“I’m with South Carolina,” said GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, who also faces voters next year. “I believe in traditional marriage — between a man and a woman, without animosity. I don’t mind if people are able to transfer their property, visit their loved ones in hospitals, but marriage to me, I’ve stayed with the concept of traditional marriage.”
Which is why he is still single.
Huckleberry’s married to America. He just loves his country that much.
“Without animosity?”
WTF kind of marriage is THAT?
Be careful on this one.
He’s married to his closet.
I thought Graham was married to Ben Ghazi.
@Chris: Crap. Thread’s barely started, and you still beat me to it!
Can’t we just criticize him for being wrong instead of speculating about his own sexuality, however obvious it might be?
I don’t mind if people are able to transfer their property, visit their loved ones in hospitals,
So he’s for civil unions? Is that a new position?
@Redshirt: Is he? Sounds like he’s stepping out with South Carolina. “It’s Complicated.”
“Retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) said that he won’t be following Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-Ohio) recent support for gay marriage.
“I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one,” he told Politico in an article published Thursday.”
You know Augusta is right across the river from South Carolina?
No one else’s marriage affects my marriage. The only people that can “cheapen” it are me and my spouse. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY BITCHEZ.
Just Some Fuckhead
Meh, John McCain would never marry him anyway. He doesn’t have enough money.
Here’s a headline #16 seed Southern U is tied with #1 Gonzaga with 3 to play.
David Koch
so he’s not going to marry McCain? They’re just gonna live in sin?
Sad old queen can’t get a proposal from a decent suitor.
I’m near tears, thinking how he must be so … so … lonely
OT, but interesting article:
Has Obama Turned a Generation of Voters Into Lifelong Democrats?
The prospects for a new liberal age
Ted & Hellen
Why, oh delicate one?
Heard of a concept called hypocrisy?
Lindsey Graham….Please forgive me for saying this but the dude is so obviously a pillow biter anything he says on this topic should immediately cause a bolt of lightning to strike him dead.
@lamh35: Good group from Baton Rouge at this game!
C’mon. You know you can’t be true Democrat unless you’ve got one foot out of the party and are ready to bolt.
@lamh35: Good group from Baton Rouge at this game!
@dedc79: Look, if the sad old queen wasn’t in a position of power, I’d agree.
But bitter closet cases have wreaked havoc on us all for generations. I for one am sick of it. Once he retires, he’s entitled to 100% personal privacy and no more speculation.
Which is why he tries to screw it every chance he can.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Ben sounds dangerous and exciting.
Jeff(the other one)
See how simple that was…
@Jeff(the other one): Told ya.
But the mocking IS the fun part. We aren’t being hypocritical pointing out Lindsey’s hypocrisy in a humorous manner. Just a little bawdy.
Eric U.
@lamh35: the republicans know that obamacare is going to peel off any number of votes from them and put them squarely in the dem column. They are doing everything they can to poison the well. I have been seeing things being blamed on Obamacare that simply can’t be a result of that. Just today I saw layoffs at hospitals and special levies to support hospitals blamed on Obamacare. Pretty sure they are a result of state cuts in Medicaid, but it’s really easy for people to blame it on Obamacare because of all the propaganda against it.
@kindness: I am not sure that outing a closeted gay is against the liberal code that I signed up for. I certainly think that Graham deserves the speculation
This whole thing was beaten like a drum last week.
Prepare the fainting couch. Ms Graham has the vapahs over gay marriage.
Kasich said almost this exact thing, except he said “transfer their resources” instead of “property.”
Hopeless romantics, conservatives. It’s all about contracts, resources, property. Must be loads of fun at weddings.
I guess I consider his hypocrisy to be the least of his offenses and that making jokes about his being gay, however harmless the intent, just plays into the idea that there’s something wrong with that.
@kay: Property and a dash of non-hostility.
Shoot, you beat me to it . . .
Yeah, we should have called it “gay joint venture.” Maybe we would have gotten some more Republicans on board.
@hal: Which, big-picture, is fine with me. Boehner went on TeeVee and reaffirmed his orangey distaste for gay proclamations of love, and I bet the dozens of young voters who noticed just nodded and said “yep, them old white (and orange) guys are bigots.” Graham, Boehner, et al are beyond help in not noticing that 81% of young Americans are gay-o-kay.
So, as Jon Stewart would say, “please, sir, proceed…”
the Conster
Rubber spined fence straddler Claire McCaskill is “still thinking about it”. Fucking leadership – how does it work?
schrodinger's cat
@Chris: Gay Marriage!
