I know I am breaking my “going off the grid” thing, but as a creature of superstition, I have to post a Pens thread like I have for every other game, because if they don’t and lose, I will blame myself.
Sooo…. Let’s go Pens!
Also, is it possible that Rosie has found the most comfortable place in the house?
On top of two blankets and two pillows on a fluffy and garish couch? I think that must be the peak of comfort for a dog.
A Rosie pic. woo hoo.
Yeah, you’re gone cruel world.
There is no such thing as peak comfort.
gogol's wife
I’m happy that the predictions of how long “off the grid” would last were fulfilled.
Amir Khalid
Uh, when do you actually keep a vow to go off the grid? I’ve only been here a few years, but the only reaction I’ve ever seen from the Juicitariat is “He’ll be posting again in 3, 2, 1 …”
Uh, yeah, I think *everybody* assumed you would post within a couple of days of saying that. Not our first rodeo.
If you ever actually went Galt, you’d jinx them, not to mention putting half the commentariat into shock.
You have a playoff beard going Cole?
Love the picture name–Rosieboo!
Glad you are back. Memorial Day weekend would not be the same without you.
Under the subject of Oh, for fuck’s sake, it’s SALUTEGHAZI!!! DIDN’T SALUTE-GATE!
@Citizen_X: He did go back and shake the Marine’s hand.
Cole: does Rosie have death rays coming out of her glowing eyes? I can see lines in the right of the pic coming from her “doggie red eyes”(they’re dogs and red eye in humans comes out as yellow or green in dogs).
Sawyer and Gracie own the big couch here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mudpix/8457416710/
It’s only peak comfort as long as her Tower O’ Fluff doesn’t come tumbling down. That’s why she’s giving you the Doggie Lasers Look: one loving pat on the head and over she goes.
Who had “less than 24 hours” on how long Cole would be able to stay away?
Mary G
I think the perfect comfort is probably on your lap, though.
Just One More Canuck
That may have been the worst version of O Canada I’ve ever heard.
Video of FLOTUS dancing to James Brown with the kids at Savoy School in DC.
Jesus, Cole, hold the camera steady.
@Citizen_X: Some of the comments there are pretty funny. My fave (from memory so I may not have it word for word):
“First umbrellagate and now this! JUST RESIGN ALREADY AND LET AMERICA HEAL.”
mai naem
You actually took two halfway decent pics. I’m impressed. Have you been taking photography classes or sumthin’?
@Citizen_X: Shoot me now.
NHL playoffs versus Westminster Dog show. Epic fail for the NHL ratings wise. It’s great though that you, three other Americans and most of Canada are watching.
Me, I think I’ll go see Ireland vs US in Rugby at the beautiful new Dynamo stadium. Never seen a Rugby match mash into an ultimate fighting contest.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Well this is as good a thread as any to post my HCW (hello cruel world) comment. I am unzipping my virtual comment lip for the time being, but I’ve installed the pie filter again, and certain assholes who comment here are already included.
Mclaren assured us in a comment in an earlier thread that DHS will take care of that. Just be patient Yatzee, they’ll get to you(though it helps if you’re already in a FEMA camp).
@Just One More Canuck: It works better when sung while exhaling some crack smoke.
gogol's wife
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
I’m glad to see you! And Gex was back today too, or maybe last night, I guess. Now if only General Stuck would appear.
Just Some Fuckhead
Going off the grid means turning off the teevee too, asshat.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): Welcome back! You were missed mightily, plus you missed out on some great firebagger moments the last few days.*
*Unless you were lurking, which in case I hope you enjoyed teh lulz.
Just One More Canuck
@Keith: Rumour up here is that Anonymous has got a copy of the video and may release it soon. We can only hope
Don’t worry, Cole, the Referees will be sure to deliver the game right to the Pens’ hands.
Nothing to do with Pens or Rosie or going off the grid, but it is an open thread.
So, could this be the beginning of the end for that piece of shit Sheriff Joe Arpaio??
As my late mother used to say, ‘who do you think you are that you think you have such great power as to determine outcomes by what you do? God?’
@Peter: I have no problem with them winning that way.
Keith G
Just 112 days til NFL’s opening weekend, when life again becomes tolerable.
