You know what mom wants for Mother’s Day? Not flowers or chocolates or taken out to dinner.
She wants me to pick up Chinese food (she loves wonton soup) and then for me and Seth to sit down and watch a DVD of the Colts/Giants ’58 game. I’m down with that.
Also, too, this is my way of reminding you to get your moms something.
What a wonderful time you’ll have.
Get spring rolls.
That sounds great. Have fun!
Mike in NC
Not Mothers Day related, but a South Carolina man has been convicted of cruelty to animals after he confessed to having sex with a landlady’s dog. The dog is a Pekingese and is otherwise unharmed. The man’s name is Bush.
Seeing this is an open thread: If HRC doesn’t run, is there anyone Juicers prefer to Biden who has a shot of being the Dem candidate?
tt crews
You do have a cool Mom. Hope my kids say the same about me when they are all grown.
Mr. Crews and Kid Crews are taking me to a native plant sale and then hiking in Pennsylvania. It is our traditional Mother’s Day activity.
It is 2013. Enough of the 2016 talk.
the Conster
My daughters and their husbands are taking me to the Arnold Arboretum to see the lilacs in full bloom, so on Sunday I’m going to heaven.
I hope you know how lucky you are, Cole. My mother is a cruel and unbearable wingnut. I’m incredibly lucky in the mother-in-law department, though.
Happy Mothers Day to Mom Cole.
My youngest son (who is living with me temporarily) just went to the grocery store so I wouldn’t have to and on Sunday is going to make me his special recipe pastrami and peach cobbler with homemade ice cream. I have two whole days off from work and I plan to be excessively lazy.
Your Mom sounds fantastic!
I overheard my boys discussing their plans for me on Sunday–honestly hearing them talk about it is better than what they will eventually do.
Happy Mother’s Day, Momma Cole!
I got my mom a Chromebook. Now we can video chat. The gift of me :)
Amir Khalid
So far I’d be fairly happy with either Joe or Hillary as long as they run pretty much on offering four more years of Obama. Either would handily win the foreign “vote”. Either would be better than Jeb, or Governor Skeletor/Harkonnen, or a 2012 Klown Kar rider, or some crazy Tea Party fucker (the last being what I half-expect from the Republicans).
Momma Cole is awesome.
For some reason, Mother’s Day doesn’t bother me now. The run-up to Father’s Day, on the other hand, is just awful.
gogol's wife
I thought you meant pastrami-and-peach cobbler, not two different dishes, (1) pastrami and (2) peach cobbler. I read the NYTimes Dining section too much. They’re quite capable of giving a recipe for pastrami-and-peach cobbler.
A Steeler fan watching the Baltimore Colts in one of the greatest games ever played? Will John lose his Steeler creed, now?
I’m getting mom flowers. Be putting them on her grave tomorrow about noon
Pastrami and peach cobbler? I’ve made apple/apricot before, but that’s a new one on me. Bon appetit!
Commenter bleg: My mom is set up for M-day. But closely following Mom Day is her B-day.
She has finally broken down and is considering a ‘puter simple enough for old folks who hate newfangled junk, for email and net-surfing.
Any suggestions?
That’s a woman who should have had sons. Thank goodness I had a daughter.
@22over7: Peaches and Prosciutto must be so old hat, I guess. Onward to the hard stuff.
@jl: I got my Mom a Chromebook.
About as virus-proof as it gets, invisibly updates, and Google Drive has all the software a typical non-computer person needs. Once you buy the machine, you don’t need to buy anything else!
She is thrilled. This is so on her level.
@gogol’s wife: @22over7:
Sorry – should have written more clearly. The pastrami is a favorite recipe of his that is just scrumptious. The peach cobbler is a new one inspired by our recently purchased ice cream maker. They won’t be eaten together – that would be an inventive combination, to say the least.
Riley's enabler
I’m planning a brunch for Mom and an aunt; was gonna do a French toast casserole but Peaches and Prosciutto would be such a surprise.
And then everyone sticks to their diet. Win.
Just joshin’ with you, I figured that was the case. But remember, commas save lives (e.g., “I want to eat, Mom!” vs. “I want to eat Mom!”).
@WereBear: I’m thinking about getting one for my mom. How does the video chat work on that? Do you use Skype?
Just Some Fuckhead
Sounds like she is deliberately setting her expectations low so you jack wagons don’t disappoint her AGAIN. See if I’m right.
@TooManyJens: Google chat. My bro & I caught up that way just the other day, through his Chromebook & mine.
