In the process of installing Picasa on my computer and watching it sort through every picture and video I have ever taken, I noticed this vid of Max and a friend from his first few weeks with us. Not my lawn, though a guy can wish.
Chat about anything but Benghazi. For the love of god.
Just Some Fuckhead
I found the Newsmax headlines. Thank you. I’d have found them sooner but they looked so much like recent posts that my mind just totally ignored that section on the page.
Suffern ACE
@Just Some Fuckhead: Oh. I see Schoen has piped up. Even the democrat Doug Schoen thinks ill of the president. You know, the guy who wrote columns with the advice for Obama to not run for reelection for the good of the country. He’s lost that guy! The guy from Americans Elect isn’t happy.
Oh the fun that program will have. “Picture of a dog. Another picture of a dog. Another picture of a dog. A picture of TWO dogs. Another picture of a dog.” : )
I got out of the boat for one of the Newsmax headlines (not so bad, as it was an AP story):
Um, I thought it was unspecified concern over his long term health?
But wait, wasn’t he “basically the healthiest fat guy you’ve ever seen in your life?”
Too bad there’s not a lap band for dissembling assholiness.
Corner Stone
Can we at least talk about Ben Gazzara?
Just Some Fuckhead
What’s so great about the lawn? Lots of crab grass. In fact, I’d say it’s almost as bad as Benghazi.
A little anecdote inspired by these reports of rich moms buying disabled guides at Disneyworld but with no parallels…we went a few years ago on a big family trip that included my grandmother in a wheelchair. She was delighted to wield the power of being able to get her grandchildren onto rides without waiting and it probably made her feel more useful than she has in a while. That part of it was nice. When she said she wanted to get some lunch but that I should take her wheelchair and continue to finangle rides for the kids, though, I told her I thought we were probably above that.
This is all good for the country. Obama won’t be able to throw any more people under the bus and the villagers will ultimately self immolate like they did in the 90’s.
Gov’t By Sequester. It’s what’s for dinner.
ed: OMG, different background shading on alternating comments. Like, I asked for 7 years ago. I’m going to go find some beer!
Is television causing falling birthrates? Probably not, but they’re falling nonetheless.
The other funny thing is that she went to customer service and got one of their special disability passes, which she kept in her lap at all times and when we got to the rides she would hold it up to the staff people. Needless to say, they never really demanded to see the disability pass of an 86 year old lady in a wheelchair, but by golly she was ready.
Tone In DC
TV is causing that?
Forgive my less than erudite take on this…
Broke people can’t really support children very well. And, I suspect most of the broke people know this.
Tim F.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Then you can guess how small and shitty my lawn is.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Tim F.:
Yer one of those “green is good” gardeners.
“Dick Morris: IRS Acts May Be Impeachable”
Yes! I’m all for impeaching the IRS! Sorry, Yutsy.
Oh, what?
Mike in NC
Picasa 3 is a good, intuitive photo editing app. I showed the wife how to use it to fix, crop, and caption her 300 pictures from India.
@Tone In DC: Birth rates go down in hard economic times and up after war. But we all just went shopping during Iraq and Afghanistan, so I guess no baby boom for us.
@Poopyman: Someone forward that story to the Obama admin, I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear the good news
@Just Some Fuckhead: I like to think the multiple shades of green throughout my lawn is much more interesting than a uniform shade of healthy-grass green.
gogol's wife
Not to mention all the pretty dandelions and violets on my lawn. And some kind of lovely purple weed.
So I have to contribute: Maxpuppeh! When he was still a puppy!
gogol's wife
For some reason, my own comments show up in a larger font than everyone else’s. I wish they were all a little larger. I’m sure someone will tell me this is something I can change myself, and they’ll mention cookies or caches or something else I don’t know what it is.
New design is fine, though I was ok with the old design.
I do appreciate the names of the previous and further posts being listed. that’s good
Tim F.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’m not a gardener.
Roger Moore
Somebody needs to read up on cum hoc ergo propter hoc, stat.
