Whew. Per the Boston Globe:
Veteran Democratic US Representative Edward J. Markey beat Republican businessman Gabriel E. Gomez today in a special election for US Senate in Massachusetts that was marked by its brevity and by low voter interest.
Gomez gave a concession speech shortly after 9:30 p.m., thanking his family and supporters. At the beginning of the race, he said, “Nobody knew who I was outside of Cohasset, a couple of Little League baseball teams, and the amazing people I worked with. But look at us now.”
Markey had 55 percent of the votes, compared with 45 percent for Gomez, with 96 percent of precincts reporting….
The race struggled to gain public attention. First, a number of high-profile names dropped out of the race, including Brown, who lost a reelection battle in November to Democrat Elizabeth Warren. Then, other news events grabbed the media’s attention, including the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15.
Early on, some observers even suggested Bay State voters had a case of election fatigue, with tonight’s election the third US Senate race in just over three years.
Not surprisingly, given the challenges, turnout today appeared to be lackluster. Secretary of State William F. Galvin predicted record low voting numbers statewide, perhaps about 37 percent. By 6 p.m., only about 18 percent of voters had turned out in Boston…
What this means, for the 99.99% of Balloon Juice readers who do not live in Massachusetts, is that President Obama has one less corporatist sockpuppet/social-issues teabagger to contend with “just for the next seventeen months” (as the Gomez ads have been whinging for the last ten days or so).
The President, Joe Biden, and of course Senator Warren all endorsed and campaigned for Markey. The GOP threw a ton of money into tv ads, but there’s not a lot of photogenicity among that crew. Scott Brown wouldn’t be seen in public with Gomez until about 36 hours ago, and even then he looked like a man thinking “don’t let this luzer get his stench on me.”
Turnout seems to have been weighted — no surprise — towards the Cranky Old Pharts demographic, not least in my own town, which seems to have give the Twelve Visions dude his fourth-highest tally. (I never heard of him, either; from the front of his website it seems to be a form of get-off-my-lawnism too cranky even for the Free Staters.)
Congrats to the new Senator
Not really, though. Kerry was a solid Senator. This was just a hold, which is good, but not really progress.
One less thing to worry about. Thanks, Massachusetts.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
No offense to Mass., Imma let you finish, but Sen. Davis is playing some 11-D chess down in Texas!
? Martin
Remarkable what happens when people bother to vote.
Felinious Wench
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): 2.5 hours left to go. Pres. Obama just tweeted his support.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I know it was expected, but I’m still breathing a sigh of relief, cause of guys like this I read about at TPM
Never ceases to
amazefrustrate me how people, especially “independents”, will base their votes on everything but actual issues, and more than likely congratulate themselves on it.Baud
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
I’m concerned they are going to ding her on some procedural technicality before it’s all over.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Felinious Wench: I saw that on the other thread. very awesome! She seems tired though.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Baud: yeah, that’s one of my concerns too. Go Sen. Davis!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Baud: I wouldn’t be too concerned, in part because the best she can hope for is to prevent the bill from being voted on today. I will bet you that Perry calls another session. Then, someone would have to filibuster for 2 weeks. So, being a Texan, I will count anything as a victory.
My town went for Gomez, which I figured from the signs in my neighborhood, and from the fact that there were like 10 people at the polling place when I voted at 8:30, and I was the only one under 70. Surprised at how blue western MA is.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): There’s some senator who’s already trying that parliamentary maneuver just now.
Good on Massachusetts for not fucking up as badly as they did in the 2010 special election…well, and for Markey + the rest of the Democrats actually playing hard to win in this one.
On another note, is the state senator in Texas still filibustering? By my count, she probably has another 2.5 hours to go…hope someone has a bunch of food and water for her once it hits midnight!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
That would make sense. Pass the thing when people aren’t looking, rather than try to compete with Davis. On the other hand, these are Republicans, so “sense” isn’t necessarily in the cards.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Baud: well, given that they tried to pass it already at 3 a.m. on a Saturday, that bird has already flown the coop.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@PsiFighter37: She’s still at it, but the fucktards are giving her shit.
@Baud: Just checked the live feed and there’s a big conference up at the front and no audio. What’s up?
Where are you watching? I’m following tweets and such.
@Poopyman: Objection by that idiot doctor claiming that cumulative effects are irrelevant. Glad she’s not my doctor.
Felinious Wench
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): That will be interesting. She’s more than 10 hours in. If they do it looks like they’re shutting down that nice little girl from Ft. Worth. It’s ungentlemanly; they’d have to have a VERY good reason to do it or there will be backlash.
Texas Conservative Male culture is somewhat conflicted when it comes to women. Respect your momma, protect the ladies, be respectful in public or you’re an asshole. Say what you want about us in private but treat us respectfully in public. She’s doing this WAY out in front of the cameras, it’s gone national, and she’s a tiny, pretty woman that Texas culture says needs protectin.’
No one understood this like Molly Ivins, God rest her sainted soul.
@Baud: Here.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Poopyman: parliamentary maneuver by some repub. woman physician who says she’s off topic.
@maryQ: I am shocked how the entire middle , north eat and south is so red. Dems better wake the fuck up.
