After years of speaking publicly about her belief that MMR shots (immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella) caused her son to suffer from autism, Jenny McCarthy now faces the reality that her 7-year-old son Evan — who no longer shows any signs of autism — may likely have lived with completely different illness.
A new article in Time magazine — which Jenny was interviewed for — suggests Evan suffers from Landau-Kleffner syndrome, “a rare childhood neurological disorder that can also result in speech impairment and possible long-term neurological damage.”
Many applaud Jenny, who has never stopped fighting to help her son since his autism diagnosis in 2005. Others, like the Center of Disease Control, say her claims about immunizations make her “a menace to public health.”
My only response is fuck you, Jenny. And I hope the parents of kids who are dead because of you haunt you, you fucking imbecile. I don’t know how the species survives when so many people are inclined to ignore the medical and scientific community but take the advice of a fake-titted fake blonde Playmate MTV star.
Yeah, but nice fake tits. And as they say on Reddit: Dat Ass!
Hence the need to restrict access to birth control.
Mr Stagger Lee
Isn’t Bill Maher also a vaccine truther, ironic because he likes blasting 9-11 truthers?
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
Ah, the little ghoul who helped bring about the whooping cough outbreak at my kids’ elementary school this year. Yeah, fuck her with a smallpox tainted farming implement.
now, John, no holding back. Tell us how you really feel.
I don’t know. I’m inclined to maybe not blame the fake-titted fake blonde Playmate MTV mother of a kid with a rare neurological disorder quite as much as a media landscape in which a fake-titted fake blonde Playmate MTV star is treated like a medical authority. Though there’s plenty of blame to go around.
Personalities Are Politics.
Is this Jenny McCarthy person actually known for anything apart from her rabid anti-vaccine rantings? I never heard of her in any other context until the last couple of days.
(“I get all my news from Balloon Juice”)
Back when “the tribe” comprised 20-50 individuals, it was valuable to weigh their experience more than some random person you met over an antelope carcass.
Now, not so much. But the templates, in the uninformed, live on.
Rumor has it, she is going to replace Haselback on The View.
Mike G
Willful ignorance of science is a menace — whether it’s vaccination, “legitimate rape” fairy tales, evolution or climate change.
@SiubhanDuinne: oh, you much have missed the cultural apocalypse that was “Singled Out”. You are lucky.
She was a Vanna White-like co-host on some MTVgame show, had her own TV show for five minutes, has many cameos and guest star roles on crappy sit-coms, and once wrote a movie who’s comedic acme was her sitting in a pool of her own menstrual blood in the middle of a grocery store.
Does that answer your question?
What? Her boobs are fake too? that really does it now I have a sad :(
@JPL: She can do a lot of damage there, a witch who magically turns healthy children into walking biohazards.
Comrade Dread
I approve of this message.
This sort of mindset is also why my home town will be underwater some time next century.
A fucking men.
Roger Moore
@Mike G:
Have some pity on the “legitimate rape” people. If you can’t trust research from a doctor at a Nazi death camp, what can you trust?
Well, I am really sorry for young Evan, who has been harmed by his mother’s persistent ignorance and determination to propagate nonsense, but I despise Jenny McCarthy and the vicious grifters who promoted her anti-scientific babblings. Thanks to her we’ve seen outbreaks of diseases we thought were comfortably under control – whooping cough in California, for example. Children have suffered because of this useful idiot and the greedy frauds who enabled her – and that’s just not something that should be forgotten or forgiven.
@gussie: This. I blame the media who gave her a platform more than the bimbo who couldn’t underrstand the science if she wanted to.
@Suzanne: Perhaps the most disgusting game show ever. Jon Stewart did a good bit in his stand up about it
@NickT: Couldn’t the networks find another dumb blonde who doesn’t have blood on her hands?
So, since Landau-Kleffner syndrome is treatable, does this mean she didn’t cure him either?
I am so disappointed.
That fuck you should also go to Oprah Winfrey who advances chunk science and who promoted Ms. McCarthy’s ignorant views on her very popular show. Fuck both of them with a tetanus soaked rusty pitch fork!
McCarthy was on Larry King live a few years ago and was ridiculously stupid on that show. I think that’s when she said she went to Google University and everything was fricking this! and frickin that! Now, ho hum, I guess my kid never had autism. Sorry about that. BTW, doesn’t she have some new show out?
