I wanted something cheerful & upbeat to start the weekend, but the graphics on the top version are teh suxxor and the sound quality on the lower one even worse. Why can’t YouTube be simple and perfect, as well as easy, for old pharts like me?
And when y’all are done pointing & mocking, what’s on the agenda today?
(We’re planning on going to a flower show, because it’s that time of year here in New England.)
For those with insomnia, may as well have the company of a friendly, bouncy earworm.
And one for all the cat people (you know who you are).
We’re waiting for our bricks and mortar to be delivered for the raised beds we’re building.
Meanwhile, my daughter is (yet again) watching the Disney Fairies DVD someone bought her for her birthday. Jesus Christ, it’s dire.
Gotta meet with the Tarzan Tree dude this morning to see how much removing the two big trees that are in the way of the new addition is going to cost. Going to be in the mid-to-upper 70’s today so, like very March, I’ll be watching the hoop.
Keith G
Saw the headline and my first thought was Harry Nilsson, who I miss very much. He was the originator of many fine earworms.
Follow Your Arrow could definitely be an earworm. It is bouncy.
@ Keith G
Amazing how many people have never/i> seen “The Point.”
While speaking of things Nilsson, an entertaining video for of one of his tunes, utilizing scenes from the fringe film “Breakfast on Pluto.”
So last night someone used a friend’s phone to prank call me. They called up and acted like some sex worker that is on their way to go to town on me and my girlfriend.
Who the fuck does that to someone recently widowed?
@NotMax: Some dude has quite a Nilson photo collection.
Linda Featheringill
Oh my. How unkind. Does your friend know about this? He/she might not be aware.
Howya doin, sweetheart?
Linky went poof. Try again.
Amazing how many people have never seen “The Point.”
While speaking of things Nilsson, an entertaining video for of one of his tunes, utilizing scenes from the fringe film “Breakfast on Pluto.”
@Linda Featheringill: I’m pretty sure the owner of the phone wasn’t aware. She would have been on stage emceeing the show. I have to think the caller was someone who knows me. And pretty much the entire comedy community here knows that Kate died. I’m going to talk to the owner of the phone later on today.
Things are harder these days. Some of the numbness and shock are wearing off and dealing with the estate in a nation that hates gays is a nightmare. It’s pretty rough right now.
Left right left right.
Thank you so much for asking.
Obsession takes more forms than snowflakes.
Cheese and crackers, it’s cold here tonight.
@NotMax: What, it’s 68? Of course you are up-country.
More like 48, with a steady breeze sneaking in through the closed jalousies.
@NotMax: The Hawaiian Hawk blowing down the Hana Highway like a razor blade!
@NotMax: Are you near the lavender farm?
Don’t care what it might look like, enjoying the heck out of a present to myself from the Black Friday sales at Macy’s.
It’s one of those body blanket thingies, with arm sleeves.
But not the el cheapo kind hawked on TV. This one is quilted on the outside and has fake fur on the inside.
Thought I’d only be using it during the usual fortnight in February when it gets chilly, but this winter has been that way from December on.
@Gex: @Gex: Idiots. Two weeks after my husband died, someone told me I’d find a new husband quickly, “what with all that insurance and Social Security and VA you’ll be getting.”
“The Point”, OMG, I loved that! Oblio, dude! When it ran the first time on teevee, I made my little sister sit and watch (she was too young to know or care who Harry Nilsson was). All these years later, we still talk about watching it and how we loved it and how we still think Nilsson was an unappreciated musical genius.
Not all that far as the crow flies, but they’re at 4000 foot elevation. I’m at something over 1500 feet, with nothing blocking weather moving from the shore to the west or the shore to the north and an unobstructed view of the central isthmus.
Pinkamena Panic
Today’s agenda:
Friends Too.
Big Lots.
Then spend the day alone while my roommate goes to work.
Maybe clean.
Maybe get a little closer to clearing out my play-through-these-games-already list.
Maybe fill out some job applications so I can get a job that doesn’t eat dogshit tacos for breakfast.
Or maybe just sit on here, with some SomaFM or Digitally Imported cranked up to ear-bleed levels, and vegetate after one shitty work week and before another one.
@Gex: People who deserve to be minced. Minced and served in a bolognese sauce.
If I was in DC I could go to CPAC and watch a bunch of fat rednecks scream at a lone black women for disenfranchising white men and then go to a forum on “Why Black People don’t Love us More” and then attend another forum on “How to talk to your Gardener”, and then top it off by going to the “How Rape is the Ultimate in Birth Control” seminar. But I’m not in DC, so I guess I will have to content myself with the ongoing clearing of the back forty. It is something to do anyway.
Been listening to Beethoven, Mussorgsky, et al since 1AM. just that kind of a night for me.
Linda Featheringill
Working today. I need the money and they need the help.
The Chanel-like jacket project is moving along at its own chosen speed [slow]. I finally finished 3 yards of trim. No wonder handmade braid and trim is so expensive! It does look rather nice, though. Or I think so.
