So Syracuse staged an amazing comeback to beat Denver in the Lax semi-finals, which means the championship stays on the east coast where it belongs. I know I am supposed to be off the grid, but what is better than lax and hockey all day? Just hoping the Red Wings can finish off the Blackhawks.
Plus, I miss you all.
Fer fuck’s sake- they are playing the Nuge, Stranglehold, in the arena in Chi-town. Where is Rahmbo to shut this shit down when you need him?
Spaghetti Lee
You’re not really an expert at this ‘off the grid’ business, it seems.
Villago Delenda Est
You’re supposed to be off the grid, Cole.
Although admittedly playing Nugent (and therefore funding his stupidity via royalties) should send some producer to the stocks.
Then again, could be the dogs have learned to type, even as they feasted on his rotting corpse.
To which I say, “Way to go, doggies”!
Face it: Cole had it coming.
Love the UEFA league final; great game.
Keep that Lax trophy, Cole. We’ll keep Lord Stanley’s hardwarre for another year. :)
Southern Beale
Looks like your Pens will be playing the Bruins, John.
Hoping the ‘Hawks can upset the Red Wings, I fucking hate the Red Wings with a passion. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen, though.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I saw this on a time wasting site and thought of you:
Corner Stone
Mitch Williams is a Fox baseball announcer? Really?
God damn he sucks balls.
dance around in your bones
Oh Mah Gah! Cole misses us, he knows he cain’t quit us.
I’m talking all cowboy because I am watching Lonesome Dove (on REELZ, whatever that is). I love it, been years since I read it/watched it.
Can you blogsplain to us about the “off the grid” thing again? I think there is some basic part of the concept that I am not getting.
Aren’t you hiding in Galt’s gulch, Cole?
TaMara (BHF)
You Keep Using That Phrase, I Do Not Think it Means What You Think It Means
Corner Stone
@dance around in your bones: I watched “North and South” on Encore this afternoon.
Probably not going to go with those awful accents.
@Spaghetti Lee: I’m not sure the server could handle it if he went Galt off the grid.
Corner Stone
@TaMara (BHF): Holy shit. Someone get to TaMara’s place, stat!
She’s caught the capitalitist virus!
She’s doomed if we don’t get to her soon!!
dance around in your bones
@Corner Stone:
I just keep wanting to spit in the dirt and eat Mexican strawberries, hitch up my ‘spenders, slug off a jug o’ moonshine.
@JWL: Nah. It’s Tunch. He’s just fucking with us all while the hairless ape hand feeds him sushi-grade ahi.
Thought you had no Internet until Tuesday. Tunch is going to glare your ass into submission when you get home.
Watching a mini Hot In Cleveland marathon on TVLand. It’s a pretty funny show.
Anyway, here’s a new pic of my baby Maddie. As my granny used to say, “she too grown for me” She’s sitting on the porch of her tee-dee(my mom, her aauntie her tee-dee)
Can’t believe that fucker Psi fighter snuck into town and didn’t arrange a meetup.
You seem to have missed the message that Rahmbo is a corporate stooge who would sell your children to dogfood manufacturers if they paid him enough. This has been obvious for several decades now, so I’m not sure where you have been that whole time.
John, Although I love Anne, she does not understand Saturday night blogs. The one thing we don’t want is deep and thoughtful.. We missed you too.
@lamh36: darn twitter link
@lamh36: that page doesn’t exist
thanks for the correction.. what a sweetie
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Now the shoes are bright.
I like the fact that DU is new blood in the sport, but Tierney is a putz. If he coached more and worked the refs less, he might have won today. He was an infuriating PoS at Princeton. “Ever true to Brown, muthafukas!”
@MikeJ: Sic CaseyL pn him. That’ll learn him right.
(I remembered, but I was leaving town for a few days. I dropped the ball a bit there.)
When you say “off the grid” do you mean the one from Tron
As the mother of a lax goalie, I now have so much appreciation for the job Howard is doing during the playoffs, I am also weeping over that score.
