As more information comes to light about the Beantown Bombers, it becomes increasingly clear that Uncle Ruslan was right all along: The brothers were / are a pair of not-too-bright losers. Mother Jones offers a list of odd and stupid things the Boom-Boom Bros did that directly resulted in their death and/or capture. These items include leaving their carjacked hostage alone in the vehicle while they went into a convenience store for Red Bull and then failing to toss their escaped victim’s mobile phone, enabling the cops to track their every move.
They’re murderers, sure, but sophisticated terror kingpins? Please. And yet the very lawmakers who most frequently have to pause to wring the accumulated ball-sweat out of their much-humped personal copies of the US Constitution are now ready to torch that document because of the supposed existential threat posed by clowns like the Boom-Boom Bros.
Senator Lindsey Graham, perpetually trying to butch up sufficiently to head off a possible tea party primary challenge, took to the Senate floor yesterday to baldly declare a thought-crime and ethnic-caste standard that would eliminate due process for certain American citizens:
“Here’s what we’re suggesting, that the surviving suspect — due to the ties that these two have to radical Islamic thought and the ties to Chechnya, one of most radical countries in the world — that the president declare preliminarily that the evidence suggests that this man should be treated as an enemy combatant.”
The “we” in that first clause includes Senator John McCain, the Hanoi Hilton survivor who is apparently transformed into a squealing candy ass at the sight of a teenage jihadi-wannabe’s wispy moustache. Senator Kelly Ayotte rounds out the new neocon triumvirate in lieu of the departed Joe Lieberman. She’s an improvement over her predecessor only in that her mouth isn’t bracketed by alarming skin-pleats and she doesn’t have a mewling voice that tempts listeners to drive chopsticks through their own eardrums to escape its range. But on foreign policy, she’s pretty much Joe in a dress.
In the interest of civility, let’s assume that these three and their fellow Republicans aren’t corrupt, cynical hucksters who are attempting to transform the blood of innocent people into political gain. So they must be cowards instead, sniveling, bed-wetting chicken-shits who are ready to toss our national experiment with free speech and equality before the law into the toilet and hide under the nearest rock — and not before the very real and powerful threats arrayed against it from within and without, but before a pair of moronic clowns like the Boom-Booms. Some “Daddy Party.”
[X-posted at Rumproast]
This was a wonderful piece of writing.
pseudonymous in nc
Huckleberry clearly has ties to radical extremists and as such, should be shipped off to Gitmo for the kind of interrogation that is normally reserved for his secret basement dungeon.
Yeah, master terrorists? Not so much.
Can’t GOP voters ever spot a contradiction?
Do they think civil liberties are a matter of convenience?
Jesus, I’m so bored with these fucking idiots.
Villago Delenda Est
It really is too bad that these guys didn’t suicide bomb the Republican congressional caucus, then they’d do us all a favor by taking out an even bigger nest of terrorist scum.
Politically Lost
The history of this country is, “cowards instead, sniveling, bed-wetting chicken-shits who are ready to toss our national experiment with free speech and equality before the law into the toilet and hide under the nearest rock.”
What makes the experiment interesting is how we’ve managed to avoid or overcome the cowards over the centuries. The president already said he wasn’t going to deem the “beantown bomber” an enemy combatant.
So, huckleberry…grampy… what’s that quote…”piss and wind signifying nothing”
I agree with Cassidy. This is one of the very best posts this site has ever produced, and it’s produced some real doozies over the years.
Their attempts to make us all be very, very afraid aren’t working as well this time. STFU and grow some spines, three-headed clown show.
mouse tolliver
Why is it always the senators from Bumfuck, USA that are the first to rush the mic whenever there’s a terrorist attack? It’s not about you, Lindsey!
Seriously, these people need to be mocked, much more publicly than just on BJ, at every turn. They are terrified cowards intent on shredding the Constitution. That’s just not very Boston of them.
The Chechen community in America is pretty small. Does anyone know whether or not they were all labeled as terrorists by Russia? The FBI in hindsight might have overlooked something but I don’t know that.
