I have a lot of unresolved anger I need to work out.
Any movie suggestions? Netflix or otherwise.
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I have a lot of unresolved anger I need to work out.
Any movie suggestions? Netflix or otherwise.
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I think you should open another thread after this one, an even “Opener” thread.
I’ll post first in that one too.
Fight Club.
Well, on the positive side, you are fucking hilarious.
We just watched “To Die For” . Joaquin is one spooky dude.
Comrade Jake
I caught Super 8 today, which was pretty good. I may watch Drive later, which I’ve heard is underrated.
Both of these are actually on Netflix streaming.
How about A Clockwork Orange? That should purge your anger. It’s actually a very funny movie too.
How many times have you seen Inglorious Basterds?
Also, in the over the top category: Hard Boiled and Shoot em Up.
ETA: Or just go play Borderlands 2.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Kung Fu Hustle is free to view at Crackle.
That is an awesome movie! A true dark comedy.
Must be the season of the wiiiiiitch…..
As for Cole, he oughtta watch the romzomcom Warm Bodies I mentioned last night. Even my eehubs was reaching for the Kleenex, and he’s even a worse curmudgeon than Cole.
Fay Grim is kind of funny.
Holy Motors!
Suffern ACE is a Basset Hound
Save the Green Planet, I guess. Perhaps seeing what a life spent focusing on seeking revenge for against nebulous causes of personal problems might be therapeutic.
I need my weekly GoT fix, dammit!
Ted & Hellen
Well, here’s a concept: Get your fat ass out of that chair and freaking EXERCISE for once.
Love ya.
Mr Stagger Lee
Is there a South Korean movie anymore creepier than The Chaser?
mai naem
This doesn’t have anything to do with movies but for whatever reason I think it’s hilarious. This is like movie comedy funny. John Boehner’s daughter got married to a Jamaican Rastafarian. He’s apparently got the dreadlocks etc. Also too, he was arrested a few years ago on what else, a marijuana charge.
Also too, I didn’t realize Boehner’s wife had the same orange thing going. Ya think they fake suntan together,you know, like a couples quiet time together thing?
God Bless America.
Bob In Portland
@Comrade Jake: “Drive” is great for anger, since the Ryan Gosling character has anger issues. The elevator scene (you’ll know it when you see it) is a classic of sound effects. And Albert Brooks plays a great bad guy.
Myself, the girlfriend and I plan on watching the Liberace movie.
Mr Stagger Lee
Of course Netflix has come out with some silent films, Faust was pretty cool, I think I will see Mephisto next.
Weird Science is one of the more sublime 80’s movies. How about the over the top mall h8ater Robert Downey Jr.?
Mike in NC
“Last Stand” with Ahnold S was OK, given that it was by the Korean director of “I Saw The Devil”. Mindless action nonsense with some humor.
mai naem
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): ooh, I love Kung Fu Hustle and I never like any martial arts movies. I read the director was supposed to be coming out with Kung Fu Hustle 2 but it got delayed. Anyhow, I saw the suggestion in the last thread for A Boy’s Life which was really good. There was also The Man Without A Face with Mel Gibson before we all realized he was such a loathsome human being. Also Election with Reese Witherspoon.
Butter (netflix)
Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam in which an evil genius blows up the banks in Cincinnati as part of a plot to try to destroy the world.
Highly recommended.
Original Lee
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
Tim in Sf
Do a good deed. I did one today (rescued some fledglings from a busy city street) and took all the anger out of me. I mean all of it.
Comrade Jake
It’s not looking good for the Pacers.
Princess Leia
“While food support was being targeted for cuts, just 20 rich Americans made as much from their 2012 investments as the entire 2012 SNAP (food assistance) budget, which serves 47 million people.”
This will not end well.
I Spit on Your Grave?
(Just kidding.)
Cabin in the Woods.
The last movie that was recommended to me on a Balloon Juice thread that I ended up following up on was “Ronin.” I now pass that recommendation forward. Good film, and it should still be on Netflix.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Comrade Jake: It is a shame too, they weren’t reading the script that the Heat was supposed to dominate, and was playing them good. The Spurs though may be the team to beat,
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@mai naem:
I think KFHdistinguishes itself by being a movie- and a pretty damned funny movie, at that- with martial arts in it rather than a martial arts movie.
Comrade Jake
@Mr Stagger Lee: yeah the first two games were fantastic.
I like Tim Duncan and the Spurs but in the end I just think the Heat have too many weapons.
Mike G
Stander – South African cop in the 70s, gets pissed off with the system, starts robbing banks (based on a true story).
Art of the Steal … if you want to hate Ed Rendell even more than you already do.