You can watch it here, along with 49,000 other people:
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Felinious Wench: I spent the first 35 years of my life in Texas, so I know exactly what you’re saying. Still, I never saw anything like this.
@Poopyman: They’re considering the point of order and cut the audio feed.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@amk: Land doesn’t vote, and there are lots of sparse areas in MA.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): Where at?
Felinious Wench
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): I am so incredibly proud of her.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): That’s my state senator!! She is awesome!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Well, it did in 2010 and dems ended up losing one of the most prestigious seats to a clueless cosmo boy. Trending red in a blue state is never a good thing.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Are they not allowed to filibuster in groups like the US Senate? A group of Dems should be able to filibuster for 2 weeks.
IDK but ya know what I have the same feeling in the air that I had during the Rodney King trial, between the SCOTUS decisions the past week/days and tomorrow’s decision (I figured VRA will get brunt of conserv actions and hopefully the gay rights issues become like the twin who lives on his sibling in the womb and prevails. if ya know what I mean) and the Zimmerman trial (particularly if Zimmerman is acquitted or given a lesser conviction), things seem to be simmering right underneath the service. I don’t expect riots are anything but the Zimmerman trial and it’s outcome seems like it will be the pot boiler that pisses people off who were already pissed about the VRA decision.
And all right before 4th of July (maybe)…God Bless America indeed…huh.
Yeah, “simmering” seems like the right word right now.
Brown’s election scarred people in Mass. Never again is the watchword.
My very liberal section of Boston (pop. 20,000) was not as organized as we were for Warren, but the campaign headquarters was humming at noon. Of the 10-15 people, curiously, all were women, except for the tech guy and the male intern.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@amk: well, Coakley was candidate of legendary incompetence, but IMHO as a non-Mass-er, from what I saw from a distance Gomez was almost as bad and not too bright. I hope those numbers analysts at OfA are poring over teh results figuring out how to mobilize non-habitual voters in 2014.
Also, too, MA is a blue state that has, like CA, NY, IL and CA had more Republican govs than Dem over the last 25 years.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Holy Fucking Shit!
Goddamn it! Assholes and motherfuckers all!
Spaghetti Lee
I’ll admit I’m a bit surprised by the amount of red, but it doesn’t look that different from Warren beating Brown in 2012. Those areas of Massachusetts have always been pretty Republican. And as always, maps can be deceiving. That knot of blue around Boston is probably home to at least 40% of the state’s population.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@askew: The rules are pretty nutty and pretty tough. Rachel Maddow ran them down. IIRC: Only one Senator can filibuster, no breaks for food or toilet, can’t leave her desk, must stay on topic, can’t sit or even lean. There may be more
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
This is worse than the VRA act. Fucking fascist motherfuckers!
Fucking hate these fucking assholes in the Texas legislature.
Spaghetti Lee
From what I’ve heard about Western MA, it’s kind of a resettlement community for old hippies and artisanal types, plus you can’t walk 50 feet without hitting a liberal arts college: Smith, Amherst, Williams, Bard (OK, maybe that’s it.) Maybe I should move there-sounds like my kind of people.
55K plus Youtube viewers. Will go viral, another black mark against the Republicans.
What happened?
Not watching, WTF happened?
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@SIA: They ruled her comments were not germaine, and now they’re trying to end the filibuster.
PS; Google Doodle: Go check out. Now.
Love listening to this guy complain about the rabble interrupting the most important senators.
80K watching. I’m sure as a result the Texas senate will get rid of any livestream capabilities. Can’t let the people see true democracy.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): Thank you. This feels alot like Madison. Fuck.
The Texas Senate YouTube feed is being funky, but it sure looks like (as the legendary Dr. Dick used to say back when FDL was a place worth being) there’s fuckery afoot. I’d say the good ol’ boys have had enough of this.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Thanks. Why am I not surprised that the Texas rules are even more fucked up than the US Senate’s rules.
So, Texas Republicans think shutting a woman up on a parliamentary motion and then kicking out thousands of women because they were “disruptive” is going to help them in 2014? Good luck with that.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@burnspbesq: Oh, I don’t know. The parliamentarian is a young female. It’s not all good ole boys, esp. seeing as how the third point of order was from a female physician senator.
Felinious Wench
@Redshirt: Exactly. This is not about victory, the bill will pass eventually. This is political theater. By shutting her down the Republicans just handed us a HUGE victory, live, across the country.
Best thing they could have done is let her finish and bring the bill up again in special session, and it would pass. They’re too stupid to know that.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): They ruled her comments were not germaine, and now they’re trying to end the filibuster.
Why, gosh! That’s undemocratic! That’s what Carl Levin and Mitch McConnell say! I do declare, the Texas Legislature. Undemocratic. Why, next thing you know, you’ll be telling me Rick Perry is a pig ignorant crook and that Louis Gohmert (such a name) is a pinhead.
The GOP threw a ton of money into tv ads, but there’s not a lot of photogenicity among that crew.
Well, hey, I threw some money too! Apparently, that was enough. So, yay!
