Speaking of NSFWCorp, Mark Ames & Max Blumenthal use their expansive pixel allotment to gleefully catalog the weird specimens currently representing the House of Breitbart:
… Breitbart, the adoptive son of a wealthy West Los Angeles restauranteur, used his privilege to immiserate the most marginalized, impoverished, widely demonized groups of Americans. He was a faithful errand boy for rich, Scrooge McDuck tycoons like Peter Thiel, Foster Friess, and the Koch Brothers, wielding smear journalism against anyone or any interest that threatened their power — usually African-Americans or groups like ACORN, serving impoverished, neglected inner city communities.
There was nothing innovative or new about Breitbart’s smear operation. Indeed, he walked a trail blazed by the now-forgotten snitches and smear artists of the McCarthy era – quasi-eccentric figures like Matt Cvetic and Henry Matusow. Cvetic drank himself to death a few years after McCarthy’s fall; while Matusow recanted, was jailed for perjury, and spent the last decades of his life begging for money and working as a clown for children’s parties. Breitbart, for his part, collapsed on a sidewalk outside his home in Brentwood at the tender age of 43…
What Breitbart really left behind is not so much a media business as an asylum for fringe-right degenerates, a motley collection of depraved losers, beer hall rage-a-holics and downright freaks offering themselves up as mercenaries for the rich and powerful, taking dirty jobs no one with a shred of self-respect would consider. As hired-assassins who couldn’t hit the side of a barn if their lives depended on it, the unlikely heirs Breitbart once hired as sycophantic underlings come off as a comedy troupe of slapstick fascists — and it would be funny, if not for the powerful corporate forces sponsoring their attempts at sectarian smears and top-down class warfare….
With Loesch out of the picture, the “face of Breitbart.com” title has mostly gone to the same two clowns — Joel Pollak and Ben Shapiro — who botched the Obama student video on the Sean Hannity Show, and started Breitbart down the long slide into the fringe-right margins.
And that is just how Pollak and his little sidekick Shapiro, a pair of ambitious celebrity-seekers, like it. Pollak and Shapiro both harbor deluded fantasies of becoming the telegenic faces and voices of the conservative movement. The only thing holding them back: their faces and voices…
“Sneak” seems to be the consensus word for “a group of weasels”, but the flat noun doesn’t really capture the naked incompetence and adolescent pissiness of the Breitbrat collective. “Snivel” isn’t perfect, either. Anybody got a better suggestion?
Dead Ernest
A “squat”?
If sticking with ‘S’ words, ‘smarm’ might do in a pinch.
Living history.
So sayeth the 95-year-old, and last, of Hitler’s food tasters, a woman who also survived – and surmounted – brutalities which can scarce be imagined.
There already exists a collective noun for a “group of weasels” – colony.
So rather than reinvent the wheel (and sow possible confusion) better to come up with a term other than weasels.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
I’d go with conspiracy, or one of its synonyms such as cabal or plot.
The authors don’t even know what “adoptive” means, and you have to subscribe to read the article?
Breitbart would be proud of a scam like that.
@NotMax: I still love that a group of crows is a murder. Poor corvids.
Ah, now I grok what you may be after.
A scourge of Breitbarts.
A fart of breitbartlettes? It conveys that the group is both insubstantial and noxious, especially if it’s deliberate.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): But that seems to suggest some level of competence.
Spaghetti Lee
‘Snivel’ and ‘Smarm’ are mighty fine choices. I humbly submit ‘a whopper of breitbrats.’
A scrote of Breitbarts?
dance around in your bones
I’d go with a foul of Breitbarts.
The prophet Nostradumbass
A taint of Breitbarts.
Anne Laurie
It always amused me that it’s a murder of crows, but an unkindness of ravens. Apparently ravens are big & scary enough that nobody wants to insult them too blatantly!
One more.
Elbridge Gerry’s name became the lower-case gerrymander. Taking a cue from that, perhaps use the name of a vile (and reviled) propagandist.
A goebbelsclan of Breitbartistas.
Or, a goebbelswamp of Breitbartistas.
