Havent’ they proven over the last few years that they are that stupid:
1. Palin
2. 47%
3. Ryan
4. Attempting to change voting laws, which actually encouraged minorities to vote.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Stupid? They’re soaking in it!
Suffern ACE
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s not that bad of a plan. Yeah, they don’t want Hillary to run (or maybe they do). But if you want to create the impression that the democrats are old and have a thin bench, you just talk about Hillary and Joe non-stop and then pretend that the Dems don’t have anyone else. The GOP has done a better job in getting themselves young up and coming national candidates, and turning the whole discussion on “The New GOP” faces. The more they talk about Hillary and Joe, the less time spent talking about Martin O’Malley or Sherrod Brown or Andrew Cuomo.
West of the Rockies
I am discouraged that there are so goddamned many idiots in the world — how is it that a Ben Shapiro (what is he, fifteen?) can earn even a dollar writing his horseshit? I’ve made the mistake today of following some of the commentary/Tweets coming out of CPAC.
Man, do I want Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to run for president in 2016. He’s a true liberal who actually gets stuff done. Today, he signed a repeal to the death penalty and in the past 4 years, he’s signed bills to legalize gay marriage and signed state DREAM Act. And if Hillary doesn’t run, I am sure O’Malley jumps in. Unfortunately, the Clintons own the Democratic Party and if Hillary wants to be president, we have to hand her the nomination on a platter.
Amir Khalid
Bought a pair of cheap canvas sneakers the other day. Some answers I’m glad I didn’t give to the shoe salesman’s questions:
— “If I were buying these for a kid of mine, I wouldn’t be here by myself. I’d have brought the kid here to try them on.”
— “When a customer asks to try on a pair in size 9, it’s not smart to bring out a pair in size 3 just because that’s the biggest size in stock.”
— “If I wanted something to play football in, I’d be buying football boots.”
‘To my ears these guys sound like The Smiths’
Does that mean anyone here who has ever eaten/touched/looked at meat has to leave for ever and ever?
Believe it or not, Morrissey looks like Fat Elvis now, but he still sounds like it’s 1986. I guess all of that obsessive care he took of his voice ended up paying off.
@Suffern ACE:
I think askew correctly diagnosed the problem — Democrats can’t talk about any of their young guns until Hillary decides whether or not she’s running. Given how many “young guns” the Republicans have burned through (Jindal, Ryan, Christie, etc.), I’m not sure that it’s necessarily a bad thing for the Democratic young guns not to be brought forward until closer to 2016.
@kindness: Yes, it does. But all is not lost. If you’ve only consumed eggs, then you merely have to leave the room for an hour or so……
West of the Rockies
@Mnemosyne: Well, it may be over-simplifying things a bit, but perhaps the Democratic party doesn’t need to trot out a bunch of “young guns” because our old guard actually cares about issues important to young people in America.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: The only one of those “young guns” I think has a chance is Rubio, and I think he would have to not only run a perfect campaign, but have the Dem, any Dem, blow it. With Rand Paul and Santorum in the mix, I think that may be true of anyone they put up. I still think the GOP will turn to a Man In a Gray Flannel Personality– Thune, Daniels, Pawlenty… up until this morning I would have thrown Portman in there, though I suspect Sullivan will now decide Portman is the future of the GOP and the country.
@West of the Rockies:
True — unlike the Republicans, Democrats have no obsessive need to prove that they’re not the party of cranky old people because, well, they’re not.
But, the GOP gets to look forward to new leadership. The Dems are stuck with the same old Clintons who will triangulate and accomplish very little. We have an incredibly deep bench of great politicians that would lead our party and country forward as president. It’s a damn shame that we are going to not use their talent in 2016.
It’s the same frustration I felt with the 2004 election. With Kerry as the nominee, we spent the entire campaign talking about the Vietnam War instead of the Iraq War. With Hillary as our nominee, we’ll spend the entire election reliving the Bill scandals of the 1990s. I am so over that shit already. At least with Kerry, we got a lively Dem primary. We won’t even get that with a Hillary candidacy in 2016. Depressing.
Corner Stone
Cordially Yours,
President Barack H. Obama
@Mnemosyne: From what I’ve seen so far, I think the Republican “young guns” can be relied on to blow up in the face of the GOP like the cheap Saturday night specials that they are.
West of the Rockies
You know, one thing about Hillary IS her age. A lot of us thought that grandpa John McCain was too long of tooth to be running for Prez. Hillary will be 69 in 2016… Women do live longer, but is her age an issue? I’m just asking….
Joe Biden is already 70, so there has to be some concern about his possible run, yes?
Amir Khalid
Agreed. I’d prefer Obama’s successor as presidential candidate be about his age, or slightly younger. But anyone who gets introduced now as the Democratic party’s next hot young contender is going to find their appeal getting stale before the race gets going in earnest in mid-2015. Obama himself wasn’t being touted as a candidate, was he, until early 2007 when his run in earnest?
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You may be right, Jim, but — at least to me — Rubio looks like a precocious 14-year-old. Plus, other than being — I guess — photogenic, is he really that big a deal?
I dunno — Hillary has had a lot of health problems, and she would be the second-oldest candidate in history (second only to Ronald Reagan). She may be planning instead to get to be the kingmaker (or queenmaker) when the time comes.