I would also like to add how much more I can enjoy watching both lax and hockey with my new glasses. Getting older really sux.
Some really good fights tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m telling you, she is such a pink girly girl. If it’s pink she wants it…lol. My mom lets her chose what she likes & this lil girl loves her pink.
John Cole is to staying off the grid as Sarah Palin is to parsing sentences.
She’s a perfect baby. They grow up too fast. Enjoy!
Riley's enabler
@lamh36: entirely too cute!
@MoeLarryAndJesus: tsk tsk At least our Cole knows how to parse… Shame on you.
Howard Beale IV
Praying that Al #1 retires tonight so Al #2 Can deal with the rest of this mess.
@MikeJ: @Yatsuno: Okay, I feel really bad now. Plus the fiancée says that maybe it’s okay.
So, do we want to organize a very last-minute meetup? To be honest, I do not have a car handy, so it’s gotta be near to where I am staying (Four Seasons).
Does either of you, and any other Seattlites, want to do Pike Brewing Co tomorrow at 9 PM?
And Cole & other blogmeisters, do me a solid and post about this if I get afformatives
Howard Beale IV
@Southern Beale: As one who was born and raised in Detroit (where the weak are killed and eaten, and where I have been known to vacation to keep my toughness cred renewed as required), I respectfully ask that you perform aerial intercourse in a torus-shaped pastry.
Thank you for your consideration.
And Cole: if the Wings get past the next round and so do the Pens, how about a wager?
Omnes Omnibus
@Howard Beale IV: Fuck the fucking Red Wings. Nothing personal. Just sayin’.
@PsiFighter37: I unfortunately will not be back into town until Monday night. However I have no doubt MikeJ can throw together something at the last minute, though it won’t be as populated as something we had more organised. Plus I said a magic word for CaseyL so as soon as she pops up I bet she could come around.
The prophet Nostradumbass
Watching the A’s thrash the Astros is pretty enjoyable.
Southern Beale
So, I’ve never bopped around Kickstarter before but thought I’d see what kind of projects are seeking funding out of Nashville, my hometown. And I was surprised to see a great project for someone I used to go to church with, a food business — all local, organic food products like 8-grain pancake mix. All well and good.
And then I saw a ton of music projects for people who, frankly, I’d have thought could pay for this themselves? Jo Dee Messina? Tracy Lawrence? Phil Madeira? These people have had really successful music careers. Am I wrong to suggest they’re being a little cheap by seeking Kickstarter funds?
@Yatsuno: Great, now I feel awful.
But, on a bright note for you Seattle folk, I will be back in town mid-July. I will be with one of my good buddies with whom I get intoxicated regularly and make severely politically inappropriate and potentially offensive jokes to the sober-minded with at times, so we can potentially wait until then.
Either way, let me know. Email is [email protected]. Or just shout at me here
Corner Stone
@The prophet Nostradumbass: Suck it.
Spaghetti Lee
@Southern Beale:
I thought about this once: If Kickstarter becomes de rigeur for big-name projects, aren’t people essentially paying once to produce it and once to buy it? That’s gotta be like a corporation’s wet dream.
Not that I’m doing anything special, but this weather is really making Memorial Day weekend suck. The airport has seen 6.8 inches of rain in the past 4 days. It’s nothing like what hit San Antonio, but there’s still some minor flooding around the area.
Southern Beale
@Spaghetti Lee:
Seems like on most of these projects you get a free CD or download if you’re helping kickstart it.
But it doesn’t seem within the spirit of Kickstarter for it to be used by big names. I guess there’s no way to keep that from happening but still…
Mr Stagger Lee
Watching B-ball Spurs-Grizzlies. No real dog in the fight, but I would pull for the Spurs, because despite winning 4 championships, they have done it very low key. Plus the last run of this dynasty.