In celebration of that, a few scenes from the 80s...Montana and a NFL Films sound track. It seldom gets better.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Yatsuno: I was lurking, although I didn’t bother with the Gitmo threads, because I knew where that was going. But I was able to juice up the pie filter mightily while reading.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yuts works for the IRS. He’ll be one of the last to go.
@Just One More Canuck: It’ll make my day if the video shows Ford take a deep hit and then crash through a dining room table, ala Chris Farley.
? Martin
@Poopyman: I thought the IRS guys were the ones telling FEMA which ones to shoot first?
This shit is hard to keep track of.
@SiubhanDuinne: No, he’s just doing what the voters who put him in office want him to do. I suspect he could get thrown in jail for it and still get elected.
@? Martin:
They thrive on the confusion.
@Poopyman: Depends on who’s doing the shooting. If it’s the teabaggers I’m going refugee in Canada.
OT: Tim Curry had a stroke.
David Koch
Obummer sure likes hitting on white women. #scandalous
@Yatsuno: You’ll have to start smoking crack then, all Canadians smoke crack.
Bachelor weekend kicking off with a growler from the local nano-brewer, “More Songs about Buildings and Food” on the good system, dog lying on my foot, flank steak marinading. A good start,
Me no grok hockey, so some time freed up there, I guess.
Arrgh, not Tim Curry. I’m still getting over Ray Manzarek.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
Maybe we need to have an ACW (Aloha Cruel World) option so we can use the same phrase for “hello” and “goodbye.”
Not that I’m jealous that my coworker is leaving for Hawaii on Sunday or anything. Nope, not me.
:: sighs sadly ::
Yeah. Forget it, Jake, it’s Arizona.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Hell I’ll just marry me one. The Canuckistani ex is on the short list of exes I’d take back. It’s a real short list, he’s the only one on it.
@trollhattan: Apparently he’s not dead fortunately, the report I found said he’s recovering. No word on any effects yet.
Just One More Canuck
@Keith: This event aside, Ford’s had a long history of substance abuse and really erratic behaviour. He seems to be heading for a big fall
My guess is it depends on the bug/feature analysis. Probably “feature.” (Can the feds charge him with anything?)
Odie Hugh Manatee
“I know I am breaking my “going off the grid” thing…”
As anyone with a lick of sense knew would happen. :)
They don’t even specify the date that he had the stroke. Today? Doubt it.
@Just One More Canuck:
Really? Where’d you hear that? I am all agog. Dincha love the presser today? “I do not smoke crack. I am not an addict.” How Clintonian!
Waiting for my first load of laundry to go into the dryer so I can take a nap. I’ve been tired all friggin’ day.
But tomorrow — hotel stay for brief one-city-over vacation! Yay!
dance around in your bones
All of my cats and most of my dogs have quickly sussed the most comfortable place in the house – for the cats, it was usually on top of freshly warm-out-of-the-dryer laundry and with doggies it was whatever my humans like (i.e. under the covers and on top of the waterbed).
Yes, old hippie here. I loved those waterbeds.
Mike in NC
@Mnemosyne: When we were in Honolulu, the second most popular expression after ‘Aloha’ was ‘Mahalo’. Technically it means ‘Thank you’ but a better translation would be ‘Whatever’.
Can’t say I have a dog in the Pens – Sens fight. I’m just looking for good hockey.
Mr Stagger Lee
Indiana is playing Miami tough. Anyhow I nearly got into hot water at work today, I was mindlessly singing Mary Bellows by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. It just popped in my head, I guess it could have been worse, it could have been O’Malley’s Bar.
Anyway: # 1: I just passed my nursing refresher course to reactivate my nursing license .. it was amazingly hard to do while working my full time demanding job — so I am fully celebrating this weekend.
#2: Did anyone hear anything about Stuck’s status since last I saw postings about this 10 days or so ago?
Thanks everyone
Read this dreck carefully. Notice a few details Piyush conveniently leaves out? Fucking hack.
The Pens had to get a bigger screen (it goes to 11!?!) for the outdoor amphitheater at the Consol Center because the crowds have been so huge, even tonight when it’s about 40 degrees outside. Crazy!
I may have to get me a #18 jersey. He’s been awesome.
mai naem
@Yatsuno: Hey Yats have you ever met Lois Lerner? She reminds me of somebody but I can’t figure out who. I can’t even figure out if its somebody I’ve worked with or somebody famous.