Both terms apply to those carbuncles of humanity.
joel hanes
A viciousness of weasels
A smear of Breitbrats
Anybody got a better suggestion?
Using Breitbart’s name is unfair to someone who deserves to be forgotten. Further, they aren’t weasels – they are *also* weasels.
I suggest an ineptitude of scumsuckers.
[‘And a shitstorm of bottomfeeders.’]
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Ya think? Because it seems to me that most proven conspirators or plotters were incompetent enough to be found out. It’s really only the theorized, unproven conspirators who are competent.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Please pardon the political incorrectness, but: A pétard of retards.
A douchebag of Breitbarts. It works on multiple levels.
A brood of not-so-bright barts ?
Glad the kenyan muslin usurper sent a stealth
heart-attackdrone to kill that mofo.Booda
A slither of breitbrats. It conjures up that involuntary shudder of horror you experience when encountering snakes, worms, scorpions, and entitled douchebags
Slime. That says it all.
joel hanes
A fabrication of breitbrats.
A resentment of breitbrats.
A deceit of breitbrats.
A fraud of breitbrats.
A mendacity of breitbrats.
A prevarication of breitbrats.
A pustule of breitbrats.
A shitstain of Brietbrats?
A confederacy of Breitbarts?
Phoenician in a time of Romans
The Breitbart Collective is a cocktrip of weasels.
AHA! I finally figured out what is the Rethug strategy to try to win the Latino vote for a generation:
It’s once again… Rupert Murdoch at work. And here it is!
Will it work? I dunno, FAUX succeeded hugely in brainwashing white folks.
Notice the date this network launched. Just before the election…. too late to influence it, but Murdoch is playing a long game.
Yes, I am already seeing this new network on display, on TV’s in taquerias around the area. And that worries me.
Evolving Deep Southerner
A fester of breitbrats?
The prophet Nostradumbass
A dunce of Breitbarts.
@ fuckwit
And the cherry-picking and slant on individual stories purposefully rewoven from the same ones as aired on non-Spanish FOX.
A shart of Breitbarts.
joel hanes
A calumny of breitbrats
Mark Ames can go fuck himself with Breitfart’s decomposing dick. That ass fooled me pre-Obama. Used read him a lot, until the most liberal President in our lifetimes, Barack Obama, began making more progressive change than any President perhaps ever, and with the most obstructionist Congress ever (basic fact), and this Ames idiot has devoted his life since to diminishing support for America’s Most Liberal President and Democrats in general. Case in point #734:
Extremely disappointed to see another person I have greatly admired in the past, Max Blumenthal, working with this racist clown Ames. White (Privilege) Power!
We’re teetering on the brink of a complete take-over of our Democratic Republic by Billionaire Facists, and these stupid white-privileged fucks fall right into the “divide and conquer” trap over and over, by attacking the man who is single-handidly standing in their way and getting RE-ELECTED, rather than focusing on the the true evil – republicans and their enablers in the mainstream media. What a bunch of privileged tools…
Joey Maloney
A pustule of breitbrats.
Zsa Zsa
a cancer of Breitbarts
‘ratfuckers’ is traditional….
so many good choices – I picked my top 5 from those listed above (in order of appearance:
A fart of Breitbarts
A taint of Breitbarts
A smear of Breitbrats
A pustule of Breitbrats
a cancer of Breitbarts
and my own idea, which is weak but is an old family favorite:
A quisling of Dimbarts
A screech of Breitbrats?
On the other hand, we might be approaching this from the wrong direction – perhaps it should be “a breitbart of X,” where “X” is a set of universally-hated (well, by rational/non-right-wing persons) objects.
Such as:
A breitbart of rapists (“legitimate” or otherwise)
A breitbart of festering
gobssoresA breitbart of Fox pundits
A breitbart of snot-encrusted, syphilitic child molesters
A breitbart of fracking-polluted aquifers
A breitbart of Breitbrats
The Golux
An excrescence of Breitbrats.
Anne Laurie @ Top:
Just One More Canuck
An asshole of Breitbarts
I thought of coterie of Breitbarts just because it sounds French and Un-American, but it really does not do this group justice.
How about an asylum of Breitbarts?