Highway Rob
@kay: They keep saying they favor traditional marriage. Throughout history, marriage has always been about property, including treating the bride as such.
And yet, at least 45% of the country will vote for one of these assholes every national election day.
@Redshirt: Good think America is a lady, or he’d be in real trouble.
Highway Rob
@Baud: Washington State is a gay joint venture these days, isn’t it?
@the Conster: McCaskill just survived a nasty reelection bid by the skin of her teeth, because the GOP couldn’t put up a candidate that knew how to sit down, shut up, and win. I can’t really blame her for being jumpy.
McCaskill will roll over and vote for this if she absolutely has to (or just do the filibuster two-step, where she ends the debate and votes against). But Reid needs the votes first. McCaskill isn’t going to stick her neck on the line and watch legislation get pulled like the AWB renewal was.
@kay: Am I the only one for whom “transfer their resources” conjures thoughts of Jack D. Ripper?
@Highway Rob:
All of their traditions are fabrications of the 1950s.
He’s not hostile to the orderly transfer of property, generally.
the Conster
She’s going to be a senator for the next 6 years – what’s she got to lose? This is a chance to do the right thing which is inevitably going to happen regardless what she does, so how brave do you have to be to climb on a steamroller?
Thot Gor
Speaking of Civil Unions:
Omnes Omnibus
@the Conster: My guess is that she votes the right way. The thinking about is theater. It’s not brave of her, but I’ll cut purple state people some slack on posturing if they get it right when it counts.
@kay: How about the non-hostile transfer of property between orderlies and generals?
(is this some sort of code where sperm and ova are property?)
Suffern ACE
@Redshirt: leave Ed Koch aloooone! Also, leave America be. I can understand New York getting hitched to Ed, but do you honestly see America saying yes to Lindsay?
Ben Franklin
KEEEEriced ! Haven’t you noticed the need for residuals on re-runs?
I think there’s another reason he’s still single. He’s a snivelling, lying sack of shit weasel. I’m guessing women don’t like that kind of thing, even if the guy is powerful. Which Graham really isn’t, unless having the ability to get in front of cameras and throw hissy fits about Benghazi is considered power.
Something for Tunch to try? http://hellogiggles.com/reporter-loses-it-over-swimming-fat-cat-on-live-tv
the Conster
@Omnes Omnibus:
Shorter Claire: I won’t lead or follow, so I’ll get out of the way!
I just love how stilted and contractual and, well, weird their language has become on this.
They’re horrible marriage advocates. Bad at this. Do they know that?
Conservatives are killing marriage. Any marriage. All of them.
Doesn’t traditional marriage in South Carolina include a hike to the altar on the Appalachian Trail?
someone has pics of him and his boyfriend. they need to do a public service and publish them
@Eric U.:
Is it responsible to speculate?
Omnes Omnibus
@the Conster: Basically. I would doubt that she goes out on a limb much during this term. If the Dems get her vote when it is needed, she is doing her job. She isn’t excelling, but that might just be the best we can hope for from her state.
Ted & Hellen
Almost but you’re not quite there…making jokes about him being gay is mocking the idea that HE thinks there’s something wrong with that, which is why he stays in the closet.
Ben Franklin
@Omnes Omnibus:
She isn’t excelling, but that might just be the best we can hope for from her state.
And the enabling continues……
Chuck Butcher
!Can’t you all just leave Lindsey alooooneee??!!
mai naem
Lindsey’s married to Mil E. Terry. They’ve been married for decades now. Terry picked him up when he was a young whippersnapper.
@Eric U.:
What state are you in?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Larry Craig still denies he’s gay. I figure he and Lindsey are examples of people who have “chosen” to be straight. But then, when Jim Bakker was cheating on Tammy Faye, it was with a woman, which I would have bet heavy against.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben Franklin: Because Missouri would elect Bernie Sanders, right? Not everyone in Congress is going to be a leader on every issue. If she generally gets the votes right, I can deal with it. I would take her over Todd Akin any day and twice on Sunday. If you want to call it enabling, knock yourself out.
? Martin
Newt Gingrich. x3.
@kay: Indeedy. They’re not exactly leading by example either, however much they drag the ball and chain up onto the stage to do the bobble-head as they explain how the Baby Jebus done forgive them.
Ben Franklin
@Omnes Omnibus:
Your practical perspective puts the progressive patina on patricide.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ted & Hellen:
You do make a good point. Assuming he is gay.