Just One More Canuck
@Svensker: Some real word-parsing there. It doesn’t even matter if the video ever surfaces, his reputation is done. Didn’t see the press conference – can’t stand to hear him talk. I heard about the Anonymous stuff through some people I work with
@geg6: Evgeny walks with lions. :)
@mai naem: Never been to the Cincinnati office and don’t work in her division. Until her name popped up on the news never heard of her.
I do believe the iPhone pic I sent you might be Balloon Juice worthy! C’mon you know the ‘Juicers’ want to see a morkie ewok throw down!
Talking points without substance. It’s embarrassing how half-assed that was.
@Elie: No definitive news on Stuck. There were several folks trying to track him/her down from various clues but to no avail. I miss the Charlie pics, also. Congrats on passing your refresher course.
After two days of agony regarding our addition we got a glimmer of hope at days end. I contacted a friend on the county commission and the short version is: “the homeowner/builder did not identify the location of the sewer as prescribed and, therefore, is responsible for any costs associated with moving the line to conform to the code”. Then, in the final paragraph he says there are known problems with the line and the city is willing to move it after an appropriate study is done. He says that it could take some months. I sent it to our contractor and he does not seem happy. I really question taking legal action when they seem willing to work with us. We don’t really care if it takes a year.
@Just One More Canuck:
Well, it’s quite entertaining in an “you have to laugh cuz otherwise you’ll sob yourself to death” kind of way. How would Anonymous get hold of the vid? Hmmmm. Will be interesting to see how this all unfolds. Certainly odd for staid old Toronto…
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@raven: I’d be really surprised if the city doesn’t have some bend in them on this. Best wishes to you.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): Thanks, I think our saving grace is that the line runs under the house 2 doors down.
Just One More Canuck
@Svensker: It makes you long for the good old days of Mel Lastman
@Baud: Piyush goes out of his way to pin it all on the blah guy without acknowledging once that his party ran things for 8 years and were responsible for the vast majority of the government growth in that time frame. But hey party uber alles.
Thank you JPL…
True. Also, it seems odd to talk about big government when the government at issue is processing applications for tax exempt status.
vickie feminist
What was scary here was that I began to have anticipatory withdrawal with JUST the IDEA that Sofa King Cole was not going to be telling me about his menagerie for FOUR DAYS!
Just reading the comments reminded me that there is a whole community of Balloon Juice wisdom writers to carry me thru if he abstains for the next 3 days.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Just One More Canuck: I missed the Canuck anthem. Was it worse than this one at a Las Vegas Posse game?
Old Dan and Little Ann
Go Pens. Fuck Ottawa. I find that “teh” is one of the most fucking obnoxious things ever. Worse than Hitler even.
My hubby traveled to Ethiopia a month ago and took these amazing pics… We have so much materially and yet the richness of culture and humanityin Ethiopia just screams out.
Just One More Canuck
@Thor Heyerdahl: Ok it was not as bad as that. I loved the ‘growing hearts’ and when he morphed into “O Tannenbaum”
Southern Beale
We’re watching the game, Pens are leading 3-1 so your superstitious tendencies are right on. Still get a twinge of nostalgia watching Vokoun in goal, he was our starting goalie for so many years.
I love my Preds but damn I’m sick of being the development team for other NHL rivals. The best we’ve ever done is second round in the playoffs.
the Conster
@vickie feminist:
Pretend BJ had a like button.
@Elie: Thank you so much for posting those! They are really beautiful.
Mike in NC
Anybody else notice the MSM love for Chris Christie these past few days? Interview with the wife on the Today Show, etc. He’s the one to watch for 2016; Santorum is so last year.
@Mike in NC: Big weekend at the Jersey Shore makes him interesting.
Southern Beale
@Mike in NC:
Snort. If by “last year” you mean last century, then okay. Santorum was never anything but a joke.
Hill Dweller
@Mike in NC: The hacks in the beltway have to praise a Republican for “balance”. Christie is their current favorite, but once the country gets a look at his stupid ass policies, he’ll fall back to earth.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Southern Beale: more like 16th century.
The latest word.
@muddy: They’re lovely!
@Just One More Canuck: One can only hope…between Duffy, Pam Wallin, Pana Merchant, and Rob Ford, it’s sit back in the lawn chair with the Cheezies and beer time and watch the conservatives implode.