@Corner Stone:
The problem is there is no one in the party who is willing to stand in the way of Hillary in 2016. O’Malley, Gillibrand and Cuomo who are potential nominees are all Clintonites who will get out of the way for her.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@West of the Rockies: I don’t think age is irrelevant, but not only do women live longer, people live longer. I’m not saying seventy is the new thirty, but the new sixty or even fifty-five? I don’t think that’s unreasonable. Even now, McCain’s flaw are based in his mercurial temperament and shallow intellect, not his age.
I hope you are right about her passing on the nomination. If she does pass though, Bill and Obama will have more influence on the Democratic Primary than she would.
West of the Rockies
@Corner Stone: Point taken, but who DO we have in the wings? Hillary is the big dog right now, isn’t she? (By “big dog”, I am, of course, using the parlance of our times)….
Ed Drone
CPAC: The development of the self-scraping barrel continues.
Corner Stone
Sure they will. No politician I’ve ever encountered has ambition or ego.
By the time Obama is done we will have had three (relatively) very young men in the WH for 24 years.
West of the Rockies
@Haydnseek: As a former CSI/Evidence Tech, I think that “Saturday night special” is a somewhat dated term — I’d go with “a Raven .25”. :)
Well I won’t even ask about veal then….
Chyron HR
Whee, it’s March 15, so we got free sham-pag-in at work.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@West of the Rockies: Telegenics is one of the reason the media adore him, and probably just as much a reason he was able to topple Crist. I could be wrong, but I suspect if he looked like Chris Christie or Bobby Jindal or Reince Priebus, Senator Crist would be a loyal member of the Filibuster Caucus today. I think he’s a flop, but he’s managed to keep one foot in the Tea Party and one in Politico, so I think he has as much of a chance at a not-very-vaulable nomination as anyone. And you can trust my opinion: I was an Edwards supporter and thought GOP would never nominate a Mormon.
Corner Stone
@West of the Rockies:
There is no question she is a formidable presence. But I disagree with the CW that says everyone is holding their fire and waiting to see what she does or does not do.
Hills will be making several million dollars a year for the next couple years giving speeches, etc. I doubt very seriously other ambitious pols are going to sit in their Lay Z Boy and let her run away with it.
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You’re probably right, Jim, but McCain sure did come across as sort of a grandpappy, didn’t he? There were a number of points where I thought he must have lost a lot of potential voters (such as not knowing how many houses he owned), but once he picked Palin as his running-mate, his age absolutely had to be a factor for at least some sentient voters, don’t you think?
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ll admit, too (with great shame now) to being swayed by Edwards’ appearance. A young, progressive guy who spoke well and seemed intelligent? What could go wrong?
Hillary is highly respected in her own right, and she earned a lot of that respect through her work as Secretary of State. I wouldn’t discount how much influence she could have as the presumed candidate graciously stepping aside for this other person that Hillary thinks would make a terrific president.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@West of the Rockies: I supported Edwards because, as Sam Seder said at the time, of the three corporate friendly centrists (and I’m a pragmatist, not a Naderite, I say that as a simple recognition of their sameness) who had a chance at the nomination, he was, for whatever reason, at least talking about poverty and economic inequality. I never like him personally, and was very slow to warm up to Obama, who was a bit too Jesus-y for me, but again, I’m a pragmatist, so I just salt that talk and put up with it. By the time I had to choose between Hillary and Obama, the Clintons were just embarrassing themselves. I trust she’s learned from those mistakes, and hope Bubba has.
@Corner Stone:
I am sure their egos are big enough. The problem is that all 3 of them use the Clinton network to raise funds and would be relying on the Clinton network for staff and super delegates. If Hillary gets in, those avenues are closed to them.
We could see a Brian Schweitzer or another outsider run against Hillary. Possibly Deval Patrick since he has the Obama network at his back. But, I really doubt it.
She is highly respected but Obama and Bill are more highly respected within the party. And if one of the Clintons is going to ask someone to step aside, it is going to be Bill as he hold more clout in the party. And truthfully, I can’t see any of the 3 convincing someone to step aside. It didn’t work on Hillary even after she had lost the nomination. She held on until her team determined that she was doing her legacy permanent damage by not conceding.
@West of the Rockies: LOL! My late uncle had a lighter that was an obvious copy of this superb weapon. He would use it to fire up the cheapest, stinkiest cigars on the planet, and then laugh at himself for being such a cheapskate. Great guy.
That drummer looked really familiar, so I Googled him. His name is Tim McCoy, and he also plays in a couple of other bands: Savoir Adore and French Horn Rebellion.
#41 Highly respected by whom?
@Chyron HR:
Beware the ides of March.
Highly respected within the Democratic Party. I think Obama would have gotten even less support from those blue dog assholes in the Senate if Hillary hadn’t thrown her weight behind him.
You completely misread what I was saying: Hillary would publicly and graciously step aside for the other candidate. Are you familiar with the term “kingmaker“?
Yeah, I totally misread that. I disagree that Hillary has the ability to play kingmaker though.
I do have to say I find the myth of Hillary to be pretty separated from the reality of Hillary. There’s a reason that Obama got so many more Senator endorsements than Hillary in the beginning. He was backed by a lot of redstate Dems and newer Senators who had enough of the Clintons and found Obama inspiring. She still holds sway in the party but it is with the same people Bill can persuade.
Helen Bedd
@Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Cardinal mistermix:
If you don’t know them…go to Youtube and search for Girl’s Names….they’re like early Cure and The Smiths playing together doing Joy Division songs