@Ben Franklin:
Nice alliteration.
the Conster
@Omnes Omnibus:
The thing is, here in Massachusetts all the same arguments were made as everywhere else right before our gay citizens could marry – it would undermine marriage, think of the children, blah blah blah, and 9 years later, not one single thing changed in anyone’s life, except for the gay people who received the legal benefit. It’s become a non-issue. Food labeling is more controversial, and the same thing will happen everywhere, because no one who is not gay marrying’s life will change. We know this. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve gone to a lot of trouble to pie that dork so I don’t HAVE to read his posts, know what I mean LT?
@the Conster: You know about health care to. So what? The “real America” don’t want to hear that.
Omnes Omnibus
@the Conster: I don’t disagree with you. Also, given a choice, I would take Sanders over McCaskill any day and twice on Sunday. I am just not going to get too upset over a kabuki Hamlet act. Hell, it may get gay marriage supporter in MO to flood her phone lines and allow her to say that she is supporting the bill because of the outpouring of support from her constituents. If she came out for gay marriage, you know the Tea people would be having hate-gasms on her phone lines for months.
@raven: I know. I know.
@Omnes Omnibus: Marcus Bachmann has 5 kids. Just sayin’.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, it’s not THAT much trouble!
“I believe in traditional marriage — between a man and a woman, without animosity…. ”
That part sounds a bit off, somehow. As a commenter suggested above, that would sound odd, except from some one who has been married a long time and was making a joke. Or one who has chewed their way through several, and was being sarcastic (Edit: or maybe I mean bitter).
Am I the only one who caught a slight whiff of eau de Fort Sumter in that statement?
Just Some Fuckhead
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Maybe he isn’t gay. Maybe he’s a heterosexual male with certain unusual proclivities. Sexual orientation isn’t a binary switch, it’s a continuum. And surely there can be a place on this continuum for straight men who like to gargle semen from strangers while kneeling on the sticky bathroom floor of the airport terminal.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
That’s one way to wake up a sleepy thread.
the Conster
Exactly. What do us unAmerican Massholes know about revolutions and Founding Fathers and Constitutions and rights and shit.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
also, eeeewwwwww.
ETA: about the men’s room floor, btw.
@the Conster: Ding!
Imagine had George Wallace stridently declared: “Segregation Now! Segregation Forever! Without Animosity”!
His political career would have been ruined.
Then again, that’s pretty much what he left unsaid, isn’t it?
Mr Stagger Lee
@rikyrah: Especially if the boyfriend is African American, like Lafayette from True Blood.
@? Martin:
Don’t think Newt’s a great comparison. For as much of a lying sunuvabitch as he is, he has some Alpha Dog swagger to him that some women seem to find appealing, even if the guy is an insufferable piece of shit. Helps if the guy is wealthy, which Newt is at this point. Lindsey Graham just sounds and acts like a whining piece of useless shit. That’s not endearing to anyone.
@Turgidson: Everybody loves somebody sometimes. . .
Ted & Hellen
I have three, and I’m pretty damn gay.
? Martin
@Turgidson: Whining? Newt shut down the federal government because he had to sit at the back of the plane.
Ted & Hellen
@Just Some Fuckhead:
omg. LOL
I have never tried “gargling,” but perhaps I am missing something…
Well, maybe Graham is Smithers to McCain’s Mr. Burns.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Ted & Hellen:
I have two and I’m not nearly as gay as you. So graphing this, figure the slope, draw the line.. that means Marcus is really fucking gay.
When Miss Pittypat actually gets married, I’ll be interested in his views on the matter in regard to which other people do it. I do not broadcast my views on marriage much because I’ve never done it either. But since Pittypat is making his views known, I guess I should.
I don’t understand why gay people would want to get married. In fact, I don’t understand why anyone wants yo get married. I say solve the whole problem by outlawing marriage altogether. I think of marriage the same way I think of slavery: a cruel and outmoded social construct that has outlived its usefulness.
But I usually just keep my mouth shut about it. So should Pittypat.
Nope. Considering he’s from SC, that thought crossed my mind, too.
Just Some Fuckhead
Sounds like someone needs to turn off the computer and get some fucking housework done.
Ted & Hellen
One of the great stories which remain untold by our MSM is how gay marriage is inevitably boosting the divorce/legal industry in the states in which it has been made legal.
@geg6: The pup come?
I’m for the TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE of the HOLY BIBLE. Polygamy, dowries, and there’ll be no divorce. Just increased stonings.