@Elie: Those are amazing! Do you mind if I show those to an Ethiopian friend of Book of Faces? I know she’d appreciate them mightily.
Jay C
@Mike in NC:
Well, here in the NY media market, we’ve been force-fed a lot of love for Gov. Fatso: almost all of it paid for by his reelection slush – commercial after commercial showing Big Chris beaming his way around the state surrounded by happy Jerseyites. Slick and expert, to be sure, but after about the jillionth exposure, barf-making in the extreme.
Oh, and they’re also alternated with various hatchet-pieces on Barbara Buono, his Dem opponent (oddly, I’ve seen no news of either a primary or caucuses – wonder how she got the nod?) – bad B&W pix and a lot of references to Satan (i.e. former Gov. Corzine) and taxes. Lovely.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I saw this on a time wasting site and thought I should share it here, for obvious reasons.
Suffern ACE
@SiubhanDuinne: no. The people who vote for him actually like that about him.
Maybe John can use this time “off the grid” to practice digital photography?
Jay C
@Jay C:
Edit to # 93: Dumb me: the NJ primary wasn’t in the news because it is going be held on June 4th.
So Christie’s attack ads against Ms. Buono are basically free advertising for her: not that it will probably help much: recent polling shows the incumbent with about a steady 60% share.
Just One More Canuck
@Jane2: It’s been amazing how quickly the tide has turned against Harper and Ford, It helps that the Liberals dumped Ignatieff (my cat would have done a better job – Scully is one smart cat) so that there are now 2 fully-functioning opposition parties, and Ford has always been a trainwreck in waiting, but he was very popular when first elected
Does the new splitter work?
I worked with one once and it would be on and off and drove me crazy. That was just with the internet and computers.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
Pie filter for peace of mind. I wonder if the stupid leeches brains cells.
Boo. Sens lost.
@Just One More Canuck: Trudeau fils has done really well at distinguishing the Liberals as a viable alternative to Harper while also nibbling at the NDP’s heels. I wonder if Layton’s untimely death had something to do with this reversal of fortune, though I won’t discount Trudeau’s political talent.
the Conster
@Redshirt: Srsly. It’s like Cole keeps trying to find his range with the Instamatic and the flash cube.
@Just One More Canuck: The one great thing about Canadian scandals is that we give them time to develop. Deep in the heart of Saskatchewan, even the most ardent ideologue (and there are more than a few) had to admit that Pam Wallin was full of shit. The Pana Merchant story is bubbling in the background, but that’s ok…we have time to find out just how crooked her deal is. It all adds up to Senate rot, and Canadians are listening.
Ford always overstepped, but the Toronto political elite alternative is so obnoxious that it bought him some time. Harper, insulated from Canadians as he is, had no idea that the drip drip drip of robocalls, the Senate, the pro-life wacko MPs, and the blatant attempt to gerrymander the Sask electoral boundaries were all percolating. I’m sure other provinces have their own scandals in the making….and it all exploded with Mike Duffy…the Puffster is such an apt name.
And reading in the comments that Anonymous has the video just makes it all the more sweet.
@Jane2: Duffy, Wallin: what is it with these former journalists? Is there some character flaw that makes them particular susceptible to shafting the public? Not being cynical here: they didn’t seem particularly bad as journalists. A bit vacuous and pandering but not more so than any others.
@the Conster: LOL. Flash cubes. I remember those! Loved them.
I imagine he has some steampunk-esque digital camera with a hood that requires everyone to stand still for at least a minute, and then he takes the memory to the darkroom and washes it in chemical bathes that give all his photos that certain style, and then snail mails them to one of his Frat Boys who then uploads them to the Internets.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Elie: Those are gorgeous. Thanks for showing us.
The new splitter is working in the sense that I am back to wasting time simultaneously on the Internet and cable TV. It seemed kind of stupid to go all that way for the $5 vanilla splitter, so I upsold myself on this beauty. The picture really doesn’t do it justice.
The downside is that some speed tests are showing normal upload speeds but download speeds (much) slower than previous. Tomorrow I will check all the connections, reboot the modem and router, do some voodoo routines, etc., etc., but I’m too tired to do it tonight.
