Fuck you, you putrid establishment filth:
What we all need is for Obama to advance Fournier’s neo-con agenda. I seriously hope he gets cancer of the fingers and can no longer express his opinions. If that can’t be arranged, maybe he’ll choke to death on Pâté at Sally Quinn’s for this alone:
Rove exchanged e-mails about Pat Tillman with Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier, under the subject line “H-E-R-O.” In response to Mr. Fournier’s e-mail, Mr. Rove asked, “How does our country continue to produce men and women like this,” to which Mr. Fournier replied, “The Lord creates men and women like this all over the world. But only the great and free countries allow them to flourish. Keep up the fight.”
Fucking courtiers.
Seriously, I used to email Jake Tapper back and forth when he was at ABC, and now that he has moved on, I have no way to contact him, but I’d really like to know how he sleeps at night knowing that Jonathan Karl and Ron Fournier are his colleagues.
*** Update ***
Seriously, it is shit like this Fournier post which make me think the only two posts in the past decade on this website that matter are from DougJ. In order:
I’m watching Monica Crowley and Pat Buchanan on the McLaughlin group and so help me God, I am praying for a dirty bomb in Georgetown.
As I’ve told you before, I was banned from commenting at the Times for writing that the only possible good that could come out of the Gail Collins/David Brooks discussion feature would be a murder-suicide
Tell me he is wrong.
Pigs in a blanket.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Also, too:
and Tapper’s a smarmy douche
Sully’s weak defense of Karl was just sad. But typical. “I worked with him at TNR so he can’t be bad”.
Way # 6: Do what he’s been doing and watch his public approval numbers rise.
schrodinger's cat
Liberal Media not so liberal actually. Exhibit Elebenty.
It truly is breathtaking how near the horizon can be once a person decides they are the entirety of the word.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: I would add, do the exact opposite of what Punditubbies tell you. They are not your friends. I think Obama already knows this and ignores the media, that’s one of the reasons they hate him so much.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I don’t think he ignores the media. He really can’t afford to. However, Obama doesn’t participate in their Village culture, which is why, as you said, they hate him.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yes, this. A thousand times.
Don’t know how he feels about Fournier, but Tapper was apparently the first to blow the lid off Karl’s Benghazi crap.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Seriously? He’s paid to sleep peacefully while knowing this. What these ‘journalists’ really need are kneepads to ease their suffering while ballwashing their betters on bended knee.
That too. Also.
Fuck the fucking fuckers.
John, you are really naive.. but I’d really like to know how he sleeps at night knowing that Jonathan Karl and Ron Fournier are his colleagues.
There’s a song for that.. link
Hill Dweller
Seeking Fournier’s counsel is an impeachable offense.
Eric U.
he obviously hasn’t been doing what the pundits advise since they have been concern trolling him from the very beginning.
Glad to see that the troll-be-gone script works pretty well. I did like the pie filter, but it doesn’t block responses.
I’m sort of enjoying the frantic puffing to keep the scandale balloon afloat. I thought it was a riot that Bob Scheiffer yelled at poor Dan Pfeiffer yesterday, “What are you doing here!?” That is some delicious desperation.
Assholes are assholes? No kidding.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: I meant he ignores the concern trolls in the media.
Hill Dweller
@Heliopause: It’s more likely a devious WH staffer leaked Rhodes’ email to Tapper as a double fuck you to Karl and ABC.
So, President Obama needs to restore the public’s trust and the GOP doesn’t? Hahahahaha…….
I imagine it is just a matter of time before one of these fine folks notes that the tornado in Oklahoma was just a giant diversion by Obama to get everybody talking about something other than the not-scandal scandals.
I don’t even remember hearing of Fournier before this year, and all of a sudden it’s like he’s on hack steroids and is gunning for some kind of record.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Understood. And agreed.
I decided to violate my usual rule and got out of the boat. This is the first suggestion at the link:
Really, the comics pages in newspapers deserve to be treated more seriously than these yahoos.
if you wish his fingers to fall off, go for leprosy.
seems also biblically fitting.
@Heliopause: Yeah, this. I bet he slept pretty well that night.