This American Life had a pretty good show on Vaccine truthers awhile back.
Award winning quote:
and my favorite:
Something like that, but since it was in the OP, I thought that was a given.
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, so she’s combining anti-vax bullshit with a fundamental misunderstanding of how evolution works in ways that are not nice to humans. As in viruses (virii?) surviving the antibiotics and becoming resistant to treatments.
@Hal: Shorter Jenny McCarthy: “It is my sincere desire that millions of children be maimed, crippled, and killed by preventable diseases so that my own personal stupidity may triumph unimpeded by mean, nasty facts.”
@beltane: That’s horrifying. Kids without vaccinations should not be permitted to attend public schools.
No matter what the evidence, she’s the type who’ll just keep on believing what she wants to believe. I read somewhere that in his first years she thought she was an ‘indigo mom’ and he was a ‘crystal child’. Maybe she had been planning to send him to Hogwarts.
@efgoldman: They use scientific sounding laguage that fool people who are not aware, or who are wired to be suspicious into falling for their fake stuff. Maybe I should’ve said fake science.
Jenny McCarthy is mainly a thing because she was a playmate back when people first started to put porn on the internet in a big way. Every would-be jankity-assed geocities porn site had a McCarthy gallery or two.
@Villago Delenda Est:
No, I think what she was saying is stop getting kids immunized. Then when rarely occurring (at least in the western world) diseases start coming back in full effect, then vaccine manufacturers will produce “safe” vaccines. I just wonder how many children she was willing to sacrifice? Thousands? Tens of thousands? She was essentially calling for an epidemic of preventable disease to further her wacko conspiracy theory.
If I believed in hell, there would be a reserved torture chamber for anti-vaxxers.
If I ever met Jenny McCarthy in person, I don’t believe I would be able to restrain myself from doing something rather violent to her person. As my husband says, this is the reason I don’t have a disinto-ray.
Anecdotally, I was talking with a young mother in the store the other day over the natural dog foods. During our discussion, she mentioned that her two young children hadn’t been vaccinated because of the autism thing. I used a firm, but friendly tone, and emphatically laid out the facts to her from a scientific standpoint. (I have a background in molecular biology and immunology and can speak with some authority). Fifteen minutes later I had scared her so badly that she asked for a referral to the pediatrician I use so that she could start a vaccination program.
They can here in Washington. I mean, there’s a process you have to go through first, but still.
Chickamin Slam
John Cole should have his own talk/TV show. Include the pets. Rosie acts confused and you’d say “See Rosie is confused as to what’s on/in Boehner’s head too.” Or Tunch shreds something … “See … see Jenny McCarthy … that’s what Tunch thinks of your stupid ideas.”
On a more plausible note … why not see if Fran Drescher wants to be on the View?
I agree with you. Jenny had the excuse of being frantic about her kid. But why the media paid any attention to her on this issue, except to say “poor dear thing,” is beyond me.
@reflectionephemeral: There are a few rare instances where a child should not be vaccinated for health reasons, but Vermont grants a blanket exemption for “philosophical” objections for parents who feel that vaccines are not “natural”. Someone needs to inform these people that for almost all of human history, “natural” meant a childhood mortality rate of >50%. Maybe they are OK with watching half their kids die before the age of 18, but I am not. The whole thing has made me start to despise hippies as much as I despise wingnuts. Or maybe it’s just stupid people I despise.
@JPL: Reason eleventy billion not to watch The View.
@efgoldman: Am in agreement with everything you’ve said on this thread, including your helpful correction of my comment & this point about the relative power of the inmates within their respective asylums.
A Ghost To Most
Ugh. I wouldn’t do her with Wannabe Warhol’s dick.
Yeah guys, but big tits!
Which is why we’ve had a whooping cough epidemic.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 4: Wow. I hadn’t seen that before. Thanks for the link. Rather stark and telling.
Stupid anti-vaccers. Making the world less safe for everyone, one child at a time.
Oprah’s got some chunk in her trunk.
In their ideal world, there’s no birth control or abortion, so the only way to control the population is… retroactively.
Wars, economic collapses, environmental catastrophes… and encouraging the kind of scientific and medical ignorance that kills people (ideally, before they reach breeding age) by pandemics of what are normally-preventable diseases… all fill that bill very nicely.