ETA: I did nip by Total Wine and pick up a six-pack of Red Tail Ale and three bottles of Conde de Caralt cava. On the way out a sketchy-looking guy asked me for 50 cents because he was “short for the bus,” so I gave him five bucks.
Just One More Canuck
@Yatsuno: I agree about Trudeau the Younger. He seems to have brought a lot more enthusiasm to the Liberals. I don’t think Mulcair has done a bad job following Layton, but lacks his charisma
That thing ought to download at light speed.
At least it works.
Hope you got the wine.
I’m too tired to do anything.
@Katie5: Blame a Prime Minister who appointed blatantly unqualified people to a pork-laden, unaccountable Senate job for life. They aren’t answerable to anyone, they don’t have to do a lick of work, and the gravy train just keeps on a-chugging. They couldn’t even meet the basic constitutional requirement of living in the province they represent, but why should they think that matters when the Prime Minister doesn’t? Hell, I want to be a Senator too.
And Wallin and Duffy suffer from the same disease that Gregory, Schieffer et all do….the insider press that sells its journalistic soul for access to politicians. Sad….gobshites (thank you, Charles Pierce) indeed.
@Just One More Canuck: I like Mulcair, but I sure don’t like the NDP commications machine that makes him all pap and lack of substance to English Canada, while making him strong and purposeful to Quebec. I’m not sure about Trudeau, but I’m glad the Liberal party is finally recovering because I hate two party systems and want strong, strong opposition parties to kick Tory butt.
Amazing photos. I’v always wanted to visit Ethiopia.
@Jane2: And yet there are senators who take their job terribly seriously. Unfortunate since their lengthy reports seem to have little impact.
(Not to support the concept of a Senate. Although I like the concept of a bicameral legislature. But an unelected, for life body. Ugh.)
the Conster
It’s either that or the local electromagnetic field distorts so that the light waves set up an interference pattern around Tunch.
I just upgraded my mobile phone based home internet connection from 3G to 4G and wow! What a difference. Speed test before: Under 1MB per second. Now? 15-20MB per second. HUGE difference.
I can watch videos and funny cat .gifs again!
@Katie5: Hey I like the idea of a second chamber….for example, they put the boots to sports betting (only legal in Nevada) by letting a bill die. And lots do take their jobs seriously. They’ve always been partisan appointees, and that’s not always a bad thing. Even now, the scandal-makers are both Conservative and Liberal appointees.
I’m hoping that the current crop of ne-er-do-wells forces some more accountability to the public.
Just One More Canuck
@Jane2: Good points -I see Mulcair as being pretty non-descript, but I don’t see how he comes across in the Quebec media
Ford had the good fortune of running against Furious George Smitherman, who thought he was entitled to become mayor without actually doing anything to earn it. Ford at least gave the illusion that he cared about the little man
@Jane2: Sigh. You’re making me ashamed that I’m related to a Senator. Distant relation true, but I’d rather it be the hockey sort.
Uhh…did AL close the next thread to comments on purpose?
@Yatsuno: It’s too good a topic to Sully with our replies. Yours especially! :)
@Redshirt: HALP! I’m being oppressed!
So I ordered a 8-10 person in ground shelter made by these people today.
$2,900 installed, with the jack and the cable puller. My credit union has a 2.99% loan. I call tomorrow to schedule installation. We originally wanted to save up and pay cash, but 3% intrerest over a year ($87) will not break us.
Pens is hockey, right? When is hockey over?
Justaskinzall. I know it’s fucking useless….after that it’ll be football time again like the next day. : (
@Yatsuno: Most of them are decent sorts who actually try to do something with their time. If we’re going to have patronage appointments (and who doesn’t?) I’d just as soon it be to the Senate. As long as you’re not related to the current crop of newsmakers, your relation is probably doing something useful.
@Soonergrunt: Good to hear.
@Soonergrunt: Makes a lot of sense – think of it as insurance for your family for the time you live in Tornado land. Where are you installing it?
Don’t give a shit about the Pens.
Watching Inside Man after a nice visit with one of my colleagues and her husband.
The scent of lemon peel and the scent of orange peel come from two chiral (mirror image) versions of the same molecule.
True story.
lojasmo +4
@Redshirt: I was originally going to install it in the third garage bay–the one that will be a workshop–but the company said that the best place to install is in a bay where there’s a car because that gets used as extra armor. So we’re going with the bay directly in front of the door into the house. Our garage is deep enough that my wife’s Toyota Highlander can park a foot in from the front door and still have about six feet to the back wall.