Old School
I have a lot of unresolved anger I need to work out.
Mean Guns:
Everybody dies. In a good way.
[‘It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it.’]
I recommended it last night late in the thread, but I’ll go again: “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”. Really unique special effects and overall look, and it was filmed like classic films from the 40s. Fun plot and an all-around fun movie. I can’t believe that the writer/director hasn’t done anything else since.
Or, if you want something for the unresolved anger, try “Machete”
Mr Stagger Lee
@max: Perez Prado pretty good music. I loved the characters in that movie, that movie is pure fun.
Mike E
@mai naem: Apocalypto, for that matter, is hilarious and oddly cathartic, too. It belongs in the pantheon of” Bad Day” movies like Dog Day Afternoon, The Long Good Friday, and Memento.
It helps to drink a few shots of tequila, or drop acid. Too.
@Keith: I hated that movie when seeing it in the theater. That’s not my Obi Wan.
There’s two ways you go with this: action/horror or comedy. Action or horror may let you get out your anger by watching some good old violence take place on screen. Comedy will let you laugh away your anger. I suggest the comedy route. Think of your favourite comedy and watch it. Super Troopers usually works for me.
Or you can let more fluffy sweetness into your life and become a Bronie with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
While you were fulminating, you missed an amazing game in the women’s lax championship. Carolina 13, Maryland 12 in four overtimes. Your time would have been better spent watching.
Duke is going to win tomorrow, BTW. Suck it, haters.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
The Naked Gun series cracks me up no matter how many times I see it. You can’t go wrong with Leslie Nielsen. Plus you get to see bad things happen to OJ Simpson.
saxondale is a good as fuck
Last Man Standing
@burnspbesq: Women’s Lax? Seriously? You expect people to be watching this event willingly, and in numbers?
The last movie that was recommended to me on a Balloon Juice thread that I ended up following up on was “Ronin.” I now pass that recommendation forward.
Oh hell yes. I propose a triple feature: Ronin, Hard-Boiled, and The Dogs of War.
@burnspbesq: Also, too: Hanna.
The prophet Nostradumbass
I hear there’s a popular TV show just had some new episodes released on Netflix.
For a mood changing movie, watch a musical — one where you know all the songs, and can sing along to (subtitles help). “South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut” and “Chicago” are my go to movies.
Or if you want to wallow in your anger… Check the Netflix selection of documentaries.
@Redshirt: Madness!
Looked like a near sellout in a stadium that seats 12,500. Not everyone shares your lack of appreciation for the exploits of highly skilled, highly fit young women.
Drive was too stupid for words. Supposedly set in the present day, but no-one has a cell phone and the macgruffin is a bag full of cash. Sky Captain was not sufficiently thought through, there are much better SF movies out there.
I recommend the Marvel universe, the Iron Man movies, Captain America, and the Avengers. (Myself, I have also seen Thor several times, but if you’re not in love with Tom Hiddleston, it’s not worth watching…)
For sheer anger, nothing beats the Ahnold movies, as in Terminator and all its sequels. Also anything starring Sylvester Stallone.
And I see Fight Club has already gotten a shout-out.
@burnspbesq: Seriously, like a nation of rednecks are gonna make TV time for Collegiate Women’s Lax, right? That’s what you’re proposing? It’s that important a sport?
Beats the heck out of watching 42 crackers floor it and turn left.
RobertDSC-PowerMac G5 Dual
Moulin Rouge.
@Gustopher: Agreed about Chicago. Nothing like belting out Cell block Tango to get your frustrations out!
@burnspbesq: Agreed. But it’s not ever going to be anything other than niche viewing.
Fuck you to all you Kings fans.
Blackhawks fan
P+7 (at least)
Not a problem. As long as ESPNU has 168 hours of airtime to fill every week, they’ll keep showing it. Advertisers loooove the audience it delivers. Small, but affluent.
Yo, Yats: howdja like that goal? Gonna be a long night for Sounders.
I’m shithammered drunk, hanging out by my fire pit, and lamenting my 19 year old daughter acting like she’s 19.
Corner Stone
Maybe someone should tell lil bitch ass commenters that no one gives a fuck less what they have to say, much less waste time deleting their garbage ass junk.
not an easy watch (you have to pay attention to it, and even then you may not understand every part), but i just saw “upstream color,” the second feature by carruth who confused everyone with his lo-fi sci-fi flick “primer.”
also just saw “below” a ghost story/world war ii submarine story starring bruce greenwood, and its much better than the logline would indicate. creepiness and atmosphere rather than shock and gore propel it, excellent.
also, instead of weird science, may i recommend “real genius”, starring young val kilmer. it travels the same territory as weird science (came out around the same time), but more grounded in the reality of science than fantasy, and even more laughs imo.