[‘Wendy Davis was awesome before this, is awesome now, and will continue to be awesome for some time to come I expect. Might even be the next Democratic Senator from Texas, when we get a shot at electin’ one.’]
Ugh. Just checked the stream and some Perry wannabee was waxing stupid. Couldn’t take it, I’ll wait until the cut and dry comes out. Looks like they may have stopped her.
Spaghetti Lee
@Felinious Wench:
It’s only a victory if we capitalize on it. (Social media) sharing is caring, folks.
There’s a filibuster of the ending of the filibuster, and then within that, a request for a recap from a Senator who just arrived from a funeral.
My coping mechanism to the SCOTUS abominations of the past couple of days was, as it often is, to commit fic:
A Supreme Court Carol
@Felinious Wench:
It’s too bad that @CNN and @MSNBC couldn’t carry more of this live like they did with Rand Paul’s filibuster.
Isn’t the point that you have to have 3 departures from “germaneness” and this was only the second one? The back brace was a different issue.
Gomez didn’t have a campaign pickup truck?
Congrats and well done, Mass folks. Glad to hear some non-suck news today.
Hopefully a friend of mine who’s in the Senate gallery in Austin will be dropping by in a bit.
@Paddy: there was never any doubt they would. A Black woman thwarting their agenda? Not a chance.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@David: apparently not. it’s all going pear-shaped now.
@askew: Yeah, but this is just about lady parts and women’s health. Nothing important…
100K viewers, lots of Parliamentarian hijinks. There’s an instant replay call!
It certainly is. I guess they’re trying to run out the clock?
Back on topic, what happens to Markey’s House seat now?
Hi from the floor outside the tx debate chamber. 1500+ sitting or standing and waiting for the ruling on the challenge. Three dem reps came out to ask us to please stay and wait quietly until a final ruling. I’ve been here since 9am.
Anne Laurie
The neighborhood Gomez lives in, if they see a Hispanic fella in a pickup, they’ll assume he’s the landscaper.
Gomez’ hook was “(former) Navy SEAL! Navy SEAL! Navy SEAL!” I’m sure there are columns being written as we type, explaining that the Tsarnaev brothers’ Marathon stunt made us fickle voters forget who really killed bin Laden…
It’s official. The president and parliamentarian are dumbasses.
What’s going on now? Looks like a bunch of parliamentary mumbo-jumbo right now going on.
@texbetsy: Thanks for being there and for the update.
@David: That’s what I heard too. I feel like these people are extremely attached to rules they don’t understand.
@texbetsy: Keep up the fight!
Gotta love parliamentary procedure!
Welcome, Betsy. Thanks for coming by and supplementing the squirrelly YouTube feed. You’ve been there every day of this thing, correct?
So we don’t have a video feed here in the rotunda, though both overflow rooms had screens. You may know what is happening before i do. Burns asked me to pop in.
Shushing US Again. Unsure why.
Can someone explain to me what exactly is being debated?
Spaghetti Lee
Davis is white.
Did y’all get booted from the gallery, or is it just that there is a huge overflow crowd?
Spaghetti Lee
Don’t know what the letter of the law says, but the effects as I’ve heard them would close almost every abortion clinic in Texas.
@PsiFighter37: Whether or not the chair is an idiot. He doesn’t understand that the guy wants to appeal the chair’s ruling about who is in order. It’s a very simple point.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Burnspbesq: The youtube feed has been ok. But not the same could be said for the Texas Senate. I don’t know the players here, but I feel like some of the GOP are at least on Sen. Davis side re: the filibuster.
I was here Thursday night, Sunday afternoon until 2am Monday, but missed the 6:46 am non vote and the 10:00 votes. Arrived 8:45 this morning.
Btw, thanks to folks all over the US who sent us foods and water and ice.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: CA’s last two term Dem. Gov. was our current Gov. Grey was elected twice, but was recalled.
@Spaghetti Lee: Yeah, I know what’s at stake. I just have no flipping idea what what on earth is going on right now. All I see is a (presumably) Democratic state senator who is NOT Wendy saying something about appealing a point of order or a ruling or a motion or whatever, and the chair (presumably the dumbass Lt. Gov. who lost to Ted McCarthy-Cruz last year) going back and forth.
This is her third stroke and at least two have been bogus. On the other hand only 1:21 until midnight.
Mike in NC
Isn’t Cohasset noted for some kind of a dinner theater? I seem to recall having a Navy Reserve unit CO who was chief of police there, back in the day (1980s). I used to say to people, “For a fucking cop, he’s not so bad.”
I can now officially forgive you Massholes for allowing Scott Brown to temporarily occupy Teddy Kennedy’s seat. Yes, I know today’s election was not for that seat, but I had to reserve my final judgment on your collective good judgment until this race was over.
I know you are all relieved to read my post and care deeply about it.
No, i left gallery to make room for people coming after work, and you can talk and eat in overflow room 2, so i stayed there.
Can someone change stroke to strike in my previous comment please ?
Howard Beale IV
This battle may be won-but the war continues.
David Koch
Felinious Wench
@Burnspbesq: That would be awesome. If we do manage to shut down the vote tonight I will be traveling to Austin to protest for the next one. Already warned the hubby.