I have been waiting for Pat Robertson to explain that it is all the fault of the RINOs who run things in Oklahoma and that there are certain things up with which GOD will not put. There is an odd silence from Festung Robertson on these topics.
Keith G
Or you could just choose to read more entertaining material like here where Ezra muses what might happen, “If Obama went Bulworth, here’s what he’d say“.
Oh noes, Bamalam in trubs. Does this mean The Negro is no longer magical?
OTA Ray Manzarek has died. Aside from Morrison, Manzarek was the soul of the Doors. I loved his keyboards. Rest in Rock, Ray.
Jonathan Karl once worked for the NY Post which is the worst excuse for a newspaper in America.
@NickT: I suppose I should be understanding how the pull of lots-o’-dough from manipulating the spiritual drive and deep-seated fears of damaged human beings can overwhelm someone’s better judgment and damn their soul…
But I’m too tired.
schrodinger's cat
Thread needs kitteh, a literary kitteh.
@hilts: It’s not too bad if you get the soft-ply edition.
@Baud: Yeah, sure but here is there real chiller:
” Reset the narrative and public expectations with a major speech on trust. ”
But I also liked this one, which should bring back fond memories from days of yore:
” Appoint a special prosecutor on the IRS”
Pretty weak tea, given the headline. But trolls have to troll, and doesn’t the National Journal really have to pay for itself, or am I mistaken about that?
Given the weak tea in the list, some of this may be that the corporate press has ‘administration in crisis’ news analysis information product templates to fill.
Next up, Lame Duck preview, Lame Duck live coverage, Lame Duck retrospective, which leads into Legacy! Which needs to be wrapped up before election coverage.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@ranchandsyrup: I was looking at a write up of Karl’s original story, and he not only said he had “obtained” the emails, he said he had “reviewed” them. Once could be a mistake, twice looks a lot more like a lie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Karl himself admitted that the ‘inaccuracies’ brought a whole new light to his report, by which he still stands. Seems like there are several ways a person could read that.
Setting cookie, nothing to see here, please move on along.
There are a born liars and there are bought liars and Jonathan Karl who is a born bought liar.
@jeffreyw: Roger, copy.
@NickT: Now that I think about it, I think Karl said “opened up a whole new angle”, but same meaning.
Ash Can
@schrodinger’s cat: Between Oklahoma and the bullshit referred to in the OP, I really, really needed this great photo of a beautiful, plump, comfy, happy kitty. Many, many thanks.
TaMara (BHF)
How about a sweet distraction? I’ve borrowed my friends’ ice cream maker and testing out a bunch of recipes this week, starting with the basics, here.
Suffern ACE
@Baud: Really. Didn’t Republicans in Congress just refuse to appoint any Republicans to the bipartisan board that was supposed to implement Obamacare because their intention is to repeal it? I mean, not drag their foot refuse. But puposefully refuse in a ceremony with fireworks and giraffes so that no one would miss that point?
@ellennelle: “Caesar has spoken, my leprous friend. Let us collect our offerings and depart. Is this your finger?”
That post on Wonkette about pols using the bible to justify starving the poor is infuriating.
schrodinger's cat
@Ash Can: You are most welcome!
Someone is campaigning hard for a Moore Award.
Still wondering when conservatives and media will drop their opposition to the health care law.
Why not just let it go in? It’s not like it will change anything for anyone who is opposed.
They all have health insurance.
What’s the worst that could happen, for them personally?
Strangest “life or death” struggle I have ever seen. They’re committed to saving 40 million people they don’t know from health insurance.
Ash Can
That makes me laugh Every. Damned. Time.
They can’t just let it go. They’ve spent so much timing hyping it as the greatest act of tyranny since Civil Rights and riling up the rubes that they can’t just shrug their shoulders and quit. If they did, the teabagger lunatics led by Pop-eyed Michelle would make every day RINO Ides of March Day.
Roger Moore
On top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies.
Roger Moore
Worse than the Moonie Times? I doubt it.