Also, should’ve noted that the phrase “fuck you, Jenny”, brings to mind this Todd Rundgren song, which one shouldn’t listen to at work.
This will be what your frat boy’s kids will be saying, or possibly your frat boys themselves, some decades hence when Sharknado isn’t funny, because sharks are living in condos in submerged south Florida.
Nothing quite like inventing a reason to avoid what could arguably be called the greatest advance in medicine of the past 60 years or so.
But our ever-compliant popular press bears some responsibility for giving a complete imbecile a platform to spew medical misinformation. Medical disinformation that doesn’t just impact the gullible parents who believe this nonsense – but, as some communities have discovered, others as well with the loss of herd immunity.
Most of my pediatrician colleagues are very mild-mannered. Until you bring this topic up — can induce near instantaneous foaming at the mouth.
Villago Delenda Est
You may be right. It’s difficult to parse the words of a zealot who really has no interest in any other opinion than her own, one that is based on a deliberate misunderstanding of science.
There is a very small group of children who react badly to vaccinations, and they would be fine as long as the herd immunity is maintained. We have neighbors whose older child was vaccinated on schedule but when her little brother got his first vaccine the reaction was so bad he was hospitalized. It could have been an allergic reaction, I just can’t remember the details, but they stopped vaccinating the youngest after that and those kids are home schooled. The problem is that if enough people opt out the herd immunity ceases to exist, and even the vaccinated may be at some risk, if I understand it correctly.
The parents are extremely liberal lefties so their home schooling is not of the religious nonsense type, lots of emphasis on science, math, literature, etc.
I never understood why JW kids were allowed to attend school since they are not vaccinated because of a stupid belief of their cult.
Villago Delenda Est
@Chickamin Slam:
Or Sarah Silverman.
That would cause some conservatard haids to kerplode, fer sure!
@Suzanne: I guess I am. Never heard of that.
@FridayNext: I can’t tell you how happy I am to be a pop-culture ignoramus.
@jacy: Good for you.
I wanted to punch a woman who was whining that her kids had to be x-rayed for TB before being allowed to transfer from Texas schools to SoCal schools. We had just had a warning that our middle child had a spot on her lungs, which the doctors eventually decided was not going to be a problem for her or anyone else, but the feelings were damned raw at that point. I had to stalk away and mutter to myself in the bathroom.
@MikeJ: Oh that pissed my mom off. Right before she retired (she still consults for the school district) she noticed a huge uptick in diseases that were non-existent just a few years back. She’s waiting for a huge fatal measles outbreak to start. Then maybe it will swing back the other direction.
Oh yeah, did she mention THIS SHIT KILLS????
Would certainly be less harmful.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…
–Father of 11Y.O. in public school.
Sometimes I think these people really have no idea just how dangerous the diseases they are gambling with can be. You’d think any sane person with the capacity for basic reading would have grasped just how brutal polio can be on the human body – to name only one.
Self-Righteous Little White Guy
Yes, we should revert to a more natural time, when parents didn’t bother to name their infants until they survived the usual raft of childhood diseases.
If you are old enough, and I am, you know first hand how much polio takes away. Two of my friends moms had it and I went to school for 12 years with a girl who did. Brutal is an understatement. The way she endured assholes and just life in general made her one of my heroes a very long time ago. She walked into our 10yr HS reunion without braces or crutches and it was a sight to see.
@jacy: Mind posting an outline of your argument? :P It’d be useful to have on hand.
Gotta love that “Some say while others say” bit at the end of the quoted section. Our failed media experiment.
I saw a kid like that in my middle school. It was a real lesson in how evil children can be to anyone who doesn’t fit in. When I think of all the human lives ruined by TB and polio and other diseases through the ages, I just want to see the anti-vaxxers impaled at the low water mark for the utter cretinous stupidity of their behavior and the risks they insist in taking with their children and other children who come into contact with them.
@NickT: Polio was almost extinct except in some very small areas in Pakistan and Somalia. Then a huge rumour spread among the fundies there that the vaccines the Westerners were giving them were meant to sterilise them. So the imams denounced anyone who allowed their children to be vaccinated and even killed some of them. Now polio is surging like wildfire in those areas and the goverments can’t seem to stop it.