Does +4 mean four new victims? Hardly sounds like a “nice visit.”
@eemom: I doubt it was intentional. The new interface on the back end is a little different. I shot her an email.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Hey, Anne Laurie: You turned off the comments on the “Movie Night” post.
James E. Powell
Regarding Christie and the love of the Village Courtiers. Has such love ever morphed into support in the Republican primary electorate? Cf. America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.
I wonder if there’s a rebate or something you can get from FEMA as well — if nothing else, it’ll make up for paying interest on it.
Plus I’m guessing it’ll be a bit like installing a pool (but more practical) and will add value to your house in the long run.
Yes, please show them. Alan approves. thanks
@Soonergrunt: That’s a big garage! I can barely fit my truck in mine.
Are they digging through your garage foundation to install? Or do you not have a concrete foundation?
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Give it 3-4 weeks. There are two rounds left once this round wraps up.
So the site is fubar now? Middle section squished and no comments allowed above? que la chinga?
@Mnemosyne: New idea: 8-10 person shelter turns into large hot tub for happier days. Features are a bit like a walk-in tub crossed with one of those public bathrooms where you can shut the door and it cleans itself with steam.
@Elie: SHARED! With my thanks. And maybe she can tell me what some of the murals say too. :)
Thank you. I don’t know if folks remember that he got sick about 2-3 years ago — had some treatment or something then came back and wouldn’t really talk about it (not that he should). I do miss him in these here parts and hope he is ok wherever he is…Charlie too.
When I first started commenting on Balloon-Juice a long time ago now (5 years?), he was kind to me and would respond to my comments. I will not forget that, as most folks remember the hand extended in welcome…
@Mnemosyne: the rebate program that currently exists with leftover FEMA money from 2001 tornadoes is given out in the form of grants, and only for new construction. 500 every year. They’ve already done this years alotment. The state of Oklahoma (mis)manages that program. Supposedly the state Senate is supposed to vote on a bill to tap the state’s rainy day fund, flush with cash from oil and gas royalties, to create a grant program, but I’m sure it will be like most other things the state government here touches–completely fucked up and half-baked.
The city of Moore has said that they had money from FEMA for up to 800 storm shelters in Moore, but that red tape tied it up. The real problem is that Moore didn’t want to spend the money to hire a staffer to administer the program. I live in OKC anyway. This part of the metro, Moore and OKC are kind of intertwined and Norman is mixed in there too. There’s a spot not far from here where a person can actually be in all three municipalities at once, and the two roads going through the intersection have six different names between them.
The Realtor we worked with on building the house has told us that here in Oklahoma, the ROI on a storm shelter is over 100%. We’ll see.
That would be great…
Hey, y’all: Does anyone know about Tom Thumb weddings?
I ran across a set of photos at my parish of an elaborately staged wedding with little kids as the primary players.
Turns out it was a fad in the 1920s, but all interweb references to it are recursive.
Charles Stratton (AKA General Tom Thumb) was married in 1863. So how did his near-royal wedding touch off a fad 60 years later?
I’m thinking it was a movie that is now lost. But I still have these freaky pictures, and an elderly gentleman who says, “I was in one! I think I played the preacher.”
Also, FYWP! It’s not just here; I ran into weirdness commenting at Southern Beale.
Comments spill over the comment box, because line-width is set. Use ems, people!
@Soonergrunt: I used to live on a mountain, the phone number was from 1 town, the post office was another town and the school district was a 3rd. We still argue what to call that house.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
wtf is up with Anne Laurie’s post?
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): Ungestuppt. Or deliberate. She hasn’t said either way yet.
EDIT: Ungestuppt wins. Comments open upstairs now.
This is a guess on my part, but there was a wave of nostalgia for the Civil War and the antebellum South in the late 1910s and 1920s (think Birth of a Nation, Keaton’s The General, etc.) so it may have been related to that.
1. Middle section squished. I don’t know your browser/OS, but that sounds like you haven’t selected “Zoom Text Only” in the View | Zoom section of the menu bar (Firefox, Safari). Add-on available for Chrome.
2. Comments off only for the thread above. It appears to be a temporary mistake/problem.
Keep calm and carry on.