Roger Moore
@Suffern ACE:
You seem to have this odd belief that anything that comes from a Villager is connected to the same reality experienced by the rest of the country. The Villagers live in a universe where Obama could just snap his fingers and make the Republicans cooperate, and his unwillingness to do so proves he lacks leadership. You can’t expect anyone living in a universe that different from ours to know that our world already has a bipartisan panel that the Republicans are refusing to appoint members to.
I never realized DougJ was John’s Deliciously Eeeeeeevillll Twin until now.
What the hell is he talking about? Obama’s approval is not only above 50%, it has gone up SINCE these fake scandals came about.
I hope President Obama doesn’t change a damned thing. Keep doing what he has been doing. It is Congress and the Village idiots that need to change.
Hell, Congress just held its 37th idiotic vote to repeal ACA. Where was Fournier’s criticism of them wasting our tax dollars?
If nobody stands up and fights the racist right wing extremist Teatards, they’re going to take over. If nobody stands up and fights Fox and the right wing plants in the media, they’re going to win the public debate.
The truth is that the IRS should be going after right wing groups *a lot* harder than it has in the past to uncover the roots of their funding and their central organization, and they should make public the source of this effort by a few billionaires to subvert the public discourse and our government. The full force of the government – not just the IRS – should be directed at these people until they relent.
The Villager hissy fit over a leak investigation and proper due diligence being paid to the modern equivalent of the 1920’s Klan isn’t really based on merit. They’re just upset that somebody is going to upset their cozy relationship with the right wing, and that they themselves may consequently lose some perks if the right wing is turned out of the political infrastructure and all the places they’ve burrowed into in the Executive Branch and the courts.
@Roger Moore: New York Post has to be the worst big city newspaper in the US. It is cartoonish in every way possible. the Washington Times is a propaganda pile of s***, but the NYP is what you would get if wingnut 6th graders wanted to put out a newspaper.
African-American involved in a crime = thug
Any non-reactionary politiciam = leftist
Did not support Iraq war = traitor
Mafia hit man = charming guy
Don’t forget the NY Post right after the Boston bombing put a big picture of two innocent people on its front page and accused them of having committed the crime. And the NY Post refused to retract or apologize.
Its readers are just as much fault as the NY Post. By reading that piece of toilet paper, people are enabling that farce.
Sorry, how is this any different from the nine zillion other gibbering fucknuggets who earnestly share the Honey Do lists they’ve written for Obama on a daily basis?
I’m not sure what set you off today and even I am impressed by the harshness of wishing finger cancer on Fournier, but again, I wonder why this person, why today? I’ve been hearing “Obama MUST,” since 2006.
@John Cole (quoting Doug J):
WADR, I suspect Doug has Gail Collins confused with Maureen Dowd here; it’s David Brooks and MoDo who are the pair for whom a murder/suicide would be a fit ending. Gail Collins writes usually worthwhile humorous columns, lampooning Republican or other general stupidity, whereas it’s MoDo who is a shrewish New York branch version of media villager, slashing at anyone she perceives as behaving in a way not kosher to the ways of the village. Obama or Boehner.
This is the most descriptive and inventive curse I’ve heard in years.
John PM
@Odie Hugh Manatee: My favorite quote from The Simpsons/The Critic: “How do you sleep at night?” “On a large pile of money surrounded by beautiful women.”
David Koch
Did Fournier call on Bush to apologize and appoint a special
prosecutor over Pat-Tillman-Gate?
What, no, he didn’t. But who could he forget, he’s a journalist and they’re supposed to be even handed.
Surely Fournier called on Bush to apologize and appoint a special prosecutor on Torture-Gate, Katrina-Gate, Blowing the surplus-Gate, WMD-Gate, Iraq-Occupation-Gate, No-bid-Contracks-Gate, Forming energy policy in secret-Gate, Letting-Bin Laden-Escape-Gate, Terri-Schiavo-Gate, Warrantless-Wiretaps-Gate, blocking the Times from publishing WarrantlessWiretapsGate-Gate, and of course the biggest of all, 9/11-Gate.
Surely Fournier was objective and held bush to the same standard he demands now—- I mean, he did, didn’t he???