Yesterday, Daily Show creator and friend of the show Lizz Winstead tweeted a political joke when news of a tornado touching down in Oklahoma broke.
This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) May 20, 2013
After the depth of the devastation was revealed Winstead immediately apologized for making the tweet, but it didn’t save her twitter timeline which is still currently in shambles. The initial tweet was deleted at the request of a self identified Oklahoman.
Made a political joke, Twas before devastation revealed. In hindsight, had I understood, I would have refrained. Beyond sorry. #LetMeHaveIt
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) May 20, 2013
There are few things that raise emotions like a natural disaster and no disaster is complete without the constant rotation of tragedy porn on the 24-hour news channels, Facebooks, Instagrams, and Tumblrs, and as a result the internet unleashed its full fury on poor Lizz without impunity. But who should come to Winstead’s defense? None other than … Glenn Beck?
Leave lizz winstead alone.Clearly bad joke.How many of us has made a joke we wished we could take back? She has to feel awful.#castfirststone
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) May 21, 2013
You know the worlds gone nuts when Glenn Beck is the internet’s voice of reason.
On today’s #TWiBRadio, post-tragedy Twitter rage, a New York judge weighs in on the ‘effectiveness’ of stop-and-frisk, and we announce the world premier of the Ten Frisk Commandments Remix video.
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And this morning on #amTWiB, #TheMorningCrew talk about a high school senior banned from graduation for unleashing thousands of crickets in the school, Essence and MSNBC team up to bring live coverage of the Essence Festival, and right-wing radio host Pete Santilli stands by his comments about shooting Hillary Clinton “in the vagina [to] let her suffer.”
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David Koch
More evidence of Obummer’s rank sexism.
Citizen Alan
Lizz’s bad joke is perhaps more forgivable in light of the fact that there really are nutbars who are claiming Obummer did this with his weather machine. Or possibly voodoo.
Woah, that’s pretty big of Glenn Beck. Must be a conspiracy
Wait a minute, am I being punked? Is MSNBC really gonna be broadcasting the Essence Festival?
David Koch
These Obots are sickening.
They way they worship Dear Leader.
Ted & Hellen
It wasn’t a bad joke. It was dead on, regardless of whether one house or ten thousand were destroyed.
It made its point very succinctly, which is why right tards are whining.
Sick of right tards, who are generally full of hate and bile, whining; and sick of lefties apologizing for imagined slights.
You know the worlds gone nuts when Glenn Beck is the internet’s voice of reason.
Tom Coburn has demanded offset jokes because Lizz Winstead.
[‘Clearly, we could use a Sequestration of Stupid.’]
How was this joke supposed to be funny in the first place? Any time you are about to make a joke about an event in which people could die or have already been killed, you need to just STFU.
Terrorist Attacks
…etc should all be off limits
Some people don’t have a personal filter that tells them they’re about to be an asshole.
And here is exactly why I don’t and won’t tweet.
Reason and sanity from Beck? Hold on. Gotta go check the sky for flying pigs.
You may see some, what with the tornadoes and all.
Ted & Hellen
Says the self righteous sanctimonious one. Piss off.
Since you are apparently too dense to discern, I will explain: The humor and satire in the “joke” is about idiot right wingers who think Obama controls the weather, as well as the stupidity of the IRS/Benghazi/AP pretend scandals.
Keep up.
Just Some Fuckhead
How many people have to die before Lizz Winstead stops killing with her Tweeter feed?
Ted & Hellen
Since you are apparently too dense to discern, I will explain: The humor and satire in the “joke” is about idiot right wingers who think Obama controls the weather, as well as the stupidity of the IRS/Benghazi/AP pretend scandals.
Keep up.
Just Some Fuckhead
Lizz only messed up by not immediately tweeting “Too soon?”
Hear, hear! I’m kind of scandalized at how frequently I come up with a funny* but crude or wrong or wildly inappropriate line IN MY HEAD but thank goodness on Balloon Juice or Facebook there is a little bit of a time delay and I generally** am able to delete my comment before hitting submit.
*Sometimes not even funny, probably.
**Alas, not every time.
Ted & Hellen
How dare you mock all those dead Oklahomans.
I’m trying to learn to be more compassionate this year. These republicans and their red states are making it very hard.
Just Some Fuckhead
I dated Lizz in Junior College. Maybe her holocaust jokes have made me immune to this sorta stuff.
@Ted & Hellen:
I didn’t.