Sorry we hijacked the thread, Mass residents. Fact is, even Scott Brown would be a Commie Librul in Texas. You guys almost always get it right. These days, Texas rarely does.
Trying to put into words why this matters so much…
In Texas right now, women’s voices are irrelevant. They don’t even bother trying to suppress us or fight us because our voices simply don’t matter at all. The sense of entitlement by Conservatives over women’s rights is so absolute that we simply do not matter.
Yelling at the wind gets exhausting. You start getting hoarse and light headed and think “why do I bother? People just see me as a shrill little woman who is kinda cute when she’s mad, easily brushed off.” You develop such self-doubt even though you KNOW you’re right because you are constantly dismissed.
So, to see one of us stand up and say, “Look, assholes, I’m not shutting up. I will keep talking for over 13 hours if I have to and you are going to have to sit and listen to me the WHOLE time. You can’t ignore or dismiss my voice because I am in your way and I refuse to sit down.”
It’s a huge moment for Texas women like me who have spent years fighting off onslaughts to our rights.
@Spaghetti Lee:
They would close all but five, out if 43 or 42
FWIW, AP is reporting that the filibuster has been broken. Hope they’re wrong.
Markey’s seat is up for a special election and it will stay in the Dems hands most assuredly.
Let me guess: Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio, so women who live anywhere else would be SOL, yes?
Why couldn’t someone have done the same to Rand fucking Paul…
Mic set up on rotunda floor now with organizers setting things up.
Sen. Davis is a gotdamn beast! And people here were actually calling Snowden some kind of hero.
There was actually a time when I thought Rand Paul might be a slight upgrade over Jim Bunning. WTF was I thinking?
@burnspbesq: Well, the live feed still says “Fillibuster in Progress”, but I don’t know if that’s an oversight, or is technically still the case.
How can a post be ok, but then edit to add a name and it’s spam? Damn.
Suffern ACE
@burnspbesq: I would not put it past them to put these as far away from the population centers as possible. Require an overnight stay and put them in towns without hotels.
They were supposed to vote to end the filibuster. They didn’t, instead the Pres said “over”. Everyone flipped out and a bunch of Dems have been challenging that move ever since.
@burnspbesq: exactly
Still correct, but barely.
@Poopyman: Although I have no idea where Sen. Davis has gotten to.
David Koch
Here’s some twitter links to follow:
@Suffern ACE:
No. They are the five that are already ambulatory surgery centers.
Comrade Mary
Davis now has her own sigil.
@Poopyman: She’s still standing, ready to continue the filibuster. It ain’t over yet!
Speculation that dems may exit chamber and building If ruling goes wrong way so there is no quorum to do the real vote.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
This parliamentarian is a dipshit, but probably just following orders.
Wendy Davis a black woman? If she is, she’s the whitest, blondest one I’ve seen this side of Beyoncé.
Why didn’t the Dems all flee the state, the way they did a couple of years ago when the redistricting map was up for a vote?
Comrade Mary
@texbetsy: But this is a special meeting: I thought they didn’t need quorum.
Did i mention that it is in the 90’s and there is no AC after 6 pm ? Maybe in the chamber, bit not here.
Did i mention that it is in the 90’s and there is no AC after 6 pm? Maybe in the chamber, bit not here.
Never mind.
@Steeplejack: Im basing my comment on the woman they showed on my local news. Looks like someone at my local NBC affy felt they needed her to be black.
@Comrade Mary:
They did at 6:45 Monday morning.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
So, 58 Minutes.
Well, if the name is something like Pokerton Van Casino . . .
The organizers ate walking around with the leftover pizzas. Everyone is telling them to give them to the homeless down the block. I love liberals.
Jeebus wept. The second thing they dinged her for was a colleague came over and helped her with her FREAKING BACK BRACE.
Is it back on? My phone killed the live feed! Aack!!
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@YellowJournalism: just starting.
Here we go …
@Spaghetti Lee: Bard is in NY state, in Hudson valley. The Western MA Little Ivies are Williams & Amherst. Two of the Seven Sisters are in Western MA as well: Mt Holyoke and Smith. On top of that there is Hampshire College (a highly regarded alternative without grades), as well as UMass-Amherst, the flagship of the state university system. You can’t stumble around the Berkshires without bumping into a college out there.
@amk – the election day map of Massachusetts always looks like that. Mostly solid Blue around Boston inside the the Rte 128 corridor, at the tip of the Cape, and out in the Berkshires around Springfield. Rest of state trends a light shade of Red. Trick for Democrats running statewide has been to hold their base and then keep the working class & middle class suburbs from being too much a Republican blowout – there’s a lot of surly white flight, racist-y, Irish American a-holes in the Boston burbs. Interestingly, the really wealthy Boston suburban towns like Arlington, Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, etc. vote Blue.
Likewise, Republicans that win statewide (like Romney) did so by running the tables in the suburbs, forcing the Democrat to rely solely on urban (read: Boston/Cambridge/Somerville) and far Western MA votes.
@Steeplejack: Seriously, the name “Wat$on” is spam on FYWP.