@PsiFighter37: That might actually work better for at least me. I have two furlough days in July (FY Repubs) and I have a bit more flexibility then. I’ll drop you a note later on tonight, I’m on my phone right now so can’t do it at this precise moment.
Plus you’ll love Seattle in July. Weather is perfect plus you can crawl around everywhere.
@Yatsuno: Great, because crawling is my preferred mode of transport.
MikeJ, if you haven’t drowned your sorrows in a tubful of vodka already, give me a shout
Spaghetti Lee
@Southern Beale:
IIRC, Facebook and Youtube both grew from small, indie-ish, under-the-radar type sites to the massive ones they are today, used by corporations and the government and such. Frankly you could say that about the internet itself. I don’t see why kickstarter would be different.
Spaghetti Lee
@Mr Stagger Lee:
I dislike the Spurs for that very reason. If you’re going to crush other teams’ hopes and dreams for so many years, at least do it with some flair.
Wings score!! In case anyone is still watching.
@Southern Beale:
Maybe they’re trying to get out from under oppressive, greedy suits or producers by trying an alternate means of financing.
My Google-fu is pathetically weak tonight, because I couldn’t find either of the two things I was looking for. (And why don’t I bookmark these things when I read them, because I know I will want them again later?) One of them is a very detailed, almost spreadsheet-like account by a veteran producer of how a band can barely break even, or even lose a little money, on a “successful” CD selling 100,000 units. The other was a chilling profile of Toni Braxton and how she was (is?) completely exploited by her producers and managers. The low point was when her producers gave her an expensive car as a gift on the release of a successful album, and by this point in the story it was clear that she was paying for it herself.
The producers take their fees off the top, the artist is charged for everything (studio time, recording technicians, etc.), and the artist is the last to get paid. Why not try to eliminate some of that?
Southern Beale
Blackhawks score!!!! 2-1. YAY.
Southern Beale
Yeah I work in the music biz I know how it goes, my point is, if it’s bad for people who’ve already made it and have also made a bazillion bucks because they’re WRITERS (that’s where the $$ is in the music business, in the publishing) then what’s it like for someone trying to just get their foot in the door? Seems like Jo Dee and Tracy — not to mention the Christian artists Carman and Big Tent Revival, which are “ministries” and have nice little tax exemptions — could self-finance. Seems to me like they’re trying to take advantage of their big fan clubs.
And it’s not like anyone is forced to contribute by any means, it just struck me as “off”
Instead of flair, San Antonio prizes the process rather than the results. Like streaks, you must respect game plans and team identity
Oh schnap! Pagan (and who among us doesn’t love the name Angel Pagan?) wins it for the Giants in the tenth with an inside-the-park HR.
TaMara (BHF)
@Corner Stone: sorry, bad cut and paste.
@Southern Beale:
I take your point, but is Jo Dee that big? To me she seems like one of those midlist “stars” whose name could be bigger than actual sales and/or money coming in.
But, yeah, the technology is definitely at the point where almost anyone could self-finance to the point of getting an album master together.
I love the quote someone had that the average musician with a Macintosh today has way more technology than the Beatles had for Sergeant Pepper or Abbey Road.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Corner Stone: “Touch ’em all, Joe! You’ll never hit a bigger home run in your life!”
Howard Beale IV
@Southern Beale: Ok-you win this one. But it ain’t over till its over-and it ain’t over yet.
Well tough shit for you JC, ‘Hawks are going to game 6. As a Chicagoan I for one am hoping to bring it back here for game 7. Not sure how we managed to fail games 2-4 but if they can keep up their performance tonight, it’ll be a hell of a series. I just wish I understood wtf’s Detroit’s fascination with octopuses.
Cole, I think you meant to say “the championship stays in Durham where it belongs.”
I love the Blackhawks but hate the Nugent music being played. I put Ted Nugent in the same category as Cat Stevens and any Moonie financed project. I go out of my way so that not one nickel of my money goes to enrich those cretins.