@mouse tolliver: They also have the annoying habit of proclaiming “today we are all $BIG_CITY_RESIDENTS” after such a thing happens and then within about two days are carping about $BIG_CITY liberals who don’t understand True American Heartland Values(tm).
Ah, Betty, you deserve to have a wide audience with such eloquent rage.
Villago Delenda Est
@mouse tolliver:
The closeted twit has to worry about a teatard challenge in the next primary. So he MUST, MUST scream and yell and piss his pants to fend off the threat to his phony-baloney job.
Linda Featheringill
I read the article on Mother Jones.
Yeah, they weren’t too bright. I have wondered if the younger brother is still afflicted with the invincibility of teenagers. He really thought nothing could go wrong, nothing would happen that they couldn’t handle, and they wouldn’t get caught. The MJ article supports my suspicion.
In the name of all the saints that ever were, why did this child go and fuck up his life so completely?
@Villago Delenda Est: I don’t understand how being a pansy-ass coward who runs for daddy Army and grampa Gitmo at every turn makes him a tough guy who deserves a single vote.
He’s “standing up to Obama”? Is that it? Piffle.
Also, too, w/ in the last hour, his twat-feed brings up Benghazi. Again. Snore.
Bruce S
McCain – “a squealing candyass”
Yeah – nailed it. I’d suggest that he and Lindsey come off as old women – but that would be a terrible disservice to old women. These guys are seriously in need of a big box of Depends. The only thing more embarrassing to our institutions than these has-beens are the idiots who books them on Sunday babble.
Forum Transmitted Disease
I’m trying, but boy, I’m not getting anywhere with this thought exercise.
BOTTOM LINE anyone who’s ever practiced criminal defense law will attest to:
MOST people accused of non-traffic criminal offenses typically do *lots* of stupid things in the course of events leading up to and including the acts they are criminally accused of. In fact, as their attorney, you find yourself more often than you wish in the frustrating position of exercising a great amount of your intelligence attempting to defend or mitigate against the stupidity of you client, including all too often stupidly counterproductive things they do or say *while* you are representing them.
As to traffic-related criminal offenses…the recent notorious incident involving Reese Withershpoon illustrates that even normally fairly bright folks too often do and say really stupid things, even aside from actions leading up to the accused offense itself.
Jay in Oregon
I’m sorry that McCain and Graham don’t think that the greatest country on Earth (in their own words!) is incapable of handling suspected terrorists with honor—not respect, but honor—but that’s their failing, not mine.
My first inclination is to call McCain and Graham a couple of pussies, but that’s crude and demeaning to the gender that generally shows far more backbone and character than these two.
So instead, I’ll call them “gutless cowards”.
Villago Delenda Est
Standing up to the ni*CLANG* is good for bonus point among his backwards constituents, particularly those who might be inclined to support some teatard shitstain. He is, after all, representing South Carolina.
Gin & Tonic
@mouse tolliver: Because they’re feeling left out of the excitement. They know that “terrorists” are pretty damned unlikely to blow shit up in South Carolina, because nobody gives two shits about South Carolina. So they (Lindsey) have to somehow proxy in to the action, yet too blind to see that neither Warren nor Gillibrand, for instance, are pissing their pants.
@cmorenc: “the recent notorious incident involving Reese Withershpoon “(sic)
Ah, yes. Reese, wither thou spooneth, I will go.
Shouldn’t the words “pissy pantsed” precede the word “conservative” when the topic is either national defense or civil liberties. EX: “Pissy pantsed conservative Lindsay Graham took to the Senate floor to whine about Obama’s confidence in the American justice system…”
I can’t even begin to understand these people. One second they are shitting themselves over “government overreach” because we might require a background check for AR-fucking-15s, the next minute it’s “Whee! Military tribunals for American citizens! Let’s torture him and ship him to gitmo!”.
@Villago Delenda Est: I get that, but it just doesn’t seem that difficult to start spinning all the diaper-shitting fear of these ninnies as cowardice.
Rank, waddle-quaking cowardice.
Villago Delenda Est
If the “government overreach” is aimed at white straight “Christian” males, it’s an abomination.