Hilarious. Go ahead and try typing it, if you dare.
Comrade Mary
@Paddy: And if what I see on Twitter is correct (yeah, yeah, yeah), “Rules say filibuster can end for 3 violations of speaking off topic. Davis 2nd strike was for aid from another senator”.
Dems are doing their damnedest to run out the clock. They’re in the old North Carolina four corners offense.
Now, this lady’s got it…3! Not 2!
Editorial Note: Duplicate post. Dunno why.
@Comrade Mary:
Yes. Correct. Help putting on a back brace.
Spaghetti Lee
Seriously? Wow. Is there any evidence out there suggesting that elected Republicans aren’t all soulless ghouls? I’d love to hear it.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Zaffirini’s hitting it hard!
We all know the Repukes are just gonna say, “Fuck it. Let’s vote” at like 11:50 Texas time, right?
She’s making my point exactly!
Not sure who the woman who has the floor is, but I think she’s got the chair all confuzzled.
S’okay, we all make mistakes. Like that time I believed Just Some Fuckhead when he said he was an original member of the Osmond Family who got kicked out for boning Marie.
Ford passes to O’Koren …
Watson, Watson, Watson.
ETA: I got the mojo.
ETFA: Just kidding. I believe you. I just used my jedi voice to get past FYWP.
120K viewers and climbing. So when the Repukes break all the rules, they’re will be plenty of people who will know, and talk, and share.
So, it doesn’t matter that the President ruled incorrectly according to the rules? That is too bad and so sad then?
@Steeplejack: You can type the name and I cannot? Now, that hardly seems fair.
Dozens on the steps coming into the capitol bldg #Txlege
I’m now downstairs searching in vain for a chair.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Redshirt: Damn, I just had the same thing happen. Could Wats0n be finishing her filibuster for her?
@Redshirt: Sad that the majority weren’t viewing Wendy. She was way persuasive.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
He’s sure trying. This is awesome.
Peek behind the curtain: Wat<i></i>son.
Hi guys. I’ve been off the grid for about a month – my huge silver maple fell on part of my house during some straight line winds nearly 4 weeks ago. Now we’re having a really bad storm and we are all huddled (me, my dog and my two kitties) in the hallway right outside our bathroom. Instead of loving the storm as I usually do, I am sitting here shaking. Just thought i’d say “hey” and see if anybody can talk me down.
Dang. I gotta work tomorrow, but I can’t go to bed yet, I’m still STANDINGWITHWENDY! 39 minutes
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): what is Zaff saying ? We couldnt hear a bomb in the rotunda. Now ~500 degrees but i found a place to sit.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): He is. He’s trying. The Repukes will call it off at 11:50, vote, and this travesty will be over. But it shined a light on these cockroaches for a bit.
Also, why in the wide, wide world of sports is “Wat$on” spam?!
Does no one actually control the FYWP filter?
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@texbetsy: zaff was basically saying the pres. was full of shit because there was only two instances of germaineness. There was a long pause.
@burnspbesq: I will agree. This is poli sci geek heaven.
Felinious Wench
34 mins. Still debating procedure. Part of me wants the win, another part of me wants the Repubs to shut it down while so many people are watching.
Not a good time. We’re all standing with Wendy! Can you get back to us later?
Sorry, joking. It’s good to hear from you. And all I can tell you about storms is that they usually sound worse than they are. And remind yourself that you’re a little gun-shy because of the previous one and the damage it caused.
Casting a white light around your house . . .
Fyi i am @Texbetsy on Twitter. Retweeting a bunch between comments.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Felinious Wench: I’d rather the win.
Is Wats0n a GOPer? I don’t know, but he’s a stand-up guy so far.
@Felinious Wench:
The women of Texas want the win. So do our daughters.
Oh, you lovable maroon. That you should even ask. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
@texbetsy: Keeping an eye on sb5. Don’t forget to tag.
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): No, he’s the Dem Senator from Austin, and the city’s Ex-Mayor.
Felinious Wench
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS): he’s a Dem, former mayor of Austin.
Jewish Steel
My god. I have never seen so much lightning. A Texas amount of lightning in Central Il. It was like the shelling of Belgrade out there.
A Texas Democrat is one hell of a brave person. Watching the livestream is a pretty incredible thing. Way to go people! No Jimmy Stewart movie ever had me on the edge of my seat like this.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Wow, there are some cheap ass shits in the Texas Senate.
ETA: I’m amazed Sen. Davis is still standing!
Time for the Dems to hit the bricks.
Or maybe not. That was a genius move, asking that the motion be reduced to writing.
@burnspbesq: IN LARGE FONT
125K viewers.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@Redshirt: @Felinious Wench: Thanks. Makes more sense that way.
Felinious Wench
@texbetsy: I’m with ya, but I also know even if we win tonight we’ll probably lose this battle later. Note: I am NOT saying this is not incredibly important at all. But if we’re going to lose, I want it televised, I want the cockroaches visible, I don’t want people to stay apathetic, I want a rallying cry. And if we DO win tonight, I will be right there in Austin with you to protest the next vote on this bill. Glad you’re there.