Roger Moore
Also, too:
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Tim F.:
When you own grass, you are a gardener whether or not you want to be.
Tim F.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Put it this way. I’d be thrilled if I could pave our little patch and paint it green, but the wife won’t let me. So I mow the stupid 45 degree tilted lawn with a reel mower when it starts looking too Don King-ish and wonder why the hell I stopped renting.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Tim F.:
That’s called TruGreen/Chemlawn. :)
Dear Mister Boon Joos, any chance that recent comments will be making a comeback to this fine establishment?
A Concerned Citizen.
@handy: No. Given the way the database is structured, the amount of computing time it takes to generate the list is too high.
Love dogs at play.
@Tim F.: That’s how I grew up in the South Hills, and I think I see your problem. You got to hit it early and often with a reel mower, else you’ll be (are) hatin’ life.
You could hire some kid to do it with a power mower, if you can find somebody. I hear birth rates are falling, though. And kids these days don’t want to do lawn work, especially after you’ve been telling them to stay off the damn lawn in the first place.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Poopyman: And the ones who will do the work want way too much money! Back in my day, we’d get get $4 for mowing a lawn, $5 if it was a really big one.
Lucky for me, about thirteen years ago I invested in a newborn that has matured into a strapping young yardwork machine.
mai naem
Max is a truly beautiful dog. I saw an article the other day how Honda is developing a Roomba version of a lawn mower. The guy with this lawn would appreciate it.
Also too some bad news for Sheldon Adelson, I wonder if this has any effect on his Foreign Practices investigation.
MAXPUPPEH!! With bonus mastiff!!
Been killing myself at work the last few weeks, but that’ll be coming to an end here soon. No word on New Mexico yet.
I was very worried that Impeachment was imminent, however now, since I was able to see the NEWSMAX headline re: Dick Morris, I now feel confident that PBO will be able to weather the storm. Putting NEWSMAX headlines on the site are akin to liberal PSAs.
Also too: New site design is really attractive and works great with my OS, security and Search Engine.
Important news! In spite of the austerity, the budget deficit is falling, and it is falling too fast.
pie filter has been updated.
give it a try!
I see where Dick Morris says that IRS acts may be impeachable. But Dick Morris also said that Romney would win in a romp. Fuck Dick Morris.
mai naem
Here’s the Honda robot mower
I think John needs to get if for Rosie.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Did he ever get all that mud off of his face?
Ahhhh, Is it too late to get this example of an immigrant group maintaining its language over generations — warping the communication skills of entire towns! — deep in the heart of Holy Texas? Clearly, have a guess as to ethnic heritage — I’ll bet most can get close, especially those liking beer and norteño / banda. Immigrants.
TaMara (BHF)
@Yatsuno: Mastiff? I would have said Great Dane. Either way, dwarfs Max more than I expected.
Of course it is. Didn’t you notice that the deficit and our fiscal ruin is no longer the numero uno talking point in the press and among Republicans. When they stopped talking about it, it was a clear signal that good news was imminent.
@gogol’s wife:
Your comment is larger than the others only during the five-minute edit window and until you refresh the page (I think). As for making all the comments larger, you can mash Ctrl-+ (Ctrl key and + key) to increase the size. In Firefox (not sure about other browsers), you also might want to go to View | Zoom (on the menu bar) and select “Zoom Text Only.” That will let you increase the comment font size without screwing with the column width.
gogol's wife
I tried those things. Nothing happens.
gogol's wife
And in Safari it’s also tiny print.
The Other Chuck
I updated the Troll-B-Gone filter for BJ’s new look. It’s not perfect in the looks department (the filtered post line is cut off a bit) but it works now. Grab it here.
The Other Chuck
Also to plug my other BJ extension … er, that sounds really nasty when I say it … the Better Balloon Juice stylesheet still works surprisingly well with the new theme, so go on and give it a try too.
The Other Chuck
I dunno, fitting one around his neck would be pretty effective at that.
I like how Lilamey used the fake retreat technique to lull Max into a false sense of security, then suddenly comes in for another attack!!