I’m traveling so I’m (involuntarily) watching some TV I usually don’t see, including the Today Show, which I haven’t watched for years. So Huma and Tony Weiner are in my face, and really is there any story with more potential for fun, and less real fun, than that one? Everyone on Today, including the author of this astonishingly lengthy piece in the Times, have the longest faces about the tragedy that struck down this power couple in their prime, and it’s both dull and uninformative.
It’s dull because, let me remind those in the media who seem to have forgotten, that nobody died on Twitter the day Anthony sent out a picture of his (covered, remember) penis. But it’s all tears and sadness in the Times puff piece. The Weiners are still married, and they have a healthy baby. Little dalliances like this occur all the time with long-term relationships. Yet, it’s like we’re watching some tragedy.
And they’re not telling us anything we don’t know. We all knew that it was a pretty big bummer when Tony had to call his wife to confess, and we certainly get a tick-tock of those unpleasant events. But Tony wants to be mayor, so we’re not going to hear about all the other pictures that he tweeted out, the possible affairs he might have had, and so on. Not that I think that’s extremely important to know those details, but I thought the Times was a little better than People.
You did?
I usually am up early and get myself around, read a little, have some coffee and nearly out the door before the Mrs. gets up. On days she is up early she loves to have Today on. It usually makes me think that being blind and deaf have some advantage. Its dreadful in ways that are insidious and damaging to the national discourse.
FAUX Friends is open propaganda designed to fool nobody with a functioning brain, Today and their companion shows around the dial (boy is that archaic, soon we will have to explain to the kids why we say ‘dial) are doing the real work of draining IQ points from normal people
c u n d gulag
This is of a kind with those countless idiotic articles the TImes writes about the “Poor, woe is us,” NY couples who make 1/2 a million dollars a year, but can’t afford to dine out every night, send their kids to private schools, have that 4 bedroom condo, buy a new luxury car every year or two, and go on vacations to luxury resorts.
Somehow, people in NY City manage to live on a lot less. Maybe not as well, but the don’t rate any “Poor, woe is us” articles.
And, why is it that only Democratic politicians have to suffer for some infidelity or other, while guys like McCain, Gingrich, Vitter, etc, remain either in office or mainstays of their party?
Oh yeah – IOKIYAR!
“but I thought the Times was a little better than People”
Well, there’s your problem right there.
Actually, People tells readers about stuff they’re interested in. The Times tells readers about stuff the 1%ers are interested in. Well, no. It tells 5%ers stuff about how they’ll never be 1%ers, and pretends it’s of vital concern to the nation.
Jonathan Van Meter, NYT:
Huh. I didn’t know the Weiners lived in my neighborhood — though, unlike the Weiners, I’m decidedly in the low-rent division of that neighborhood.
Suffern ACE
@c u n d gulag: lol. The weiner’s apparently pay 12-14 grand a month rent to live in their manhattan digs (unless there are shenanigans afoot), so they might qualify as your typical “poor” couple.
I second Raven. There is NO major American newspaper that is above the sh#t tide line any more. I read the McClatchy site and a bunch of international newspapers and sites, depending on what I am following at the time.
The only time I visit the American media is when someone I trust (like the folk here) recommend it for a positive reason. Time’s too short to spend it gnawing at my own liver in rage.
Ash Can
Tony wants to be mayor? Don’t you need to have a brain to do that?
c u n d gulag
@Suffern ACE: “Only” 12-14 grand a month?
Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle, they’re worse off than I thought!
Suffern ACE
What I’ve learned about the ny mayors race so far: the republicans select their candidates through a process that leads to federal indictments. The times thinks Christine Quinn has too much of a temper to be suited for the job. But somehow Anthony Weiner doesn’t have that same temper?
The fact that he thinks he can be the mayor shows his disconnect from reality. And I’m still pissed that in late September 2010 he was spending his time sexting the woman in Las Vegas and complaining about how he was so BORED. Hey, Anthony, there’s a midterm coming up — get your ass out there and do some damn work, raise some money, you asshole.