If it’s aimed at anyone else, it’s a very good thing indeed.
I’m still mildly amused by the bomb instructions just possibly coming from a) Inspire, the online Al Qaeda magazine — shades of Home Decor with Yoga articles! & b) whose Editor Samir Kahn grew up in Queens and North Carolina, which in theory should have complicated their evil evil overseas eternal threat but hasn’t seemed to yet. Comperlicated, comperlicated, reality why are you so mean to those with simplified worldviews?
@danimal: I just had to twitterize that.
Pissy pantsed conservative Lindsay Graham took to Fox News today to whine about Obama’s confidence in the American justice system. #winning
@Gin & Tonic: South Carolina must have something that could serve as a terrorist target. Although if someone did bomb something there then Lindsey would just have reason to act like even more.of a.prima dona than he is now.
@Cassidy: I second or third. Some turns of phrase are right outta ol’ Charlie Pierce.
Villago Delenda Est
Fort Sumter.
It drew terrorist attention some 152 years ago, after all…
@Villago Delenda Est: Ha. Good point.
@Violet: Yea, Parris Island. Give that a try.
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, that would be fun!
The Boom-Boom Brothers are just the guys to try that, too.
@Bruce S:
Correct: I’m an old woman, my mother is an old woman, Elizabeth Warren is an old woman. None of us are calling for the constitution to be used simultaneously as a blankie and as toilet paper.
@Jay in Oregon: “So instead, I’ll call them “gutless cowards”.
An insult to jellyfish and other stomach free biota.
@aimai: You can’t be old, you are MY age.
@Violet: ” South Carolina must have something that could serve as a terrorist target”
Terrorists could spread dandelion spores over both Arizona and South Carolina’s chief industry.
Villago Delenda Est
You and Betty need to get together and collaborate.
That is a beautiful sentence…it captures the mentality of these assclowns perfectly.
Great title.
Kudos for the title, too, Betty.
Compare these clowns (and all the shoe bombers and whatever we’ve dealt with in recent years) with bin-Laden-era al-Queda: as crazy and ruthless as they were, those motherfuckers were professional. Simultaneous, massive bombings of US embassies in two different African countries? Multiple attacks on major US targets with highjacked planes? That shit was terrifyingly well-executed.
Ever since, we’ve dealt with the terror “D” team. They’re not worth sweating over.
@Villago Delenda Est: Why am I thinking the boom-boom action would be up the road in Beaufort?
Just Some Fuckhead
Holy shit, I need a cigarette after reading that. Where have you been all my life?
I think mocking them for their fear is an effective strategy. Point out that they are cowards and laugh at them.
Senator, check your atlas. There is no country of Chechnya.
@raven: Most likely they’d swamp their Peter Boat at Elliot’s Beach.
Eric U.
@Violet: too bad the Senate wouldn’t tolerate another senator asking Lindsay if he had soiled his pants
@maya: Yea cuz these dudes don’t go down easy!
And we are supposed to believe that pantpisser McCain never told the North Vietnamese anything in the six years while he was their guest. Maybe it was because they didn’t realize they could have just shown him a guy with a big beard and a keffiyeh, and he would have sung like a canary.
@NotMax: But but where is Prague then?
@Eric U.
“I respectfully suggest my esteemed colleague from the great state of South Carolina consider retiring to the cloakroom for a much needed change of attire.”
No, let’s not. They haven’t earned that civility back and in the aftermath of Iraq it wouldn’t be “civility” so much as a flat out lie.
Cheney infuriated me by IMO making all American’s seem like wimp’s in the eye’s of the world . His excuse for invading Iraq was that we couldn’t tolerate even a 1% chance of danger…I was and still am incredibly mad about that. He is older than I am and also lived through the cold war. We all lived our lives mostly happily all through much greater danger and I know our leadership had to debate if doing something about this threat would cause a greater threat to arise. In other words bombing Cuba might make the USSR attack us or if going further into Korea might make China directly attack us. Dummies and cowards. We need to actually call these idiots cowards to their faces loudly and point out the lack of clothes to the low info fellow citizens. I don’t feel like a puddle of jello myself.