He’s no techie fella, either.
@WereBear: thanks. Nice prices too. I will check it out.
Just Some Fuckhead
As far as my own mother, I have so successfully disappointed her for so many years that she is simply tickled to death by a phone call. She is like a crack monkey after that call.
@WereBear: Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about Google chat. Thanks.
When I bought my house a few years back, I started a new Mother’s Day tradition, yard work. My list is fairly long this year so I hope the boys are ready for it. One son will probably arrive at ten and the other a tad later. Being the good mom, I did buy some steaks to grill though.
No joke
I guess I should count my blessings. If I even mentioned something like Google Chat my mom would go “Whats a google, and why do I want to chat with it?” She’ll probably confuse Skype with Skilling and think she’ll get involved in some con and decide not to get a computer.
I couldn’t believe she started hinting that she wanted a computer. So, we gotta get the deal done. Simple ‘puter for simple things. simple email and simple surfing, And nothing else into the sucker is plugged in and running and she starts using it.
Already bought flowers for both moms (his and mine).
My mom bought an iPhone after my dad passed and she’s FaceTimeing like nobody’s business. It helps that my 17-year-old niece is getting her up to speed on things.
Just Some Fuckhead
If you give me her email address, I can have her added to the Old People Right Wing Emails list.
Sadly, neither John or I have real live moms to spoil on Mother’s Day. Plus, I’m still on a fairly soft diet since my oral surgery. And leaning to deal with these uppers I must wear until they can put the posts in for the snaps (a new set of uppers that snap in with implant posts) and I can afford the procedure). So I’ll just call my two sisters who are mothers and wish them a lovely day.
Cole, your mom is awesome. I wish I could send you some if the Amazing Chicken from our favorite Chinese place. It’s so delicious that it’s addicting like a Schedule I drug.
A real son would whip up won ton soup from scratch.
/guilt trip
That’s hard to do when she had us scatter her ashes at sea. Probably get a ticket for littering if I went to the beach and threw flowers in.
My wish for a mothers day gift is the same as every past year: a day by myself in the bathtub and an uninterrupted X-Files marathon.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
“I can have her added to the Old People Right Wing Emails list.”
Sure, as soon as I can verify your contact info. Which I’ll give to my very liberal (and maybe overly strident, eh? Maybe?) mom, who will take horrific vengeance upon you. I don’t even want to think about it.
@Schlemizel: I feel you, I really do. Lost my mom two years ago, after spending four years taking care of her and managing her decline to the best of my ability. She was 86 years old, had a great life, as befits a great person. I still can’t quite wrap my brain around it, but one pushes on no matter what. Best to you on that day and always. +3
Hey John. I’m wondering what you think of Jeff Bliss going off on his teacher. I thought he was eloquent and well-spoken. And he has great hair.
I want what your mom wants, JC … and that includes a son that grows up to be like you.
Thanks for the reminder, JC. Your Mom sounds cool
My Mom is going on 91 (thanks be) and gifts are more complex for her. Nothing will surpass her holding our first newborn in the family, a month ago. She takes each day as it comes and still keeps up with her “investments”. She enjoys that — more than anything we can give her.
Right now, for me, its hard to give HER anything and everyday she gives US something more. I hold her hands and look into that weathered and beautiful face and my heart is just so full of love — its just hard to think about this day as for her, when it wraps around to us — her children — over and over…
As a mom on a low-carb diet, my Mother’s Day desire is limited to half of a frappuchino. Tall. But I’m reeeeaaalllly looking forward to it.
My husband’s mother and my mother are both gone (his ten years ago this month, mine 31 years ago in June), but I have a most excellent stepmom. We’ll see her next weekend and take her out to dinner, along with my childless aunt, who was the best second mother I could have asked for while I was a teenager.
I was raised in the woods by squirrels, so I don’t really celebrate traditional holidays. You would think I would hate acorns, but I love them. I love acorns. There, I said it.
Dissatisfied Customer
You ought to have baloney sandwiches in honor of Art Donovan.
Back in kid times, used to gather as many acorns as we could find for a seasonal treat of acorn pancakes or acorn cookies. Acorns nut meats require processing (boiling and soaking) to remove the tannins in them before using in foods.
No acorns here, or I’d try this, which sounds delish.
Actually, I wasn’t raised by squirrels but they were my only friends. My moms is great. If I bought her a copy of Psychotic Reactions and Carburater Dung she would say, “Oh thank you honey, I’ve been wanting to read this.”