I’ll take Weiner and all his dick pics over a Republican any day of the week. Fuck it, hire someone on your staff who’s sole purpose is to take pictures of your dick and make sure the position of “Dick Photographer” is highlighted and circled with exclamation points on the budget you submit and your city website. Still better than a ratfucking, piece of shit Republican.
Failing to get honest work, he seeks to return to politics. Apparently it’s all the fault of twitter. Otherwise he’d be out cruising the bars like a traditional perv.
While the suggestion that he shouldn’t have been wasting time sexting and instead should have beeen focusing on an important election is good, valid and one I fully agree with, my main problem with Weiner is that he lied. I’m of the opinion that private lives are that and they should be left alone even if they are a bit funky. Now, breaking the law is different, but sexting isn’t illegal. And if his wife was okay with it, well that is all between consenting adults. But Weiner started out by lying and saying it wasn’t his pecker. So fuck him. If he had instead, said,” yeah, it’s my package, so what? It’s not illegal, everyone is a consenting adult and it is none of your business. I did it on my time, on my dime, so piss off with you,” if he had said something to that effect I could see going to bat for him. But he weaseled and tried to hide it and just played into the media circus that gets overly excited at the sight or sound of sexy time.
But, it is up to the people of NYC to decide if they want him to be mayor. My money is on that they will decide no.
@ChrisNYC: I bow to your superior knowledge as a resident/voter, but speaking as a small-city Midwesterner, it appears to me that big cities appreciate an asshole factor in their mayors that would be death for a national office. To wit: Daley, Daley, Rahm, Koch, Giuliani, Bloomberg, probably others and other cities I’m not familiar with. Are you saying Weiner isn’t asshole enough, or not in the right way?
I agree. I never could get behind the defense of Weiner for that reason.
In his defense, the Republicans don’t even bat an eye about their own, much worse, indiscretions. Look at Mark Sanford’s attempted “come back” and his “indiscretion” was much, much worse. Then, there’s Vitter, et al.
I just hope that was just a “stupid” immature moment for Weiner, though, not a narcissistic one. We already have enough narcissists in politics. I mean, look at Sarah Palin and the ‘bagger types. It takes a lot of ego to jump into politics when you don’t know shit.
/jaw meets floor
Fo shiz?
@brettvk: It’s not that he’s an asshole it’s that he hasn’t ever DONE anything. He was Schumer’s guy. He got the office because of his connections and because of the makeup of his district. You can’t go from that to a huge executive job like mayor. The City has a quarter of a million employees! And the mayor does real nitty gritty work and makes appointments that actually matter. Weiner is so not up to it. Giuliani ran the US Attys office. Bloomberg ran his company. Quinn runs the city council. Weiner was bored.
I just got tagged in a facebook message from a young friend who moved to NYC 5 years ago. She hit one year of sobriety today and I was one person she thanked for supporting her. “Like” fo sho!
6 examples from 2 cities does not a nationwide pattern make. Yes, giant metropoli may love big dicks, but I dont see asshole written on LA Mayors’ obits, nor Seattle, Houston, etc.
And I’m not sure Daley II can be called an asshole.
Chuck Butcher
I can’t think why…
No offense, but in politics, narcissism is almost genetically encoded. Especially at the levels Weiner is aiming. Would it be nice if there were more involved who were genuinely there for the service? Yes. But those people are probably not going to be the ones saying “vote for me.” Probably.
@brettvk: Oh and the disconnection from reality is that he thinks the rehab job is the mayor. It’s nuts. People craft their careers for that job, see eg Quinn. It’s not a consolation prize for pols who screw up their ridiculously safe do nothing House seats. Sanford had the good sense to take a step down — from gov to rep.
And Today used to attempt more hard news. Now it’s just fluff and celebrity entertainment complex and poutrage.
We’re not doing better by having less informed, outraged TV viewers.
At least, not for the general public.
@raven: Cool beans, dude. I’m creeping up on a year myself, finally.
Suffern ACE
@ChrisNYC: Weiner was going to run for mayor eventually. It is the job he wanted. Ed Koch went from Congress to Gracie mansion, and so did la guardia, so it isn’t like mayors groom themselves at the city council and work there way up. The mayor’s office is the promotion.
I can see the Republican campaign posters now– three words: “Weiner Weiner Weiner”. No, he’s not going to be Mayor, ever.