Just Some Fuckhead
By funny coincidence, Lizz minored in meteorology. True story.
Just Some Fuckhead
Is this thing on?
My thoughts too,.
Also, I’ll listen to the show, I want to hear about ‘a high school senior banned from graduation for unleashing thousands of crickets in the school’, The way they do things these days, why isn’t that kid up on a federal felony charge?
@Just Some Fuckhead: Dunno. Did Tunch catch the gerbils again?
(I’ve been busy at work, haven’t checked the runnings lately.)
@Ted & Hellen: STFU troll.
I know what the joke was about. My question is why is it supposed to be funny?
It’s not even a clever or creative joke. It’s a lame joke that would only get a chuckle at best. Considering who lame it is, she should have decided it wasn’t worth it.
Again, fuck you.
It’s worth remembering that what she said as a joke is pretty much the same thing – with the hitman being God, not Obama – that the Talibangelicals trot out when a hurricane hits some place occupied by black people or gay people. They, unfortunately, are entirely serious – and I’ve yet to see them apologize.
This is why I hoped all the comedians could wait a couple of hours yesterday before they launched.
Just Some Fuckhead
God works in mysterious ways, Nick.
Twitter waits for no one.
Really poor judgment by Winstead.
And the joke wasn’t even funny.
A double whammy.
@Baud: I’m talking about here. People wanted to start with the snotty snark before the thing had cleared the state line.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
So she tells me.
Can’t argue there.
See, here’s the thing. Twitter was invented so you could make glib, off-the-cuff remarks about absolutely everything, whether slight or momentous, right? Yet a day doesn’t go by that I don’t read about somebody saying something (or sending a photo) that causes widespread consternation and that person’s reputation is destroyed forever. I swear to Christ, Twitter was invented by Satan and the Marquis de Sade working right from the bowels of Hell. Having a Twitter account is like an ex-smoker having a pack of Camels visible at all times on the coffee table.
Wait, isn’t this the Obama conspiracy behind the 17-year cicada cycle?
@Heliopause: Have you seen this Vine thing? Short smart phone videos that you can post quickly.
@Baud: Heh.
That was on the second day. The first day was Politico.
And He saw that it was Mostly False.
And behold, God said “Let there be Pinocchios, so that the press need not strain itself by bothering to do too much work on the facts of a given story.”
@Baud: You lie!
Re-tweet me brah!
“Don’t Tweet on me, bro!”
None of the wingers had any problem with the vile shit Erik Erikson was tweeting last night. And, he certainly wasn’t apologizing.
Retweeted. It’s sure to go viral now!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@jshooper: These are the kinds of jokes that fall under “what you did there, I see.” They are not meant to be really funny, just make you recognize what the person did.
My example: Yesterday on DailyKos, in an article talking about how Benghazi and the IRS stories were turning out to be non-Obama issues, someone posted about why no one was talking about the scandal of putting diplomats in dangerous places. I replied about how I supported FEMA agents in Mississippi, no matter how dangerous it was. The response to that was “There’s always someone who will support Obama no matter what.”
I think there are waaaay more important things to be working on than how appropriate these comments are.
Odie Hugh Manatee
That’s why Erick, Son of Erick, waited until they were digging the bodies of the children out of that school before twatting that he wondered how long it would take Obama to notice the disaster. In winger ‘humor’, timing is everything!
To answer Erick, Son of Erick, Obama responded a hell of a lot faster than Bush did when Katrina hit NOLA.
Hell, they’re excoriating Liz at Redstate while giving Erick, Son of Erick, high fives.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Ah, brings back memories of my time at GOS.
Corner Stone
Like the guy that live tweeted the so-called Bin Laden raid.
Dude was like, “Whoa, tweeps. Big blades pushing the Sky King around. Maybe atmospheric pressure finally caught up with Mohammed.”
@Kristin: You wanna be like that?
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
The more I see of Erick Erickson, the more I think that castration and impalement might be the answer to at least one of our national problems.
Corner Stone
@jshooper: Shut up you fucking low life troll.
Off topic, but did anyone see CNN’s ‘wolf’ ask for a group hug from a family just because he wanted to see it? What a tool.
@raven: Excuse me?
I’m not making a two wrongs make a right argument. I’m saying that these people don’t really care what Lizz said. If they did, they would care what Erikson said. They are just pathological about playing the victim and “getting” liberals.
Corner Stone
Shouldn’t comedy be uncomfortable? Shouldn’t it afflict the comfortable and so on and so forth?
