Cornelia, Portia & Julius only got a few minutes at the top of the page on Saturday, so I figured they deserved another chance to show off.
From commentor Mel:
Once again, I’m hoping the wonderful Balloon Juice community can help some wonderful cats find homes.
Last November, I took in three cats – Cornelia, Julius, and Portia. They’re pretty unusual, in that they’re an actual family: Mom, Dad, and daughter, and both parents dote on their child. My plan was to try and get Mom and daughter adopted together, which is hard enough, but it’s become clear Dad is equally attached to his kid. They’re so adorable together, I’d really like all three to go to the same home, but that’s almost impossible to do in rescue.
Here are their PetFinder bios:
I know most orange cats are males, but the orange cat in the photos is Cornelia. She’s the most confident of the three. Then there’s the Dad, Julius, who’s a small brown tabby. He’s timid at first, but once he comes out of his shell, he’ll sit in your lap all day long or perch on the back of the chair and put his paw on your shoulder. Their daughter, Portia, is a perfect combination of the two, a fluffy torbie (brown with orange patches) who was born on July 18, 2012. She’s fascinated by computers and loves to watch me work.
They’re some of the most good-natured well-behaved cats I’ve ever fostered, and I’ve fostered lots of cats. They like to be held. They like to sit in laps. They have excellent litterbox manners. They’re good with kids, dogs, and other cats (though Julius can be a bit of a bully at first). It’s a joy to watch them play together. The other day, Portia was hiding in a paper bag and both parents were batting at the bag. They’re fostered through the Montgomery County MD SPCA – http://www.mcspca.org/. So if anyone was interested in adopting them, they’d have to fill out an application and get approved, but that also means they’ve been fully vetted and are spayed/neutered and up-to-date on shots. Also, as their foster, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
If you’re interested in a ready-made cat family, or know someone who might be, send me an email at annelauire (at) verizon dot net (click on my name in the right-hand column) and I’ll put you in touch with Mel.
they look adorable and I would think about it were it not for the one cat who just lost his brother today and is old and sick and the new little kitten we adopted a few months back. I hope they find a home!
Keith G
Contrary to what some believe, I have seen some amazing levels of attachment between members of domestic house cat families.
My present roommates are two 7 yr old DSH sisters. They so obviously enjoy each other’s company as cuddle companions and claws-of-death ninja assassins playmates.
@Keith G:
Cadbury my now elderly cat was absolutely devoted to her mother Alpha. She would constantly cuddle with her and was never happier than when pretending to suckle from her and kneading her belly even at 8 years of age.
Another Halocene Human
Don’t you mean MD/DC, or are you willing to shlep the cats up the Eastern Seaboard to Boston?
@Another Halocene Human:
She probably meant MD, but this is Balloon Juice — if we can transport a dog from Los Angeles to Pennsylvania for geg6, I’m sure transportation from DC to MA for the kittehs could be arranged.
schrodinger's cat
They is sweet! I hope they can be adopted as a fambly.
Facebooked it, fingers crossed :)
? Martin
VaBeach. Cute ass corgi and a hell of a cool offer from AB.
Oh, what an adorable family. I yearn to adopt them en famille, but already have two (a mother-son pair, as a matter of fact, but nowhere near as mutually devoted) who are as much demandingness/possessiveness as I can handle.
If you need funds to get them to someone who can take them all, I will absolutely kick in funds.
Oh please someone adopt them all together! – If I was a millionaire, I’d get them to the UK (and my cat would have something to say), but my friend, now departed, had a feline fambly here 10 years ago: a feral male showed up at my friend’s door, he hung about for about a month, and then brought a female and her kittens (2) to her door, and they were all a family with my friend for many years. This family looks just lovely, and needs a forever home!
I have a small apartment, a pug who doesnt mind cats, and a 3 year old unneutered female cat who I think could use some company.
Any ideas how they might get along? My cat is small and a little scratchy and nippy to me, and occasionally the dog….but she is very playful… Am I going to need more litter boxes? Are they grazers- where you can just leave the food out all the time, or do they have to be fed on a schedule?
should I even consider this?
Yes, you should consider this.
You will two litter boxes. And a cat perch/condo/special place for each of them. They’ll sort it out.
Don’t make grazers out of any cats. Just feed them high quality meat based food morning and night.
Imagine how much love you’ll have around you.
I’m so glad this was reposted. I’m not in the position or location to adopt, but I would help if someone else is.
Our single cat was rescued by us when she refused (after a full year) to tolerate the existing cat civilization at her first rescue home. When we adopt again, it will be at least 2 cats, but not while The Princess rules the roost.