Basil Baker
The buzz is Jenny is being considered for The View to replace Elizabeth Bubblebeck. Hope she gets no where near having a national audience to spew her nonsense.
I saw that story. I thought it was beyond sad in its utter fucked-up superstitious conspiracy theory stupidity.
@Yatsuno: Well, also, the CIA was using a polio eradication front in order to gain info about OBL. It worked, but also caused many in Pakistan to question whether the polio-vax teams weren’t really spies.
I’m not so old. My mother is half deaf from having measles as an infant. One of my dad’s close friends had polio, and I knew two kids growing up who had both been disabled by it. I read Little House on the Prairie, for fuck’s sake. My experience can’t be all that unusual, but huge swaths of people my age don’t seem to think diseases like those are a big deal. It’s bizarre.
Basically we were so successful in dealing with these diseases in the US (and the West overall) that we forgot why we were once so terrified of them. I think a similar dynamic underlies the teabaggers who want to end food stamps – they’ve genuinely forgotten that mass hunger was once very much a part of this country’s daily experience and so they can’t (and don’t want to) believe that poor people might need some help in order to eat.
Mike in NC
Skank is overdue for a FOX News gig.
@beltane: 41,000 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) cases in 2012 with 18 related deaths. Thank you Ms. McCarthy, although the far bigger asshole was Dr. Wakefield who was Ms. McCarthy’s guru.
@Yatsuno: Nigeria too. Fundies is fundies.
Also, for a special insight into the pre-vaccine, gilded age, which so many idiots like Ms. McCarthy seem to yearn for, I can think of few finer antidotes than time traveler trip to 1890s Black River, Wisconsin provided by “Wisconsin Death Trip.” This marks the 40th anniversary of its publication.
Besides the fact that a good proportion of the population seems to have completely lost their marbles, a diptheria epidemic killed dozens of children during the period covered by the book.
Another fine religious mess. Anyone keeping score, I lost count.
Hey everybody, save a hearty “fuck you” for Huffington Poop for giving her a platform for that crap (as well as lots of other woo woo nonsense, although i don’t know that any of it was as dangerous as the antivax crap.)
Huffington Post showed how Feng Shui can cure most childhood diseases, sans vaccines.
Bobby Thomson
@MattR: He verges into bacon and play dough territory in that show.
@MathInPA: I too would love an outline of “Immunize your Damn Kid” rant . . . Jenny McCarthy, Southside of Chicago. . . Our bad. . .
I know a antivaccine mother who didn’t immunize any of her kids until they were ready to start school. Her youngest child ended up with autism. They didn’t have a TV either so that wasn’t it. I do wish they knew more about autism and a possible cause or cure.
Jesus fucking tit. Children died because of her delusions, and now she says, “Oh, never mind.”
Jewish Steel
May she contract lockjaw from a rusty pitchfork.
@SiubhanDuinne: She is one of those generically pretty hollywood blondes who who someone told to make goofy faces and trip a lot – that makes her funny, accessible and deep.
@jacy: Awesome. You may have saved those Kira’s lives.
@Redshirt: Speaking of Huffington Post science reporting, there was a thread a while ago that debated whether squiring coffee up you butt or squirting maple syrup up your butt was a better treatment for influenza.
@RobNYNY1957: Aye, it’s well proven that all healing comes from injecting stuff up your butt. Bacteria reasons.
Maybe all the folks who believe that all healing comes from sticking things up their butts just might believe an M80 would do the healing. Thinking it might be hard to get them to light it though. And then I remembered this.
opie jeanne
@Ruckus: I’m 63. my kindergarten class was among the first group to get the polio vaccine, in 1955 or 56 (can’t remember). I do remember that it came too late for one of the girls in the class. She was so terribly sick for so long, but after six or seven months she was able to come visit the class for a little while. She was still weak but she survived.
I had a friend whose mother wouldn’t let her go swimming at the public pool, and I remember the weekly count of polio victims, sometimes adults died too, but mostly kids.
My Ozark family told me about a time back in the 1920s when there were no children under the age of 16 left alive in any of the towns for about 30 miles around Macks Creek and Climax Springs.
Wow. True douchebaggery in this post. Have you read the vaccine warnings? 13 or 14 serious side effects, including death. How manly, how heroic for BJ commenters to excoriate Jenny McCarthy and her ilk for refusing to vaccinate. Does vaccination cause autism, which is more a syndrome than a well defined disorder?