Mil Millington said this about marriage (a great many people in the UK live together and have children without ever getting married which appears to disturb many of his US fans)
I love that guy.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah! Let’s put the “conk” back in concubine.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I like Shameless! Frank had a Wigan Casino shirt on the other night. Northern Soul!!!!
the Conster
Love that.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Wow, Wigan Casino got me modded!
Look, Minneapolis has one of the cleanest airports in the U.S. Now, I wouldn’t recommend blowing someone in a LaGuardia loo without putting down a protective layer of something to kneel on.
So no house vote on the marriage equality bill in IL this week, and then the two-week recess starts. It is becoming a harder slog than we’d hoped. Say something encouraging, y’all. I’ve been phonebanking my ass off but I am growing a little discouraged at the intransigence of some of our blue dogs.
@? Martin:
I’m talking about demeanor and affect, not actions. Of course Newt’s a drama queen, but he looks like more of an aggressive asshole when he does it.
Lindsay Graham always sounds like he’s whining. He could be talking about how good his cup of coffee is, and it would sound like he’s whining. And he constantly looks like he might cry.
anyway, this is a stupid tangent. They’re both assholes, in any event.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Wowzer, I tried to comment about Shameless, Frank and Northern Soul but the name of the venue keeps getting modded.
Hey you, unmod me.
the Conster
Tell them that no one should care about same sex marriage, but everyone should want some sex marriage.
@the Conster: you laugh, but you wouldn’t believe how many little old ladies I’ve had to explain “same-sex marriage” to. Many Fox viewers only know the term “gay marriage.” There are some cool old broads who are on board with equality, though.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Worse? I bet they didn’t even call in a priest to bless that loft conversion.
Getting back to Lindsey, because who wouldn’t want to, I get a weirdly asexual vibe off him. I don’t mean he’s not gay as paint, but he may be one of those rare birds (of any sexual orientation) who just doesn’t lead a sexual life. Maybe loving his POW from afar is all he needs.
@scav: possibly they got one to exorcise the contractor, though.
Tomorrow night. We pick her up at the airport at 9:30pm. I’m taking a half day to go on a Petsmart shopping spree.
@geg6: Yes!
Mike in NC
In other news out of SC, former governor Mark Sanford is closer to getting sent back to the US House, and the SC Senate spent $6400 to fly Koch-funded wingnut economist Walter Williams down to Columbia to testify against the ACA, as well as spending about $7500 to get some lawyer who appeared at CPAC to do the same. The taxpayers’ money at work in a stupid move to illegally block federal law. Investigation will probably be blocked by Republican-dominated legislature.
@Redshirt: Don’t forget raping as a way to make the girl marry you.
@PurpleGirl: That’s “Biblical Rape”, which is totally cool.
That closet case is too busy jerking it on ham biscuits to notice the closet burned down a long time ago.
The only pet peeve I have about referring to closet cases as gay is that they don’t have a gay identity because they are not out. Until they come out, I think it would be better to refer to them as closeted.
Odie Hugh Manatee
He’s in the closet but his door has a large window that he’s waving from.
ETA: Actually, he’s so far in the closet that he’s at the window in the back, waving at everyone.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I think the kids these days say: “He’s so far in the closet, he’s sucking dick in Narnia.”
Who is this Ben Gazi and why is everyone saying he’s gay?
Bruce S
Apparently however he does support gay adoption…since – to his credit – he adopted his sister after their parents died. This arrangement is what is known as “a traditional family.”
Remember, hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. The vice in his case isn’t “gay” – it’s living a lie to cling to power. And, of course, all of that warmongering bullshit in tandem with his true love, John McCain.
Now, now, all. Lindsey just hasn’t met the right girl yet.
It sure was swell when good old Joe was around…
This is the definition of being a Republican: You can’t tell a policy is harmful, even when it applies, harmfully, to you.
the lost puppy
Holy crap, that is funny.
Thought I’d heard he actually had a “sweet thang” posing as a roommate so perhaps he’s not a Hardee’s regular after all
Guess what fuckface? Opposing marriage IS opposing those rights. Especially since you also fucking passed DOMA you fuckhead. Don’t fucking tell me you support my fucking property rights. You have been stealing from me in extra taxes, you will be keeping it from me by not allowing me survivorship benefits, you’re fucking me over in this whole estate/probate thing, and you’ll finish it off by taxing me some more on it.
Fuck you. Your buddy Scott Walker specifically tried to rescind hospital visitation rights. You don’t fucking support my rights. You just need to convince stupid people that there’s a difference between banning marriage and banning all these rights that Americans support.