@Calouste: You mean he didn’t follow the code of conduct?
@raven: Jesuz Cristi. Just realized in two months to the day it will be 50 years since I stomped the grinders at P.I. There were no pogeybaiter hovercraft then. Candy-ass boots.
@mouse tolliver:
I always thought there was an element of jealousy from wingnuts for the fact that terrorists, especially the foreign, Muslim ones tend to target landmarks in big cities full of liberals (the Twin Towers being the biggest one). It’s a reminder to them that all their Red Dawn fantasies are nothing but that, and that no one gives enough of a shit about their precious Heartland to waste any ammo on it.
(Aside from their own crazies).
One can but hope there are folks there working on this, just so they can organize as the Prague RESS consortium.
And then trying to use the attack as a pretext to tell these people how to live. See also the Park51 outrage, where they had to bus in people from out of state to protest because the people who ACTUALLY LIVED THERE didn’t give a shit that the local Muslims were building a mosque close to Ground Zero.
@maya: I think of that day that I went in, Nov 10, 1966. They were drafting in the Corps “Army, Marines, Army, Marines. . .”. My and the Corp’s birthday, cousin just back from 1/26, my old man a Navy mustang. I was tempted but I stuck with my Army enlistment!
@NotMax: Dang!
Great post, Madame Cracker, and great blogpost title.
Well said.
You knows your chickens.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Just think how Closetcase and McGramp’s responses would have changed had it turned out these two were Eric Rudolph clones:
“Lone wolf acting alone. Nothing more to see here, move along.”
And if everybody thought the Repups were mild on BENGHAZI!, just wait until the House starts issuing subpenas about the MASSIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT/INTELLIGENCE FAILURE! this represents.
Oooooooooooooooo OTish, its those tricky Czechs that invented Budweiser, not to mention Pilsner. Who’s gonna warn the beer-swillers they’re possibly downing traitorous product? Freedom! Brand! shall appear magically on the shelves in RED white and blue glory (and Budvar could get their name back). win win.
@raven: You did the smart thing. I went Corps because the Army and AF guys were out to lunch and the only office open at the Recruiters Offices that day was Navy/USMC and the Marine sergeant was closest to the front door. Suckered me on a “special 3 year enlistment” test. Got involuntary extension anyway when Nam went viral in ’65.
kudos for this sentence and damn you for reminding me of just how detestable that sound was…
f space that
Great rant !
@maya: Yea, fuckers had a way of doing that. I don’t think my smart-ass mouth would have made it through a USMC enlistment, barely got out of the Army without getting sent up.
Expansion of post #47.
Senator, check your atlas. There is no country of Chechnya.
In point of fact, asserting on the record that there is puts you snugly into bed with those same “radicals.”
@NotMax: What? Next you’ll be telling me there’s no Czechoslovakia.
@SatanicPanic: Or that Budapest is two cities.
they just want to revive the cold war. been their MO all along.
Another Halocene Human
@maya: No… Round-Up Ready™ GMO Dandelion seeds. Now that’s terrifying!
@Raven: I managed to luck out. They did allow active duty discharge if you were accepted to college after your initial enlistment time was up. So my IE only lasted 2 months and 17 days. Was back in school 10 days later and never looked back for a long, long time.
Another Halocene Human
@Calouste: Maybe he told them everything he knew.
baDUMP bump BISH!
@maya: I got out of the Nam 30 days early to go to school. Two years 10 months, 23 months in Asia and I had to live in a fucking dorm becuase I was only 19 when I got out.
Another Halocene Human
@Chris: Maybe confirms their choice not to live in the city.
See! The City is full of danger! You could literally die! And scary furriners! We don’t allow those in the country! I’m safe here! They’re not safe there! So what if all the media I consume, clothing and home furnishings I buy, recipes I attempt when I have company, music I play, radio I tune into, were conceived and created in a city. So what if all the smart creative people I knew growing up gravitated there and haven’t been back. I made the right choice! I made the right choice!
amy c
Chechen Little. Clever!
Tenzil Kem
Ayotte always, always, always sounds like she’s on the verge of tears.