@Redshirt: The garage floor is a four inch thick single-pour concrete pad on top of about 8 inches of packed sand. It was poured about a week after the stem walls were formed and poured and it does not bear any structural load. They’ll cut the pad with a wet saw, dig it out with a mini-back-hoe on a bobcat, and then lower the unit in, level it, secure it with rebar bracing, and patch the hole with high strength concrete.
Here’s a video:
@Soonergrunt: Thanks for the details, and here’s hoping you never have to use the room for anything other than storage!
@Elie: #79
Your photos are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.
@raven: That’s promising. It sounds great that your AHJs are so reasonable.
I am going to ComiCon this weekend. And Star Trek. Yes, you are jealous.
Anne Laurie
@Yatsuno: No, since I re-scheduled that post from last night (since it went up exactly one minute after Cole’s GBCW — SVCW?) apparently the latest version of FYWP turns off comments on scheduled posts. I just got home, expecting to find another ‘Missed Schedule!’ message flashing on the dashboard (standard glitch on the previous iteration) , only to wonder why the entire BJ community had knocked off early…
Yeah. I’ve got some disaster survival stuff, but since we’ve been in an apartment the last few months, and it was winter the big threat of tornadoes wasn’t on my mind, and like a dumbass I put them in the storage building we rented. I’m going to fix that this weekend.
@Suzanne: where’s the con you’re going to? I missed Dallas this year. I might go to OKC’s this year at the end of June. I’ve never went. I’ve got my tickets for San Diego ready to go!
Suffern ACE is a Basset Hound
@Redshirt: here’s hoping that he doesn’t use his storm shelter for storage. Not that the weather service doesn’t give watches and warnings, but I’d rather he not be taking out boxes of Christmas tree lights and old lamps if the time comes.
@Suffern ACE is a Basset Hound: my attic is freaking huge. Comes with having designed the house to be easily upgraded to a two story later. We couldn’t afford (and didn’t need) a two story now, so we saved $30K by converting a two story plan to a one story. But the upside is a huge attic. There will be nothing in the way of getting into the shelter WHEN, not if, it becomes necessary to use it.
@Soonergrunt: Just the Phoenix Comicon. It’s actually pretty big and a lot of nerdy fun.
Anne Laurie
@Soonergrunt: Good decision!
And you’ve even got room for the inlaws, or your favorite neighbors, goddess forbid you should ever have to use it…
@Suffern ACE is a Basset Hound: The shelter’s perfect for storing the comic book AND wine collection!
@Anne Laurie: Well, my wife was looking at the two story plan in another subdivision, and was talking about where the grandchildren would sleep and play and I was like “we have a 19-year-old and a 14-year-old. Just how soon do you think we’re going to have that many grandchildren?”
So we converted the stairs into a full bath, and moved a doorway and made a couple of other adjustments to create a house with a full Mother-In-Law suite, and two bedrooms with a hall bath in addition to the master suite. In a few years when we start actaully having grandchildren (at least 10 years, please), we can convert the MIL suite into laundry/mud room and additional master closet/master bath space, and convert the laundry/mudroom to stairs, IF we even need to do that.
In the meantime, I’m not paying for the space, or for heating and cooling it.
@Suzanne: That’s cool. Dallas is a lot of fun and San Diego is getting so big that it’s become work to have fun. I’ve never been to OKC’s even as I’ve lived here for almost 17 years but it’s gotten big enough to start getting b-list stars up from the d-listers.
@Soonergrunt: The Seattle ComiCon is quite the event, but my brothers prefer SakuraCon to get their geek on. Both are a blast however.
@Yatsuno: When I retire finally, I may just spend all my time going from con to con and buying and trading Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, and Firefly memorabilia.
there are worse ways to spend one’s time.
Anne Laurie
@Soonergrunt: Forethoughtful!
We have no kids, and when we bought this house twenty years ago, we more or less assumed we’d be here until we left feet-first. But it’s a dual split-level, and sometimes I find myself calculating whether climbing even a half-flight of stairs is worth the effort. (Also, both the plumbing and the electrical systems, like the inhabitants, are past the half-century mark and forever teetering between complete collapse and total replacement.) On the other hand, when we consider the logistics of moving everything accumulated by two dedicated pack rats over twenty years… starting with approximately 10,000 books…