Yeah, all you scientists. All you chemists. Of course, what the fuck have you actually researched? Why did the rate of autism go from 1 in more than 1500 to 1 in 150, and a steeper rate for boys?
Like you fucking care. Yeah, Jenny Mc fucking Carthy is to blame for this shit. You fucking tards. Regardless of how you like to slice it, read the goddamn waiver. Of course, since your kid was fine, fuck the sensitive population and their goddamn fucking parents who give a shit.
In this world, we sacrifice the sensitives for the greater whole. Suck my dick you sanctimonious assholes.
@jacy: Don’t leave us in suspense — what did you tell her? I get too angry to speak when I’m faced with an anti-science fool. Bio background and low tolerance.
Also: “Others, like the Center of Disease Control, say her claims about immunizations make her ‘a menace to public health.'”
What? Others say? And the proper name is the “Centers for Disease Control.” Goddamn L.A. entertainment reporter half-wits didn’t even bother to check. That’s how McCarthy got to spread antivax bullshit.
Wow indeed. That was all incredibly wrong in a way that’s hilarious. Congrats, man!
Normally I try to hold back on responding to assholes. But a sanctimonious fucking twit like yourself demands a response.
Go fuck yourself. Hard. With a rusty 4ft chainsaw. A running 4ft rusty chainsaw. Anyone who doesn’t understand or hasn’t experienced the downside of communicable diseases like polio and thinks that vaccines cause disease must either be a scientoligist or a fucking idiot. But I repeat myself. You want to know why there are more children with autism? More fucking children live past the age of born than ever did in the not so recent past. Fucking math, how does it work? Not that you’d ever be able to figure it out.
@LiberalTarian: So it’s perfectly ok with you when people promote lies about vaccines, and in the process damage society’s herd immunity and usher back a host if diseases we’d essentially vaquished?
Just trying to understand how someone with obviously no science understanding believes they’ve grasped a hidden truth that has eluded large, double-blind clinical studies of autism and vaccines. Poor math skills? Simple credulousness?
@LiberalTarian: And what “waiver” are you on about?
Our Massachusetts public schools have a “conscience” exemption. But our private schools (the preschool WarriorGirl just graduated from, and the K-8 school she’s starting in September) do NOT. They have a “medical exemption” clause (one of her classmates has an egg allergy and could not get the flu vax, for instance), but otherwise, no shots, no admission.
I really hate the fact that “separation of church and state” cannot be overridden by the society’s interest in maintaining public health.
Hey Jenny, how about you STFU instead of continuing to offer your opinions on vaccine and autism? You’ve helped kill kids by running your mouth. Maybe just shut it for once.
Bobby Thomson
@LiberalTarian: Andrew Wakefield is a fraud who lost his license over fabricating the research results that wound up killing hundreds of kids. That’s what I call douchebaggery.
Nomadic Observer
@Yatsuno: As someone that has lived in one of the aforementioned countries, let me just say two things: the Iraq War and the Guatemalan Syphilis experiments.
The former is something that is still fairly recent such that it proves to people in those countries the malevolence of the US and the latter helps fuel the idea that medical treatments are a potential vector of attack.
As much as I hate that these lifesaving vaccines are not being taken because of ridiculous propaganda, please do keep in mind that our country hasn’t exactly helped itself with the things it has done in the past. You have no idea how surprised people were when I told them that there was a significant number of Americans that were against the Iraq war in even in 2002-2003…
Just another facet to consider.
@Nomadic Observer:
It does help to look at the whole picture, doesn’t it?
Do we have to teach the history of diagnosis protocols, correlation and statistical analysis of causality to you? You do not need to be a professional scientist to understand this, just be a bit mathematically literate and pay the fuck attention in a couple experimental science courses at the undergraduate level. Get an education you shameless ignoramus.
Deirdre Imus and Oprah bear a lot of blame, plus a lot of media execs and producers who would never, in a million years, let their children go unvaccinated but feel no responsibility to the public at large. They are happy to make money off of schmucks like you, and don’t give a damn whether a child of yours dies because of their bullshit.
Fort Geek
@LiberalTarian: Idiot.