Or a feeble of Breitbarts.
A botch of Breitbarts? Sort of a play on batch.
@Just One More Canuck:
Spot on. Anything associated with defecation is the way to go. I also liked a fart of breibarts someone posted earlier.
Wally Ballou
A santorum of Breitbarts?
The Golux
A pantload of Breitbrats.
Wally Ballou
@rda909: Ames is also a misogynistic creep, among other things.
A craven of Brietbarts.
But I also like Batoccico’s “A confederacy of Brietbarts.”
this is the best part of the post
The Other Bob
The asshole authors printed “adoptive” to explain what damaged him in the first place. The authors are likely clueless about how many people in this world were adopted, but to them adoption is still this exotic thing that must be permanently damaging and result in dicks like Breitbart.
subhumanoid scum
human waste or wasteage
I’ll go with “a bag of salted dicks.”
How about a cringe? A cringe of Breitbrats. (He is still dead, right?)
Cheap Jim
@Mandalay: Nor do they know enough to leave the n out of restaurateur.
@Yutsano: My favorite is “a congress of baboons”.
Roger Moore
Why not go strait for “A defecation of Breitbrats” then?
A dastard of Breitbarts works for me but I like craven as well
Friend of Hermes
A snot-rag of Breitbarts?
Yes, praise Jeebus and FSM.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Roger Moore: Perfect. The winner.
elemental jim
Alec Baldwin referred to Breitbart as “A Festering Boil on the Anus of Public Discourse”.
So methinks maybe…”Known as furuncle, boils are round tender bumps filled with pus.
If a group of boils occur in the same areas, these are then referred to as carbuncles.”
A slither of Brietbats.
A chode of Brietbats.
A scat of Breitbarts.
A coronary of Brietbarts.
A coke of Breitbarts.
@The Golux: So many excellent choices….and then I read yours!
A pantload of Breitbats, so perfect for the way they are always trying to get the ignorant rabble to shit themselves over one stupid thing or another.
a wank of Brietbarts
gocart mozart
To stick with a Tea-Bag theme, how about:
A Scrotum of Breitbarts?
A Scrotum of teabaggers, etc
A speedbump of Breitbarts.
Felinious Wench
@Roger Moore: Defecation of Breitbarts is my vote. We can riff on that in many a future thread.
@Phoenician in a time of Romans:
I like “cocktrip” – it is so descriptive of so many of their evil escapades.
If we want to avoid memorializing the rotting bastard by using his name, and also want to avoid insulting actual weasels, maybe a shitsack of cocktrips? If the second s in “shitsack” is pronounced as a z, maybe the word morphs a little into a different, unique word that refers only to the breitbrats, leaving “shitsack” still available to refer to other, more generic assbumps.
A “peristalsis” or a “retch” of Brietbarts are the accepted groupings in some circles.
A conspiracy of Brietbarts?
@NotMax: Outstanding!
Ed Drone
A colostomy of Breitbrats?
That encompasses nastiness as well as illness, both of which are indicative of the species. If there was a way to include the idea of the cancer on America they really are, I’d include it, too.
joel hanes
A malignancy of breitbrats.
A turd pile. Or a cow pie, if you’re feeling kind.
grumpy realist
A schmiel of breitbrats.
You know who else raged in beer halls?
I don’t see that anyone has offered up this one :
A “Blather” of Breit brats
Patricia Kayden
“The only thing holding them back: their faces and voices…”
Dang, that’s mean.
True, but so mean.
What words capture the essence of the Breitbart collective? Deranged liars sounds pretty good to me. They’re fully deranged and all they do is lie. Just like other Rightwing media types.
The Shit-Stain Twins.
A turd of breitbarts
A murder of Bretibarts?
Oh wait – I got the question wrong…
How about a faece of Breitbarts?
A plop?
Are you trying to sell us a subscription, Anne Laurie?
@Sgaile-beairt: with a great deal of respect, I always took a ratfuck as referring to a group of college republicans. I think the correct term is a ‘trust fund of Breitbrats’. I’ll check the OED…
A festering of Breitbarts.
Like a hemorrhoid.