@Face: Daley II, from everything I’ve gathered, was an asshole, just not as public about it as his father. He also left while the leaving was good, leaving behind huge problems for Emanuel.
Some of it doubtless has to do with the nature of the city government, but I recall some major asshole mayors of Dallas (I honestly can’t remember who was mayor of Houston most of the time I lived near there), and Philadelphia, for instance. Would be an interesting poli sci research project for someone.
@ChrisNYC: I see what you mean, but what’s he doing at the moment to pull down the rent? I thought he’d probably parachuted from the House into a corner office at a hedge fund, but I never cared enough to find out. Presumably he’s doing something that translates to electoral credit.
WRT Mr. Weiner:
Does no one ever consider John Profumo’s path? After his scandal, he left public life and genuinely served the less fortunate.
For the rest of his life.
Even doing that until son Jordan goes to elementary school would benefit Mr. Weiner immeasurably. Would allow him to spend more time with his family, too.
from wiki:
NYTimes Profumo obit is shorter and a good recap.
Villago Delenda Est
One of Weiner’s problems is that he wasn’t actually in to the “consenting adults” thing, at least with one of the women he sent his dick pics to. She wasn’t expecting it, and he thought it was a big joke.
And, yes, the lying part. Which is why he had to resign. He had no support from his fellow Dems, who he lied to in the first place. Nancy Smash was not amused by his dissembling about who’s dick it was that got sent
Mark Sanford’s recent victory in the South Carolina primary special election is only the most recent confirmation of the IOKIYAR principle cited by cund gulag above (#3).
That said, there are any number of commenters on this blog who have as likely a chance to be elected Mayor of NYC as Anthony Weiner at this point. Floating the absurd notion that he could be a competitive candidate this year is just the latest example of how badly the NYT wishes to undermine Christine Quinn in her bid to replace Emperor Bloomberg. (Let me note that I’m no supporter of Quinn’s; Bill diBlasio and John Liu are both less-compromised Democrats in the race.)
And speaking of once-disgraced New York politicians, how wonderful/how wistful it was to listen to Eliot Spitzer last night on “All In with Chris Hayes” as he ripped apart the recent OCC/Federal Reserve agreement on foreclosure. Unlike Weiner, Spitzer was someone the banksters and tycoons really wanted to get out of office. To the very great loss of the 99%.
cheers to you for that.
Quitting drinking was truly the best thing I ever did. That isn’t to say I have a problem with other people drinking, just me drinking. And if you are a person like me, then I am sure many great things will follow from your decision to stop drinking. I myself will have 25 years of sobriety this Friday, April 12th. I never did forget the date of that last, fateful day of drunkenness. Here’s to you reaching that first year and many more after.
And BTW, even $3K/mo gets you a shitty hole in the wall studio in Manhattan. Rentals are out the roof, so to speak.
People are piled on top of other people all over that borough. It’s easy for a single to rent a small place at an exorbitant price and get a roommate(s) to put in a cot and share a kitchen/bath (most aren’t there except to sleep anyway), but not so easy when you have a family–which is why middle class people stay out of it–it’s simply not affordable.
@magurakurin: Ding! I hit 20 this Feb. It’s just normal now.
Villago Delenda Est
Very much so. Spitzer might well have managed to put some of those criminal shitstains in jail.
Suffern ACE
@handsmile: I don’t get the times, Quinn hate. It’s kind of like when they went out of their way to promote Harold Ford as a viable challenger against Kirsten Gillibrand for no particular reason that I could figure out. And they were fluffing him hard, following him around writing glowing reviews of his “tour to get to know New York” as if it was building some kind if Fordmentum.
I dunno – the way I have been feeling lately I’d think keeping somebody sober for a whole year as a negative thing!
I consider myself very fortunate – I come from a long line of people who had a lot of problems with drinking. I do enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with dinner but I have never felt the NEED for a drink. Drinking has never caused me to be a problem. It has to be tough for those who give it up & I admire the ones who keep trying.
@magurakurin: Congrats to you on 25 years! I have already seen tremendously good things come from my decision last June. Life may not always be grand (although it’s pretty damned good for me at the moment), but it’s far better than before. @raven: and congrats to you on 20 as well. And thanks for the encouragement many moons ago. It took a while, but it seems to have finally took.