The Tragically Flip
Using the vaccination team cover was inexecusable by the CIA. Really despicable. If we don’t eradicate polio, those fucking assholes will be why. We’re this close to getting our second disease wiped off the face of the earth (the UN kicked smallpox’s ass in 1980), and the last thing we needed was to give a large part of the impacted population plenty of reason to be legitimately suspicious of vaccination medical teams.
Getting OBL was not worth jeopardizing the polio eradication effort.
What a surprise that a “LiberalTarian” would be an anti-vaccine truther.
I don’t know, anyone who didn’t immunize their kids because of…..Jenny McCarthy probably would’ve ended up killing them some other way (most likely way: leaving them in a hot car).
anybody notice this link is from three years ago?
No. Full stop.
@Ruckus: Not only this, but we’ve pumped so much other crap into the environment. I wonder if that might not be a more logical place to look for the cause.
@beltane: They tried to tone down the ‘philosophical’ exemption in last legislative session and went nowhere. Fucking hippies.
I’m a medicinal chemist and have researched a hell of a lot more than you have and I can say that you’re a moron. There is no scientifically verified evidence that vaccination causes autism but a lot that says that millions of children will die without these vaccines. I would say that you’re just pathetic except that arrogant fools like you who speak with such conviction are dangerous. Too many people are willing to listen to idiots who sound like they are the voice of authority.
Very sorry for the multiple posts. I should learn how to comment with an iPhone before I start trying to show off my medicinal chemistry cred.
I hate anti-vaccination quacks as much as anyone. But calling McCarthy a “fake-titted fake blonde Playmate MTV star” like that’s a bad thing has an unpleasant whiff of slut shaming about it. Is it so difficult to express disgust at a person’s behavior without dragging obvious gender markers into it?
You fucking moron. Look up the words epidemiology disease and pandemic, then come back here and apologize.
Amit Joshi
Now, now, John! Blaming Jenny’s (alleged fake) tits for her stupidity is just bigotry. We expect better from you!
There are actually many things going on that we don’t take into account about how the world is different over the last 200-300 years. It is a big picture and leaving out the smallest part can change the entire outcome. The big pieces like war, famine, disease, food production aren’t even fully accounted for, let alone the small pieces, like better record keeping, better understanding of medical processes. You know like double blind studies that show autism is not caused by vaccines. Like practicing actual science, not some mystical lack of thought process that looks for answers out of a book written by grifters and their followers.
Some people actually like to learn from the experiences and mistakes made by those before them, others have all the vision of someone with their head stuffed firmly up their collective asses, where all they see is darkness and all they smell is shit. I imagine we’d all be afraid if all we noticed was darkness and shit.
@Amit Joshi:
Normally what a woman does with her body is none of anyone else’s business. But her alleged plastic tits are a symptom of not accepting reality and so in this particular case should be fair game. She can’t accept the reality she was born with, nor can she accept the reality of her son. She needs to find an excuse, someone, anyone to blame for what has and is happening. And she is willing to go to dangerous lengths for all of us to find that excuse. She doesn’t deserve normal decorum about anything in her life for she has proven that she has none for the rest of us.
ETA She is not alone in this. Not by a long shot.
@sherparick: Yep, there is overwhelming evidence that Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a stone-cold money-grubbing sociopath. Losing his license to practice medicine should have been the least of the sanctions against him. The last I heard though, he was still getting speaking invitations. I guess to the true believers, he is now a martyr.
A few years ago the artist Darryl Cunningham did a great job on portraying the story of this creep.
@LiberalTarian: Big Jenny McCarthy fan, eh? Asshole.
@Ruckus: Oh, yes. I simply kept my comment brief.
@Ruckus: Fake tits for someone in porn aren’t ‘a symptom of not accepting reality’, they’re a business investment. Apparently a good one in her case.
@LiberalTarian: Yes, vaccines do have a long list of side effects and can (in very, very rare circumstances) cause death. However, the same thing can be said for can openers and just about every convenience in modern life. Electricity in houses (which was railed against in its early days) causes far more deaths per year (by a factor of 20) than vaccination, but you wouldn’t have the electricity turned off just because maybe 10 people a year (out of 314,000,000) will be killed. Imagine the waiver forms we would have to sign every time we get in a car if these waivers were everywhere. You are required to sign a waiver for vaccinations because it is a government administrated medical program, so requires full disclosure of all the potential side effects, NOT because it is actually dangerous.