@Corner Stone:
Y’know, you’re allowed to take an occasional day off from being a miserable piece of shit.
Scott Alloway
“I have a lot of unresolved anger I need to work out.”
Welcome to middle age. For your movie, an oldie – “The Magnificent Seven.” Great sound score. Corny but efficient script.
@skippy: Yep, Real Genius is a killer movie. “I guess it goes from God…to Jerry…to you…to the cleaners, right Kent?”
Corner Stone
@burnspbesq: “People are like a sword”.
Two-nil. It’s the Robbie Keane Show.
Corner Stone
Chris Cornell is just flat balls out awesome.
Three. In fairness to Sounders, that was a ridiculous penalty.
Dead Ernest
@YellowJournalism: I’m inclined to agree w you about ‘two ways to go’ but, Amazon Prime’s ‘free’ streaming movies recently added The Virgin Suicides. Knowing nothing about it, I tuned in. (As the saying goes, this) Based on a True Story, took me out of my world. Not funny, not cathartic, but I had none of ‘my issues’ for a couple hours. And while certainly not ‘haunted’ by it since, the story / movie has revisited, offering additional time away from ruminating on my issues.
I suppose that might be what Critics refer to as Compelling. I dunno.
“Ronin” yes. “The Dogs Of War” left me underwhelmed mostly because I’d already read and loved the book, but on its own it’s probably pretty good. Haven’t seen “Hard Boiled” yet.
? Martin
Haven’t seen it, but everyone keeps urging me to see The Raid.
Okay, now you’re just trolling. In the last several “Any movie suggestions?” threads people have pointed you to enough good movies for a six-week immersive viewing session.
Oh, well, I can’t quit you. Wes Anderson’s first movie, Bottle Rocket, is coming on Sundance at midnight EDT. If that’s too artsy-craftsy, the not awful Stallone remake of the excellent Michael Caine movie Get Carter is on Encore at midnight; that’s got more punchin’ and shootin’.
I’m sorry it’s not “hip” anymore to say, but:
The Matrix
is one of the best movies, ever.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Damn good movie.
Dead Ernest
However, for a Good Time, Comedy remains my True Love.
Amazon Prime is also providing Frank Cara’s You Can’t Take It With You. A movie I can happily take over and over and over…
? Martin
Oh, and my son and I were very pleased to see the trailer for ‘The Purge’. Were wondering when the fusion of zombie genre and libertarianism would hit.
Four. Hat trick for Keane before halftime. The second penalty was righteous.
At this rate, we may see Rogers make his Galaxy debut tonight. Juninho is probably going to have to come off; he hyperextended his knee and then got chopped down for the second penalty.
Also too, Seattle already has a high profile, openly gay player: Megan Rapinoe.
Dead Ernest
‘Click to edit’ just teasing me.
That would be Frank Capra.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Watch Rubber. How can you go wrong with a sentient tire with telekenetic powers. The crowds watching it are great.
@Dead Ernest: I love that movie. I would almost categorize it as a horror film in its own way. A ghost story with living ghosts for most of the movie.
Wubbins had 3 wobbles in 4 quatrains. Incredible wiggle play in the midmester. Heavy ball action yet he kept it light at the same time.
Wubbins-Wiggins stole the game in post quarto. An overhand select to tie the midsquare with but a forethought to go! Amazing!
The NRA has ten suggestions for you.
Dead Ernest
@YellowJournalism: great description. Yes. I suppose it is the ghosts that continue to ‘drop in on me’ over the days since I watched it. Not disquieting just so bizarre as to be, well, compelling.
I wonder how close the book is to the actual story. I doubt I’ll find the time to read it though.
@Dead Ernest: I haven’t read the book, but a friend of mine did and said she liked the movie better. She said it was pretty faithful as far as adaptations go.
I’ll suggest The Boondocks on Netflix
JD Rhoades
Hobo With a Shotgun.
@max: Mystery Men – you can be Mr. Furious
Mr. Furious: Okay. Right now, I’m kinda like a powder keg, and you’re the match.
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Mr. Furious: After all, I am a ticking time bomb of fury.
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Six posts since 2pm. Off the grid!
We lurve you Cole.
The movie you should watch for Memorial day is about our brave soldiers who drove away to Norks when they invaded. Wolverines! Red Dawn. Not the camp, halfway funny 1980s version, but the nothing to offer remake.
Is psi-fighter contagious?
Anyone remember Salvador? Oliver Stone’s best movie and great performances by James Woods and, believe it or not, James Belushi. Might not resolve any anger issues but remind you that some things are worth being pissed about.