Hillary Rettig
i hate it when “respectable” news outlets run someone’s pr campaign for them, especially when the “someone” behaved badly. this is pretty bad, but not so bad as the New Yorker’s last week’s rehabilitative piece on insider trading crook Henry Blodgett.
Hillary Rettig
@Elizabelle: wow. probably only 1/10000 people would do that – if that many.
@Schlemizel: It wasn’t that hard for me. I drank for 30 years and when I hit the wall I had so much other shit to deal with not drinking was the least of my problems. I came to find out that something that drove my life for all those years didn’t mean shit. The hardest thing to cope with is that being sober doesn’t solve all your problems, you just see them with more lucidity. (Thank you Pete Hamill)!
mai naem
My guess is that the Weiners are waiting for Hillary to run so that Mr. Weiner can be given some cushy gig making okay $$$ but then he can quit halfway through the term and go out lobbying and make big $$$.
Also too OT, I have on good authority(Drudge,Faux) that the stabber situation at the college in Houston was actually set up by the NRA because the NRA wanted to show that knives could do just as much damage as guns, so actually all that stuff that you watched on the MSM was all made up by the NRA. Yeah, the stabbings didn’t actually happen. It’s all a NRA conspiracy. Psst – pass it on.
You thought the Times was better than People? Were you aware that Maureen Dowd has had column for 20 years with that paper and that her “ethos” dominates all of its political reporting (that includes an assumption that whatever the deviant personal conduct IOKIYR and “Luv Jesus” hence only Democratic deviancy is disqualifying)which highlights the silly, the personal, and voyeuristic sexual prurience? It gossip and pop psychoanalysis for fun and profit.http://dailyhowler.blogspot.com/2013/04/maureen-dowd-has-come-long-way.html
I quote Somerby below as it sums up the Times (and Today, and I am afraid MSNBC outside of Chris Hayes).
“Maureen Dowd doesn’t do windows or substance! The nation is collapsing around her, but her goal is to make you wonder about who will run for the White House next time. One or two of Dowd’s readers complained with some eloquence about the premature foolishness of this column. But pundits like Dowd have nothing to say—and they need to fill up a full column.
True to the soul of the New York Times, this worthless piece ran on the front page of yesterday’s Sunday Review. This paper is run by empty souls—empty souls who live on the fringes of the upper class.
They will be fine, no matter what comes. They don’t much care about you.
Columns and discussions like these are designed to kill time, to distract you from matters of substance. Let us entertain and distract you, pundits like this one proclaim.”
By the way, besides Wiener’s own egotistic belief that he should be Mayor, what particular raison d’etre does he have? How would a Wiener administration be different than Bloomberg or a Quinn administration. (The Bloomberg administration has been running New York as Wall Street support system with strong authoritarian element to keep the hippies and the Blahs in their place, in many ways a continuation of Giulani’s administration – the minimum wage and sick leave issues certainly show their values.)
Speaking of terrible (potential) politicians….is Colbert’s sister trying to do Steven’s satire schtick or is she serious with this bullshit?
Look at this tripe:
Remember, that’s the Dem candy
@mai naem: I suppose it’s a good thing that conspiracy theories nearly always take me by surprise. But the notion that the NRA would, just possibly, do something completely wacko…
minor note in passing, funny how quickly that old catholic monolith can move and drag in civil authorities no less when it’s a question of their money and a gambling nun.
@Suffern ACE:
I wish I had a clue myself as to what the NYT is up to with Quinn’s candidacy, though I must note that it has been most determined to destroy the electoral prospects of City Comptroller John Liu. (A former longtime city councilman from Queens, Liu represents the political aspirations of NYC’s substantial Asian-American communities.)
Quinn’s agreement with Bloomberg’s minister of security Ray Kelly that he would retain his position if she became mayor had seemed to me to clinch her success as heir apparent. She certainly has been a compliant friend of the city’s real estate and financial interests during her tenure as City Council Speaker (and those interests are the key constituency of the NYT).