Kinda like what the press is “expected” to try and do.
I say Lizz should let her freak flag fly until the 200+ MPH winds rip it off.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: He’s depraved.
@Baud: Internet fame, here we come!
mai naem
I guess I’m in the minority but I thought the joke taken in context is funny. I don’t think it’s a brilliantly funny joke,not something you would put in a Chris Rock HBO special or something, but it is funny. It’s just snark based off the Teabaggers blaming Obama for everything, currently “ordering” the IRS “harrassment” of the teabaggers. And from what I understood earlier, it was just before the tornado hit.
@Corner Stone: LMAO.. I think you just outed yourself Corner Stone. Ted & Hellen must be your sock puppet, because your comment to me doesn’t make sense otherwise.
Corner Stone
@jshooper: You being a fucking troll?
That’s pretty evident. So shut the fuck up you loser ass troll.
@Corner Stone: Also I find it unbelievable that you would call me a “low life” while you are trying to argue that it’s cool to try and score cheap political points by making jokes about such a horrible natural disaster. People’s lives are ruined in seconds, children are trapped under rubble….and douchebags like you can only think about how you can take a dig at our political enemies on the right.
Ted & Hellen
@Corner Stone:
But then the delicate feelings of always proper and tender hearted people like Raven will be wounded irreparably.
Ted & Hellen
While at the same time you were kneeling in front of Mary in a bathtub doing multiple back flip twister novenas and thinking about how concerned and terribly, terribly compassionate you are and making exactly no difference to the lives of the affected. Piss off.
You’re nothing but a self righteous concerned troll.
Corner Stone
@jshooper: The next time I bag on a comedian for working their craft will be the first/last time.
If I were a delicate little flower like you I would be too scared to leave my house every morning.
This New Era of Civility ™ is reeeeaaallly hard.
Sack up you fucking whiny troll.
@Ted & Hellen: I’m not religious and you are a fucking asshole.
Ted & Hellen
haha…says the fucking asshole who cannot recognize snark or satire or his own bullshit.
The point being it does not matter if you are religious or not, you are the same kind of self righteous douche as many of those who are; trying to manage the emotions and speech and behavior of everyone but themselves.
Suck my balls.
@Corner Stone: I find it peculiar that my comments have elicited so much instantaneous rage from you.
Ironically, I find it comical that you think comedians are some how above criticism and basic decency simply because they tell jokes.
I guess you subscribe to the Westboro Baptist church philosophy of social interaction. “I can say or do whatever I want… and be as outrageous and offensive as I want to be… and NOTHING is off limits for political exploitation. “
@Ted & Hellen: You seem to really have your panties in a bunch simply because I think Lizz Winstead made a joke in poor taste. Funny how I’m not allowed to have an opinion, but somehow I’M THE ONE who is a self righteous douche trying to control people.
I guess not only should I be FORCED to accept her “joke” on the comedic merits….I must also find it funny. Otherwise I am just a self righteous douche (hanging head in shame)
Corner Stone
@jshooper: Actually, canoe boy, that is pretty much exactly how I interpret the 1st amendment.
It does not surprise me in the least, however, that you’re unable to grasp any of this.
@Corner Stone: @Corner Stone: Not surprised that a racist pedophile like yourself would think that freak-show politics is the best way to exercise your first amendment rights.
Ironically you (along with your right wing friends) don’t think that the rest of us have just as equal of a right to criticize and condemn you because of your speech.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Citizen Alan: Alex Jones is out there saying that very thing. There is literally no conspiracy these folks won’t believe. I don’t know whether they know karate, but they sure know ka-rayzee.
You know, something that’s been bugging me about a lot of the news coverage of the OK tornado, is that everyone seems to be saying, “We help each other, the churches and local organizations are helping but the government won’t get here for days.” The government has been involved since BEFORE the disaster! Who do they think set up the early warning system? Who do they think all those first responders work for?
Harold Samson
@jshooper: There’s a tired old phrase that describes your annoying infraction:
Political Correctness.
A lot of folk here have no tolerance for it. You might say they’re intolerant of intolerance.
Ted & Hellen
Wait. I thought I was the racist pedophile here.
I understood the Lizz Winstead tweet not as a joke, but as satire, a comment on the utterly dependable chorus of right-wingers who blame liberals and their tolerance for floods, storms and other “Acts of God”.
The purpose of satire is to elucidate, not amuse (although it may do both). Animal Farm was not hilarious, but it made a few points.