@Yatsuno: What is it supposed to be? I get a plain, regular Google logo. Yesterday was the 161st birthday of Gaudy and the doodle was nice.
elaine benis
Who’s the woman in the white suit telling the president (? guy with mic running things?) what to say. I find it weirdly ironic.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
@elaine benis: She’s the parliamentarian, and she seems like a dumb shit liberty u. grad.
Picked the wrong day to quit biting my nails.
elaine benis
@Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS):
Ah, thanks.
@elaine benis: Not watching, but she’s probably the parliamentarian, the (alleged) expert in the rules.
Felinious Wench
20 minutes. Arrrgghhhh!!!! Give ’em hell, Texas Dems!
@Origuy: HAHA. The expert! Technically true, but factually, a joke. They’ve already broken 4 rules, and are going for the 5th.
So, basically they are just going to jam this vote through and throw out the Senate rules. Texas is a banana republic.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@askew: I believe the correct term these days is Wisconsin.
Following on #txlege.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Go Parliamentary Inquiry!
ETA: Oh, damn!
Oooohhhh … sacre merde!
Felinious Wench
13 mins, vote called.
David Koch
Van de Putte “At what point must a female senator raise her voice & her hand to be heard over her male colleagues?” Thunderous applause
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
who’s the guy in the purple? He’s been solid all night.
A woman Senator made a parliamentary inquiry along the lines of “what does it take for a woman to be recognized in this chamber” and the gallery went OFF. Been going on for about four minutes while the roll is trying to be called on a motion.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Good point. I am still in denial of what happened to a one great state.
“At what point must a female senator raise her hand to be recognized over the male colleagues in the room?”
That was a great comment.
What the hell is going on now? Is it the final vote or on a motion?
And how stupid is this Senate President?
This is 31 flavors of amazing.
Rotunda loud and wild. Not sure why. I need earplugs.
Well, fer fuxsake — you are the Texbetsy Of Blogs Past, aintcha. Great to see you again after all these years!!
— she who was formerly known as oddmommy and e
144K viewers. And not a single reference on any cable news channel. You know, the 24/7 news networks.
Harshest parliamentary inquiry I’ve ever heard.
Felinious Wench
@askew: gallery is so loud no one can hear to move forward. Keep it up, Texas Dems!
Comrade Mary
@texbetsy: As long as they yell, the roll call vote is suspended.
Hey Watergirl, Oh my! I am so glad that you are ok after the last storm. Given your experience, of course this one has you frightened. I have a dog and two kitties too–but I actually had to kick mine out of the living room tonight due to the offensive gas situation. Starting to think that the boys let him out unsupervised which they are definitely not supposed to do and he ate something that didn’t agree with him. He is stinking me out of my own house!
We have the opposite of a storm here–no wind, none and it is wicked hot and and humid. I wish you could give us a bit of your storm so it wouldn’t be as scary for you and so we could get a little relief from this heat. Between the dog and the heat, we could use a breeze!
The storm will pass and you will be fine–but the Republicans in Texas will still be assholes tomorrow! It is incredible what is going down there. There is a parliamentarian on my facebook feed and everyone is peppering him with questions about the rules for filibusters in Texas. Like crack for political nerds.
Ok, keep us posted about the storm and how you are doing. Sending you a hug.
I don’t remember the Alamo, but what I’m watching from Texas at this moment I definitely will. This is amazing!
@Redshirt: I wonder how many people are viewing the so-called news networks right now?
@WaterGIrl: Hang in there, BJers will be thinking of you. A lot going on right now but we will think of you (and the dog and two kitties).
Felinious Wench
Holy shit. 5 mins to go and no vote happening yet. Gallery is LOUD.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
OK, what just happened?
People on the floor are taking pictures of the gallery with phone cams. Crazy.
You’re right. Not a goddamned one of the “24/7” news networks is covering it. Talk about our failed media experiment.
ETA: Wonder if this will get as much coverage as 20 teabaggers putt-putting to a “death panels” town hall meeting in their Hoverounds.
“This is a big fucking deal.”
Whatever it is, it seems to be working. Three minutes to midnight CDT.
David Koch
Trending World Wide
“If I can have some order-” and the volume goes up 10 decibels.
YouTube live stream up to 173K.
Whatever “the previous question” was, it prevailed 19-10.
@mdblanche: volume even louder in the rotunda and balconies.
Something tells me that Ms. Davis is the next Governor of the once and soon to be again Great State of Texas!
Sounds like the gallery just looked at their watches and liked what they saw.
The clock strikes midnight and the volume goes up 30 decibels.
I iz indeed !
Sat next to texellen for a while this morning.
There aren’t many people I enjoy watching eat shit more than Texas Republicans. At least we won something today.
Are they crowding in to listen?
The secretary is trying to call the roll on something. It’s after midnight, the session is over. Are they really going to try and have a vote on the legislation?
I need a ciggie.
The powers are against the crowd. Heads they win; tails we lose.