My cynical view is that the Times’ recent series of hit-pieces on Quinn, as well as its concurrent promotion of Giuliani stooge Joe Lhota as a Republican mayoral candidate, is a iron-fisted reminder to her who will control NYC in the post-Bloomberg era.
You’re lucky then. I have some family members who tried several times & never got it right.
“While booze will not solve your problems it sure can help you forget what they were” – Anon
Patricia Kayden
@magurakurin: Which politician didn’t initially lie when confronted about cheating?
That’s human nature.
@Punchy: Forget it, Punchy. It’s South Fucking Carolina. ::points to da left:: Berkeley’s that-a-way.
Remember, she is running in a VERY gooper district. Those are the sort of empty platitudes everyone breaks out when they run. That they play well amongst the mouth breathers is indicative of why the GOP can still win elections
The New York Times IS SOYLENT GREEN?
third of two
ORLY? Anything you’d like to share with the group?
OT: WaPost trumpets bipartisan gun safety agreement:
The “Nancy Lanza could legally sell a gun or guns to Adam Lanza” loophole still remains.
And granddaughter could help add to paranoid granddad’s collection.
No way.
Call your Senator. NOW.
@Suffern ACE: I know he wanted it. But he screwed up. That whole thing was totally handleable and he massively flipped out and due to his flipping out, he made his name in a bad way. Sorry, Anthony. You don’t say, Well, on to the Mayor’s office — except now it’s my comeback!
FlyingMonkeyFirebaggers laying siege to my radio show. First, my homeblog last week. Now this. You lousy frakheads lost, get the frak over it. And get off my show with that ObamaHateCult bullshit. Remember, YOU LOST!
That is all.
It’s true that I’ll vote for the Democratic schmuck over the Republican schmuck, every time, even if he tweets pictures of it to people he’s not married to.
But god I hate having the NYT tell me to get in line and forgive my upper-class Manhattanite social superiors. I resent the subtext of this kind of article (when it’s not the whole text), that they are my betters, by wealth, education, status, and birth, so they get to do things with total impunity that would utterly ruin the lives of little people.
Accountability–jail terms, foreclosure, homelessness, catastrophe–all that is for little people. People who get caught stealing a few thousand, or get caught carrying a few grams, all go to jail and have their lives ruined.
Rich people who have close friends in the media get endless sympathy, and articles telling me to shed bitter tears over their heartache, and pledge my undying love and servitude nonetheless.
Gah. I hate the NYT and the social structure it upholds.
@Suffern ACE: He’s like Santorum. “You know what the 29 point loss of my Senate seat tells me? It tells me that I would make a FANTASTIC President!”
Ridnik Chrome
This former Chicagoan will certainly call him one, and worse. He ran that place like an absolute monarch. Google Meigs Field or check the entry on Wikipedia for just one example. He let real estate developers run wild, resulting in a bunch of useless, mostly-empty high rises downtown, and useless, mostly-empty condo buildings and chain stores everywhere else. He turned my hometown (and I grew up in the city) into a big, ugly overpriced suburban shopping mall. Emmanuel is no great improvement, in my opinion, but at least he’ll have to actually do things for ordinary people in order to get re-elected, and hopefully that will keep him relatively honest.
I found the article fascinating because these people are so shallow and so driven that they were willing to expose (sic) their private lives in order to get Weiner back into a public life that he in no way deserves or, apparently, can handle. Politics isn’t his vocation, in a Weberian sense, its just what he wants to do, what he thinks he knows how to do. He isn’t going to start a new profession now.And the two of them are so entitled, apparently, that they think they can get past what was one of the most absurd scandals of a shallow person of all time.
Its not that I think people’s private lives are fair game. Its just that this guy’s offense was so ludicrious, so obscene (literally), so childish, so self indulgent, so grown out of need that I can’t take him seriously as a hard working public servant anymore. He’s clearly in it for the self gratification/masturbation of it and why would anyone vote for a guy who had that much free time on his hands? Clinton at least was multitasking while he was getting his blow jobs.
However, that being said, I was disgustingly curious about how a couple that thinks of themselves as public people handled this private failing and the humiliation of it–because I think it was far more humiliating, in a way, even than if he had let himself get seduced, or seduced, a person in real life.