As for plans for today, not much. John is going to our cabin in Titusville to finish the drywall and get a start on putting in the flooring. Three years after the flood took it off its pilings, we may actually be able to spend some time there this summer.
For myself, the big thing is going to the local Amway to stock up on the food that Koda likes and then to Petsmart for some toys and a leash. She is set to arrive at 10:30 pm next Friday. Very excited.
mai naem
Somebody installed the Grinder app and tried it out at CPAC and got 25 pings at. I find that hilarious. Also, too, Ted Cruz is a major league douchebag and totally makes my gaydar go off big time. I am betting he’s going to be doing the wide stance in a Texas airport a la Larry Craig.
I am totally impressed by Scott Prouty. I am not sure if I had been in that position that I would have thought to plan it out the way he did. I would hope that I would have been brave enough to release it but to be honest I am not sure I would have if I thought it was going to affect my living. I am so glad this country didn’t vote in Romney.
Linda Featheringill
Pictures of her arrival!
Thawing a leg o’ lamb for the crockpot. Still looking over recipes but I may just go with the fuckton of garlic that works so well in a pork shoulder. Rosemary and lemon? Sides?
@geg6: That is so exciting. We’ll all be here waiting for updates.
I’ll be taking advantage of the sunshine and do some work outside. I need a new washer and dryer so plan to go by home depot this morning as soon as I get dressed. I’m not going to buy the new designer series in washers because of the cost, so hopefully I find something.
I’m sorry for you loss, but that made me LOL. I can’t fathom people who are more socially oblivious than I am, no matter how many times I see or hear about them.
@NotMax: Wowzer!
@Linda Featheringill:
Will definitely update with photos. I’m really curious as to how she and Otis will interact. Glad she’s coming on a Friday night so we have the whole weekend to get to know each other.
@Baud: And that’s not the worst thing that was said to me. I did regret the late hubby, who had something of an Edwardian sense of propriety, coupled with a wicked sense of humor, was not available to discuss the metric fuckton of cluelessness directed my way.
The Point is awesome.
@OzarkHillbilly: A much better reason to visit DC:
Garlic, of course. Also too, honey-mustard and rosemary coating, with a little chopped mint, if available. Try it, you’ll like it. I use it when barbecuing a butterflied leg o’ lamb; no reason it shouldn’t work for other preparations.
And, if you can find it, (don’t know if they still make it) a couple of dashes of Lea & Perrins White Worcestershire sauce. Definitely don’t use the regular Worcestershire stuff.
Next time you come, you can stop by the front lawn and take photos of the spectacular view (all the way to the West Maui mountains). If lucky, can catch a rainbow stretching from Kihei to Spreckelsville, arcing across the entire isthmus.
One more thing.
If can’t get the white Woerestershire, use Angostura bitters. No more than two drops per pound of lamb.
Suffern ACE
@Phylllis: was he, ummm, proposing?
Roger Moore
Wait just a second! Aren’t Balloon-Juicers supposed to be telling people to get off their lawns?
@NotMax: Honey mustard and rosemary I can do. Thanx. No bitters in the house, I’ve never heard of L&P white.
Rex Everything
Oy. I agree with the sentiment, but the execution is weak … that song sucks, dude.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gex: Some people are idiots. Some people are assholes. Some manage to combine the two. Sorry you ran into one of those.
@jeffreyw: Garlic, rosemary, and mint while cooking, but save the lemon for after it’s done. Or make gremolata.
@Suffern ACE: There’s a thought that had never crossed my mind until now. May very well have been. And, ewww.
#28. don’t light a match near your mouth after you eat that.
Rosemary, no lemon.
Mashed potatoes and string beans. A fruit salad.
Cheesecake for desert.
dance around in your bones
Gex, I am so sorry. People often say stupid shit to you after a spouse dies. I had a neighbor telling me about a friend of hers who died that she had set up a shrine to? And that person was shooting blue fireballs at her throat out of his picture on her shrine. I SO did not want to hear crap like that.
This was literally hours after my husband died, in bed, next to me.
Never underestimate the stupidity of a certain segment of humanity.
Anyway, {{{hugs}}} You WILL get through it. It takes time, though.
@dance around in your bones:
Some people are plain cruel.
dance around in your bones
That’s so true. And some people are just utterly clueless. They may not mean to harm, but they do.
@MattF: I am sorry… I wish I could answer every reply here, but I am a neanderthal. Ergo, I troll here. From time to time I post…. By the time somebody replies, I have lost track of the thread here. Really, you guys move way too fast for me. Still I love the interplay, the conversation… Keep it up. And allow me to, from time to time, point out something I think others are missing.
@dance around in your bones: You are a “Geyer Street Sheiks” fan, aren’t you? If you aren’t, have I got a track for you.
dance around in your bones
Late reply, but thank you for turning me on to the The Geyer Street Sheiks – am now off to get lost in a YouTube hole :)
(I’d never heard of them).
P.S. What in my comment made you think of them? and what song have you got for me?