I think they are votingWTF
@MomSense: @Steeplejack: Thanks, guys. The worst of the storm has passed. The spooky thing about when the tree fell is that it came out of NOWHERE. Two small claps of thunder, maybe a minute of steady rain, then out of nowhere came this sound like the whole world was crashing in on itself. I thought it must be a tornado because it was certainly loud enough to be a train right outside my house. Then the lights went out and while I was trying to figure out how to round up my kitties who flew to the back of the house, the earthquake started. At least that’s what I thought it was – whole house shaking, chandelier falling. Then the shaking stopped and I was back to thinking it was a tornado. I went to the back of the house to try to round up the kitties and heard the sound of rushing water from my bedroom. The tree had landed on my deck and house and a limb had come through my bedroom ceiling and was impaled straight down over my bed. Oh, and then the fire… my tree fell on the power lines and the neighbor’s tree caught fire, and we were all worried for about 3 hours that our houses would catch since they couldn’t fight the fire because the wires were still live. Finally the transformer burst into flames and that worry was over.
As I tried to explain to my sister, once you know a refrigerator can fall out of the sky, out of nowhere, the world looks different.
Thanks for the good thoughts, the hug, and the white light tonight.
“Mr. President, what time does this session end?”
Boss Hogg standing up in the front thinking he owns the place. Way to live the cliche, Boss!
@burnspbesq: I would not put it past them
Felinious Wench
@waratah: they began the vote prior to midnight.
Are they really claiming that they suspended the session so they can start it back up after midnight? That has to be unconstitutional.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@burnspbesq: Texas Republicans learned in 2003 when they violated the law by redistricting in an off year that they don’t need to actually follow rules.
Finally made it through the whole thread – I am standing with wendy! How can they vote after midnight? Bastards, all of them!
@Steeplejack: I’m sure MSNBC will have a 41 second recap tomorrow.
Jewish Steel
I think they’ve cut the sound.
Austin American Statesman website is useless. Houston Chronicle and Dallas Morning News, ditto.
Nobody seems to know what actually just happened.
The last utterance from the rostrum was a vote for sine die, or as Wikipedia calls it: adjournment sine die (from the Latin “without day”) means “without assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing.” I believe that was the white flag.
Interesting profile on Wendy Davis:
Damn. She’s going for it. She is not passing go nor collecting $200.
No, Republicans happened. Screw the rules. We win and might makes right.
@YellowJournalism: I think the GOP are looking for a few good activist judges.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@burnspbesq: When you stop following the rules, then no one else can figure out what’s going on either.
So glad you and the dog and kitties are safe!
What is going on now in Texas? I don’t have sound and do we know if that 12:01 vote counted??
The state cops WONT throw anyone out of gallery. Vote started after midnight.
Yeah. Saw this one coming. An unsurprising ending to a riveting evening.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
I’m getting conflicting things from people, saying that the vote happened and passed, while others saying it was the motion for adjournment, and I came into the stream AFTER the midnight mark, so I’m lost.
Republicans are claiming a vote took place at midnight while Dems say no way and some didn’t know it had happened.
Cue the litigators.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik:
Technically, the vote shouldn’t count after midnight. I’m sure Republicans will come up with something that says the vote counted. So, the answer is, you got me.
Either way tonight turns out, the passion that we’ve seen in Austin the last few days needs to go viral, statewide, and get translated into electoral success or it was all just sound and fury.
Gnome de Plume
I recognize a bunch of bloggers from days of yore here. I am watching the live feed, but can’t tell what is happening. The president of the Texas Senate is the Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst who was beaten for the US Senate Seat by the illustrious Ted Cruz in the primary. He is the one who reportedly talked dumbass Perry into putting the abortion bill on the Special Session agenda. He needs to prove his conservative bona fides. If Perry doesn’t run for permanent gubner in 2014, Dewhurst wants the job. I don’t know that we have anyone in Texas who could beat a known Repiglican in a state-wide race. The Dems have been shut out for years.
Surest way to keep the passion going is for Republicans to pretend the vote happened and to keep going. If they were smart, they’d accept the defeat and just call another session.
Guess what they’ll do.
eggzellent, and eleventy kinds of awesome sauce! Now that you’ve found this place, hope you will not be a stranger.
And how totally great it is, on this of all dismal days, to see actual democracy in the actual works in one of the states on the supreme court’s “oh, that shit’s all fixed now” list.
dallasnews.com headline:
People in the gallery are being arrested. Major news outlets are saying it passed. People are screaming that rules were violated. This is the definition of chaos!
I’m telling you Wendy Davis is the next Governor of Texas.
Brother Machine Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (fka AWS)
Whatever the outcome, hats off to Sen. Davis and her co-conspirators. That was some wild shit.
All in all, it’s been a slow news day.
@mdblanche: And on that note, I’m going to bed. G’night all! Best wishes, WaterGirl.
David Koch
TexLegs just committed Voter Fraud
Felinious Wench
I am so proud of Sen. Davis and Texas Democrats tonight. Don’t know the outcome yet, but either way, we won.
See? We’re here.
Have to get some sleep now so I can work tomorrow. Good night, all.
Don’t be. I’m from the Berkshires (the “real western Mass”), and we’ve always been deep deep blue. (Not that we’d expect anyone east of the Connecticut River to notice us.)