Paul W.
I have no idea what you’re talking about, what’s a “Today Show”?
And a US senator could never be president. Amirite?
Suffern ACE
@oldster: Yep. I’ll reiterate. Christine Quinn according to the last times “insider profile” just might not have the right temperament to be mayor. But we are supposed to have warm feelings for Anthony Weiner for staying married to a beautiful woman and moving to Manhattan from his home district in Forest Hills to get away from a self-created sexting mess.
You are going to need to choose your next mayor based on that important information. Thankfully, Christine Quinn lives in Chelsea, or the Times wouldn’t take her seriously at all.
Weiner won his last election 60-40. How does your comparison to Santorum hold?
@lojasmo: Because he screwed up his last job and had to resign. Oh and the rehab stint. So, on to the next step on the ladder!
Nothing says you’re ready for a promotion like getting fired.
Amir Khalid
So I read the New York Times story. It’s all about Anthony and Huma and their marriage. His political career went down in flames when he tried so clumsily to duck the consequences of his stupidity. Now he seems to be living down his personal scandal the right way; well, good for him. But what does he want for that, a cookie?
I didn’t learn one thing about his fitness for elected office, relative to any other candidate out there. I didn’t learn where he stands on any New York City issues, or if he’s even thinking about them. Were I a New Yorker, I wouldn’t know from this story whether he deserved my vote for Mayor.
@Patricia Kayden:
It is also human nature to lie when confronted about murdering, but so what? Weiner doesn’t deserve a free pass. Besides, he wasn’t even cheating with another woman. What he did was just creepy and pathetic.
I think Sanford is making something of a comeback now partly because he he had an affair with a beautiful woman from Argentina, who is now by side while he campaigns. But all Weiner has to show for his indiscretion is photos of his dick in the public domain. If he runs his opponents will be able to take the high road and rip him to shreds.
@Amir Khalid:
Indeed. But once you know where the psychofuck stands on Israel he shouldn’t be allowed to run for city dog catcher. The loss of Weiner from Congress was a small win for the human race…
His name is Weiner. Her name is Abedin.
A man tweets a picture of his dick he’s running for Mayor of NYC and is forgiven for poor judgement. I woman tweets a pic of her breasts and she’s not even qualified to run a register at 7-11.
Amir Khalid
I can’t help wondering what Weiner’s Arab Muslim wife and in-laws make of that.
Amir Khalid
Well, technically it was a picture of him in his underpants. (With the Hammer of Anthony thereby covered, albeit not truly concealed.) I do agree with you about the sexist double standard.
@Amir Khalid: Well they let her marry a Jewish man. Or she did so without their permission (a possibility but highly unlikely) so my guess is Eid suppers are possibly uncomfortable. But what families don’t talk about sometimes is amazing.
Who has forgiven him apart from the NYT?
His opponents will tear him apart if he runs: “While I applaud Mr. Weiner for eventually recognizing his sickness, and seeking professional treatment for his affliction…“
Villago Delenda Est
Yup, it’s bullshit.
EVERY firearm transaction, regardless of who is trading to who, needs to be documented (just like it is with an auto!) and a background check performed.
This is elementary fucking common sense for anyone serious about responsible gun ownership, which explains why the NRA opposes such a move. It gets in the way of sacred profit.
Ted & Hellen
@Villago Delenda Est:
But Nancy Impeachment Is Off The Table Smash apparently IS OK with starting wars based on false intelligence and getting hundreds of thousands of people killed.
She’s very selective about her outrage. Fuck her.
Ted & Hellen
Jesus, you’re nothing but the most typical Puritannical, self righteous prude type that has long vexed this weird country of ours.
For the sole reason that it will annoy a lot of people such as yourself, I fervently hope that Weiner ends up as NYC mayor.
David Koch
not true.
He was an uber AIPAC stooge and an Iraq war cheerleader.
Seriously, he was in congress for FOURTEEN fucking years and he didn’t pass a single god damn bill. The only thing he ever did was say “high high, master?” whenever AIPAC said “JUMP!”
David Koch
well, ya gotta admit, I don’t think Palin can run a register. she doesn’t even know who side Paul Revere was on.