If you would like to read about a smarter South Carolina candidate with an election even more rapidly approaching:
The Guardian UK profiles Elizabeth Colbert Busch.
You go girl!! Tuesday, May 7, peeps.
Suffern ACE
@JPL: yes and no. Until september 2001, they were freedom fighters and we’d be giving them refuge from those Russians. After 2001, they were jihadis and we’d be giving refuge to people escaping the fighting who weren’t on the side of the freedom fighters.
“I respectfully suggest my esteemed colleague from the great state of South Carolina consider retiring to the cloakroom for a much needed change of
attirefoundation garments.”Meg
Have you ever heard Kelly Ayotte speak?
I certainly wouldn’t think her wimpy voice is much improvement from that of Lierberman’s.
Comrade Mary
@scav: But let’s not forget the homegrown aspect of the plot, courtesy of a little shop in the “Live free or die” state:
@Raven: My last 6 months in the Corps was teaching radio @ Gomer Pyleland. Lived off-base on Red Mountain Vin Rose wine. $1.39 a gallon + deposit. Great stuff! No dorms where I went to school. Boarded a room in a private house and no frat joining. I wouldn’t have handled either very well so I can empathize.
so, huckles, what specific ‘enemy’ exactly are these dudes a member of?
protip: ‘angry muslim’ doesn’t count. nor does ‘chechen’.
Drinkin that red mountain wine
Drinkin that red mountain wine
Drinkin all day and most’ the night
Ever try Silver Satin and koolaide?
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Ahem: People On Terrorism Watch List Not Blocked From Buying Guns
Ladies and gentlemen, your NRA at work. Keeping America safe for massive shootouts in Boston neighborhoods.
@Linda Featheringill:
Yeah, maybe a little teenage invincibility but also a very chilling lack of empathy for victims. What on earth was the gain for this action? Robbers rob banks for money… what was the gain here, since they were not part of any formal political terrorist group, it appears. What was killing a bunch of civilians going to do for them?
I think that there is a 50/50 chance that there was more wrong with these guys than just being young and a little mixed up. They wanted to kill people and it didn’t matter who or for what.. Islam and Afghanistan were just proximate excuses, but it could have been that they just wanted to kill. The older brothers’ wife worked 70-80 hours as a nurse’s aid while he sat home — Losers and lost souls..
@Comrade Mary: And the utterly normal young male and business as usual twist. Same souce, although I think I read the bold bit elsewhere too.
Leopold and Loeb, Lepold and Loeb, Leopold and Loeb. Thrill killing is nothing new.
@raven: Nope. My rot-gut wino days are behind me. Now on to designer wines from the ‘hood.
@Meg: Perhaps we’ll hear more about the suspension of Constitutional rights from Ms. Ayotte since her gun vote seems to have tanked her poll numbers.
Distract! Distract!
The right wingnuts are making a lot of the Russian request for a security check on the older brother and the FBI response. Just a couple of thoughts.
1. If she had been Chechnyan the Russians would have suspected the Virgin Mary.
2. In spite of their suspicions the Russians let this guy into their country and allowed him to travel for 6 months.
3. More importantly they let him LEAVE.
4. If they thought he was the world’s most dangerous terrorist they either would not have let him get off the plane or once he did he would have simply disappeared.
Obviously The FBI has to review what they did and did not do but if this guy was so obviously a terrorist, the Russians missed it also.
The same folks who want to reduce government to the size that you can drown in a bath tub are now demanding that the FBI follow every MOOOOSlim above the age of 6.
@maya: I’m 20 years past that myself.
All of
ColumbiaSouth Carolina would be a startMike E
And for the land of Shays’ Rebellion, this knicker-twisting by Graham is beyond pathetic. In history’s incubator, such actions lead to stronger individual rights, not abdication of same.
Always figured that’s sort of how it is with most terrorists.
I wish Liz Warren would look over those little granny glasses of hers at Lindsey Graham and just kind of drawl:
“Maybe its our temperate climate in the Commonwealth of MA but we up in New England are pretty cold blooded and calm–we really don’t need to be instructed by the Senator from Scared of His Own Shadow.”