I’m eyeballing my unopened copy of “Seven Samurai” for tonight, but am not sure I’m up to hours of reading subtitles. But, that brings up spaghetti westerns, which can’t be beat for two hours of pure male aggression.
For catharsis, I suggest the tailgating scene in Lost Highway.
How’s about “Behnd the Candelabra”?
Rogers on for Juninho in the 76th minute.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to the Dark Side, dude.
As a Pens loser, accept your fate. The Bruins are going to the Finals.
@MikeJ: Speaking of which, I need to get in touch with him. He’s not sneaking back into town under the radar again like last time dammit.
@burnspbesq: That smile gave me life :) :) And loved hearing the applause.
@? Martin: Hah, my husband and I saw that and thought it looked freaky. We agreed that it might actually get people to understand that the libertarian paradise would be nothing but horrifying.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Gustopher: If you want a musical where you know all the songs, my vote is for “Mama Mia”. God help me, I really like it. Especially for watching Pierce Brosnan do his best at singing.
I love off the grid Cole.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Scott Alloway: Or for a more modern version, “The Wild Bunch”. Nothing like seeing Ernest Borgnine pry open a crate and, beaming, holler, “Grenades!”
@Suzanne: Watched it. Thought it was prety good. I didn’t know anything about Liberace but was interested in seeing Michael Douglas portray him. He did a great job.
? Martin
Ok, I think I need to see Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Joss Whedon film starring Neil Patrick Harris.
Something with a lot of gratuitous nudity.
@Suzanne: Michael Douglas has had some incredible performances in his career, but this one has to be up there. For him to take a role like this at the end of his career is pretty bold. I know the phrase tends to get overused, like when Lena Dunham goes nude, but Douglas doing Liberace really is. Here’s a guy who already has an Oscar and has already shown an incredible range, yet he still decides to do a flawless Liberace, complete with several makeout scenes along with one where he’s getting pounded from behind by Matt Damon while doing poppers. It can be an unsettling movie, but it was impossible for me to stop watching.
And Rob Lowe’s Dr Jack Startz was hilarious.
Red Hill.
Actually in all honesty video games are a good way to work off issues.
@Keith: I am still recording it on my DVR. I am excited to watch it. It sounds great.
Villago Delenda Est
Cross of Iron. Peckinpah’s take on WWII.
Ooh, or a Street Fighter/Sister Street Fighter marathon.
@Ted & Hellen: I will have to second this, or third it, or Nth it.
I’m kind of getting tired of Cole whining about how he’s such a lard-ass and can’t get laid, because that’s a solvable problem. Dude, HIT THE FUCKING GYM. You were once an athlete, turn that fat back to muscle and you’ll have nothing to whine about anymore with regards to the ladies.
Not only will the workout burn off all that extra aggression, actually getting laid will melt away the rest of it.
Then again, if he did get in shape, we’d have to listen to him bragging about how much play he’s getting, and that might be even more annoying.
Joseph Nobles
@Keith: Patton Oswalt’s tweets are always worth having a Twitter account, and his live-tweeting of Behind the Candelabra is why. So much fun.
Die Hard.
Yippee-kay-ya, mothaf#%$er.
@mai naem: then treat yourself to Shaolin Soccer too :-)
Bob h
“Hoosiers” with Gene Hackman.
Falling Down
mai naem
Douglas was awesome but Matt Damon did a pretty awesome job too on Behind the Candelabra. I would never have watched this except a friend of mine was telling me about it and he was interested in watching it. I didn’t even recognize Dan Ackroyd or Scott Bakula. Whoever did the make up should win the emmy. I have a feeling its going to win a bunch of emmys.
Patricia Kayden
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Point Blank
vickie feminist
Maybe the anger is related to the holiday and how we don’t deal with our vets’ experiences.
Maybe you’re a little sad and need to talk/visit with friends.
Or watch Michael Caine’s A Shock to the System where he discovers “accidental deaths” as a useful strategy.
And hey, you can be smug for creating this blog.
Unresolved anger?
Man on Fire.
Revenge porn
Inside Daisy Clover. Especially the last scene.
JR in WV
I find that anger is best spent gainfully. I use a hand-maul to split seasoned rounds of firewood when I’m too angry to speak about the things that have made me angry.
Now, for John, this may be dangerous, like going mugger-hunting in Gotham with a slingshot. But if you start slow and get used to the weight of the tool and the density of the target wood, it can be safely done.
Valhalla Rising – Netflix
Deb T
Hell on Wheels – you can watch the whole series, for a price, on Amazon. Great revenge fantasy in the first season. Of course Justified is classier and I find just as satisfying. No one kicks butt like Raylan Givens walkin’ in his Daddy’s footsteps.