Spent today canvassing in North Adams. Waste of time. Either nobody home, or people tired of the whole business, or already actually getting off their butts to votes Markey without my visit. Huge contrast with the days I spent canvassing for Warren in Adams and Pittsfield (especially Adams — go Polish Catholic union folks!), when people were really fired.
We have to figure out how to galvanize (I mean to reinvigorate that metaphor) the working classes (under- and barely middle) who have been and will be the backbone of a truly progressive party. Get people registered to vote (no VRA excuses here in MA) and out to vote. (Libertarian thinking a real problem here, if you ask me. On the other hand, you wouldn’t believe the response of women to the idea that R v W might be overturned…. Go Wendy Davis!).
@David Koch: TexLegs just committed Voter Fraud
They’ve got control of the clock, so they can make a lot of claims about what ‘time’ it is (Official Legislature Time) as opposed to the actual time.
I’m surprised they didn’t cheat sooner but the fact that they always always cheat, and then throw a hissy when anybody else so much as brushes the line, is why people like Mitch McConnell should be laughed at when they start trying to act indignant. Some folks in DC ain’t learned that yet.
[‘Davis made a good stand, and it would be nice if some national Democratic politicians took a lesson from that.’]
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@MomSense: Only if we get people to vote, and since Dewherst has already announced his intention to make it harder to vote, we have a lot of work to do.
ain’t seen nuthin compared to whatever CJ Roberts and his merry band of constitutional thugs come up with on marriage equality tomorrow.
On the positive side, the name Snowden will go back into literary history where it belongs.
Wonder what St. Molly would have had to say about tonight’s proceedings if she were still around.
I watched Sen. Davis tonight as a way to support her efforts. But reading all the BJ commenters cheering her on, I can’t help but wonder how many of them want Harry Reid to go “nuclear” on the filibuster in the US Senate. The problem with the filibuster is that it could be the only thing standing between us and Republican Hell should things go badly in November 2014 and 16. Of course, in retrospect, Reid will look like something of a fool if he maintains the filibuster and when the GOP regains control of the Senate, Majority Leader McConnell shitcans it the first time the Dems try to stop some cherished piece of right wing legislation (like getting rid of the PPACA).
We’re in one hell of a mess in this country and as long as tens of millions of Americans continue to elect thugs, racists, and lunatics from the Republican Party the mess is going to continue.
I realized many years ago that there is no reasonable way to always be consistent in political and economic matters if doing the right thing is one’s priority.
The Texas Observer is reporting that the vote started at 12:03, according to the “official timekeeper,” whoever that is.
@burnspbesq: read Cassie tomorrow and you might get a glimpse.
Might want to upvote on imgur/reddit.
@TriassicSands: For the record, I’d be on board with the filibuster in the US Senate if it required people to do what Wendy Davis just did. I’m pretty sure that’s a fairly common view.
The problem we have with the filibuster in its current state in the US Senate is that it’s essentially invisible, thereby creating a phony 60 vote requirement.
David Koch
@max: you say people were fired up for Warren and not for Markey, but Markey’s margin of victory is larger than Warren’s.
Also too, for all the enthusiasm blogs have for Warren she severely underperformed President Worst than Bush’s numbers. He carried the state by 23 pts while Liz only won by 7. In electoral politics, 16 pts is a landslide.
Someday the blogosphere is gonna have to explain how their icons consistently underperform the dreaded obummer, or worst, admit they were wrong and he was right.
@slag: That sort of filibuster favors the minority. If the US senate required talking filibuster Republicans could still block everything and it would be hard on Dems, no effort at all for republicans.
David Koch
@TriassicSands: The problem is the Dems don’t use it when they have it. They had plenty of chances to use it during Shrub’s regime but they were to scarred of the raft of the beltway Broader and being disinvited from Sally Quinn’s parties. So what’s the use in having one if you’re only going to the let the other side use it.
@MikeJ: That’s kind of the point. The Texas rules are insanely strict (esp in this case). If those rules were in place in the US Senate, the filibuster would be a different story there.
joel hanes
Susan Duquesne at Juanita Jean’s is not Molly Ivins, but I’m sure her stuff would have made Molly laugh out loud.
IMHO every Texas Democrat should read Juanita Jean’s. It’ll give you hope.
“Stand With Wendy” has been the talk of Juanita Jean’s since yesterday some time.
@David Koch: And Warren won more than a million more votes than Markey. Even Martha Coakley won more than 400,000 more votes. Turnout was way, way down. It’s Massachusetts’ third Senate race in as many years and the next one will be in less than a year and a half. It was a day any sane person would rather be at the beach. The campaign was both mostly under the radar and never really in doubt compared to the last two races. The Bruins just lost. It’s no wonder the type of people who aren’t political junkies weren’t fired up.
David Koch
@mch: oops. see here.
Dead thread, but just to put it on the record:
When Kerry-to-State was officially announced, there were a lot of comments on this blog saying “Nice going, Mr. President, you just handed that seat to the Repubs.” How many of those people apologized for saying that on this thread? Zero.
Anne Laurie
@Thlayli: I’d settle for the GOP troll “David Koch” not calling Markey a fascist, thank you.