@Mike E: Because they are all united by FEAR. This is why all of their wingnut supporters desperately hold their guns near 24/7.
It is an amazing thing —
paulie brown
@RaflW: As we know amendment #2 trumps the rest. Even #6. Prolly even #1 when push comes to shove amongst the righteous.
Davis X. Machina
@Comrade Mary: Hey, thanks to Gov. 37% LePage, we no longer have to drive to New Hampshire to buy our barely-legal fireworks.
Hear that loud ‘boom’? That’s the sound of freedom.
DFH no.6
Great post, Betty Cracker, and excellent comments throughout this whole thread.
I have just one nitpick with the post: “Boom Boom Bros”.
I’m all for appropriate snark, even in the face of tragedy, but that one didn’t set well with me.
I agree wholeheartedly that we don’t want to allow the transmogrification of these murdering-asshole brothers into jihadi masterminds who are part of some larger conspiracy that somehow poses an existential threat to our civilization, or whatever McCain and Princess Lindsay imagine they might be.
Their uncle seems to have called them out pretty accurately.
But calling them the “Boom Boom Bros.” seems an unnecessarily juvenile, even trivializing, sobriquet that is inappropriate – to me – considering the murder and horrific injuries these assholes caused.
YMMV, I suppose.
Bruce S
“have you ever heard Kelly Ayotte speak?”
Never heard her speak – I thought all she did was stand behind Mitch McConnell in those GOPer group photo ops. Her constituents have spoken – 15% drop in her approval ratings since her shitty gun vote.
Bruce S
“Elizabeth Warren is an old woman.”
As someone a couple of years older than Sen. Warren, I prefer to think of our just post-WWII demographic cohort to be thriving at the upper end of the “new middle age.” My still very active friends in their 80s and 90s are what I consider “old.”
That description of Holy Joe is priceless. Thanks for the yuks!
@RaflW: Love that meme!
@Bruce S:
Yeah, I’m 52, my parents are 80. I’m copping to old because fuck it, I am not pretending that 50 is the new 30.
DFH no.6
This puts me in mind of one of my favorite Michelle Shocked songs, “When I Grow up (I Want to be an Old Woman)”.
She’s starting to get there herself these days, I guess, being right around your age, aimai.
I’m pushing hard on 60 myself, and though I am perpetually 17 inside my head, the rest of me is unequivocally old.
This is demonstrated to me every day, and never more clearly than at my annual pilgrimage to Coachella (just got back, had a wonderful time), where occasionally sitting down on, and getting back up from, the grass during three 12-hour days of catching (mostly) great music outdoors is a process.
Used to be I could just sit down on the ground or the floor, and get up again, without a thought. Now I have to carefully consider what body part to put where, and do it slowly (like an old game of Twister) or I’ll likely hurt myself, gym and yoga notwithstanding.
To be 25 again, even for just a short while…
Bruce S
My experience is there are some good things about getting old and some obvious bad things and the trick is to leverage the good stuff, work around the bad stuff and not get sucked into stereotypes about what it all means.
priscianus jr
@JPL: The Chechen community in America is pretty small. Does anyone know whether or not they were all labeled as terrorists by Russia? The FBI in hindsight might have overlooked something but I don’t know that.
I don’t know that they were all labeled as terrorists by Russia, but I would think that, just to make sure, Russian intel keeps pretty close tabs on them, I mean, it wouldn’t be hard would it?
Original Lee
Fuck Lindsay Graham. He spent a good part of today bitching about how his hold on Moniz’s nomination for Energy Secretary is the only weapon he has in trying to get the MOX nuclear fuel reprocessing plant built. Despite the fact that everybody has explained to him that the doubling of the estimated cost plus sequester equals slowdown and maybe cancellation of the project, he keeps pulling for this important job creating pork project in his state.
And right behind him is good old Pat Roberts who is introducing a couple of bills about government regulation because, gosh darn it, those dang boorohcrats never do explain why they need those job-creator-strangulatin’ regulations in the first place. Even when he asks them why, apparently they never answer him.
Good times, oh yeah.
Nice one, Betty.